Saturday, September 23, 2023

UAW Members Serve A Racist Heckler A Union Lunch!

Black UAW members serve a white racist a hot plate after he hurled racist threats at them.

While at a Stelliatis Plant in Metro Detroit, a white couple with their children hurled racial insults and threats of violence against striking United Auto Workers. 

Members served this couple a hot plate. 

Last week, the UAW members authorized a strike. This strike could cripple the U.S. manufacturing of American cars and the economy.

President Joe Biden has so many headaches going on in the country and world.

Russia is trying to regain its footing after its offensive against Ukraine went bust. Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy is urging American lawmakers to continue backing them. Republicans in the House of Representatives have failed to reach a deal with the White House. Now we may be heading towards a government shutdown.

There is a writer's and actor's strike. The Writers Guild of America and Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists are striking simultaneously.

It has a major impact on U.S. television programs. Filming in Los Angeles, Chicago, Atlanta, New York and other venues where films and programs are produced are halted.

All these strikes have an impact on the economy and our elections.

Biden has a 70% chance of winning reelection if the candidate is Washed Up 45. 

Biden is planning on meeting with union members in Detroit and the president of UAW.

Washed Up 45 is trying to court white voters and Black men. Seeing how he done well with the white vote and managed to win over 25% of the Black male vote, Washed Up 45 is now looking to make inroads with union members, a once powerful block loyal to the Democrats.

It is crazy that a union busting former president can make in roads with certain members.

The racist whites are backing Washed Up 45 in large numbers. This probably why one of them thought it would be funny to heckle striking auto workers.

UAW members picketing outside the Stellantis Center Line facility early Friday evening were greeted by a man driving by allegedly hurled racial slurs and insults at striking members. The footage caught by Fox Detroit.

The incident - caught on video as SkyFOX helicopter cameras were rolling - unfolded with the man stopping his SUV and getting into a verbal confrontation with a group of UAW members.

Video shows it quickly escalated with shoving and the man grabbing a striker's sign, wielding it as a weapon swinging at UAW members.

After backing up against a fence, punches were exchanged as a group of members traded blows with the man. At one point the man stumbled onto the ground where he absorbed additional punishment. 

The altercation appeared to simmer and the man returned to his vehicle when his wife got out, and can be seen throwing a piece of trash at the UAW members. 

At this point pushing and shoving took place with one UAW member swatting her head with his sign.

Inside the man's SUV were his children, who also took part in yelling at the workers and throwing things at them, the UAW official said. 

The man motioned like he had a weapon, leading to UAW members intervening to see if he had a (weapon) on him, he claimed.

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