Monday, June 18, 2012

Rob Redding: Has Blacks Lives Ever Gotten Better Under The First Black President?

America's Independent Voice, Rob Redding is focused. The issues of the Black community are the focus and he's wondering what's taking President Barack Obama so long with handling our matters!

As a loyal listener to the Rob Redding News Review Radio program, I must admit Rob Redding has a point!

He was criticizing the president's political expediency towards two core groups that are shaking. The president is focusing on them and not the Black community.

The Hispanic/Latino and the LGBT community are key factors to the president's base but the most loyal is the Black community. President Barack Obama recently came in favor of endorsing gay marriage and demanding the U.S. Justice Department and Homeland Security to focus on illegal immigrants who commit crimes. It leaves the notion that the president is willing to not deport undocumented workers who are working or going to school.

These controversies became political landmines for the conservatives and a distraction away from the message of the economy. The president acknowledges that the economy will be the clear focus between the Republican nominee and himself, but these culture wars instigated by the president and the Republican Party has Rob Redding writting a book called "Where's The Change? - Why Obama Nor The GOP Can Solve America's Problems." It's a critical book focusing on issues that the president failed at doing and of course the political discourse and blatant disrespect from the Republicans and their allies in the conservative movement.

For the last few years, Congress has been in gridlock. The 112th Congress has been least productive in history. It's matching close to the Republican controlled 80th Congress. The congress that President Harry Truman ran against and won his election.

President Barack Obama hasn't went to bat for the Black community as of, three years!

I have seen him attend the Congressional Black Caucus Dinner with the intentions of urging Blacks to take responsibility and stop complaining. The president understand that the needs of the Black community. But he's very cautious about it. Race is a factor to White voters. White conservative males are likely to provoke the Black community with inflammatory rhetoric that is deemed racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic, condescending, and overreaching. The president responded to the criticism from some Black members of Congress urging the president to focus on the problems of the urban districts. Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-California) was getting frustrated with the president delaying.

Unemployment in the Black community is about 20%. Has Blacks lives ever gotten better under the first Black president?

Black on Black crime is problematic. Every so often a young man is either dead before he reaches 25 years old. Has Blacks lives ever gotten better under the first Black president?

Black married families are not as popular as they used to be. More Blacks are likely having multiple sex partners and possibilities of catching a STD or HIV is higher. Has Blacks lives ever gotten better under the first Black president?

Black males are abandoning their children. Many single parents are struggling. Whether its a male or female, a dead beat parent could be a tax payer's burden. Many couples are having children and are struggling under a partisan Congress scared to pass a budget legislation and Republican state governors who focus on austerity cuts or intrusion tactics such as drug testing. Has Black lives ever gotten better under the first Black president?

With incidents like the vigilante killing of Trayvon Martin, the police beating of Rodney King, the police shootings of Sean Bell, Oscar Grant, and many police involved shootings, have Blacks lives ever gotten better under the first Black president?

Urban decay, white flight, manufacturing decline, an economic crisis overseas, partisan gridlock in Washington, states cutting back the public sector and an ongoing war in Afghanistan. Many Blacks are part of the problem we're facing as Americans. Has Black lives ever gotten better under the first Black president?

With issues that matter to the Black community, how can we get President Barack Obama to work harder for our votes?

Rob Redding explains this in his daily program. You can listen to his show on local radio stations across the country as well as SiriusXM's The Power. His program is also on Sunday. Email him at When he's on radio, you can call his toll free number 1-855-762-3080.

Weekdays 4pm and Sundays 7pm. For three hours you'll hear America's Independent Voice discuss issues with the government, the mainstream media and the Black community.

Courtesy of Rob Redding and YouTube

Is Disrespecting President Obama Patriotism In The Mind Of Tea Party?


Talking Points Memo got another one for the Tea Party to defend. It's another one of those lovely patriots who share their complaints about that socialist, Kenyan, racist, tax and spend, Muslim occupier in the White House.

What goes on behind closed doors, in the workplace or in the public, is the reactionary, condescending bigoted outrage from conservatives and the first African American president. The blantant disrespect of President Barack Obama is practically racial.

From the recent outburst from a reporter from conservative agitating website The Daily Caller to what I will discuss here on Journal de la Reyna, I want to share a thought of understanding to how one man can drive conservatives mad with extremism.

I would say that pictures with the president near firearms is dog whistle for a threat! I don't know what I could tell you but if you're posting pictures of firearms near the president, it gives a deranged person the notion to assassinate the president.

This year an Arizona police officer, his son and friends shoots up a tee shirt with the president's famous Hope design. This got the United States Secret Service investigating the incident and the police officer to nearly be fired for the incident.

Congressman Joe Wilson (R-South Carolina) shouted "You Lie" during the President's Address to the Nation.

