Yeah, wake up that person who runs FightBigotry and those moronic agitators in the conservative media!
They've ignored the signs of growing tension in the conservative movement.
The rise of radicalism doesn't always contribute to Islam.
These individuals are focused on issues such birth certificates, abortion, illegal immigration, gun control, crime in urban communities, the raping of white women by men of color, attacks on White people by people of color, the issues of taxes, the rising debt, and Shi'ria law. The word salad of ignorance contributed by an irrational human being engaged in political warfare against President Barack Obama and his allies in the progressive movement.
Once again in the lovely state of Texas, an Austin man must have seen the actor Clint Eastwood speak at the Republican National Convention. The actor did an ad lib endorsement of Mitt Romney and stole the spotlight away from the nominee.
Clint Eastwood's infamous chair moment has the nation still talking. Apparently this Texan wanted to make a point. So what does he do?
He grabs an empty lawn chair and a noose.
Now some call it a vile threat against President Barack Obama.
Oh, I forgot USA Today also reported that a person in Virginia did the same thing as well.
USA Today reports that there's at least two reports of what may be a disturbing new protest trend against President Obama: Empty chairs hanging from trees .
A blogger who spotted a hanging chair with an attached sign reading "Nobama" in Centreville, Va., writes:
"This appears to be a crude metaphor for the lynching of President Obama."
A blogger in Texas wrote about a similar display in Austin.
The owner of the house in Virginia told WJLA-TV that he has taken down the chair and said the idea was inspired by Clint Eastwood's performance at the Republican Convention, in which the actor "interviewed" an empty chair meaning to represent Obama.
"I loved Clint Eastwood's speech," said Doug Burger, adding that the display has no racial connotations.
"I know how to build a noose," Burger said. "Really. If I wanted to make a noose, I could do that. I did not. I had no intention for that to occur."
The criticism is "really an attack on free speech," he added.
NBC News reported that the Secret Service is looking into the empty chair incidents.
"The Secret Service is aware of this and will conduct appropriate followup," spokesman Brian Leary told NBC.
Others think it's nothing but an attempt to show his love for Eastwood.
What do you think about it?