Most law enforcement and local media figures believe the "knockout game" is an isolated incident. There's no worldwide active thing going on. If there was, then White folks would be randomly knocking out people of color too. |
The conservative asshats in the junk food media believe in "rampant" violence by "us Black folk".
That Guy Who Throws Shit To Wall is a racial extremist. |
Although, I never heard of the five finger roll, it does exist. I mean if random people are being attacked by criminals, we need law enforcement to curb this.
I got to admit, conservatives have a big microphone than the liberals and Black leaders. They decry "liberal media" until their faces turn blue and the junk food media would bow down to them. I mean how many stories were covered about this trend.
This is the theme of the racist right. Make the media believe you're actually serious! While respectable journalists ignore these asshats, some would put their feet in the hot water and put this in the news.
Obviously pissing off two groups: WHITE AND BLACK.
While Whites are pissed that the group of Black youths are attacking some random White person. They get the feeling that President Barack Obama is endorsing violence on Whites.
Blacks on the other hand, are shaking their heads saying if these knuckleheads are doing that, it's not helping our image among the general public. And we hate hearing stories that makes Blacks look like "natural born criminals". Of course, we start to hate Republicans and conservative even more because they're obsessing over it. And we usually point the finger of blame at the families of those involved in this before we go after Republicans and President Barack Obama.
As a Black male who works two jobs and frequently contributes to the blog, I can tell you that I don't see myself going around the community thinking about knocking out some random person in the presence of surveillance cameras.
That Guy Who Helped Obama Win is the main provocateur of racial stories. |
You notice that most of these postings single this assbag out!
You may know him as Sean Hannity. And after listening and watching this hyperactive (ADHD) 51-year old conservative agitator harp on constantly about President Barack Obama and racial injustice (towards presumptive White people), you start to wonder if he's inspiring another mass shooter.
He, his network Loserville (Fox News), King Hippo (Rush Limbaugh) and That Guy Who Throws Shit To The Wall (Matt Drudge) are the reasons why I hate Republicans and the conservative agitators in the junk food media.
With the reelection of President Barack Obama, we all but thought the conservative noise machine would finally calm down. Seeing that their influence cost the Republicans the election, I would of thought that conservatives would be put in their place.
Nope. Full steam ahead towards their destruction.
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Colin Flaherty is the new Andrew Breitbart. |
White men carry firearms in their vehicles waiting for that day to be a hero on the evening news. The White family would gather around the television and tune into Loserville for the latest phony outrage in America.
When they view select incidents of this so-called "knockout game", they believe that its all over the country and young Black teens are plotting their revenge on White people for the reaction to the Trayvon Martin situation.
I would love to say this is one of the reasons to why Blacks hate Republicans. They create this narrative to assume that "us Black folk" are the real racists.
Everyone has bigotry in them. I hate conservatives. Yeah, I admit that most conservatives rub me the wrong way, but does it mean I want to silence their condescending rhetoric?
No. I want them to keep it going. Because they may end up riling up Black voters to take their actions upon the Republicans in the general elections.
Republicans find it nearly impossible to win the Black vote. They find it's hard to regularly insult a people under the banner of free speech. They then would blame those "us Black folk" for the problems of society.
Republicans would then pass laws that would disenfranchise "us Black folk".
The Republicans would run stories like the "knockout game" to make White people think "us Black folk" ar rooting for the "GREAT RACE WAR".
And if all else fails, they blame President Barack Obama for everything.
If that's the key to excite your base then you're on your way to retaking Congress.
When they take back in Congress, Republicans will turn around and expect "us Black folk" to support them in the presidential elections.
Individuals involved in one knockout game incident were arrested. |
These issues like the "knockout game" are dog whistle politics at best. Because this stuff doesn't happen in just one segment of America. If they were, then you would hear the Department of Justice make a statement.
So ignore the rabble rousing and heresy. The conservative media is just smoke and mirrors by those overpaid asshats like That Guy Who Helped Obama Win.
Desperation is the key for the Republicans to win. They'll do anything even scare White folks to win.
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