Friday, November 28, 2008

Take AIDS fight into black communities

Believe it or not It's been 17 years since Magic Johnson was diagnosed with HIV. He has been fighting for more awareness of thw AIDS?HIV Epidemic in black communities. With World AIDS Day coming up Magic Johnson has written a plea for African American Communities to step up and do more in the fight against HIV/AIDS. Read his plea by clicking the link below:

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Carmen - Habanera

What Michelle Obama means to us

Check out this great article by Allison Samuels that appears in this weeks NewsWeek Magazine.

Here is an excerpt...The new First Lady will have the chance to knock down ugly stereotypes about black women and educate the world about American black culture more generally. But perhaps more important—even apart from what her husband can do—Michelle has the power to change the way African-Americans see ourselves, our lives and our possibilities. Read the entire article by clicking the link below:

Friday, November 21, 2008

*In the aftermath of the election victory of Barack Obama, white supremacists rushed to online discussion forums to vent anger and disbelief that voters had chosen an African-American candidate as the next president of the United States.

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), which monitors and exposes extremist activity and rhetoric, said anger among white supremacists and other right-wing extremists in response to Obama's victory resulted in an avalanche of vitriolic postings on racist Web sites.

At one point, the chatter so overloaded the server of the most popular white supremacist Internet forum, Stormfront, that the site was temporarily shut down.

According to ADL, racists are incredulous that Obama was elected primarily by white voters and are seething with anger at the prospect of an America led by an African-American man.

"We always expect a reaction from the bigots when events occur that they believe are contrary to their interests and worldview," said Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director. "While it's clear that race didn't matter to the vast majority of the American people in this election, race matters to racists."

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Aisha Ali: Dismantling Thanksgiving myths: a Native American story

D.C. Youth Issues Examiner: Dismantling Thanksgiving myths: a Native American story
In my eyes, Thanksgiving has never been about the Pilgrims-- and to many Americans, I question if this is their sole source of celebration, as many people blindly celebrate holidays and have no clue of their history. Although I am sure many people celebrate Thanksgiving as a way to express “thanks,” for me, Thanksgiving serves as another remembrance of how my Native American ancestors were maltreated; annihilated; ousted from their land; and consigned to reservations, eradicating every trace of their pre-existing life.

Thanksgiving rehashes memories of how the hospital staff, in its refusal to treat my great-great grandfather, sent him home to die from pneumonia because he was Native American. Thanksgiving reminds me of how my grandmother had “to pass” as a light-skinned black person to avoid being forced on a reservation. When thinking of Thanksgiving, I recall how my Nation, the Cherokees, was forced from its land in Georgia, leaving a “Trail of Tears.” As I sit around with my family and share thoughts while eating on Thanksgiving, I think of how the very ingredients with which my food was prepared, had been once picked by the hands of my Native American ancestors who served as slaves in North Carolina and the Caribbean. Needless to say, I also think of my African ancestors who toiled away in the fields to pick the very foods with which my food was prepared. America, to me, is not the “Land of Pilgrim’s pride," but should be and is to me, the "Land of Native American pride".

The national holiday, “Thanksgiving,” was not initially created in the way most Americans have come to know it.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Did the CIA Poison Paul Robeson?

Did the CIA Poison Paul Robeson? - FTP MOVEMENT
Paul Robeson, the black actor, singer, and political radical, may have been a victim of CIA chemist Sidney Gottlieb's MK-ULTRA program. We have previously noted Gottlieb's death and outlined his career of infamy. In the spring of 1961, Robeson planned to visit Havana, Cuba to meet with Fidel Castro and Che Guevara. The trip never came off because Robeson fell ill in Moscow, where he had gone to give several lectures and concerts. At the time, it was reported that Robeson had suffered a heart attack. But in fact Robeson had slashed his wrists in a suicide attempt after suffering hallucinations and severe depression. The symptoms came on following a surprise party thrown for him at his Moscow hotel.

Robeson's son, Paul Robeson, Jr., has investigated his father's illness for more than 30 years. He believes that his father was slipped a synthetic hallucinogen called BZ by U.S. intelligence operatives at the party in Moscow. The party was hosted by anti-Soviet dissidents funded by the CIA.

