The big voice on the right vows to take on President Barack Obama. |
Of course, it's a badge of honor for conservative agitator Rush Limbaugh to be name-dropped by the Democratic president Barack Obama. I like many others tune in the day after the election to hear the Republicans sorrow! Most Americans tune in to the Rush Limbaugh, Fox News for news and entertainment and heaping dose of crap spewed from them.
Many liberals wanted to hear these bitter ass losers in the media. They want to hear the conservatives cry their butts off about how it's "all the media's fault" for the president winning. You listen to the conservative agitators scream to their audience that the Americans are too stupid to see that "Obama is a SOCIALIST, COMMIE, MUSLIM, BIG GUBMINT, FOOD STAMP GIVING, WELFARE DRIVEN, NIGGER"!
Republicans are soul searching and some are blaming their loss on Rush Limbaugh, The Drudge Report, Fox News and each other. The conservatives overreach continues with Republican governors trying to rig the electoral college with "winner take all" districts. That means that if a Republican wins the district overwhelmingly, the area goes to the Republican presidential nominee. This is still a controversial issue among voting rights advocates.
The conservative media itself continues to rake in millions off of profit rage!
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Who's benefits from the feud? Likely Rush Limbaugh because he's going to take the criticism as a badge of honor. |
Many Republicans were convinced that President Barack Obama was doomed and the Republicans were back in business. That didn't turn out this way!
Conservative agitators Bay Buchanan and Neal Boortz retired. They swore they'll never do political analysis again! Karl Rove, Dick Morris and Sarah Palin were fixtures on Fox News. Roger Ailes was so frustrated with the election loss, he severed ties with the former Alaskan governor Sarah Palin and is planning on letting Dick Morris go. Morris became infamous for his "Romney wins in a landslide" remark. Karl Rove is barely booked on the programs now.
Rush Limbaugh was hit hard last year. After he took shots at women's right advocate Sandra Fluke, the conservative agitator lost a large chunk of national sponsors. And now that he's rebounding sort of!
With the reelection of President Barack Obama, Limbaugh is concerned.
The president plans on going aggressive on his political foes. The Organizing For America is the beginning of the president's efforts to encourage active participation on getting his agenda proposals passed.
Getting immigration reform and a ban on semi-automatic weapons are two top priorities of the president.
Painting the Republicans as extremists seems to be working.
So far the further to the right Republicans go, many will tune them out!
Mediaite got today's portion of The Rush Limbaugh Show. Rush Limbaugh responds to the president:
The most controversial statement about Limbaugh:
“If a Republican member of Congress is not punished on Fox News or by Rush Limbaugh for working with a Democrat on a bill of common interest, then you’ll see more of them doing it,”
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