Congressman Doug Lamborn (R-Colorado) made the comment that the president was a "tar baby".

Former presidential candidate, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota) channeled Doug Lamborn's infamous statement.

Congressman Paul Broun (R-Georgia) allowed a constituent to make an assassination comment

Congressman Lynn Westmoreland (R-Georgia) called the president "uppity".

Ted Nugent, an aging rocker and gun activist warned people attending the NRA Annual Conference that if President Barack Obama was to win a second term, he'll either be in jail or killed by that evil government. That comment about either being in jail resemble the echos of "assassination". Nugent was visited by the U.S. Secret Service and it was determined that it didn't pose a threat. But he did lose his civilian credentials when performing on the military bases since the rant.

Last year, country redneck singer Hank Williams, Jr. goes on that conservative network with the Three Stooges of morning news to declare that President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and Ohio  Republican governor John Kasich were the Three Stooges themselves. He even went on calling the president, "Hitler" for his policies. The singer appeared to be drunk and that tirade cost him a spot on ESPN as their official opening act for NFL football.

Many Republican officials emailed their friends offensive jokes painting the president, First Lady Michelle Obama and Trayvon Martin in racial coded language. A federal judge by the name of Richard Cebull is under investigation and possible removal after he sent a racial themed email disparaging the president.

Former presidential candidate Newt Gingrich called Barack Obama the most successful "food stamp president" in an attempt to play to the extremist wing of the Republican Party.

Former presidential candidate Rick Santorum told an audience he doesn't want to make Americans lives better for Black (Blah) people. Some claimed that Santorum called the president a "government nigger" but he stopped short of saying the racial slur.

Former presidential candidate, Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas) has a known history associating with far right extremist. Some of his supporters called the president a "monkey". Jules Manson, a perennial libertarian candidate from California went to Facebook to rant about how the president's signing of the National Defense Authorization Act was treason and the monkey and his family should be taken out! Of course the U.S. Secret Service investigated him and found that he didn't threaten the president. Of course, his son Senator Rand Paul called President Barack Obama a "whole lot gayer" now that he supports the equal rights of the LGBT community. Paul also was involved with the infamous Ron Paul newsletters that offered a devoted White nationalist view of America.

The dog whistles are blowing!

Rush Limbaugh calls the president either Imam Hussein Obama, or Barack Kardashian.

Glenn Beck say that the president has a deep seeded hatred of white people or the white race in general and he thought the president was a racist.

Sean Hannity calls the president the "anointed one" and obsesses over the New Black Panthers, Jeremiah Wright and Van Jones in his daily commentaries.

Bill O'Reilly interrupts the president during his one-on-one interview.

Brett Beier interrupts the president during his one-on-one interviews. The second time Beier interviewed the president, they got into a heated debate in which President Barack Obama told the reporter to let me finish my sentence.
Arizona governor Jan Brewer put her finger in the face of President Barack Obama. The press photo shows the governor in a heated exchange with the president. Brewer wrote a book calling the president condescending and claimed that the president disrespected her by suing the state over its controversial immigration law. President Barack Obama has a somewhat cordial relationship with Governor Brewer but the tense criticism led to them getting into it. Many figured that the governor stepped out of line when she put her finger in his face.

Conservative agitators such as Michelle Malkin, Matt Drudge and the late Andrew Breitbart spent most of the president's term going after his core base. The young voters. Matt Drudge post reactionary stories about the president, black crime, Obama endorsed celebrities in trouble and bad economic news to rile up conservatives. Before his death, Andrew Breitbart brought down Shirley Sherrod over a controversial statement she made while attending the NAACP forum on race relations. Sherrod's statements weren't controversial and the Breitbart team misled the public. But the damage was done. Not only did Mrs. Sherrod get death threats from deranged supporters of Breitbart, but the pink slip from the USDA under pressure from the White House. Michelle Malkin post information of allies of the president on her website to urge them to jam their pages with spamming responses and sometimes death threats. Malkin wasted no time calling First Lady Michelle Obama's healthy food initiatives, Marxism.

Tea Party signs with the president with a bone in nose, snide comments about a Black criminal being one of "Obama's" sons, or the clear threat of firearms in the protest corral near the president's caravan.

These are signs of the extremism within the Republican Party. Faux outrage over things that doesn't affect the general public. Slow growth in the economy has White voters more pessimistic over the policies of the president.

The president makes executive orders to jump start the economy and Republicans are crowing about the move being a violation of the U.S. Constitution.

Okay, I've explained enough. Lets get back on the subject.

                         Obama library Montana GOP Memorial Day

Montana Republican Party goes to the fair with a out house with Obama stickers and bullet holes.

This is certainly got to be the most bizarre and downright disrespectful crap you've come to expect from those in the Republican Party and its allies in the conservative movement.

