Thursday, August 29, 2024

Tiger Shark Unscrews Scuba Diver!


The unfortunate circumstances of being around wild animals.

As I said many, many, many times, you can't fix stupid.

A Jamaican teen was killed by a tiger shark while scuba diving. It decapitated him.

Now authorities are trying to find the shark so they can retrieve what little of his body inside the large fish.

The tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier) is a species of ground shark, and the only extant member of the genus Galeocerdo and family Galeocerdonidae. It is a large macropredator, with females capable of attaining a length of over 5 m (16 ft 5 in). Populations are found in many tropical and temperate waters, especially around central Pacific islands. Its name derives from the dark stripes down its body, which resemble a tiger's pattern, but fade as the shark matures.

The tiger shark is a solitary, mostly nocturnal hunter. It is notable for having the widest food spectrum of all sharks, with a range of prey that includes crustaceans, fish, seals, birds, squid, turtles, sea snakes, dolphins, and even other, smaller sharks. It also has a reputation as a "garbage eater", consuming a variety of inedible, man-made objects that linger in its stomach. Tiger sharks have only one recorded natural predator, the orca. It is considered a near threatened species because of finning and fishing by humans.

The tiger shark is second only to the great white in recorded fatal attacks on humans, but these events are still exceedingly rare.

Jamaican teen loses his life to a shark attack.

Police said secondary school pupil Jahmari Reid, from the Trelawny area in northwest Jamaica, vanished on Monday while at sea alone.

He was spearfishing in waters just north of the island, near the popular tourist town of Montego Bay.

Fishermen found his body the following day with injuries consistent with a shark attack, police said.

Local media reported he had been decapitated with one of his arms bitten off, and that efforts to kill the shark and recover the severed head are ongoing.

Jahmari's father Michael Reid told the Jamaica Observer: "I can't believe that he went to sea by himself and that was the outcome. Sad to know. I feel so bad."

Shark attacks are rare, with a total of 69 confirmed unprovoked attacks worldwide and 14 fatalities reported last year, according to the Florida-based International Shark Attack File.

Can we do a Darwin Award for the most stupidest people on the planet?

You can't fix stupid!

You can't change minds!

You are completely trapped in stupid.

You are wrapped and emboldened in stupid.

Again, why do white people always treat wild animals like they're domesticated? 

I would never touch a wild animal. 

Alas, some people think that animals are timid when you're petting them. Nope.

J.D. Vance: Kamala Can Go To 👹🔥🔥🔥!

Trump makes a serious gaffe and J.D. Vance tells Harris to go to hell.

Former president Donald J. Trump and J.D. Vance are heading down the road John McCain and Sarah Palin traveled. 

Vice President Kamala Harris and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz will do their first national interview with CNN. The Republicans and far right agitators were complaining about her not doing interviews.

Trump is making major blunders and it appears that the campaign can't capture the magic of 2015 and 2016. Trump has a record. 

He served one chaotic term in which he lead our country through multiple mass shootings, three controversial Supreme Court appointed justices, the constant gaslighting, the "Very fine people" / "Stand back and stand by", the intimidation of Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the firing of James Comey, the numerous administration officials resigning, the hiring and quick firing of Michael Flynn, the invite of Kanye West, the coronavirus pandemic, the inject bleach, the obsession with jailing Hillary Clinton, the obsession with Hunter Biden and his hard drive/laptop, the Jan. 6 insurrection, the two impeachments from his acts, the refusal to transfer power and the covfefe.

Former vice president Mike Pence refuses to endorse him and plans on voting for someone else.

For those who still believe he deserves a second term where he promises to be a dictator on day one is very concerning.

Trump declared his presidential run in November 2022. He has been in federal and state court. He has a mugshot. He was found guilty in a criminal trial in New York. He was found liable for sexual assault. He was found liable for fraud. He is being sued by former clients, cities and contractors. Trump was nearly assassinated. He picked a running mate who once called him a living incarnation of Hitler. 

I mean his rallies are starting to become something of a joke. I mean the Blacks for Trump guy is about to head to the iron college. All the usual insufferable followers aren't at the rallies. Terrence K. Williams still rants and raves but they ain't viral anymore. Silk is without Diamond and she is pretty much a nobody. The Brick Suit Guy isn't in the background much anymore. 

Trump continues to name call and offer grievances instead of solutions. He barely defends his only term in office. Trump only goes back to everything was great under him.

He just leaves out the pandemic, the lackluster growth and the government shutdowns. 

Trump's latest controversy involves him doing a photo op at Arlington National Cemetery where his campaign staff got into a physical altercation with an army official overseeing the facility. His campaign was told to not do a political campaign. Trump claims he wanted to lay a wrath at the graves of the 13 servicemembers who died in the Afghanistan pull out. Two families invited Trump and did a thumbs up photo.

Veterans are upset over Trump comparing the Medal of Honor to the Medal of Freedom when he did his pro Israel rant in front of mega donor Miriam Adelson. He gave her and late husband Sheldon.

Who would do a thumbs up at a cemetery?

Trump and Vance are doing damage control.

Vance was asked about the brewing controversy surrounding the Trump campaign being involved in an altercation at Arlington National Cemetery over using campaign staff during a photo-op, which would potentially be a violation of federal law.

The cemetery put out a statement about the alleged altercation between Trump’s team and the cemetery official. “Federal law prohibits political campaign or election-related activities within Army National Military Cemeteries, to include photographers, content creators or any other persons attending for purposes, or in direct support of a partisan political candidate’s campaign,” according to the statement. “Arlington National Cemetery reinforced and widely shared this law and its prohibitions with all participants.”

