Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Cop Walk In The Breonna Taylor Murder!

No Justice for Breonna Taylor.




Louisville, Kentucky prepares for unrest tonight. A Kentucky grand jury indicted former Louisville Metro Police detective Brett Hankison for wanton endangerment in connection with the Breonna Taylor killing back in March.

Black Republican attorney general, Daniel Cameron coon walked through a police shooting saying that they were justified in their shooting of Breonna Taylor and arrest of her boyfriend, Kenneth Walker.

Cameron sold out his race out for the police unions and white nationalists.

Cameron called the Taylor's death "a gut-wrenching emotional case" where "the pain is understandable." He defended the length of the investigation, saying the time reflected "how important it was to get this right."

"I know that not everyone will be satisfied," he said of the grand jury decision. "Our job is to present the facts to the grand jury, and the grand jury then applies the facts ... If we simply act on outrage, there is no justice. Mob justice is not justice. Justice sought by violence is not justice. It just becomes revenge."

Hankison faces a Class D felony which carries a five year bid in the iron college. Hankison fired into neighboring apartments.

Hankison, Sgt. Jonathan Mattingly and Det. Myles Cosgrove were not criminally charge with manslaughter or murder.
No charges for the cops who shot Breonna Taylor.
Breonna Taylor, a 26-year-old African-American woman, was fatally shot by Louisville Metro Police Department (LMPD) officers Jonathan Mattingly, Brett Hankison, and Myles Cosgrove on March 13, 2020. Three plainclothes LMPD officers (wearing vests reading "POLICE") entered her apartment in Louisville, Kentucky, executing a no-knock search warrant. According to the New York Times, "While the department had gotten court approval for a 'no-knock' entry, the orders were changed before the raid to 'knock and announce,' meaning that the police had to identify themselves."

According to the police account and a witness at the scene, the officers knocked and announced their identity before forcing entry, but the police and the witness differ as to how they announced themselves. Taylor's boyfriend, Kenneth Walker, and 11 other witnesses deny that the officers announced themselves at all.

Walker and the officers exchanged gunfire. Walker has said that he believed the officers were intruders. The officers fired over 20 shots. Taylor was shot five times, according to her death certificate, and LMPD Sergeant Jonathan Mattingly was injured by gunfire.Another officer and an LMPD lieutenant were on the scene when the warrant was executed.

The primary targets of the LMPD investigation were Jamarcus Glover and Adrian Walker, who were suspected of selling controlled substances from a drug house more than 10 miles away.

According to a Taylor family attorney, Glover had dated Taylor two years before and continued to have a "passive friendship".

The search warrant included Taylor's residence because it was suspected that Glover received packages containing drugs at Taylor's apartment and because a car registered to Taylor had been seen parked on several occasions in front of Glover's house.

Specifically, the warrant alleges that in January 2020, Glover left Taylor's apartment with an unknown package, presumed to be drugs, and subsequently went to a known drug apartment with this package soon afterward. This warrant states that this event was verified "through a US Postal Inspector". In May 2020, the U.S. postal inspector in Louisville publicly announced that the collaboration with law enforcement had never actually occurred. The postal office stated they were actually asked to monitor packages going to Taylor's apartment from a different agency, but after doing so, they concluded, "There's [sic] no packages of interest going there". The public revelation put the investigation and especially the warrant into question and resulted in an internal investigation.

No drugs were found in Taylor's apartment after the warrant was executed.

Kenneth Walker, who was licensed to carry a firearm and under the assumption someone was breaking into his apartment, fired first, injuring a law enforcement officer, whereupon police returned fire into the apartment with more than 20 rounds. A wrongful death lawsuit filed against the police by the Taylor family's attorney alleges that the officers, who entered Taylor's home "without knocking and without announcing themselves as police officers", opened fire "with a total disregard for the value of human life", but the police account claims the officers did knock and announce themselves before forcing entry.

A New York Times investigation concluded that a neighbor heard the officers shout "Police!" once (contrary to what law enforcement told investigators) and knocked three times, while 11 other neighbors heard no announcement. Every witness account conflicts with law enforcement's.
Daniel Cameron coons for white nationalism.
A neighbor involved in the New York Times investigation filed a lawsuit against the officers involved in the raid. The lawsuit claims, among other things, that a man was nearly shot, that law enforcement "spray[ed] gunfire into Chelsey Napper's apartment with a total disregard for the value of human life" and "A bullet that was shot from the defendant police officers' gun flew inches past Cody Etherton's head while he was in the hallway of Chelsey Napper's apartment". The man is unidentified; Napper is understood to be a pregnant woman and Etherton is understood to be a child.

