Friday, July 21, 2017

Spicy Hot!

Sean Spicer fired out the cannon. The White House appoints Sarah Huckabee Sanders to take the helm.

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer is fired out the cannon.

Spicer exits in August. The hiring of Donald J. Trump's cronies only make his leadership more pathetic. Anthony Scaramucci is now the head White House Communication Director. He and Spicer didn't see eye to eye.

Scaramucci is a crony of Reince Priebus, Trump's Chief of Staff. He intitally was a conservative agitator and day trader before he got his White House clearence.

CNN was a target of Scaramucci. He was fingered in a story the network had to retract. Trump went to social media to mock the network and did gif of him slamming the network on the ground. The network logo was superimposed on the head of Vince McMahon.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders will now be the Press Secretary for the time being.

Most in the Trump inner circle believed Spicer couldn't defend him.

The hiring of Scaramucci is controversial. This asshole is no saint when it comes to corruption.

So here's the pictures of Anthony Scaramucci and Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Scaramucci will be the guy who handles social media and media pressers. He will also issue talking points.

Huckabee Sanders will do weekly briefings.

Journalists are concern about the lack of transparency. The White House doesn't often do live briefings. They often have off-camera press briefings.

Do you believe that Trump is an inept leader?

Most Conservatives Hate Softball Hannity!

For those who read World News Today, I want to say thank you for reading. I also want to say thank you to the most annoying conservative agitator in the history of media. Without you, we wouldn't have a blog to criticize you and your buddy, the most inept leader in modern history Donald J. Trump.

Many in the junk food media despise you. It's your demeanor! It's pathetic. It's an example of what's wrong in this country.

And for someone who claims to not be a journalist, you certainly complain about how journalists do their jobs to hold this leader accountable for his actions.

You've spent eight years demonizing Barack Obama. I believe you were the one who complained that the junk food media was so in the tank for Obama. It seems like your network, you and many of these supporters are brainwashed with the promise of "Making America Great Again."

Is "Make America Great Again" just words and speeches?

The feud between Sean "Softball" Hannity and the junk food media has gotten uglier.

The most annoying conservative agitator in the junk food media has continued his jihad against those who attack his man crush.

Softball Hannity has a thrill up his leg when it comes to Trump. He is a fierce defender of the inept leader. He often goes bananas when the junk food media continues to look into this inept leader's ties to Russia.

Now you can add the William F. Buckley Society and Media Research Center to the list of groups that the softball hates.

Joe Scarborough, Bill O'Reilly, Glenn Beck, George Will, Bret Stephens, Michael Savage, John Gibson, Erick Erickson, Jonah Goldberg, Debbie Schlussel and now Brent Bozell.

CNN's Jake Tapper got the goods on what's going at the Media Research Center's annual gala.

The softball is being stripped of his William F. Buckley Award for Media Excellence.

Christopher Buckley expressed great dismay at the announcement that Softball Hannity would receive an award. He said that the softball hurts the cause by insulting conservatives who criticize Trump.

He said that's all. The MRC will no longer honor the softball as a source of media.

The softball was none too kind about the report. He actually took to Twitter to slam the article and call Tapper, "Fake News Jake."

He also said that scheduling and his dedication to his loyal audience is the why he couldn't attend this gala.

The Republican Party is gravely concern that its allies in the conservative media are causing such ruckus. With the shooting of Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA), I believe that Sean "Softball" Hannity's rhetoric could place many lawmakers in danger.

He's been on the attack against the moderate Republicans for refusal to support the "REPEAL" Obamacare proposal without a replacement.

Read his word vomit via Twitter.

Now again, do you believe the end is near for Sean "Softball" Hannity?

I bet you money that he's working on an exit strategy. He hopes that Sinclair Broadcasting Media would launch its own cable news network. He could freely leave Fox News and join SBG's Circa Cable News. That's been floating around the web.

Sean Hannity is the official softball of Donald J. Trump and the Republican National Committee.

Dirty Cop Planted Drugs On Suspect In Baltimore!

Baltimore Police plain clothes planted evidence on a suspect.
The Baltimore City Police are under fire once again. The junk food media is talking about a body camera release of a cop allegedly planting drugs on a suspect. It resulted in an arrest.

Now the state prosecutor Marilyn Mosby will have to review all the arrests made by the dirty cop.

Some of the people who were arrested will likely have charges dropped because of this action.

The clip ran less than 90 seconds and during this encounter, the undercover was rummaging through the trash and happened to find a baggie on the ground.

