Saturday, July 07, 2012

Conservatives Have A Heartless Reaction To An Obama Supporter's Death!

The tragedy of the summer heatwave hits the campaign trail. President Barack Obama travels to the swing states of Ohio and Pennsylvania. The president goes to these states to pitch his offense against a formidable candidate who has a 3:1 ratio in fundraising. Former Massachusetts governor and perennial candidate for president Mitt Romney has made an alliance to the most radical elements of the conservative movement.

The once moderate governor of one of the most bluest states in the nation has become increasingly conservative if not an extremist in the way of thinking.

His supporters include radical elements who channel the angry voices of political talk radio. Supporters who watch Fox News religiously. Supporters who come onto websites to talk out their frustrations in keystrokes.

The president makes a stop in the city of Akron to get a little breakfast and take pictures with the owner of Ann's Restaurant. The owner Ann Harris served the president. A few hours later, the owner dies. Confirmed by the White House, the person who serve the president died of a heart attack.

According to the Huffington Post (through the Akron Beacon Journal and Associated Press), Josephine "Ann" Harris, 70, complained of "fatigue and a tingling feeling" shortly after Obama left her family diner, Ann's Place. She was taken by ambulance to Akron General Medical Center, and by 11:18 a.m., she was pronounced dead from an apparent heart attack.

Harris met -- and hugged -- Obama just after 8:00 a.m., when he stopped in unannounced for breakfast. Harris' sister, Frankie Adkins, told the Beacon Journalthat meeting Obama was likely a "highlight" for her sister since she was a big fan.
"She loved Obama," said Adkins.
The newspaper notes that Harris was "ecstatic" earlier in the morning when a Beacon Journal reporter spoke to her about meeting with the president.
The president and his staff express condolences to the family of Ann Harris. 
How conservatives reacted to the news of an Obama supporter dying after meeting the president.
Note there are some who have sympathetic responses but unfortunately the majority is negative and heartless. 

