Wednesday, May 29, 2024

World Leaders Demand U.S. Cut Israel Loose!

Israel is the real terrorist.

We have lost our influence on the world. President Joe Biden, former president Donald J. Trump and Congress are viewed very unfavorably with world leaders. They see that American arrogance is the cause of the world's problems.

We are backing the wrong horse.

Let me be clear:


Israel will be a 2024 issue. Once this pass, I get the feeling that Biden will be the last U.S. president to support Israel. 

Presidents after Biden (hopefully Trump never wins a second presidency) will come to realize that Israel was the bad guy all along. Just so we are clear: Donald J. Trump and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. support Israel also. 

Over 150 countries have condemned the airstrike done by the Israeli regime on the Rafah refugee camp where that regime told civilians it was a "safe zone."

Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar are threatening to expel the Israeli ambassadors and they want force an embargo on the nation. The U.S. continue to block efforts to punish Israel and it has the United Nations furious. 

The IDF and Eygptian military forces clash at the Rafah crossing resulting in death.

Images showed the area engulfed in flames as screaming Palestinians fled for safety, with some video shared on social media showing disturbing images, including severely burned corpses and a man holding what appeared to be the headless body of a small child.

The strike drew condemnation from world leaders just days after the United Nations' top court ordered Israel to halt its offensive on the southern Gaza city, where more than a million people had sought refuge.

In an address to the Knesset on Monday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called the strike “a tragic incident," his office said, clarifying comments made in Hebrew that could be translated in English as either “a tragic mishap” or “a tragic mistake.”

“We are investigating the case and will draw conclusions, because this is our policy," he said.

Nikki Haley doing her due diligence by writing her name on artillery shells.

As global outcry mounted, the Israel Defense Forces initially said that it had targeted two senior Hamas leaders, that it did not strike a designated humanitarian area and that it took steps to reduce the risk of harming civilians. It said a full investigation would be conducted into "the deaths of civilians in the area of the strike."

Qatar warned the airstrike could hinder efforts to reach a cease-fire deal, which had been renewed in Europe over the weekend. Adding to tensions, Egypt's military said one of its soldiers was killed after a firefight with Israeli forces was reported at the Rafah border area.

The IDF confirmed that “a shooting incident occurred on the Egyptian border,” adding that the incident was under review and that discussions were being held with the Egyptians.

Benjamin Netanyahu refuses to end this. 

Former UN Ambassador and failed Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley went to Israel to sign her name on the ammunition that Israel uses on civilians. 

The IDF said its strike targeted two Hamas leaders who it said were responsible for organizing terrorist attacks in the occupied West Bank area. It said that it was aware of reports that civilian tents were ignited in the strike and that the incident was "under review."

In a subsequent statement, the IDF said the airstrike was based on "prior intelligence information regarding the presence of the senior Hamas terrorists at the site." It said that before the strike "a number of steps were taken to reduce the risk of harming uninvolved civilians" and that "it was assessed that there would be no expected harm to uninvolved civilians."

Israel went to Rafah despite Biden's tepid warnings.

It said an investigation was underway into "the circumstances of the deaths of civilians in the area of the strike. The IDF regrets any harm to uninvolved civilians during combat."

In a statement, Hamas described the strike as a horrific “massacre." It did not confirm the death of the commander or the senior leader.

Earlier Sunday, Hamas' military wing announced a missile barrage into Israel targeting Tel Aviv, the first in many weeks. The IDF said that eight projectiles were identified crossing from the area of Rafah into Israeli territory and that a number had been intercepted.

From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free! 🇵🇸 🍉

Israel for way too long has manipulated me with this endless victimhood. All the while pushing for an ethno-nationalist state, Israeli government leaders [both left and right] have called for the eradication of the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and West Bank.

The operatives have operated with shell agencies like the American Israel Public Affairs Committee and the Anti-Defamation League. These organizations operated at the behest of Israel.

The evil Israeli regime has fanned outrage over regime change, boycotting entertainers who support Israel, octopuses, buttons, protests at synagogues, protests at Holocaust museums, blocking roads, blocking bridges, boycotting companies and calling for international sanctions. 

Israel keeps calling it an attack on Jewish people and it amounts to antisemitic propaganda. 

Let me get this straight: You are more upset over words than actions. You are upset someone using their freedom of speech to criticize a foreign country engaged in a propaganda campaign to shield itself from war crimes and impunity. You are upset over people using their voices, their wallets and their time to protest an injustice. Well, get upset over your taxpayer money aiding foreign nations. Get upset over foreign nations killing Americans in a war funded by our taxpayer money. Get upset over the deaths of thousands in Haiti, Chad, Sudan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Syria, Venezuela, Myanmar, Mexico, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Ukraine and Palestine. Get upset at your president, your senator, your representative, your governor, your state leader, your mayor and your local junk food media for bowing to the evil regime of Israel.

