Sunday, November 20, 2022

Club Blood: Mass Shooting In Colorado Springs!

Mass shootings are happening frequently. The LGBTQ community is a target of far right extremist attacks.

A 22-year-old gunman entered an LGBTQ nightclub in Colorado Springs, Colorado, just before midnight Saturday and immediately opened fire, killing at least five p



An active shooter doesn't care about the politics, race, gender, sexuality, nationality, religion, your finances, your family, your plans that day, your successes, your failures, and most importantly, your life.

The shooter is motivated within seconds to take out as many people as he/she can.

What to do to protect your life.

1. Run - If you hear sounds like firecrackers, popping sounds or suspicious activities around a large gathering (i.e. malls, stores, clubs, public gatherings), if you can flee, run away from the shooter. Do not run in a straight path of the sight. Move around and zig-zag if possible to keep yourself out the line of fire. It's best to not film a shooter commiting the act. If you are willing to risk your life for a viral video, more power to you but its best to stay out of the line of fire by running away.

2. Hide - If you are involved in an active shooting, you must barricade yourself in a room and keep doors locked, lights off, phones on silent. Do not go into restrooms, lockers and kitchens. Those are most likely places where shooters often go. If you can barricade a room to prevent a shooter from getting in, it eliminate the opportunity for the shooter to get through. Make sure you keep your voice low when you're involved in mass shooting. Call 9-1-1 if you can.

3. Fight - If you are willing to risk your life or willing to film the incident, you have no choice but to fight. Make sure you grab something that is powerful enough to disarm a shooter. Do not confront a shooter in the midst of sight. Make yourself not visible if you're trying to fight. Do not think being a "good guy with a gun" is going to stop a bad guy. The cops don't see good guys trying to stop bad guys. They see active shooters and they will shoot anyone who is armed regardless of the matter. If you're ready to fight, be prepared to die. It's best to not be easily seen if you're trying to stop a shooter. If you're a conceal carry and attempt to disarm an active shooter, you are willing to sacrifice your life to save lives. You are willing to go hero, you could die a hero or an idiot.

According to the far right: White shooters are mentally ill.... Black shooters are unrepentant criminals. Muslim shooters are terrorists. Hispanics or Asians shooters are illegal immigrants.

Republicans solutions are more guns, blame others for America's social ills and defect from accepting reality.

With Republicans in charge of the House of Representatives, the only thing they'll offer to every mass shooting is "thoughts and prayers", "our hearts going out to", "the good guy with a gun", and their most common phrase "now it's not the time to politicize these tragedies."

There is a mass shooting in Colorado Springs, Colorado. It happened at a LGBTQ club and the terrorist opened fire on dozens of patrons. Five dead and 18 wounded with several being life threatening.

President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, Gov. Jared Polis, Sen. Michael Bennet (D-CO), Sen. John Hickenlooper (D-CO) and the Colorado U.S. Representatives were notified of this tragedy.

The attack on a LGBTQ club rings echos of Orlando's Pulse Nightclub. A terrorist opened fire on patrons killing nearly 50 before the law killed him. Then president Barack Obama, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and then vice president Biden all warned Americans that this will continue and folks are starting to get numb to this. Then nominee Washed Up 45 had ran on the noise about banning Muslims and arming more security to businesses. He said that it's radical Islam and not the guns.

The noise has been complaining about "groomers" by equating gay men and transgender people as part of this conspiracy to turn people gay. This is part of the culture wars Republicans seized upon in their attempts to win Congress.

Biden will address it.

The suspected shooter was injured in the incident at Club Q, apprehended and hospitalized, Colorado Springs Police Department spokeswoman Sgt. Pamela Castro said at an early morning briefing Sunday. Police released no further information about the attacker.

A terrorist opened fire on a club during a drag show.

"We have numerous people transported to multiple local hospitals via ambulance and police cruisers. The hospitals are helping us to notify family who have been injured," Castro said.

Castro said she expected the number of casualties to change as the investigation unfolded.

"We will be here for many many hours to come," Castro said.

The FBI was assisting on the scene, she said.

“We thank the quick reactions of heroic customers that subdued the gunman and ended this hate attack,” the nightclub, Club Q, posted on its Facebook page.

Police responded to initial calls at 11:57 p.m. (1:57 a.m. Sunday ET). Social media footage from across the street and verified by NBC News showed dozens of police vehicles and a fire truck deployed near the club.

Club Q was hosting a “Drag Divas” show followed by a DJ night on Saturday, according to its Facebook page.