The out house had dog whistles and political flares. It not only took a dig at race by revising the birth certificate but offered a healthy dose of sexism against the First Lady, House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi and former First Lady, now Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

It was stamped “Bull——.” A graffito advised “For a Good Time call 800-Michelle (crossed out), Hillary (crossed out) and Pelosi (circled in red.)”
 I am going to say this clearly. 

Race is a factor!

The Republicans deny they're racist! So why does the political party's allies have examples such as this one here? They'll refuse to see where the problem lies! They'll think it's a plot by the so-called "liberal media" to point out fallacies about the Tea Party being racist. The conservatives will claim that the Occupy Wall Street movement is actually racist and President Barack Obama endorses extremists.

I want you to understand this! I didn't vote for division and divisiveness! I didn't vote for an obstructionist political party determined to ruin the economy just to get back in power. I didn't vote for the candidate based on race. I can tell you at least fifteen laws that President Barack Obama signed and you'll still call me the one misinformed because you don't like the answer or you're out of things to rant about!

You can't tell me that White males aren't the most dissatisfied voters.

You can't me that a few members of the New Black Panthers are more dangerous then the hundreds if not thousands of members of right wing extremist groups. Many such as the KKK or Aryan Nations actively recruiting the next would be domestic terrorist.

You can't tell me that it's always people like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton screaming out racism. The White conservative male is likely to agitate the Black community, the president and others who don't toll the line of the Republican Party. Jackson and Sharpton never scream racism, they scream justice!

So I just want to get this off my chest, I am getting tired of it and I think it's time for conservatives to be served! I don't call for violence among these people! I call for recruitment of voters. I want voters to go to the polls and help the president win reelection.

We can't allow the Republicans to win this election. They have the potential to lay economic destruction with their plans of austerity cuts in the domestic sector. The public sector and the poor are going to suffer and the middle class will struggle.

We can't allow this. I urge the American people to vote against the Republican nominee Mitt Romney. The perennial candidate Mitt Romney endorses extremist such as Donald Trump, The Drudge Report, Karl Rove and Fox News.

We can't allow this to fall into the Republican Party's hands! I will help out as much as I can this election year!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Rodney King Dead At Age 47.

Rodeny King Dead

The hallmark of the infamous Los Angeles riots has died today. Rodney King was recently promoting his book reflecting on the tragedy.

According to news sources, King was found dead in his pool by a female friend.

Twenty years ago, King a motorist under traffic suspension was pulled over by four Los Angeles County deputies and then was beaten after disobeying orders. The incident was caught on camera, sparked national outrage and put King at the center of heated debate about the state of race relations in America.

In his memoir, "The Riot Within: My Journey From Rebellion to Redemption," published earlier this year, King detailed the high-speed chase that led up to his beating on March 3, 1991 and how he went on to receive a $3.8 million settlement from the city of Los Angeles. Most of the money was lost, however, to bad investments, including a hip-hop record label he founded.

The 1992 riots, which were set off by the acquittals of the officers who beat King, lasted three days and left 55 people dead, more than 2,000 injured and swaths of Los Angeles on fire. At the height of the violence, King pleaded on television the famous question: "Can we all get along?"

In the two decades after he became the central figure in the riots, King was arrested several times, mostly for alcohol-related crimes. He later became a record company executive and a reality TV star, appearing on shows such as "Celebrity Rehab."

In an interview earlier this year with The Associated Press, King said he was a happy man.

His last appearance was on The Alan Colmes Radio Show. Alan Colmes appears under Westwood One and Fox News Radio Network, video courtesy of Fox News.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

One Person's View of the Convict Leasing System by Kumari

Mr. Calhoun.

Thank you for a very rational and truthful comment on the racist convict-leasing system. There is the beginning of your comment where you and I part ways:

"This book is both profoundly factual, and at times, partially "un-factual," -- that is, reconstructed history. In instances where the ex-slaves could not speak for themselves, which were many, Mr. Blackmon deigns to speak for them himself. It is what can only be called "necessary historical extrapolation, in defense of the defenseless." "

I believe that someone must speak for those who have remained voiceless for so many generations, and as many Black people living during this time could not speak up, and out for themselves, it is commendable that the book's author speaks for the wronged Black people who suffered during this time era.

The dead remember our silence.

The author of the book chose to speak for them.

Now, on to your review.

Everything you stated is spot on.

The basis for America's cruel continued racism against her Black citizens did originate during slavery, and still continues well into the 21ST Century. It will never go away, so deeply ingrained is race hatred against Black Americans, who have been the true conscience of this hateful country.