Vance was campaigning in Erie, Pennsylvania, and took questions after his remarks. He was asked about the controversy and dismissed it as a media creation. Vance went on to say, “The thing our veterans care a lot more about, is that three years ago, 13 brave, innocent Americans died and they died because Kamala Harris refused to do her job.”

“And there hasn’t been a single investigation or a single firing. I don’t know. I don’t, look, sometimes mistakes happen. That’s just the nature of government, the nature of military service. But to have those 13 Americans lose their lives and not fire a single person is disgraceful. Kamala Harris is disgraceful. We’re going to talk about a story out of those 13 brave, innocent Americans who lost their lives. It’s that Kamala Harris is so asleep at the wheel that she won’t even do an investigation into what happened. And she wants to yell at Donald Trump because he showed up. She can. She can go to hell!”

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

You Don't Know Jack!

Jack is back.

U.S. Special Counsel Prosecutor Jack Smith has issued a new fresh set of indictments against former president Donald J. Trump. He has now reissued four criminal indictments against him thanks to his association with non White House members who encouraged him to intimidate, meddle and deliberately sabotage the 2020 U.S. presidential election.

The Supreme Court gave Trump and current president Joe Biden immunity to protect them from criminal indictments while in office. Note: Biden's complicity to aid Israel is an international criminal act and the U.S. refuses to abide by international law.

The U.S. does not comply with the International Criminal Court. It only abides when it is a country they have an issue with (i.e. Russia and Iran). 

The 36-page indictment, secured Tuesday by Smith, is an attempt by prosecutors to streamline the case against Trump to address the Supreme Court’s ruling last month that concluded presidents enjoy sweeping immunity from prosecution for their official conduct.

The new indictment removes a section of the indictment that had accused Trump of trying to use the law enforcement powers of the Justice Department to overturn his election loss, an area of conduct for which the Supreme Court, in a 6-3 opinion last month, said that Trump was absolutely immune from prosecution.

Trump is going to fight the indictments again.

The stripped-down criminal case represents a first effort by prosecutors to comply with a Supreme Court opinion that made all but certain the Republican presidential nominee won’t face trial before the November election in the case alleging he tried to thwart the peaceful transfer of power.

It comes days before prosecutors and defense lawyers are expected to tell the judge overseeing the case how they want to proceed in light of the Supreme Court’s ruling, which said presidents are presumptively immune from prosecution for official White House acts. The high court sent the case back to U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan, who now must analyze which allegations in the indictment were unofficial actions — or those taken in Trump’s private capacity — that can proceed to trial.

Prosecutors and Trump’s legal team will be back in court next week for the first hearing in front of Chutkan in months, given that the case had been effectively frozen since last December as Trump’s immunity appeal worked its way through the justice system.

In a statement on his Truth Social platform, Trump called the new indictment “an act of desperation” and an “effort to resurrect a ‘dead’ Witch Hunt.’” He said the new case has “all the problems of the old Indictment, and should be dismissed IMMEDIATELY. ”

The special counsel’s office said the updated indictment, filed in federal court in Washington, was issued by a grand jury that had not previously heard evidence in the case. It said in a statement that the indictment “reflects the Government’s efforts to respect and implement the Supreme Court’s holdings and remand instructions.”

The new indictment does away with references to allegations that could be deemed as official acts for which Trump is entitled to immunity in light of the Supreme Court’s ruling. That includes allegations that Trump tried to enlist the Justice Department in his failed effort to undo his election loss, including by conducting sham investigations and telling states — incorrectly — that significant fraud had been detected.

In its opinion, the Supreme Court held that a president’s interactions with the Justice Department constitute official acts for which he is entitled to immunity.

The original indictment detailed how Jeffrey Clark, a top official in the Trump Justice Department, wanted to send a letter to elected officials in certain states falsely claiming that the department had “identified significant concerns that may have impacted the outcome of the election,” but top department officials refused.

Clark’s support for Trump’s election fraud claims led Trump to openly contemplate naming him as acting attorney general in place of Jeffrey Rosen, who led the department in the final weeks of the Trump administration. Trump ultimately relented in that idea “when he was told it would result in mass resignations at the Justice Department,” according to the original indictment. Rosen remained on as acting attorney general through the end of Trump’s tenure.

The new case no longer references Clark as a co-conspirator. Trump’s alleged co-conspirators were not named in either indictment, but the details make clear their identities. The new indictment stresses that none of the other co-conspirators “were government officials during the conspiracies and all of whom were acting in a private capacity.”

The new indictment also removes references to Trump’s communications with federal government officials — like senior White House attorneys — who told him there was no evidence of fraud that would change the outcome of the 2020 election. It also removes references to certain Trump statements, including a claim he made during a White House press conference two days after the election about a suspicious dump of votes in Detroit.

The new indictment still includes one of the more stunning allegations brought by Smith — that Trump participated in a scheme orchestrated by allies to enlist slates of fraudulent electors in battleground states won by Democrat Joe Biden who would falsely attest that Trump had won in those states.

It also retains allegations that Trump sought to pressure Vice President Mike Pence to reject legitimate electoral votes, and that Trump and his allies exploited the chaos at the Capitol on Jan. 6 in an attempt to further delay the certification of Biden’s victory.

Chief Justice Roberts wrote in his majority opinion that the interactions between Trump and Pence amounted to official conduct for which “Trump is at least presumptively immune from prosecution.”

The question, Roberts wrote, is whether the government can rebut “that presumption of immunity.”

Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson dissented from the ruling. In an excerpt from an interview with CBS News’ “Sunday Morning” that aired Tuesday, she said: “I was concerned about a system that appeared to provide immunity for one individual under one set of circumstances. When we have a criminal justice system that had ordinarily treated everyone the same.”

