Showing posts with label big black women. Show all posts
Showing posts with label big black women. Show all posts

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Return Of The Obama Phone!

President Barack Obama may have to continue his campaign for change throughout his second term.

Let's continue down the path to defeat by putting out another pointless debate over things that have nothing to do with the economy!

I seriously think that Frank Luntz has a point on one thing! In a Mother Jones article, the conservative agitator who spins talking points for the Republican Party talked to a bunch of young voters at a College Republican retreat.

Luntz believes that the conservative talk radio market has been very successful in ratings, however it's destroying the Republican Party in the elections.

The immigration reform blitz that Senator Marco Rubio (R-Florida) pushed upon the King Hippo and Weasel Levin wasn't moving the needle among the right wing faithful. The right wing agitators can't stomach immigration reform. They believe that it's granting amnesty to undocumented workers and their families.

The talk about immigration reform is on the ropes after the Boston Marathon bombings. The conservative wing of the U.S. Senate is trying to slow down the progress made because they're feeling the need to be "border hawks" and "isolationists".

They want to use the U.S. Constitution only when it applies to their extreme agenda.

Instead of trying to understand the issue of immigration reform, they evoked fear and hatred of those who aren't like them.

Now let's rehash the old meme of the Obama Phone! Once again proving that there support of the conservative junk food media is mutual.
He's still bitching!
If you've got the opportunity to listen to the conservative agitators in the junk food media get riled up about the Government Phone Program, then you're missing much!

They're worked up over the program granting the underclass an opportunity to have a free cell phone in case of an emergency

The official website for FreeGovernmentPhones say that ever since Barack Obama was inaugurated, the term “The Obama Phone” has persisted. People say Obama is redistributing the wealth by starting a program that gives free cell phones – Obama phones – to the poor. Detractors of both President Obama and of the government’s long-standing phone assistance program have fought over this claim since 2009 with each side mudslinging “facts” at each other.

Well this hasn't stopped among those "mudslingers" in the junk food media.

Hence the video that got those in the conservative/white supremacist bubble riled up.

This video went viral and it's was spread through the conservative/white supremacists blogs and junk food media shows.

Unfortunately, it didn't help the perennial loser Mitt Romney move votes. It only hurt him, badly among the middle class. It's was another lame attempt to race-bait those old White bigots into fearing the evil Black "welfare queen sheboon" who wants her stake in the "gubmint's gibbs mes!"
The scary Black lady who riled up conservatives.
The Politico tries to tear through the bullshit with no avail. The report tells a tale of Republicans and some conservative Democrats threats of ending the program because they're upset over the "welfare queen" talking about how she's got her free "Obama Phone!"

Lifeline, the controversial phone subsidy program that snagged attention during the first Obama administration, has landed back in the spotlight. Critics then accused the White House of dishing out free cellphones to the poor. Now they’re questioning whether reforms put in place by the Federal Communications Commission to tackle rampant misuse will actually work.

A Republican-led House bill with 42 co-sponsors would nearly gut the federal program. An amendment in the recent Senate budget debate tried to eliminate funding entirely. And a House Energy and Commerce subcommittee hearing Thursday will dissect its worth.

Lifeline gives telecommunications providers a subsidy to offset the cost of phone service for customers with low income. The program ensures everyone has access to emergency services and jobs.

The Republican Party who still trying to win over the middle class and the non-White majority will once again throw away votes.

They're throwing away opportunities to win over voters. They're floating on a sinking ship. And if they continue on, they'll lose more elections.

It's not worth my time to argue with idiots! The keyboard warrior has to be older than me, stuck in their ways! The warrior has to be a White male and probably a conservative that harbors bigoted views towards someone's race gender, sexuality, nationality, religion, language, political or economic standings.

By the way, since these people assume it's mostly Black people who stay on welfare and government entitlements, I want to address this. 

When Blacks become a majority of the country's population, then it's safe to say Blacks are racists! Until then, it's the White conservative male and his uncanny support of the Republican Party who promote themselves as the racist. 

Monday, March 18, 2013

Man Wants Idiotic Thief To Return His iPad!

A month later, Engstrom and his family were surprised when a stranger's self-portraits began appearing on their Apple devices. "After a while we figured out what was going on," Engstrom told KTHV News. "That's the person that has my iPad." A stupid woman decides to steal a man's iPod and the man seeks to publicly humiliate this individual into returning it.

Well it's picking up steam on Buzzfeed, a liberal-leaning news agitating blog that covers viral videos and stories.

Could you imagine the moron would try to use his device to take a self-portrait of herself?

You know this mug will be featured on some racist watering hole.

When the public sees this face, they'll alert the police.

Still you got to admit that in the digital age, you wouldn't be that stupid to post a crime you do online, right?

This kind of nonsense will light up the conservative/white supremacists forums with ugly racial slurs, word vomits about Black on White crime, and of course an Obama name drop! This will be a reason for these extremists to paint Blacks as NIGGERS who commit crimes to the WHITE MAN! They've concluded that the NIGGERS voted for that MUSLIM SOCIALIST WHO DISGRACED THIS COUNTRY with his GUBMINT GIVEAWAYS. 

The conservative/white supremacist bubble will name drop Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Trayvon Martin in their word vomits. 

White supremacists already label Black people as "animals" who have their monkey paws on their properties.

Rewind to the CPAC event. A white nationalist was saying that he's being disenfranchised because of him being a WHITE GUY. He thought it was cool that Blacks deserved to be enslaved. In his mind, he believes that crime would be down if Blacks were enslaved.
Allen Engstrom will take his campaign to the internet. He will post the photo of the iPad thief online to eventually shame the individual into returning the device. The police are hoping they'll find the woman as well.
Now this young woman makes the guy look like a genius. Black people like this individual makes agitators like Matt Drudge, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Neal Boortz, Sean Hannity, Michelle Malkin, and the numerous White supremacists online rally their base of bigotry.

