Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Feds Charge Man, Tucker Carlson Called Fed Epps!

Now that he is charged, the far right doubles down.

Nothing will change the minds of these lunatics.

Washed Up 45 is still the president.

President Joe Biden has cognitive decline.

Vice President Kamala Harris is not Black.

Hillary Clinton got away with far worse things than Washed Up 45.

The junk food media is always on the side of the left.

The Republicans announced they will open the impeachment inquiry on Sept. 28. They better have solid evidence of wrongdoing by Biden. Cause if they are still riding on the conspiracy theories of Sean "Softball" Hannity.

The House has not offered a bill to keep the federal government open.

Conservatives are defending Russell Brand, a conspiracy theorist and comedian who is accused by seven women of sexual assault. They are returning to Hunter Biden and the Tara Reade allegations. The Russian operative and other entities are literally defending Brand as his whole empire crumbles.

One insurrectionist who became a household name to the far right as being tagged a "fed" is being criminally charged by the feds.

Ray Epps has finally been criminally charged for his role in the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol. He is still suing News Corp after former Fox host Tucker Carlson made the claims that Epps was a federal informant.

Epps was in Washington, DC on Jan. 5 and 6 with members of the Oath Keepers planning to defend Washed Up 45. The former president continues to push the lie that the election was stolen. He also hinted that Epps was solely responsible for the attack on democracy.

Epps and his wife were moving from place to place after the far right doxxed his home, business and phone.

According to court documents, Epps was charged with a misdemeanor count of disorderly or disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds. According to NBC News, “He was charged by information, which suggests that he plans to enter a plea deal.”

The fact that Epps wasn’t immediately charged with any wrongdoing became fodder for Carlson, who promoted the theory that Epps was really an undercover agent used by the FBI to rile up the crowd outside the Capitol. Other supporters of Washed Up 45 in the media latched on to the theory, which placed blame for the violence not on Trump and his supporters but on shadowy government forces.

The suspect is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

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