Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Yet Again !!!!!

Totally Offensive!

GOP Attendee: That's How We Feed The Animals!

The anti-Obama Convention already drawn controversy with one of their attendees harassing a Black camerawoman.
The Republican Anti-Obama National Convention is underway. The delegates gather together to make Mitt Romney their nominee and leader of the party. During yesterday's festivities, you've heard the president's name dropped more than their nominee. The speakers couldn't find anything inspiring about their nominee. Even wife, Ann tried to paint a millionaire like her husband Mitt as a "regular guy".

Rick Santorum, famously said that he doesn't want his money to make "blah" people's lives better went onstage trying to paint the president as aloof and determined to destroy the fundamental Christian values that makes the Republican Party whole. Yet, nothing about his former rival.

Artur Davis, a former Democratic congressman went forth with the most harshest attack on the president. He made the case that his former party has spent all their time attacking Romney. But yet what is Davis doing?

Current TV the home of liberal agitators Stephanie Miller, David Schuster, Bill Press, Eliot Spitzer and Jennifer Granholm.

David Schuster tweeted:

David Shuster

GOP attendee ejected for throwing nuts at African American CNN camera woman + saying "This is how we feed animals."   

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

White Like Cocaine!

The message of the Republicans: Snort Coke And Then Blame Obama For The High!

Republicans are White like cocaine!


The party is nearly 90% WHITE, 10% everything else.

Cocaine is a powerful drug.

These people are fucking doped up on ignorance and bigotry. They're not patriots! They're a bunch of pain inducing morons with language that comes off as condescending, sexist, racist, Islamophobic, homophobic and outright stupid.
Right off the bat, the Republican National Convention isn't packed. I mean seriously, I am watching it and see how the audience of the first day of this so-called jamboree of right wing agitators and legislators is not a packed house.

If you listen to the Republicans, all you hear is the negative talk about President Barack Obama. They have no solutions to match his "failed" policies. They can't tell you what Mitt Romney's policies are! All you hear from the Republicans and their conservative allies is basically they hate Obama and they want him gone!

Mitt Romney and the Republican Party: Where being anti-Obama is a right! Not an option!

Hurricane Isaac has put a damper on the festivities. The president, the Democratic Party and his progressive allies are gleeful that the worst is happen to Mitt Romney and his party.

When Reince Priebus cut back the event by a day, that left the Republicans scrambling to put forth speakers who will not draw controversy. Meaning those lovely Tea Party activists who spoke highly of not being represented by the two respectable parties were cut. That created a mess within its ranks.

The Republicans are trying to send a message to the embattled President Barack Obama, either "We Built That!" or "You're Fired!" I don't know which message is clear, but I know the controversial issues that fall forth are simplistic.

Watching Republican governors Terry Branstad (Iowa), Scott Walker (Wisconsin), John Kasich (Ohio), Bob McDonnell (Virginia), and Chris Christie (New Jersey) brag about their declining unemployment rates in their states.

You got to understand this. If they're bragging about the success in their states, that means the president's policies are working! These morons are so obsessed with blaming the president for the mess he inherited. And yet they're taking credit for the successful policies enacted by the president. That's probably why the Romney campaign wants them to avoid mentioning the economic successes. These states were carried by Barack Obama in 2008. Each state is considered a toss up in regards to the electoral map.

Congressman Todd Akin (R-Missouri) screwed up and now it's likely a toss up for the Missouri senate seat occupied by Senator Claire McCaskill (D-Missouri).

Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-New Hampshire) makes a ridiculous statement comparing the president handling of the economy to running a lemonade stand. Of course, she's one of the many members of the Republican fold willing to stop the progress so she could steal the tip jar and lemonade.
Standing Tall.

Former senator and presidential candidate Rick Santorum goes right into attack mode. He revisits his failed strategy of blaming President Barack Obama for welfare and food stamps. Criticizing the single mother, gay marriage and public schools. Typical nonsense from a rabid right wing asshat.

Congressman Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin) and Mitt Romney are the nominees for the Republican Party.

Many still haven't gotten to know the former governor and perennial candidate for president. They're still undecided on him. They do feel confident that he is more able minded to fix the economy. But they think he's either condescending or not concerned with the middle class. Thursday, Mitt Romney will take the mantle as the leader of the Republican Party. We can only hope that he can inspire the nation!

People we're looking at Berry Goldwater 2.0.

We are seeing the Pat Buchanan in the GOP.

Rush Limbaugh is the leader of the Republican Party.