On September 23, 2020, a state grand jury indicted Brett Hankison on three counts of wanton endangerment, for his actions that led to the near-death situation in Napper's apartment. The two other officers involved in the raid were not indicted, and while Hankison was indicted for his actions during the Breonna Taylor raid, he was not indicted for Taylors death specifically.

On June 23, 2020, Officer Brett Hankison was fired for his actions during the raid. In his termination letter, his chief says Hankison's conduct "displayed an extreme indifference to the value of human life" and is a "shock to the conscience" as he "wantonly and blindly fired ten (10) rounds". The chief blamed him for the gunshots that led to the Napper lawsuit.

On September 15, 2020, the City of Louisville agreed to pay Taylor's family $12 million and reform police practices as part of a settlement.

The American Civil Liberties Union of Kentucky in a tweet called the decision to not charge the officers in her death "the latest miscarriage of justice in our nation's long history of denying that Black lives matter."

"Once again, a prosecutor has refused to hold law enforcement accountable for killing a young Black woman. Breonna Taylor should still be alive today."

The NAACP said in a statement that the justice system "failed" Taylor and the charges against one officer do "not go far enough."
Ben Crump embraces Breonna's mother.
Demonstrators at a makeshift memorial to Taylor in downtown Louisville called for Cameron to step down after the charges were announced in court and the former's detective's bond was set at $15,000.

Some demonstrators marched in the downtown area.

"I understand that Miss Breanna Taylor's death has become a part of a national story in conversation," Cameron said. "We must also remember the facts and the collection of evidence in this case are different than cases elsewhere in the country. Each is unique and cannot be compared."

The charges come more than six months after Taylor, a 26-year-old Black EMT and aspiring nurse, was shot to death by Louisville police officers in her home. The officers broke down the door to her apartment while executing a late-night warrant in a narcotics investigation on March 13.

Louisville has prepared for the possibility of unrest from the decision. For months, protesters have criticized the length of the investigation and demanded the arrests of all officers involved.

Anticipating new protests, Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer and Louisville Interim Police Chief Robert Schroeder Wednesday afternoon announced a 72-hour countywide curfew starting 9 p.m. Government buildings will be closed.

The Kentucky National Guard has been activated, Schroeder said.

"I urge everyone to commit once again to a peaceful, lawful response, like we've seen here for the majority of the past several months," Fisher said.

The city and the police department had already declared states of emergency and set up barricades restricting vehicle access to downtown areas. Stores and restaurants have boarded up their windows, and some federal buildings closed for the week. Protesters started gathering Wednesday morning, hours before the expected announcement.

Taylor's death set off outrage across the country, chants of "say her name," calls to arrest the officers, and a renewed focus on the Black women killed by police. Her story gained wider attention during nationwide demonstrations that followed the late May killing of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police.

Cameron, the first Black person to hold the post and a Republican rising star, was made a special prosecutor in the case in May, and the FBI opened an investigation as well.

A day after the grand jury convened, Sgt. Mattingly sent a mass email to the department early Tuesday defending his actions and slamming the city's leadership.

In June, Hankison was fired for "wantonly and blindly" firing into Taylor's apartment, Louisville's police chief said. Six officers involved in the incident are under internal investigation, LMPD said on Tuesday.

There's no justice in America.
The city of Louisville announced on Sept. 15 a historic $12 million settlement of the family's wrongful death lawsuit. The city also agreed to enact police reforms which include using social workers to provide support on certain police runs and requiring commanders to review and approve search warrants before seeking judicial approval.

When will it end?

Gun violence never takes a break.

Even in a moment of socially distanced unity, there's violence in the country. A need to do something about gun violence should have happened but it never does. With the utter hypocrisy of Republicans and far-right agitators, the cycle of gun violence will continue on.

They'll offer phony sympathy when it comes to the victims of gun violence. They'll spend time after time telling Americans that "now it isn't the time to talk" and usually throw the "my heart goes out to" and the "thoughts and prayers" nonsense. The National Rifle Association is disgrace. They don't care about gun safety or gun reform. All they care about it keeping more of these weapons of mass destruction on the streets of America.

