Thursday, December 27, 2018

The Racism Of Trump Allies!

Asshole berates woman who spoke Arab.
This only increased since Donald J. Trump became our leader. More people are filming individuals berating others because of differences. When Trump said that Americans are getting fed up with political correctness, white extremists took those words as a rally call.

Conservatives on television, radio and the internet have been aggressively targeting individuals because of differences of opinion, religion, politics, economic class and the way they cover the news.

James O'Keefe, Laura Loomer, Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Gavin McInnes, Tomi Lahren, Bill O'Reilly, Roseanne Barr, Megyn Kelly, Laura Ingraham, Tucker Carlson, Jeanine Pirro, Kimberly Guilfoyle, Pat Buchanan, Pat Robertson, Todd Starnes, Mark Levin, The Drudge Report, The Gateway Pundit, Breitbart, Fox News and Sean "Softball" Hannity are constantly berating progressives, Muslims, LGBTQ, the junk food media, the poor and working class, migrants, people of color and victims of mass shootings.

We have allowed them to profit off division and divisiveness.

We allowed them to control Trump's thinking. He caved to the loudest voices in the room.

We have a partial government shutdown. The Congress failed to pass a continuing budget resolution.

Trump also threatened veto threats. He wants $5 billion to fund that border wall. A promise that he wants to accomplish. He said that Mexico will pay for the border wall. The country will not pay for it.
White man tells women to go back to where they came from.

Now Trump wants the taxpayers to foot the bill. Democrats in the senate will not allocate money from the taxpayers to pay for a border wall.

He caused the shutdown and the polls show it. In the latest Gallup Poll, about a majority of American fault Trump for the government shutdown.

He even went further by saying those who furloughed are Democrats.

Here's a man here in a Macy's department store. He was upset over a woman speaking in Arabic on the phone and he directly told her to go back to the country she came from.

This happened in Texas.

A viral video captures the moment an irate man went on a racist tirade at a Texas Macy's after two employees spoke in Arabic with one another.

The footage, posted, on Christmas Eve and shows the unnamed man demanding that people "speak English" in America and shouting that the woman should "go back where you come from" during the racist rant at the Dallas-area store.
Black man was hoping to serve white bigot a knuckle style chili.
The racist concedes that he didn't know what was actually being said by the women but asserts that they were 'sort of' talking to him.

Feeling cornered, the man then retorted: "A bunch of Democrats … I'm in America, I want people to speak English to me. All I asked was for her to speak English."

"And get these customers away from me. All the Arabs, all you Arabs and Democrats. Go back to where you came from… how many Arabs came out of the woodwork?"

Soon, cameraman and the man go back and forth with the cameraman declaring that the racist is a "snowflake."

Once he hears that, the racist tells cameraman "Fuck you!" before making his way out of the department.

At one point in the clip one of the women blasts the man for not having a dollar to pay for the box, prompting several of the bystanders to fetch bills out of their wallets to give to the man.

Ricky added: "A few more details. There was 10-12 diverse lovely people backing the woman up and showing kindness to the employees. When I confronted the guy for making the women cry, he shouted homophobic slurs, said to get out of his face bc he paid $300 and left."

The cameraman would later explain that the man was throwing his tantrum because he was unable to get his purchase gift-wrapped exactly how he wanted to in that particular department.

Welcome to 2019.

Donald J. Trump just made America hate once again.

The Death Of Newman Cop Draws Trump's Ire!

California cop killed by a suspect. Trump injects his venom into the issue. The suspect is undocumented.
This is the 53rd police officer killed in the line of duty. Of course, we forgotten that many cops have died when they've answered domestic violence calls. We forgotten that many cops were killed by "friendly fire." We forgotten that cops have killed people of color who were unarmed.

Those in law enforcement know the danger of being behind the badge. They know that they could be shot by a suspect. They know that bio-hazards could harm them. They know the elements could put their lives in danger. They know that natural events (i.e. earthquakes, animal attacks, water rescues, etc.) could endanger their lives.

Those in law enforcement know that it's a thankless job.

And all the symbolic tributes, lowering of flags, hand salutes, street naming, "thoughts and prayers", "our hearts going out to" and blame game won't bring back the dead. It's the feel good-ism that enables numbness to the real problem facing all Americans.