Robeson Jr. visited his father in the hospital the day after the suicide attempt. Robeson told his son that he felt extreme paranoia and thought that the walls of the room were moving. He said he had locked himself in his bedroom and was overcome by a powerful sense of emptiness and depression before he tried to take his own life.

Robeson left Moscow for London, where he was admitted to Priory Hospital. There he was turned over to psychiatrists who forced him to endure 54 electro-shock treatments. At the time, electro-shock, in combination with psycho-active drugs, was a favored technique of CIA behavior modification. It turned out that the doctors treating Robeson in London and, later, in New York were CIA contractors. The timing of Robeson's trip to Cuba was certainly a crucial factor. Three weeks after the Moscow party, the CIA launched its disastrous invasion of Cuba at the Bay of Pigs. It's impossible to underestimate Robeson's threat, as he was perceived by the U.S. government as the most famous black radical in the world. Through the 1950s Robeson commanded worldwide attention and esteem. He was the Nelson Mandela and Mohammed Ali of his time. He spoke more than twenty languages, including Russian, Chinese, and several African languages. Robeson was also on close terms with Nehru, Jomo Kenyatta, and other Third World leaders. His embrace of Castro in Havana would have seriously undermined U.S. efforts to overthrow the new Cuban government.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Obama’s Intelligence Agenda: More of the Same from the “Change Administration”

portland imc - 2008.11.16 - Obama’s Intelligence Agenda: More of the Same from the “Change Administration”
According to The Wall Street Journal, "President-elect Barack Obama is unlikely to radically overhaul controversial Bush administration intelligence policies, advisers say, an approach that is almost certain to create tension within the Democratic Party."

With hyperbolic "change" rhetoric in the air, Obama is relying on a gaggle of former intelligence insiders, warmed-over Clinton administration officials and "moderate" Republicans, many of whom helped Bush craft his administration's illegal policies.

With U.S. street cred at an all-time low, due in no small measure to Washington's hubristic fantasies that it really is an empire and not a rapidly decaying failed state, ruling elites have literally banked on Obama to deliver the goods.

During his run for the White House, the Illinois senator may have mildly criticized some of the administration's so-called "counterterrorism" policies including the Bushist penchant for secrecy, the disappearance of "terrorist" suspects, driftnet surveillance of American citizens and legal residents, CIA "black site" gulags and the crushing of domestic dissent.

But in the few scant days since the November 4 general election, the contours of what Democratic party corporatist grifters will roll-out come January 20 are taking shape. Citing Obama's carefully-crafted public relations blitz on the campaign trail opposing illegal spying, the Journal reports:

Yet he ... voted for a White House-backed law to expand eavesdropping powers for the National Security Agency. Mr. Obama said he opposed providing legal immunity to telecommunications companies that aided warrantless surveillance, but ultimately voted for the bill, which included an immunity provision.

The new president could take a similar approach to revising the rules for CIA interrogations, said one current government official familiar with the transition. Upon review, Mr. Obama may decide he wants to keep the road open in certain cases for the CIA to use techniques not approved by the military, but with much greater oversight. (Siobhan Gorman, "Intelligence Policy to Stay Largely Intact," The Wall Street Journal, November 11, 2008)

Friday, October 31, 2008

Abuse Victim Alejandra Vazquez Laid To Rest

Tears flow for 'another Nixzmary Brown' as 11-year-old laid to rest

A sad and steady procession of mourners came to a Brooklyn funeral home Thursday to bid farewell to Alejandra Vazquez, the 11-year-old schoolgirl cops say was beaten to death with a mop handle by her mom.
Many of the relatives, friends, neighbors - and more than a few strangers touched by her tragic story - arrived at the Ponce Funeral Home on Fourth Ave. with their arms full of flowers.
One small child went in clutching a single red rose to her heart.
Almost all had tears in their eyes, prayers on their lips - or both.
"This is so sad, so horrible," said one mourner who only gave the name Maria, gesturing at the open casket where Alejandra's body lay in a glistening white dress, her face heavily made up to mask her injuries.
"This should happen to nobody, but it seems worse when it happens to such a little girl."
Nearby, Barbara Medina, who helped collect money for Alejandra's dress through a nonprofit organization, nodded agreement.
"This didn't have to happen. This is like another Nixzmary Brown," she said. "This child died by herself and is leaving us by herself."
Alejandra's uncle, Celerino Vazquez, 30, said the family was struggling to cope with the tragedy. "We're all praying. It's something we just have to get through."
Florencia Vazquez, 36, confessed to beating her daughter to death with a mop handle and leaving her to die in her own bed, but later claimed the girl suffered her fatal injuries in a fall.
Alejandra was found dead Sunday morning. The case is going to a grand jury.
Meanwhile, the concerns of close family friend Sophia Morales, 23, are for Alejandra's three siblings - ages 6, 3 and 1.
"They are wondering what happened," she said. "I just don't know how to answer them."

