Friday, July 29, 2016

Hills Crowned!

Hillary Clinton is crowned.

As we wrap up the Democratic Convention, the Democrats have achieved another feat. For the first time in American history, a woman became the nominee of a presidential ticket.

Hillary Clinton is officially the nominee of the Democratic Party. As you know, the Democratic Party is more diverse than the Republican Party.  The Republicans nominated Donald Trump, another old White, condescending individual who's only way of winning is whistling through the woods.

You have Moral Monday's founder William Barber deliver a powerful speech on unity and how to be a Christian.

You have Khizer Khan, the father of Humayun S.M. Khan speak on the behalf of Muslims and U.S. military soldiers who sacrificed their lives for the country.

Rep. Joyce Beatty (D-OH) mocked Melania Trump by dressing in a similar dress.

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar came out to speak and he addressed himself as "Michael Jordan" because Donald Trump wouldn't recognize what type of Muslim he is.

So far we're going to have most ugliest, most divisive election in American history.

Conservatives already pouncing on her speech. They go after her voice, flag pins, ratings of the DNC, Sanders supporters, and her pantsuit.

Hillary Clinton

Chelsea Clinton

William Barber

Khizr Khan

Joyce Beatty

Doug Elmets

Sarah McBride

Jennifer Granholm

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Think Before You Speak!

Trump's Republican backers order him to more presidential. He ignores it.

The convention bump got Donald Trump and Mike Pence in a slight lead against Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine. Trump is still defiant. The Republicans are urging him to be more presidential. Trump is ignoring that and it's starting to effect his chances.

I believe that Trump has a slight lead at 50% against Hillary Clinton 48% with 2% undecided.

Donald Trump is doing damage control after he made the comment that he would advocate Russia to hack into the emails of Hillary Clinton. Democrats are calling the notion treasonous.

Given the Democrats trying to save grace after the Wikileaks scandal. Debbie Wasserman Schultz had to resign after the scandal broke that DNC officials were trash talking Bernie Sanders through emails. The FBI is investigating who is responsible for the leaks.

Julian Assange, the Wikileaks founder is holed up in an embassy in fear of being detained for sexual assault. He claims responsibility for the hack and denies Russia had ties to it.

Trump found some way to exploit the situation.

In Miami, Trump did a presser to blast Clinton and running mate Tim Kaine. He would get riled up over the fact that the Democrats are attacking him for being inept as a leader.

Trump on the defense saying it was just a joke.

"Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing."

Those comments got him in trouble. The intelligence community is probably shaking their heads thinking that it's simply stupid.

The Republicans are alarmed by this.

As usual, Trump's biggest backers, old fart Rush Limbaugh, internet creeper Matt Drudge and Softball Hannity will find some way to make the conversation about President Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton.

Kaine O'Biden!

Clinton gets O to speak on her behalf. Trump didn't get a Bush, McCain or Romney shout out!

Day three was a good one. The Clinton campaign brought out the big guns. They got the full fledge endorsement of President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, former mayor of New York Michael Bloomberg, and even the actress from cult cop drama Cagney & Lacey.

I mean this was one for the record books. President Barack Obama won the night. Hillary Clinton comes out to address the president and embraces him.

Obama called Donald Trump a homegrown demagogue. He took shots at Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio and Wisconsin sheriff David Clarke, Jr. when he addressed the we need to elect new mayors, new sheriffs and new district attorneys.

Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA) gets a nod for mocking Donald Trump's "Trust Me" rhetoric. Kaine introduced himself to the world as the father of three, a former governor, former mayor and father. failed to mention he was a former DNC chief.

Vice President Joe Biden gets very emotional about his son Beau, the fight for cancer research and the love of his life Dr. Jill Biden. He also slammed Donald Trump for malarkey.

Christine Leinonen spoke on behalf the families in the Orlando massacre. She was being labeled a "crisis actor" by the agitators of the alt-right. She gave an emotional plea for background checks and a ban to semi-automatic rifles.

Full Day 3 online.

Tim Kaine

Vice President Joe Biden

Dr. Jill Biden

Christine Leinonen 

Leon Panetta 

Michael Bloomberg 

Gabrielle Giffords

President Barack Obama

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Cop Walk In Freddie Gray Case!

The six cops who allow Freddie Gray to die in custody walk free.

It's a win for the police and loss for the victims of police violence.

Marilyn Mosby comes out a loser in the fight against the crooked cops of Baltimore. The six officers charged in the death of Freddie Gray are walking free with their heads held high and their union leader gloating.

Accountability is what the residents want.

All the remaining officers who were to go to free

Brian Rice, Alicia White, Caesar Goodson, William Porter, Edward Nero and Garrett Miller were indicted by the prosecutor for negligent homicide.

The prosecutor didn't have enough evidence to indict those officers.

Freddie Gray's family is extremely disappointed in this development.

Conservatives are gloating once again and using their divisive nonsense to blame President Barack Obama for this.

