Sunday, June 30, 2024

Democrats Are Nervous!

Biden talking to family and campaign staff.

After President Joe Biden's debate performance, the arm chair quarterbacks and several top Democratic operatives are asking the president, "Are you up for this challenge?"

Biden is not ready to throw in the towel. With less than 130 days left, Democrats are concerned that Biden may not be strong enough to defeat Donald J. Trump and the noise machine of the junk food media.

I am concerned about the debate performance but it doesn't shake my vote. Israel is by far my most concerning issue that makes me not want to vote for the president or Trump.

Matter of fact, it almost has me really at a point of not voting at all.

But as I see Project 2025 and Greater Israel become threats to democracy, it will have to be Biden or nothing.

Anyway, a new week. 

The junk food media hasn't stopped talking about the president's performance on Thursday. Matter of fact, he is being hammered from the far right and the mainstream.

Is it time to drop out or is it time to prove the critics wrong?

Biden was out of sight at Camp David Sunday spending time with family, prominent Democrats rallied with a public show of unwavering support for his campaign following his unsteady debate performance and growing anxiety over whether he should remain in the White House race.

“I do not believe that Joe Biden has a problem leading for the next four years,” said one close ally, Democratic Rep. James Clyburn of South Carolina. “Joe Biden should continue to run on his record.” Yet the stark illustration of the Democratic angst was seen in words from former Iowa Sen. Tom Harkin, who served for more than two decades with Biden in the Senate and called the debate “a disaster from which Biden cannot recover.”

Biden’s allies blanketed the Sunday talk shows and conceded that the president’s showing against Republican Donald Trump on Thursday night had ranged from subpar to bad. They encouraged voters to see past the moment, look at Biden’s long-term record and focus on Trump’s myriad falsehoods during the 90-minute debate.

Privately, though, Biden’s campaign has been working to tamp down concerns over the debate on CNN where Biden sounded raspy and at times was unable to finish sentences. The campaign has spent the days since then working to keep donors and surrogates on board.

Even before the debate, the age of the 81-year-old Democratic president has been a liability with voters, and the prime-time faceoff appeared to reinforce the public’s deep-seated concerns before perhaps the largest audience he will garner in the four months until Election Day. CNN said more than 51 million people watched the debate.

Sen. Raphael Warnock, a Georgia Democrat and Baptist minister, said there had been “more than a few Sundays when I wish I had preached a better sermon,” relating the experience to Biden’s debate performance.

“But after the sermon was over it was my job to embody the message, to show up for the people that I serve. And that’s what Joe Biden has been doing his entire life,” Warnock said, echoing the message from other supporters that Biden had a bad debate, but a lifetime of good governance.

Warnock, like Clyburn and others, pivoted to Trump’s many falsehoods during the debate — falsehoods Biden and the debate moderators often failed to fact check from the stage — including about the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol by Trump supporters, immigration and the outcome of the 2020 election.

“Whenever his mouth was moving, he was lying,” Warnock said of Trump.

Trump ally Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., dodged questions about Trump’s false claims and praised Trump’s performance while accusing the national news media of hiding a debilitating condition.

Trump is feeling good about his debate. He was not fact checked. He didn't even answer questions. He deflected and slandered.

Trump “was strong. He was clear. He was coherent,” Graham said.

He called Biden “compromised” and said “the media is covering” it up.

Behind closed doors, a sense of concern was simmering among some Democrats that Biden’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee were not taking seriously enough the impact of Biden’s performance.

The DNC chairman, Jaime Harrison, and Biden’s campaign manager, Julie Chavez Rodriguez, held a Saturday afternoon call with dozens of committee members across the country — a group of some of the most influential members of the party — where they offered rosy assessment of the path forward and no opportunity for others on the call to respond with questions.

Multiple committee members on the call, most granted anonymity to talk about the private discussion, described feeling like they were being asked to ignore a serious predicament.

“There were a number of things that could have been said in addressing the situation. But we didn’t get that. We were being gaslit,” said Joe Salazar, an elected DNC member from Colorado, who was on the call. Gaslit is a term for being manipulated or misled.

Harkin suggested that Democratic senators in pivotal races and “maybe all incumbent Democratic Senators should pen a letter to Biden asking him to release his delegates and step aside so the convention can choose a new candidate,” according to an email to supporters that was obtained by The Associated Press and referenced first in Iowa journalist Julie Gammack’s column on Saturday, Iowa Potluck.

“This is a perilous time, and is more important than the ego or desires of Joe Biden to stay as President,” Harkin concluded.

And Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md. described “very honest, serious and rigorous conversations taking place at every level of our party ... about what to do.”

Advocates such as Clyburn, whose support was critical to Biden’s South Carolina primary win in 2020, pointed to the president’s North Carolina rally on Friday when he appeared energized and animated, a sharp pivot from the night before.

“I know I’m not a young man — to state the obvious,” Biden said at the rally. “Folks, I don’t walk as easy as I used to. I don’t speak as smoothly as I used to. I don’t debate as well as I used to.”

“But I know what I do know: I know how to tell the truth. I know right from wrong. And I know how to do this job. I know how to get things done. And I know like millions of Americans know: When you get knocked down, you get back up,” he said to rousing cheers.

Biden’s team has reported that the campaign amassed over $33 million since Thursday, $26 million from smaller dollar donations, including roughly half from first-time donors this cycle. The campaign said Thursday had been its best “grassroots” fundraising day, while Friday, the day after the debate, was its second best.

Trump aides reported that the Republican had raised more than $8 million Thursday evening alone.

Biden campaign communications director Michael Tyler said there had been no internal conversations “whatsoever” about Biden stepping aside, although he, too, acknowledged that the president had a “bad night” on stage.

Clyburn and Graham were on CNN’s “State of the Union and Warnock appeared on NBC’s ”Meet the Press. Raskin spoke to MSNBC.