Allen Engstrom of North Little Rock, Arkansas is making the news recently. He was on a plane trip from Phoenix to Denver when his iPad was left on the plane.

Engstrom says that the iPad has his name and contact information etched onto its back, so whoever has the tablet knows that it's not theirs.
Since he linked his iPad to Apple's iCloud service, all his music, photos and podcast were on every device his family owned. A month into the iPad being missing, these strange pictures started to show up on his other Apple devices.

Engstrom realized that something was amiss when his young son received a bizarre picture via the family’s photo stream.

"He said, Mommy, who's this? And of course, she said, I have no idea who that is. It showed up on my phone too," Engstrom told Denver's KTHV. "After a while, we figured out what was going on. That's the person that has my iPad."

While it’s unlikely that Engstrom will be able to recover his stolen iPad, he has managed to capitalize on the thief’s stupidity.

On one picture, he wrote “Hey cool! This is an actual pic of the wonderful person who stole my iPad. Apparently the pics she is taking of herself are backing up and appearing on my phone. No I'm not kidding, this is really happening.

"I have no problem with putting it on Facebook, because, hey, it's fun for me, and it's apparently fun for a lot of other people, and there's always the chance that someone will say, hey, I know who that is," Engstrom told KHTV. "And I want my iPad back."

Engstrom's social media exploits have also generated some leads. By coordinating with fellow Twitter and Facebook users, he has learned that the iPad bandit lives in Phoenix, as well as her Instagram account name.

Of course, all of this could have been avoided if Engstrom hadn't turned off the device’s location function.

This broad is not any one of his friends. So he was hoping that he could communicate to the woman to get it back. After all he left his name and information inscribed in the back of the iPad, just in case if it was lost.

To this day, the device hasn't been returned.

So the only way to get this iPad back, he takes his revenge on the thief by posting all her photos online through his Facebook and Twitter pages.

It's going viral.

So far the public campaign is growing and people are starting to notice. It's just a matter of time and patience.

Saturday, March 02, 2013

Man Poses With Murdered Mother's Head! [NSFW]

How could someone do something to his mother and smirk about it?

A sure guarantee for the conservative/white supremacist bubble. The conservative agitating media will quickly blame President Barack Obama, the Black community, Trayvon Martin, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Attorney General Eric Holder, and all African traditions for one sick individual.

No man should hit a woman let alone his own mother. But it's a theme that's common among our young individuals.

How could anyone (i.e. Adam Lanza, Bashid McLean and others) kill their own mother?

We here at Journal de la Reyna send our condolences to the family of Tanya Byrd and other woman killed by abuse men.

Before we go into the details of this senseless tragedy, I share with you an incident of a few years back.

I remember in March 2011, my friend Glenn Walker, Jr. was accused of killing his mother. Walker, was once a former co-worker who went through the same personal demons my best friend Charles Barrett suffered.

Walker wanted to be a rapper and script writer for movies. He also was the charmer. He always seems to win over women with his smooth talk and bravado of his private parts.

He dated two of my friends and spurned them during a period where all of them were dating other people.

Walker was struggling to find a job. He was into drugs and frequently would space out over things.

Walker was implicated in the murder his mother Michelle Walker on March 16, 2011. The FBI and U.S. marshals were searching for him. They managed to catch him at the public library nearby on the computer posting comments to others on Facebook. His family and friends stated that he suffered from a mental illness and felt compassion for his own mother. It took a year for the trial and eventual conviction.

After a grand jury found Walker guilty of the murder of his mother, he was sentence 15 to life without a chance of parole.

This individual today makes it clear that for every incident that involves Black men, it's certain that it's agitation for conservatives and white supremacists.
Smiles: Byrd, pictured, met a grisly death and her son, Bashid McLean, 22, is the only suspect at this point in the investigation
Tanya Byrd was murdered by her son Bashid McLean. He decapitated her head and posted it on social networks via his cell phone. The police arrest this individual.
The New York Daily News and other media outlets report on 23-year old Bashid McLean murdering his mother 45-year old Tanya Bryd. A man walking his dog discovered the dismembered remains of Byrd at a park.

The break in the case came when the son Bashid McLean appears in a photograph he shared on social networks being "almost gleeful" holding the severed head of his mother.

He has reportedly confessed to the charges and has been placed on suicide watch.

Friends and family say that McLean developed some jealousy over his mother giving preferential treatment to his other siblings. Byrd who worked as a home health aide and was described as a "beautiful mother" and a "hard worker" by her sister.

McLean however, has been said to have been troubled for some time.

His lawyer says McLean's been off his medication for days, and according to the Daily News, McLean is schizophrenic.

McLean scouring the Internet for how to tips on covering up a murder and that he later created a MySpace page called 'Kill the b**** Tanya.'

Police say McLean murdered his mother because she 'wanted him to grow up and move out and be a man.'
Beautiful woman Tanya Byrd was murdered by callous son Bashid McLean.
McLean's father discussed his son's history of violent tendencies and said, "He did destructive things. He set fires. Nobody could control him."

DNAinfo reports McLean allegedly fatally hit his mother while she was sleeping before stealing money from her to purchase a saw to cut up her corpse.

McLean was placed in a foster home while his mother was battling a drug problem. He came back to live with her when he was 18. He was also suspected of abusing his younger brother, whose body began displaying bruises.

His friend, William Harris, 26, allegedly helped him get rid of the body. The pair were reportedly caught on surveillance video at a nearby hardware store where they bought a power saw with cash.

A blade and a box were found in the apartment McLean shared with his mother while the saw - 2-foot-long Black and Decker jigsaw - was found at Harris' home, sources said.

