Thursday, June 06, 2024

Matt Eddy Should Have Met The 🪑!

This man caught the digital dash.

Winners and losers of 2024.

Thanks to his infamous storming the stage of his daughter's graduation, Matt Eddy and his daughter just earned themselves the "digital dash."

Just when I thought I was going to avoid voting for President Joe Biden because of his support of Israel, I had an epiphany. It seems like stopping white supremacy from growing is going to be a main concern for me as well.

Former president Donald J. Trump and Republicans are a threat to Black America. For any Black person supporting Trump, that's clearly on them. The former president and his allies are hoping for Project 2025 and Greater Israel. They are working hard to destroy Black America and those who support Trump are not understanding the dangers of putting that incompetent man back in power. Especially knowing Trump is a convicted felon and their regards for "law and order" are no longer valid talking points.

Trump and Republicans have now resorted to calling DEI a threat to America.

If you aren't aware of the abbreviation, it is called: Diversity, Equality and Inclusion.

The far right is equating that word to..... well you know.

The video seen around the world has the city of Baraboo, Wisconsin talking.

Why did a white father rushed the stage and accosted a Black superintendent?

Apparantly, he didn't want his daughter to shake his hand. Some are claiming that it was a personal feud between the school superintendent and his daughter being suspended for unbecoming behavior. Regardless of what happened in the past and the present, the future is looking dark for dad.

People found out his employer and they are going for his neck.

The far right is doing their best to not claim this was racism. I mean they are so desperately trying to defend this knucklehead.

What gets me is that the superintendent does not have the power to punish students.

It's up to the school principal or vice principal to decide on the fate of students.

The school board is responsible for teachers and staff. The superintendent is the representative of the school board.

The whole incident has made Republicans loose their shit. They are claiming that the superintendent is terrible and Eddy was reacting to "incompetence."

Who allowed a white man to jump on stage and shove a Black school superintendent?

It's always "blame the victim" when the victim is Black. We are to believe out off all the school administrators, principal, vice principal, teachers, coaches, custodians, lunch preparers and bus drivers, the white father just happens to accost the only Black man on stage because of some personal grudge!

These folks need to visit Montgomery, Alabama. They need to see my cousin, the folding chair. The folding chair doesn't argue. 

The district released a statement Monday confirming the parent interrupted graduation and was escorted off stage and out of the venue by police. He was referred to the Sauk County District Attorney's Office for disorderly conduct.

Baraboo High School Superintendent Rainey Briggs has filed a restraining order against a former student’s father after he charged onstage and pushed him during a graduation.

The school issued a statement in regards to this controversial incident.

"Our primary focus remains on celebrating the achievements of our graduates," the district said in the statement. "We want to ensure that the significance of this milestone and the hard work of our students are not overshadowed by this unfortunate event. The evening celebrated their accomplishments, and we are incredibly proud of each of them."

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