Friday, October 02, 2020

Pumpkin Pie!

Things got worse for Trump. He has the coronavirus and the economy is tumbling.

The jobs report is not good.

For the month of September, the U.S. Department of Labor and Bureau of Labor Statistics confirm that 661,000 jobs were added to the economy. The BLS expected a rate of 856,000 jobs.

The job rate trickles down to 7.9%. Previously it was 8.4%.

This is the highest unemployment rate so far going into the U.S. Presidential Election.

The pandemic has ravaged America's previously strong job market and more than 22 million jobs vanished in the spring lockdown. If Trump loses the election, he could be the first to leave the White House with fewer jobs than when he started.

September job growth slowed significantly from the revised 1.5 million jobs added in August.

And even though the economy added back more than 1 million jobs every month between May and August, the country is still down 10.7 million jobs since February, before COVID-19 hit.

On top of that Donald J. Trump has the coronavirus. He is being treated at Walter Reed Hospital.

But more than six months since the pandemic hit, improvements are harder to come by as the economic downturn is taking its toll on businesses of all sizes. On top of that, funds from the Paycheck Protection Program are running low for many small businesses that have already used up the money to rehire staff.

Some companies announced large-scale layoffs this week, which will be a further drag on the recovery in the coming months. Disney (DIS) and American Airlines (AAL) both announced layoffs this week — 28,000 and 19,000 workers, respectively.

The hospitality and leisure industries, as well as retail, added the most jobs last month, as the battered sectors continue to bounce back. Even so, employment in food services and drinking places is still down 2.3 million jobs since February.

"Today's report reveals a two-sided economy: More than 12.6 million Americans remain out of work as COVID-19 rages on, while in other pockets of the economy employers added millions of new jobs," said Glassdoor chief economist Andrew Chamberlain in emailed comments.

Lasting job losses also increased, with 36% of unemployed workers classified as permanently unemployed.
Trump interrupting Joe Biden was the talk of the week.
On top of that, 617,000 women dropped out of the labor force in September. Half of them were between 35 and 44, the prime working age. By comparison, only 78,000 men dropped out of the workforce last year.

This dramatic dropout coincided with the restart of the school year. With remote learning optional and continuing in parts of the country, parents need to balance their jobs with their care responsibilities. More often than not this falls on the woman.

And that wasn't the only disparity between demographic groups in the report. The unemployment rate declined for White and Asian Americans, but was little changed for Black and Hispanic workers. The jobless rates for Asian, Black and Hispanic people was higher than the overall rate.

"Job growth is moderating just as fiscal aid is expiring — a toxic cocktail," wrote economists from Oxford Economics in a note to clients.

Congress remains stuck in negotiations for a new stimulus package that the country desperately needs.

The $600 weekly unemployment supplement ran out at the end of July. Since then, Trump signed an executive order for a smaller, $300 weekly addition funded by diverting money from the Federal Emergency Management Administration. But some states have already run out of the cash they got allotted.

Another reason for the September slowdown in job growth is the government itself: Over the few past months, the Census Bureau had been hiring temporary workers for this year's count, adding as many as 238,000 workers between July and August alone. But in September, Census employment shrank by 41,000 jobs.

Many retailers are going out of business.

They have either failed or is in the process of filing for bankruptcy.

The report did nothing for the current stock market.

So if you do the math, we have over 30 million Americans out of work. Only jobs were added to the economy for a country of 335 million Americans. That's 50 states. the District of Columbia, the five U.S. territories and those living abroad.

Many Americans are not willing to "find something new." They were happy at their current or previous jobs before COVID-19.

Now many believe the numbers will be adjusted to benefit Trump's slumping polls numbers. Because obviously, the job growth has indeed slowed down. Trump has banked his reelection chances on a strong economy.
Trump may have exposed his Supreme Court nominee to the coronavirus.

With the global pandemic putting a damper on most economic successes, Trump is desperate to win and he's using foreign operatives, a mentally-ill entertainer and the great culture war to woo voters.

Let's get this straight: The coronavirus has spiked in 43 states, Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia. The pandemic has many of the states in the South and West reissuing partial shutdowns and restrictions. Many Republican governors are slowly demanding citizens to adhere to shutdown orders and facial mask protection.

Despite all that we just want to let you know that jobs are still being lost.