Cassandra McLean labelled the 23-year-old a 'monster' who had been plotting his mother's murder. 'My nephew is a monster,' she told the Daily News. 'This murder was premeditated.'

Looking gangsta! Friends and family feared that McLean would harm people.
She said he deserves the death penalty. 'He took away one of God's angels, and for that he deserves to go to hell.'

Even his father said he was a bad egg.

A photograph on his Facebook page shows him burning a scarf.

His sister, Porsche Lovett, said he wasn't remotely sorry for what he'd done. 'He looked me in the eyes and told me he did nothing wrong when he killed her,' she told the Daily News. 'I don't know who he is.'

McLean confessed to the sickening crime after police found a shower curtain missing at his apartment, which wreaked of bleach. The shower curtain was later found wrapped around his mom's body parts in one of the bags dumped on the curb for collection.

McLean was charged yesterday with second-degree murder and he and Harris were also booked on charges of hindering prosecution and the unlawful dissection of a human body.

When they were questioned they both blames the murder on the other. Harris, who has been arrested 12 times prior to yesterday's booking, told police McLean confessed to the slaying on the subway and begged for his help. Meanwhile, McLean, who was on probation after attacking two police officers with a knife in 2010, said Harris killed the woman at their apartment.

'Bashid had a problem controlling his rage,' a neighbor told the New York Daily News. 'He had creepy eyes. Didn't like to look you in the eye — but when he did, they went right through you.'

McLean confessed to the crime late on Tuesday after cops found the electric saw and other carving implements.

Police were overwhelmed by the stench of bleach when they entered the apartment Bahsid McLean shared with his mother and little brother. He was led out of the house in handcuffs.

Byrd's body parts were found strewn around at least four different curbside locations within a half-mile of the pair's Morrisania home in the early hours of Tuesday morning.

The pieces - which include her head, torso, right leg and hands - were found zipped into travel bags or stuffed into plastic garbage bags.

McLean, who suffers learning disabilities, admitted to the crime during questioning by NYPD officers.

Investigators spent Tuesday scouring through piles of trash in the South Bronx neighborhood after a horrified dog-walker discovered the human remains in a travel bag at around 4:30am and called police.
NYPD arrest man who axed his mother.
One-by-one, Byrd's decapitated head, right leg, torso and hands have been unearthed in the area around Eagle Avenue, 158th Street, 156th Street and Cauldwell Avenue.

Some of Byrd's body parts were still wearing the clothes she was in when she was slaughtered, police sources told the Daily News.

A neighbor told the paper: 'I wouldn’t be at all surprised if Bashid killed her. She was afraid of that boy... He was a hellion.'

Byrd's sister, Cassandra McLean, initially defended her nephew, believing Byrd's allegedly abusive ex-boyfriend was responsible for her ghastly murder and dismemberment.
Police confirmed Byrd's son reported her missing at the Bronx's 40th precinct station.

He found a photograph of her, which they matched to the decapitated head found in one of the bags, when police showed up at his house. This is when they discovered the carving equipment.

He reportedly told police he hadn't been able to contact his mother for at least a day.

Cassandra McLean said her nephew suffered learning difficulties from an early age.

She said Bahsid McLean told her Byrd's former boyfriend dropped by on Monday and that was the last time he saw her.

'He (the ex-boyfriend) came over yesterday and walked out with her in the morning, yesterday morning,' McLean said on Tuesday. 'That’s what her son told me on the phone just now.'

She told DNAInfo that Byrd's ex-boyfriend was trouble.

'I told my sister to stay away from him, but she said he's harmless and not to worry.'

McLean added of her sister: 'She was a loving mother and very devoted to her son. That's what she lived for. That's her joy in life.'

Friday, February 08, 2013

Family Affair!

Jury found Ohio mother guilty in the death of her son. Michelle Mooty and Joe Watson are going to the iron college for the death of Levi Barrett. The child's father is a friend.

We here at Journal de la Reyna send our condolences to the family of Levi Barrett.

A personal take on a local woman being sentenced in the death of her son. The purpose of this story allows me to clear the air and address why Black Americans will be a subject of the conservative and white supremacist ire. This type of stuff ignites the word salad of racial slurs, mentions of these individuals being one of "Obama's children" and the "gubmint" parasites uttered by the likes of conservative agitators in the media. 

The callous actions of this woman and her boyfriend has brought my friend to his senses!

Years of reckless behavior from my friend have finally taken its toll. Now realizing that he'll never have an opportunity to see one of his children grow up in the future has finally brought him to his senses!

It's time for him to be a father.

This week, the Ohio court found bad parent Michelle Mooty, guilty in complicity of allowing child abuse to occur. She will be sentenced to prison shortly.
Wiping tears. Mooty reacts to jury decision.
This kind of hits close to home. Charles Barrett, Jr. is the father of the deceased child, Levi. 

The child was killed by Mooty's boyfriend (at the time) Joe Watson, IV. 

The incident happened in December 2011. After a year of deliberations and a jury trial, the court found these irresponsible parents guilty in murder. Watson who has a child with Mooty was sentenced to 15 to life in prison.

Mooty has other children with other men besides Barrett and Watson.

The reason why this comes to head is that I know the father of the deceased child.

For over 10 years, I've known the father of the child.

Charles Barrett fought personal demons in his life. None so than losing his child. 

Barrett has two other children. Barrett has one from another woman and the other from Mooty.
Charles Barrett with his three children. The youngest child Levi (top right) was killed by Joe Watson, the boyfriend of the child's mother Michelle Mooty.  

I've distanced myself from my best friend (and two others I've previously associated with)! 

I can testify that lives were changed that night when I've found out that his son was dead!

My friend isn't perfect. 
Joe Watson was convicted of murder and sentenced to the iron college for life! The girlfriend Michelle Mooty will be there soon. They were responsible for the death of Levi Barrett. 
Through the good times and often bad times, I've tried to be there as much as I could! He didn't need my help, so we moved on!

