Saturday, May 25, 2024

Big Perry We Gonna Keep Fighting For You And Palestine!

George Floyd change the world.


If the Republican Party is the party that freed the slaves, why is it the party continuing to protect the remnants of the Confederacy?

If George Floyd was a criminal and deserved to die for an alleged phony bill, why is Ashli Babbitt not a criminal for breaking into the U.S. Capitol, shoving police and ignoring lawful warnings of force not a criminal?

If Joe Biden hates Black people, why did he get picked as his vice president by his former boss Barack Obama?

Why do the conservatives always compare their ungrateful actions in history to things that progressive done in the past?

If Martin Luther King, Jr. was alive today, would the Republican Party vilify him and cast him as a "DEI agitator" as they labeled Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Brandon Johnson, Brandon Scott, Barack Obama, Michelle Obama and Kamala Harris?

Today marks the four year anniversary of George Floyd's tragic death by the knee of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin. On May 25, 2020, Chauvin knelt on Floyd's neck for over nine minutes while Floyd was handcuffed and lying face down on the street, calling out "I can't breathe", during an arrest made with three other officers. Chauvin was dismissed by the Minneapolis Police Department (MPD) on May 26 and arrested on May 29. The murder set off a series of protests in Minneapolis–Saint Paul and across the rest of the United States, later spreading around the world.

Following his death, the City of Minneapolis settled a wrongful death lawsuit with Floyd's family for $27 million. Chauvin was convicted on two counts of murder and one count of manslaughter on April 20, 2021, and on June 25, 2021, was sentenced to 22 and a half years in prison. The other three officers at the scene were also later convicted of violating Floyd's civil rights.

As we mark today for the death that sparked a movement, we will now push for a Free Palestine 🇵🇸 and an end to funding aid and cover for Israel 🇮🇱.

The Israeli flag will be in the dustbin of history. The world will finally put Israel in its place and we will see a free sovereign Palestine.

Biden promised to get the George Floyd Policing Act into law. The president is stalled by House Republicans who control the majority, Senate Republicans who filibuster constantly, as well as Kyrsten Sinema, Joe Manchin and John Fetterman who oppose stripping the filibuster rule. Gridlock and insufferable actions by both parties.

Daunte Wright, Philando Castile, Justine Damond, Winston Boogie Smith, Jamar Clark, Amal Locke, Dolal Idd and Leneal Frazier were robbed of their lives by police violence.

We still fight a battle for the soul of our nation. Biden is on a tightrope.

Everyday I despise Biden's actions with Israel and the economy. It makes me very cautious about supporting his reelection. But every time I see Donald J. Trump, I remind myself of how he degraded Floyd, failed to take care of a deadly pandemic, constantly lie about issues, refuse to take accountability for his actions and led his supporters into almost uprooting the democracy he swore to uphold as president. 

Both of them are so fucking stupid. But given that Trump and Republicans will criminalize speech, punish Americans for having abortions, punish Americans for being transgender, remove the filibuster to ram through inappropriate laws and inexperienced federal workers.

Democrats are not good at messaging. They need to remind themselves that George Floyd matters. Palestinians matter. Ukrainians matter. International law matter. 

Today, we honor the movement that sparked at least small steps in how America views Blacks. 

Floyd's death changed television, radio, social media and some of our toxic politics.

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