You Can't Do A Campaign Rally At Arlington Cemetery!

Who would do a thumbs up at a cemetery?

More controversy for the Republican nominee Donald J. Trump. 

The former president is facing a string of bad luck and it is having an impact on his presidential campaign. We barely hear about Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH). I mean, we do but it's more negative. Vance was dissing teachers who have no children.

Trump was indicted by Jack Smith on his conduct from the 2020 election.

I got that feeling.

Trump and Vance could be the new John McCain and Sarah Palin.

The pullout of Afghanistan was an incident that involved the Islamic State and it was conducted among civilians who were trying to flee the country after the Taliban regain control. Trump finalized a formal agreement to leave and President Joe Biden was obligated to that. 

Republicans and some Democrats hammered Biden for this. Mind you we had been in that country for over 20 years and wasted so much time villainizing Arab, Muslim and Asians throughout the whole ordeal. 

Thank Israel for the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan.

Trump has tried to exploit the tragic deaths of the 13 American soliders who died in that incident. But at the Arlington National Cemetery, the sacred land is not a political tool.

Area 60 is restricted from political filming and photography. Trump and his campaign minions refused to abide by the conduct. Trump is not the president. He is a civilian running for office. The former president does not have absolute power.

Trump campaign team members reportedly dealt with an "incident" during a visit to Arlington National Cemetery Monday.

The former president was visiting the burial site to participate in a wreath-laying ceremony honoring the 13 U.S. service members killed in an attack as forces withdrew from Afghanistan three years ago.

"We can confirm there was an incident, and a report was filed," a cemetery spokesperson told The National Desk.

Citing an unnamed source, NPR reported a cemetery official tried to prevent Trump's team from filming and photographing in Section 60 resulting in Trump staff verbally abusing and pushing the official aside.

Steven Cheung, the Trump campaign's spokesman, explained on X that the team was granted access to have a photographer there.

Cheung also disputed the report of a physical altercation and told NPR the team is prepared to release footage to prove it.

"There was no physical altercation as described and we are prepared to release footage if such defamatory claims are made," he said. "The fact is that a private photographer was permitted on the premises and for whatever reason an unnamed individual, clearly suffering from a mental health episode, decided to physically block members of President Trump's team during a very solemn ceremony."

On Truth Social, Trump posted a statement from the family members of the fallen soldiers expressing their approval of photography.

"We had given our approval for President Trump’s official videographer and photographer to attend the event, ensuring these sacred moments of remembrance were respectfully captured and so we can cherish these memories forever," the families said.

Arlington National Cemetery added that "federal law prohibits political campaign or election-related activities within Army National Military Cemeteries" including photographers and content creators.

"Federal law prohibits political campaign or election-related activities within Army National Military Cemeteries, to include photographers, content creators or any other persons attending for purposes, or in direct support of a partisan political candidate's campaign. Arlington National Cemetery reinforced and widely shared this law and its prohibitions with all participants."

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Hulk Hogan Wanted To Drop An Elbow On Kamala Harris!

Oh brother.

Republicans are so fucking weird. Vice President Kamala Harris seems to be on the minds of Donald J. Trump and his moron-inspired allies.

Ann Coulter calls Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Walz's son Guz weird because he was crying happily for his father. 

Jesse Watters said that military officials will have their way with her.

Trump releasing a memoir with the image of him showing defiance in the wake of the assassination attempt. Of course, he and his minion of supporters used that image instead of caring about the supporters who died or were injured.

A Stark County, Ohio construction company had made a misogynistic and racist comment about the vice president. Hund Construction in North Canton made that offensive remark.

It reads: "Kamala has been on more wieners than Heinz Ketchup."

Now a washed up entertainer and wrestler named Terry Bollea known as Hulk Hogan is once again proving to the Hulkamaniacs, he is a racist son of a bitch. That's why his wives left him, his daughter disowned him and his son is a hot mess. He married another woman who is going to find put that the Hulkster is a steroid crazed drunk mutant who isn't going to stay loyal.

He will have an affair the moment a white drunk girl asks him to.

Hogan had promoted his toilet water beer in Ohio when he made some racially offensive remarks.

Hogan is a piece of work.

I used to look up to this guy. Now I don't support the bullshit.

A week ago, Hogan apparently drunk had made some offensive remarks about the U.S. Vice President and he just wouldn't stop.

Hundreds of Hulkamania fans thronged Giant Eagle Market District in Grandview Heights for a meet and greet with retired WWE champion Hulk Hogan Wednesday morning.

Hogan, who is currently on tour to promote his new Real American Beer brand, took pictures with attendees decked out in WWE and Hulkamania gear and signed their cases of beer. 

Hogan, an outspoken Trump supporter and speaker at the 2024 Republican National Convention, visited Columbus just hours after he made international headlines Tuesday night for asking a crowd at an event in Medina, Ohio if he should body slam Vice President Kamala Harris.

"Do you want me to body slam Kamala Harris? Do you want me to drop the leg on Kamala?” he shouted to the crowd, according to a video uploaded to X by TMZ.

He then went on to question Harris’ racial identity. He mispronounced her name.

Hogan asked the crowd, “Is Kamala a chameleon? Is she Indian,” as he made a hand gesture mocking Native Americans and stated, “I’m gonna get heat for that one, brother.” Harris isn’t Native American though; her mother is from India and her father is from Jamaica.

The 71-year-old quipped, “That wasn’t me; that was the beers talking,” before chugging a beer as the crowd chanted, “USA! USA!”

Harris identifies as a Black woman.

A member of Hogan's team agreed to a short interview with The Dispatch at his Columbus event, with a stipulation that questions about Kamala Harris were off limits.

