The NAACP and local leaders want this "hero" bus driver fired. |
The NAACP and members of the community want that lying bastard fired and prosecuted.
Unfortunately, Richard Biehl police chief for the city of Dayton was told that the county prosecutor wasn't going to do it. But the bus company that hired him is looking forward to put the brakes on his career.
Back in February, Ricky Wagoner claimed that he was working on his bus route for the Greater Dayton Regional Transit Authority. His bus broke down. He would exit his bus.
He claimed that a group of Black teens confronted him. They told the bus driver they were "polar bear" hunting and they happened to find him.
So what "these Black teens" did was shoot him and stab him. He wrestled the gun from "these Black teens" and fires back at them. He would enter the bus and finish his route.
He claims that the bullets that travel hit his chest and it was deflected by a pocket size bible.
That turned out to be a damn lie.
WHIO-TV's Jessica Heffner confronts the bus driver. The bus driver tells her to get the "fuck" off his property. |
RTA representatives met with Wagoner Tuesday to begin the first step in the transit agency’s personnel process that could lead to Wagoner’s termination.
Wagoner’s legal representatives will get a chance to present evidence and introduce witnesses in his defense. “It’s a labor issue, not a legal proceeding,” Donaghy said.
Dayton’s City Prosecutor, Stephanie Cook, has declined to file charges based on the police investigation. She also has declined, through a city spokesman, to explain why no charges were filed.
The FBI, which investigated the incident as a possible hate crime against the white bus driver, has concluded that a crime of that type did not occur.
Wagoner repeatedly has declined comment. The attorney who represented him in the criminal investigation, Jeremiah Denslow said Tuesday, “From my understanding not only the Dayton police but the FBI has done a thorough investigation and a lengthy one. While they believe Mr. Wagoner was not truthful with them, I suspect the authorities didn’t feel they could prove it in a court of law.”
The investigation also has been reviewed by the Montgomery County Prosecutor’s Office. On Monday, a coalition of black civil rights groups including the NAACP asked County Prosecutor Mat Heck to consider charging Wagoner.
Office spokesman Greg Flannagan said Tuesday that the police investigation had the potential for misdemeanor charges, which would not be handled by the county prosecutor.
“Our office did have some discussions with the Dayton Police Department concerning this matter and we were assured any possible alleged charges would be misdemeanors. There would not be any felonies they could pursue.”
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