Monday, April 18, 2022

Washed Up 45's Endorsed Candidate Said He Could Be America's Hitler!

Republicans are like weathervanes. They move with the wind.

Moron Vance was endorsed by Washed Up 45. It appears that the Republicans running against him are none too happy. The former president endorsed an elitist who once referred to him as America's Hitler.

Of course, he very close to being considered that.

One of those four Karens released an Achelle's heel: Karen Mandel, Karen Gibbons, Karen Nolan and Karen Timken may have revealed this. But it's actually, a former college roommate who revealed it.

Now of course, Vance will deny it and call it fake news. But in reality, this is one of the many things, Vance had said about Washed Up 45 before he became the 2016 Republican nominee. He eventually got on the train and rode it off the cliff. He was an advisor to his 2020 presidential campaign for Ohio.

The former president endorsed him on Saturday. 

"It is time for the entire MAGA movement ... to unite behind J.D.'s campaign," Washed Up 45 said. 

His former roommate from Yale Law School, Democratic state representative Josh McLaurin of Georgia posted a Facebook message from Vance on Twitter showing the reaction to Washed Up 45 clinching the nomination.

"But I'm not surprised by Trump's rise, and I think the entire party has only itself to blame. We are, whether we like it or not, the party of lower-income, lower-education white people, and I have been saying for a long time that we need to offer those people SOMETHING (and hell, maybe even expand our appeal to working class Black people in the process) or a demagogue would. We are now at that point. Trump is the fruit of the party's collective neglect. 3) I go back and forth between thinking Trump is a cynical asshole like Nixon who wouldn't be that bad (and might even prove useful) or that he's America's Hitler. How's that discouraging?

McLaurin said to the junk food media, that Vance is just courting for attention. 

"I can't believe how cynical he has become ... The public deserves to know also, so we can stop picking leaders who have so much disdain for the people they represent."

I believe he acts like it.

Vance also secured the endorsement of Rep. Idiot Karen Greene (R-GA), the white nationalist who threatens lawmakers and spread bullshit as facts. 

Vance against Rep. Tim Ryan (D-OH) has him ahead by six points. Vance seems like the most strongest of the Karens running for the Republican nomination. He is the perfect example of an elitist. He is an hedge fund investor. He wrote a book called Hillbilly Elegy. He appears on television and radio. He is best known for being the "junk food media's white-splainer."

If you put the candidates against the presumed Democratic challenger, it's leans Republican.

Moron Vance (54) - Tim Ryan (46)
Karen Gibbons (50) - Tim Ryan (49) - Other (1)
Karen Nolan (51) - Tim Ryan (49)
Karen Mandel (48) - Tim Ryan (52)
Karen Timken (49) - Tim Ryan (51)

Rep. Tim Ryan (D-OH) has a challenge ahead of him. He has to run on President Joe Biden's record and the noise of the far-right. Ryan seems like the most viable candidate going in and it could be undetermined given that Vance, Gibbons and Mandel do have baggage. We're a long way from the midterms and hopefully Democrats will be energized to vote.

Vance will appear with Washed Up 45 in Delaware, Ohio. He will appear in the Columbus, Ohio area to support the Republican candidates he's endorsed and give the supporters his greatest hits.

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