"I think the people of Columbus should know that as crazy as this world is right now and as crazy as the times are, we're a lot more alike than we are different," Hogan told The Dispatch. "I think if people would just sit down and talk, they would realize that we all care about a lot of the same things; love, peace, health, safety."

It Could Be Over For Jesse Watters!

This smug asshole should be pulled from Fox.

There is a campaign to get Fox host Jesse Watters off the air after he made a series of racist and misogynistic remarks on The Five and his own primetime show.

The most recent remarks were aimed at Vice President Kamala Harris was so bad, it had Jeanine Pirro uncomfortable.

Media Matters for America, a progressive group that monitors misinformation and controversial far right agitators has it on file.

Watters has pushed the limits way too much.

The Five panel was discussing the chaotic U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021. Monday was the third anniversary of the Kabul airport suicide bombing that killed 13 U.S. service members.

Harris has described herself as being the last person in the room before Biden made the decision to proceed with the plans for the withdrawal, which began during Donald Trump’s administration. Trump, Watters and other conservatives have highlighted Harris’ claim to attack her.

“What is her foreign policy?” Watters asked. “This is where the president has his most impact. You have a lot of room to maneuver there as commander in chief.”

“We don’t know who she is. We don’t know what she believes. She’s gonna get paralyzed in the Situation Room while the generals have their way with her,” he added.

“Jesse Watters,” co-host Dana Perino interrupted.

“Whoa, Jesse, I don’t like that,” added Jeanine Pirro, as several panelists chuckled. “Take it back.”

Watters insisted he meant it “figuratively.”

“Have their way with her, control her! Not in a sexual way,” he said.

Reached for comment on the inappropriate attack on Harris, a Fox News spokesperson pointed to that follow-up comment.

Watters has a history of making sexist, misogynistic or otherwise offensive remarks and passing them off as jokes.

Commenters on social media were disgusted by his Harris comment.

“This is just straight-up misogyny. There’s no basis for these attacks other than she’s a woman & thus not cut out for this,” one critic wrote.

“Your ‘rape joke’ about Kamala Harris was absolutely intentional and sexual in nature. And you are truly one of the most vile and disgusting people on television. Any other network would fire you for this shit,” said another.

Kerstin Emhoff, the ex-wife of second gentleman Doug Emhoff, chimed in on social media to defend Harris.

She shared another clip from the show in which Watters joked that his mom, a liberal, would probably call his “joke about Kamala Harris being manhandled by generals in the Situation Room” disgusting.

“There are many things to worry about, but Kamala being manhandled in the situation room is not one of them,” Emhoff wrote.

Federal Judge Tells Martin Shkreli To Hand Over Rare Wu-Tang Album!

Pharma Bro must forfeit any illegally copied Wu-Tang album.

Robert "RZA" Diggs was condemned for releasing a Wu-Tang album that must be played in 88 years. The surviving members thought it was flat out stupid. The album is considered one of the most rarest and most expensive masterpieces in modern history.

The album was recorded in secret over six years from 2007 to 2013. A single two-CD copy was pressed in 2014 and stored in a secured vault at the Royal Mansour Hotel in Casablanca, Morocco, then auctioned through auction house Paddle8 in 2015. A legal agreement with the purchaser stipulated that the album cannot be commercially exploited until 2103, although it can be played at listening parties.

The winning bidder was Martin Shkreli, the CEO of Turing Pharmaceuticals, who paid a reported $2 million. In March 2018, following Shkreli's conviction for securities fraud, a federal court seized assets belonging to him, including Once Upon a Time in Shaolin. In July 2021, the U.S. Department of Justice sold it to the non-fungible token collectors PleasrDAO for $4 million to cover Shkreli's debts; PleasrDAO said they hoped to make it more widely accessible.

The first public exhibition of the album began in June 2024 at the Museum of Old and New Art in Hobart, Tasmania. That month, Shkreli livestreamed the album on X, triggering a lawsuit from PleasrDAO. PleasrDAO also began selling partial ownership of the album as an NFT, with each purchase accelerating the release by 88 seconds.

Anyone wanting to hear this album will be dead by the time its played.

Ghostface Killah, Method Man, U-God, Raekwon, Inspectah Deck, Masta Killa, Cappadonna, GZA and RZA make up the supergroup. Ol' Dirty Bastard passed away 20 years ago.

Ol' Dirty Bastard died on November 13, 2004, two days before his 36th birthday.

The album Once Upon a Time in Shalon was released in 2015. There is only one known album in the world. 

Judge Pamela K. Chen in Brooklyn wrote that Shkreli must produce all copies of what is sometimes referred to as the world’s rarest album and report the names of anyone he distributed the music to by Sept. 30, along with any revenues he received from it.

In June, Shkreli was sued by a cryptocurrency collective that bought the only known copy of the album for $4.75 million.

The collective, PleasrDAO, accused Shkreli of retaining digital copies of the album in violation of their deal and disseminating them widely among his social media followers.

RZA holds the Wu-Tang album with gloves. It is estimated to be worth $5 million.

PleasrDAO attorney Steven Cooper said in a statement that Chen’s ruling was “an important victory for our client.”

He added: “We are pleased that Judge Chen recognized that immediate relief was necessary to thwart the continuing bad acts of Mr. Shkreli.”

Edward Paltzik, a lawyer for Shkreli, said in an email that the judge’s order maintained “the perceived status quo” of the lawsuit’s progression and has “no bearing whatsoever on the final outcome of the case.”

He also noted that the judge did not make a finding that PleasrDAO was likely to succeed on the merits or that its allegations were true.

This is allegedly the album cover.

