Sunday, September 03, 2017

Washed Up Actress Julianne Davis Blames "Liberal" Hollywood For Blacklisting Her!

Actress blames liberals for her career being stalled by her political views.

A washed up actress named Julianne Davis comes out of the closet. She calls herself a proud conservative and blames the "liberal Hollywood elites" for shutting her out of the acting business.

If you look at her page on Twitter you see it's full of racist nonsense.

This is a long way from Eyes Wide Shut. She wrote on Fox News political opinion blog about how conservative entertainers are often shunned and slandered by the left. She says that Hollywood "blacklisted" her because of her politics.
I refused to be a coward and be untrue to myself. I believed my path to be the more honest albeit more painful option 
Since then I haven’t fared well. My “unfriendings” on social media have been many – from acquaintances and close working associates to good friends – including even my best friend. It is interesting to note that all of them just stopped calling and quietly “ghosted” me, and then later unfriended me.
Unfriendings aside, the written and very public insults from Hollywood peers on social media and elsewhere have been numerous. I’ve been attacked with obscenities, called a racist, and had one person tell me he hoped I would die.
And then there was the fellow actress attacking me with an obscene sexist insult reserved for women. Unbelievably, I had short-listed that same actress for a film I was helping to cast last year! 
Needless to say, I learned to tune the abuse out. What’s interesting is that I noticed a particular upsurge in unfriendings immediately after the Charlottesville incident And of course, I know why: The media of choice for the left – including CNN, MSNBC, HuffPost, the New York Times and the Washington Post – all reported the incident in such a way as if to make it appear that all Trump supporters are Nazis.
Of course, that’s false and it couldn’t be a more ridiculous spin, but the media are, after all, giving their base exactly what it wants to hear, true or not.
Mind you, I read about this actress. This was the anonymous actress who wrote for Fox Nation earlier this year. She felt her career was ruined because she openly supported Donald J. Trump.

Now that political correctness is off the table, Davis and many others are openly speaking about being conservative and deeply bigoted.

The bullshit you wrote on social media is questionable. It might be one of the reasons to why your career stalled. Hollywood is diverse and tolerant of others.

Hollywood accepts conservatives. You have to accept Hollywood.

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