This is courtesy of Gateway Pundit, a conservative activist who goes about the daily routine of agitating dissent.
  1. I bet there will somehow still be a vote cast in her name come November.
  2. I wonder if it was the same tingling feeling that caused Chris Matthews to lose his mind.
  3. An act of GOD proving Obamacare is a COVENANT IN DEATH…….>
  4. Glad she got to experience that before she died. Regardless of what any of us feel about Obama, it must be a thrill to meet the President of the United States.
  5. Well I guess Obama/’s Bus of death works
  6. Obama, the kiss of death.
  7. Obama appears to be a walking death panel, the grim reaper himself.
  8. too bad it wasn’t opposite day
  9. portable Death Panel.
  10. So far, many negative comments about this President have been figurative in nature.
    Not so much anymore.
    My advise? Don’t hug the Voodoo King.
  11. Condolences to the Harris family. . may Ann Rest in Peace
    Irregardless of one’s Political POV, it is a sad day for the Harris family.
    Hopefully those who survive Ann realize it is hard work and self determination, not more government, that built her restaurant and kept in going in good times and bad. . .
    Obama doesn’t give a rat’s ass for Ann or any hard working American. .his answer is to destroy the things that made this country Great and grow the reach & size of government.
  12. Wasn’t one of the subplots of ‘The Omen’ where people died after running into Damien, the child Anti-Christ? Just sayin’….
  13. The Damien Boy anti christ has already been born into the Kennedy Family…Obama is just Satan’s butler…>
  14. She was so excited and if she was a democrat, all the more excited. She worked hard for years and seems to have has a rewarding life. I am not a supporter of Obama and those who know me here, no this the truth.
    Ann Harris had something few have, she served a president. This is one moment where I refrain from my posts on how I feel.
    RIP Ms. Harris. I hope that meeting Obama made your last moments here, wonderful.
  15. #16
    sorry, for all the typos.
    You” know” that is what I do best. typos.
  16. Every damn thing this guy touches…
    If you’re a sports team, the last thing you want is Obama picking you in his brackets. Even if you’re a 20 point favorite in basketball, you’re certain to lose. And we all know how his green investments have panned out… a graveyard of failed companies that were thrown piles of taxpayer money.
    Barack Obama: “It may be that the sole purpose of your life is to serve as a warning to others.”
  17. and yes… prayers and wishes for the family.
  18. Wonder if she had health insurance.
  19. Everything this guy touches.
    No wonder lots and lots of Democrats don’t want to be seen with him.
    Reminds me of the old Gary Larson cartoon of “Brushes with Death,” “Hey, Buddy, watch the shoulders!”
    Says something when lots of Democrats they’re announcing that they’re NOT coming to the Dem convention.
  20. It’s sad and pathetic to see us dissolve into partisans of a nature where even the death of an elderly woman cannot be absent of partisan shots. This kind of thread is EXACTLY what you would see on Democrat Underground when say, Cheney, has a heart attack. Juvenile and without compassion.
    You really want to be like the liberals? Continue this orgy of stupidity.
  22. He has that effect on people.
  23. If you think Obama is Dr. Death now, wait until the death panels kick in. He will go down in history right along with the likes of Pol Pot, Hitler, Chavez, Stalin, and Castro.
  24. prayers to her family and for her. once obamacare kicks in, and care is rationed we’ll all be dropping like fly’s.
  25. Jim, btw, this is why you’re never in a Green Room. Just so you know and I would know. Maybe you don’t care but take it for whatever it’s worth.
  26. Aaron, cry us a river. Conservatives, both citizens and politicians, have suffered YEARS of vile, senseless attacks from the left, and now when the left gets a TINY taste of their own medicine, we have to endure your faux outrage. Forgive me if I don’t get too worked up over it….
    The truth is, Obama DOES ruin everything he touches. If you can’t handle the truth, don’t read Conservative blogs …
  27. The owner of an Akron restaurant where President Barack Obama stopped for breakfast this morning died, apparently of a heart attack, shortly after meeting him.
    Josephine “Ann” Harris, 70, of Copley Township, was taken by ambulance to Akron General Medical Center after complaining of fatigue and a tingling feeling. She was pronounced dead at 11:18 a.m., according to the Summit County Medical Examiner’s Office.
    Harris, just a few hours before, had the honor of meeting — and hugging — Obama when he stopped at her family’s restaurant, Ann’s Place, on South Hawkins Avenue for breakfast. …
