Wednesday, June 12, 2024

U.S. Brokered Ceasefire Accepted By Hamas But Rejected By Israel!

Freedom or death.

Israel is the bad guy in this conflict. The United States and the West are backing the wrong horse. The U.S. has lost credibility. We pushed for an all out ban of Russia when they invaded Ukraine. The crimes committed by Russia and Ukraine are still ongoing.

What drove our focus so far is the genocide of children. Watching the evil Israeli regime clearly kill children has shifted focus. The U.S. is being called out for protecting the indefensible actions by its so-called ally.

From this point, Hamas is no longer regarded as a "terrorist organization" by me on this blog. A lot of online trolls will try to attack and use racial slurs against our blog, our agenda and the very fact that we value the lives of all humans.

I am done with the dehumanizing of human beings. Let me rephrase that!

I will work hard to defeat those who are dehumanizing. No.

Let me say that I have an agenda and it will not be supportive of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, conservative agitators, Fox, Raymond "Benzino" Scott, Tara Reade, Sean "Softball" Hannity, Donald J. Trump, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., AIPAC, the Anti-Defamation League, Jesse Lee Peterson, Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, Byron Donalds, Bill O'Reilly, Mark Levin and every obstacle to America.

Antony Blinkin is useless as Secretary of State.  He is ignoring the obvious.

The Secretary of State is calling for Hamas to agree to a brokered deal that the U.S. worked on for a ceasefire. The United Nations adopted the resolution.

Hamas stated it clearly, they want the occupation and full military removal of the Israeli regime from the Gaza Strip and West Bank. They want full sovereignty over their own lands, reparations and sanctions on Israel.

Hamas responded Tuesday to the U.S.-backed proposal for a cease-fire in Gaza, saying it wants some “amendments” on the deal. The group’s reply apparently fell short of an outright acceptance that the United States has been pushing for but kept negotiations alive over an elusive halt to the eight-month war.

Hamas spokesman Jihad Taha said the response included “amendments that confirm the cease-fire, withdrawal, reconstruction and (prisoner) exchange.” He did not elaborate.

While supporting the broad outlines of the deal, Hamas officials have expressed wariness over whether Israel would implement its terms, particularly provisions for an eventual permanent end to fighting and full Israeli withdrawal from Gaza in return for the release of all hostages held in Gaza.

Also Tuesday, the U.N. human rights office said both Israeli forces and Palestinian armed groups may have committed war crimes in connection with a deadly raid by Israeli forces that freed four hostages and killed at least 274 Palestinians over the weekend.

Israel’s war against Hamas in Gaza has killed more than 37,100 people, according to Gaza’s Health Ministry. Palestinians are facing widespread hunger because the war has largely cut off the flow of food, medicine and other supplies. U.N. agencies say over 1 million in Gaza could experience the highest level of starvation by mid-July.

Antony Blinkin can sit there and gaslight the world but the truth is he is enabling Israel and is shielding that evil regime from facing serious consequences.

The Israeli regime has rejected a two state solution. They have interfered in U.S. elections time after time with their proxy groups the ADL and AIPAC throwing money to primary challengers against Cori Bush, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, Thomas Massie and Jamaal Bowman. They are literally influencing our lawmakers into banning TikTok, criminalizing boycotts against the regime and equating anti-Zionism with antisemitism. 

They literally are spying on Muslims, Christians, protesters and organizations opposed to the regime's actions.

The Israeli regime is trying to force Americans to hate. The regime is rooting for Trump and when he returns he and Republicans can start their Project 2025 bullshit and assist in the Greater Israel bullshit.

The Israeli regime wants American lawmakers to punish lawmakers, athletes, media personalities, religious leaders, social media influencers, adult entertainment and television shows who speak out against the regime.

The evil Israeli regime has fanned outrage over regime change, boycotting entertainers who support Israel, octopuses, buttons, protests at synagogues, protests at Holocaust museums, blocking roads, blocking bridges, boycotting companies and calling for international sanctions. 

Israel keeps calling it an attack on Jewish people and it amounts to antisemitic propaganda. 

