Showing posts with label conservatives. Show all posts
Showing posts with label conservatives. Show all posts

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Here's A White Conservative's Reaction To Us!

Screaming but yet no one hears you!

Here's an example of what a condescending White conservative writes!

They don't even know us personally but for every word vomit they've put in our comments section, it proves the point that they continue to embolden this warfare against people of color. They don't understand why Blacks hate the Republican Party.

They don't understand that President Barack Obama has finally guaranteed a secured permanent voting block. And soon the Hispanic/Latino vote will become secured. So far the Republican Party is doing a great deal of damage to this voting block. Their stubbornness on immigration reform will doom them. Even Senators Marco Rubio (R-Florida) and Ted Cruz (R-Texas) are willing to allow immigration reform to happen.

They seem to not understand that for every blog they've read, ours seem to be the only one they want to push their narratives of how it's not them who promote racism.

Once again, the Republican Party and its allies in the conservative movement are akin to White male, Evangelical, well-off, elitist, racist and less educated.

Yeah, Democrats do have members who are racist, but they're likely conservative minded.

Here is a word vomit from an "Anonymous" commentator. Hence the commentator didn't leave a name. This is  the reaction to the tragic incident in Warren, Ohio in which six teenagers lost their lives.

Anonymous said...
I'm white and find that offensive.This is a tragedy no matter the color. These teens did what so many teens do these days and in past years in every generation, they got careless. I dont who in the world would say mean stuff due to a skin color. But again that's just me. God bless those that are affected by this tragedy. May they peace in the loving hands if the lord.

Anonymous said...
I just finished reading this blog about the tragedy of these children and like millions of other people am saddened and struck with a feeling of powerlessness when something like this happens.

I was shocked that the writer of this blog is a racist and spent about 20% of the article saying how white conservatives would be "celebrating and blaming Obama".

I am a white conservative and NOT a racist, unlike the writers of Journal de la Reyna who cannot control their seething hatred of whites to make slanderous accusations of one demographic. Too bad you used this opportunity to grand stand your own hatred and to further polarize different demographics when the tragedy could have had brought people together. How sad, that you are so angry. Your angry destroyed any value to your article. Bravo!

Anonymous said...
I was born and raised in Warren, which was split equally at the time racially. I am white and conservative, mainly because I am very pro life. I now live in another state but when I picked up my paper and saw the news on the front page that 6 young people died, my heart broke. I did not know their race, not did I care. My feelings did not change when I learned they were African American. Life is life and I am thankful I was raised in an area where I could see firsthand that the pigment in one's skin did not matter rather it was the character of the person. You demonstrate the very hate and prejudice that you rail against. You are stereotyping all white and conservative people just like the white suprematist (sic) trash do against people of color. Check your heart because the same hate consumes you that consumes the skinheads. We are all sons & daughters of Abraham no matter race, religion or creed.

Hey, if you're still reading this blog and happen to stumble across this again: I got your answer!

Okay, let's clear up somethings! Warren, Ohio is a majority Black city. The city is a part of the rust belt where this community and others were doomed to failure of steel mills closed up. The steel mills leaving the Youngstown-Warren area put hundreds of workers on the streets. It left them unemployed and poor.

Whereas, White people who were laid off, decided to leave, Blacks had figured other opportunities were in the city. White people have better opportunities based on skin color in jobs, raises, promotions, school choices, and the opportunities to leave rust belt cities.

Blacks are stuck with the burdens of a crumbling city.
Keep your comments coming!
Your heart broke because you seen innocent lives were lost in your town. Fine.

But some of your WHITE CONSERVATIVE friends on the internet have no sympathy for these individuals.

Seeing these individuals were Black, young and reckless became a sure agitation for White male conservatives who spew hateful words and racial slurs. Inside the conservative/white supremacist bubble, they often include any story that involves Black people into a word vomit of President Barack Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Trayvon Martin.

Have you ever visited The Drudge Report or Fox Nation?

Have you seen the countless websites that cater to White supremacists?

Have you seen continuous agitation from Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage and Glenn Beck towards people of color?

Have you not seen the conservatives reactions to the president's speech during times of tragedy?

Have you not seen the conservatives reactions to concerns about voting rights, healthcare reform, and immigration reform?

Have you noticed that firearm sales are up because of perceived fears and made up nonsense?

Did you know that all this talk about President Barack Obama being a Muslim, Socialist and "lazy" were created by conservative groups who thought it would help them win votes?

No you didn't!

You just got caught like every other White conservative!

You seem to look at things with your blinders on. You don't understand the plight of Black America. You don't see the rise of extremism within the Republican Party and its allies in the conservative movement.

You can sit behind the computer and type all this nonsense on any comment section and never be satisfied!

You can scream all day about how our blog is "racist", "anti-white" and "anti-conservative" all you want!

We know what we're doing here!

And we succeeded in proving a point.

Your comments are welcomed.

We understand that we touch nerves.

But until the Republican Party cease this ongoing culture war against President Barack Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama, the Black and Hispanic community and other groups, we'll continue on.

So if you have any comments to our response, please don't hesitate to write back in our comment section!

Monday, March 04, 2013

Perennial Loser Romney: Obama Campaigning, Not Governing!

Crying a river, perennial loser Mitt Romney and wife Ann go to friendly territory to talk about how they hate that President Barack Obama beat them. Romney agrees that Republicans should continue to gridlock the president's agenda.

This is part one of the story. Part two will come shortly.

The perennial loser Mitt Romney goes to the most friendliest territory for a Republican. He meets Chris Wallace in his La Jolla, California home to talk about his future post election.

As you know, the perennial loser didn't win the presidential election. In fact, Romney thought that the polls were close and he figured he'll be the next president. He and his wife Ann were whining about how the media treated them during the election.

Ann proclaimed  "I'm happy to blame the media." She says that the campaign didn't let people "really get to know Mitt for who he was," but "it was not just the campaign's fault. I believe it was the media's fault as well" for not giving him "a fair shake." There's "a mound of contradiction."

Forgetting that Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Michelle Malkin, Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Chris Christie and numerous conservative agitators were the first to fire shots.

Yeah, President Barack Obama pummeled him to a pulp, but it was the ineptness of the perennial loser's policies and not the media.

While being interviewed, Romney reflects on his future. Being a losing candidate for national ticket does put you in the back of the food chain.
Last year, Chris Wallace visited the Romneys in their New Hampshire home. Another reason why this perennial loser was defeated. He brags about his four homes. He owns four homes in California, New Hampshire, Michigan and Massachusetts.
Romney will appear at this month's CPAC convention. He will reunite with former running mate Congressman Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin) for an appreciation ceremony.