    Obama stopped in Ann’s Place for breakfast about 8:30 a.m. Harris was ecstatic about his visit when a Beacon Journal reporter spoke to her shortly afterward.
    UPDATE: The White House responds, via the pool report:
    Carney said POTUS, from Air Force One, phoned Wilma Parsons, the daughter of Josephine “Ann” Harris, the owner of the Ann’s Place restaurant in Akron, which POTUS visited this morning. Harris died hours after the presidential visit.
    Harris was not there when pool was inside the restaurant, but Carney said she met with POTUS afterward.
    “The president expressed his sorrow and his [condolences]. Very sad event, he was honored to meet her this morning and passed on his feelings that the whole family is in his thoughts and prayers today.”
  28. David Limbaugh’s latest book, “Obama, The Destroyer!”. Boy, is that an understatement! Sorry for the Harris family, but it seems that anyone who gets Obama’s support is defeated, dies, has their company fail, or has some other very bad thing happen to him. Obama is death, he is the Destroyer. People at his speeches faint, have to be hauled to the hospital, or otherwise drop like flies at the sight of him. The guy is pure evil.
  29. Gee Aaron…nobody is glad the old woman died…but if even if she raised herself from the DEAD in 3 days and declared Jesus Christ himself spake unto her that Obamacare a law of Satan…The RINOS would still be apologizing for Obama, bailing him out of his failure…. Because its really about the RULING CLASS staying in power…even if it means killing babies, putting the elderly to down like stay dogs, and taxing the hell out of innocent people. WE WILL BURY YOU IN DEATH CAMPS before closing down one failed socialist program. say the evil masterminds of DC.
  30. another not news worthy article
  31. Aaron, I seriously doubt if Jim cares what you think. I thought you people were all about “free speech” … but let me guess … that only applies to you, right?
    I can’t imagine how any sane person would ever want to be “allowed” in a “green room” anyway …
  32. Here is a recording of Obama’s phone call from Air Force One,,,,>
  33. Is it just me, or are we sure this guy didn’t try to run his mother off a balcony with his tricycle.
    Just saying…
  34. This story is all over the MSM attic … I heard it there first. They’re spinning this as an another “Obama the Messiah” moment … Apparently, Obama is so wonderful, and she was so overwhelmed with excitement that she had a heart attack …
    The story is indeed news worthy, but not for the reasons the MSM is using it. If anyone should be ashamed of themselves, it the people who fabricate these ridiculous moments of Obama adulation. Personally, I think she was just very old, and God called her home. My prayers go out to her family,
  35. Wow, Aaron, “Ive been in a green room” so Im better than you all, seriously seek mental health help. What is important to you, and I guess that green room is, is not important to others.
    Preach to someone else that gives a crap, obviously no one here does.
  36. Regardless of what any of us feel about Obama, it must be a thrill to meet the President of the United States.
    That all depends on just who the president is. Carter and Obie are the last two people I would have any interest in meeting.
    Jim, btw, this is why you’re never in a Green Room.
    Why should he care? He’s not a Kardashian.
  37. Your responses speak for themselves. You are no different that Kos Kidz or Democrat Underground scum. You are exactly the same as they are.
  38. WOW, Morgan Freeman Says Obama Isn’t America’s First Black President … “he’s America’s first mixed-race president.”
    From Oscar Award winning actor and liberal Morgan Freeman’s lips to your ears … Barack Obama is not the first black American President. Hmm, wasn’t Obama swept into office on the notion that he was the first Black American president? Many misguided folks thought they were righting a wrong and is became a feel good story that would heel the wounds of a country that has had its history of racial issues. Of course how’s that “hopey changey” thing working out for you? But,not so fast. It would appear that it was all in vain as according to Morgan Freeman, Barack Obama is not black enough to be the ‘first black” elected President … he is instead the first mixed-race President. Gee, where was that narrative in 2008?{Video}
    So, now he is half black and half white and other days he is the first Black President. So, what is he.
  39. #41
  40. Killing small business, one entrepreneur at a time.
  41. #40 July 6, 2012 at 9:53 pm
    Aaron commented:
    Keep on showing why no one here give’s a tinker’s dam what your opinions are.
    Opinions are like @ssholes, everyone has one. And yours certainly stinks.
  42. I had stopped in at “Ann’s Place” for a bite to eat and I notice an angry crowd of people with signs that “We don’t need no 0bamaTax!” and “0bama Sucks”. The Secret Service boys hustled me into corner table with my back toward the wall.