Donald J. Trump and Congress are so inept right now. We're in a government shutdown. They are getting paid, while most Americans who work for the government or contractors for the government get no paycheck. All over a disagreement of a border wall that Trump promised Mexico would pay for.

Ever the troll, Trump got in on the death of a California cop who was gunned down by a suspect who may have entered the country illegally. He bemoans about how the Senate Democrats (who are in the minority) refusing to budge on the $5 billion in funding for the border.

Newman, California is mourning the loss of 33-year old Ronil Singh. He was a seven year officer who leaves behind his partner K9, his wife and newborn child. He was gunned down by a suspect on Wednesday.

The Stanislaus County boys and Newman Police teamed with the U.S. Marshals and FBI in the search of this suspect they know by name but won't reveal until he is caught and brought to justice.

Singh was pulling over a vehicle with suspicious tags.

He thought the driver was under the influence of alcohol. As he pulled over the silver Dodge Ram with paper plates from AR Auto, a dealership in Merced, California.

Moments later, Singh called in for shots fired.

Several deputies from both Sanislaus and Merced counties responded to a gravely wounded Singh.

Singh would later die of his injuries.

In a Thursday news conference, Stanislaus County Sheriff Adam Christianson says his department will not release the name of the man suspected of the crime but say they believe they know who he is.

He is described as a heavy-set Hispanic man with black hair. Investigators have evidence to believe he could still be in the county

The truck was found outside the city of Newman in a mobile home park on Wednesday afternoon, but the suspect was not found in the area.

The feds are looking for the man who killed a cop.
The suspect is still on the run, and deputies say if you do see the suspect, do not approach him. He is believed to be armed and very dangerous.

The Stanislaus County Sheriff's Department is leading the effort to find the suspect, and Sheriff Christianson says his deputies are getting tips from people in Fresno and Merced counties, all the way up to the Bay Area.

Merced County Sheriff Vern Warnke says that a search warrant was served in El Nido late Thursday in connection with the fatal shooting, but the suspect was not found.

Corporal Ronil "Ron" Singh, was a K-9 officer with the Newman Police, a small department with just about a dozen sworn officers.

Newman Police Chief Randy Richardson remembered Singh as an "American patriot" who came to the U.S. from Fiji to become a police officer and loved his wife and 5-month-old son dearly.

The officer's canine partner, Sam, is now at home with the Singh family. Chief Richardson said that the dog would be retired from the department early to live permanently with the Singh family.

The suspect faces capital murder. These charges will put the suspect in the position of either LIFE or DEATH. He is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

I Live Here! Why Are You Harassing Me?

Hallway Harry.
The white folks who call the law on people of color became one of the biggest controversies of 2018.

From that Starbucks incident to the latest controversy explained here, 2018 has seen a lot of white people being shamed for causing an uproar over Black folks minding their business.

The law has been called on people of color running for local politics. The law has been called on children who sold water on the corner. The law has been called on people grilling in a park.

The law has been called on people entering an apartment complex.

The law has even shot a man who lived in his own apartment after the law mistaken it.

This will continue on into 2019.

A white man who is dubbed "Hallway Harry" accosted Chika Okafor, a sport writer for the Bleacher Report. The white man questioned why he lived in a building on the Upper East Side of New York City last week.

Okafar was getting ready for a Lyft when he approached by this man.

"While I was with my friend Cassius Flemming waiting for a Lyft ride on the first floor of the building that I have lived since mid-December of last year, this man interrogated me about where I live."

Okafor lived in the building. The foolish man wanted to know the specific apartment. Okafor refused to acknowledged him.

"You don't live here. I've never seen you before. I've lived here 27 years."
I felt insulted by this guy. All I was trying to do was wait on a Lyft and he comes around demanding me show my key.
In an interview with the New York Times, Okafor said that he felt insulted by the whole encounter.

"I felt violated. To me, his behavior suggested that, one, because we were people of color we were a threat to their safety, and, two, there for 27 years, it doesn't give him the right to interrogate other people."

The video has went viral. Over 1.5 million people seen this video and it marks another incident of white folks calling the police or berating people of color for doing mundane task.

Trump Visits Troops In Iraq!

Trump makes his first appearance to troops in Iraq.
For the first time in his term, Donald J. Trump made a surprise visit to the troops in Iraq. He made the trip after a few hours of not posting on social media.