Get use to four more years of your sworn enemy President Barack Obama.

My Honest Opinion Of Mitt Romney!

Sigh! Ann Romney will introduce the world to Mitt Romney. The first Mormon to take the mantle of the Republican Party. Could Mitt Romney be destined for political failure?
As the first American Mormon to ever get the nomination of a major political party, I want to share my thoughts and honest opinion of this candidate. I wish his campaign well, but I really think he's potentially destined for political failure.

When he first ran for President of The United States, I was then working on making YouTube videos in support of the lunatic perennial candidate for president, Ron Paul. At the whim of a late friend, I was introduced into the Ron Paul Revolution. I never heard of the Texas congressman, but I got an opportunity to meet him and the nominee of the 2012 Republican Presidential Campaign.

I participated in the 2007 YouTube challenge. I was working on a video talking about the situation in my community. I was hoping that my impact would help get my message out there. As CNN was venturing into new opportunities to make politics interesting, they've decided to partner up with YouTube to make an event  worth while.

YouTube selected twelve people to participate in the YouTube Democratic and Republican Debates being hosted by CNN. I missed my first opportunity to meet then Senators John Edwards, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

I was one of the winners of the contest to have my video played on CNN. YouTube's parent company Google sent me down to St. Petersburg, Florida at the Mahaffey Theater.

I had an opportunity to see CNN host Anderson Cooper, Senator John McCain (R-Arizona), Fred Thompson, Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, Duncan Hunter and Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas).

I got to meet actor/conservative activist Chuck Norris, then governor Charlie Crist, the founders of YouTube and many others in attendance. I've gotten the opportunity to shake hands with Mike Huckabee, Ron Paul, Mitt Romney and Duncan Hunter.

Retired military officer Keith Kerr, rocked the forum by asking a question about their opposition to LGBT men and women in uniform not being allow to serve. This caused great outrage on Fox News, The Drudge Report and CNN.

The Republicans were making the case to become the president. Unfortunately, they've proven they were no match for the economic turmoils under the watch of President George W. Bush. The media was rooting for either Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama to win.

The media was invested in the historical run of a woman and an African American running for president.

Mitt Romney lost the first time running for the Republican nomination. The nomination went to John McCain. He didn't pick him as a vice presidential candidate. McCain picked Alaskan governor Sarah Palin. They went on to lose to Barack Obama and Joe Biden.

Mitt Romney has ran for higher office for years. Once as a U.S. Senator. He lost.

Once as a state governor. He won. He managed to serve one term as the governor of Massachusetts. He managed to sign a law that granted healthcare to state residents. He allowed his state to become the first to legalize same-sex marriage.

He tried to run for president, the first time. He lost. He's been trying to regroup and urge many of the party faithful to join him in unison to oppose President Barack Obama. He is now becoming the Republican nominee.

Okay, now many aren't familiar with him. Many think of him negatively. He and his wife Ann are trying to revamp his image.

I am not going to be nice when I say this about Mitt Romney and his family. They were really are irritating. They come off as a bunch of assholes. They act like they're a normal family. What the fuck?

You're running for the freaking President of The United States. You can't live a normal life, Mitt!

You act like President Barack Obama is a demon sent from the depths of hell. You think he was summoned to come and destroy the United States and Israel.

Some conservatives worry that Romney could damage the brand.

You're a weathervane. You swing around whenever the wind blows.

You're a boring loser. Your father is a loser. Your mother is a loser.

You could win, I give you that! The economy isn't improving fast enough and people are very unhappy with the progress of the president and Congress. But if it wasn't for a bunch of assholes with a vendetta to deny the president a victory, we wouldn't be in this mess.

You can call upon Matt Drudge, Karl Rove, Sean Hannity and the rest of the conservative agitating media to do your dirty work and yet you call the president the panderer of hate.

I'm sorry. If he wins, White people are forever etched in stone for subtle racism.

Blacks would look upon this as a testament to how White people are not comfortable to the notion of a Black person, a woman, a Hispanic/Latino or a gay president.

Mitt Romney and his family go on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace. This softball interview goes right into the problem with this guy. He can't figure out how to be a "regular guy".

He's so fake. It's not even funny!

Part 1:

Part 2:

ROPE? Conservatives Pass Around Racist Emails!

Wake Sean Hannity up! There's one of his fellow conservatives sending another racist email depicting President Barack Obama as something offensive.