    As were we ordering our meal when the owner Ann Harris ask if she could have my credit card to make sure she got paid. I was outraged!
    “Are you calling me dishonest?” I barked. “Do you think I am a thief? Do you think I am going to stiff you for this meal?”
    She said, “Yes, and I have heard that you frequently walk out before paying the tab! I’ll need your credit card!”
    “You are a Typical White Person who clings to your little restaurant and money! Do you realize that you’re talking to Barky 0bama the Leader of all 57 states?” I said. “How dare to question my honesty! I have $110,000,000.00 in political donations and millions of dollars in a Swiss Bank Account! Now, bring me my meal or I double the 0bamaTax on your crappy restaurant and all of its employees!”
    She said, “Sir, I will need your credit card before the meal can be served.” I said, “How would you like some end-of-life counseling you old cracker? Have you ever seen my nostrils flair? That means I am mad! Here is my credit card. Now, hurry up and bring me my meal!”
    As I glutted myself on hash browns, eggs, buttered toast and granola we laughed about how my 0bamaTax will crush this old lady’s business in short order. Then, I was interrupted.
    “Sir, your credit card was declined. Would you like to pay cash?” Said, the old lady as she folded her arms and gazed at me in disgust.
    “Can you put it on my tab?” I asked.
    “You don’t have a tab” Snapped the old lady. “I want cash or have one of your idiots pay the bill!”
    I said, hey Marv, would you like to take care of this bill. I over spent at last campaign stop and I am tapped-out at the moment.
    Marv the Secret Service guy reached into pocket and pulled a fist full of Ben Franklin’s and some condoms. He gave her the $100 and told her to keep the change.
    “Can you donate $3.00 to my campaign before midnight?” I said.
    The old lady said “No. Get out of here you carnival barker before I call the police and have you thrown out.”
    On the way out the door handle hit me in the arse. I yell at the old lady, “Turn-down that Thing-A-Ma-Jig on the wall and pay your 0bamaTax! I know where to find you!” As I rubbed my sore butt.
    As I was ridding in the limo I got the word that the old bat had died of an “anger driven” heart attack. I turned to Marv and said. “That was worth $100.00. One more Typical White person gone and 300 million to go. My 0bamaTax should kill them sooner or later.” Ha ha!
  43. Cubs fans in Chicago wish Obama would lay off on the golf game and go to a few games of his favorite team the White Sox and go shake a few of the players hands…..
  44. . No Aaron Voting with scum socialists speaks for itself…enabling THEIR death cult agenda makes YOU just like them.
  45. Your responses speak for themselves. You are no different that Kos Kidz or Democrat Underground scum. You are exactly the same as they are.
    Yeah yeah, now go away, Senator McCain.
  46. bigkahuna #6 is on to something…
    Obama’s Black Hearse Bus. Grim Reaper for America? (Or as “Barry Choom” would probably put it, the Grim Reefer) We need to start calling them what they represent.
  47. How odd that a person could live 71 years not knowing she was acutely allergic to Communists. The poor woman. May she rest in peace.
  48. #45 Limo Barry
    Always enjoy your narrative and perspective. . .
    Though you use humor, the funny thing is that you might be spot on. .
    Nobama in November 2012.!!!!
  49. obama probably didn’t leave a tip . . .. .. wonder if his estate can claim a tax deduction?
  50. My prayers and sympathy to her family for their loss.
  51. Patty @41.
    What is he? He is the emissary for Mr. Scratch.
  52. “after complaining of fatigue and a tingling feeling”
    Hey,that’s the same thing Chris Matthews complained of! How come he isn’t feeding the worms instead of this poor delusional old woman?
  53. I am guessing it wasnt a heart attack..I bet Obam saw her health records and noted she was in bad shape, a smoker and needed lots of healthcare and heart transplant. He just injected her with some pufferfish poison when he hugged her and saved $500,000 in Obama money. Hey she was old and had the thrill of her life meeting Barry O…Her life had no meaning anymore
  54. I wonder if we simply shorted the stock of every company Obama visits or promotes or gives taxpayer millions to flush down the toilet if we could make a fortune….without having to contribute kickbacks to Obama’s campaign ?
  55. See..there are death panels in ObamaCare
  56. Poor little ol’ lady. It’s the media’s fault. They created his mythical facade and she was just a “well meaning white.” She fell for their bullsh**.
    RIP Ann Harris. She died happy.
    As for all the posts that say “everything the guy touches…” I agree. Chicago Annenberg Challenge anybody?
