Wednesday, September 11, 2024

23 - 9/11! / Still Free Palestine!

The U.S. honors the victims of Sept. 11, 2001.

Wonder why it happened?

The U.S. and its support for Israel led to al Qaeda plotting revenge. 

Sometimes questioning motives isn't an attack on the victims. It a mission to question authority, the status quo and get to the honest truth.

I remember I was staying with my parents and we just got a new digital cable box. I wake up around 9:15am and turned on Comedy Central to see the World Trade Center buildings on fire. I thought it was a joke. I asked my dad what the heck happened.

He told me that two airplanes crashed into the World Trade Center. At first I thought it was a reckless pilot but when it became apparent it was two planes hit, I immediately realized that the U.S. will be going to war. It was a terrorist attack carried out by 19 men who figured out a weakness in airline security. They managed to hijack four commercial flights and crashed them into the World Trade Center, The Pentagon and a rural part of  Pennsylvania.

This is the 23rd anniversary of the tragic attack on New York, Washington, DC and Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Also this is the 12th anniversary of the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

The attack was inspired by men radicalized by the noise of Osama Bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahri. The 19 men dressed like normal travelers. They got on planes leaving Boston Logan, Newark Liberty and Reagan and hijacked the planes mid-flight. The first airline crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center. As the New York authorities were trying to rescue those trapped in the building, another airline crashed into the South Tower. By that time, President George W. Bush was notified of the attack on New York. He abruptly left a Florida school during a reading session.

During his briefing, another plane would crash into the Pentagon. The Pentagon was not destroyed but it sustained heavy damage. By that time Vice President Dick Cheney was notified to evacuate the White House and Observatory Circle. Congress was also notified and had to take evacuations.

The news was zeroed in on the World Trade Center. All the cable channels went to live coverage. CNN was the first network to report the airline crashing into the towers.

On top of that, the FAA and U.S. military were notified to close off airspace and border crossings. The final plane was expected to hit Congress was averted by the victims. They managed to restrain several hijackers. The final plane would end up aborting by crashing into rural Pennsylvania. The hijacker deliberately crashed the plane to prevent them from taking back control.

The Pentagon was heavily damaged by the attack. They rebuild the structure.

These terrorists shook America and led our nation into war with two countries. 

George W. Bush declared war on Afghanistan after the nation refused to handover al Qaeda leaders and funders. The war started in December 2001 and ended in August 2021.

The U.S. overthrown the Taliban and it held them out until the U.S. forces formally left. 

The Taliban regained control shortly after U.S. forces left. 

The Republicans used the Afghanistan war to promote Islamophobia, hatred of immigrants and called anti-war protesters, "traitors" and "enemies of the state." Fox led the way to generating public option and threw culture wars into the public discourse. It led to many noise makers using freedom and liberty as it was their rightful ownership.

Republicans would soon encourage the public to fight the war in Iraq. The U.S. was misled by allegations that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction and allied with al Qaeda. That led us to a 8 year war that ended in 2011.

When Barack Obama ran for president, he promised that he wouldn't rest until the leaders of al-Qaeda were captured or killed. His political rivals thought he was naive and foolish at the time. They were wrong.

After a landslide election, Obama was elected to be president. As the successor of George W. Bush, Obama inherited two wars, an economic crisis and congressional gridlock.

Obama managed to end the war in Iraq and is on the verge of ending the war in Afghanistan. The president is still trying to get a stubborn Congress to pass legislation that could spark growth in the economy.

Passengers managed to force the terrorist to divert his plane from the intended target.

And of course, the president kept his promise. May 2011, the president announced to the world that the leader of al-Qaeda was killed by the United States Military Special Operatives in Abbottabad, Pakistan.

Obama was really aggressive on disrupting al-Qaeda and its affiliates.

Republicans then started the drum brat of the Benghazi attack. It damaged Hillary Clinton in 2016 when she ran for president a second time. Republicans obsessed over Obama's handling of the attack and threatened impeachment for it.

September 11, 2012, the U.S. diplomatic mission in Cairo, Egypt was mobbed by protesters  apparently in response to an anti-Islamic online video known as Innocence of Muslims. A group scaled the embassy wall and tore down the American flag to replace it with a black Islamic flag. This incident (and the coinciding armed attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya that was widely misreported as a reaction to the film) launched a series of worldwide demonstrations against the film outside diplomatic facilities of the United States and other Western countries. However, other underlying issues of discontent have fueled the protests in some countries. The protests that continued in the ensuing weeks also expanded to other Western-related locations, some of which turned violent, resulting in dozens of deaths and hundreds of injuries.

The protest lays down in the groundwork for a sneak attack to infiltrate the U.S. Embassy compound in Libyan by militants. They ended up killing four Americans which included J. Christopher Stevens, a longtime ally to the president.

Obama's political foes in the Republican Party wish Osama bin Laden was still alive. They refuse to credit him for giving the orders to take out the world's most wanted terrorist

Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahri were both killed by U.S. forces.

The Republicans could never take responsibility for a tragedy. They'll blame the Democrats for every domestic or international incident whenever there's a Republican president. They scapegoated immigrants, Muslims and people who opposed war for being on the side of terrorists.

George W. Bush ignored the Richard Clarke warnings. He ignored the Bill Clinton memos. He wanted to chart his own goals. He should have been impeached for that.