My friend has a perennial habit of moving from home to home, job to job, from a girl to another girl, and from jail to court!

Barrett's personal demons began when he became a first time father! He met a woman near one of his jobs and fell in love. A few years later, he became a father to his first child. He would eventually bailed out on his responsibilities as a parent.

He would later have two other sons by Michelle Mooty and eventually bail out on them. Although he loved his children, he wanted to venue into dead ends like drug dealing, selling stolen property and making enemies with friends and family. This all came to head when he realized that day he would never see his youngest son alive ever again!

As his first child grows up to become a teenager and his second child begins to understand life itself, my friend has to "get his ass" together to better himself for the sake of his children.

Now I've haven't spoken to him in nearly a year. I can only assume he'll have more children and keep a memory of his son either through his part-time career as a rapper or tattoos on his body. Something symbolic.

My other two friends are struggling as well. They also have perennial problems with family and friends as well.

Barrett's first child comes from one my friends. She struggles as a mother of two with thoughts of her mother. Her mother was killed in a domestic violence dispute when she was very young and it permanently scarred her for life.

The last friend explained is former ex-girlfriend. This one comes from a troubled home. Being a rape survivor and a shooting victim, about seven years ago hasn't changed her from the reckless behavior. 

She nearly died in 2005, after her former boyfriend shot her in the chest.

Each of these individuals are troubled. They've relied on me for years for personal advice and constant help in crisis after crisis. Each of them had opportunities as I to move on with success. Yet, we're still here with the burden of our personal demons.

I've concluded that it's time to move away from them! I have figured that problems may come and go from time to time, I figured that I exhausted my options and will no longer be a reliable friend.

I wish them all well! For as long as I live on this earth, their issues aren't my problems anymore! I've got my own problems to deal with!

Monday, February 04, 2013

Ohio Mother May Get Life In Prison For Death Of Son!

Ohio couple facing prison time for murder of toddler.

Although, I've distanced myself from my best friend (and two others I've previously associated with), I can testify that lives were changed that night when we found out that his son was dead! This friend experienced a traumatic incident in which he lost his youngest son to a crime committed by a man and the mother of his child.

Today, I want to share a brief and yet subtle opinion of this tragedy. It hits close to home because I know the individual and his family. It's been over a year since the death of his youngest son, and I am assuming that he's trying his best to move forward.

Joe Watson and Michelle Mooty are the people responsible in the death of a toddler named Levi Barrett.

Mooty who also was the mother of three other children was staying at the home of Watson.
My best friend's son Levi was killed in December 2011 by an abusive parent.
Watson and Mooty were a couple at the time when it was reported in December 2011, the boy was injured in a "fall" and taken to the hospital to be treated. The boy's injuries didn't amount to a fall! The police and county prosecutors didn't think the story matched up! With an indictment by the prosecutor, the mother and her boyfriend were charged with murder.

The police charged Watson with murder and Mooty with reckless endangerment and allowing child abuse.

Watson was recently sentenced for 15 to life in prison. Watson has a child with Mooty. He may never see his child ever grow up! Mooty right now is going to face her fate soon. Mooty could get 10 years to life if she is found guilty in this. She may lose her children to adoptive services and my friend will go through legal limbo to obtain custody.

They both realized that the court system is brutal on bad parents.

My Note To The Underwritten:

My friend isn't perfect. He's a struggling person with his own personal demons. For over 10 years, we've been friends. Through the good times and often bad times, I've tried to be there as much as I could! He didn't need my help, so we moved on!

My friend has a perennial habit of moving from home to home, job to job, from a girl to another girl, and from jail to court!

His personal demons began when he became a first time father! He met a woman near one of his jobs and became a father to his first child. He would eventually bailed out on his responsibilities as a parent.

He would later have two other sons by Michelle Mooty and eventually bail out on them. Although he loved his children, he wanted to venue into dead ends like drug dealing, selling stolen property and making enemies with friends and family. This all came to head when he realized that day he would never see his youngest son alive ever again!

As his first child grows up to become a teenager and his second child begins to understand life itself, my friend has to "get his ass" together to better himself for the sake of his children.

Now I've haven't spoken to him in nearly a year. I can only assume he'll have more children and keep a memory of his son either through his part-time career as a rapper or tattoos on his body. Something symbolic.

My other two friends are struggling as well.

My friend's first child comes from one my friends. She struggles as a mother of two with thoughts of her mother. Her mother was killed in a domestic violence dispute when she was very young and it permanently scarred her for life.

The last friend explained is former ex-girlfriend. This one comes from a troubled home. Being a rape survivor and a shooting victim seven years ago in December hasn't changed her from the reckless behavior. She nearly died in 2005, after one of her boyfriends shot her in the chest.

Each of these individuals are troubled. They've relied on me for years for personal advice and help in crisis after crisis. Each of them had opportunities as I to move on with success. Yet, we're still here with the burden of our personal demons.

I concluded that it's time to move away from them! I figured that problems may come and go from time to time, I figured that I exhausted my options and will no longer be a reliable friend.

I wish them all well, but as of today, they're issues aren't my problems anymore! I've got my own problems to deal with!

Saturday, February 02, 2013

Applebee's Cans Worker After Complaining Online About Rude Customer!

Ill will: Applebee's waitress Chelsea Welch was shown the door two days after she posted Pastor Alois Bell's passive aggressive memo on Reddit
Ms. Chelsea Welch, I've been in your shoes! I promise it'll get better! - Blue Light Buzz
Customer leaves server an offensive message on a receipt. The server post it on the social networks and she gets fired for the posting!