Parkland Survivor Owns The Name Of The Killer!

On Feb. 14, 2018, Nikolas Cruz launched a mass shooting on Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. The gunman was a vengeful extremist.

Cruz had been known for behavioral problems since preschool, and as a teenager on social media he shared his obsessions with mass shootings and expressed racist, antisemitic, homophobic, and xenophobic views.

The shooter's motivation was rejection and frustration with being expelled. He massacred 17 people and injured dozens. 

He was arrested within 20 minutes after he tried to blend in with 

Cruz settled a civil lawsuit with shooting victim Anthony Borges granting him rights to Cruz's name so that Cruz cannot grant interviews or make any agreement with film producers or authors without Borges’ permission. Borges’ lawyer said the objective was to take power and control from Cruz so he cannot inflict further torture on his victims from jail. Cruz also agreed to donate his brain to science.

Borges was shot five times while trying to close and lock the door to a classroom at the high school, according to the Miami Herald. He was wounded in both legs, was shot in the back and a bullet shattered his upper left thigh bone, the television station reported.

Borges testified against Cruz at his sentencing trial in 2022 and took the stand in 2023 against former deputy Scot Peterson, who was acquitted of failing to protect students by not confronting the gunman, the Sun-Sentinel reported.

Cruz is serving 34 consecutive life sentences somewhere in the Florida State Prison system, according to the newspaper. For his protection, his precise location has been kept secret by the state under a rarely used exemption in the Florida public records law.

The scars are real.

Arreaza arranged a Zoom meeting with the shooter earlier this month and persuaded him to give Borges the rights to his name. Borges did not attend the meeting but his father did, the Sun-Sentinel reported.

“I have mixed feelings when I see his face,” Royer Borges, 46, told the newspaper. “I don’t feel rage. I remind myself that you have to know and understand his story. But I also thought, after what he took from my son, whatever he owns in this world, we should take it from him.”

On Wednesday, Arreaza that he was able to persuade Cruz to donate his brain to science when he dies “so it can be studied,” the Sun-Sentinel reported.

“When he dies, he will donate his brain to science so it can be studied,” Arreaza told the newspaper. “What turns a person into Nikolas Cruz? Was it something that we can learn by studying his brain?”

This killer took a plea deal to avoid the DEATH card.

The attorney added that the agreement was reached to take power and control away from Cruz.

“The idea is to keep him from being able to inflict further torture on his victims from jail,” Arreaza told the Sun-Sentinel.

To this day, David Hogg, a survivor of the Parkland shooting and the most prominent voice of the March for Our Lives movement is vilified by the likes of the far right. He was harassed by then nobody Marjorie Taylor Greene before she became an insufferable Georgia lawmaker. Hogg has been attacked personally by Alex Jones, Glenn Beck, Candace Owens and other far right agitators.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Rhonda Massie Passed Away!

Remember the infamous Christmas photo. Thomas Massie and his family posing with firearms. His wife, Rhonda (seated right) passed away.

Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY), a critic of Israel has confirmed the loss of his wife. 

The insufferable lawmaker represents the 4th Congressional District. The district is Northern Kentucky and it includes Maysville, Williamston, Le Grande and the suburbs of the Cincinnati metro area [Florence, Covington, Newport, Erlanger, Highland Heights, Fort Mitchell, Burlington and Alexandria].

Massie was one of ten members targeted by AIPAC.

He won his primary easily.

But in the battle of love, he lost.

Rhonda Massie, the wife who appeared in the infamous Christmas card photo posing with firearms has passed away.

No details about the cause of death or her age were immediately provided by Massie or his staff.

“Yesterday my high school sweetheart, the love of my life for over 35 years, the loving mother of our 4 children, the smartest kindest woman I ever knew, my beautiful and wise queen forever, Rhonda went to Heaven,” Massie wrote on the social platform X.

His social media posts featured photos showing the couple and their family. The congressman said the couple spent time with their grandson last week while touring Mount Rainier in Washington.

Massie wrote about his wife’s academic achievements and devotion to her family.

“She was valedictorian at our high school where we went to the Prom together, accepted at MIT and Harvard, earned a Mechanical Engineering degree from MIT, and devoted her life to our family,” he wrote.

The MIT-educated Massie, a libertarian-leaning Republican first elected to Congress in 2012, easily defeated two GOP challengers in Kentucky’s May primary. With no Democratic opponent in the fall, Massie’s primary victory cleared his way to claim another term in November. His district stretches across northern Kentucky.

The Massies. 

His wife’s death brought an outpouring of condolences from Kentucky and beyond.

Rep. Andy Barr (R-KY) said in a social media post that he was “deeply saddened” to hear of Rhonda Massie’s death. Barr suffered a similar tragedy four years ago when his wife, Eleanor Carol Leavell Barr, died. She was 39.

“Rhonda’s warmth, kindness, and dedication to her family and community touched everyone who had the privilege of knowing her,” Barr wrote Friday.

Kentucky state Sen. John Schickel said his “heart breaks” for the congressman and the couple’s children.

“Rhonda was a fantastic human being, and her loving marriage with Congressman Massie was among the most beautiful you could imagine,” Schickel said. “They were high school sweethearts and college classmates. It was a true love story.”

The Republican Party of Kentucky said in a statement that Rhonda Massie was “an amazing mother, wife, and Kentuckian. She touched all who knew her and will be deeply missed.”

The Supreme Court Is More Important Than Biden's Terrible Debate Performance!

They're old. Why no one calling for them to step down?

You got over 35 members who are over 70 in the U.S. Senate.

You got over 153 members who are over 70 in the U.S. House.

Joe Biden, Donald J. Trump, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Jill Stein and Cornel West are over 70.

While President Joe Biden is brushing off his terrible debate performance, the U.S. Supreme Court just made it illegal to be homeless in public and told the U.S. Justice Department to specifically charge individuals who committed crimes on the U.S. Capitol.