The Republicans are too extreme. They are doused in the gasoline and are inflamed by culture wars, conspiracy theories and the lack of self awareness. They are shameless hypocrites with a need to "own the libs." It is very sad that we have came to the conclusion that America's democracy is in jeopardy of collapse. They will stop at nothing to undermine the country. Republicans are responsible for almost every  tragedy and instead of owning up to the tragedies, they want to rewrite it and blame everyone else for it,

Republicans claim that if it wasn't for Bill Clinton, the 9/11 attacks would of never happened. They claim that George W. Bush was responsible for taking down Osama bin Laden. To this day, they believe Barack Obama and Joe Biden are weak on the border, terrorism and are responsible for the crappy economy they inherited. 

President Joe Biden, former president Donald J. Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris together. Rare.

Republicans place the blame of the Los Angeles/Rodney King riots, the Minneapolis/George Floyd riots, every war that doesn't go as planned, every mass shooting, every government shutdown, every man made disaster on the Democrats. Every wildfire, volcano, earthquake, tornado, Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Sandy and Hurricane Maria is blamed the Democrats. They blame Democrats for crime and gun violence. They claim it was the Democrats most responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic, mask mandates and closing businesses when it was a Republican president and most Republican governors who ordered shutdowns. 

In the minds of Republicans, George W. Bush and Donald J. Trump never done anything wrong!

Now as Israel is committing war crimes, an active genocide and literally meddling in the 2024 U.S. presidential election, I fear we could experience more events like this.

The U.S. and its support for Israel has made our country less credible. We cannot claim the world's stage with excuses of foreign countries committing international criminal acts when the U.S. is running cover for Israel. 

Now 23 years later our current president Joe Biden, former president Donald J. Trump, Vice President Kamala Harris, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz and Ohio senator J.D. Vance are honoring the memories of those lost on 9/11/2001 and 9/11/2012.

Once again, Harris, the Democratic nominee shook Trump's hand. Trump is the Republican nominee.

We will survive.

President Joe Biden ordered the killing of al-Zawahri in 2022. The former leader stayed in a luxury apartment in Kabul, Afghanistan. The death really shook al-Qaeda and they have no strong voices to radicalize.

Biden finally ended the war in Afghanistan and Republicans led the way to criticizing and blaming the president for the swifty evacuations and attack on 13 military members being killed by a suicide bomber.

A moment of clarity for all of us. 

Expect conservative outrage and literal ignorance of his predecessor not attending any since Biden defeated him.

Vice President Kamala Harris, First Lady Jill Biden, Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff, former president Barack Obama, former president George W. Bush and former president Bill Clinton will honor the victims of September 11th. 

Former vice president Mike Pence will likely honor it as well. 

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, New York City Mayor Eric Adams, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul, Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin, Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA), Sen. Bob Casey (D-PA), Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA), Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA), Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ), Sen. George Helmy (D-NJ), New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy, Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro, Washington, DC mayor Muriel Bowser and Maryland Gov. Wes Moore will be participating in 9/11 events.

Some Bad Work!

Donald J. Trump had a bad night.

Winners and losers of 2024.

Who won the night?

Springfield, Ohio 
Kamala Harris 
ABC News 
50 million viewers
Taylor Swift
Run Spot Run

The candidates both pivoted and didn't answer all the questions. What became the news was the former president malfunctioning. 

Former president Donald J. Trump had a bad night. It was as bad as President Joe Biden when he fumble during his first and only debate. Biden suspended his campaign and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris to be the nominee.

On Tuesday, the former president and vice president met in Philadelphia.

Harris extended her hand to the former president to shake. That right there assured the vice president won the night. Hillary Clinton was right. She told Harris that he is very sensitive and triggered. 

The far right claims it was a 3 on 1 but in reality, Trump didn't answer the questions, practically made a conspiracy theory about an Ohio city go viral, got angry with his debate opponent, pivoted to immigration constantly and never stayed on message.

"They're eating the dogs, the people that came in, they're eating the cats," Trump said during an answer to a question about immigration. "They're eating the pets of the people that live there, and this is what's happening in our country, and it's a shame."

Trump's answer was among the most extraordinary of the first 30 minutes of the debate: a former U.S. president spreading an internet rumor — one labeled by some of his critics as racist — in front of an audience of millions of Americans. The comment illustrated the rapid spread of misinformation in today's media ecosystem.

Get some hand sanitizer.

David Muir, the ABC News anchor co-moderating the debate, immediately fact-checked Trump's claims, saying that the city manager in Springfield, Ohio, told the network there had been no credible reports of pets being harmed, injured or abused by people in the city's immigrant community.

The junk food media saw this as the day Trump couldn't seal the deal.

I laughed when Trump went to attacking Harris as being a Marxist.

Laughed when he mentioned Laura Ingraham, Jesse Watters and Sean "Softball" Hannity as sources to his latest conspiracy theories.

Laughed when he denied he lost the election.

Fell out of my seat when he said they're eating pets. 

I said damn, when Harris told viewers to go to a MAGA rally and watch him go on and on.

She said that people are going to get bored and leave his events. 

Harris didn't answer the "are you better off" question. She quickled pivoted and baited Trump to do his usual "country going down hill" rhetoric. 

It was a bad night for the Trumpster.

Tyreek Hill Dragged Out In Record Speed!

Even a NFL player can get dragged out by the neck.

This did not make it to the debate.

Miami Dolphins and the NFL reacted to Sunday's incident involving wide receiver Tyreek Hill being pulled out of his Lamborghini and violently detained by Miami-Dade Police.

All over a speeding violation.