Trump was catching flack for not visiting troops since entering office.

Trump and Melania meet and greeted troops. They offered autographs, took pictures and eat with the troops.

The government shutdown affects many of Trump's inner workings.

I guessed this was an escape from the junk food media and Congress.

The imbecile had said that troops are going to get a pay raise. That's practically false on its standing.

The imbecile is planning on getting troops out of Syria. It riled up Jim Mattis and many high ranking generals.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Racism Killed Guatemalan Children!

The death of Jakelin Caal has the world condemning the United States for the way they treated the little girl.
Department of Homeland Security is doing damage control after two children died while in detention facilities. They were Guatemalan migrants who wanted nothing but safety. The inept leadership of the United States government lead to the death of innocent human beings.

Many Americans are concerned that Donald J. Trump and his allies are committing crimes against humanity.

Jakelin Caal was buried this week. The 7 year old girl died in the United States.

The little girl passed away from dehydration. The government at first didn't consider the death a big deal. DHS changed their tune when the public started to rehash the child-separation controversy.

Her family wanted to escape poverty, gangs and economic uncertainty.

Trump and Kirstjen Nielsen are facing heavy criticism for this tough stance on immigration.

The little girl had an open casket.

An 8 year old boy died on Christmas Day after traveling with his family.
Border agents aren't getting paid because of the government shutdown.
The death of Felipe Alonzo-Gomez has world condemnation.  He was very ill.

American doctors treated him but misdiagnosed his condition. He got very sick and passed away on Christmas.

It was the second death of a child while the U.S. has delayed asylum seekers.

Trump believes migrants are criminals. He believes terrorists invade the border. He ignores the environmental impact of building a border wall.

He fails to realize that criminals are innovative and have plans to outsmart the government.
U.S. border agents over the barb wire.
Trump wants to keep his ridiculous promise to build a border wall on the U.S.-Mexico border. The government is shut down because of this. He demands Democrats in the Senate to vote on the House proposal that gave $5 billion to border security.

He wants to make the taxpayers pay for the border wall. While campaigning he kept promising the Mexican government would pay for the wall.

This is travesty. We are killing children of color.


To protect white nationalism. Trump admitted to the world he is a nationalist.

Claire McCaskill Is Why The Dems Lose!

Outgoing Claire McCaskill takes shots at Alexandria Ocasio Cortez.

Soon to be former Missouri U.S. senator Claire McCaskill is looking forward to being an agitator on cable news. The outgoing senator was defeated in the 2018 Midterms.

McCaskill, a Democrat has been one of the many moderates who complained about how Congress is so dysfunctional. McCaskill often would try to meet in the middle with Republicans on many key issues.

It didn't help her.

Especially given that Missouri Republicans were plagued with scandal with their former governor, a state lawmaker and their handling of spending in the state.

Donald J. Trump embraced of her opponent Josh Hawley, the former Missouri Attorney General who is wrapped in scandal as well.

The 38 year old Republican will be the youngest member to join the Senate. His defeat of McCaskill showed that Republicans are determined to influence young and bright individuals into conservative racists.

McCaskill is working the TV circuits. She had made remarks about incoming lawmaker Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the New York Democrat who embraces economic socialism.

"I don't know her. I'm a little confused why she's the thing. But it's a good example of what I'm talking about, a bright shiny new object, came out of nowhere and surprised people when she beat a very experienced congressman."

She added, "And so she's now talked about a lot. I'm not sure what she's done yet to generate that kind of enthusiasm, but I wish her well. I hope she hangs the moon."

"But I hope she also realizes that the parts of the country that are rejecting the Democratic Party, like a whole lot of white working class voters, need to hear about how their work is going to be respected, and the dignity of their jobs, and how we can really stick to issue that we can actually accomplish something on."

In closing she said that Ocasio-Cortez's rhetoric is "cheap." She said that getting results is a lot harder.

Claire, you done fucked up, sister.
Democrats are more inclusive. They elected a woman of color who rocked the nation.
You were the problem. You stayed focused on the white working class voter not the people who supported the Democrats. You embraced Trumpism, not the Democratic Party. You say one thing on television but vote another in the upper chamber.

You, Joe Donnelly, Joe Manchin, Heidi Heitkamp and other conservative Democrats were destroying the party.