Chirps of crickets when you hear from Sean Hannity, the Republicans and their conservative allies when it comes to racist emails being forwarded by conservative Republicans.

Why focus on that silly conservative agitator?

This fool Hannity lives in a bubble.

He thinks President Barack Obama is playing dirty politics. He's on radio complaining about Vice President Joe Biden "ya'll in chains" comment and the Priorities USA infamous ad depicting Republican nominee Mitt Romney as a heartless murderer.

But yet we have the Republican nominee making references to the president, "not being like one of us!" Making references to welfare in order to whistle White male voters.

Having members of the Republican Party depict the president as a "socialist", "tar baby" and  "not legally born". We got most of the Republican Party wanting to drive the economy into the ground in order to win back the White House. Sean Hannity never sees this issue.

Well Matt Desmond and his team over at Addicting Info report that the right wing email depicting the president in his silhouette HOPE poster rewritten as ROPE. In other words, "hangin' a Nigger President!"

The right wing emails are composed by an individual who passes it along to someone else. When they get forward to members of the Republican Party, some in the media focuses on the person who sent it. The person caught makes an abrupt apology to the president or those they've offended. If they were really sincere about this apology, why on earth would they send it? is a popular fixture on Blogger. This gem makes up one of the hundreds of emails sent to the website. The website leans liberal.

You tell me how many of these assholes out there are seriously disturbed.

We just had four U.S. soldiers plotting to assassinate the president.

This type of nonsense is why Republicans are not only hated by the Black community but the Democratic Party entirely. The Republicans put blinders on their eyes when it comes to one of their own. When these people are caught with one of these racist emails, why does it reflex the individual and not the party?

New Orleans Braces For Hurricane Isaac!

Isaac is approaching New Orleans, seven years to the day, Hurricane Katrina leveled the city.
Isaac is a dangerous storm. The potential of the tropical storm becoming a hurricane is likely. And it's aimed directly for New Orleans. Tuesday's arrival of the storm marks the day that Hurricane Katrina destroy the South.

Over seven years ago, Hurricane Katrina pounded New Orleans, Louisiana and Biloxi, Mississippi. The hurricane killed over thousands of people. President George W. Bush felt the impact. He was roundly criticized for taking a vacation while the hurricane was approaching. The Bush administration's slow actions lead to the direct destruction of a major city.

When celebrities were fundraising for the victims of the hurricane, Kanye West made an impromptu speech declaring that George W. Bush doesn't care about Black people.

Are we seeing history repeating itself?


People are preparing for this one. People are bracing for the Category 1 (even possibility of Category 2) storm. This storm could bring damage to the Gulf Coast.

In 2005, the fuel prices soared up to over $3.00 a gallon. The shut down of oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico and the potential damages of communities surrounding the Gulf Coast has driven fuel prices above the normal.

The New York Daily News reports that the GOP is panicked that Tropical Storm Isaac will morph into a hurricane and begin pounding the Gulf coast late Monday or early Tuesday. They don’t want to have to compete for news time with a dramatic hurricane.

But a bigger cause for their alarm is the very real possibility Isaac will hit New Orleans. And if it does, it may remind Americans of the last time New Orleans took the full brunt of a hurricane – and the non-response from the last Republican White House.

It was Hurricane Katrina, and the President was George W. Bush. Weeks and months went by as the residents of New Orleans suffered.

Then President George W. Bush and former FEMA chief Michael Brown. Then President Bush uttered the infamous words: "Brownie, you're doing a heck a of a job!"

“Heck of a job, Brownie,” said Bush to the administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Administration, Michael Brown –  who hadn’t done his job at all.

That’s because Bush not only failed New Orleans. He also told America there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq – leading us into a terrible war on the basis of a lie.

High fuel prices happen during a hurricane or disruption in oil supply.
In addition, Bush took a $5 trillion budget surplus, handed to him by the Clinton administration, and turned it into an almost $6 trillion debt. He did this by enacting a giant tax cut that went mostly to wealthy Americans, passing a Medicare drug benefit that mostly benefitted the drug companies, and then convincing Congress to bail out Wall Street – no strings attached.

The Bush administration also let Wall Street get away with the risky bets and predatory home loans, until the Street almost melted down.

 Mitt Romney and others who are gathering in Tampa want to erase the memory of George W. Bush. They want to blame President Obama for the budget deficit and the lousy economy. That’s what their infomercial is largely about.

