Thursday, August 29, 2013

The March On Washington Told By First Black President!

Obama: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s speech inspired a nation. King. The 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington.

President Barack Obama, former presidents Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter are headliners at the 50th Anniversary of the March On Washington. It's not clear if the two other living presidents will be speakers at this event, but the Bushes aren't speaking. It's clear that Republicans have no intent on making any statements on this historic day.

Oh, I see that The Guy Who Throws Shit On The Wall posted that Senator Tim Scott (R-South Carolina) wasn't "invited" to the event. He could of have went to the event. The more the better. But unlike, the president, Scott doesn't have any intentions to help those of color. Scott would never have been there. He wouldn't even join the Historically Black Caucus members.

The racist right once had Chalk E. Becker, Alveda King and Palin Da Ass speak on the steps of the Lincoln memorial for their stupid Tea Party rally. They had the audacity to speak upon the name of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. while attacking the first Black president.

Alveda King is the niece of the late civil rights leader. She thinks "Uncle Martin" was a great man. Being only a single digit at the time of his death, she and others created the notion that her uncle was a Republican.

And also being a former member of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, King has spoke out against her cousins (the surviving children of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.) and the NAACP for advocating a "racist" agenda against Whites and the Republican Party.

President Barack Obama delivers his passionate remarks.

His speech would have detractors. The detractors are of course, the racist right.

They'll complain no matter what the president does!

So it wouldn't matter.

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