The U.S. law enforcement agencies get trained by Israel. That stuff must come to an end.

This is all tactics by Israelis. They done stuff like this to Palestinians. They share this stuff with police unions and it is unethical and practically dangerous.

On September 8, 2024, hours before the Miami Dolphins were set to begin their season opener against the Jacksonville Jaguars, Hill was pulled over by officers outside of the Dolphins stadium while he was on his way to the game. Video, which was filmed by fans, was uploaded to social media and instantly made national news. The video showed Hill being detained in handcuffs and forced to the ground by three officers who were on top of him holding him down. Hill claimed in a statement following the game that he was accused of speeding and reckless driving and had no idea why the situation escalated like it did. “I wasn’t disrespectful because my mom didn’t raise me that way. Didn’t cuss. Didn’t do none of that. So like I said, I’m still trying to figure it out, man." Steadman Stahl, president of the South Florida Police Benevolent Association, said Hill wasn't being cooperative and that he was “redirected” to the ground after refusing to sit when he was briefly detained. Julius B. Collins, Hill's attorney, said that the traffic stop escalated when Hill gave officers his license and rolled his window back up. “One of the officers then knocked on Mr. Hill’s driver side window and advised Mr. Hill to keep his window rolled down otherwise he was going to get him out of the car" and that officers followed policy in handcuffing Hill. "Mr. Hill was not immediately cooperative with the officers on the scene who, pursuant to policy and for their immediate safety, placed Mr. Hill in handcuffs. Mr. Hill, still uncooperative, refused to sit on the ground and was therefore redirected to the ground. Once the situation was sorted out within a few minutes, Mr. Hill was issued two traffic citations and was free to leave” Stahl said.

Hill's teammate, Calais Campbell, who was also on his way to the game, stopped and got involved in an attempt to de-escalate the sitution. Campbell got out of his car with his hands up above his head and approached the scene, informing officers that he was a friend of Hill's. He remained at the scene to “support” Hill after he said officers asked him to leave. Police later placed him in handcuffs for “disobeying a direct order" by being too close. “They were trying to yank him down to the ground. I saw them kick him and pull him down ... I feel like one officer was pushing on his head” Campbell said to ESPN. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis spoke on the incident saying “I was pleased to see he did well in the game and it was good for the team, what happened on the field. I have confidence in agencies throughout this state that they want to uphold the highest standards of professionalism and if for some reason that wasn’t followed here I know they will make that clear. But I’ll let that investigation take place.” One of the officers involved was placed on administrative leave following the incident and pending an internal investigation. Miami-Dade Police director Stephanie Daniels told the Miami Herald that the decision to place the officer on leave came after a review of the body camera footage from the roadside incident.

Hill does a little trolling. 

Despite the incident, Hill played in that afternoon's game against the Jacksonville Jaguars, where he finished with seven catches for 130 yards and one touchdown in a 20–17 win.

The far right are calling out Hill for not complying. The left is retorting to Ashli Babbitt whenever they resort to police encounters. Babbitt did not comply and got shot by U.S. Capitol Police Lieutenant Michael Byrd. He did everything to protect members of Congress during the Jan. 6, 2021 insurrection.

Hill has some controveries in the past but that is irrelevant. What the police did was an overreaction to a situation. It should just being a citation and on your way. But how these morons go from 0 to 100, it proves that many of cops are trigger happy.

Moving Swifties!

Swifties got Kamala's back.

The world's biggest pop star endorsed Kamala Harris. Uh oh, the Swifties for Kamala managed to get the Tay endorsement.

Well at least former president Donald J. Trump has DaBaby, Rob Schneider, AfroMan, Anuel A.A., Hulk Hogan, Roseanne Barr, Amber Rose, Lil Wayne, IcewearVezzo and Kodak Black.

Taylor Swift during the ABC News Debate endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris for president. It will certainly rile up the far right and certainly give the additional money boast to Harris and Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota, the vice presidential nominee.

This is huge. Swift on Tuesday night made this endorsement after the high-stakes debate with former President Donald J. Trump, calling the Democratic nominee a "steady-handed, gifted leader."

"I will be casting my vote for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz in the 2024 Presidential Election," Swift said in a post on Instagram to her more than 283 million followers. "I’m voting for @kamalaharris  because she fights for the rights and causes I believe need a warrior to champion them. I think she is a steady-handed, gifted leader and I believe we can accomplish so much more in this country if we are led by calm and not chaos."

Swift went on to say that she was "heartened and impressed" by Harris' selection of Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as her running mate, praising him as a champion of "LGBTQ+ rights, IVF and a woman's right to own her body for decades."

"I’ve done my research, and I’ve made my choice," the Grammy-winning artist added. "Your research is all yours to do, and the choice is yours to make. I also want to say, especially to first time voters: Remember that in order to vote, you have to be registered! I also find it’s much easier to vote early. I’ll link where to register and find early voting dates and info in my story."

Swift, 34, signed her post "Childless Cat Lady" — a reference to language used by Trump's running mate, Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH), to describe women who do not have kids. Swift included a photo of herself holding her cat, Benjamin Button, who has graced the cover of Time magazine with the singer.

Swift's endorsement came as a surprise to the Harris campaign, two campaign officials told NBC News. The campaign views the singer's backing as part of a "decisive victory" for the vice president on the debate stage and speaks to her ability to attract support, one of the officials said.

The endorsement had been widely anticipated. Swift threw her support behind President Joe Biden and Harris during the 2020 presidential election. Swift allowed the Biden-Harris campaign to use her song “Only the Young” in an advertisement during the 2020 cycle.