Also besides the perennial loser, washed up politicos like Sarah Palin, Allen West, Gingrich, and Santorum will be headliners at this cesspool of right wing ignorance.

That perennial loser claims that President Barack Obama is too busy campaigning instead of governing. The president exhausted all his options with the Republicans. He gave them ideas and proposals, and Republicans refuse to work with him on these. So instead of going back to the table, the president will take the proposals to the public.

The president overplayed his tragedy card though. Many effects from the sequester will take shape. But as of today, things are slightly normal. If anything does affect the role of governance, the Republicans will take the blame.

Mitt Romney thinks he could be the better influence for the American people. Yeah, right!

Ann was also offered a spot on ABC's reality show Dancing With The Stars. She would turn this down because of fears of public scrutiny.

Also Romney continued to rehash his infamous "us against them" comments. In September 2012, political operatives released a video of Mitt Romney trashing the 47% of the United States in a closed door meeting of Republican donors. Mother Jones obtained the video and published it on YouTube and it went viral.

That may have seal his fate as the Republican nominee. Well maybe Hurricane Sandy as well, but we knew that a perennial candidate has no chance of winning.

Yeah, this week marks a full year since the death of Andrew Breitbart and Rush Limbaugh trashing Sandra Fluke. Another reason for that perennial loser's defeat.

Part 1 of the interview with the perennial loser and wife Ann Romney.

Part 2 of the interview with the perennial loser.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Michelle Malkin Still Turd Flipping On The First Lady!

We're coming to the one year anniversary of blogger/conservative agitator Andrew Breitbart untimely demise.

Considered one of the most nastiest bloggers in the country, Breitbart led the charge against those he perceived were a threat to conservatism. Since his passing, one member of the social blogging community has picked up the torch.

Still whining and still bitching, the most nastiest blogger since the death of Andrew Breitbart, is conservative agitator Michelle Malkin.

She is back on the internet whining about First Lady Michelle Obama.

The conservative agitator is a turd flipper. You may wonder what is a turd flipper is. A turd flipper is person who throws shit on the wall and seeks attention for it!

Malkin is right up there in that category. The conservative agitator goes on Fox News frequently with her good ole buddy Sean Hannity.

The conservative agitator went total batshit over the first lady appearing on Late Night With Jimmy Fallon and being one of the presenters of the Academy Awards.

Malkin being a person of color rejects her heritage. She speaks for the right wing bigots that devote themselves to the racist agenda masquerading as "patriotism".

She is a part of the violent culture. Malkin openly advocates violence against her opponents. She post their information online and death threats ensue.

Now First Lady Michelle Obama stands about 5'11" and Malkin stands about 4'0".

I bet Malkin would never say or talk that smack to the first lady's face!

If the first lady wasn't so beautiful and yet gracious, she should of have went "all ghetto" on this broad and beat the crap out of this little nut job!

Anyway, this wasn't the first time Malkin took to the social networks to vent off.

Malkin slipped into a cheerleader's outfit and called the Democratic Party a bunch of "defeatists" because of Senator Harry Reid (D-Nevada, Majority Leader). Reid was saying the Iraqi war was a loss because of then President George W. Bush taking the ball off Osama bin Laden and the forgotten war in Afghanistan.

One thing is clear, First Lady Michelle Obama can dance.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Gun Appreciation Day!

A man carrying an assault rifle in a Utah JC Penny. Photo: Screenshot via ABC 4 in Salt Lake City.

The Raw Story reports that in Salt Lake City, the talk of the town was a man carrying a semi-automatic AR 15 inside the mall. He was photographed at the JCPenny store making a purchase and the cause of the concern among shoppers. Although people shown concern about the man, under Utah law it's legal to carry into a mall as long as the firearm isn't "loaded".

The woman who took the photo that got the most attention said it happened on Wednesday, just four hours after President Barack Obama announced a series of executive orders relating to firearms.

This individual wanted to show his "appreciation" for his firearm.

Of course, if he would snap..............!

The man is Joseph Kelley and he's 22-years old and a former military officer. He and probably thousands of others will flock to the town square showing their arms and dedication to the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

I forgot to mention this.

Earlier this month, a man who became famous for training firearm usage on YouTube was killed in an apparent murder.

Keith Ratliff, 32 was murdered by a single gun shot. He created the YouTube channel FPSRussia and it pulls over a billion views. The website shows how to operate firearms and archery. Ratcliff was a resident of Carnsvillle, Georgia, and the local authorities are searching for those involved.

Ohio Police Search For Man Who Assaults Customer In Walmart!

Police: Man beaten in Walmart by gang members photo
White supremacist attacks customer in an Ohio Walmart.

Did I happen to mention this guy is a White supremacist? I didn't but the local news in Ohio did and the Miami Township, Ohio police and Montgomery County, Ohio sheriff are looking for this WHITE TERRORIST! And to make this worse, this individual could be dangerous.

25-year-old Anthony Russell Murphy, wanted in connection with the felonious assault, walked into the Walmart on December 30 with two other men and broke another man’s cheek bone, jaw and nose.

Murphy is reportedly a member of the Aryan Brotherhood, a group considered to be a white supremacist prison gang. The man he’s accused of assaulting is a past member of the organization but has not been active within the group for about six years, according to police.

The victim, who also suffered additional facial fractures, was sent to the hospital the night of the incident and has since been released. He is reportedly scheduled for additional surgery.

Murphy has an Aryan Brotherhood tattoo on his chest and friends and family have confirmed his association with the group, according to police. Authorities speculate that he may be working as a roofer in the area.

“Anyone who helps or harbors him at this point could face potential charges of felony obstructing justice,” said Detective Mike Siney of the Miami Twp. police.

Murphy is on the run, Siney said. Authorities on Tuesday served a search warrant at his West Carrollton residence, 1034 Lookout Trail, apartment B, and did not locate him.

“He’s basically saying, ‘Catch me if you can,’” Siney said.

The man accused of using brass knuckles to beat another man in a Miami Twp. Walmart, sending him to the hospital with several broken bones in his face.

Monday, January 07, 2013

God I Hate Stupid A** Black Conservatives!

Deneen Borelli is a far right Black extremist who wrote books attacking the Black community and President Barack Obama. She represents the mindset of radicalism in the United States.

Before I give my honest opinion of Black conservatives, I want to make sure that I leave nothing out! I want to be clear that they're entitled to be the condescending, hateful bigots they've promote themselves out to be!

It doesn't matter if they're Black, White, Hispanic, non-White, Christian, Jewish, Muslim or non-religious.

Conservatism is dosed in the fuel of hate of someone's race, gender, sexuality, nationality, religion, political and economic standings. They don't represent progress! Conservatives represent a shallow reality of American bigotry.

