Showing posts with label school. Show all posts
Showing posts with label school. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

What Happened to Raniya Wright?

R.I.P. Raniya Wright

              Mother of Raniya Wright cites the school for failure to protect her daughter

The story of Raniya Wright is heartbreaking.  What's heartbreaking is that she was bullied by her fellow student and that the school didn't do anything to discipline the girl who perpetually bullied and abused Miss Raniya.  She would've been alive had the school intervened and disciplined the girl soon.

Investigators said Raniya Wright passed away on March 27 after being hurt in a fight at Forest Hills Elementary School two days earlier.

The fight was in the fifth grader’s classroom and the school district said the other person involved has been suspended indefinitely.

South Carolina Sen. Margie Bright Matthews spoke about the incident at the State House Tuesday, claiming the fight lasted less than a minute and involved pushing and slinging of arms. Matthews said both girls appeared okay when they were removed from class and taken to the principal’s office. 
It was in the principal’s office where Raniya complained of a headache, threw up, and then lost consciousness, Matthews said.

Raniya’s funeral was held at Saint Center Ministries on Wednesday. 
Wright's casket arrived in a horse-drawn carriage.

Inside the church, every corner, every balcony, every pew, and every inch of standing room was filled as mourners prepared to say goodbye.

A church elder spoke about the young girl, saying Raniya's "radiant smile was as bright as the sun."

The child's great grandmother spoke also, speaking of Raniya's love of church, her desire to be an usher, and called her a “natural helper and leader."

Raniya's fourth grade teacher also spoke, adding an important message: "We are all guests in each other’s stories. Make sure to make the chapters count."

Forest Hills Elementary students who attended the funeral were granted excused absences from school.

Forest Hills Elementary said they will also host a Remembrance Day for Raniya on Friday. Students are encouraged to wear pink or purple, Raniya’s favorite colors, participate in a moment of silence, and create poster cards for Raniya’s family.

Bullying is a big problem in nation's schools and school administrators ignore the issue, basically swept it under the rug.  Black children are increasingly the victims of bullying by school peers.  This is sad as Black children already faced myriad problems in school including harassment, insensitive teachers and school administrators,  inadequate educational materials affluent non-Black schools take for granted, etc.  

May Raniya rests in peace.


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