Swift once shied away from weighing in on American politics. But with the release of her documentary "Miss Americana" in 2020, she became more vocal. The movie chronicled her behind-the-scenes fight to publicly denounce Sen. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., then a member of the House. She endorsed Blackburn's Senate opponent, Phil Bredesen.

Blackburn ultimately won the race, but Swift's post on Instagram encouraging people to register to vote activated waves of young people, said at the time.

In November, a national NBC News poll found 40% of registered voters had positive views of Swift, while 16% had negative views. A majority of Democrats (53%) viewed her positively, while 28% of Republicans said the same.

In the Instagram post, Swift also criticized social media users who have circulated images generated by artificial intelligence falsely stating that she had endorsed the Trump-Vance ticket. Trump shared a series of those images on his Truth Social platform.

"Recently I was made aware that AI of ‘me’ falsely endorsing Donald Trump’s presidential run was posted to his site. It really conjured up my fears around AI, and the dangers of spreading misinformation," she said. "It brought me to the conclusion that I need to be very transparent about my actual plans for this election as a voter. The simplest way to combat misinformation is with the truth."

The Black woman side eye.

The endorsement had been widely anticipated. Swift threw her support behind President Joe Biden and Harris during the 2020 presidential election. Swift allowed the Biden-Harris campaign to use her song “Only the Young” in an advertisement during the 2020 cycle.

Swift once shied away from weighing in on American politics. But with the release of her documentary "Miss Americana" in 2020, she became more vocal. The movie chronicled her behind-the-scenes fight to publicly denounce Sen. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., then a member of the House. She endorsed Blackburn's Senate opponent, Phil Bredesen.

Blackburn ultimately won the race, but Swift's post on Instagram encouraging people to register to vote activated waves of young people, said at the time.

In November, a national NBC News poll found 40% of registered voters had positive views of Swift, while 16% had negative views. A majority of Democrats (53%) viewed her positively, while 28% of Republicans said the same.

In the Instagram post, Swift also criticized social media users who have circulated images generated by artificial intelligence falsely stating that she had endorsed the Trump-Vance ticket. Trump shared a series of those images on his Truth Social platform.

"Recently I was made aware that AI of ‘me’ falsely endorsing Donald Trump’s presidential run was posted to his site. It really conjured up my fears around AI, and the dangers of spreading misinformation," she said. "It brought me to the conclusion that I need to be very transparent about my actual plans for this election as a voter. The simplest way to combat misinformation is with the truth."

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

The Big Apple Bite: Eric Adams And Company Under Federal Watch!

When Law & Order comes to real life.

America's largest city mayor is under federal watch.

New York City mayor Eric Adams faces a lot of problems these days. The Zionists are turning on him. See Israel has spies everywhere and they have people who snitch to the feds.

Jonathan Greenblatt and his ADL associates have freely spied on big tech, city mayors and college professors. His mission is get them fired, jailed and deported if they criticize Israel or Zionism.

The FBI conducted searches at the homes of two of New York City Mayor Eric Adams' closest aides on Thursday, sources familiar with the investigation told ABC News.

The Hamilton Heights home of First Deputy Mayor Sheena Wright, who is engaged to Schools Chancellor David Banks, and the Hollis, Queens, home of Deputy Mayor for Public Safety Phil Banks, were searched as part of an ongoing investigation, the sources said.

"Investigators have not indicated to us the mayor or his staff are targets of any investigation," the mayor's chief counsel, Lisa Zornberg, said in a statement. "As a former member of law enforcement, the mayor has repeatedly made clear that all members of the team need to follow the law."

The FBI declined to comment. A spokesman for the US Attorney's office for the Southern District of New York also declined to comment.

The FBI seized evidence, including electronics, as part of the searches, according to sources. No charges have been filed.

In addition to the searches at the homes of Wright and Banks, which sources said began Wednesday morning, federal investigators have subpoenaed cell phones belonging to New York Police Commissioner Edward Caban and Tim Pearson, a close adviser to Adams, the sources said.

"The Department is aware of an investigation by the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York involving members of service. The Department is fully cooperating in the investigation," an NYPD spokesman said, referring additional questions to the U.S. Attorney's Office, which declined to comment.

Four high-ranking NYPD officials, including Caban, received subpoenas for their cell phones. Three others in the NYPD received similar subpoenas. All complied and turned over their phones, according to sources.

The subpoenas are part of the same investigation that sent the FBI to search homes belonging to Wright and Banks, the sources said.

Wright and Banks are the highest-ranking Adams administration officials who have had their homes searched by federal investigators.

In 2014, Banks was investigated by federal authorities as part of a separate investigation into NYPD corruption. He was named an unindicted coconspirator in that probe but was never charged. He resigned as chief of department, the highest ranking uniformed position.

Federal officials have previously searched the homes of Brianna Suggs, the mayor’s top campaign fundraiser; Rana Abbasova, his international affairs aide; and Winnie Greco, a special adviser to the mayor and director of Asian affairs.

A source familiar with the matter said Thursday's searches do not appear to be related to the investigation into whether Adams accepted donations from Turkey in exchange for official favors.

Turkey is a country that is critical of Israel and skeptical of NATO's involvement in aiding Ukraine with its war against Russia. Turkey has called for sanctions and an arms embargo against Israel.

Bob Menendez, former independent New Jersey senator was convicted for accepting foreign bribes from Turkey and Egypt. 