The junk food media has the notion that Democrats and Republicans can't pass an extension to the CARES Act. The Democratic-controlled House of Representatives has passed their version of the law. The Republican-controlled Senate has signalled they're not willing to help replenish the CARES Act.

In their pea-brained minds, Americans are getting lazier because they're getting additional assistance with their state unemployment benefits.

Yes, we made more motherfucking money with unemployment but the risk of returning to work with no proper safety measures and going on "blind faith" is practically dangerous and downright immoral.

I am going to say that Trump has a 46.2% chance of winning.

Click the map to create your own at

He still is very unpopular and his legacy will be marred in controversy.

Trump has been openly feuding with infectious disease specialist Dr. Anthony Fauci. Trump has continuously promise that a vaccine will be out by the end of the year. Now he's stated that by November the Federal Drug Administration will roll out a vaccine three days before the election.

Fauci disputes the notion that a vaccine is available by November. It led to the stock market dropping on Thursday. Many scientists believe that Americans are not willing to try a vaccine that's not tested.

Face masks are now political. Fauci is warning Americans that not wearing protection and not taking the coronavirus will lead to spike in deaths. Trump vows to keep the country open despite the likelihood there's a second wave.

The global economy is struggling. Some believe that the stock market's improvements show that the economy isn't in free fall. Trust me, if you're not aware, the economy is nosediving fast.

We have civil unrest in the country. Recent incidents of people of color being killed has become a catalyst of racial unrest in the nation. Americans are demanding that Trump and Congress pass police reform. Also many Americans are divided on race and class because of this.

Trump has called himself the "law and order" president. He demanded governors to stop protesters from vandalizing, looting, attacking cops and counter-protesters. He also is going to issue an executive order to make it a mandatory 10-years for destroying a historical statue.

Trump is facing a pandemic, economic crisis, civil unrest and political chaos.

Here's the U.S. map of the coronavirus spread courtesy of the John Hopkins University.

Things that make you go hmmm....!

1. Donald J. Trump and Melania Trump have tested positive for the coronavirus. It was the biggest shock in American history. The 45th President of the United States has been flown to Walter Reed Hospital out of an abundance of precaution. He caught the coronavirus after White House Communication Director Hope Hicks confirmed she was tested.

2. Donald J. Trump becomes the third U.S. President to be impeached while in office. He escapes being removed from office by the U.S. Senate. The Senate rejects witnesses and evidence. They quickly acquitted Trump. The trial offered extensive evidence. Republicans weren't convinced by the evidence and voted to acquit him. This acquittal assures Trump will ask for help from foreign entities yet again. There are allegations that Trump either deliberately ignored the daily presidential briefing about the Russian government handing out money to the Taliban in exchange for the deaths of American soldiers. Trump is still trying to get the federation president Vladimir Putin into the G7 Summit. Putin has gain a victory this week when voters approved extending his term limits past the usual six years. He could be president for life. Trump has denied knowing Russia placing bounties on American troops and called it fake news. Republicans are trying to get entertainer Kanye West on the ballot in states that Biden needs to win. The entertainer admits he's trying to be a spoiler. Trump has called Black Lives Matter a "marxist group and terrorists." He has ordered federal agents to Portland, Chicago, Kansas City and Washington, DC. He also has threatened social media giants Facebook, Twitter and TikTok. Trump has demanded that TikTok be sold to an American technology company. Facebook has pulled over 1,000 accounts based out of Romania, Thailand and Russia. "Blacks for Trump" pages and the Russian-propaganda site Epoch Times pushed misinformation and phishing accounts.

3. Joe Biden tested negative for the coronavirus. 

4. The U.S. has nearly 8.4 million confirmed cases of the coronavirus. There are over 240,000 Americans who died from the coronavirus. The disease has spread across the states and many individuals are dying from it. Trump is telling the junk food media that the "virus will go away." Trump continues to blame Barack Obama for his failure to get the ball rolling on prevention. Trump deregulations have finally taken a toll. Trump tried to dismantle the Coronavirus Task Force last month. 