Everyday at least 103 people die from gun violence. I can't even tell you how many stories I've missed involving gun violence in the country.





We have unrest in the nation. African Americans, Latinos and Native Americans had enough of the status quo in politics, religion, entertainment and law. The need to change started on May 25, 2020 when a cop placed his knee on the neck of an American citizen. He screamed, "I can't breathe...." and cried for his "mama."

Moments of silence, street memorials, naming of public places, saying "Your heart goes out to...," lowering of flags and hashtags are platitudes. They are a huge waste of time. It's a man-made crisis created by a lazy ass government. They are enabling this. Donald J. Trump, Congress and the National Rifle Association are a bunch of lily-livered cowards. They are numb to gun violence.

I repeat myself over and over again! I use the same old copy and paste. I hear the same trolls saying that there's nothing we can do. I keep hearing "concern" trolls telling us that it's their own fault for their own deaths. I hear the same old talking points about "good guys with guns" and "god's given rights."

Trump and lawmakers elected to federal office made politics extremely toxic. It's not just the fault of our dear leader and lawmakers, but relentless agitators on the 24/7 cable news channels. They are profiting off division and divisiveness. The internet is also a problem. It's is a breeding ground for potential mass shooters. Facebook, Twitter, Google and other social media outlets have been "ground zero" for disinformation, partisan threats and social activism. Incels and social outcasts find their outlets on sites that inspire them to cause harm to their fellow human beings.

It never happens in your community ... Until it does! Every community in the United States will eventually have a legacy. A legacy of tragedy. Gun violence will affect your town, your family and your life.

What can get a Black person killed by the police?

A cop mistakenly enters a home thinking its theirs.
A cop issuing a no-knock warrant on a place that doesn't have a suspect living there.
A cop hearing a motorist telling him he's legally armed and is trying to get his license.
A cop believing you passed off a phony dollar bill.
A cop seeing your child playing with a toy gun and mistakens it as a real firearm.
A cop seeing a man turn his back on him when you tell them you're not complying to an unwanted detainment.
All of these above.

So I don't want to hear that bullshit about how "guns save lives." They don't. The only thing that survives a gun shooting is the gun.

African Americans are going to send a message to the police.... Our message is pure and simple!


Everytime a person of color is shot and killed by the police, the far-right wants to look up the criminal history of the suspect.









Facts Are Stupid! [NSFW]

Waffle House customer gets restrained after he pummeled workers.





Again why would you want to risk your job, your reputation, your freedom or your life for a few seconds of viral fame?

Why is it that you want to film incidents instead of trying to deescalate them?

Do you know that filming people without their consent can lead to lawsuits or criminal charges against you as well?

Well, what you gonna do about it? Sue me!

Viral video of a brawl inside a Tennessee Waffle House. It also sparks more discussion about the safety of workers in the COVID-19 pandemic. Three customers went behind the counter to serve a hot plate to the workers over a cellphone. The three were allegedly doing a dine-and-dash.

Waffle House and the Clarksville Police are investigating an incident that happened between workers and customers at the restaurant.

Fox News reports that seven individuals were involved in a brawl where knuckle style chili was served instead of waffles, hashbrown, two sausage links and scrambled eggs.

One of the people repeatedly served a worker at hot plate.

"We're currently investigating to gather all the facts and details ... and to determine what actions need to be taken, if any," said Njeri Boss, Waffle House's director of public relations.
Waffle House is struggling with the COVID-19 pandemic.
Video of the incident was first shared to Twitter on Saturday, where it has since amassed over 4.3 million views. In it, three customers -- - two females and one male -- can be seen arguing with staff at the register, asking them to give the male back his phone, which was allegedly being held behind the counter.

"Can I please get my goddamn phone?" the male customer said.

One of the female customers can also be heard saying something about trying to pay, at which point a male employee appears to indicate there was a discrepancy in the group's tickets.

The male customer then walks around the counter and into the kitchen area, where employees tried to restrain him. The two women would soon follow and join the incident. At one point, one woman's breast were exposed. The video soon ends with one of the workers who was attacked placing the male customer in a chokehold.

So Waffle House will probably fire everyone who was involved in the incident out the cannon.

The customers will likely be permanently banned from every eating at the facility.

The police will probably charge them with trespassing, criminal damaging and battery. Misdemeanors and petty charges. They could face up to a year in the iron college.