Jan. 6 had over 4,000 insurrectionists enter the Capitol cause nearly $1 billion in damages and led to former president Donald J. Trump being impeached and criminally indicted with interfering with the electoral college through fraud and deception.

Trump is still awaiting the outcome of Trump v. United States decision. The case in which the Court will determine whether, and to what extent, presidential immunity from criminal prosecution exists. The case extends from an ongoing federal trial to determine whether Donald Trump, president at the time, and others engaged in election interference during the 2020 election, including events during the January 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Congress passed a law that required U.S. Marshals to protect Supreme Court justices. 

Beneficial for Brent Kavanaugh, John Roberts, Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito are the most controversial members of Court. They have caused so much chaos it makes Americans question whether the Court is even legitimate. 

Fischer v. United States - was a United States Supreme Court case about the proper use of the felony charge of obstructing an official proceeding against participants in the January 6 United States Capitol attack. The Supreme Court ruled 6–3 that the charge only applied to tampering with physical evidence used in an official proceeding.

Harrington v. Purdue Pharma L.P. - is a United States Supreme Court case regarding Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code. This case is about the settlement by Purdue Pharmaceutical for Opioid victims who overdosed with the OxyContin drug produced by their company. The justices determined that the Bankruptcy Code does not authorize the claimant's order, blocking the bankruptcy plan.

City of Grants Pass v. Johnson - is a United States Supreme Court case in which the Court held that local government ordinances with civil and criminal penalties for camping on public land do not constitute cruel and unusual punishment of homeless people.


While the country is so concerned about Biden's performance, our democracy is down sliding fast. 

Israel is slowing fading from the news cycle. They are about to trigger a regional conflict which could force America into it. It also could push Russia further into the conflict as it is engaging with Ukraine in war.

Trump is bragging about accomplishments he had no part in and CNN did not fact check him or held him accountable for his deflecting.

Nonetheless, our country is divided badly. Where a part of the country would vote for a convicted felon who offers nothing more than the same. And one who is perceived as too old to handle the tasks of being president.

It is a damn shame.

The Supreme Court will destroy democracy with bias decisions. Instead of moving forward, we are taking humongous steps back.

Friday, June 28, 2024

Martin Mull Passed Away!

Martin Mull passed away from a lengthy illness.

Legendary actor and comedian Martin Mull has passed away. For me being a 1980s-1990s kid, I remember Mull being on Roseanne, Sabrina The Teenage Witch and voicing the evil Vlad Plasmius on Danny Phantom.

Mull has been around since the 1970s with the comedy series Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman and it soon took off. Mull’s Daughter, TV writer and comic artist Maggie Mull, said her father died at home on Thursday after “a valiant fight against a long illness.”

Mull, who was also a guitarist and painter, came to national fame being Garth Gamble.

“He was known for excelling at every creative discipline imaginable and also for doing Red Roof Inn commercials,” Maggie Mull said in an Instagram post. “He would find that joke funny. He was never not funny. My dad will be deeply missed by his wife and daughter, by his friends and coworkers, by fellow artists and comedians and musicians, and—the sign of a truly exceptional person—by many, many dogs.”

This led to work in the spin-off talk show parodies Fernwood 2 Night (1977) and America 2 Night (1978), in which he played talk show host Barth Gimble (Garth's twin brother), opposite Fred Willard, as sidekick and announcer Jerry Hubbard. Mull also appeared as the neurotic disc jockey Eric Swan in the 1978 movie FM, his feature film debut.

Martin Mull brought the laughs on Hollywood Squares.

In 1979, Mull appeared in the Taxi episode Hollywood Calling. He created, wrote for and starred in the short-lived 1984 CBS sitcom Domestic Life, with Megan Follows playing his teenaged daughter. In one episode of The Golden Girls, he played a hippie who was afraid of the outside world. He had a long-running role as Leon Carp, Roseanne Conner's gay boss (and later business partner) on the TV series Roseanne.

During the 1980s, Mull played supporting roles in the films Mr. Mom and Clue, and had a rare lead role in Serial. He also starred in a series of commercials for Michelob and Pizza Hut, and in a series of television and radio commercials for Red Roof Inn with Fred Willard. He appeared in the Pecos Bill episode of the Shelley Duvall TV series Tall Tales & Legends. He also did the voice of Vlad Masters / Vlad Plasmius, the main villain in Danny Phantom from 2004 to 2007. From 1997 to 2000, Mull played Willard Kraft on the show Sabrina the Teenage Witch as Sabrina Spellman's principal in seasons 2-4.

Mull has appeared as a guest star on the game show Hollywood Squares, appearing as the center square in the show's final season, from 2003 to 2004. In late 2004 and in 2013's Netflix-produced Season 4, he portrayed Gene Parmesan, a private investigator, on the TV series Arrested Development. During 2008 and 2009, Mull guest starred in two episodes of the television series Gary Unmarried, as Allison's father.

Mull also starred in the Fox sitcoms Dads and The Cool Kids, the latter with David Alan Grier, Vicki Lawrence, and Leslie Jordan.

Known for his blonde hair and well-trimmed mustache, Mull was born in Chicago, raised in North Ridgville, Ohio near Cleveland and the town of New Canaan, Connecticut and studied art in Providence, Rhode Island and Rome. He combined his music and comedy in hip Hollywood clubs in the 1970s.

Mull played Danny Phantom archnemesis Vlad Masters/Plasmius.

In the 1980s he appeared in films including “Mr. Mom” and “Clue,” and in the 1990s had a recurring role on “Roseanne.”

He would later play private eye Gene Parmesan on “Arrested Development,” and would be nominated for an Emmy in 2016 for a guest turn on “Veep.”

“What I did on ‘Veep’ I’m very proud of, but I’d like to think it’s probably more collective, at my age it’s more collective,” Mull told the AP after his nomination. “It might go all the way back to ‘Fernwood.’”