The Wu-Tang Clan spent six years creating “Once Upon a Time in Shaolin” before putting a single copy of the 31-track double album up for auction in 2015 on the condition that it not be released publicly. The multiplatinum hip-hop group wanted it viewed as a piece of contemporary art.

Shkreli bought the album for $2 million before he was convicted of lying to investors and cheating them out of millions of dollars in two failed hedge funds he operated.

In 2021, “Once Upon a Time is Shaolin” was sold to satisfy some of Shkreli’s court debts.

Shkreli was released from prison in 2022 after serving much of a seven-year sentence.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Mimi Got Hit With Two Family Members Passing Away!

Another breakdown. Mariah Carey loses family members.

Pop singer and media personality Mariah Carey confirms her mother and sister passed away. The grandmother and aunt of Moroccan and Monroe, the twins Carey raised with her former husband, season seeder Nick Cannon.

Cary, 55 is heartbroken over the loss.

Patricia and sister Alison both died on the same day, the singer said Monday.

“My heart is broken that I’ve lost my mother this past weekend. Sadly, in a tragic turn of events, my sister lost her life on the same day,” the Grammy-winning singer said in a statement.

“I feel blessed that I was able to spend the last week with my mom before she passed,” the statement continued. “I appreciate everyone’s love and support and respect for my privacy during this impossible time.”

The Times Union reported Monday that Alison, who was largely estranged from Carey, died at 63 from complications with her organ function and that she had been in hospice care.

Mariah Carey's mom Alison and brother Morgan.

People Magazine first reported the news of their deaths and Carey’s statement.

Patricia was a Juilliard-trained opera singer who Carey credits as an inspiration to her from a young age.

“I would sing little tunes around the house, to my mother’s delight. And she always encouraged me,” she wrote in her 2020 memoir, “The Meaning of Mariah Carey.”

Patricia was previously married to Alfred Roy Carey, the singer’s father. The parents divorced when the “Vision of Love” singer was 3. Carey grew up in Suffolk County on Long Island and lived primarily with her mother after her parents’ divorce. Her father died of cancer in 2002 at age 72.

Carey detailed her complicated relationship with her mother and her sister in her memoir, in which she wrote that she and her mother often clashed, causing her to feel “so much pain and confusion,” and accused her sister of putting her in unsafe situations as a child.

Alison, Mariah's estranged sister died in hospice.

“Like many aspects of my life, my journey with my mother has been full of contradictions and competing realities. It’s never been only black-and-white — it’s been a whole rainbow of emotions,” Carey wrote in the book. “Our relationship is a prickly rope of pride, pain, shame, gratitude, jealousy, admiration and disappointment. A complicated love tethers my heart to my mother’s.”

Carey maintained contact with her mother and even recorded a duet of “O Come All Ye Faithful/Hallelujah Chorus” for the singer’s second Christmas album in 2010.

Tulsi Gabbard Dunking Orange!

Tulsi Gabbard is a bigot. Trump is a bigot. Equal company.

Why do the Democrats allow these assholes in their fold?

Former Hawai'ian lawmaker Tulsi Gabbard, a former co-chair of the Democratic National Committee and 2020 presidential candidate has thrown her chips to the old guy.

Gabbard who backed Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) in the 2016 Democratic presidential primaries has always been a thorn to the Democrats. She even tried fto get a role in the Trump administration. She and Vice President Kamala Harris have a long standing feud.

Harris isn't giving this ...... well you know the time of day.

Back then, Gabbard was called him “corrupt,” “unqualified to serve,” and “Saudi Arabia’s bitch.”

“Hey [Donald Trump],” she tweeted at the President. “Being Saudi Arabia’s bitch is not ‘America First.’”
Gabbard made the comments in the run-up to her unsuccessful 2020 bid for the Democratic presidential nomination, where she didn’t shy away from criticizing Trump’s performance.

Hillary Clinton referred her not by name as the candidate the Russian Federation loved to have and the candidate who shows discourse among Democrats. Gabbard tried to sue Clinton but ended up dropping that.

Appearing Monday with Trump in Detroit, Gabbard, a National Guard veteran who served two tours of duty in the Middle East before representing Hawai'i in the U.S. House, said the GOP nominee “understands the grave responsibility that a president and commander in chief bears for every single one of our lives.”

The pair appeared at the National Guard Association of the United States on the third anniversary of the Aug. 26, 2021, suicide bombing at Hamid Karzai International Airport, which killed 13 U.S. service members and more than 100 Afghans. Gabbard accompanied Trump earlier Monday to Arlington National Cemetery, where the former president laid wreaths in honor of three of the slain service members — Sgt. Nicole Gee, Staff Sgt. Darin Hoover and Staff Sgt. Ryan Knauss.

On Monday, Gabbard praised Trump for “having the courage to meet with adversaries, dictators, allies and partners alike in the pursuit of peace, seeing war as a last resort.” She condemned the Democratic White House for the U.S. now “facing multiple wars on multiple fronts in regions around the world and closer to the brink of nuclear war than we ever have been before.”

The former president’s team announced later Monday that Gabbard would moderate a town hall with Trump that the campaign was planning for Thursday in La Crosse, Wisconsin.

Gabbard has long signaled some level of support for Trump, even while she sat in the U.S. House as a Democrat. In 2019, she was the only lawmaker to vote “present” when the House of Representatives impeached Trump for his dealings with Ukraine.

Gabbard was known during her four House terms for taking positions at odds with her own party’s establishment. She was an early and vocal supporter of Sen. Bernie Sanders’ 2016 Democratic presidential primary run, which made her popular with progressives.

Trump flashes a thumbs up at a fallen soldier's grave.