The public defender for the suspect happened to find this footage and it was turned over to the city prosecutor.

Commissioner Kevin Davis was steaming mad over this. Officer Richard Pinheiro was placed in the freezer. He was the person who placed a baggie in a can. Two other officer who accompanied Pinherio were placed in the freezer as well. But the severity went to Pinheiro. He will likely hire an attorney and use the police union to defend him.
Heavy unearthed the photos of dirty cop Richard "Rick" Pinerio, Jr.
The dirty cop didn't know his body camera was running.

"I'm gonna go check her," said the dirty cop as he makes a short laugh from one of his partners.

He claims he found "boy" and the suspect was detained. Turns out that footage got the charges dropped. The public defender was applaud that the officer would stoop so low. With heighten tension in the city between the police and people of color, I wouldn't be surprised that Baltimore Police placed drugs on Freddie Gray.

Back in 2015, Freddie Gray was severely injured in police van. The police officers who were responsible were charged but the acquitted of the murder of Gray. The incident sparked unrest in the city.

"Boy" is street slang for heroin.

Free Like OJ, All Day!

OJ Simpson granted parole.
Well the White extremists and agitators in the junk food media are beyotching about how Orenthal James Simpson being granted parole for the 2007 robbery.

Still stuck in this mode about how a Black man beat the system.

The Nevada State Board granted the OJ Simpson a release with strict conditions.

His family and closest friends are celebrating the release. The White extremists are outraged that this "murderer" is set loose.

Simpson was accused by neighboring California in the deaths of his estranged wife Nicole Brown and her friend Ron Goldman. He was charged with murder and was found not guilty. He was ordered in a civil trial to pay up $35 million in criminal damages.

Still railing against him for the 1994 murder and 1995 trial.

The prosecutors didn't prepare for the the explosive testimony of one former LAPD detective. The perjury of Mark Fuhrman damaged the Chris Darden and Marsha Clark's accusations.

Fuhrman was featured on Fox News. Mind you, this dirty former cop said Nigger on tape and was caught planting evidence on suspects. He lacks credibility.

Perfect fit on the network.

CNN had Jeff Toobin, Mark Geragos and Areva Martin. The host Brooke Baldwin was caught off guard by Martin's comments.

When Arnelle Simpson's spoke on behalf of her father, she made a tearful and heartfelt reponse about being with him.

Martin said that she see a young woman who wants her father out. She thinks the words of Arnelle are similar to that conservative agitator Meghan McCain's heartfelt comments about her father Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) and his fight against cancer.

Baldwin tried to cut Martin out. Martin wasn't going to let that slide.

Martin slammed Toobin and Geragos for focusing on the 1994 trial instead of the 2008 robbery conviction. She told the panel that Simpson was a model intern.

Nevada parole board was not concerned about the issue in California. Simpson has this felony on his record. He had no other criminal charges. He was a low risk offender. He served his time.

The Daily Mail tried to push a sensational story about Simpson. They claimed he masturbated in front of a prison guard. That was fake news. Simpson was not involved in that. He did not sleep with a transgender intern. He was following all the rules according to the guards and parole board.

During the parole hearing, Simpson said that the media makes up stuff for ratings.

Simpson's victim even called for his release. Bruce Fromong, the victim of the robbery showed the parole board that he did not point a gun at him. He said that one of the men with him attacked him.

Simpson said the night of this robbery, he was at a wedding of a friend. He was told of Mike Gilbert, a shady dealer who had Simpson's property. Simpson went to retrieve his stuff. It got heated and a man pointed a gun.

Simpson did not take a plea deal. He went to trial and was handed 9 to 33 in the iron college. He would have gotten 1 to 3 years if he would have taken the plea deal.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Don't Lick Your Chops Just Yet!

The dumbbells: Mitch McConnell, Chuck Schumer, Paul Ryan, Kevin McCarthy and Nancy Pelosi. They are the most toxic leaders in Congress.

Democrats are cautiously optimistic that they could take back the House and Senate in 2018.

But are they blowing the horn too early?

Republicans are very unpopular. They have done nothing significant since Donald J. Trump took office. His agenda is being stalled and the public is getting tired of the delays, the vacations and the constant gridlock in Washington, DC.

The Republican Party is ridiculously stupid, inept and bothersome.

They failed at their promise to repeal Obamacare. They knew that if they repealed the Affordable Care Act, Americans will lose their health insurance.

Now the public wants Republicans to work with Democrats to get things done.