While the motive of the attack was not immediately known it comes amid what President Joe Biden earlier this year called "rising hate and violence" against LGBTQ people. So far this year, at least 32 transgender people have been shot or killed, according to the Human Rights Campaign, though that count does not appear to include the Colorado Springs victims.

Colorado Springs has by far more mass shootings in the state's history.

In 2016, a massacre at Pulse, a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, left 49 people dead and dozens injured.

Colorado Gov. Jared Polis, who in 2018 was the first openly gay man elected governor, called the shooting "horrific, sickening, and devastating" in a statement released Sunday morning.

"My heart breaks for the family and friends of those lost, injured, and traumatized in this horrific shooting," he said, adding that "every state resource is available to local law enforcement in Colorado Springs."

"We are eternally grateful for the brave individuals who blocked the gunman likely saving lives in the process and for the first responders who responded swiftly to this horrific shooting," Polis, a Democrat, said. "Colorado stands with our LGTBQ community and everyone impacted by this tragedy as we mourn together.”

Other local leaders also shared their outrage and condolences on Sunday.

“We have so much work to do to stop this from happening again,” Rep. Judy Amabile, a Colorado state lawmaker who represents Boulder said on Twitter.

“My heart is with our LGBTQ+ community as we all reel from this violence,” Rep. Jason Crow (D-CO) wrote in a tweet.

"We have to protect LGBTQ lives from this hate," Hickenlooper tweeted.

Rep. Mondaire Jones (D-NY) one of the first gay Black men elected to Congress, tweeted that he was "outraged" by the shooting.

"Members of the LGBTQ community deserve to live full lives," Jones tweeted.

What may have triggered the mass shooter?
The noise attacking the LGBTQ community by labeling them groomers.
The terrorist may have been spurned by a relationship.
The state has weak gun laws that make access to firearms easier.
Thoughts and prayers.
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Every community in the United States will eventually have a legacy. A legacy of tragedy. Gun violence, monkeypox and COVID-19 will affect your town, your family and your life. So I don't want to hear that bullshit about how gun reform is taking away your rights to own firearms.

I don't want to hear that protesting against police killing people of color is hate on cops in general. I don't want to hear talk about the coronavirus being a myth.

When you hear folks say "gun rights," what they really mean is that its white privilege. This good guy with a gun nonsense has to end. The cops didn't do nothing when children were shot inside a school. A security guard was shot dead trying to protect shoppers. A cop accidentally shot his own. The good guy who tried to stop a bad guy is outgunned and a part of the rule #3.

Remember #3 means: The "good guy with a gun" better be prepared to die if they want to stop a shooter.

I don't want to hear folks say masks and vaccine mandates impede their freedoms. It prevents a deadly outbreak from spreading. If you want to die from the coronavirus, that's on you. We lost over 1 million people from the coronavirus.

I don't want to hear the shit about guns saving lives. Cause a bullet does not have eyes and it's always likely gonna hit a target. These folks seem to not get it. These incidents are a tragic part of American history. Thoughts and prayers and your heart going out to the victims is not enough. It quite frankly is an insult. I am also tired of scapegoating Black on Black crime, Chicago, Baltimore and Democratic mayors for the nation's obsession to be numb to gun violence. You pretty much enable this nonsense by deflecting.

President Joe Biden is trying to curb gun violence. However, he has no support from Republicans. Most Democrats and America are for gun control measures. However the two Democrats in the Senate refuse to change the filibuster rules and its holding us back.

The National Rifle Association is always pushing against it. They will not relinquish from the narrative that guns are not saving lives. The Republicans aided by a fickle junk food media are openly encouraging anarchy and disruption in a desperate attempt for the Republicans to win back Congress and the White House. These agitators are calling for Biden to curb crime but will not help him. They want more guns on the street. It makes no sense.

So in closing, expect more.

The website Officer Down is a memorial to those who were killed in the line of duty. Those who don't get their names mentioned in the junk food media. Also the website the National Gun Violence Memorial also keeps record of the many individuals killed by gun violence

Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (Lifeline) at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or 988, or text the Crisis Text Line (text HELLO to 741741). Both services are free and available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The deaf and hard of hearing can contact the Lifeline via TTY at 1-800-799-4889. All calls are confidential. Contact social media outlets directly if you are concerned about a friend’s social media updates or dial 911 in an emergency. Learn more on the Lifeline’s website or the Crisis Text Line’s website.

The call number to the U.S. Capitol is now going to be used. This is the official phone number, 202-224-3121. Let them know that "thoughts and prayers," "hearts going to" and "good guys with guns" are no longer acceptable and you want legislation to curb gun violence.


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