A lesson to me and millions of users of the social networks, once you post something and it hits the internet, it's there forever. And it could get you in trouble not only with your family, but your job! It could get you a lawsuit! It could lead to law enforcement arresting you! The digital fingerprint is just easy to obtain than a person's fingerprint!

Take this as a lesson to how bad publicity eventually gets a worker fired. And even though, she didn't intend on making her job look bad, her behavior express irresponsibility and lack of judgment.

The young woman Chelsea Welch, a server at a St. Louis area Applebee's got stiffed a tip from a customer.

The customer leaves a not so nice comment on the receipt and the young woman took it to Reddit and it went viral.

I am assuming that the customer got the death threats and probably a dose of national shame. So in order to get revenge, the customer calls the corporate offices of Applebee's. The company had no choice but to fire the young woman.

Even though Chelsea deserves to vent off her frustration with rude customers, her position is to basically shrug it off and move on! And yes it's very hard to take it! But if you work in retail, it's best to satisfy the customer.

The customer was a pastor of a local church. Alois Bell is the person who left the message "I Give God 10%, Why Do You Get 18%?

Speaking out: Pastor Alois Bell says the note was a 'lapse in judgment'
Alois Bell, the pastor who caused a controversy!
The Daily Mail tells the tale of a pastor, a waitress and the not so "GODLY" tip!

An Applebee's waitress has been fired after a bizarre handwritten note from an annoyed customer turned into the latest internet sensation.

The waitress in St Louis, Missouri, identified as Chelsea Welch, was shown the door two days after she posted the passive aggressive memo on the popular site

Next to the line indicating that an 18 per cent tip had been automatically added to the bill, the customer, a local pastor, crossed out the tip total, replaced it with a 'zero' and wrote: the offensive message.

She then signed the bill 'Pastor Alois Bell.'

Befuddled, Ms. Welch posted a photo of the bill on Reddit with the headline: 'My mistake sir, I'm sure Jesus will pay for my rent and groceries.'
Fired Applebee's waitress Chelsea Welch
Chelsea Welch was served her walking papers after posting a complaint about a rude customer on Reddit.
Ms. Welch said she was not the waitress who received the note, and posted it on behalf of a fellow Applebee's worker.

But as the posting took on a life of its own on the internet this week, Ms.Welch was fired.

She said that she's a dedicated employee and was shocked to hear the news.

Ms. Welch told The Consumerist: 'When I posted this, I didn't represent Applebee's in a bad light. In fact, I didn't represent them at all. I did my best to protect the identity of all parties involved. I didn't break any specific guidelines in the company handbook - I checked.

She went on: 'But because this person got embarrassed that their selfishness was made public, Applebee's has made it clear that they would rather lose a dedicated employee than lose an angry customer. That's a policy I can't understand.'

In a statement to The Smoking Gun, Applebee's spokesman Dan Smith said: 'Our franchisee has apologized to the guest,' and that the employee who posted the bill to Reddit 'is no longer employed by the franchise.'

Speaking to KTVI-TV on Thursday, the pastor said she should have thought better of the message she wrote.

Ms. Bell, who preaches at the Truth in the Word Deliverance Ministries, told the station: That was a lapse in my judgment. I should've have did that. I apologize for that. I'm human. I did that.'

She also said that despite reports, she didn't stiff the waitress. In fact, she left two tips - the 18 percent automatic tip and an additional $6 she left on the table.

Also on Thursday, a 'Boycott Applebee's for Chelsea Welch' page sprung up on Facebook, with users venting their outrage against the chain and one user even offering Ms. Welch a job.

This pastor is a Black woman. The server was a White woman.

A big Black woman! A young White woman!

Guess what this is going to do?

I'll bet you that the moment it hits the conservative/White supremacist bubble, it's going to be another word salad mixed with racial slurs and nuts! Of course another dig at President Barack Obama and primates!

Friday, December 28, 2012

Fashion Bug Closes!

Women's clothing apparel store closing up shop!

Women may find dismay in this story. The nation's low price women's clothing store is going out of business. In 2013, a new company took over and their vision is to stomp on Fashion Bug.

Ascena Retail Group Inc. has completed its buyout of Charming Shoppes Inc., which owns the chain, and now plans to close the remaining several hundred Fashion Bug stores by early next year.

Fashion Bug will join Catherine's, Lane Bryant, Justice and Dress Barn in the new wave of consolidation.

No telling how many jobs will be lost in the acquisition of this retail store.

The New York based firm will begin immediate closing of all stores by early 2013. Fashion Bug is a women's fashion apparel retailer located in strip shopping centers. Fashion Bug offers fashion apparel and accessories in plus and misses.

The Charming Shoppes is a specialty and plus size clothing retail holding company based in Bensalem, Pennsylvania; a suburb of Philadelphia. Its subsidiaries are Lane Bryant, Fashion Bug, Cacique and Catherines Plus. Clothes are sold from over 2300 retail stores in the United States, as well as numerous catalogs and online sites. Charming Shoppes was founded in 1940, went public in 1971, and was ranked 810th on the 2010 Fortune 1000.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Cleveland Mom Arrested In Death Of Missing Son!

Emilliano Terry was killed by his own mother. The little boy made national news after it was reported by his mother Camilia Terry that he was abducted by a stranger at a park. 
We here at Journal de la Reyna send our condolences to the young boy Emilliano Terry.

Tragedy in the state of Ohio. In the city of Cleveland, there were reports of a missing young boy. The missing boy made the national news. People were searching around Cuyahoga County for the child. It was reported by the mother, Camilia Terry.

The police were convinced that the statements made by the mother weren't constant with the case.

They had a garbage truck tracked and ordered the company Waste Management to watch for any actions from the mother.

Newsnet 5 Cleveland, ABC affiliate reports the Cleveland mom has been arrested in the death of her 3-year-old son after police found what they believe is the body of the young boy at a waste-treatment plant, according to authorities.