To "S. McCrea", who commented that the North had very few Blacks, that is a damned lie. The North had many Black Blacks, as well as enslaved Blacks. The North was home to Patty Cannon, a filthy female who with her family and cohorts, kidnapped free Blacks off the streets, and sold them into slavery; the North was the home of the vicious Irish lynch mobs of the New York Draft Riots during the Civil War; the North was home to rabid, sadistic lynch mob-race riots of East St. Louis, MO (1917) where "brave, stalwart" chivalrous white men murdered defenseless Black women, Black children, elderly Black men and women, Black iinvalids in wheelchairs; the great, lovely North was home to other massacres against black people with the bloodthirsty racial massacre of defenseless Black citizens by their fellow Irish Americans in the Chicago Race riot of 1919.

The North.

Oh, so kind and "soft" to her defenseles Black citizens.

Face facts, the North was a heathenish, slutty, great Whore of Babylon against her Black citizens.

Just as America still is against her Black citizens.

Where the South had de jure segregation, the evil, hypocritical North had de facto segregation.

Both types attacked, crushed, vilified, humiliated and slaughtered millions of Black citizens all across this damned hypocrisy of a country. This rogue nation of evil. This country founded and based on a lie.

As for this comment:

"White" folks, to quote a black comedian, do not start everyday with a conference call to coordinate tactics to keep the "black" man down."

Whites do not have to coordinate a conference to "keep Black people down".

They have had centuries of White Affirmative Action to do that for them, the legacies of which still exist with us today.

To "Thurdell Wycliff":

"I truly believe, much of this shameful action would be reduced significantly, if only White America could or would ask for forgiveness. It would be granted. "

Forgiveness must be earned, and white-run America has never earned my forgiveness. And forgiveness is not enough. Forgive whites for they can continue on with their indifference to continued racial inequality in education, still segregated housing, disparity in the criminal (in)justice sentencing? You have to earn MY forgiveness, and white-run America has not earned the right to my forgiving them, and all they still benefit from through unearned advantages.

There is one main thing I will NEVER forgive white-run America for:

The mass gangrapes committed by white slave masters, white slave overseers, white male visitors to plantations against defenseless enslaved Black women and girls.

I will NEVER forgive white men, especially those walking around now, like the living pieces of human excrement that they are, who during Jane Crow segregation committed the many rapes against defenseless Black women and girls, many of whom became pregnant due to white male racist/sexist hatred.

I will NEVER forgive for that.

And that is one aspect of slavery/segregation that many white people, especially white men, will NEVER have the backbone or balls to own up to.
The past is never forgotten.

Conservatives: Give This Man A Medal!

                               Neil Munro interrupts President Obama screencap 
Let me see, if you have a person interrupt the President of The United States by heckling him and you people in the conservative movement think this is a badge of honor, then you're an idiot. This has to be the one of the most ridiculous things to endorse! This idiot Neil Munro should be condemned for making himself the news!


This disrespect of the president has me thinking! This reporter once brought up the controversy of Common being invited to the White House by First Lady Michelle Obama.

It only gets better, the Libertarian comedian Bill Maher has acknowledged the cause of racial animosity by White voters. Maher is pointing the finger at Matt Drudge.

The Republicans and their nominee Mitt Romney, endorse The Drudge Report and its sensational stories such as the outburst from Munro.

Courtesy of Mediaite and Real Time With Bill Maher

Friday, June 15, 2012

O'Reilly on emFactor /emguest list: “ [A] lot of blondes in this operation. ... I need sunglasses in here“

O'Reilly on emFactor /emguest list: “ [A] lot of blondes in this operation. ... I need sunglasses in here“

This is not the first time Faux News' male newsmakers and pundits got caught with their sexist views.  Please read Media Matters transcript on Bill O'Reilly's remarks about his fellow women newspundits.

The Daily Caller Shows Out When The President Speaks!

The Daily Caller reporter Neil Munro heckled the president when he made a public statement on an issue that's going to be a political landmine in the 2012 U.S. Presidential Elections.
Joe Wilson, the Republican congressman from South Carolina did his famous: "You Lie" remark during the president's address to the nation. This event has channeled what I've come to conclusion that the Republican Party and its conservative allies shows no respect towards the President Barack Obama.

And it's once again raising the flag of how the Republicans are going to play to its extremist wing once again to win this election. They're going to force former governor Mitt Romney to abandon his message of the economy and focus on issues that draw wedges between groups.

This is what the conservative movement is! A bunch of angry White men who feed on reactionary bigotry of the president, someone's race, gender, sexuality, nationality, religion, language, political and economic standings.

Tucker Carlson's news agitation website The Daily Caller has no respect for the office and they should lose their press pass for the outburst caused by one of their members.

President Barack Obama visibly angry with the conservative agitator who interrupted him when he made his statements to the American public. The president is appealing to Hispanic voters on issues that matter. Immigration reform is a serious issue with the Hispanic voters and they are thrilled the president stepped in to cease arrests of law abiding undocumented workers living in the United States.
In the media, many are rushing to the internet over the latest controversy involving the president and his political foes. The Daily Caller is a website that agitates stories to appeal to conservative readers. The Daily Caller is getting praise from conservatives after reporter Neil Munro interrupted the president during his briefing today.