The suspects are innocent until proven guilty.

Collin Peterson Feuds With Ilhan Omar!

This ass is trying to save his seat. Rep. Colin Peterson (D-MN) decides to scare voters by villainizing Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) in his attempt to defeat former Lt. Gov. Michele Fischbach.
The intraparty fights between the Democrats continue.

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) are members of the Squad. Those two women of color along with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) are the progressive version of the Freedom Caucus. They are the most vocal members of Congress who have little accomplishments but a loud voice.

Omar, Tlaib and Ocasio-Cortez refused to endorse Joe Biden for president. They endorsed Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) for president and caused a rift within the Democratic Party's progressive and moderate

They fell for a lot of the Russian-backed propaganda that could be masquerading as leftist talking points.

It's gotten to a point where I am ignoring them. They're screaming about Medicare for All, taxing billionaires and a progressive wish list when most of Americans are concerned about unemployment, race relations and the coronavirus. Now with Donald J. Trump and Republicans banking on filling a Supreme Court vacancy they refused to give to Barack Obama, the leftists are going to sabotage the only chance of keeping what's left of the agenda.

And it's getting worse when there's feuding within our party.
Plain jane is a serious contender. Former Lt. Gov Michele Fischbach is gaining momentum against far-right Democrat Collin Peterson.
Rep. Collin Peterson (D-MN) is an American politician who serves Minnesota's 7th Congressional District. It is considered a Trump-leaning district. Peterson was one of two Democrats who sided with the Republicans in not impeaching Trump. The other Democrat, Rep. Jeff Van Drew left the party and is a Republican.

Peterson is a conservative Democrat and is considered a problem within the party. He is a member of the Blue Dog Democrats, a centrist group of House Democrats who reside in Republican-leaning districts. He is considered a worthless member or Democrat in Name Only.

Peterson is the chairman of the House Agriculture Committee - a huge draw for his constituents in a districts where farmers depend on sugar beets, wild rice, potatoes, corn and soybeans.

He has been against most of the progressive agenda and hasn't backed Biden either. He is pretty much going to switch parties if Trump wins reelection and Peterson succeeds in winning his reelection.

Peterson is running on the far-right platforms of being endorsed by police unions, having a NRA A+ rating and being anti-abortion. The 76-year old lawmaker represents Western Minnesota and is considered one of the 10 Democrats, the Republicans have targeted.
Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) is being used as a fear tactic for a far-right Democrat and a Trump-backed white nationalist.
He did not support the Affordable Care Act but refuses to follow Republicans with the "repeal and replace" bullshit.

Peterson also wants to say he got the backing of the AFL-CIO, the Minnesota Farm Bureau and progressive groups that back moderates.

He is facing off against Michele Fischbach who a Trump-backed white nationalist. Fischbach was the former Lt. Gov. of Minnesota who was then a state senator and former president of the Minnesota senate. She took the spot shortly after Tina Smith left the position to be appointed as the Democratic U.S. Senator.

I have the race the 7th District as a TOSS-UP and I seriously believe his latest attempts at winning are going to backfire. Especially going against a member of his own party who is a woman of color and a Muslim.

Collin Peterson released an ad that targeted Fischbach and used Omar as a scapegoat. It was a sexist and racist ad. It reeks of desperation and its the same white nationalist strategy Republicans use.

The Republicans are resorting to "fear tactics" and the "Pelosi San Francisco Liberal" strategy.

The National Republican Congressional Committee are running these ads. In my opinion, the "Rolex Peterson" ad gives the perception that farmers are stupid and Democrats like Peterson are rich elitists who mock their hard work of agriculture. They act like farmers are stupid hicks who support Trump.

They can't even run on policies. They know that Trump's trade war with China and the European Union hurt agriculture and the coronavirus killed over 240,000 Americans. So instead of running on issues that matter, these two morons are weaponizing women.
Republicans and some Democrats use fear tactics to win. They always scapegoat Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) as their usual boogeywoman.
They're using these bullshit tactics against one who is a Muslim woman of color and one who became a first American woman to be House Speaker.

There was a video that circulated online.

Someone confronted Peterson about Omar being anti-Semitic. The agitator was trying to parse Omar's remarks about 9/11 as anti-Semitic. The agitator questioning Peterson himself was Islamophobic.

Peterson while walking towards the House office buildings said that Omar "doesn't belong" in the Democratic Party.