Other comedians and actors were often his biggest fans.

“Martin was the greatest,” “Bridesmaids” director Paul Feig said in an X post. “So funny, so talented, such a nice guy. Was lucky enough to act with him on The Jackie Thomas Show and treasured every moment being with a legend. Fernwood Tonight was so influential in my life.”

The Junk Food Media And Biden’s Bad Night!

Mr. President, we got a problem.

The CNN debate is now in the history books. The quarterbacking begins.

Winners and losers of 2024.

When Sean "Softball" Hannity praises the CNN hosts for a "fair debate", you know it was bad for President Joe Biden.

Having a bad debate night doesn't mean much but it does strike concern and Democrats and maybe even Biden might be aware of it.

The junk food media covered the presidential debate between Biden and former president Donald J. Trump. I will say despite the deflecting, the misinformation, the bloviating and the attempts to interrupt the president and hosts, Trump had a good night.

Biden played right into Trump’s scheme of deflecting. Biden pausing to make a statement and the stuttering got the most attention.

Trump still refused to accept the results of the election.

Trump and Biden had misled the American people on a handful of issues.

Even with the question of child care was deflected by Trump and Biden.

Dana Bash and Jake Tapper did a terrible job of controlling Trump from going overboard with the rhetoric.

Biden’s delivery from the beginning of the debate drew the most attention afterward. Trump’s allies immediately declared victory while prominent Democrats publicly questioned whether Biden could move forward.

Biden appeared to lose his train of thought while giving one answer, drifting from an answer on tax policy to health policy, at one point using the word “COVID,” and then saying, “excuse me, with, dealing with,” and he trailed off again.

At least, First Lady, Dr. Jill Biden was there to support her husband. Former first lady Melania Trump was not there.

“Look, we finally beat Medicare,” Biden said, as his time ran out on his answer.

Yeah, that was where our quarterbacking and concerns began.

“I think the panic had set in,” said David Axelrod, a longtime advisor to former President Barack Obama on CNN, immediately after the debate about Biden’s performance. “And I think you’re going to hear discussions that, I don’t know will lead to anything, but there are going to be discussions about whether he should continue.”

Said Van Jones, another Democratic strategist, on CNN: “He did not do well at all.”

Rosemarie DeAngelis, a Democrat who watched the debate at a party in South Portland, Maine, said she felt Biden gave the right answers to Trump but “didn’t have the spark that we needed tonight.”

Biden repeatedly tore into Trump in an apparent effort to provoke him, bringing up everything from the former president’s recent felony conviction to his alleged insult of World War I veterans to his weight. The 78-year-old Trump declined to clearly state he would accept the results of the November election, four years after he promoted conspiracy theories about his loss that culminated in the Jan. 6 insurrection, and repeatedly misstated the record from his time in office.

We Need To Talk About It! 🇮🇱🇵🇸

Biden and Trump still support Israel. 

The Israeli government has meddled in our country. It has made it clear, if you're not with them, you're.......

Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY), Candace Owens, Briahna Joy Gray, Nina Turner, Alex Jones, Mehdi Hassan, Google employees, college students, college professors, public school teachers, nurses, United Nation workers and bloggers are fired because they dare to speak up against a foreign country and its influence on America.

President Joe Biden, former president Donald J. Trump, members of the House of Representatives and the Senate, the state legislatures, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the junk food media are taking orders from......

If you criticize..... you're a.....

Enough is enough.

Why are being told what's antisemitic?

It is not a crime to criticize Israel.

I have no animosity towards any race, gender, religion, sexuality, nationality, economic and social standings. I am starting to have animosity towards political status quo.

I am a progressive on most social issues. I am fiscally conservative on my own finances but willing (at time often reluctantly) helping others in need. I am a person who values personal life and personal freedom. I am not trying to impose my views on others.

However, I will defend my views.

Although I have no hate towards race, I do not trust everyone as I used to.

Let me get to the point.....

Israel control our government and our media and it is time for Americans to demand it comes to an end before it's too late.

For years, I've been indoctrinated with the belief that Arabs are terrorists and we must defeat them there before they come here. I was told that Israel had a right to defend itself regardless of what happened. I was told if you were criticizing Israel, you were labeled antisemitic.

I've never had much sympathy for Israel. Since 2010, I have been strongly concerned that our alliance with Israel has doomed America. 

The white privilege and entitlement to stolen land by Israel led to conflicts. This was never about the Jewish faith and Arabs. It's about the apartheid and the opportunity to expose the injustices Israel created for over 70 years.

Hamas is not a terrorist group. It is a resistance movement to drive Israel from its ancestral lands and force the world to see how this rogue apartheid ethnostate mislead the West to global war and regional conflicts in the Middle East.

It is not antisemitic to criticize Israel. For those who think it's about religion, then you're the reasons to why most Americans avoid religion.

Let me get this straight: You are more upset over words than actions. You are upset someone using their freedom of speech to criticize a foreign country engaged in a propaganda campaign to shield itself from war crimes and impunity. You are upset over people using their voices, their wallets and their time to protest an injustice. You upset over people protesting at a synagogue. You upset that people question a foreign government's propaganda. Well, get upset over your taxpayer money aiding foreign nations. Get upset over foreign nations killing Americans in a war funded by our taxpayer money. Get upset over the deaths of thousands in Haiti, Chad, Sudan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Syria, Venezuela, Myanmar, Mexico, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Ukraine and Palestine. Get upset at your president, your senator, your representative, your governor, your state leader, your mayor and your local junk food media for bowing to the evil regime of Israel.

Could you name one damn thing Israel's done for the United States?

Cause sure as hell, Israel is spying on Americans, meddling in our elections, doing foreign lobbying with the assistance of AIPAC and the ADL.

The Israeli government through its proxies are trying to sway American lawmakers into criminalizing criticism of its actions to antisemitism.