With the exception of Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV), the party suffered four losses. Bill Nelson, a moderate himself didn't go the way of his fellow Democrats. He supported the party. Nelson just had a crooked governor named Rick Scott rigged the system to favor his bid to oust him from the senate.

Ocasio-Cortez is a woman of color. She represents a congressional district in New York City. She beat Joe Crawley, a Democrat who didn't change the narrative of his district. She is the youngest member of Congress and became a firebrand for conservative outrage. When she beaten a well-established Democrat, many in the junk food media were pointing to her endorsement of economic socialism.

Since her rise, the right wing agitators have undermined her at every step.

Ocasio-Cortez hits back. She has often responded to critics in her "Trump-ish" fashion by trolling the fuck out of her critics. She hit back at the sexism, racism, and slander.

It's noted that McCaskill said that GOP Senators believe Trump is nuts.

Well they support him. They don't give two fucks about his mental fitness. As long as their agenda (no matter how stupid) is done, they're behind him 100%.

Remember Brett Kavanaugh was one pure example. Even with sexual allegations thrown at Kavanaugh,  Jeff Flake, Bob Corker and Susan Collins voted for Kavanaugh.

So don't give me that bullshit.

McCaskill wants to protect white male privilege. That's why her ass was defeated.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Trump Almost Killed Christmas!

Make Christmas Great Again.
That imbecile almost ruined Christmas for a child. Donald J. Trump continues to ruin lives with his insensitive remarks. He is truly an embarrassment to the United States.

Trump and Melania late Monday took calls from children about Santa’s whereabouts, a presidential tradition in conjunction with the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD).
“Merry Christmas. How are you?” Trump asked one caller. “How old are you? ... Are you doing well in school? ... Are you still a believer in Santa?”
After a short pause to hear the child’s response, the president then added: “Because at 7, it’s marginal, right?”

NORAD tracks Santa Claus and his movement. That latest foil got his ass roasted on social media. It kind of makes you wonder why Trump felt all alone in the White House.

This truly is the most dumbest leader in the world.

Monday, December 24, 2018

Spaced Out!

Kevin Spacey comes out of the woodwork with a crazy video. The disgraced actor is facing criminal charges for sexually assaulting a teenage boy.
Kevin Spacey is facing criminal charges from an incident involving a teenage boy in Massachusetts.

The disgraced actor is accused of raping Heather Unrah's son. Among Unrah's son, there's about over 20 men who came forth with allegations that Spacey got drunk and got touchy feely with them.

Spacey who was the star of House of Cards on Netflix was promptly fired out the cannon. He was scrubbed from movie catalogs and blackballed from Hollywood.

Spacey admitted that he had tryst with men and came out as a gay man. But around the time of the accusations, entertainer Anthony Rapp blasted him for being a predator who exploits the "coming out" experience.

Rapp was one of his many victims who said that boozing turns Spacey into a monster.

As he is facing felony rape charges, Spacey goes into crisis mode by posting a video.

He made a weird video in his acting form.

Spacey, 59, will be arraigned on a charge of indecent assault and battery at Nantucket District Court in Massachusetts on Jan. 7, according to the Boston Globe. He stands accused of attacking the then-18-year-old son of Boston news anchor Heather Unruh, by getting him drunk and then fondling him at a Nantucket bar in July 2016.

A cause hearing was held on Dec. 20, at which Clerk Magistrate Ryan Kearney issued a criminal complaint “against Kevin S. Fowler, also known as Kevin Spacey,” a prosecutor confirmed to the Globe.

Spacey went viral on this crazy video.

If convicted, he could face up to 30 years in the iron college and labeled a TIER III in Offender U.

The suspect is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Trump Wants To Burn Down Washington!

Sure wish I could be at Mar-a-Largo.
He promised to shakeup Washington. So far, he's caused an earthquake and it's not a good thing.

The S&P (Standard and Poors) and Dow Jones are nose diving this Christmas Eve. This is the worst drop since the Great Depression.

The federal government is shut down. Donald J. Trump and Congress are at a crossroads. The imbecile wants $5 billion added to the latest continuing budget resolution and demands it be used for funding a border wall.

Democrats keep reminding Trump that he can convince Mitch McConnell, outgoing Paul Ryan, Kevin McCarthy and others to push forth a law or rule change. They kindly remind the public that Trump promised the Mexican government will pay for the border wall not the tax payers.