The Daily Caller is also getting heavy scrutiny after this latest incident. Some media analysis think that this outburst will render consequences with the president and the press pool.

Me personally I feel that every freaking day from reading stories off The Drudge Report, to Rush Limbaugh calling the president, "Kim Kardashian" to Sean Hannity interviewing Amber Lee Ettinger (aka Obama Girl) over her frustrations with politics and President Barack Obama. These are the driving forces to why I believe conservatives are bigots. White conservative males provoke the Black community, disrespect the president and channel their outrage of minorities on hate websites.

They are fucking bigots. They have no respect towards anyone other than their extremist friends. They are going to push the bar even lower when it comes to dog whistling White voters to oppose the president.

The president used his executive order to advocate the U.S. Justice Department and Department of Homeland Security to advert their resources to immigrants that commit crimes. The immigrants that live and work in the United States that haven't committed crimes are going to be waivered by applying for temporary workplace legislation.

This has the conservative base riled up once again! They were just getting over the fact the president endorse gay marriage. The Republicans are witch hunting the president over leaks in national security and failed the gun running operation known as Fast & Furious.

This incident has riled me up! The President of The United States is to be respected when he makes his statements to the American people. What The Daily Caller and conservatives done was make me likely to support the president over the Republican nominee.

I mean has there ever been any progressive person that disrespectful to President George W. Bush?

I guess faux conservative Stephen Colbert comes to mind, but he was a guest at the National Correspondent's Dinner.

I guess that Iraqi journalist who threw his shoes at former president George W. Bush.

At least President Barack Obama didn't get shoes thrown at him yet!

Now onto the controversy.

OutsideTheBeltway has the obtained portions of the exchange between the heckler and the president.

While announcing a new change in immigration policy, The DC’s Neil Munro yelled, “Why’d you favor foreigners over Americans?”

“Excuse me, sir, but it’s not time for questions,” Obama said.

“Are you going to take questions?” Munro asked.

“Not while I’m speaking.” Obama said.

Tucker Carlson, the editor of the Daily Caller, did not immediately respond to a request for comment, though he confirmed the news via Twitter.

“Yes, that was TheDC’s Neil Munro who dared question the president in the Rose Garden,” he wrote.

“Everyone’s defying precedent today, it seems.”

This incident reflects on how the media has sunk to the bottom of the barrel for attention. The Daily Caller will get repercussions after this one. The press pool will now have stricter rules to how they address the president when he makes a statement. Reporters could lose their press passes when incidents like this happen.

Courtesy of The White House

Rihanna Sparks Bitter Feud Between Hip-Hop Singers!

Chris Brown, Rihanna and Drake are feuding with one another. Apparently Chris Brown got into it with Drake over a subliminal rap verse that address the 2009 domestic violence incident.
Over three years ago, hip-hop couple Rihanna and Chris Brown ended on a sour note.

Brown was arrested on domestic violence charges after he punched Barbadian pop singer Rihanna (born Robyn Fenty) after they got into a heated argument before the Grammy's.

Brown was told not to be near the pop singer at any appearances. He was given probation and was told to do community service for the next five years. Chris Brown does have a temper. Brown lashed at Robin Roberts after she asked him how he's overcame the scandal that nearly cost him his career. Brown blames the media for focusing on him for his transgressions and not troubled celebrities Lindsay Lohan and Charlie Sheen. Hate to break it to you, Chris! They are focused on them just as much and they probably throw you into their excuses as well.

chris-brown-tweet-rant-2012-06-14-300x450.jpgRihanna has been a controversial figure for some time now! Her lifestyle has always been questioned by those in the media as well. From smoking a huge blunt with rappers Snoop Dogg and Warren G, to near boob slips, many are starting to wonder if her actions speak louder when there's publicity. Many have criticized the pop singer for some of her reckless decisions. One in particular raised eyebrows is the release of her single Birthday, featuring Chris Brown. This is the first collaboration from both parties since the incident in 2009.

The pop singer has dated many other men after Chris Brown and one in particular is an actor/singer/rapper who noteworthy of being just as great as those such as Jay-Z, Eminem, KRS-One and Nas.

The Canadian born rapper signed to Cash Money Records under fellow rapper Lil' Wayne's Young Money label. After three years of playing the character Jimmy in teen drama DeGrassi, Aubrey Graham (known as Drake) has been a major fixture in the hip-hop industry.

Although Chris Brown and Drake were cordial as entertainers, behind the scenes there was probably tension between them after reports of the rapper dating Rihanna since the break up with Brown.