    The second part of this report says that the Chicago Annenberg Challenge had “Broad Goals, Vague Strategies and lists this among the reasons for failure. [Page 8 - Report 2].
    (Sounds familiar).
    By the way, I’ve never laughed so hard after reading posts 22, 23, 24. Love Gary Larson and don’t need the picture to know exactly what it looks like. Then 23 and 24 speak for themselves.
    Lastly, it is indeed a bad Omen. Obamacare gets passed, DC goes dark (still dark). Obama at the early stage of his fledgling campaign, hastens the passing of a model American. If you can’t see that this is a warning to the elderly…
  57. Sad news. I suggest that someone arrange for Obama meet Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Michelle Malkin, and everyone on the payroll at FOX News. Once they die from heart attacks, the average intelligence of Americans will skyrocket, and perhaps people will feel less inclined to believe sensationalist moronic vomit that poses as “punditry” on websites such as this one.
  58. Yet Wayne probably depends on his own intuition to draw meaning in events he finds interesting.
    Thanks for saying a word for Ann Harris. You did intend your post to be on her behalf?
  59. Once they die from heart attacks, the average intelligence of Americans will skyrocket,…
    It’ll certainly skyrocket when you alone are gone.
  60. Maybe Obama is an antichrist?
  61. She got off easy.
    Obamas been killing me slowly for the last 3.5 years.
  62. Sumbitch got her soul!
  63. Aaron
    I have become the enemy to
    Defeat him for the price of
    Failure is my country.
    Bite me, all’s fair in war.
    Powder is dry
  64. Andy Griffith and now her,
    Two less democrat votes ,
    I hope.
  65. A woman is dead and people are poking fun at her?
    Shame on all of you who have done so.
    God bless Ann Harris and her family.
  66. CV1
    Collateral damage in a war.
    You think anyone will cry for
    You or me. I served, I know
    How America forgets the best
    Think on it, not even on a fed
    Holiday do some say thanx.
    One more worm ridden corpse
    Is no big deal. We all die.
    It’s how you live that defines
    Your worth. This is why
    liberals are not worth saving.
    Sorry you have a problem
    With reality.
    Powder is dry
  67. Someone I don’t know – and never would’ve known – more than 2500 miles away dies.
    And I’m supposed to get worked up about it?
    So Obama stopped at her restaurant. Big whoop.
    People die every day.
    This isn’t about politics, wishing ill or anything of the sort.
    It happens.
  68. #41 July 6, 2012 at 9:53 pm
    Patty commented:
    morgan is just channeling what charles ogletree [harvard law professor, mentor and friend of the obama's]. bottom line at the time is to remind whites that if they think the election settles the racism card…not so.
  69. Well, there it is…… One too many adulations and it would have been a perfect symphony. I wonder if they will play “Hail to the Chief” at her memorial service? Or, mayhaps, “Hail to the Lying Chief.” There are times when my faith that God exists is proven and this is a case of that proof. Don’t fret folks. She is a duly registered Democrat and her vote for Obama will be cast and counted in November!
  70. This was not a natural death but an assassination of Mrs. Harris ordered by Obama for a discourteous comment she had made about the “Commander and Chief”.
  71. “Sad news. I suggest that someone arrange for Obama meet Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Michelle Malkin, and everyone on the payroll at FOX News. Once they die from heart attacks…”
    It’s interesting that all the people you’d like to die of heart attacks are people who are merely SAYING things you don’t like. I would think that people DOING “conservative” things would be at the top of your list. Why do you guys hate a news organization so much? It’s all you people talk about these days. Fox news this,fox news that.
    I’m growing bored of this War of the Crypto-Journalists with people pretending to be journalists on both sides spoonfeeding us their political opinions while still clinging to the reputation of previous journalists as a political government watchdogs. Only an idiot would believe these people liberally smearing effusive praise over their favorite guy like warm butter over a delicious fresh-baked roll aren’t participating in the political process. They crossed that line more than a decade ago.
    How come you liberals are more concerned with words than actions these days? Whatever happened to spitting on American soldiers,burning down churches,and sending letter bombs to pro-life groups? Is the new generation of libs somehow more pansified than the guys you took over for? I didn’t think it was possible.
  72. Is anybody else noticing a pattern here?
  73. The Obozo kiss of death!