Israel's latest excuses to justify the genocide:
  • They claimed that Hamas wants to kill as many Jews as possible.
  • They claim that Hamas has underground tunnels under schools, hospitals and refugee camps.
  • They claim that Hamas was planning on building a dirty bomb.
  • They claim that Hamas are using civilians as human shields.
  • They claim that Hamas is ISIS.
  • They claim that Hamas had a copy of Mein Kampf inside a base in a children's bedroom.
  • They claim that Hamas was beheading 40 babies.
  • They claim that Hamas misfired a rocket at a hospital.
  • They claim that Hamas wants a regional war.
  • They claim that Hamas had top secret plans to attack the U.S. and Great Britain.
  • They claim that Hamas has a calendar that showed the shifts of who was watching the hostages.
  • They claim that Hamas shot female soliders in the buttocks and breasts.
  • They claim that Hamas shot dead a civilian and raped the victim's corpse,
  • They claim that Hamas has placed explosive devices on corpses.
  • They claim that Hamas has infiltrated college campuses in the U.S. and Great Britain.
  • They claim that Hamas support from individuals amounts to being a terrorist sympathizer.
  • They claim that Hamas were working with UNRWA workers.
  • They claim that Hamas has been hiding in plain sight.

Hamas is not raping women and there is no proof they done such a horrible act. It is part of the dehumanizing campaign Israel is promoting to influencers in the West. You see it when they are constantly deflecting from the images of Gaza being destroyed by American and European sponsored Israeli weapons. In their minds, they are justifying the brutal slaughter of children, men, women, journalists and doctors as collateral damage.

Israel has raped, pillaged and tortured Palestinians. It is confirmed but the United States won't do not one damn thing about it.

Hamas stated the reasons for the attack on occupation forces. It has nothing to do with the Jewish religion or Iran. 

The IDF has the weapons to destroy everything. All on the American taxpayer, Israel has killed civilians, their own citizens and the status quo.

Israel says around 100 hostages are still captive in Gaza, along with the bodies of around 30 more. Israel's campaign in Gaza since the attack has killed more than 40,000 Palestinians, according to Gaza health officials.

John Fetterman shakes hands with Netanyahu, the world's most hated leader.

With the approval of AIPAC, the ADL and the state of Israel, Congress and Biden:

1. Forced TikTok to divest from ByteDance or face a ban in the U.S.

2. Advocated the arrest, the suspension, the termination of students, staff and media figures for protesting.

3. Drafted bills to define criticism of Israel as antisemitic and are working to push for fines and jail time.

4. Worked to sanction the International Criminal Court and its prosecutors from issuing arrest warrant to top Israeli leaders.

5. Continued to give Israel billions in taxpayer money without any conditions.

6. Refused to have a formal investigation into the deaths of Americans killed by Israel.

7. Supported retaliation towards Yemen, Lebanon, Syria, Iran and Iraq despite Israel launching illegal airstrikes.

8. Refused to sanction Israel for illegal settlements, killing of journalists and other atrocities.

9. Voted to block funding to UNRWA and WHO because of allegations made by Israeli propaganda.

10. Called organized protesters and those who support them outside agitators as a label to denounce active protest and dissent against status quo. Some lawmakers want to strip federal aid and look into legal statuses of international students. Some want to impose Muslim and immigrant bans.

To make this clear, it doesn't matter anymore who the fucking president is. President Joe Biden, former president Donald J. Trump and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. are backing Israel over the world. They are so out of touch with reality.

From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free! 🇵🇸 🍉

It is not antisemitic to rally for Palestine. Cry more!

Israel for way too long has manipulated me with this endless victimhood. All the while pushing for an ethno-nationalist state, Israeli government leaders [both left and right] have called for the eradication of the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and West Bank.

The Israeli regime has rejected a two state solution. They have interfered in U.S. elections time after time with their proxy groups the ADL and AIPAC throwing money to primary challengers against Cori Bush, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, Thomas Massie and Jamaal Bowman. They are literally influencing our lawmakers into banning TikTok, criminalizing boycotts against the regime and equating anti-Zionism with antisemitism. 

They literally are spying on Muslims, Christians, protesters and organizations opposed to the regime's actions.

The Israeli regime is trying to force Americans to hate. The regime is rooting for Trump and when he returns he and Republicans can start their Project 2025 bullshit and assist in the Greater Israel bullshit.

The Israeli regime wants American lawmakers to punish lawmakers, athletes, media personalities, religious leaders, social media influencers, adult entertainment and television shows who speak out against the regime.

The evil Israeli regime has fanned outrage over regime change, boycotting entertainers who support Israel, octopuses, buttons, protests at synagogues, protests at Holocaust museums, blocking roads, blocking bridges, boycotting companies and calling for international sanctions. 

Israel keeps calling it an attack on Jewish people and it amounts to antisemitic propaganda. 

Holding these lawmakers accountable is not just a pledge, but a promise. You need to learn who represents your community. Your local community member, your school board member, your mayor, your state representative, your state senator, your governor, your U.S. Representative, your U.S. Senator and the president need to be held accountable for their actions. 

Israel must be held accountable for war crimes and the U.S. must end its aid. Our taxpayer money should not help Israel any further.

They are feeling it. Democrats know the risk of supporters being turned off by their policies. They know that Biden is under extreme pressure to do something. Arab Americans, Muslim and young voters have vowed to never back Biden putting his reelection chances in danger.

The call number to the White House and U.S. Capitol is now going to be used. This is the official White House numbers 202-456-1111 and 202-456-1414. This is the Congress official phone number, 202-224-3121. Please be respectful to operators, staff members and elected leaders. Your calls are monitored by the U.S. Secret Service and U.S. Capitol Police. 