Singer and rapper Drake has apparently got into it with fellow singer Chris Brown.

According to the, the rapper was in New York City with his entourage got into it with Brown's entourage. This all comes weeks after Brown and Drake sent subliminal messages at one another over ex-love interest Rihanna.

Meek Mill, an upcoming rapper from Philadelphia was allegedly throwing a bottle at Chris Brown. His representatives denied the claim.

Both Brown and Meek Mill (born Robert Williams) have criminal records and if the reports turn out that they were the agitators of this conflict, they'll be going to prison for violating probation.

Brown rushed to Twitter to address the controversy and slam Drake and Meek Mill. He scrubbed the comments and lawyered up after his Tweets hit the mainstream media.

Drake told Associated Press that  he was leaving the nightclub when a fight erupted between Chris Brown and other party goers: "A statement released Thursday says that Drake did not engage in activity that resulted in injury to a person or property."

Now it's been a while since I done stories about hip-hop music. Today, I point this story out for a reason.

The hip-hop industry isn't doing as well as one thought. Many rappers are hanging up the microphones for a script and a gig as a movie actor or television star. Will Smith, LL Cool J, Queen Latifah, Ice-T, Mark Wahlberg, Scott Caan, Ice Cube, and Jamie Foxx come to mind as rappers and singers who became successful actors.

Chris Brown and Drake are very popular artists. Women love them. Despite their behavior in public, people will rush out and download or purchase the latest single from the respective singers.

This incident is under investigation and its likely someone's going to pay for the damages.

Courtesy of YouTube. The language spoken is in Japanese.

When Blacks Become A Majority Of The Country's Population, Then It's Safe To Say Blacks Are Racists!

The country's majority is predominately White. The non-Hispanic White person make up 75% the United States population. But yet in the mind of the conservative White male, anyone who doesn't share their bigoted views of a person's race, gender, sexuality, nationality, religion, language, economic and political standings are the real racist.

Go to your comments sections of these news agitation websites. It's the same old word salad of the angry, reactionary, condescending, overreaching, bigotry masquerading as patriotism.

I usually hit hard when I criticized these extremists. They want to call me a "liberal racist" who worships the ground of "brotha" Barack Obama.

I don't care no more! They don't know me personally, so it doesn't bother me at all!

When Blacks become the majority of the population in the United States, then you can say that's racist.

When a White person is racially profiled, denied housing because of redlining, attacked for being on government assistance such as welfare and food stamps, then you can call Blacks racist!

Find a Black person who creates hundreds of websites devoted to trashing White people.

If you find a Black person fixated on crime statistics based on racial attacks, let me know!

Nothing better than a White conservative male trying to defend the reactionary bigotry of his fellow brethen.

Come on people!

There's hundreds of websites devoted to trashing Black people, President Barack Obama and other minorities. They're created by angry White conservatives who parade themselves as patriots. Under this patriotism, they feel that their country is going down the toilet because of Black people ruining the country with handouts and social injustice.

I haven't seen a Black person obsessing over crime statistics like that "professional bigot" John Derbyshire or those reactionary bigots who want to make a combative argument over race. They justify an injustice by saying "oh, there's more Black on White crime" and "you people" need to stop bothering us about Trayvon Martin, Henry "Skip" Gates, and racial profiling! Who is so fixated on attacking Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton because they help a victim seek justice from a tragedy?

It's not worth my time to argue with idiots! The keyboard warrior has to be older than me, stuck in their ways! The warrior has to be a White male and probably a conservative that harbors bigoted views towards someone's race gender, sexuality, nationality, religion, language, political or economic standings.

So when you find that racist, look in the mirror! It's likely (the White conservative male) and not the majority of this country. 

In other news, President Barack Obama ordered the U.S. Justice Department to cease the deportation of undocumented workers and young illegal immigrants in an attempt for political expediency within the Hispanic/Latino community.

Hispanics have long complained about the injustices with racial profiling and deportation of family members who aren't residents of the United States.

In a play to win over Asian and Hispanic votes, the president has made a move that might give the Hispanics a little more enthusiasm. The Republicans oppose the DREAM Act and amnesty for immigrants.

I am assuming that the conservatives and presidential candidate Mitt Romney are going to pounce on the controversial move. And yes, it's gotten buzz on the conservative agitating website The Drudge Report.

Here's a clip from the 1980s sitcom The Jeffersons, Sherman Hemsley (known as George Jefferson) get into a heated argument with a White person who holds bigoted views towards Blacks.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Conflict Between The Three Stooges Of The Morning News!

Alisyn Camerota, Steve Doocy, Gretchen Carlson and Brian Kilmeade are the hosts of the network's morning program. Each morning a commentator (agitator) runs through the talking point and the viewers sponge it up! The Republicans look upon this network to promote their message against President Barack Obama.
Think Progress obtains a gem. Gretchen Carlson, the co-host of Fox and Friends walks off the set after her fellow co-host Brian Kilmeade made a comment about women in sports.