Friday, July 06, 2012



Weak jobs report. For the month of June, unemployment is still above 8%. The United States is still struggling to bring jobs back. 

Not good news for President Barack Obama and the members of Congress.

We have a problem people!

Issues such as weak demand, the wildfires, Europe, and the stock market are factors.

The president can't make unemployment numbers go down! That's not going to happen overnight and it's not going to be a simple fix. He can lay out the groundwork and he still has one major obstacle to face.


The real issue lies with the partisan gridlock with Congress. Before they went on their umpteenth recess vacation, all members of the House and Senate passed a student's loan bill and jobs bill. These bills were passed at the last minute, after the president urged speeder progress when passing it.

Unfortunately, when the president is having a good week, the reality of the jobs report brings him back to the  drag. Although jobs are added, the more hiring means the greater mass of employment. If the president could  he would wish a million jobs a month. But that can't happen.

Small businesses are being squeezed out of existence by name brand companies. The local coffee shop will be competing with Starbucks. The local deli is competing with Subway. The grocery store is competing with Kroger, Food Lion and Safeway. The local dress shop is competing with David's Bridal. The local doughnut shop is competing with Dunkin' Donuts. You rather travel to Wal-Mart, Target or Kohl's than drive downtown to the local businesses. You rather go to the open air town centers because its trendier than the mall.

Signs of a struggling economy. High vacancy rates at a mall.

Signs of a dying city. Foreclosed skyscrappers, homes and businesses.

Once again, the predecessor George W. Bush is a bad memory to the Republicans. They avoid him and his father George H.W. Bush every time. You hear Republicans and their conservative allies rally around Ronald Reagan, the only Republican they'll ever mention besides Abraham Lincoln.

Republicans are aware of the massive spending of Reagan and the Bushes. They don't care what they do! As long as they're Republicans, they are happy. But when a Democrat gets into office, the Republicans go holy bat shit with this notion that it's automatically the fault of the successor when things are getting worse before they gotten better.

See when the Democratic Party was in charge, things were done! Senator Harry Reid (D-Nevada) and Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (D-California) had led the House and Senate. They may of had some of their own members struggle on votes, but they had enough to pass laws. The Republicans painted them as the party of overreach and the Democrats couldn't figure out a message. Republicans managed to say that policies passed by Congress under the Democratic leadership were failing. And of course, people were soaking it up and even believing it.

White males are the most pessimistic voters this year around. President Barack Obama is struggling on winning this group of voters.

Former Massachusetts governor, perennial candidate for president, Mitt Romney has a lackluster campaign.

His campaign offers nothing inspiring. But you better believe that he's well funded and well messaged. As long as Romney can say that he knows how to fix the economy, people will lean towards him. Romney has no clear message to fixing the economy. He offers generic bumper sticker phrases and running on the "I am the only one who can beat Obama" crap. Some in his own party think he's not capable of taking on the president.

There's no signs of the Tea Party this year. The very people who voted out the Democratic majority are glum faced about the Republican leadership. They were hoping the Congress was going to get their act together and cut the spending. Alas that's not the case. Those freshmen Tea Party members of the Republican Party have turned their backs on the principles. They were promising to be that fiscally conservative member who can keep the president from spending the country into problematic countries like Greece.
House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) has been labeled a "crybaby" or milquetoast leader. The speaker allowed spending bills to pass, amid fierce opposition from his own members of his party. Even House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Virginia) has threatened to oust Boehner if he doesn't get his act together.

Another thing. We hear the Republicans say that our problems are similar to Greece and Spain. 

Not exactly. The problems that Greece is facing are the banks and austerity cuts. Those people who live and work in Greece are experience an unemployment rate at 18%. That's not good for anyone. They were asking for spending bailouts. Conservative leaders like the ones in France, Italy, United Kingdom, Belgium and Germany were urging nations struggling to cut domestic programs. That wasn't popular in Europe. 

They're facing an economic recession and it's affecting the United States.

The Republicans are rooting for the economy to fail. They want revenge on the Democrats after they hammered former president George W. Bush on his handling of the economy.

With leaders saying that their only goal is to see that the president serves one term, or an overpaid talk show host saying he "hopes [Obama] fails", it's pretty clear that they're celebrating failure over success.

Unemployment will stay around 7% - 9% for the next five years no matter what the president or congress does.


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