Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Barack Obama Nominee Victory Speech St. Paul Minnesota pt.4

News and Stories 6-11-2008

From Ann's Blog

Bo Diddley, R.I.P. at:

Rest in peace, Bo Diddley! You give the world so much in musical style and contributed to Rock music, then and now.

Also from Ann,
Color Test: Where Whites Draw The Line at:

Americans prefer to see Black entertainers with nonblack mommas than Black mommas. This has been on my mind since Obama clinched the nomination last week. I was thinking Shirley Chisholm, Jesse Jackson, Carol Moseley Braun, Leonora Fulani, Alan Keyes, Al Sharpton, Colin Powell.

These Americans don’t want to be reminded of the fact that a lot of mixing were done before 1960s, before Loving. They ignore the past and present IRs as being progressive, esp. Black men w/nonblack women. Then, they pat themselves on the back on how progressive they are when in reality they are really not.

Monday, June 09, 2008

Are women shunning Obama? Pollster says no - On Politics -

Are women shunning Obama? Pollster says no - On Politics - "There's been much written and You-Tubed about supporters of Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton who are having trouble making the switch to presumptive nominee Barack Obama -- and say they may never. Or may never unless he puts Clinton on the ticket with him as vice president.

Are women a big problem for Obama? Maybe not. At least one poll shows rapid recent movement to Obama overall among Democrats, including women.

Pollster Scott Rasmussen says that as of today, based on 3,000 automated telephone surveys over the past three nights, Obama gets support from 52% of the women in his national tracking poll compared with 40% for presumptive Republican nominee John McCain. He says that's better than Democrat John Kerry did with women against President Bush in 2004."

Friday, June 06, 2008

Media Matters - "Media Matters"; by Jamison Foser

Media Matters - "Media Matters"; by Jamison Foser: "The past several months have brought a congealing conventional wisdom among many reporters and pundits that MSNBC is lurching to the left. It is perhaps unsurprising that this story line would emerge. It is, however, nonsense.

Why is the story line unsurprising? Quite simply, several of its most prominent advocates have a clear interest in MSNBC being seen as liberal."

Ben Smith's Blog: Obama denies a rumor and questions the question -

Ben Smith's Blog: Obama denies a rumor and questions the question - Sen. Barack Obama on Thursday batted down rumors circulating on the Internet and mentioned on some cable news shows of the existence of a video of his wife using a derogatory term for white people, and criticized a reporter for asking him about the rumor, which has not a shred of evidence to support it.

“We have seen this before. There is dirt and lies that are circulated in e-mails and they pump them out long enough until finally you, a mainstream reporter, asks me about it,” Obama said to the McClatchy reporter during a press conference aboard his campaign plane. “That gives legs to the story. If somebody has evidence that myself or Michelle or anybody has said something inappropriate, let them do it.”

Asked whether he knew it not to be true, Obama said he had answered the question.

“Frankly, my hope is people don’t play this game,” Obama said. “It is a destructive aspect of our politics. Simply because something appears in an e-mail, that should lend it no more credence than if you heard it on the corner. Presumably the job of the press is to not to go around and spread scurrilous rumors like this until there is actually anything, an iota, of substance or evidence that would substantiate it.”

Obama Bans DNC from Taking Lobbyists' Money : NPR

Obama Bans DNC from Taking Lobbyists' Money : NPR: "Morning Edition, June 6, 2008 · Presumptive presidential nominee Barack Obama, exerting his new power as leader of his party, has told the Democratic National Committee to eschew all contributions from Washington lobbyists and political action committees.

Obama has spurned money from lobbyists and PACs ever since he declared himself a candidate for president. On Thursday, he extended that policy to the DNC."

Angela Bofill - Too tough


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