The Baltimore Police is working on initiatives for better community relations.

The Judge Loosen The Nut!

John Hinckley, Jr. could be back on the streets.

John Hinckley, Jr., the would be assassin of 40th President of the United States Ronald Reagan is going to be back on the streets.

U.S. District Judge Paul Friedman issued an order to allow the release. He will leave the federal nut house after serving a 35 year bid. He is going to ordered to live with his mama and have no contact with Ron, Jr, Michael Reagan and Patti Davis. He will not have any contact with actress/director Jodie Foster.

In 1981, Hinckley was standing outside a Washington, DC hotel watching Reagan leave out.

He shot Reagan at point blank range. He also injured James Brady, Tom Delahanty and Tim McCarthy.

Brady was left paralyzed and strongly advocated for gun control. He would pass away without getting any needle moved on gun control.

Hinckley was driven by Taxi Driver in which he had a huge crush on Foster playing the role of a teenage prostitute and Robert DeNiro as Travis Bickle, the anti-establishment taxi driver who saves her from an abusive pimp.

The judge says he's no threat to the public. No comment from President Barack Obama, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.

Bubba Shows Hills Love!

Bill delivers.

History was made on day two of the Democratic National Convention. Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton became the first woman ever to represent a national party's presidential ticket.

She became a historical feat. The Democratic Party is willing to take on policies Republicans often scare voters with.

Bernie Sanders officially ends his bid for president. He went forth to embrace the Clinton campaign by saying he will pledge his delegates to her and help her win the election.

The night went to Bill Clinton who best described his wife, the former first lady and former secretary of state. The 42nd President of the United States was the most successful and deeply controversial of the modern day presidents. While he didn't lead us into a costly war, a near recession and a deeply partisan environment, Bill Clinton had his misfortunes in women. He was allegedly having numerous affairs on Hillary Clinton.

She shown strength by standing by Bill despite her angry towards him for the affairs.

Bill delivered a 45 minute speech with standing ovation and boos from the Bernie Bros.

As Clinton became the nominee, Bernie Sanders supporters stormed out the convention floor.

The FBI is investigating the Wikileaks email bombshell. The emails forced Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz to step down. Julian Assange who is currently held up in an embassy is facing charges in numerous countries said that he wants to damage Hillary Clinton's chances.

Democrats gave support to the mothers of #BlackLivesMatter. The mothers of Trayvon Martin, Sandra Bland, Jordan Davis, Eric Garner and Michael Brown gave a compassionate speech about their lost family members. They gave praise to Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders for giving them a message.

The winners of the day was of course Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton and the mothers of a movement (#BlackLivesMatter).

Terry McAuliffe, the controversial governor of Virginia and former DNC chairman himself got booed and hissed when he threw his support for the Trans Pacific Trade Agreement.

Actresses Lena Dunham, America Ferrera, Meryl Streep and Elizabeth Banks threw their support to Hillary Clinton. Pop singer/actress Alicia Keys closed out the event with a plea for unity.

The Democratic Convention pledges for a stronger progressive agenda. That agenda will be exploited by Donald Trump, Softball Hannity, internet creeper Matt Drudge and old fart Rush Limbaugh.

Bill Clinton

Sybrina Fulton

Amy Klobuchar

Meryl Streep

America Ferrera and Lena Durham

Alicia Keys

Eric Holder

Miss Cleo Passed Away!

She couldn't predict her own death. Miss Cleo aka Youree Harris passed away!

"Call me now!"

The words of the famous words of TV psychic Miss Cleo. Well the junk food media broke the news that the actress behind the controversial Psychic Readers & Friends Network passed away today.

Youree Harris, the self proclaimed psychic who swamped the networks with commercials during the late 1990s until mid 2000s.

She passed away from complications with cancer. Harris also went by Ree Perris, Youree Cleomili, Youree Dell Harris, Rae Dell Harris and Lady Cleo. Although she had the Jamaican accent, Harris was originally from Los Angeles.

She grew up in Seattle, and trained in voice acting and landed a few roles on television during the 1980s.

Her big break came when she put on the Carribbean head scarf and started winging it with the voice of ya shamen! Those commercials were annoying as hell. They were everywhere.

They were pulled after the Federal Trade Commission and U.S. Department of Justice ended the charade. Prosecutors took a hold of her birth certificate to show that Harris was born in Los Angeles and not Jamaica.

She would be the subject of a "deceptive advertising, billing and collections practice". The company sponsoring the Psychic Readers & Friends was indicted. Access Resource Services was fined $5 million in damages.
When the feds ended the Miss Cleo ads, Harris was struggling for a job. She wasn't being paid the millions of dollars the company intaked. She took a nosedive in her career.

The only thing besides playing Miss Cleo, Harris lent her voice to Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. She played Auntie Poulet, a Haitian voodoo shaman and drug lord.

World News Today send our condolences to the family of Miss Cleo (aka Youree Harris).


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