Donald J. Trump is under federal watch for allegedly accepting donations from Eygpt. 

Egypt is a country critical of Israel too. 

Israel has openly gave foreign donations to American lawmakers through AIPAC.

Adams has gotten support from AIPAC in the past.

Adams is a feverent supporter of Israel as well as most of the state of New York's U.S. Representatives (including Minority Leader, Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY)), its senators; Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Gov. Kathy Hochul.

Debate Night!

Tonight, former president Donald J. Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris will do their likely only presidential debate on ABC News. President Joe Biden suspended his reelection bid after he was forced out by party leaders after a disappointing debate performance in June.

The high stakes event expected to be viewed by millions of Americans and a key sliver of undecided voters.

Harris' momentum -- after her unusual rise as the Democrats' nominee shot her into a neck-and-neck race -- has now stalled, making the head-to-head matchup an opportunity to get that started again -- If she can adequately make the argument for her own candidacy and cast Trump as unfit for another term.

Trump, meanwhile, has struggled to find a way to consistently and effectively attack his new opponent but has remained highly competitive, thanks to a large base of immovable supporters and the broad swath of Americans who already have fixed views of him. Tuesday's debate offers him an opportunity to solidify his support while painting Harris in a negative light to an electorate that has less cemented perceptions of her.

Who's gonna win?

As it stands, it's a neck-and-neck race. Harris would like a moment that revives her momentum, which jolted her into contention but now is stalled; Trump would like a moment to erase some of the gains Harris has made and actually reverse her improved poll numbers.

In order to qualify for the September 10 ABC debate, presidential candidates need to meet the following criteria:

Be constitutionally eligible to hold the presidency

File with the Federal Election Commission

Appear on a sufficient number of ballots to have a mathematical possibility of winning a majority vote in the Electoral College

Agree to the rules of the debate

Have a level of support of at least 15% in four national public polls of registered or likely voters selected by ABC, with such polls dating between August 1 and September 3, 2024.

Harris and Trump were invited to the debate in early August.

Five polls met ABC's criteria for inclusion, with Harris and Trump meeting the 15% threshold in every poll. 

MAGA Scares Up The Haitian Invasion In Springfield, Ohio!

Springfield, Ohio faces the ire of MAGA and Elon Musk.

See our lawmakers we elect to the Congress are fucking idiots.

Bernie Moreno is going to probably lose thanks to Republicans and these idiot nominees.

Dying communities in Ohio certainly need a population boast. I am all for it. Because we have too many abandoned homes, boarded buildings, nothing to do and not a lot of major developments to be proud of in the community of Dayton.

Immigration is certainly the racial dog whistle that Republicans and Donald J. Trump plant their feet on. The former president and Ohio Republican senator J.D. Vance, his vice presidential nominee are working to divide us with the scary Black and Brown people coming from the border nonsense.

The same shit that Israel is promoting about Hamas. Vilify, dehumanize and spread endless misinformation to get people to support their horrible causes.

Vance is going to put Ohio in play.

The stupid Ohio senator claimed that Springfield, Ohio residents witnessed Haitians were eating domestic pets. A stupid rumor and racial dog whistles.

The Hillbilly Elegy has a wife whose parents are immigrants. And like Melania Trump, she is hardly seen and heard on the campaign trail. Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff and Gwen Walz, the wife of Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, the vice presidential nominee are actively campaigning with Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic nominee.

The U.S. supposed to be the melting pot for cultures.

Republicans are trying to hold onto the white colonialism that kept them in power for generations. They never nominated a person of color to be their presidential nominee. 

They never nominated a woman to be a presidential nominee.

And this fool went Yale and Ohio State.

The closest they ever got to being a historical feat was Sarah Palin and she was an idiot.

What gets me is that Vance is trashing his constituents and the state he was elected to serve.

Columbus, Ohio which is 35 miles from Springfield has a population of 1.05 million. 

The only Midwestern city with a million besides Chicago is welcoming newcomers and that includes immigrants. Springfield has a population of 67,000 residents. Now city leaders are getting death threats and calls for state and federal charges.

Vance posted a video of himself online in which he peddled the rumor, and said immigrants were “causing chaos” in the town of Springfield.

The intent of sharing the baseless claim appeared to be to attack Harris over her border and immigration policies.

“Months ago, I raised the issue of Haitian illegal immigrants draining social services and generally causing chaos all over Springfield, Ohio,” Vance wrote on X on Monday.

“Reports now show that people have had their pets abducted and eaten by people who shouldn’t be in this country. Where is our border czar?”

The post since has been viewed 2.4 million times, according to X.

Vance’s debunked claim appears to have originated from a local Facebook group in Springfield which warned residents to be wary of the Haitian community and alleged that animals, including cats and dogs, were being “carved up” for consumption.

Last month at a Springfield city meeting, a resident also claimed that Haitian migrants were decapitating ducks in public parks and eating them.

Police in Springfield subsequently confirmed that they had received no reports of pets being stolen or eaten, according to the Springfield News-Sun. The force said it was aware of the viral Facebook post but that such claims were false.

As one X user wrote to Vance on Monday: “This has been debunked but of course you’re spreading fake news. You’re desperate and sad.”

“This is a lie. you are a liar, and a bad one at that,” added another.

These claims have also been promoted online by the social media accounts of the Trump War Room, Newsmax, and owner of X, Elon Musk.