You can go into this narrative of me being hateful towards Black conservatives. I don't care anymore! I have no patience for this anymore!

I am tired of Black conservative agitators. I am tired of Travis Smiley and Cornell West running around with this "OBAMA GOT TO BE A BLACK MAN, FIRST" crap! I don't have no respect for them either! Smiley and West are liberal extremists and they will be addressed later.

If you think White conservatives are seriously disturbed individuals, you're right. But unfortunately, Black conservatives are just as bad. These individuals are progress in reverse when it comes to Civil Rights for all Americans. They believe that this country is on a slow path to destruction due to the policies of the "Democrat" Party and liberalism.

Jesse Lee Peterson is a Black extremist.
They rally around Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Booker T. Washington and Fredrick Douglass. They use their names in vein to promote a hateful agenda against Blacks, Hispanics, LGBT and the poor.

When you listen to people such as Jesse Lee Peterson, Alveda King, or even Deneen Borelli rushing to the cameras to promote conservative ideas, most look at them as extremists.

They hate when Black liberals call them "sell outs", "Uncle Toms", "bootlickers" and the such. Of course, they're so eager to call President Barack Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, "race hustlas", "racists" and "liberal slaveowners".

In my opinion honestly, I can't stand Black conservatives! They're just as bad as these White extremists in the conservative media.

How many times have you've heard from one of those Black conservatives who figured that Blacks were solely focused on helping "our brotha" Barack win reelection?

How many times have you've heard from a Black conservative about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. being a Republican?
Alveda King (right) is the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. She attends Tea Party spreading the gospel of her uncle being a registered Republican. Despite his surviving children saying otherwise, Alveda continues to profit off the legacy. Her uncle supported rights for all Americans. Alveda doesn't support abortions, gay marriage and immigration reform. She sits near Mike Huckabee, a former presidential candidate turned right wing agitator.
How many times have you've heard from a Black conservative when it comes to them being isolated from the rest of the Black community when they say condescending themes that paint a group as a threat?

How many times have you've heard a Black conservative say there "ain't no racism"?

How many times have you've heard a Black conservative say that if it wasn't for the Republican Party, civil rights would not have been passed?

How many times you've read in the comments section of a blog or even a Facebook posting saying that "all Blacks" are likely stuck on the plantation of "welfare", "gubmint handouts", "victimization", and "laziness"?

How many times have you've heard from a Black person who overwhelming supports Mitt Romney say that Republicans are the party that "freed" the slaves?

Okay, let me just say this clearly!


Yeah, I said it! I meant it, seriously.

Black conservative Larry Elder.
What the heck is wrong with these people?

Black conservatives are dumb ass human beings!

Why do we even give these people any attention anyways?

These individuals are just as upset over the president trouncing Mitt Romney, more than these White extremists in the Republican Party. They've complain about Blacks voting solely on race and not on policies!

I love how conservatives believe this crap about "patriotism" and "freedom"! These individuals are traitors to the nation and their freedom of speech should be noted for how society should basically ignore them for what they are, racist!

Why bother giving them airtime?

I mean seriously I think Rush Limbaugh and the like are profiting off of this "phony" conservatism! These guys aren't even conservative in the standard of Thomas Paine, Ronald Reagan or even George W. Bush!

These are stark crazy lunatics!

We do not live in a colorblind society. I don't understand why these idiots can't get it through their mentally inept heads. 

Conservatives are proven to show their extremism in the public arena. It's bad enough, they're sore losers, but their "principles" will doom this country!
Perennial candidate Herman Cain is a Black conservative agitator on radio.
If you hate the United States so much for its democracy and the leadership, go to a country of your choice!

Instead of wasting the time to create your own country on land that was originally owned by the Native Americans/First Nations, how about you grab all the garbage you've polluted the land with and make an island of filth and live your lives in hate of everyone else!

Seriously why should I waste my time giving these people a link to click on!

These assholes should shut up and move on with their lives!

But they can't do it! They're invested in hating on President Barack Obama for profit. Conservatives need an enemy. The media needs a scapegoat.

The changing demographics will be the end of the Republican Party. They can't get over the fact that non-White births surpassed this year and 30 years it's going to be a browner nation!

In a New York Times opinion piece by Adolph L. Reed, Jr., he states the Republicans boasting of newly appointed South Carolina senator Tim Scott, South Carolina's first Black senator. Scott will be the first black senator from the South since Reconstruction; the first black Republican senator since 1979, when Edward W. Brooke of Massachusetts retired; and, indeed, only the seventh African-American ever to serve in the chamber.
James David Manning is a birther and Black extremist. He preaches at the ATLAH Worldwide Church in Harlem, New York. He is one of the many controversial figures on YouTube saying not so nice things about President Barack Obama and the Black community.
But this “first black” rhetoric tends to interpret African-American political successes — including that of President Obama — as part of a morality play that dramatizes “how far we have come.” It obscures the fact that modern black Republicans have been more tokens than signs of progress.

The cheerleading over racial symbolism plays to the Republicans’ desperate need to woo (or at least appear to woo) minority voters, who favored Mr. Obama over Mitt Romney by huge margins. Mrs. Haley — a daughter of Sikh immigrants from Punjab, India — is the first female and first nonwhite governor of South Carolina, the home to white supremacists like John C. Calhoun, Preston S. Brooks, Ben Tillman and Strom Thurmond.

Armstrong Williams, a closeted Black conservative agitator.
Oh, don't forget North Carolina's Jesse Helms, the firebrand Republican senator. Anyways, Reed stated that  even if the Republicans managed to distance themselves from the thinly veiled racism of the Tea Party adherents who have moved the party rightward, they wouldn't do much better among black voters than they do now. I suspect that appointments like Mr. Scott’s are directed less at blacks — whom they know they aren’t going to win in any significant numbers — than at whites who are inclined to vote Republican but don’t want to have to think of themselves, or be thought of by others, as racist.

Just as white Southern Democrats once used cynical manipulations — poll taxes, grandfather clauses, literacy tests — to get around the 15th Amendment, so modern-day Republicans have deployed blacks to undermine black interests, as when President Ronald Reagan named Samuel R. Pierce Jr. to weaken the Department of Housing and Urban Development, Clarence M. Pendleton to enfeeble the Commission on Civil Rights and Clarence Thomas to enervate the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

Over the course of history, racial alignments have shifted radically. The Democrats were the party of white supremacy until the New Deal. The Republicans were a party of relative, if feeble, support for civil rights until the 1950s. The tables have completely turned. No Republican presidential nominee has won the black vote since 1936. All four black Republicans who have served in the House since the Reagan era — Gary A. Franks in Connecticut, J. C. Watts Jr. in Oklahoma, Allen B. West in Florida and Mr. Scott — were elected from majority-white districts.
Juan Williams is a Fox News commentator who masquerades himself as a "liberal analysis". In reality, he's a Black conservative who tries to be at least "rational" on most issues in the Black community.