Let them know that "thoughts and prayers," "hearts going to" and "good guys with guns" are no longer acceptable and you want legislation to curb gun violence. Let them know that we are tired of police officers using immunity when committing death of suspects in custody. Let them know that you are tired of private equity firms getting away with destroying small businesses and long established companies. Let them know that you are tired of your taxpayer money going to foreign nations like Israel. You are tired of hearing about "Israel having a right to..." and the bogus claims of being anti-semitic or in support of terrorism. You want an immediate ceasefire and accountability for war crimes done by Israel. You want no more foreign influence in American elections. You also want to make sure future presidents and lawmakers avoid influence from lobbyists.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Metro Cop Took Some Blue Hundreds!

The moment you found out you were caught.

The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Metropolitan Police are doing damage control. An officer was caught stealing a suspect's money after a routine traffic stop. The suspect was arrested on a warrant and taken to custody. 

After a license plate reader detected a flag on the vehicle, the cops pulled him over.

When he got booked he told the officers, that one of their own stole nearly $1,000 from his vehicle.

The cop denied it at first but the suspect said crystal clear that he knows his actions and what that cop did was receiving stolen property and tampering with evidence.

Henry Chapman was arrested on March 14, hours after he allegedly took $900 from a man he was arresting and hid it in his patrol car. The incident started when Chapman pulled over a driver for speeding and then learned the suspect was wanted for a federal arrest warrant. According to an affidavit, the man had nearly $8,000 in his possession during the arrest. 

Body camera footage showed the suspect accusing Chapman of taking some money from him. 

"I don't know if it's in your door or where it's at," the man said. "Do you see anything? That's my money, that's my money right there." 

An assisting officer said Chapman was shifting the money between his legs and moving it into the door pocket of his patrol car. The cash was found with a receipt inside the driver's door of Chapman's patrol car. 

"I heard him tampering with that rubber band," the man said. "That rubber band was on that money because my girlfriend gave it to me this morning." 

Chapman initially denied knowing the money was there, according to CMPD. The affidavit states Chapman later admitted to taking the money but claimed he wasn't stealing it. Chapman was charged with one count of embezzlement. 

Chapman was placed on administrative leave pending the outcome of the investigation. He resigned from CMPD on March 15. He'd been on CMPD's force since 2009 and was assigned to the University City division.

I'm not trying to get dude in trouble, but I saw what I saw and this officer took my money.

An internal investigation found that Chapman violated CMPD's body camera policy during the arrest. The investigation is now in the hands of the Mecklenburg County district attorney. Chapman is expected to appear in court next month.

The video shows the arrestee asking for officers to count the cash from an evidence envelope obtained from Chapman while in a parking area at the University City Division patrol office. That was when officers searched Chapman's patrol car and found about $900 inside the driver's side door. Chapman was then placed in a separate room away from the car.

After an interview with detectives, Chapman was arrested and taken to jail.

Chief Johnny Jennings issued the following statement Monday:

“The video shows a CMPD police officer committing a crime, stealing money from a person who was in his custody. Adherence to the law is an absolute for police officers. The actions of former Officer Chapman were a contradiction to what we stand for. 

I want you to know the detectives and leadership acted quickly when this incident was brought to light. Both a criminal investigation and an internal investigation were launched immediately. Chapman was arrested less than six hours after the incident following a continuous investigation and was placed on immediate unpaid administrative leave. I commend those who took those allegations serious enough to fully investigate this case which led to the arrest of one of our own.

On March 15, 2024, the day after the incident, he resigned from his employment at CMPD.  The criminal case is still pending.

This incident does not represent or define the men and women of CMPD who show up every day and night to serve our community. While one officer did violate his oath, thousands more are still here and stand strong on the oath they took. I commend them for their commitment to this department and to this city. I am proud to serve with them. And we are all proud to serve you.”

Debate Night!

CNN host two grumpy old men.

Tonight, the first presidential debate between President Joe Biden and former president Donald J. Trump. It will also be the possibility of Trump revealing his running mate.

I doubt the two will shake hands. If that happens, wow.

Trump will be on the left, Biden on the right. 

Biden will have the opportunity to address issues without interruption, Trump will get the last word.

This also comes on the cusp of the U.S. Supreme Court releasing it's most controversial decisions. It will be one of the most watched debates in U.S. history.

It will be only on CNN and it will be streamed on its platform MAX, a division of Warner Bros. Discovery. Other networks can carry it.

At 9pm, Biden and Trump will shutdown Downtown Atlanta. Both are prominent U.S. figures and the U.S. Secret Service will be monitoring the area surrounding CNN Headquarters (Warner Media).

Both presidents have controversies and they are a drag on both the Democratic and Republican Party, respectively.

According to parameters set by CNN in May, all participating debaters had to appear on a sufficient number of state ballots to reach the 270 electoral vote threshold to win the presidency and receive at least 15% in four separate national polls of registered or likely voters that meet CNN’s standards for reporting.

Dana Bash and Jake Tapper, two of CNN'S prominent afternoon hosts will moderate the debate. Both Bash and Tapper have faced criticism for pushing pro Israel talking points.

Tapper and Bash had protesters at their homes in the Washington, DC area.

Biden and Trump are still emboldened to support Israel. That will be definitely an issue.

Here's the rundown of what I expect this debate will be about.

CNN picks status quo hosts to moderate debate between Biden and Trump.

The election, abortion, Trump's conviction, Israel, inflation, Supreme Court, members of Congress who cause controversy, favorite sport team, both politicians age, TikTok, Ukraine, Vice President Kamala Harris and Trump's running mate, economy, preparedness for a pandemic, protesters, accepting the election results, China, Russia, North Korea, immigration, gaffes, being truthful, Hunter Biden's conviction, lacking support from some conservative and progressive voters, along with many more.

It is going to be a repeat of their first debate.

Well not so fast.

Biden and Trump agreed to the rules.