Democrats are daring Republicans to reduce votes to a 51-49 majority.

Democrats won't relinquish any votes to funding the border wall.

Outgoing Democratic and Republican senators won't support Trump. House Republicans defeated in the Midterms won't support Trump.

The Republicans are fuming that Trump listened to far right lunatics like the ones in the Freedom Caucus and the conservative agitators on television and radio.

McConnell and Ryan are pretty much backed into a corner.

The Republicans have control of the House, the Senate, the White House and state governorship. At least until January, Republicans dominate everything.

Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin days appear to be numbered. He rattled the markets today by calling upon the six leading bank CEOs to demand them open up credit to Americans. He was calling from Mexico while on his vacation with wife, Louise Litton.

Mnuchin's call to the bankers was a huge disaster. Markets have tanked even further.

Jerome Powell's days as the Federal Reserve Chairman are numbered too. Trump has regularly bashed the chairman for considering interest rates hikes.

He appointed Powell this year after firing Janet Yellen, a Barack Obama appointee that the markets seemed satisfied with. Firing Yellen was one of the key factors to why the economy is falling apart.

The remarks Trump made on social media made things worse.

He threatened to fire Powell out the cannon. Doing that could cause a shockwave that could spiral our economy into turmoil.

Americans are not satisfied with their jobs. That's a problem. Usually if people are satisfied with their jobs they would spend more on products. This holiday season will determine if we're entering a recession.

With the demise of name brands and iconic brands, Americans are seeing the potential of another recession to hurt their bottom line.

The American Jobs and Tax Cuts Act hasn't seen much improvement to the economy. The Republicans managed to pass the law without even reading the damn thing.

The Republicans slipped in the repeal of the insurance mandate, rollback enrollment to the Affordable Care Act and forced it federal court to strike portions of the law down.

Now the health care market is tumbling as well.

No plan on how to fix health care.

Trump signed off an executive order forcing able bodied Americans (without children or dependents) must find work or lose benefits to housing, food stamps and farm aid. Just after Congress passed a law requiring food stamps and subsidies stay in place.

Now Americans laid off from General Motors, the brick and mortar stores and the government can't qualify for food stamps to feed themselves or families.

By the way, Trump has decided to end Jim Mattis tenure on December 31st. Trump was upset that his Defense Secretary had a disagreement on withdrawal from Syria. So instead of letting him go in February, he fired him out the cannon and told him to exit the Pentagon by the end of the month.

Brett McGurk resigned (I meant fired).

McGurk, the State Department's special envoy to global terrorism has left in protest of Mattis being fired out the cannon. He also cites the imbecile's sympathy towards Russia, Turkey, the Philippines and North Korea's brutal governments.

Now Trump has become a product of his environment.

He failed to listen to Barack Obama's advice on how to deal with an opposition. He failed to listen to the advisers. He is taking advice from television and constantly using social media.

He has not kept his promise to stay off the golf course. He has said that he will make Americans lives so much better.

He said that he knows at lot of things.

Apparently not.

Okay, folks. Merry Christmas. Happy Hanukkah and Happy Kwanzaa.

I will start preparing for the Yearly Wrap Up.

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Two LSU Football Stars Won't See Bars After Killing The Robber!

Two LSU football stars defend themselves from a robber. They killed the robber. The East Baton Rouge Parish Boys won't charge the two for killing the robber.
If you are trying to exchange purchased items from the internet, please meet the person at safe place such as a police station and never at your home or places you're not familiar with.

Jared Small and Clyde Edward-Helair were questioned for the shooting of a teen.

Kobe Johnson was shot and killed after a botch robbery gone wrong. The two were active students at Louisiana State University. They were confronted by a gun-welding robber.

The robber was shot and killed when he tried to rob the two. They were trying to sell an electronic item when the robber tried to ambush them.
A teen was killed after a robbery attempt went wrong.
It's unknown who fired the gun but the law is considering this incident of self-defense.

Running back Edwards-Helaire and linebacker Small were allegedly arrested and released in relation to the death of Kobe Johnson. Johnson was not an LSU student and was pronounced dead at the scene Saturday.

LSU players called police, waited at the scene, were questioned and were released while the investigation continues.