Cleveland police said Monday they're holding Camilia Terry, 20, at Cuyahoga County Jail to await charges in the death of her son, Emilliano Terry.
Camilia Terry, Emilliano Terry, Kossuth Park_20121126115938_JPG
Camilia Terry was arrested in the death of her son. The mother of three misled the public on the whereabouts of her son.
"We come here with heavy hearts, I'm sure you understand. Today, at approximately 4 o'clock, a body of a small child matching the description of Emilliano Terry was discovered at a waste treatment plant in Oakwood Village," Cleveland Police Chief Michael McGrath said, according to ABC News affiliate WEWS-TV.

"So, in other words, right now, currently, we are treating this as a homicide, rather than a missing person or abduction."

An autopsy will be performed later today to determine how Terry died.

Camilia Terry told police her son vanished Sunday just after 5 p.m. as she was pushing one of her other children on a swing in Kossuth Park.

"I'm calling you because I'm at a park and my son is missing," Terry told a 911 dispatcher.

"How long has it been since you last saw him?" a 911 operator asked.

"Fifteen minutes ago. I was looking everywhere for him, I can't find him," the mother of three told the dispatcher while sobbing.

Police and the FBI began searching for the boy Sunday. A volunteer group, the Guardian Angels, searched garages and abounded homes in the area, according to WEWS.

While the authorities where in Terry's neighborhood Monday, they noticed a garbage truck leaving the family's home, Det. Ed Tomba told reporters at a news conference Monday evening.

Police took down the truck's information and contacted Waste Management Inc. FBI agents went to the facility and found a body believed to be Emilliano inside trash bags, according to police.

Cleveland Police Commander Deon McCauley said Camilia Terry's story changed during questioning Monday.
Body found at Waste Management Center in Cleveland.
"Some time during the day, of today, the statements of Miss. Terry became very inconsistent and we decided that we would further investigate her involvement in this situation," he said.

Officers told WEWS that Terry has not admitted to any crime. Her other two children are now with Cuyahoga County Children and Family Services.

Cleveland police said they plan to search the family's home again, according to WEWS.

Earlier, Cleveland police have released the 911 call from Camilia Terry reporting her 3-year-old son missing from Kossuth Park on Sunday.

"I'm calling you because I'm at a park and my son is missing," the 20-year-old mother tells a 911 dispatcher.

Clearly upset, Camilia has trouble explaining which park they're at, with the dispatcher asking her to spell the name of the park that she sees on the sign.

"Kossuth," the woman spells out.

Camilia then describes her 3-year-old son Emilliano Terry to the dispatcher.

"He's wearing a red and black sweater with blue jeans and black and blue tennis shoes. He got a gray coat," Camilia explains.

Dispatcher: How long has it been since you last saw him?

Camilia: 15 minutes ago. I was looking everywhere for him and I can't find him.

The dispatcher tells her to stay at the park until police get there.

Dispatcher: Was there anyone else around?

Camilia: No, it was just me and my two other kids.

Still crying, Camilia hangs up with 911 after they tell her police are en route.

The young boy was reported missing around 5:05 p.m. Sunday. Camilia said she was pushing her 5-year-old in a swing and when she turned around Emilliano was gone.

The FBI is now involved in the search. They, along with Cleveland police, are looking at surveillance videos from nearby businesses to see what the cameras caught and corroborate the story.

This issue contributes to the ongoing coverage of missing people. One in particular is missing white woman syndrome (MWWS). Many critics say that the disproportionate degree of coverage in television, radio, newspaper and magazine reporting of an adversity, most often a missing person case, involving a young, white, upper-middle class (frequently blonde) woman or girl is unbelievable.

This degree of coverage is usually contrasted with cases concerning a missing male, or missing females of other ethnicities, socioeconomic classes or physical attractiveness

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Judge Orders "Idiot" Mom To Stand Outside With Sign!

Holding this sign isn't shit! Wait til' I get back on the road! - Shena Hardin
Keep the classy, America.

A Black woman becomes the icon of idiot parenting! She went through a stopped school bus on the sidewalk. It was filmed and posted on the internet. The judge who sentenced this woman gave her a stiff punishment. Since she doesn't show an ounce of remorse for her actions, Judge Pinkey Carr ordered her to stand outside the area where she ran passed the school bus with a sign calling her "idiot".

Standing outside in a neighborhood of Cleveland, Ohio, the woman wearing her black coat, black hat, sunglasses, jeans, leather boots and the sign. Of course the international media, snapping her picture and making her the butt of ridicule for her reckless driving.

CBS News reports that Shena Hardin, the woman caught on camera driving on a sidewalk to pass a stopped school bus, completed the second half of her sentence Wednesday of having to stand at a curb holding a sign warning people about idiots.

Judge Pinkey Carr, the Cleveland judge who gave the sentence.
Judge Pinkey Carr was unhappy that Hardin, 32, was smoking and texting during Tuesday's punishment and planned to personally supervise the defendant on Wednesday. But Carr later said sent word that she changed her mind. She gave no reason why.

Carr ordered Hardin to stand with a sign reading, "Only an idiot would drive on the sidewalk to avoid a school bus."

Hardin wore headphones and ignored passers-by Tuesday. The judge told WKYC-TV  she felt Hardin wasn't sufficiently holding up the sign and was "missing the point."

The Plain Dealer also reports that Cleveland Municipal Judge Pinkey Carr's unusual sentencing of the woman who kept blowing past a stopped school bus by driving onto the sidewalk.

Carr ordered that Shena Hardin stand on the corner of East 38th Street and Superior Avenue Tuesday and Wednesday morning holding a sign that reads: "Only an idiot would drive on the sidewalk to avoid a school bus."

"When I first saw it on the news, my reaction was 'What an idiot!' " explained the judge. "Then I was a little surprised to find out it was only a minor misdemeanor, so I couldn't send her to the workhouse."
Turns out the sentencing has made news across the world.