Reposting on X, a claim that 20,000 Haitian immigrants were “destroying” Springfield, Musk wrote: “Vote for Kamala if you want this to happen to your neighborhood!” The post has been viewed nearly 10 million times.

I predict this sexual predator's downfall is coming soon.

The recent posts have sought to tie the baseless claims to a video of Harris stating how the Biden administration has extended temporary protected status to over 100,000 Haitian immigrants.

A spokesperson for Vance told The Independent: “Senator Vance has received a high volume of calls and emails over the past several weeks from concerned citizens in Springfield: his tweet is based on what he is hearing from them.

“The city has faced an influx of 15,000-20,000 Haitian migrants over the past four years, stressing public resources and leading to housing shortages, all thanks to Kamala Harris’s policy of extending temporary protected status designations.

“Many residents have contacted Senator Vance to share their concerns over crime and traffic accidents, and to express that they no longer feel safe in their own homes. Unlike the liberal media, J.D. takes his constituents’ concerns seriously.

Vance has previously drawn ire for claiming that Harris supporters were “childless cat ladies.”

The border is a hot-button racial issue that is expected to be addressed during Tuesday’s first presidential debate between Harris and Trump.

At a rally in Wisconsin on Saturday, Trump re-upped his attacks on Harris’ border policy, claiming that  “as border czar, Kamala Harris let in over 20 million, they’re now saying the number could be 25 million illegal aliens from 168 different countries.”

“Most people don’t even know that you have that many countries,” he added.

Such numbers are vastly overestimated. U.S. Customs and Border Protection having recorded about 10 million migrant encounters across the country since the start of Joe Biden’s presidency. A migrant can be counted as an encounter on several occasions.

On Saturday, Trump also made his oft-repeated claim that the people crossing the border are “coming from prisons and jails, insane asylums and mental institutions and terrorists at a level that we’ve never seen before.”

Elon Musk is a sexual predator and a crook. Anyone who has been affected by Musk should report him to the U.S. Justice Department and have the federal authorities investigate him.

Monday, September 09, 2024

James Earl Jones Passed Away!

James Earl Jones, the American character actor has passed away from natural causes.

May the force be with you, James Earl Jones. Rest easy, King of Zamunda, The Lion King.

Perhaps the best voice actor of a generation and a legendary Black actor, James Earl Jones passed away at the age 93. One of the few EGOTs.

President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris will address the retired actor's passing.

Jones like the president had stuttered and learned to overcome it through reading and getting to acting. Jones, who overcame racial prejudice and a severe stutter to become a celebrated icon of stage and screen — eventually lending his deep, commanding voice to CNN, “The Lion King” and Darth Vader — has died. He was 93.

His agent, Barry McPherson, confirmed Jones died Monday morning at home in New York’s Hudson Valley region. The cause was not immediately clear.

The pioneering Jones, who in 1965 became one of the first African American actors in a continuing role on a daytime drama (“As the World Turns”) and worked deep into his 80s, won two Emmys, a Golden Globe, two Tony Awards, a Grammy, the National Medal of Arts and the Kennedy Center Honors. He was also given an honorary Oscar and a special Tony for lifetime achievement. In 2022, a Broadway theater was renamed in his honor.

He cut an elegant figure late in life, with a wry sense of humor and a ferocious work habit. In 2015, he arrived at rehearsals for a Broadway run of “The Gin Game” having already memorized the play and with notebooks filled with comments from the creative team. He said he was always in service of the work.

“The need to storytell has always been with us,” he told The Associated Press then. “I think it first happened around campfires when the man came home and told his family he got the bear, the bear didn’t get him.”

Jones created such memorable film roles as the reclusive writer coaxed back into the spotlight in “Field of Dreams,” the boxer Jack Johnson in the stage and screen hit “The Great White Hope,” the writer Alex Haley in “Roots: The Next Generation” and a South African minister in “Cry, the Beloved Country.”

Prince Hakeem (Eddie Murphy), King Jaffe Joffer (James Earl Jones) and Queen Aoleon (Madge Sinclair).

He was also a sought-after voice actor, expressing the villainy of Darth Vader (“No, I am your father,” commonly misremembered as “Luke, I am your father”), as well as the benign dignity of King Mufasa in both the 1994 and 2019 versions of Disney’s “The Lion King” and announcing “This is CNN” during station breaks. He won a 1977 Grammy for his performance on the “Great American Documents” audiobook.

“If you were an actor or aspired to be an actor, if you pounded the pavement in these streets looking for jobs, one of the standards we always had was to be a James Earl Jones,” Samuel L. Jackson once said.

Some of his other films include “Dr. Strangelove,” “The Greatest” (with Muhammad Ali), “Conan the Barbarian,” “Three Fugitives” and playing an admiral in three blockbuster Tom Clancy adaptations — “The Hunt for Red October,” “Patriot Games” and “Clear and Present Danger.” In a rare romantic comedy, “Claudine,” Jones had an onscreen love affair with Diahann Carroll.

Cecilia Hart and James Earl Jones. She passed away from ovarian cancer.

LeVar Burton, who starred alongside Jones in the TV movie “Guyana Tragedy: The Story of Jim Jones,” paid tribute on X, writing, “There will never be another of his particular combination of graces.”

Jones made his Broadway debut in 1958’s “Sunrise At Campobello” and would win his two Tony Awards for “The Great White Hope” (1969) and “Fences” (1987). He also was nominated for “On Golden Pond” (2005) and “Gore Vidal’s The Best Man” (2012). He was celebrated for his command of Shakespeare and Athol Fugard alike. More recent Broadway appearances include “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof,” “Driving Miss Daisy,” “The Iceman Cometh,” and “You Can’t Take It With You.”