Most Americans want to Trump and Republicans to scrap the "repeal and replace" agenda. They want them to improve the healthcare law and move it forward.

The demise of the Affordable Care Act will be solely the Republicans fault. They know that if they repeal a law that could kick millions of Americans (and especially children), they could suffer at the polls.

Right now Republicans are viewed very unfavorably. Donald J. Trump in his first six months in office is the most divisive politician to hold the title.

It's pitiful that Republicans care about spending. The Republicans spend more taxpayer money on stupid shit. Then they turn around and blame Democrats for doing it.

The Republicans want to destroy the safety net, ban Muslims, ban immigrants and justify terrorist attacks against people of color.

Democrats aren't better either. They want to exploit grassroots activism for votes.

Breakfast With OJ!

The white extremists and the junk food media are going to be glued to their televisions and radios today. There will be a parole hearing to determine the outcome of Orenthal James Simpson, the former football star who was acquitted of murder of his ex-wife and her friend.

OJ Simpson was sentenced in 2008 for his role in a robbery in Las Vegas. He and his bodyguards tried to strong arm a shady dealer who had his stuff. He was convicted and ordered to serve 9 to 33 years in the iron college.

Today is his parole hearing. And of course, the junk food media will be covering it. They are hoping the Nevada State Board remembers Simpson.

The 70 year old former celebrity agitator is shunned by most WHITES because he was one of the few Blacks who beaten a murder rap. He was ordered to pay $35 million to the family of Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman.

The family are gadflies. They hell bent on making Simpson's life miserable.

Every time Simpson was in the news, the Goldmans were there showing out.

I respect their right to grief and say what's on their mind, but damn, Simpson does deserves a fair hearing and has shown the board he is a model citizen.

If he was granted parole, he will be out in October. He said that he will return back to the private life and stay away from the junk food media.

Simpson has been an infamous figure in the junk food media. Since the murder trial, agitators from both sides have discussed the "Trial of the Century."

John McCain Gets Quality Healthcare And Yet He Plans On Taking Away Yours!

Brain cancer got John McCain in dire straits.
You may have wondered why Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) was acting "lost" during the testimony of former FBI chief James Comey. Well it turns out that he had more than a "senior moment."

It was confirmed by the junk food media that 80 year old former 2008 Republican nominee has brain cancer.

There was a brain tumor that had cancer in it and the senator had to have it removed.

Donald J. Trump, Mike Pence, the former five presidents and many colleagues from both sides of the aisle came out with nothing but support for him to fight this. Mind you that I don't believe Trump's sincere. He said that "crusty" guy is a part of the problems in Washington.

Trump, Pence and Melania went to social media along to share thoughts and prayers to the McCain family. He appointed Cindy McCain to be an ambassador.

Barack Obama, his rival and eventual president said that he was an American hero and one of the bravest fighters he has known. He wished him well during treatment.

Hillary Clinton said that McCain is as tough as they come. She said that Cindy and the family are blessed to have him.

Former running mate and celebrity agitator Sarah Palin is that McCain is one tough fighter. She said that he has the courage and strength to overcome this.

There's concern that McCain who was reelected in 2016 may not return as scheduled.

The Mayo Clinic said doctors discovered a tumor called a glioblastoma following surgery to remove a blood clot from his lazy left eye. The senator and the family are considering a variety of treatments.

The Washington Post reports that a combination of chemotherapy and radiation could occur.

McCain's illness also points out the massive hypocrisy. McCain and Rep. Steve Scalise (R-VA) support Trump's call to repeal the Affordable Care Act.

These two are getting the best treatment most die for.

Scalise still recovering from his gunshot injury has placed him in intensive care. He's been injured in the leg and had a severe infection. They are working on treating him. He might lose his leg after this.

His daughter, conservative agitator Meghan McCain has express support for her father. She appears on Outnumbered on Fox News to address her father's health.

It's funny that we have a moment of unity in the wake of a tragedy. Soon after this passes, we're back to the ideological corners ready to destroy one another.

I won't send my thoughts and prayers to McCain. I am not praying away the pain.

McCain's health was bad. He knew it. He just was stubborn to take care of it. Instead of retiring, he chose to run for senate so he could continue obstruction if the Democrats had won the White House.

Now that Trump is in office, McCain was full steam ahead on repealing everything Barack Obama achieved.

The Republicans have 52 members in the Senate and they can't even pass their own healthcare bill.

Four senators refuse to support the all-out repeal the Affordable Care Act. He wanted to give Senate a least 2 years to accomplish this. Many Americans disapprove of the proposals.


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