There is little that connects these men to mainstream black politics or to the country’s first two black senators, Hiram R. Revels and Blanche K. Bruce, who were elected (by the Mississippi State Senate) during Reconstruction, that extraordinary and brief moment of African-American political empowerment after the Civil War destroyed chattel slavery.

Not until the Great Migration of blacks to Northern cities between the two world wars were they again capable of electing candidates of their choosing. In the South, blacks began to register to vote in substantial numbers only after the Supreme Court overturned the “white primary,” which had allowed Southern Democrats to exclude blacks by defining the party as a private club, in 1944. The Voting Rights Act in 1965 turned the trickle of black politicians into a flood.
Old school right wingers Walter Williams and Thomas Sowell reject Affirmative Action and believe in this fallacy of a "colorblind" society in which racism doesn't exist.
But the increase in representation has been a mixed blessing. Redistricting and gerrymandering have produced “safe” seats for black politicians across the South but have also concentrated black votes in black districts, giving white Republicans a lock. (As The New York Times reported, House Democratic candidates won about 50.5 percent of the national vote last month but only 46 percent of the seats; in North Carolina, they won 51 percent of the vote but only 27 percent of the seats.)

Reed mentions that the trope of the black conservative has retained a man-bites-dog newsworthiness that is long past its shelf life. Clichés about fallen barriers are increasingly meaningless; symbols don’t make for coherent policies. Republicans will not gain significant black support unless they take policy positions that advance black interests. No number of Tim Scotts — or other cynical tokens — will change that!

Conservatives got riled up with this one! Regardless of how many Black Republicans they've lined up, they'll still be labeled extremists in the eye of me! 

Let me repeat this for the slow readers who are conservative.

If you're still stuck on 20th Century, you better wake the heck up!

The future will steamroll over you if you're still stuck on Ronald Reagan and the fears of the past.

This country will succeed with or without you!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

[These Racist Conservatives] Complain About Obama Taking Vacations!

President Barack Obama enjoys shaved ice with daughter Malia. Conservatives fume up over the president taking a vacation. Once again, another lame NIGGERIZATION of President Barack Obama by those in the extremist conservative media. Matt Drudge leads the way to racial ignorance.

The fiscal cliff showdown continues. In Washington, DC, the partisan gridlock is so unprecedented.

President Barack Obama and the Congressional Republicans are odds over the Bush tax cuts. The Republicans want to keep the tax cuts permanent for all Americans. President Barack Obama wants the tax cuts to expire for those making over $250,000. The Republicans want a trillion in spending cuts (i.e. domestic safety nets). The president wants all on the table cuts (i.e. domestic safety nets, defense cuts, and budget reduction). They can't get to an agreement!

The Republicans are losing the battle. The public wants tax rates to go up on the rich. The president won the narrative and his job approval is showing that. Currently his job approval is 57% according to Gallup. The rising in job approval gives the president the edge. A CNN/ORC poll says that the Republicans are too ideological! Basically extreme in the way of governing. That's not good for them.

They're actually trying to refocus their narrative. They're trying to distance themselves from the extremists in their party. Congressman John Boehner (R-Ohio, Speaker of the House) shown signs of trying to put the brakes on the Tea Party. Some Republicans are venting off frustration over Tea Party members being stripped of committee chairs. The PLAN B bill was a total failure. The Republican leader couldn't gather enough of his party to vote on the bill. The bill would raise taxes on those making $1 million or more. The Republicans pretty much boxed themselves in. The president now controls the message!

President Barack Obama can say that Republicans would rather have everyone pay higher taxes because of their refusal to compromise. The fiscal cliff (sequester) will take effect on January 1, 2013. The defense cuts, safety net cuts, the student loan rates, the tax rates will be affected.

Many Americans are getting frustrated with passing legislation at the last minute. The backlog is great. The U.S. Postal Service, a farm bill, and Hurricane Sandy disaster relief were stalled by Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) and other Tea Party endorse members. Our milk prices could go up beginning in February. The total destruction of Atlantic coast has families scrambling for federal aid. Republicans want no part of it because of a few earmarks slipped into the bill.

PLAN B failed and Speaker Boehner was handed an embarrassment. He's fumed up and teared up. The 112th Congress has proven to be one of the worst under his leadership. Now as Boehner, Senator Harry Reid (D-Nevada, Majority Leader) and members of the House and Senate recess for the holiday break, the president also takes a break. The president left out Friday night for his vacation home in Hawaii.

The Congress will return on December 27, 2012 for a few more days of gridlock. It's a 57% chance they'll have a compromise by the end of the year.

Anyways, The Drudge Report. The conservative agitator's website attracts White extremists!

They're fumed up yet again over the president taking a vacation. It seems like they probably never take a vacation from complaining! These individuals are the most dumbest bunch of human excrement.

Once again you'll read the word salad of ignorance. The first thing is the blatant disrespect of the president. Then they'll fume up on birther nonsense. And lastly they'll complain about why it's the president's fault for not getting things done.

The president does deserve a vacation. The 2012 U.S. presidential elections were one of the most partisan and costly events ever! Republicans have pissed him off with the fiscal cliff and his nominations. The Republicans are still upset over Mitt Romney being beaten down by the president. The conservatives don't understand the duties of the president. It's a everyday routine for President Barack Obama. The president's duties are 24/7. The president gets daily briefings! He is updated on the status of the nation, wherever he goes. No matter what he does, White extremists will complain!

Hawaii is where his family lives. He's entitled to see his family.

Republicans legislators are going to home too!

Aren't you complaining about that?

I guess not!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Did The NRA Misfired?

A rifle and a smile! - Wayne LaPierre

You know how to make an enemy?

Insult them directly. Today the spokesman for the nation's gun rights organization managed to not only piss off the media, but probably those Americans who lost their families to gun violence.

The chief spokesperson for the National Rifle Association Wayne LaPierre once again stepped in the shit and tired to shoot the shit off with his six shot pistol.

Today's press conference by the NRA was led by David Keane, the president of the gun lobbyist group. Wayne LaPierre went to the cameras to discuss the situation and managed to do the word salad of blaming the entertainment industry (i.e. the media, video games, and rap music) for the mass shootings by deranged White terrorists and gang members.

The NRA has been under heavy criticism for their role in the firearm industry. The Sandy Hook shooting tragedy became the rally cry for the gun control debate. President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden have finally decided to take on the issue. Although this was left off the table, many progressives are now demanding the president focus on this by his second term.

The NRA has been defiant in the defense of their organization. They blame President Barack Obama for this.