As a rising stage and television actor, he performed with the New York Shakespeare Festival Theater in “Othello,” “Macbeth” and “King Lear” and in off-Broadway plays.

Jones was born by the light of an oil lamp in a shack in Arkabutla, Mississippi, on Jan. 17, 1931. His father, Robert Earl Jones, had deserted his wife before the baby’s arrival to pursue life as a boxer and, later, an actor.

When Jones was 6, his mother took him to her parents’ farm near Manistee, Michigan. His grandparents adopted the boy and raised him.

James Earl Jones with Mohammed Ali.

“A world ended for me, the safe world of childhood,” Jones wrote in his autobiography, “Voices and Silences.” “The move from Mississippi to Michigan was supposed to be a glorious event. For me it was a heartbreak, and not long after, I began to stutter.”

Too embarrassed to speak, he remained virtually mute for years, communicating with teachers and fellow students with handwritten notes. A sympathetic high school teacher, Donald Crouch, learned that the boy wrote poetry, and demanded that Jones read one of his poems aloud in class. He did so faultlessly.

Teacher and student worked together to restore the boy’s normal speech. “I could not get enough of speaking, debating, orating — acting,” he recalled in his book.

At the University of Michigan, he failed a pre-med exam and switched to drama, also playing four seasons of basketball. He served in the Army from 1953 to 1955.

In New York, he moved in with his father and enrolled with the American Theater Wing program for young actors. Father and son waxed floors to support themselves while looking for acting jobs.

True stardom came suddenly in 1970 with “The Great White Hope.” Howard Sackler’s Pulitzer Prize-winning Broadway play depicted the struggles of Jack Johnson, the first Black heavyweight boxing champion, amid the racism of early 20th-century America. In 1972, Jones repeated his role in the movie version and was nominated for an Academy Award as best actor.

Jones’ two wives were also actors. He married Julienne Marie Hendricks in 1967. After their divorce, he married Cecilia Hart, best known for her role as Stacey Erickson in the CBS police drama “Paris,” in 1982. (She died in 2016.) They had a son, Flynn Earl, born in 1983.

Jones receiving a Medal of Arts from the 41st President George H.W. Bush and wife Barbara.

In 2022, the Cort Theatre on Broadway was renamed after Jones, with a ceremony that included Norm Lewis singing “Go the Distance,” Brian Stokes Mitchell singing “Make Them Hear You” and words from Mayor Eric Adams, Samuel L. Jackson and LaTanya Richardson Jackson.

“You can’t think of an artist that has served America more,” director Kenny Leon told the AP. “It’s like it seems like a small act, but it’s a huge action. It’s something we can look up and see that’s tangible.”

Citing his stutter as one of the reasons he wasn’t a political activist, Jones nonetheless hoped his art could change minds.

“I realized early on, from people like Athol Fugard, that you cannot change anybody’s mind, no matter what you do,” he told the AP. “As a preacher, as a scholar, you cannot change their mind. But you can change the way they feel.”

Big Lots Files For Chapter 11!

Big Lots files for bankruptcy and is expected to close 300 stores.

The Columbus, Ohio based retailer has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection and is hoping in the next few weeks an equity firm buys them. If not, Chapter 7 liquidation.

Big Lots plans to sell its assets and ongoing business operations to private equity firm Nexus Capital Management.

Big Lots, which sells furniture, home decor and other items, said in a statement on Monday that high inflation and interest rates have hurt its business as consumers have pulled back on their home and seasonal product purchases, two categories the chain depends on for a significant part of its revenue.

Sales at stores open at least a year, a key gauge of a retailer’s health, have declined for nine straight quarters, according to FactSet.

Big Lots said that its performance has been improving, but that its board determined during a strategic review that the proposed sale to Nexus was the right move for the business. The company had postponed the release of its second-quarter results to later this week.

The company will continue to sell goods at its stores and on its website during the court-supervised sale process. The chain added that it does plan to close some stores, but didn’t specify how many or what locations would be impacted. At the end of 2023, Big Lots operated nearly 1,400 stores in 48 states.

“The actions we are taking today will enable us to move forward with new owners who believe in our business and provide financial stability, while we optimize our operational footprint, accelerate improvement in our performance, and deliver on our promise to be the leader in extreme value,” Big Lots President and CEO Bruce Thorn said in a statement.

Nexus Capital will serve as a “stalking horse” bidder in a court-supervised auction, with the proposed sale subject to higher offers or other bids that could be considered better. If Nexus winds up as the winning bidder, the deal is anticipated to close in the fourth quarter.

Neil Saunders, managing director of GlobalData, said in an emailed statement that Big Lots seems to have lost some customers at a time when consumers are comparing prices more.

“Big Lots operates in a very crowded and competitive market where other value players do a far better job of delivering on low prices and compelling bargains. It needs to step up its game if it is to succeed post-bankruptcy,” he said.

Big Lots Inc. has secured commitments for $707.5 million of financing, including $35 million in new financing from some of its current lenders. Once approved by the court, the financing, along with cash from its ongoing operations, is expected to provide sufficient liquidity to support the company while it works to complete the sale.

The chain has also received a notice from the New York Stock Exchange because the average closing price of its shares was below $1 over a consecutive 30 trading-day period. The notice doesn’t mean that Big Lots’ stock will be immediately delisted as the company can appeal. In premarket trading shares slid 40% to 30 cents.