Let me get this straight: You are more upset over words than actions. You upset over people rejecting a foreign country's narrative about sexual assault and war crimes. You are upset someone using their freedom of speech to criticize a foreign country engaged in a propaganda campaign to shield itself from war crimes and impunity. You are upset over people using their voices, their wallets and their time to protest an injustice. Well, get upset over your taxpayer money aiding foreign nations. Get upset over foreign nations killing Americans in a war funded by our taxpayer money. Get upset over the deaths of thousands in Haiti, Chad, Sudan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Syria, Venezuela, Myanmar, Mexico, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Ukraine and Palestine. 

The UN adopted the U.S. ceasefire proposal despite six other ones they rejected.

Get upset at your president, your senator, your representative, your governor, your state leader, your mayor and your local junk food media for bowing to the evil regime of Israel.

Could you name one damn thing Israel's done for the United States?

The Israeli government through its proxies are trying to sway American lawmakers into criminalizing criticism of its actions to antisemitism.

Israel's latest excuses to justify the genocide:
  • They claimed that Hamas wants to kill as many Jews as possible.
  • They claim that Hamas has underground tunnels under schools, hospitals and refugee camps.
  • They claim that Hamas was planning on building a dirty bomb.
  • They claim that Hamas are using civilians as human shields.
  • They claim that Hamas is ISIS.
  • They claim that Hamas had a copy of Mein Kampf inside a base in a children's bedroom.
  • They claim that Hamas was beheading 40 babies.
  • They claim that Hamas misfired a rocket at a hospital.
  • They claim that Hamas wants a regional war.
  • They claim that Hamas had top secret plans to attack the U.S. and Great Britain.
  • They claim that Hamas has a calendar that showed the shifts of who was watching the hostages.
  • They claim that Hamas shot female soliders in the buttocks and breasts.
  • They claim that Hamas shot dead a civilian and raped the victim's corpse,
  • They claim that Hamas has placed explosive devices on corpses.
  • They claim that Hamas has infiltrated college campuses in the U.S. and Great Britain.
  • They claim that Hamas support from individuals amounts to being a terrorist sympathizer.

Hamas is not raping women and there is no proof they done such a horrible act. It is part of the dehumanizing campaign Israel is promoting to influencers in the West. You see it when they are constantly deflecting from the images of Gaza being destroyed by American and European sponsored Israeli weapons. In their minds, they are justifying the brutal slaughter of children, men, women, journalists and doctors as collateral damage. 

Hamas stated the reasons for the attack on occupation forces. It has nothing to do with the Jewish religion or Iran. 

The IDF has the weapons to destroy everything. All on the American taxpayer, Israel has killed civilians, their own citizens and the status quo.

Holding these lawmakers accountable is not just a pledge, but a promise. You need to learn who represents your community. Your local community member, your school board member, your mayor, your state representative, your state senator, your governor, your U.S. Representative, your U.S. Senator and the president need to be held accountable for their actions. 

Israel must be held accountable for war crimes and the U.S. must end its aid. Our taxpayer money should help Israel any further.

They are feeling it. Democrats know the risk of supporters being turned off by their policies. They know that Biden is under extreme pressure to do something. Arab Americans, Muslim and young voters have vowed to never back Biden putting his reelection chances in danger.

The call number to the White House and U.S. Capitol is now going to be used. This is the official White House numbers 202-456-1111 and 202-456-1414. This is the Congress official phone number, 202-224-3121. Please be respectful to operators, staff members and elected leaders. Your calls are monitored by the U.S. Secret Service and U.S. Capitol Police. 

Let them know that "thoughts and prayers," "hearts going to" and "good guys with guns" are no longer acceptable and you want legislation to curb gun violence. Let them know that we are tired of police officers using immunity when committing death of suspects in custody. Let them know that you are tired of private equity firms getting away with destroying small businesses and long established companies. Let them know that you are tired of your taxpayer money going to foreign nations like Israel. You are tired of hearing about "Israel having a right to..." and the bogus claims of being anti-semitic or in support of terrorism. You want an immediate ceasefire and accountability for war crimes done by Israel. You want no more foreign influence in American elections. You also want to make sure future presidents and lawmakers avoid influence from lobbyists.

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