Not seeking reelection in 2020, Gabbard ran for president herself instead, saying U.S. wars in the Middle East destabilized the region, made the U.S. less safe and cost thousands of American lives, and that Democrats and Republicans shared the blame. She tore into Harris’ record during a primary debate and ultimately outlasted her in that race, which President Joe Biden ultimately won.

Gabbard endorsed Biden but became an independent two years later, saying the Democratic Party was dominated by an “elitist cabal of warmongers” and “woke” ideologues. In the years since she has campaigned for several high-profile Republicans, become a contributor to Fox News and started a podcast.

Former president Donald J. Trump is loving the kooks. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., the former independent presidential candidate also backed Trump.

Harris did earn support among former Republicans John Kasich, Cindy McCain, Adam Kinzinger, Ray LaHood, Olivia Troye, Stephanie Grisham, Barbara Comstock, Denver Riggleman, Chuck Hagel, Michael E. Guest, Anthony Scaramucci, Omarosa Manigault Newman, Joe Walsh, David Trott, Michael Steele and numerous others.

So fuck Gabbard, Kennedy, J.D. Vance and MAGA. Trump is an old moron.

How 🇮🇱 Controls 🇺🇸🇬🇧🇨🇦🇫🇷🇩🇪 In Censoring Free Speech!

Gen X billionaire Pavel Durov got arrested in France on charges of money laundering.

It is time for the West to sever its ties with Israel before it's too late. I believe Joe Biden will be the last U.S. president to have a strong backing with Israel.

Whether Donald J. Trump returns to the White House or Kamala Harris becomes the next president, I will not rest until the 47th President of the United States officially cuts Israel loose. 

Once this election is over, I will not allow Democrats or Republicans to flood my emails, my phone or my door with their propaganda. I will become a total independent who will vote on issues that matter to me. 

Telegram CEO was detained in France. He had an arrest warrant alleging his platform has been used for money laundering, drug trafficking and other offenses, French media reported Sunday.

Pavel Durov, a dual citizen of France and Russia, was taken into custody at Paris-Le Bourget Airport on Saturday evening after landing in France from Azerbaijan, according to broadcasters LCI and TF1.

Investigators from the National Anti-Fraud Office, attached to the French customs department, notified Durov, 39, that he was being placed in police custody, the broadcasters said.

Durov’s representatives couldn’t be immediately reached for comment.

French prosecutors declined to comment on Durov’s arrest when contacted by The Associated Press on Sunday, in line with regulations during an ongoing investigation.

Hackers got into the Israeli military and espionage sites and leaked troves of damaging information through Telegram. It is the latest attempt to cripple Israel as it is continuing its genocide in Gaza, hackers are targeting Israeli leaders. Israel is provoking conflicts in Iran, Lebanon, Iraq and Yemen as well as meddling in the 2024 U.S. presidential election to ensure Trump wins.

Pavel and Nickoli Durov, two Russian oligarchs who created VK and Telegram are under pressure by the West to stop the free flow of information. They are being told to stop promoting antisemitism, terrorism and extremism.

Israel especially wants the platform to stop allowing content from Hezbollah and Hamas to stop. 

French media reported that the warrant for Durov was issued by France at the request of the special unit at the country’s interior ministry in charge of investigating crimes against minors. Those include online sexual exploitation, such as possession and distribution of child sexual abuse content and grooming for sexual purposes.

Telegram was founded by Durov and his brother in the wake of the Russian government’s crackdown after mass pro-democracy protests that rocked Moscow at the end of 2011 and 2012.

Telegram will not cave to Israeli pressure.

The demonstrations prompted Russian authorities to clamp down on the digital space, adopting regulations that forced internet providers to block websites and cellphone operators to store call records and messages that could be shared with security services.

In the increasingly repressive environment, Telegram and its pro-privacy rhetoric offered a convenient way for Russians to communicate and share news. In 2018, Russian media watchdog Roskomnadzor moved to block Telegram over its refusal to hand over encryption keys, but ultimately failed to fully restrict access to the app.

Telegram continued to be widely used — including by government institutions — and the ban was dropped two years later. In March 2024, Roskomnadzor said that Telegram was working with the Russian government to a certain extent and had removed more than 256,000 posts with prohibited content at Roskomnadzor’s request.

Telegram also continues to be a popular source of news in Ukraine, where both media outlets and officials use it to share information on the war, and deliver missile and air raid alerts.

In a statement posted on its platform, Telegram said it abides by EU laws including the digital services act, and its moderation is “within industry standards and constantly improving.”

Durov, the company added, “has nothing to hide and travels frequently in Europe.”

“It is absurd to claim that a platform or its owner are responsible for abuse of that platform,” Telegram’s post said. “Almost a billion users globally use Telegram as means of communication and as a source of vital information. We’re awaiting a prompt resolution of this situation. Telegram is with you all.”

A French judicial official suggested that Durov could appear before a judge later Sunday to determine whether he will remain in custody. The official wasn’t authorized to be named publicly during an ongoing investigation.

Hamas used Telegram in order to get the message out there to world leaders. They are resistance to the Israeli occupation and forcible removal of them from their homes. They are willing to sacrifice their lives to stop this ethnostate from starting global war.

“If the person concerned is to be brought before a judge today, it is only in the context of the possible extension of his police custody measure — a decision that must be taken and notified by an investigating judge,” the official said.

Western governments have often criticized Telegram for lack of content moderating on the messaging service, which experts say opens up the messaging platform for potential use in money laundering, drug trafficking and allowing the sharing of content linked to sexual exploitation of minors.

Compared to other messaging platforms, Telegram is “less secure (and) more lax in terms of policy and detection of illegal content,” said David Thiel, a Stanford University researcher, who has investigated the use of online platforms for child exploitation, at its Internet Observatory.