But if a Hurricane Isaac pounds New Orleans, Americans may start to recall the Bush administration anyway. They may even begin to recall how Republicans treat average Americans in need. And how they treat top executives from corporations and Wall Street whose jets have just been cleared to land in Tampa, where they’ll be wined and dined for the next three days.

Monday, August 27, 2012

U.S. Soldiers Plot Murder Of President Barack Obama!

Pfc. Michael Burnett and Private Christopher Salmon were arrested with two others in an apparent plot to assassinate President Barack Obama. The FBI uncovered these individuals after an informant tipped them off. 
Not even a full week and we're covering more radicalism within the conservative movement. The White nationalist movement is dangerous. The online rage and rabble rousing from the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity has motivated some to commit acts of domestic terrorism.

White supremacists are actively recruiting the returning soldier, the angry veteran, the former cop, and the rejected young person. These people are willing to be the gofer to a domestic terrorist attack. The lone wolf gunman has no real motive. The lone wolf gunman is either upset over rejection and they feel that in order to attract attention, they commit a mass shooting. The only thing that inspires a White supremacist is hate of a diverse nation and the potential reelection of the first Black president. They already concluded that Barack Obama will win reelection. They want to start the great "race war".

The American Family Association/Family Research Council shooting was one of the most recent incidents in which a person was inspired to commit an act of violence. The voices of the angry White conservative male led to one shooting a security guard at the conservative lobbyist group in Washington, D.C.

Floyd Lee Corkins II, 28, of Herndon, Virginia was apparently inspired by the talk radio and the conservative lobbyist groups strong opposition towards LGBT rights. This gentlemen will face the possibility of decades in prison if convicted for the shooting. Family Research Council was labeled a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, a civil rights organization.

The reports say that Corkins told the guard he didn't like the group's politics before opening fire with a semiautomatic handgun. Corkins was carrying dozens of rounds of ammunition and 15 Chick-fil-A sandwiches, according to the court documents.

The Washington state area man who emailed the FBI and  U.S. Secret Service threats to the president and his family. Anton Calouri, 31 of Federal Way, Washington had made it clear he was angry at the president.
Hate is rising.
Calouri issued a warning to the FBI of a “cop-killing spree…just over the hill” and said that dying “isn’t frightening…it’s peaceful…you will see.”

“You can’t afford to call my bluff,” said Calouri. The threat arrived in the general inbox for the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the affidavit says.

The Los Angeles Times says that he was charged in a criminal complaint with threatening the president and assaulting a federal agent. He made an initial appearance in federal court in Seattle, where his lawyer said she would seek a psychological evaluation. A bail hearing was set for Monday.

“Recent national events are a stark reminder that we must take these threats of death or violence seriously,” Jenny A. Durkan, U.S. attorney in Seattle, said in a statement. “This case had all the troubling ingredients: threats of violence and explosive devices, multiple weapons with hundreds of rounds and even brandishing of a weapon at law enforcement.”

In charging documents, federal authorities said that U.S. Secret Service agent   Bryan Molnar and Federal Way police officer Andy Hensing on Tuesday afternoon cautiously approached the address Caluori had listed as his in the email.

It seemed clear that Caluori would be expecting them. The email commanded: “GET HERE…NOW!!! Or [expletive] THIS PLANTE [sic]…HARD!!!”

Wade Michael Page, a White supremacist who was once enlisted in the U.S. military attacked a Sikh Temple in Wisconsin. He managed to kill seven individuals before being killed by law enforcement.

The tragic shooting at a movie theater in Aurora,Colorado by James Holmes led to 12 people being killed and numerous others injured. Federal prosecutors haven't determined what inspired him to kill but it's likely his anger at government and being rejected by society factors to this shooting.

U.S. Army Sergeant Anthony Peden and Pvt. Isaac Aguigui were arrested with two others. They called themselves F.E.A.R., a radical militia group that plotted the killing of federal officials including President Barack Obama.
Now we're looking into the assassination plot by four active military officers in Georgia. The individuals had ties the sovereign militia movement. The movement is inspired by White nationalism and the fundamental Christian theories.

According to the Huffington Post/Associated Press, these men based out of southeast Georgia killed a former comrade and his girlfriend to protect an anarchist militia group they formed that stockpiled assault weapons and plotted a range of anti-government attacks, prosecutors told a judge Monday.

Prosecutors in rural Long County, near the sprawling Army post Fort Stewart, said the militia group of active and former U.S. military members spent at least $87,000 buying guns and bomb components. They allege the group was serious enough to kill two people – former soldier Michael Roark and his 17-year-old girlfriend, Tiffany York – by shooting them in the woods last December in order to keep its plans secret.