They call for armed security in the nation's public schools. They defend the maximum capacity of the firearms used in the shooting tragedy. They want the president and Congress to act in unison to have the rights of gun owners protected.

LaPierre managed to shoot up a couple of rounds into the graves of these victims. He decided to use the Sandy Hook tragedy to claim the president failing to sign legislation that protects schools.

Reporters at the today's press conference were shocked by the statements made by him. LaPierre stated  “The only thing that stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun,” LaPierre said at a press conference in Washington. LaPierre also called on Congress to act immediately ”to appropriate whatever is necessary to put armed police officers in every school in this nation.” LaPierre was interrupted twice by gun-control protesters; one held up a sign that read: “NRA Killing Our Kids.”

“Politicians pass laws for gun-free school zones, they issue press releases bragging about them … in doing so they tell every insane killer in America that schools are the safest place to inflict maximum mayhem with minimum risk,” said  LaPierre, the head of the nation’s largest gun rights group.

LaPierre said that if the Newtown school had been armed officers on site, lives may have been spared.

“Will you at least admit is is possible that 26 little kids — that 26 innocent lives might have been spared that day,” he asked.

Now that the NRA spoke out against gun control, the rest is left to those who put pressure on the legislators.

Defiance and stupidity continues to plague the Republicans and its allies in the conservative movement.
Nra Press Conference

The National Rifle Association has proven that they care more about firearms than the lives of those lost to them. They've forgotten in urban schools, they have metal detectors. It took a suburban school shooting to make this an issue.

How many gun crimes occur in the neighborhoods of metropolitan cities?

How many people died because they've played violent video games?

Grand Theft Auto, Splinter Cell, Halo and Mortal Kombat are adult games. It's the parent's fault for allowing their children to play these games. It's not the entertainment industry's fault for a mental person causing a mass shooting!

The NRA really screwed up with this press conference.

Friday, December 07, 2012

Obama At PSY Event, Conservatives Scream!

Rapper PSY is under fire for comments about America. Conservatives screaming over President Barack Obama attending an event with PSY as a featured performer.
World famous rapper PSY is bring the Gangnam Style to the White House and yet again the conservative media gets riled up over it!

When the rapper burst onto the scene this year, everyone was dancing and moving to the Korean rapper's smash single. It's pulled nearly a billion YouTube views and the rapper is looking forward to release his first American album in the coming year. The PSY 6 EP was released this summer.

PSY is best known for his humorous videos and stage performances, and for his international hit single "Gangnam Style", which became an Internet meme due to its popular promo video. He has appeared on numerous television programs, including The Ellen DeGeneres Show, Extra, Good Sunday: X-Man, The Golden Fishery, The Today Show, Saturday Night Live, Sunrise, and The X Factor Australia.

Conservatives believe this Obama photoshop isn't anti-American?
What got the internet buzzing was a few words the rapper stated about the United States. Conservatives harp on the faux parade of "patriotism" yet again to attack PSY for speaking his opinion of the American government. In 2002, the rapper stated his opposition to the U.S. military's presence in the Korean peninsula.

According to It turns out PSY has been involved in several anti-American protest performances. According to he smashed a model U.S. tank while onstage in 2002 to oppose 37,000 U.S. troops that descended on the Korean Peninsula.

A few years later, PSY cursed Americans after a South Korean missionary was executed. His song “Dear American” sets the record straight.

“Kill those f***ing Yankees who have been torturing Iraqi captives/Kill those f***ing Yankees who ordered them to torture/Kill their daughters, mothers, daughters-in-law and fathers/Kill them all slowly and painfully,” he raps.

The rapper is a performer at the White House and the conservative media is already livid about his appearance.

The rapper issued an apology from his manager and publicist.

As a proud South Korean who was educated in the United States and lived there for a very significant part of my life, I understand the sacrifices American servicemen and women have made to protect freedom and democracy in my country and around the world. The song in question — from eight years ago — was part of a deeply emotional reaction to the war in Iraq and the killing of two innocent Korean civilians that was part of the overall antiwar sentiment shared by others around the world at that time. While I'm grateful for the freedom to express one's self I've learned there are limits to what language is appropriate and I'm deeply sorry for how these lyrics could be interpreted. I will forever be sorry for any pain I have caused anyone by those words. I have been honored to perform in front of American soldiers in recent months — including an appearance on the Jay Leno show specifically for them — and I hope they and all Americans can accept my apology. While it's important we express our opinions, I deeply regret the inflammatory and inappropriate language I used to do so. In my music I try to give people a release, a reason to smile. I have learned that though music, our universal language we can all come together as a culture of humanity and I hope that you will accept my apology.

Now c'mon.

Here's an example of what race baiting looks like. Tonight's posting from The Drudge Report is a prime example of race-baiting and über-patriotism. The website attracts conservatives and White supremacists to its pages. The founder Matt Drudge is a reclusive internet blogger who gets tipped off by someone on the latest gossip and controversies that surrounds the media. PSY and later rapper Rick Ross comes to attention.

Here's a full screen grab of the website. All linked articles in ORANGE represent a story that would attract racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic, anti-American and down right condescending language.

Click on the picture and you'll see the larger version.

Conservatives and White supremacists are going to make a word salad with heaps of dressing Obama. In each statement, they'll at least be an attack on the president, the Black community or the Hispanic community.

Republicans and their conservative allies have the audacity to criticize the president because of a rapper's freedom of speech!

The very same people who allow emails be spread around calling the president a NIGGER.

The very same people who go around attacking the 47% of the nation who supports the president.

The very same people who would take this country to the bring of destruction because of their obsession to defeat President Barack Obama.

By the way, the gay conservative agitator managed to get a dig at Def Jam rapper Rick Ross by linking an article from The Smoking Gun.

William Roberts II, is known as Rick Ross (aka Tha Boss/Roozay/Maybach Untouchable) is sweating bullets literally. The rapper is feuding with Gangster Crip Disciples. This story will be explained later.

PSY appears under Universal Republic Music Group.

Rick Ross appears under Def Jam Records. His label is Maybach Music Group and it's licensed by Warner Music Group.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Mia Love: GOP Candidate Gets Racist Threats From Bigots!

Mia Love, GOP candidate got racist death threats.
The FBI is looking into a racist package being mailed at Republican candidate Mia Love's campaign office.

The Black Republican is giving hope to a party that's majority White and limited on its skills to relate to minorities.

Now before she and her supporters start pointing fingers at those evil "liberal" Obama zombies who can't stand a strong Black woman who supports conservative principles, we first look at where she lives!

She's a Black Republican living in majority White and staunchly conservative Utah.