This is going to have Brian Kilmeade in trouble again!

Gretchen Carlson, Steve Doocy and Brian Kilmeade have been on Fox News for quite sometime. They've been pushing the bar lower ever since their report of Barack Obama attending a radical Islamic "madrassa" while he was a child.

This comment sparked the conflict between Carlson and Kilmeade: “Women are everywhere. We’re letting them play golf and tennis now. It’s out of control.”

This would prove the Democratic Party's point of how Fox News echos the Republican Party. The war on women is a real issue and it has consquences.

The network has been harshly criticizing First Lady Michelle Obama, Dr. Jill Biden, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Sandra Fluke, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-California), Democratic Party chief Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Florida) and women who support the Democratic Party or its progressive allies. They run negative stories about them and to defend the agitators who were sexist towards them.

Former Alaskan governor Sarah Palin, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota), S.E. Cupp, Michelle Malkin, Kimberly Guilfoyle, Laura Ingraham, Ann Coulter and even Gretchen Carlson have been criticized by progressive and conservative agitators as well.

Courtesy of YouTube through Think Progress.

Why It's More Turd Flipping From Michelle Malkin and Sean Hannity!,%20Maher%20and%20O%27Donnell.jpg
These right wing morons continue to whine about President Barack Obama. Michelle Malkin and Sean Hannity are suffering from a serious case of Obama Derangement Syndrome.
Once again what does Sean Hannity and Michelle Malkin know about civility?


Let me repeat this for the slow readers! They have no respect for anyone other than their extremist friends. Why should rational Americans give them respect when they can't even debate a person without attacking them personally?

Along with that foolish Juan Williams, Sean Hannity and Michelle Malkin were gleeful about the Republicans plan to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt for allegedly not releasing documents in regards to the botched gun running operation known as Fast & Furious.

The Republicans are witch hunting President Barack Obama over this and alleged leaks of national security.

The Republicans complain that the Obama Administration leaks out national security secrets in order to prop up his effective strategy to take on international foes such as al-Qaeda, a conservative Sunni Islamic militant group.

Senator John Cornyn (R-Texas) and Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) have both came out in favor of the Attorney General to step down.

Attorney General Eric Holder refuses to step down as of right now! But we'll see in the coming months.

Anyways a Republican committee led by Congressman Darrell Issa (R-California) are planning to hold a vote on contempt. This has gotten a lot of conservatives praising the Republicans for planning this.

The Democratic Party and its allies in the progressive movement have pointed out the constant obstruction of Congress and the ridiculous witch hunts led by the Republican majority in the House of Representatives.

Congress approval rating according to Gallup, is about 15%. A slight improvement after hovering around the single digits. Republicans are slated to take back the U.S. Senate and maintain a slim majority in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Sean Hannity and Michelle Malkin are two of the most agitating assholes in the media. Malkin is a conservative blogger and activist who is getting a lot of equal time on Fox News. She is practically banned from most news channels. Her combative behavior has been a trademark of hers for sometime now! And now it's gone beyond the pale of just being angry, it's now becoming more like she's a freaking fruitcake!

As a woman of color, she maintains the notion that minorities shouldn't be afraid to speak out against those  who hold them back! Being a woman of color, gives Fox News an opportunity to say that it's equal time for woman and minorities. Even though she's a conservative, she's a woman and a minority.

Malkin claims the advantage of being a major contributor to conservative causes, by her 3 million readers and followers.
Juan Williams, a Black conservative activist who masquerades himself as the liberal voice on Fox News.
Sean Hannity is a professional radio talker who spends three hours on radio and one hour on television repeating rhetoric he gets from his fellow conservative agitators Rush Limbaugh and Matt Drudge. He parades himself as a "Great American" or a "patriot". In his warped mind, he thinks that President Barack Obama "failed" and has done nothing to help the American people. Anything the president done in the mind of Sean Hannity is a coin flip of either the president is blaming George W. Bush or not giving the former president credit for his successes.

Hannity relishes in conflict and wants to bring up the old battles of the 2008 U.S. Presidential Elections to prove his point. When he can't use Jeremiah Wright or Bill Ayers, he'll rehash the Democratic primaries that resulted in a minor feud between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. He'll one day attack Bill Clinton for sex scandals but yet praises him for criticizing the president's policies.

Hannity has no value in his programs. The only accomplishments from him is his loyalty to Republicans and its conservative allies. He is their go-to-guy when a candidate needs some airtime or a controversial figure seeks redemption after a scandal.