"This domestic terrorist organization did not simply plan and talk," prosecutor Isabel Pauley told a Superior Court judge. "Prior to the murders in this case, the group took action. Evidence shows the group possessed the knowledge, means and motive to carry out their plans."
Conservatives think that radical Islam is a threat. Nope. It's Christian radicals who are motivated by individuals who have anger towards illegal immigration, abortion doctors, gun control, urban crime, gay rights, and President Barack Obama.
One of the Fort Stewart soldiers charged in the case, Pfc. Michael Burnett, also gave testimony that backed up many of the assertions made by prosecutors. The 26-year-old soldier pleaded guilty Monday to manslaughter, illegal gang activity and other charges. He made a deal to cooperate with prosecutors against the three other soldiers.

Prosecutors said the group called itself F.E.A.R., short for Forever Enduring Always Ready. Pauley said authorities don't know how many members it had.

Burnett, 26, said he knew the group's leaders from serving with them at Fort Stewart. He agreed to testify against fellow soldiers Pvt. Isaac Aguigui, identified by prosecutors as the militia's founder and leader, and Sgt. Anthony Peden and Pvt. Christopher Salmon.

All are charged by state authorities with malice murder, felony murder, criminal gang activity, aggravated assault and using a firearm while committing a felony. A hearing for the three soldiers was scheduled Thursday.

Prosecutors say Roark, 19, served with the four defendants in the 4th Brigade Combat Team of the Army's 3rd Infantry Division and became involved with the militia. Pauley said the group believed it had been betrayed by Roark, who left the Army two days before he was killed, and decided the ex-soldier and his girlfriend needed to be silenced.

Burnett testified that on the night of Dec. 4, he and the three other soldiers lured Roark and York to some woods a short distance from the Army post under the guise that they were going target shooting. He said Peden shot Roark's girlfriend in the head while she was trying to get out of her car. Salmon, he said, made Roark get on his knees and shot him twice in the head. Burnett said Aguigui ordered the killings.

"A `loose end' is the way Isaac put it," Burnett said.

Aguigui's attorney, Daveniya Fisher, did not immediately return a phone call from The Associated Press. Attorneys for Peden and Salmon both declined to comment Monday.

Also charged in the killings is Salmon's wife, Heather Salmon. Her attorney, Charles Nester, did not immediately return a call seeking comment.

Pauley said Aguigui funded the militia using $500,000 in insurance and benefit payments from the death of his pregnant wife a year ago. Aguigui was not charged in his wife's death, but Pauley told the judge her death was "highly suspicious."

She said Aguigui used the money to buy $87,000 worth of semiautomatic assault rifles, other guns and bomb components that were recovered from the accused soldiers' homes and from a storage locker. He also used the insurance payments to buy land for his militia group in Washington state, Pauley said.
They hide in the shadows. The militia movement has grown and the Southern Poverty Law Center has raised concerns  about the potential of a domestic terrorism threat.
In a videotaped interview with military investigators, Pauley said, Aguigui called himself "the nicest cold-blooded murderer you will ever meet." He used the Army to recruit militia members, who wore distinctive tattoos that resemble an anarchy symbol, she said. Prosecutors say they have no idea how many members belong to the group.

"All members of the group were on active-duty or were former members of the military," Pauley said. "He targeted soldiers who were in trouble or disillusioned."

The prosecutor said the militia group had big plans. It plotted to take over Fort Stewart by seizing its ammunition control point and talked of bombing the Forsyth Park fountain in nearby Savannah, she said. In Washington state, she added, the group plotted to bomb a dam and poison the state's apple crop. Ultimately, prosecutors said, the militia's goal was to overthrow the government and assassinate the president.

Fort Stewart spokesman Kevin Larson said the Army has dropped its own charges against the four soldiers in the slayings of Roark and York. The Military authorities filed their charges in March but never acted on them. Fort Stewart officials Monday refused to identify the units the accused soldiers served in and their jobs within those units.

"Fort Stewart-Hunter Army Airfield does not have a gang or militia problem," Larson said in a prepared statement, though he said Army investigators still have an open investigation in the case.

"However, we don't believe there are any unknown subjects," he said.

District Attorney Tom Durden said his office has been sharing information with federal authorities, but no charges have been filed in federal court. Jim Durham, an assistant U.S. attorney for the Southern District of Georgia, would not comment on whether a case is pending.


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