5. Brick and mortar stores are shuttering in suburbia. Gap, Stein Mart, Pier One, Chuck E Cheese, Lord & Taylor, Men's Warehouse, J. Crew and Neiman Marcus have filed for bankruptcy. Papyrus, Modell's Sporting Goods and Art Van Furniture are going out of business and plan on liquidating their businesses. JCPenney, Macy's, Forever 21, Hallmark, Jo Ann Fabrics, Kmart and Sears are on death kneel. Walgreens, Walmart, Kroger are closing stores. Walmart and Kroger are no longer operating stores on a 24-hour format. The Waffle House, a longtime restaurant establishment that never closes has over 549 locations in the country still closed due to the coronavirus. The coronavirus has changed the dynamic of operations in superstores. They are closing stores at 8:30pm, midnight and 1am to eliminate workers. Dunkin (Donuts) are closing over 800 stores in the United States. Tim Hortons is closing 400 stores in the United States. Steak 'N Shake are closing over 125 stores in the United States. McDonald's is closing 300 stores in the United States. Walgreens is closing over 200 stores.

6. No one is seeing the results of the Job and Tax Cuts Act and the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act. The Trump Tax Cuts and CARES Act hasn't really improved Americans lives. Congress is still trying to pass more legislation that helps those in the luxury and hospitality industry. Casinos, luxury cruise lines, airlines, hotels and sporting events were the most affected by the coronavirus. Now Trump is rolling out a tax holiday which is expect to take place in mid-September. For those who are willing to take it, they will get a small increase in their paychecks. However, when next year comes around, they'll end up paying for it in a wage deduction that could take over 15% of their paycheck.
The Trumps must self-quarantine.

7. Folks affected by COVID-19 are not working. Those who have worked a full-time job or multiple jobs are now forced off because of state order shutdowns. Some have worked one or more jobs to stay afloat. 
Conservatives have claimed that Americans who use the safety net are lazy. They now see the impact of Americans being laid off from their jobs (at no fault of their own). They still are trying to make the argument that folks who are now getting these checks are going to demand more. A measly $1,200 isn't going to help Americans spend. It's going to help them one time with bills and rent. They don't realize that many Americans are working more than 40 hours and are often staying longer hours or working a second job to pay rent, mortgage or vehicle expenses. Insurance rates are up due to Trump rolling back regulations, eliminating the insurance mandate of the Affordable Care Act, and private insurance companies aren't paying for natural disasters and human based disasters. 

8. Trump and his administration are doing subliminal cuts to food stamps, housing credits and disaster relief. The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Trump administration in their attempts to cut the safety net from immigrants who have American born children and working class families who are struggling to find food in area affected by food deserts, blight and natural disasters.

9. Trump has called for sanctions on China. He accused China and the World Health Organization of lying to the world about the impact of the coronavirus. China has warned the U.S. that they will walk away from the trade deal and ban American imports. China is siding with Iran. The Islamic Republic of Iran hasn't forgotten the airstrike that killed General Qasem Soleimani. They are petitioning the United Nations to launch a criminal indictment against Trump, Mike Pence, Mike Pompeo and Mark Esper. There is tension between North Korea and South Korea. The North has cut formal negotiations with the South and Trump. The secretive country has been grooming Kim Jong-un's sister Kim Yo-jong to lead if he does step down.

10. Due to the rise in COVID-19 cases, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, the European Union and Japan have temporarily banned Americans from entry. 

11. Americans are struggling with paying rent on their homes. The CARES Act expired in July and many Americans are now suffering from the failure of Congress. The House of Representatives have passed their version of the CARES Act. The Republicans in the Senate have continued to stall legislation because of their stupid principles. Many Republicans continues to believe that Americans getting federal assistance are "lazy" and not willing to work. That ignorance should be an anchor on Republicans who are struggling to win their reelection bids.

12. Amy Coney Barrett is selected as the nominee for the Supreme Court. The Republicans are going against the wishes of the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg. The justice died in late September and it sets up a showdown. The hypocrisy of Republicans is on full display. They denied Barack Obama his third pick and are willing to push forth an inexperienced jurist to the Supreme Court.