In addition, Telegram “appears basically unresponsive to law enforcement,” Thiel said, adding that messaging service WhatsApp “submitted over 1.3 million CyberTipline reports in 2023 (and) Telegram submits none.”

In 2022, Germany issued fines of 5.125 million euros ($5 million) against the operators of Telegram for failing to comply with German law. The Federal Office of Justice said that Telegram FZ-LLC hasn’t established a lawful way for reporting illegal content or named an entity in Germany to receive official communication.

Both are required under German laws that regulate large online platforms.

Last year, Brazil temporarily suspended Telegram over its failure to surrender data on neo-Nazi activity related to a police inquiry into school shootings in November.

Elon Musk, the billionaire owner of social media site X who once called himself a “free speech absolutist” in the past, posted ”#freePavel” in support of Durov following the arrest. 

Musk is a staunch supporter of Trump, Israel and censorship.

Russian government officials expressed outrage at Durov’s arrest, with some highlighting what they said was the West’s double standard on freedom of speech.

“In 2018, a group of 26 NGOs, including Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, Freedom House, Reporters Without Borders, the Committee to Protect Journalists, and others, condemned the Russian court’s decision to block Telegram,” Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said.

“Do you think this time they’ll appeal to Paris and demand Durov’s release?” Zakharova said in a post on her personal Telegram account.

Officials at the Russian Embassy in Paris had requested access to Durov, Zakharova told Russian state news outlet RIA Novosti, but she added that French authorities view Durov’s French citizenship as his primary one.

In a statement to the AP earlier this month, Telegram said that it actively combats misuse of its platform.

“Moderators use a combination of proactive monitoring and user reports in order to remove content that breaches Telegram’s terms of service. Each day, millions of pieces of harmful content are removed,” the company said.

Great Britain calls Hamas a resistant militant group.

The West does have a double standard. Right now, many of these Zionists are calling for the total annihilation of Gaza and the West Bank. No outrage from President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, former president Donald J. Trump, J.D. Vance or Tim Walz.

No calls for investigation, jailing, deporting, suing, censoring or boycotting when Israelis celebrate massacring people of all nationalities. Only when it involves protesters, imams, professors, celebrities and politicians who refuse to follow the status quo when it comes to Israel.

They claim that Iran, China and Russia are actively meddling in the 2024 U.S. Elections.

That may be so, but Israel is very much involved in meddling in our elections.

They also trying to censor religious leaders who criticize Israel. Calling for the destruction of Israel is not antisemitic. 

The Israelis and American lawmakers have weaponized antisemitism as a way to stifle free speech and shut down discussions to why America must continue this relationship with the apartheid ethnostate.

A Brooklyn Muslim cleric who once partnered with New York Mayor Eric Adams on a campaign to end hate is now spreading it by calling for the annihilation of Israel, The New York Post claims. They ran with the pro-Israel propaganda Middle East Media Research Institute ran on "radical" imam. 

Meanwhile, one of his counterparts at a mosque in the Bronx has taken to blasting “Zionist Hollywood” and Christians for packing their churches with LGBTQ worshippers, whom he claims they are recruiting to bolster dwindling congregations.

As the Israeli war against Hamas in Gaza continues, imam Sheikh Muhammad Al-Barr, called on Allah at his Bay Ridge mosque to “liberate Palestine from the occupiers and the plunderers” during a Friday service earlier this month.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

What Can Republicans Run On?

Kamala Harris cannot underestimate Donald J. Trump.

President Joe Biden stepped aside and Vice President Kamala Harris is the Democratic nominee. The Republicans were using every damn tactic for Biden. 

The Democrats are the party of freedom, a Blue MAGA.

Republicans had used everything.

1. Hunter Biden. Republicans have abandoned their impeachment inquiry into the president and it seems like Hunter is working on appealing his guilty conviction. The House members who were obsessed with the president's son and the thought he could be removed from office based on conspiracy theories.

2. Tara Reade. The allegations of sexual assault by a former senate staffer came in the 2020 presidential election when Biden became the presumptive nominee. Reade who went under numerous aliases came forth after several women accused Biden of being too touchy but not sexually harassing. Reade is the only allegation. Without a lawyer, Reade appeared on many partisan outlets and Russian media to tell her allegations and complain about American politics. More Democrats are no longer seeing her allegations as credible. Republicans are strongly believing these allegations. House members were about to use Reade against Biden. They ignored former president Donald J. Trump and the many allegations of sexual assault from numerous women. 

3. Age. President Joe Biden is currently the oldest living president. Republicans have complained and concern trolled about the president's health and age. The constant gaslighting about how Biden fell down the stairs, falling off his bicycle, stuttering, fumbling statements and mispronouncing things became a Republican and junk food media obsession. Now that Biden is out, former president Donald J. Trump and J.D. Vance are getting hammered for gaffes and fumbling.

4. Media coverage. Republicans relied on the junk food media as an obsession to criticize the president, the way they cover them and the constant grievances. Every time Republicans complain it was about the border, Chicago, transgender girls, America's weakness, indoctrination, crime, Israel's right to exist and holding Biden accountable. Yet, they offered no actual plans or solutions. When Project 2025 came forth, Republicans got shell shocked. Now they are on the defense and trying to distance themselves from abortion and the culture wars.

This photo is at Middletown High School in Ohio. Vance with three girls doing a senior prank.

The Trump Campaign had numerous missteps. Trump continues to name call and avoid talking about his policies or defending his only term as president. Vance had a rather embarrassing set of photos of him in drag. He was photos with high school girls pretending to urinate in the men's stalls. Vance was also told by a Georgia donut shop worker to not film her while he did his photo op. 