I am certain that liberals rather beat her at the ballot box instead of wasting their time trying to intimidate her.

White conservatives aren't hip to a Black woman in power! Look at how they treat Oprah, First Lady Michelle Obama, Whoopi Goldberg, and now Mia Love.

They don't like a Black woman with "a mouth" on them!

They disrespect Black women more than any race ever. 

You notice that these racists love to say Black women are sows, welfare queens, sheboons, hoes, hoochies, baboons, and other racist or sexist terms.

Rep. Jim Matheson (D-UT) faces tough race!
Out of 100% population, 81% of the state's population is White (non-Hispanic), Hispanics make about 13% of the state's population, Asian Native Americans and Blacks make up less than 6% of the state's population.

Blacks bottom out as 0.2% of the state's population. So that means it's Blacks either reside in Salt Lake City or contribute to a majority of The Utah Jazz, a NBA basketball team.

Mia Love is the mayor of Saratoga Springs. A city that's close to Provo.

According to The Politico, Love was visibly upset over the incident but she declared that she's moving past the incident and focus on trying to win. She goes to friendly territory by appearing on Fox News with conservative agitator Greta Van Susteren.

She was “disappointed but not surprised” by the racist materials sent to her office in Saratoga Springs.

“Oh, you know, it’s just to be expected,” said Love, speaking Wednesday night on Fox News’s “On the Record with Greta Van Susteren.” “Am I surprised? No. Am I disappointed? Absolutely.”

Her opponent Congressman Jim Matheson (D-Utah) is a vulnerable candidate in a political conservative district. He's leading barely in the polls.

Her rise in the polls has Republicans hoping they can gain another victory. If elected she will be the first woman of color to represent the state. Black Republicans make up less than 3% of the national party.

Most Blacks tend to vote Democrat in national elections. Republicans maintain successes from Black voters in smaller roles such as city government, state legislation, and of course governorships.

Wondering how this will play out in the next weeks. So far the official polls have Matheson (Democrat) (Incumbent) 50% - Love (Republican) 42%  (Leans Democrat).

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

ROPE? Conservatives Pass Around Racist Emails!

Wake Sean Hannity up! There's one of his fellow conservatives sending another racist email depicting President Barack Obama as something offensive.

Chirps of crickets when you hear from Sean Hannity, the Republicans and their conservative allies when it comes to racist emails being forwarded by conservative Republicans.

Why focus on that silly conservative agitator?

This fool Hannity lives in a bubble.

He thinks President Barack Obama is playing dirty politics. He's on radio complaining about Vice President Joe Biden "ya'll in chains" comment and the Priorities USA infamous ad depicting Republican nominee Mitt Romney as a heartless murderer.

But yet we have the Republican nominee making references to the president, "not being like one of us!" Making references to welfare in order to whistle White male voters.

Having members of the Republican Party depict the president as a "socialist", "tar baby" and  "not legally born". We got most of the Republican Party wanting to drive the economy into the ground in order to win back the White House. Sean Hannity never sees this issue.

Well Matt Desmond and his team over at Addicting Info report that the right wing email depicting the president in his silhouette HOPE poster rewritten as ROPE. In other words, "hangin' a Nigger President!"

The right wing emails are composed by an individual who passes it along to someone else. When they get forward to members of the Republican Party, some in the media focuses on the person who sent it. The person caught makes an abrupt apology to the president or those they've offended. If they were really sincere about this apology, why on earth would they send it? is a popular fixture on Blogger. This gem makes up one of the hundreds of emails sent to the website. The website leans liberal.

You tell me how many of these assholes out there are seriously disturbed.

We just had four U.S. soldiers plotting to assassinate the president.

This type of nonsense is why Republicans are not only hated by the Black community but the Democratic Party entirely. The Republicans put blinders on their eyes when it comes to one of their own. When these people are caught with one of these racist emails, why does it reflex the individual and not the party?

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Idaho Billboard Compares President To Aurora Shooter!

idaho billboard compares obama james holmes

Keep it real classy, conservatives. You complain about comedian Dane Cook making light of the controversial shooting incident that claimed twelve innocent lives, but yet compare our president to this deranged shooter James Holmes.

What is certain to draw ire of the survivors of this shooting as well as the supporters of President Barack Obama is a electronic sign in the city of Caldwell, Idaho.

The Huffington Post/Black Voices via The Idaho Statesman reported that the digital sign has sparked outrage in the community.

The giant sign on Franklin Road and North 21st Avenue features a photo of Holmes with the words, "Kills 12 in a movie theater with assault riffle, everyone freaks out," written under his picture, juxtaposed to a photo of Obama with the words, "Kills thousands with foreign policy, wins Nobel Peace Prize," written below.

The billboard often features anti-Obama messages, and is sponsored by The Ralph Smeed Foundation, the supporters of the late activist for libertarian causes in Idaho. Foundation member and former state lawmaker Maurice Clements, told The Idaho Statesman the billboard is a response to Obama's 'broken promise' to bring home the troops.

"We’re all outraged over that killing in Aurora, Colo., but we’re not outraged over the boys killed in Afghanistan,” Clements explained to the paper, and added that he's not trying to connect Obama to Holmes, he's just comparing the way society reacts. "We’re not saying that Obama is a lunatic,” he said.

Regardless of what the billboard is really comparing, the message is not going over well with the area's residents, who are outraged, calling it "offensive," "abhorrent," and "pathetic," reports NBC News.

Libertarians are conservative leaning voters who endorse Gary Johnson, the former governor of New Mexico. And of course, the remnants of cult leader Texas Congressman, Republican perennial candidate for president Ron Paul.

While it's the freedom of speech and all, how low can these people go to taking down President Barack Obama. It's bad enough they can't figure out the president's religion, but to compare him to a mass murderer who had a choice to do something without prejudice is beyond the pale of the reality. Conservatives call him everything but Mr. President.

I am hoping they overreach enough that they'll end up hurting Mitt Romney. Because independent voters should look at this party as serious on issues. They've stomped their feet, move the goalpost and took the debate to the brink of economic chaos to defeat President Barack Obama.

They can't win on this anti-Obama crap. They have to have a decent plan that sells. They can't just wave a three page proposal that has nothing but tax cuts and deregulation. That stuff isn't going to solve the problems.

The key to economic stability is spending and the Republicans would rather waste time on trivial debates like repealing healthcare reform and holding administration officials in contempt.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Special Olympics!

Mitt Romney fumbles overseas. 
Back in 2009, Republicans and their conservative allies were pleased that Chicago wasn't in the running for the 2016 Summer Olympics. The Drudge Report and conservative talk radio were so gleeful they've splashed the internet trouncing on President Barack Obama claiming that "he was hated by the world" and the "rock star ego" was over!