The moderators will not allow showboating. The mics will be muted if there is constant interruptions, the questions will not be deflected, no audience and it will be straight to the point. Trump who normally interrupts will be forced to be muted. Biden who normally rambles on and on will be forced to be muted.

The insults on character will be clear tonight. 

Biden will immediately call Trump a convicted felon. Trump will claim that Biden is old and say he can't complete a sentence or he's juiced up.

The world will watch. I know I will.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Bill Cobbs Passed Away!

Bill Cobbs died nine days after his birthday.

Legendary actor Bill Cobbs passed away at the age of 90 in Riverside, California. He was best known for his memorable role in Night at the Museum with Ben Stiller.

Born William Francisco Cobb in 1934. He was born in Cleveland, Ohio, the son of construction worker and domestic worker, he served as a U.S. Air Force Radar Technician, sold cars and sold products for IBM. 

In 1970, at the age of 36, he left for New York to seek work as an actor. He supported himself by driving a cab, repairing office equipment, selling toys, and performing odd jobs.

Cobb credited Reuben Silver with his start in acting at the African American Performing Arts Center and Karamu House Theatre in Cleveland. His first professional acting role was in Ride a Black Horse at the Negro Ensemble Company. From there, he appeared in small theater productions, street theater, regional theater, and at the Eugene O'Neill Theatre.

As an amateur actor in the city's Karamu House Theater, Cobbs starred in the Ossie Davis play Purlie Victorious. Cobbs was in Vegetable Soup (1976), a New York public television educational series, and he made his feature film debut in The Taking of Pelham One Two Three in 1974. Cobbs has an extensive film career and has appeared and been a regular on many television programs, including The Michael Richards Show; The Outer Limits; I'll Fly Away; Yes, Dear; The Sopranos; Six Feet Under; The Others; JAG; The Drew Carey Show; October Road; One Tree Hill; Star Trek: Enterprise (as Dr. Emory Erickson, inventor of the Transporter); and many more. He had a recurring role as George, a blind grief-support-group member, in the TV series, Go On, which premiered in 2012.

A U.S. Air Force veteran, Bill Cobbs sought acting after doing stints of labor living in Cleveland.

In 2006, Cobbs played a supporting role in Night at the Museum as Reginald, a security guard on the verge of retirement. The character also served as an antagonist to the story. He played basketball coach and retired basketball player Arthur Chaney in Disney's Air Bud and Medgar Evers's older brother Charles Evers in Rob Reiner's Ghosts of Mississippi. He had a role in the Coen Brothers' The Hudsucker Proxy and played fictional jazz pianist Del Paxton in Tom Hanks's That Thing You Do. He has a brief appearance in the 2010 film The Search for Santa Paws.

In 2013, Cobbs co-starred in Oz the Great and Powerful as the Master Tinker, and in late 2014 reprised his role of Reginald in Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb. He recorded a public service announcement for Deejay Ra's Hip-Hop Literacy2 campaign, encouraging reading of Ice-T's autobiography.

In 2020, he guest starred in the two-part series finale of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., portraying an unnamed elderly S.H.I.E.L.D. agent.

He also appeared on the small screen with shows like Walker, Texas Ranger, The Michael Richards Show, The Wayans Bros., The Carmichael Show and Superior Donuts.

Adam Kinzinger Backs Biden!

Adam Kinzinger vows to reject MAGA. He will back Biden.

Israel controls our elected officials and the junk food media. This former lawmaker supports Israel and has denounced Palestinian protesters as sympathizers of terrorism.

His endorsement of the incumbent is personal. He felt betrayed by the party he was once a part of. He endorsed the former president in 2016 and 2020. He did not impeach him the first time when he used his authority to manipulate a foreign leader to investigate a political rival. He took issue with the former president whe. It came to the pandemic, denying the election results and sicing his supporters on the very definition of democracy.

Yet, he embraces a foreign apartheid ethnostate. Hmmm.

The former Illinois Republican lawmaker who supported the second impeachment of Donald J. Trump and was a member of the Jan. 6 House Committee has backed President Joe Biden. His own family [parents, uncle, aunt and cousin] disowned him because of his criticism of Trump.

CNN contributor and former lawmaker Adam Kinzinger has endorsed Biden.

He said as a conservative, he cannot in good sense support former president Trump, a twice impeached, multiple indicted, convicted felon who was found liable of sexual assault and fraud.

Kinzinger retired after Republicans and Trump vowed to destroy the 10 members who voted to impeach him after the Jan. 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Trump vows to go after any Republican who voted for impeachment or failure to endorse his 2024 presidential bid.

Kinzinger, Liz Cheney, Anthony Gonzales, Tom Rice, Jaime Herrera Beutler, Dan Newhouse, Fred Upton, Peter Meijer, David Valadao and John Katko voted to impeach Trump.

Rep. David Valadao (R-CA) and Rep. Dan Newhouse (R-WA) won in 2022 but still face the ire of Trump and MAGA. They are targets of Trump.

Rep. Bob Good (R-VA) who supported Trump in 2020, voted against impeachment but endorsed Ron DeSantis over him in 2024 faced the ire of Trump as well.

Kinzinger was leaning towards Nikki Haley. He said he will never back Trump.

Kinzinger posted online said, "As a proud conservative, I’ve always put democracy and our Constitution above all else."

"And it’s because of my unwavering support for democracy, that today, as a proud conservative, I am endorsing Joe Biden for reelection," he said.

The endorsement gives the Biden campaign a boost as the president tries to flip anti-Trump Republicans to Biden's side. The Trump campaign mocked Kinzinger's backing.

“Who’s Adam Kinzinger? Isn’t he the crybaby?” Trump spokesman Steven Cheung said in a text message.

Kinzinger said that Trump is a convicted felon and a perennial flop. Idiot. A sure fired loser who will drag Republicans down with him. I am just putting it in layman's terms.

Trump will react to Kinzinger endorsing Biden.