The BBC interviewed the judge this week. And NBC's Today Show sent former local TV anchor Scott Newell, now a freelancer, to record an interview with the judge, which is expected to be aired Tuesday morning along with a live shot of Hardin holding her sign.
Shena Hardin smirks at the sentence.
Carr said she admires Painesville Municipal Court Judge Michael Cicconetti, who has garnered national headlines for years with his "creative justice" sentences.

"I did take a page right out of his playbook," she said.

Once again these type of stories agitate the conservatives and White supremacists. They already upset that Cleveland residents overwhelmingly voted for President Barack Obama over Mitt Romney.

This is rounds up like that woman who was from Cleveland shouting that she's getting an Obama phone because she's voting for President Barack Obama.

Republicans are trying their hardest to overcome the post election hangover! The post election hangover has these idiots becoming unhinged.

The video that went viral: Shena Hardin runs on the sidewalk and didn't notice that a Cleveland Police officer was doing traffic surveillance.

The video that shames Shena Hardin.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Louisiana Mom Burned Alive Could Be.... A Hoax!

Sharmeka Moffitt may have lied to federal authorities when she claimed that she was badly burned by a group of individuals. She claimed it was an act of the domestic terrorist group the Ku Klux Klan. Of course, this will be harped by conservatives from now until the election because it's a racial hoax by a Black person.
Before I was going to write another piece on the rise of right wing extremism. But I was kind of cautious about this one!

Sharmeka Moffitt, age 20 had a tragedy happen to her over the weekend. She was attacked by a group of men who allegedly raped her, burned her and carved Nigger and KKK in her vehicle.

At first you would think that horrible incident would merit the local authorities, U.S. Justice Department and FBI to investigate. But when they've poked through the holes, they've determined that it's a hoax and the woman may face serious charges for this incident.

Because if the notion of a violent crime was to be committed by an individual who has ties to White supremacists groups, I've figured that these people would likely kill this person! It's not likely they'll burn the individual without at least watching them die.

Now I remember sometime ago, Bethany Storro, a Washington state woman who accused a Black woman of splashing acid on her face. Well it turned out to be a hoax. The woman wanted to get a facial surgery and scorn her former boyfriend. Also Storro is writing a book about her hoax.
Ashley Todd tried to sabotage Barack Obama's presidential campaign in 2008 with a racial hoax. Todd claimed that a Black person mugged her and curved a backwards "B" in her face after he claimed he hated Senator John McCain (R-Arizona) the 2008 Republican nominee.
And the most famous racial hoax. Ashley Todd. The McCain volunteer who claimed a Black man mugged her and curved a backwards "B" in her cheek. That turned out to be a hoax and it splashed on the infamous conservative agitating website The Drudge Report. It was then hampered by Neil Cavuto, Neal Boortz and Rush Limbaugh during the later weeks of the 2008 U.S. Presidential Elections. The perception of the Black person being an Obama supporter drove the notion that violent events happen when Republican expresses their support of a nominee. That incident put Todd in bad company with the news media. I am guessing she's going to cast her vote for Mitt Romney with less scandal!

This tragedy would have brought forth the civil rights groups, liberal agitator Al Sharpton and conservative ire because it's an incident that involves race and the perpetration was a White person!

It's getting worse! From hanging effigies of the president, to spray painting racial slurs on the buildings of college campuses, some classify as hate crimes, some hoaxes.

In Louisiana. A woman was burned and her vehicle was curved with the infamous domestic terrorist group the Ku Klux Klan.
Bethany Storro accused a Black woman of splashing acid in her face. She made the story up in order to get facial surgery and get back at a scorned boyfriend.
It's unbelievable and it's gotten play on websites like The Raw Story, a liberal investigative journalism blog.

I took a few hours off the internet and word has it that the woman made the story up!

My famous words to racial hoaxes: THAT BITCH LIED! 

And to make matters worse, she may end up hurting President Barack Obama in the long run. Because if the conservative media licks their chops, expect this to be another talking point to rile up White voters who have trouble accepting a Black president.

News One reports, the Louisiana woman who alleged that she was attacked and set on fire by men wearing “white hoodies,” lied about the incident according to police investigators, reports the Franklin Sun.

After analyzing the evidence at the State Police Crime Lab, it was discovered Moffitt’s fingerprints were on the cigarette lighter and the lighter fluid recovered near the wooded area around the crime scene.

“There is more physical evidence along those lines that back this up,” Thomas said.

At a news conference held at LSU Medical Center on Monday evening, Moffitt’s mother, Edna Moffitt said her daughter was in critical condition with third-degree burns on her arms and other areas and would undergo surgery Tuesday.

False rumors regarding the incident were spread on various social media outlets Sunday night just hours after the incident took place. On many of the Twitter and Facebook posts, users speculated the attack was a hate crime and Moffitt was attacked for wearing a President Obama t-shirt when she was “raped and burned alive”.

Moffitt’s mother and Thomas confirmed Monday that the Obama T-shirt rumor was false and there was no evidence of sexual assault.

A racial slur and the letters, KKK, that were written in toothpaste on Moffitt’s vehicle were linked to female DNA, authorities said.

“All of the evidence is pointing back to the victim inflicting this upon herself,” Thomas said. “No evidence has shown any other person was involved.”

“This case is solved,” Thomas added.

Pieces of the case fall apart after accuser confessed she made the story up!
She got a sympathy from hundreds of individuals hoping that the incident didn't rehash them days of racial tension in the south. What she's done is not permanently damaged her body, but made another reason to why White supremacists hate the Black community.