Monday, October 27, 2008

Michelle Obama

Why white America perhaps fears Michelle more than Barack.
Excerpts from a 'Jack & Jill politics' newsletter: hard as it is to accept a black president, it's even harder to accept a black first lady. First Lady has always held a beloved sentimental mother/wife of the nation symbolism.

Conservatives are not ready to have to look at this very BLACK woman with her degrees and her fierceness and see her as the epitome of the American mother/wife.This will be a first for white people. They do not want this black woman in the Whitehouse as their first lady. That New Yorker cartoon was [actually] about Michelle - she was its focal point…..look closely... she is the leader, the one starting the "revolution" theywant you to imagine…………MSNBC's Chris Matthews said, in the course of covering the Obama candidacy, 'He (Barack Obama) brings none of the20' bad stuff, you know?" By 'Bad Stuff', he meant the legacy of [whites] enslaving Africans in this country, keeping them as second-class citizens until 1965, a mere 11 years before this country celebrated its 200th anniversary. You know, 'the original sin', or ' the birth d efect', as Condi Rice called it. Barack escapes this 'bad stuff' only because his mother was white and may have had ancestors involved in the slave trade; and also because Barack's father was not African American. He was full blooded African and therefore Barack had no ancestors enslaved byAmerica - and so the white guilt factor is missing when they think ofhim. HOWEVER, NO SUCH LUCK WITH MICHELLE!Michelle Obama is a direct threat and lightening bolt against White Superiority. Because, she's Black… VISIBLY BLACK… But it's important to note, she does not, in any way,shape, or form, contour to the acceptable Black Pathologies that enable White Supremacy to sigh with relief. [welfare mother, fatherless child, druggie, etc.] Michelle was raised in a neighborhood. In a home. With TWO parents. No child revolving in and out of jail.

Raised by a Black man who not only provided for his family, but did so, WITH A DISABILITY. Her mother had a working class job - secretary- but it was taken ONLYafter she had seen her youngest child settle into HIGH SCHOOL.Michelle Obama's poise, her confidence, her aura - that was created by that humble Black man, who by all accounts, adored her. He told her that she is worthy, and so, when you have that told to you by the first man who loves and protects you, you seek that validation of that in your choice of mate, you'll settle for nothing less, and Michelle hasn't.
Michelle Obama, doesn't fit any of the acceptable Black pathologies. And when you don't fit the acceptable Black pathologies, then you must be destroyed. Michelle Obama has become the face of the Black America whose existence is routinely denied by this country. Think about it.In ONE generation, the face of this 'Invisible America' has gone from living on the top floor of a bungalow, to the possibility of living in The White House. And yet, Michelle Obama, refuses to say " I' m special", in order to give white America its usual security blanket [that she is one of the exceptions rather than the rule], So what should be done?Beat her down into submission.

Michelle Obama represents everything we black women want our daughters to be. When we stand up for her we stand up for ourselves. No other women in the world are more neglected and abused as African women period. Michelle looks like [our] daughters, her daughters look like us. We love the way Barack looks at her we adore the way he looks at his daughters. The Obamas represent the hope that we can be loved by our men and they will support us in whatever we do.

Little African American girls need a vision anddream of what it is like to be loved by a man who looks just like them. Is America ready for a First Lady who looks like her? A regular black woman? Not a passable biracial curly haired girl that they call black, but a regular black woman from the south side of Chicago ? With dark skin?Is she going to be the face of The Woman on the largest pedestal in the country? A self-confessed "loud-mouth" black woman? If the Obamas succeed, it turns white supremacy upside down. And not because a black man is in the White House; but, because a blackwoman will be there who didn't have to come in the back door to lie in bed with the president.