"After Johnson displayed a weapon, one of the players pulled out a handgun and fired multiple times," police said. Authorities have not said whether the player was licensed to carry the firearm he used.
The suspect's vehicle was full of holes.
The only comment so far from LSU has come from athletic director Joe Alleva, who said in a statement that the university was "in constant contact with law enforcement regarding this terrible situation."

"Right now, our concern is for the safety and well-being of our student-athletes," the statement said. "They have been involved in a traumatic incident and we have made our counselors available to assist immediately."

It remains unknown how LSU will handle their playing status when the Tigers finish the season against UCF in the Fiesta Bowl on Jan. 1.

Fashionably Late!

Flint, Michigan women tried to geek out of a Target store in Metro Detroit. The cops were in the store doing a charity event and foiled their plans.
Two Michigan women were busted after attempting to shoplifting from a Target store in suburban Detroit.

Here's the kicker, they tried to shoplift while the law was doing a "Shop With A Cop" event.

Kiana Wilson and Dana Johnson were the fashionistas. They actually were flirting with the cops while trying to geek products.

The two women tried to geek over $2,000 in electronics. They lifted a Nintendo gaming system, a couple of Apple watches, iPads, and headphones.

The Bloomfield Township police were shopping with children who were in need when the two women were geeking.

"The loss prevention officers actually apprehended them, then they asked for police assistance," said Sylvan Lake Police Sgt. Michael Mondeau. "The police officers were only about 20 feet away when they tried to walk out the store."

Mondeau set up the "Shop with a Cop" event. He said that Johnson was trying to sweet talk to them.

He said they thought they were clever. They asked if the cops were "generous with their time."
Cops were shopping inside Target when two women tried to shoplift from it.
"It wasn't 10 minutes later that the same officer gets called into the loss prevention office. She was trying to distract him."

The suspects allegedly loaded a cart up with items and tried walking out without paying. The officers were only about 20 feet away from them when they tried walking out, according to police.

The suspects were arraigned on retail fraud charges. Johnson’s bail was set at $250,000 and Wilson’s at $20,000.

The two individuals are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.


Saturday, December 22, 2018

High School Referee Forces A Wrestler To Cut His Dreads!

CNN reports that a New Jersey referee was benched after he was accused of racially charged antics.

The New Jersey Division of Civil Rights is investigating an incident at a high school wrestling match this week in which a referee told a black wrestler to cut off his dreadlocks or forfeit the match.

Footage of the Buena Regional High School varsity wrestler having his dreadlocks cut off went viral Friday after it was shared by a local reporter from South New Jersey Today.

Many on social media were outraged by the video and accused the referee of exhibiting racial bias.

According to a letter from the school district Superintendent David Cappuccio Jr., the wrestler chose to have his hair cut rather than forfeit the match Wednesday after the referee told him his hair and headgear were not in compliance with league regulations.

The wrestler won the match in sudden victory in overtime, according to SNJ Today.

In a statement Friday night, a spokeswoman for the office of New Jersey Attorney General Gurbir Grewal said its civil rights division opened an investigation into the incident as part of a 2013 agreement with the New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association (NJSIAA) "to address potential bias in high school sports."

Neither the wrestler's family nor the referee immediately responded to CNN's requests for comment Saturday afternoon.

NJSIAA Executive Director Larry White confirmed in a statement posted online that state authorities are investigating the incident.

The referee won't be assigned to moderate matches until the incident "has been thoroughly reviewed," White said, before he weighed in on a more personal level.
New Jersey referee is accused of racism.
"Finally, as an African-American and parent -- as well as a former educator, coach, official and athlete -- I clearly understand the issues at play, and probably better than most," White added.

"The NJSIAA takes this matter very seriously, and I ask that everyone respect the investigatory process related to all parties involved."

It was not immediately clear which rule the referee said the wrestler had violated.

According to the NFHS wrestling rule book, a wrestler's hair cannot fall below the top of a shirt collar in the back, below his earlobes on the sides, or below his eyebrows.
If it is longer than the rule allows, the wrestler has to braid his hair or hide it beneath a hair cover attached to his ear guards, the rulebook states.

New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy also addressed the incident in a brief tweet Saturday morning, saying he was "deeply disturbed" that the student was "forced to choose between keeping his dreadlocks and competing in a wrestling tournament."

"No student should have to needlessly choose between his or her identity & playing sports," Murphy said.


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