"While I certainly don't agree with President Biden on everything, and I never thought I'd be endorsing a Democrat for president, I know that he will always protect the very thing that makes America the best country in the world: our democracy," Kinzinger said.

Trump and Biden are set to square off Thursday in Atlanta in the first presidential debate hosted by CNN. Another Republican critic of Trump who sat on the Jan. 6 committee, Liz Cheney, has not revealed an endorsement in the 2024 election.

"He doesn’t care about our country. He doesn’t care about you. He only cares about himself, and he will hurt anyone or anything in pursuit of power," Kinzinger said of Trump.

"We saw that when he tried to overturn an election he knew he lost in 2020. He attacked the foundation of this nation, encouraging a violent mob of his supporters to march on the Capitol to prevent the peaceful transition of power," he added.

Kinzinger said Trump has now become "even more dangerous" as he seeks a second presidency, citing past remarks by Trump calling for the "termination" of the Constitution and that he wants to be a dictator on day one. "And he’s continuing to stoke the flames of political violence."

He urged others to united behind Biden to "show Donald Trump off the stage once and for all."

"There is too much at stake to sit on the sidelines," he said. "To every American of every political party and those of none, I say: Now is not the time to watch quietly as Donald Trump threatens the future of America."

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Bowman Falls!

Jamaal Bowman taken down by a foreign lobbyist group and its minions.

The Israeli lobby is a threat to democracy and trust me, there will be a reckoning.

A Black Democratic lawmaker falls to an old wealthy out of touch white lawmaker.

President Joe Biden needs us but I am certain he doesn't want the input. He said he wants to be a fundamental change president. Yet, he is the truest example of status quo politics.

I will no longer contribute to any campaign of a candidate that takes money from AIPAC.

Biden got donors, AIPAC and his own pockets. I work two jobs, why should I donate to him or his Republican challenger?

They don't fucking listen.

Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) is defeated by AIPAC. The lobby put its affiliates in an obscure race and turned it into a referendum on how Democrats must assure their loyalty to the apartheid ethnostate of Israel for them to survive. Bowman became a member of the “Squad,” a group of the most progressive Democrats in the House, after winning his House seat in 2020.

Besides, he also had his infamous moments like the pulling of the fire alarm of a House building and his constant presence in the junk food media. 

Bowman opposing the bipartisan infrastructure package was also a mistake.

Bowman and Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL) always in the limelight.

Even if it is Israeli propaganda, AIPAC used Bowman denouncing the Israeli allegations of Hamas raping women against him.

Hillary Clinton, who lives in the district endorsed the challenger George Latimer.

The irony of Bowman's lost. Bowman defeat Eliot Engel a few elections back only to face his own rejection. 

Democrats elect this old fart who could be Joe Manchin on steroids.

Latimer wins.

A moderate who may pose a risk to the Biden agenda. 

Winners and losers of 2024.

On top of this, racism, Israel and misinformation from both Bowman and Latimer made it the most expensive primary race in history.

Biden and Democrats will not stand up to Israel or AIPAC and that is very infuriating.

We literally have two choices: Israel or Israel. Former president Donald J. Trump, Biden and the struggling Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. all support Israel and they will not hold that country accountable.

A leading pro-Israel group spent more than $14 million on TV ads to unseat him. And as the results rolled in, it became clear that AIPAC and its super PAC United Democracy Project had succeeded in making an example of the two-term member of Congress for routinely criticizing the Israeli offensive in Gaza. Still, many of the TV ads attacking Bowman or praising Latimer made scant mention of Israel and instead focused on infrastructure spending and other issues of local concern.

The House district, which includes affluent suburban communities and diverse urban neighborhoods, is not expected to be in play for Republicans in November, making Bowman’s defeat a triumph for centrist Democrats. Since the recent rise of progressives, Latimer and his fellow moderates have sought to drag the party back to the middle, especially when it comes to Israel policy.

AIPAC and its super PAC have spent heavily across the country in a bid to unseat other critics of Israel, but nowhere did they anticipate such an advantage as Bowman’s district, with a large Jewish population.

The AIPAC-aligned United Democracy Project in a statement vowed to replicate its backing of Latimer against Israel critics across the country.

“Latimer’s victory is another example of how support for the U.S.-Israel alliance is both good policy and good politics,” the group said. “UDP will continue to support leaders who promote our partnership with Israel and oppose detractors, regardless of political party.”

This time, instead of pressuring Democrats. The two options.

1. Withhold your vote and risk TRUMP winning. With TRUMP, he and Republicans will push for Project 2025 and Greater Israel.

2. Voting for BIDEN and when his second term begins, push harder and then withhold your vote.

Israel must be held accountable for war crimes and the U.S. must end its aid. Our taxpayer money should help Israel any further.

They are feeling it. Democrats know the risk of supporters being turned off by their policies. They know that Biden is under extreme pressure to do something. Arab Americans, Muslim and young voters have vowed to never back Biden putting his reelection chances in danger.

The call number to the White House and U.S. Capitol is now going to be used. This is the official White House numbers 202-456-1111 and 202-456-1414. This is the Congress official phone number, 202-224-3121. Please be respectful to operators, staff members and elected leaders. Your calls are monitored by the U.S. Secret Service and U.S. Capitol Police. 

Let them know that "thoughts and prayers," "hearts going to" and "good guys with guns" are no longer acceptable and you want legislation to curb gun violence. Let them know that we are tired of police officers using immunity when committing death of suspects in custody. Let them know that you are tired of private equity firms getting away with destroying small businesses and long established companies. Let them know that you are tired of your taxpayer money going to foreign nations like Israel. You are tired of hearing about "Israel having a right to..." and the bogus claims of being anti-semitic or in support of terrorism. You want an immediate ceasefire and accountability for war crimes done by Israel. You want no more foreign influence in American elections. You also want to make sure future presidents and lawmakers avoid influence from lobbyists.


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