Hence forth, four years later, one Republican nominee. The presumptive nominee, the perennial candidate for president, former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney goes overseas.

Mitt Romney is going to show off his foreign relation skills. He is to go to Israel, the United Kingdom and Poland. Each holding a conservative leader.

His first trip to the United Kingdom as a nominee was bad. Really bad. He practically handed President Barack Obama another opening. As a vulnerable president, Obama is hoping that Romney will implode so badly, the Republicans will lose enthusiasm towards him. The Guardian has reported that many leaders in the United Kingdom were sort of disappointed with Mitt Romney.

Off the cuff, Romney complained the people of London weren't prepared for the 2012 Summer Olympics. That comment landed at the mayor's desk. Boris Johnson, the mayor of 8.3 million shot back at the Republican candidate. He spoke before a crowd of 60,000 in Hyde Park. "There is a guy called Mitt Romney who wants to know if we are ready. Yes, we are," he declared.

He screwed up so bad, the United Kingdom's Conservative Party and the party's leader Prime Minister David Cameron were a bit unease with the nominee. Prime Minister David Cameron wasted no time in rebuking Romney hours after his remarks were broadcast. On a visit to the Olympic Park, the prime minister said: "We are holding an Olympic Games in one of the busiest, most active, bustling cities in the world. Of course it's easier if you hold an Olympic Games in the middle of nowhere."

Mitt Romney with Prime Minister David Cameron, the UK Conservative Party's national leader.

Romney went off and blabbed about his visit at the Secret Foreign Intelligence Service (MI6) and apparently its against protocol and national security. The U.K. Secret Foreign Intelligence Service whose existence was only acknowledged by the British government in 1994 remained confidential until Mitt Romney told the press the meeting. Such conversations are not normally discussed publicly by government leaders.

"I can only say that I appreciated the insights and the perspectives of the leaders of the government here and opposition here as well as the head of MI6 as we discussed Syria and hoped for a more peaceful future for that country," he said.

Romney also seemed to make his political digs at President Barack Obama personal. According to the Huffington Post, Romney broke the longstanding rule for U.S. politicians not to criticize the president overseas. At a fundraiser for American expats, he reportedly said, "I'm looking forward to the bust of Winston Churchill being in the Oval Office again," referring to the White House returning the artwork to the British Embassy in early 2009. President Barack Obama replaced it with a bust of Abraham Lincoln.

London mayor Boris Johnson works the crowd attending the pre-ceremonial Olympic games.  Johnson jabs Romney over his remarks of London not being prepared for the Summer Games.

Romney also met Ed Miliband, the leader of the opposition Labour party. Miliband took questions from two reporters from what he called "my side", but Romney would not take questions from US journalists. At one point, Romney called Miliband "Mr Leader", which prompted suggestions he had forgotten Miliband's name.

There were also meetings with foreign secretary William Hague, deputy prime minister Nick Clegg and former PM Tony Blair.

His campaign team claimed the event took $2 million in political donations, but there were reports earlier that ticket prices had been lowered, and that some people had been offered free passes.

I would say this isn't going to please his conservative allies. They'll hope the controversy will go away when the July job report numbers show little to no growth in the United States economy.

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Friday, August 05, 2011

Fox Nation Calls Obama Birthday Party 'Hip-Hop BBQ' (PHOTO)

Media Matters for America, a non-profit liberal media resource group has been gunning for Fox News over the past few years. With the first African American to be elected as president, Barack Obama and the network have been at odds over issues. And with that, comes the blatant disrespect and subtle racism to him.
The conservative network wasted no time trying to tie the high educated Obama with racial stereotypes of Black culture. Last year, the president stated that his interest in  hip-hop music rappers like Nas and Lil' Wayne, the website Fox Nation post the president's love for gangster rappers. First Lady Michelle Obama host a poetry session at the White House and invites rapper Common. Common becomes a "cop killing" rapper. Three days after the killing of Osama bin Laden. Now as the  president celebrates his birthday at the White House and invites Chris Rock and Jay-Z to the event, it's a "Hip-Hop BBQ".

Say what you will—Fox Nation knows how to keep things unique. We also love the url for the item:

Towards the end of a recent interview with Rolling Stone, President Obama was asked about his musical preferences, he replied:
My iPod now has about 2,000 songs, and it is a source of great pleasure to me. I am probably still more heavily weighted toward the music of my childhood than I am the new stuff. There's still a lot of Stevie Wonder, a lot of Bob Dylan, a lot of Rolling Stones, a lot of R&B, a lot of Miles Davis and John Coltrane. Those are the old standards.
A lot of classical music. I'm not a big opera buff in terms of going to opera, but there are days where Maria Callas is exactly what I need.
Thanks to Reggie [Love, the president's personal aide], my rap palate has greatly improved. Jay-Z used to be sort of what predominated, but now I've got a little Nas and a little Lil Wayne and some other stuff, but I would not claim to be an expert. Malia and Sasha are now getting old enough to where they start hipping me to things. Music is still a great source of joy and occasional solace in the midst of what can be some difficult days.
Soul, folk, rock, R&B, jazz, "A lot of classical", and some rap; sounds like a fairly diverse musical palate. This represents the musical tastes of a number of Americans of the president's generation, especially those with school age children. Diversity is good, unless you are reading the Fox Nation website. According to Huffington Post, Fox Nation took this description and briefly posted the headline, "President of the United States Loves Gansta Rap" with photos of tattoo laden Nas and Lil' Wayne thrown in for "flava".

How does the president's acknowledgment of an appreciation for rap music become a love for "gangsta rap"?

This is not too subtle code language from conservative media that the "de-racialized" President Obama has an affinity for some element of African-American culture and this is something to fear. Here is another example in a long list of examples of how some elements in the media and politics continue to play to the fears of too many in America by fanning the flames of prejudice and racism.

Since his days as a candidate for the U.S. Senate in Illinois Barack Obama has talked about equality and one America. During his keynote address at the Democratic National Convention he said that the greatness of this nation can be summed up in the declaration, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal... There's not a black America and white America and Latino America and Asian America; there's the United States of America." In his famous "race speech" in 2008 Senator Obama talked about continuing the long march, "of those who came before us, a march for a more just, more equal, more free, more caring and more prosperous America."

For too many in this country, this de-racialized race-neutral politics coming from a man of African decent is something to fear. Former Republican congressman Tom Tancredo opened the Tea Party convention by calling for a reinstatement of Jim Crow type literacy tests for voters and saying, "This is our country...Let's take it back." Who's country is it and Tancredo wants to take it back from whom?