Sunday, September 08, 2024

K. Dot Headlines Super Bowl LIX!

Hot stepping to New Orleans. Kendrick Lamar will perform at Super Bowl LIX.

Winners and Losers of 2024.

They Not Like Us.

Kendrick Lamar Duckworth is a going to be performing at Super Bowl LIX in New Orleans.

The event will be held at the Caesars Superdome. It will be sponsored by Apple Music, RocNation and the National Football League.

The rap megastar, who has won 17 Grammys, said he’s looking forward to bringing hip-hop to the NFL’s championship game, where he performed as a guest artist with Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg, Mary J. Blige, 50 Cent and Eminem in 2022.

“Rap music is still the most impactful genre to date,” Lamar said in a statement. “And I’ll be there to remind the world why. They got the right one.”

Lamar, 37, has experienced massive success since his debut album “good kid, m.A.A.d city” in 2012. Since then, he’s accumulated 17 Grammy wins and became the first non-classical, non-jazz musician to win a Pulitzer Prize for his 2017 album “DAMN.”

The rapper’s latest album “Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers” was released in 2022. He was featured on the song “Like That” with Future and Metro Boomin on a track that spent three weeks at No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 this year. He also scored another hit with “Not Like Us.”

In 2016, Lamar gave a stunning seven-minute performance of tracks such as “The Blacker the Berry” and “Alright” at the 58th Grammy Awards. Lamar dazzled as an opener two years later at the Grammys with a performance of “XXX.”

In June, Lamar turned his Juneteenth “Pop Out” concert into a celebration of Los Angeles unity. It came on the heels of his rap battle with Drake during the three-hour concert featuring a mix of up-and-coming LA rappers and stars including Tyler, The Creator, Steve Lacy and YG.

Roc Nation founder Jay-Z called Lamar a “once-in-a-generation” artist and performer.

“His deep love for hip-hop and culture informs his artistic vision,” Jay-Z said. “He has an unparalleled ability to define and influence culture globally. Kendrick’s work transcends music, and his impact will be felt for years to come.”

Roc Nation and Emmy-winning producer Jesse Collins will serve as co-executive producers of the halftime show. The creative direction of Lamar’s performance will be provided by pgLang, a creative company founded by Lamar and Dave Free — who has previously directed the rapper’s music videos.

“Time and time again, Kendrick has proven his unique ability to craft moments that resonate, redefine, and ultimately shake the very foundation of hip-hop,” said Seth Dudowsky, the head of music at the NFL.

Last year, Usher shined with a star-studded show with guests including H.E.R., Jermaine Dupri, Lil Jon, Ludacris and Alicia Keys.

“The Apple Music Super Bowl Halftime Show is a celebration of the music we love and the incredible artists who make it, all on the world’s biggest stage,” said Oliver Schusser, the vice president of Apple Music and Beats.

Trump Proves White Privilege Is Real!

Why do rich white guys get away with everything?

If President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris end their support for Israel, they will win the 2024 U.S. election. But here we are, the U.S. still getting a ceasefire deal and fucking Israel rejected it.

Democratic nominees Harris and Tim Walz are still close with the former president and J.D. Vance despite a series of endless flops from the Republican nominees.

Donald J. Trump, the 45th President of the United States is a convicted felon. He is also a liable sexual predator. He instigated an insurrection on the U.S. Capitol. He had adultry on his three wives. He had openly bragged about being a rich celebrity and being able to do whatever he wants and grabbing 'em by the.....

Republicans stuck by him despite his age, his undeniable signs of dementia, his silly name calling, his ridiculous pivoting from his lies, his threats of violence and mainly the notion he thinks of himself as a god.

During his campaign stop in Wisconsin, Trump pledged for a revision of the 25th Amendment. He wants to have the vice president impeached as well if they refuse to disclose any issues with the president. He also threatened to jail election workers, Democratic donors, members of the media, social media executives and others if he is elected. And if he isn't elected, he calls for a bloodbath.

Trump, Benjamin Netanyahu and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. prove to the country, that if you're white, you can literally get away with crimes.

After months of delays, a New York judge set a sentencing date Friday for Trump, who was convicted in May of 34 felony counts of falsifying business records to conceal a hush money payment to a porn star in the waning days of the 2016 presidential election.

New York Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan set a new sentencing date for Nov. 26, after the 2024 presidential election.

Trump was convicted in May of 34 felony counts of scheming to falsify business records to conceal hush money payments to porn actor Stormy Daniels, whose allegations of an affair, had they become public, could have upended his 2016 presidential bid.

Trump has denied her claim and said he did nothing wrong.

The charges carry a maximum sentence of four years in jail, though Merchan has plenty of latitude in deciding what’s appropriate. Trump could be sentenced to anything from probation to community service to incarceration.

Trump was initially going to be sentenced July 11. But Merchan pushed the date back to Sept. 18 after Trump’s lawyers urged him to reconsider the verdict in light of the U.S. Supreme Court’s July ruling that presidents are immune from prosecution for “official” acts.

Merchan said he would issue a ruling on that argument by Sept. 16.

Trump has repeatedly sought to delay and derail the proceedings, most recently by asking a federal court to seize the case from the state. The request was denied.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. endorsed Trump and requested his name removed from North Carolina and Michigan ballots. They are working on removing his name from the ballot after a court ruled in Trump's favor.

Former president George W. Bush has not committed to endorsing either Trump or Harris.


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