Could you name one damn thing Israel's done for the United States?

The Israeli government through its proxies are trying to sway American lawmakers into criminalizing criticism of its actions to antisemitism.

Israel's latest excuses to justify the genocide:
  • They claimed that Hamas wants to kill as many Jews as possible.
  • They claim that Hamas has underground tunnels under schools, hospitals and refugee camps.
  • They claim that Hamas was planning on building a dirty bomb.
  • They claim that Hamas are using civilians as human shields.
  • They claim that Hamas is ISIS.
  • They claim that Hamas had a copy of Mein Kampf inside a base in a children's bedroom.
  • They claim that Hamas was beheading 40 babies.
  • They claim that Hamas misfired a rocket at a hospital.
  • They claim that Hamas wants a regional war.
  • They claim that Hamas had top secret plans to attack the U.S. and Great Britain.
  • They claim that Hamas has a calendar that showed the shifts of who was watching the hostages.
  • They claim that Hamas shot female soliders in the buttocks and breasts.
  • They claim that Hamas shot dead a civilian and raped the victim's corpse,
  • They claim that Hamas has placed explosive devices on corpses.
  • They claim that Hamas has infiltrated college campuses in the U.S. and Great Britain.
  • They claim that Hamas support from individuals amounts to being a terrorist sympathizer.

Hamas is not raping women and there is no proof they done such a horrible act. It is part of the dehumanizing campaign Israel is promoting to influencers in the West. You see it when they are constantly deflecting from the images of Gaza being destroyed by American and European sponsored Israeli weapons. In their minds, they are justifying the brutal slaughter of children, men, women, journalists and doctors as collateral damage. 

Hamas stated the reasons for the attack on occupation forces. It has nothing to do with the Jewish religion or Iran. 

The IDF has the weapons to destroy everything. All on the American taxpayer, Israel has killed civilians, their own citizens and the status quo.

Holding these lawmakers accountable is not just a pledge, but a promise. You need to learn who represents your community. Your local community member, your school board member, your mayor, your state representative, your state senator, your governor, your U.S. Representative, your U.S. Senator and the president need to be held accountable for their actions. 

We need to put pressure on Democrats and Republicans to do something to improve everyone's lives.

Israel will be defeated.

Keep pressure on them with Israel. 

Israel must be held accountable for war crimes and the U.S. must end its aid. Our taxpayer money should not help Israel any further.

They are feeling it. Democrats know the risk of supporters being turned off by their policies. They know that Biden is under extreme pressure to do something. Arab Americans, Muslim and young voters have vowed to never back Biden putting his reelection chances in danger. They beg Americans for political donations while using our taxpayer money to fund Israel and these stupid lobbyists.

Not one penny will go to Biden, Democrats, Kennedy, Trump and Republicans. 

The call number to the White House and U.S. Capitol is now going to be used. This is the official White House numbers 202-456-1111 and 202-456-1414. This is the Congress official phone number, 202-224-3121. Please be respectful to operators, staff members and elected leaders. Your calls are monitored by the U.S. Secret Service and U.S. Capitol Police. 

Let them know that "thoughts and prayers," "hearts going to" and "good guys with guns" are no longer acceptable and you want legislation to curb gun violence. Let them know that you are tired of your taxpayer money going to foreign nations like Israel. Let them know this law on TikTok is a ban on free speech. You are tired of hearing about "Israel having a right to..." and the bogus claims of being anti-semitic or in support of terrorism.

We have bigger issues at home and our tax dollars should solve the housing crisis, lowering food prices, fixing roads, bridges, helping reinvest in struggling urban and rural communities. We have hospitals closing, big box retailers leaving communities and television programs dying. There are bigger issues in the country than Israel. You want an immediate ceasefire and accountability for war crimes done by Israel. You want no more foreign influence in American elections. You also want to make sure future presidents and lawmakers avoid influence from lobbyists.

If anyone trolls you about condemning Hamas for Oct. 7, 2023, kindly ignore them or respectfully tell them that Israel has committed an illegal occupation of Gaza, East Jerusalem, Golan Heights and the West Bank. They shoot innocent civilians and indiscriminately bomb heavily populated areas in Gaza and the West Bank. 

Will you condemn the actions of Israel if I have to condemn Russia, Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas?

If you're upset over protests, why are you not upset over the treatment of innocent people being killed by Israel?

If you're upset over TikTok being a danger, why are you not upset over X, Instagram, Facebook, Rumble, Threads, YouTube and Truth Social?

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