13. As of October 2020, the U.S. territory of American Samoa has little to no confirmed cases of the coronavirus.

Here's the outliner of the unemployment by state, territory and the District of Columbia.
(50 states)
federal district
or territory
Unemployment rate
(seasonally adjusted)
Monthly change (%)
(Positive decrease=drop in unemployment)
2525 Alabama12.9%Negative increase 9.4
2525 Alaska12.9%Negative increase 7.3
34 American Samoa11.4%[5]
2929 Arizona12.6%Negative increase 7.1
4240 Arkansas10.2%Negative increase 5.4
1010 California15.5%Negative increase 10.2
3534 Colorado11.3%Negative increase 6.8
5350 Connecticut7.9%Negative increase 4.2
2121 Delaware14.3%Negative increase 9.2
39 District of Columbia11.1%Negative increase 5.1
2525 Florida12.9%Negative increase 8.6
3232 Georgia11.9%Negative increase 7.7
55 Guam[9][10]3.6%Positive decrease 1.0
33 Hawaii22.3%Negative increase 19.7
3333 Idaho11.5%Negative increase 8.9
77 Illinois16.4%Negative increase 11.8
55 Indiana16.9%Negative increase 13.7
4240 Iowa10.2%Negative increase 6.5
3837 Kansas11.2%Negative increase 8.1
1111 Kentucky15.4%Negative increase 9.6
1919 Louisiana14.5%Negative increase 7.6
4038 Maine10.6%Negative increase 7.4
4543 Maryland9.9%Negative increase 6.6
1616 Massachusetts15.1%Negative increase 12.2
22 Michigan22.7%Negative increase 18.6
5249 Minnesota8.1%Negative increase 5
1111 Mississippi15.4%Negative increase 10.1
4644 Missouri9.7%Negative increase 5.2
3534 Montana11.3%Negative increase 7.8
5148 Nebraska8.3%Negative increase 4.1
11 Nevada28.2%Negative increase 21.9
88 New Hampshire16.3%Negative increase 13.7
1414 New Jersey15.3%Negative increase 11.5
3534 New Mexico11.3%Negative increase 5.4
1919 New York14.5%Negative increase 10
3030 North Carolina12.2%Negative increase 7.8
5047 North Dakota8.5%Negative increase 6.3
 Northern Mariana Islands[6]:60, 66, 103, 10911.2%
66 Ohio16.8%Negative increase 11.3
2424 Oklahoma13.7%Negative increase 10.6
2222 Oregon14.2%Negative increase 10.9
1616 Pennsylvania15.1%Negative increase 9.1
49 Puerto Rico[7]8.8%Positive decrease 0.1
44 Rhode Island17%Negative increase 12.4
3131 South Carolina12.1%Negative increase 9.5
4240 South Dakota10.2%Negative increase 6.9
1818 Tennessee14.7%Negative increase 11.2
2828 Texas12.8%Negative increase 8.1
4644 Utah9.7%Negative increase 6.1
99 Vermont15.6%Negative increase 12.4
54 Virgin Islands[8]5.2%Positive decrease 0.1
4038 Virginia10.6%Negative increase 7.3
1111 Washington15.4%Negative increase 10.3
1515 West Virginia15.2%Negative increase 9.1
2323 Wisconsin14.1%Negative increase 10.7
4846 Wyoming9.2%Negative increase 5.5
Nonetheless, Republicans will conclude that Trump's economy is great. We keep hearing the same old tired talking points about tax cuts, raising taxes on the rich and fixing roads and bridges. The same old shit but from a different face.

Now many facilities are dealing with the fallout of the coronavirus. They are setting up face guards, they reducing facility capacities, cutting hours and making mandatory distancing at businesses.

No one can wait forever for changes. Congress is made up of old, white and well off politicians.

Food prices, energy prices, rent, city services and college education have risen. With folks not working, the fears of being thrown on the street are live and direct. Folks are struggling to make ends meet as well as landlords, mortgage brokers and those who need the money to repair facilities.

Unemployment rates by the numbers. Note: American Samoa has data from 2018. Northern Mariana Islands is by far the highest in the nation due to the fact their unemployment was up since 2016.

Real Reasons To Why Unemployment Rate Stays The Way It Is!























Trump and the Republicans are desperate. They will throw everything against the wall to stop Joe Biden and Kamala Harris from winning the election. As Congress returns back from their summer recess, they will try to restart talks on how to pass the CARES Act. The Republicans in the Senate will not work with the Democrats in the House to pass an extension of the stimulus.

Trump and Republicans believe that trickle down economics (i.e. free market capitalism) is helping Americans. Really, it's making people work harder and folks are not seeing the benefits of it. So far private equity firms are buying corporations and piling on debt. These companies can't sustain the debt and are forced to declare bankruptcy and eventually liquidation. Many of our nation's largest companies and start-ups have equity firms investing in them. When the firms want their money, they're going to get their money.

Trump is destroying the economy, causing uncertainty in world and is bring chaos wherever he lands.

And now it's affecting his health and his family.

No matter what Trump does, it's going to be a disaster.


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