Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey embraces President Barack Obama. |
Mitt Romney is a perennial loser. He is a very bitter man! After he was recorded slamming the president for being a "sugar daddy" to his voters with "gifts", Republicans are putting the final nail in his coffin. They want this loser to disappear before he causes more damage to an already destroyed brand.
The Republicans are pointing fingers at one another and of course blaming President Barack Obama for half the crap they've gotten themselves into. The Republican governors are fearing that Mitt Romney's toxic brand could hurt them in their reelection bids. So they're working hard to put a notion that the Republicans are friendly to all Americans, not a select few.
New Jersey governor Chris Christie has caught a lot of flack from Republicans as of lately. He is attacked by the conservative media because he embraced the president's handling of the Hurricane Sandy damages.
When the Republican governors meet the president, it's sort of cordial. When there's a disaster or a tragedy, it's the president and the governors trying their hardest to offer comfort to the American people.
Still if you think that Republicans are total assholes, I agree with you!
Governor Bobby Jindal and many other Republicans are trying to eliminate the notion of his party being a bunch of assholes.
They got a lot of work ahead of them. Since the fall of Mitt Romney, he managed to take away three groups that could have been a major swing to the Republicans.
Hispanics, young voters and single women. These are primary groups that could have went to the Republicans but they've thrown it out for their rigid ideology.
Pictures of President Barack Obama meeting with Republican governors.
Bill Haslam of Tennessee |
Mitch Daniels of Indiana |
Robert Bentley of Alabama |
John Kasich of Ohio |
Bobby Jindal of Louisiana |
Susana Martinez of New Mexico |
Rick Perry of Texas |
Scott Walker of Wisconsin |
Rick Scott of Florida |
Bob McDonnell of Virginia |
Jan Brewer of Arizona |
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