Trump brought on Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., the former independent presidential candidate in an attempt to court Democrats and Libertarian voters. Kennedy who is notorious for conspiracy theories and propaganda. Trump still fuming about Biden being out and he continues to find names for Harris. Now Republicans are boast Cornel West.

We haven't heard much from Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA). She is currently the most polarizing and most laziest member of the House. Now that Biden is out, she is no longer a media obsession.

Trump and Republicans are grappling with the whiplash of going from the predictions of a landslide just a few short weeks ago to surveys showing Harris has shaken up races up and down the ballot and closed the gap with Trump.

“In some of the swing states … people are becoming increasingly concerned that the momentum is moving in the wrong direction,” said one Senate Republican, adding that the nervousness among Republicans is “real” at this stage.

Just a month ago, Republicans were riding higher than at any point of the campaign after President Biden’s disastrous performance in a debate sent Democrats into a tailspin. Trump accepted the GOP nomination in Milwaukee, where lawmakers and delegates were bullish that the former president would not only return to the White House, but do so in a convincing manner — and polling backed them up.

Now that thinking is firmly out the door.

Democrats’ four-day gathering in Chicago prompted comparisons to the energy around former President Obama’s landmark 2008 presidential bid. It could also hand Harris another slight polling bump as the calendar turns to September after she closed out the convention with a fiery speech heavy on biography and history that also took the fight to Trump.

Really bad optics here.

“They are beginning to realize this is a wrestling match. There’s not going to be any knockout punch and they’ve got to get the best grip they can find, and it’s all state specific,” the Senate Republican continued.

Democrats’ quick and complete acceptance of Harris came as a “big surprise” to the GOP shaking the earth beneath them in the process, the senator added.

“This is sort of when you have to slap the panic-first person in the foxhole and get them to focus again,” they said. 

The struggles can be seen in the roller coaster of Republican messaging against Harris, which has ranged from attacks on her race from Trump and his allies to pleas from others in the party to keep the lines of attack centered on policy disagreements.

GOP lawmakers have consistently argued that if the race becomes one about policy, they have a winning hand. If not, their chances take a hit. 

“We need to refine our message, and it’s not because there’s a lack of material,” one GOP operative said. “[President Biden’s] age was such a disqualifier for a lot of independents, for base Democrats who might not have been interested in showing up to the polls. Now, those same folks are able to get past that barrier and truly consider the choice in front of them.” 

“We need to be a little bit more specific in painting the vision for voters of what a Harris administration would look like,” they continued, “and holding her feet to the fire on the current problems that plague our country.”

Vance had a frosty reception in a Georgia donut shop.

Harris leads Trump nationally and in the key “blue wall” states of Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, according to polling averages from DDHQ and The Hill.

Despite Harris’s upswing in the polls, however, Republicans remain confident in their chances of winning back the Senate. In addition to flipping Sen. Joe Manchin’s (I) seat in deep red West Virginia, they only need to turn one seat in order to nab the majority, with all eyes on Montana.

According to three surveys taken in recent weeks, Sen. Jon Tester (D-Mont.) trails Republican Tim Sheehy by an average of 5 percentage points.

A win in increasingly-red Ohio would also do the trick, but the possibility of Bernie Moreno defeating Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) is a jump ball, multiple GOP strategists told The Hill, despite the right-ward bent of the state. Trump won the state by eight percentage points in both 2016 and 2020.  

“A variety of outcomes exist in Ohio as it’s a state that has recently become pretty red, and Brown’s tenure began before the state made its shift,” the GOP operative said about Brown, who won his seat in 2006. “They’re used to voting for him and they might be less inclined to vote solely on who they want to control the Senate.”

But Harris’s rise has significantly harmed the GOP’s chances of pulling off in a number of battleground states with Democratic incumbents that were thought to be in play earlier this summer. That would limit their Senate majority ceiling to 52 seats.

Republicans resort to using AI images of Trump with Black people.

The trio of Sens. Jacky Rosen (D-Nev.), Bob Casey (D-Pa.) and Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.) all hold leads in the high single-digits, according to recent polling averages, creating a tough road to hoe for their Republican challengers despite Trump being in a virtual tie with Harris in all three battleground states.

Republicans are also behind the eight-ball in Michigan and Arizona, where Reps. Elissa Slotkin (D-Mich.) and Ruben Gallego (D-Ariz.) hold an advantage over former Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Mich.) and Kari Lake, respectively. 

While Rosen, Tester and Brown did not attend the Democratic convention, the remainder of swing state incumbents, along with Rep. Colin Allred (D-Texas), who is challenging Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), notably spoke at the event.

While Republicans expect Democrats and Harris to get a boost out of this week, they remain hopeful that the surge will not last beyond Labor Day and that the race will reset itself to become a dead heat until November.

“This is a jump ball. It was always going to be. We’ll sort this out in two weeks and see where it all stands,” a second GOP operative said. “By no means does that mean I feel good. A month and a half ago, our team was riding high because their guy couldn’t string two sentences together, so that’s what we’re comparing it against. … It was never going to be that. 

There is one wild card: the planned Sept. 10 debate between Trump and Harris, especially after the late June event essentially knocked Biden out of the race for good. Republicans are trying to ready Trump for it, during which Harris could put her prosecutorial hat on and attempt to rattle him with talk about him being found liable for sexually abusing and defaming E. Jean Carroll, and guilty of financial fraud. 

How the former president responds to that could speak volumes for the following weeks. 

“We have to prepare him for these sorts of attacks,” the Senate GOP member said. “I worry about whether or not somebody will have the chutzpah to say, ‘This is what these people are going to say to you. Don’t judge me for telling you what an enemy is going to say to you,’ but I hope they are.”


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