Many stories here today such as this one will deal with agitators who belong to the gun culture. First things first, Jayecon Taylor and Michelle Malkin are professional agitators. They both profit in the type of behavior that could lead to violence among others.

Malkin is a political blogger who advocates extremism by jumping in front of cameras attacking what she perceives as "liberal" bias in the American media. She has hundreds of supporters who view her blogs and whenever she gets into a heated debate with any individual who corners her on her bullshit, she'll post their information online and death threats ensue. She advocates open violence against people.
Hardcore rap music often embraces the genre with rappers promoting crime, violence, profanity, sex, homophobia, racism, promiscuity, misogyny, rape, street gangs, drive-by shootings, vandalism, thievery, drug dealing, alcohol abuse, substance abuse and materialism.
Before this tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary, conservative agitator and person of color, the world renowned turd flipper Michelle Malkin is getting Twitchy with Game, the California based rapper who released his album Jesus Piece.
SOHH reported that the conservative agitator posted threats made to her by supporters of the rapper.
Malkin's website Twitchy obtains controversial statements from those in the entertainment industry. I am guessing that Game, a frequent Twitter user got wind of it and engaged in a heated debate with her.
Malkin has made no bones of her disgust with rap music. Earlier this year she went on to criticize Jay-Z for supporting President Barack Obama.
Game on the other hand is calling a boycott upon her, Fox News and those in the conservative media for advocating racism. The very same will come from Malkin shortly.
The album will be officially released in December and it could be the last Game records under his parent label Interscope Records.
Interscope Records is the home of Game, Lady Gaga, Eminem, 50 Cent, Dr. Dre and was the label of Tupac Shakur. Each of these entertainers had some form of controversy under their belt and conservative agitators like Malkin, Brent Bozell, Matt Drudge, and the late Andrew Breitbart have been zeroing in on this for years.
Rap music's loudest critics in politics include the outgoing Senator Joe Lieberman (I-Connecticut), the late civil rights activist C. Delores Tucker, Dionne Warwick, and some religious leaders.
Sport figures, entertainers, rap music, country music, rock music, talk radio, video games, movies and politicians relish in the gun culture. Sometimes even though you may not like the outcomes of tragedies such as Sandy Hook or even your city corner, their overheated rhetoric, the divide and conquer stuff is freedom of speech.
The GRIO, the Black cultural news magazine from NBC has reported that Malkin's Twitchy website the question was asked: “Would The Game dare to do to Allah what he did to Jesus Christ? Just asking, though we already know the answer.”
Since Malkin has attacked the album cover, the rapper has responded saying that Malkin is racist and that God can be portrayed in any form because no one has seen him.
In a recent interview he said, “however you depict him in your own mind, or your own visions through your artwork, or through your religion, that’s all on you and it’s not my place to hate on that.”
Rest assured that before the end of the year, I will bet you that conservative agitators such as Fox News personalities Bill O'Reilly, Laura Ingraham and Sean Hannity will waste no time going after Game soon.