Baby face Victoria Jackson, a washed up celebrity and favorite among the Tea Party faithful. |
The former Saturday Night Live comedian continues to take the Republican Party to the "Land of Stupid".
When your limelight fades you become irrelevant. And today, Victoria Jackson you're a washed up celebrity.
The former comedian turned political agitator supports the Tea Party movement.
She occasionally appears at Tea Party rallies expressing her disdain for President Barack Obama and the Democratic Party.
Her political fame came when Fox News had her on to talk about the president, former SNL writer Al Franken and how to bring Republicans into the White House.
Jackson was one of the first conservative celebrities to come out against Al Franken. Franken once appeared on SNL and wrote films. He also was political analysis, book writer, and radio host. He is currently a U.S. Senator from Minnesota.
Mediaite and
Wonkette obtained some information about the washed up celebrity ranting on her personal blog about Black History Month.
She complains on her blog about the double standard! She says that
"if it wasn't for the WHITE MAN, you Blacks wouldn't have a month devoted to you!"
But she's not a racist! She does have Black friends!
The piece was obtained by Wonkette and cache by Google. Read carefully with discretion!
I wrote a uke song called “White Men Are Good” and sang it at a comedy club about 4 years ago. I could feel the audience tense up. Why?
Why is there a Black History Month but not a White History Month? Now, that the white race is becoming a minority in America, perhaps we need to make…say, January, White History Month.
The New York Times says, ” White births are no longer a majority in the United States.”
I’m just really tired of the white male, and especially the white conservative, Christian male being attacked in cartoons, movies, TV shows, politics, Affirmative Action, etc. It’s like in order to fix the “discrimination” problem, culture flipped the racism from “against blacks” to “against whites”. Why do we have to be “against” anyone? Aren’t we all equal?
Just for the record, white men invented rockets, space travel, airplanes, the automobile, the English language, the U.S.A., most medical advances, electricity, television, telescope, microscope, Ivy League Universities, the computer, the Internet, and on and on. I think white men should be praised and respected. White Christian Conservative Men especially, should be loved and adored. They were the backbone and originators of the greatest nation on earth. We need more of them now.
In November, 2012 The Blaze reported that Alec Baldwin tweeted, “…Obama’s re-election signaled the end of white, middle-aged Christian male dominance”.
Maybe that’s why our country is going to pot; our huge deficit, foreign attacks, crashing economy, racial and class warfare, immigration problems, bigger government, disappearing freedom, growing poverty, sky-rocketing unemployment, rancid immorality, more pregnant teens, etc. etc. – “the end of white, middle-aged Christian male dominance.” I’m just saying.
Find a white, middle-aged Christian man today and hug him. And then, encourage him and your white Christian sons to stand up, be leaders again, and save our country from the God-hating communists like Alec Baldwin and Obama.
Ukulele playing. |
Here's a reason to why I hate conservatives! Note: I didn't say Republicans.
People who are trapped in the bubble of Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and The Drudge Report.
People who create websites devoted to trashing women, Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Muslims, and even those in the LGBT community.
People who spread racial emails online and then get caught! Their excuse is that they're not like this.
People who can't accept the president shooting a rifle.
People who can't accept the president's birth certificate.
People who get riled up over the most trivial things done by the president. Whether he's eating Dijon mustard, or going on a golfing outing, to appearing on David Letterman, these people can't fathom anything he does.
People who think civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a Republican.
People who believe
ALL Republicans stood for the civil rights of all Americans.
People who believe that President Barack Obama is a socialist, communist, Marxist, etc.
People who comment online with racial slurs.
People who create phony profiles of me, you and others based on spite of political, racial, or social issues.
People who spent hours a day keyboard raging over a comment they don't agree with.
Victoria Jackson and people like her are what Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal said last month. Jindal criticized Republicans for being "The Stupid Party"!
The washed up celebrity as well as many associated with the Tea Party Movement and White Supremacist bubble made the victory of President Barack Obama even more sweeter.
In less than forty years, the White male population will decrease. Non-White births (Asian, Black and Hispanic) are growing at a faster rate. The Republicans are trying to dismiss the notion they're the WHITE PEOPLE'S PARTY!
90% of their members are White. 10% of the rest are whatever you can fit into a clown car!