Juan Williams is a conservative Black activist who parades himself a liberal commentator. When he's not filling in for Bill O'Reilly, he's on Sean Hannity's show either attacking the president over the most trivial things that happen to fall upon his administration. Williams often criticized the First Lady of The United States by labeling her a Black Panther activist and attack her campaign to end obesity.  Williams was fired from NPR after he made an outrageous comment about profiling Muslim men. Williams called upon his fellow conservative brethren to help him seek revenge on the public radio network. Republicans have long claimed that NPR has a liberal bias and they seek to defund the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

There's nothing more they offer. They shake their fingers and eye roll! They attack the president and Attorney General Eric Holder. They shout! They rile up the conservatives.

Juan Williams managed to dig Michelle Malkin by claiming he's a reporter not a blogger!

Courtesy of Mediaite and Fox News

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Tragedy At Auburn University!

Heavily tattooed shooting suspect Desmonte Leonard.

We here at Journal de la Reyna send our condolences to those lost this senseless shooting at Auburn University. We want the family to understand that justice against Desmonte Leonard is rightly so. This person's reckless behavior caused the death of three people. He should pay for this tragedy. It's bad enough he's a dead beat parent, but a murderer is beyond the pale.

Courtesy of the Atlanta Journal Constitution and the Associated Press.

Suspect in Auburn fatal shooting has court record By BOB JOHNSON, Associated Press

AUBURN, Ala. (AP) — The man suspected in a weekend party shooting that killed three people and wounded three others was previously arrested on charges involving guns and twice sued for child support, according to court records.

Authorities were searching Monday for Desmonte Leonard, 22, of Montgomery, who is accused of opening fire Saturday night at an apartment complex near Auburn University after getting into a fight with some of the victims over a woman. He faces three counts of capital murder.
Ladarious Phillips and Ed Christian were killed after a fight ensued between suspect Desmonte Leonard and others attending a party off campus. This incident devastated the Auburn community.
Two of those slain were former players for the school's powerhouse football program.

Auburn Police Chief Tommy Dawson said Leonard fled the scene in a white Chevrolet that he abandoned on the way back to Montgomery, about 55 miles away. They believed he was in the Montgomery area.

Court records show Montgomery police arrested Leonard in 2008 on a charge of carrying a pistol without a license, after stopping a suspected stolen vehicle and finding him inside. Documents available online didn't show whether the case was ever resolved, but Leonard was freed on bond within days.

Leonard was charged in 2009 with assault after allegedly shooting a man in the groin, but prosecutors dropped the case after the victim told authorities Leonard wasn't the shooter.

A Montgomery woman filed a paternity suit against Leonard on Friday that identified him as the father of a girl who turned 1 last month.

Another woman sued him in 2009 seeking unpaid child support for a girl who is now 4. A court ordered monthly payments of $305 by Leonard, who records show was working at a Walmart store at the time.

Auburn police said the weekend shootings didn't appear to have anything to do with some of the victims being former or current players on the football team, which won the national championship in 2010.

"The only connection that the Auburn football team has to this is they are victims of a brutal shooting.

Sometimes the young men get a bad rap, I feel like, but they are the victims today," Dawson said.

Of the three wounded victims, John Robertson remained in critical condition after being shot in the head.

Xavier Moss was released from the hospital. The third wounded victim was Eric Mack, a current football player who is expected to recover.

Slain were Edward Christian, who had to quit the team because of a lingering back injury, and Ladarious Phillips, who had previously quit playing football. The other person killed was 20-year-old Demario Pitts.
Mugshot of shooting victim Demario Pitts.

Dawson said he did not know why the party was being held or what started the fight.

Turquorius Vines, 23, said he was at the party Saturday evening at the University Heights apartments with one of his friend, Pitts. He said he and his friend were approached by two other men who started arguing with them over a woman.

Vines said he punched one of the men, while Pitts hit both of the men over the head with a bottle. Either one or both of the two men then started shooting, he said. He said Pitts was shot and killed, while two others also were hit by gunfire. Vines said he had never met the men he was arguing with.

"It's like I lost a lung," Vines said of losing his friend. "I don't know how I'm going to survive this."

Several emergency vehicles converged overnight around the University Heights apartment complex where many students live. The building was swathed in yellow police tape.

The apartment complex was the scene of another shooting in April.

In that shooting, a man armed with an assault rifle allegedly opened fire on a police tactical team as officers carried out a search warrant. No one was hurt, but officer seized weapons, cash and a pound of marijuana.

Police identified the alleged shooter in the April gunfire as a 21-year-old man, who was charged with four counts of attempted murder and drug possession. Three other men were arrested on drug charges.

Mack, the player wounded in Saturday's shooting, is a junior offensive lineman from St. Matthews, S.C. He played in five games last season. Coach Gene Chizik said Mack was expected to recover.

Associated Press writer Jay Reeves contributed to this report.

Copyright © 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

Courtesy of  Fox News


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