Thursday, June 06, 2013

Andrea Tantaros: The Media Ignores Benghazi For Military Sexual Assaults!

Pretty stupid. 

She's a very attractive woman. But I bet this stupid woman Google herself once in awhile to check on who's gonna call her out on her pathetic nonsense. This young conservative agitator who once said that she'll go on a "diet if more Americans go on food stamps" puts herself in the spotlight once again for two of the most stupidest things.

I've ignored this bullshit for way too long. I want to go ahead and knock this silly agitator down a notch.

The first thing we want to say about Loserville commentator Andrea Tantaros is that she's not the brightest bulb in the room. She would be the type of young woman who you would meet a bar. She's look attractive, sounds nice! But as soon as she opens her mouth, you're immediately running for the hills! The crap she says on television, radio or even in the general public is a problem. She says things that would completely turn a man off.

How could a smart woman like this be so stupid?

Is it the fact that Loserville requires its talent to "dumb down" its audience with stories that make President Barack Obama look like a villain or an idiot.

I don't know. But she is a dumb ass woman for some of the crap she says.

For one thing, if I was her, I wouldn't go around saying to the American people that you would wish that someone would knock out an Obama supporter.

Let me tell you how people and journalists are being treated these days. They are being stalked, they are being spied on. In Missouri, a news station fired an anchor who talked about the IRS shakedown. Yeah, fired. This is how corrupt the left is. And now, journalists can’t even get into the IRS offices in Ohio, where this alleged scandal started, without an armed guard. This is what is happening to our press.

This is Obama’s America. It’s like the Soviet Union. He said he’d change the country. He said it. He said it. He said it. And a lot of people voted for him. And if you see any of those people today, punch them in the face.

A few weeks ago, Tantaros was screaming out the microphone of her radio show that she would love see the walls collapse on the Obama administration. The constant drumbeat of Benghazi, the IRS and the Justice Department snooping on their supporter and the Associated Press has taken a toll on President Barack Obama and Congress.

Congress has a single digit job approval and the president is under 50%.

It's always this type of behavior that could inspire a domestic attack from an extremist. The conservatives would claim they're not responsible for the hate crime against a person. They're not responsible for the mass shootings in a suburban community.

Now the Raw Story and Media Matters for America caught this idiot is complaining about how the competitor talking about another serious scandal overshadowing the drumbeat of Benghazi and the IRS.

Loserville and that Third News Network covered the least amount of time devoted to military assaults.

What is a very serious issue in the military is coming to head. The rise of military sexual assaults are becoming a stranglehold of our nation's defense. The rise is due to leadership neglecting or deliberately ignoring the pleas of women and men who were sexually assaulted.

Senator Kristen Gillibrand (D-New York), Senator Barbara Boxer (D-California), Senator Claire McCaskill (D-Missouri) and Congresswoman Jackie Speier (D-California) are very upfront about this situation. They demand that action must be done in order to ensure the safety of all serving in uniform.

Conservatives aren't worried about this. They think the Democrats hate the military. If the Democrats hate the military so much, why would they care about the safety of those in uniform?

They should just allow military officers continue to molested lower ranks because they've have power.

Here's a rundown of the agitator's comments about MSNBC, the liberal channel known in my opinion as Obama News. The conservative agitator runs her mouth off.

“What are they the place for breaking? Breaking wind? Breaking what? I mean, what are they doing over there? Sex crimes in the military, they are a real issue. There’s no doubt about that. I’m not going to just poo-poo it. What baffles me, though, is the way they prioritize these issues, the timing and tone of this.”

“Why is MSNBC devoting time to this issue?” 

“There are so many other issues to deal with.”

“And MSNBC has been on this sexual assaults in the military, like, basically all afternoon, every day for weeks. They’re devoting, like, and inordinate amount of time to this. They’re obsessed with it, because that’s what they see when they look at the military.”

“Yeah, you’re right. I mean, it’s the way that they prioritize these things. It’s unbelievable what they consider to be priorities. And by ‘them,’ I mean the administration and MSNBC because they are the same thing. MSNBC is an arm of the administration.”

Seriously this is how Loserville operates. They don't see the problem.

Seriously if we are to trust the junk food media, why don't they actually report the news?

The media doesn't see the problem unless its for the ratings or shock value. Trust me, it's all about dollars.

Tantaros is the co-host of The Five a show that features a slew of conservative agitators. It also includes  former Bush presser Dana Perino, washed up politico Bob Beckel, shady lawyer Kimberly Guilfoyle, hackmedian/libertarian Greg Gutfield, and wannabe That Guy Who Helped Obama Win guy Eric Bolling.

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