Do white men assimilate, or with cultural preference? by La from Tribute for Your Thoughts

Do white men assimilate, or with cultural preference? by La

While living in a largely black populated community and region, I have made some personal observations about Caucasian relations in these areas. I’ve also made some comparisons regarding white men and their preference in cultural assimilation. All of what I’m stating is based on my own observations and perspectives. I am not trying to be negative or “project” any type of negativity unto other black females. I just have to explore and present my theories on these issues. I also want to welcome any opinions or opposing views.

Most importantly as a black female today, I fully support and promote black women to explore their options in dating interracially. I always knew non-black men, particularly white men found black women attractive and desirable. In fact, I grew up knowing this all my life. However, I feel there are still profoundly noticeable signals coming from the white male population that would challenge that belief in the eyes of many black females. We all know some say black women are less receptive or indulge in the “fear” of white men through “myths”, mammism, misconceptions, lack of exposure etc… But still, black women didn’t manifest these ideas out of thin air. Apart from the usual complaints, even the “white male” controlled media seems to welcome so much anti black female isms, as well as promoting more black male/white female coupling as the black and white IR tokens. Movies, sitcoms, picture ads, magazines, online banners, and even your everyday clip-art seems to be getting infected by this visible preference.

Seeing this over the years, has made me wonder at times who really controls the media regarding interracial groupings. Anyone could easily assume it’s either black males or white females using it for their own beneficial agendas, and visual recruitment. I know it might be the 1% of the white male population that actually partake in the direct media productions. But, It’s still obvious white males collectively know how to use the media to their overall advantage, affirmative self image, financial, political etc. So why not promote or encourage more white male and black female unions in the media, if so many are so inclined? I’m not trying to put an unrealistic burden on white males. In general, most women like to feel wanted and desired, or respectively pursued by men.. Black women are no different.

Which brings me back to my main curiosity. I always wondered if white men assimilate and do so romantically in non-white societies. At least in the way many black men, and Asian men etc. do when trying to acquire white female companionship in white dominated societies. I think they do, but perhaps in selective cultures? I know it’s based on individualism, but even generally when being the minority, there still seems to be some sort of arrogant superiority resistance among many white men. Furthermore, yes there is evidence of white men going to racially and culturally different places to assimilate, and even seek out the native women… Asia, Hawaii, India, South America etc.. Even in the media, these unions are presented “exotic” and they’re romatically inevitable. What about Africa? Be it movies, or real life, you rarely hear a love story coming from the fact that a white male took a trip to Africa. If anything, he seeks out white females that are there already. I often wonder how many white European/American military soldiers would readily take home African war brides the way they do with Asian and South American women.

White men don’t assimilate in the Caribbean as people seem to think either. Even so, the Caribbean is so diverse in background and culture, and it depends on the area. In my particular parts, you rarely see white men with black females, but much more increasingly in the reverse. I live on the US islands, and white men seem to still seek out the white women that are also living on these US islands. It’s almost mind boggling :) I always see young and old white men in arms with white women, especially on the weekends. Many of these men come alone, but upon arrival they still hunt for the minute white female population. Now, you might see more white men trying to befriend the native black women on non-US islands. Do non-US black Caribbean women have something special over US Caribbean black women? No. While thinking about this oddness over the few years, the harsh reality behind it darned on me. Due to some of their local island laws (british/french), some of those white males try to marry or make arrangements with those native black women in order to purchase the protected land and their island resources. So, you should think twice when if you see some white people in general with native blacks in certain parts of the Caribbean.

I know many would disagree with my less-than-positive observations. And yes, we already know all about the disloyal hearts of so many black men, this has clearly been established. So why pick on white men or put such a critical emphasis on them? If we’re going to promote or encourage white male options, then we should also be able to openly tackle some of these blatant non-affirming signals and prejudices many of them still have towards black women. This is the only way for all cards to be placed fairly on the table. Again, I’m not projecting, or talking about all white males. I just wanted to share some of my personal observations, (even in my area) and thoughts for exploring and understanding things that were on my mind. Perhaps other black women share similar concerns and sentiments.


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