Saturday, September 02, 2017

Jeremy Meeks Models This Intern!

Jeremy Meeks confirms he and his wife Melissa are divorcing. He is dating a socialite who helped him get into the United Kingdom. Meeks was a ex-intern of the iron college. His looks earned a million dollar modeling gig.

The world's hottest model Jeremy Meeks is now with Chloe Greene, the British socialite who he met a fashion party in Italy this year.

The former ex-intern of the iron college is facing backlash after he was caught on camera kissing Greene and partying like he wasn't a married man.

Because of Greene, Meeks can freely enter the United Kingdom and the European Union. He was stopped at the gate in 2016 because of his past convictions.

He is divorcing his wife Melissa. He may end up in a nasty court battle over their son.

Anyway, he might promote this intern of the iron college to the world of modeling.

Social media is buzzing about this guy.

His name is Mehki Alante Lucky. He scored him a modeling gig and is going to use that money to feed his family.

The model has a rare condition in his eyes. One eye is Brown while the other is blue. Women are swooning over this guy.

He was arrested in North Carolina last year and his mugshot went viral.

Lucky has a daughter and is working on turning his life around.

Meeks is a top demand model.

He changed his life around and became a "model" citizen.

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