Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Netanyahu Comes To The U.S. With A BS Sideshow!

Republicans in 2015 invited Israeli evil regime's Benjamin Netanyahu to spite Barack Obama.

Project 2025 and Greater Israel are threats to democracy. The U.S. must make a choice to whether they continue to support this rogue nation as it pushes the Americans closer to global war or the possibility of a former president returning to power and the far right initiate their agenda.

The International Criminal Court has an active warrant for Netanyahu. Should he enter the U.S. he could be arrested by Interpol. 

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) has defied the White House by inviting an evil man once again to speak at a Joint Session of Congress in July. Almost 10 years ago, the very same evil man spoke to the American people of a hypothetical attack on the U.S. and the risks of siding with the enemy.

The former House Speaker, John Boehner and the late Orin Hatch back watching that evil man Benjamin Netanyahu rant against the P5+1 agreement.

Boehner defied the White House by allowing this controversial foreign leader speak out against a monumental deal that would have stabilized peace.

The Obama Administration worked with Great Britain, Russia, China, France and Germany for nearly two years to negotiate a deal with Iran. Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) was the culmination of 20 months of negotiations. The European Union also assisted in directly working out any issues.

It was a monumental effort to get Iran to agree to not developing any nuclear weapons.

The Israeli regime was opposed to it. 

Former president Barack Obama was hammered by Republicans and Israeli leaders for this. The negotiations primarily centered around imposing restrictions on Iran's critical nuclear facilities, including the Arak IR-40 reactor, Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant, Gachin Uranium Mine, Fordow Fuel Enrichment Plant, Isfahan Uranium Conversion Plant, Natanz Uranium Enrichment Plant, and the Parchin Military Research complex.

The agreement was formally activated only January 2014. The United States ultimately withdrew from the pact in 2018 under former president Donald J. Trump and new sanctions were imposed under the policy of "maximum pressure." The new sanctions applied to all countries and companies doing trade or business with Iran and cut the country off the international financial system, rendering the economic provisions of the nuclear deal framework null.

Trump would also commit to moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem and recognizing the city as the "true capital" of Israel. Most countries recognize Jaffa (Tel Aviv-Yafo) as the official capital.

Obama had told David Cameron, François Hollande and Angela Merkel that he despises Netanyahu with a passion. He felt that Netanyahu was standing in the way of easing tensions.

George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Donald J. Trump and now Joe Biden all bend over backwards to appease Israel. They have done far more to protect Israel than the United States.

We went into Iraq based on faulty intelligence provided by Israel, propped up by Bush, Dick Cheney, Colin Powell and Donald Rumsfeld. We took information from Israel in regards to the ouster of Muammar Gaddafi, Hosni Mubarak, Zine El Abidine Ben Ali and Ali Abdullah Saleh. We took information from Israel to assassinate Qasem Soleimani.

The ADL and AIPAC have spied on lawmakers, television personalities and celebrities.

Anyone who opposed Israeli interests were called sympathizers of terrorism, anti-semitics, traitors and other dehumanizing rhetoric. 

Obama faced it as many Republicans and Trump spreaded the Muslim, birther and radical label on him. Israel had a hand in this because they hated Obama.

Israelis called him a dirty...... well you know.

Biden is being called by Israelis, a senile old fart. Israel is rooting for the return of Trump.

Israel felt Trump would defend them regardless of their crimes.

Netanyahu making his return to Congress is a desperate attempt to keep members of the House in line.

Only five Republicans oppose Israeli funding and 30 Democrats oppose it.

Many Democrats are boycotting the speech. They rather focus on actual issues that affect our country. 

Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) is going to join the Democrats in boycotting Netanyahu. He is calling out Republicans for abandoning the so-called America First for Israeli interests. 

He survived a strong primary challenger sponsored by AIPAC. 

Republicans and Fox have called the boycott a "terrroist sympathizing from the far left."

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