Recently in an interview with National Review's Robert Costa former House speaker Newt Gingrich said,

"What if [Obama] is so outside our comprehension, that only if you understand Kenyan, anti-colonial behavior, can you begin to piece together [his actions]? ...This is a person who is fundamentally out of touch with how the world works, who happened to have played a wonderful con, as a result of which he is now president." Again, not so subtle code language playing to the fear of President Obama's Kenyan heritage and to the unfounded rhetoric of the "birther" movement. Actually, anti-colonial behavior is a good thing if you are a victim of colonialism.

According to Rep. Pete King (R-NY), President Barack Obama is "probably the most threatened president ever." Most of these threats are not because of health care reform, the stimulus bill, or the problems with Israel. There are still too many people in America that refuse to allow him to govern as the president; they will oppose him at every turn because he's an African-American who is the president
Numerous cartoons have featured President Obama and/or first lady Michelle Obama as monkeys, terrorists, or Muslim suicide bombers. What are they afraid of? President Obama has called for change not Mau Mau revolution. He is working within the established structure, not working to overthrow it. The president loves gansta' rap? During the Henry Louis Gates arrest in Cambridge, President Obama said that the arresting officers "acted stupidly" not as NWA said, "F**k the Police".

The Fox Nation claim that the "President of the United States Loves Gansta' Rap" is a bit far fetched and nothing but a scare tactic. It's the latest example in a long line of contradictions that are grounded in a fear of the African-American influence in a fictitious "post-racial" America. Or as Public Enemy would say, "Fear of a Black Planet".

Dr. Wilmer Leon is the Producer/ Host of the nationally broadcast call-in talk radio program "Inside the Issues With Wilmer Leon," and a Lecturer in the Department of Political Science at Howard University in Washington, D.C. Go to or email:
Fox News and The Drudge Report caters to the worst of society. Subtle racism and misinformation creates the toxic environment that spawns in the conservatives who support the Tea Party let alone the entire Republican Party.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Eni, Meeny, Miny, Birther....

Why can't Obama ever show his long-form birth certificate?

He spent millions of dollars trying to hide this!

No matter what [liberals/fact-checkers/Barack Obama] says, he still hasn't provided evidence to prove he's a natural born citizen!

He never showed his college transcripts from Occidental College. His grandma says he was born in Kenya. His legal name is Berry Soetoro. He's actually a Muslim who masquerades a Christian. Of course, he attended a Black Liberation Church with an anti-American racist pastor named Jeremiah Wright!

Expect this from a conservative reader or viewer.

The notorious Birther Movement is alive and well.

CBS/New York Times Poll states that nearly a quarter of Americans believe that Barack Obama was not born in the United States. Among all Republicans, 45 percent believe he was born in another country, as do 45 percent of Tea Party supporters, the poll shows.

Even with the amount of evidence to debunk the claims, conservatives refuse to believe that the President Of The United States is legitimate.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Friday the 13th: Tea Party Comic Book - Is It Racist?

Circulating the internet, TEA PARTY COMICS. A blatant rip of many of America's beloved superheroes taking on a supervillian, President Barack Obama.

In what could be a sign of what is brewing in the conservative movement is a potentially damaging comic book that depicts the president in blackface.

The author of the comic is unknown, but the gripes that the comics present are the same talking points generated by talk radio, Fox News and conservative blogs.

A number of tea party leaders disavowed the comic books last week, claiming that they're an obvious plant by tea party opponents.


Tom Kalb and His Amazingly Racist Tea Party Comics by Dan Linehan

An extremely racist "underground conservative comic" has began making the rounds online after an excited Tea Party member in Corpus Christie apparently sold it to a blog, Comics with Problems, who promptly scanned it in and posted it online for the world to see.
For some time now, the origins of the comic have been indeterminate. No one seemed to want to take credit for the extremely racist series, and Comics with Problems is still describing the underground comic as, "artist and organization unknown, presumably year 2009-2010, each issue forty pages."
What we have known however, was that the creator of the series seemed to have quite an extensive knowledge of comic book history. Many of the illustrations were penned to directly parody classic Superman, Spider-Man, and even DuckTales comic book covers.
After doing some research on eBay, it turns out the comics seem to all be coming from precisely one source: Tom Kalb, the middle-aged owner of a small, strip-mall comic book store named Caveman Comics and Books, in Mesa, AZ. Mr. Kalb had been been producing and distributing the Tea Party Comix series as "underground conservative comics" on his eBay store throughout the last month.
Here are a couple screenshots from the (now expired) auction that Tom was running. He was advertising that he still has "more than 10" first print editions of the comic series available, even after he had made nine first edition sales throughout the month. I wonder how someone would obtain more than twenty first run sets. Mysterious.
Click for full-size images.

Of course, it makes perfect sense that the series was produced by a comic store owner due to the satirical nature of many of the illustrations.
It remains to be seen whether Tom Kalb is really as racist as his Tea Party Comix make him seem to be, or if the series is actually a form of advanced satire aimed at conservatives in general and the Tea Party movement specifically.
While many people are saying that the comics must have been made to mock the Tea Party, mainly based on the logic that no one in their right mind would ever release anything so blatantly racist without it being satirical, I'm not entirely convinced. Judging from Tom's alternating use of uppercase and lowercase sentences on his eBay store, all the wingnut whargarbl indicators are present and accounted for:
I WILL BE ON VACATION STARTING SUNDAY NIGHT, MAY 23rd. The store will be CLOSED for about 5 days (M-F). On MONDAY (the 23rd) I will fill all orders placed and paid for by Monday morning. The store will NOT be accessible for FIVE days, but I will still take emails and payments (for older orders). I WILL NOT BE GOING TO THE POST OFFICE BETWEEN TUESDAY AND FRIDAY!! ...IF YOU HAVE AN OUTSTANDING ORDER OR THERE IS SOME OTHER PROBLEM, DO NOT GO NUTS WITH FEAR! I'm still here. I have not run off to Mexico with your $22.50... THANKS! .................................................................
Then again, it is eBay. (A++++++ TOP SELLER!!)
Beyond the grammatical issues, there are also quite a few concepts mentioned in the comics that probably wouldn't make much sense to someone unless they were following right wing politics fairly closely: accusations of free abortions, depictions of Obama printing massive amounts of fiat money, showing the President missing his birth certificate. The comic even goes so far as to engage in some good, ol' fashioned vaccination fear-mongering. These don't seem like issues someone non-partisan would know or care about, but they are right in line with the fears of many right wingers.
If any readers happen to be in Mesa, Arizona, feel free to check out Caveman Comics & Books and see if Tom is still carrying any more first editions of the Tea Party Comix. And while you're there, ask him whether he is really a Tea Party member; we're dying to know.
Caveman Comics & Books
500 West Southern Avenue, Suite 32
Mesa, AZ 85210


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