They hate us because in their opinion, we wear racism on our sleeves. And to make the notion of a Black person creating a racial hoax reminds the conservative/White supremacist bubble of Tawana Brawley or Crystal Magnum. This also gives them the notions of O.J. Simpson and The New Black Panthers standing outside of the polling station in Philadelphia.

And of course the conservative word salad is basically this was one of "OBAMA'S CHILDREN" in word play to the tragic shooting of Trayvon Martin being politicized by the president and conservative agitators.

Newone reports, the small town of Winnsboro, LA was thrust into chaos in the wake of the incident, and candlelight vigils were held for the “victim” as fears about a resurgence of hate crimes shook the area.

Franklin Parish Sheriff, Kevin Cobb, said that the town has remained united through the incident and they need to remain supportive:

“I want to thank the community, who under these stressful times they allowed law enforcement to do their job to seek information, collect evidence and follow the facts,” Cobb said. “Although I think what she did was wrong and had major consequences not only for her, but throughout our community and our country.

There’s something wrong here, and we need to help individuals like this. In the same way our community came to support her as a victim, I still hope the community will support her emotional and physical recovery.”

No charges have been filed against Moffitt. The Sun reports that the case has been turned over to the 5th Judicial District Attorney’s Office.

In a state with a history of unspeakable acts of violence against Black citizens, Moffitt’s claims were especially dangerous. Hopefully, the band-aid she has ripped off the racial tension in the town of Winnsboro does not cause any more conflict., Myrtle Beach/Florence SC, Weather

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Chevy Chase: I'm Not Like That! They Gave Me The Lines!

Famed comedian and director Chevy Chase is under fire for using a racial slur while on set of his program Community. The NBC program is a stable of the network and Chevy Chase is frustrated with the creative direction of the show. I think he wants out!

As one of the original members of SNL (Saturday Night Live), Chase has been known as a stable of the slapstick and witty humor that carried Lorne Michaels' show for over 30 years.

While it's confirmed by Deadline and entertainment news agitator E!, the Community star didn't direct his racial slur at the Black actors on the set.

Now what's this with the pass!

Conservatives are always thinking they're the butt of ire when it comes to racism. How about a liberal activist who supports the president but hates his script as Pierce Hawthorne, a millionaire who enrolls at Greendale due to boredom? The character Chase plays is often seen as the least liked member of the group due to his self-importance, incoherence and casual bigotry. Despite his apparent arrogance, Pierce is aware of his place in the group, and he often attempts to appear cooler, fit in, and make others like him more.

Chase's famed role as Clark Griswold, the famed patriarch of National Lampoon's Vacation movies, helped through cult classics such as  Caddyshack, Fletch, and ¡Three Amigos!

 He has hosted the Academy Awards twice (1987 and 1988) and briefly had his own late-night talk show, The Chevy Chase Show. Chase's return to the smaller screen has him kind of being a sideliner and not a headliner.

I guess he's not impressed with the role of the straight man!

E! News reported that the 69-year-old actor, who has voiced his opinions regarding the show numerous times, this time utilized the N-word.

Chevy Chase rants at Community creator in newly released voice mail and calls the show "mediocre sitcom"

However, it apparently was not directed towards African-American castmates Donald Glover and Yvette Nicole Brown but rather his discomfort with the way things were going with his narrow-minded character, Pierce, in which he suggested he may next be asked to call Glover's character Troy or Brown's character Shirley the N-Word.

He also reportedly  "apologized immediately" to his fellow castmembers.

But as he's expressed before, Chase has not had the smoothest ride while being on the NBC show. Chase even revealed to The Huffington Post: "It was a big mistake [taking the role]! I just sort of hung around because I have three daughters and a wife, and I figured out I might as well make some bread every week, so I can take care of them in the way they want."

He also added: "The hours are hideous, and it's still a sitcom on television, which is probably the lowest form of television."

So what has kept the man on the show? "I think the reason I have stuck around is because I love these kids, the cast—they are very good."

However, the feelings might not be mutual as Yvette took to Twitter in what may be a related post, tweeting, "I have the gift of walking away. Always have. #ThatIsAll."

Yvette Nicole Brown, Donald Glover, and Ken Jeong are people of color on the program.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

What A Boob! PA Shoplifter Lifts More Than Groceries!

Topless Shoplifter Eludes Police
Aishana Clayton 
Aishana Clayton makes herself the target of conservative and White supremacist ire! Another wacky event that features a Black person.

The usual stuff that drives bigots online to attack the Black community and President Barack Obama. They'll probably use the snide comment that this was one of [Obama's] children! The Pennsylvania police nab the young woman after she makes the decision to steal but when caught, "her girls" were present and accounted for.

The Upper Derby Police have to deal with shoplifting, but this one is getting a some attention.

According to the Huffington Post and NBC Philadelphia, Aishana Clayton was caught on camera stealing diapers from a Pathmark store in Upper Derby. Store security managed to apprehend her but she put up a fight and injured a 47 year old worker.

After Clayton managed to maneuver through the store security, she wiggled out of her shirt went showed her breast. While fleeing, she was apparently topless and got into a vehicle and left the store.

Many are surprised that she was bold enough to allow her breasts to be seen in the public.

"Her breasts were swinging as she ran to the car", said Upper Darby Police Superintendent Michael Chitwood.

Clayton is on parole until November 2012, but has four prior convictions for retail theft as well as arrests for aggravated assault and attempted murder.

She is facing charges of robbery, retail theft, simple assault, recklessly endangering another person and harassment.

Saturday, November 07, 2009

Does Precious stereotype big black women?

Excitement surrounding the film Precious continues to grow as the gripping tale of a young woman’s struggle to overcome her past opens in theaters. The film’s main character is Claireece “Precious” Jones, an abused teen mother who is dark-skinned, overweight and illiterate.

Fears that the movie would be viewed as exploitative, or suggest that all black women are like Precious nearly prevented the film from seeing the big screen.


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