First things first!

The voters of the 5th Congressional District thought she belonged in the party as well as the House of Representatives.

Who the fuck does he think he is?

He's a 70-something year old fart bag who has nothing but 20th Century policies.

Last time I don't pledge allegiance to Israel, Saudi Arabia or Russia.

Folks have right to question why we were attacked on September 11, 2001. The extremist group al-Qaeda said that the U.S.-Israeli alliance and the brutal treatment of Muslims worldwide were galvanisting reasons to the worst attack on American soil.

Criticizing Israel isn't anti-Semitic.

U.S. politicians have long weaponizing criticism of the apartheid actions of Israel and those supporting the Boycott, Divest and Sanctions Movement. Supporting BDS is not anti-Semitic.

It's a movement to pressure the United States to stop aiding the Israeli government's brutal abuse of those living in the Gaza Strip and West Bank. It demanding that Israel be held accountable for international crimes against humanity. It also wants removal of a separation wall from the West Bank, full equality for Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel, and the right to return land to those generational Palestinians. They want the Gaza Strip to be freed of restriction of medical and food aid. They want Israel to abandon its abuse of protesters. They want Israel to stop villainizing critics.

White identity politics has been a theme among Republicans and Democrats for years. Conservatives have long played upon the fear of a Black president throughout Barack Obama's term.

Now that we have two women of color who are Muslim elected to be representatives of our country, they are look upon as "foreign" and "not one of us."

I do get fucking tired of the antics of Omar, Tlaib and Ocasio-Cortez. They have no value other than being loud voices on the left. However, I don't tolerate white people using women of color as a weapon to scare voters. The "angry Black woman" is going to be the most "important" voter.

Y'all not getting it. Sen. Doug Jones (D-AL) and the rest of these damn moderates need to return to the formula won their elections. He needs to work on winning over Black women.

Peterson can go fuck himself.

I rather see his ass fucking lose. I mean I am so fucking tired of white nationalism in our country.

We don't need racists like Peterson in the Democratic Party.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Supergirl Hangs Up The Cape!

Supergirl comes to an end.
Melissa Benoist is expecting her first child in the coming months.

It was announced also that Supergirl, the DC Comics series on The CW is coming to an end in late 2021. I was starting to wonder why they pushed back Supergirl to late Spring. It's usually a sign of burnoff.

The CW and producers of Warner Bros TV and Berlanti Productions announced the series will coming to an end by August 2021. It will be the second series in the DC Arrowverse coming to an end.

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Production on all 2020-21 broadcast was delayed by the coronavirus pandemic.

Also they were going to accommodate Benoist's pregnancy.

With ratings sliding down thanks to Batwoman, the show's producers, the studio, the network and Benoist and the cast agreed they'll host a longer final season.
The Supergirl cast will wrap up their final season in 2021.
Deadline said that Supergirl debuted in 2015 on CBS before joining The CW in 2016. It was starring Benoist, Chyler Leigh, Katie McGrath, Jesse Rath, Nicole Maines, Azie Tesfai, Andrea Brooks, Julie Gonzalo, Staz Nair, David Harewood and Jon Cryer.

David Harewood, plays the Martian Manhunter and formerly Hank Henshaw.

Mechad Brooks, left the show in the fifth season. He was James Olsen and The Guardian.

Nicole Maines, who plays The Dreamer, the first superheroine who is transgender.

Chyler Leigh, who came from Grey's Anatomy fame also came out as a bisexual woman in 2019.

Jon Cryer plays archvillain Lex Luthor and will likely make an appearance in Superman and Lois which is slated to premiere in Winter 2021.

Supergirl wasn't conceived as part of the Arrowverse, but that changed toward the end of season 1 when The Flash's Grant Gustin crossed over for one episode, which established that both shows took place on separate Earths within a multiverse. Of course, that connection to the Arrowverse deepened when Supergirl changed networks and became part of the annual Arrowverse crossovers. The most recent crossover, "Crisis on Infinite Earths," ended with all the Arrowverse shows — Supergirl, The Flash, DC's Legends of Tomorrow, Black Lightning, and Batwoman — being merged onto one Earth.

With this news, Supergirl will become the second Arrowverse series to end. Arrow, the show that started it all in 2012, concluded its eight-season run in January. However, this doesn't mean the CW is saying goodbye to the House of El completely, because Superman & Lois, starring Tyler Hoechlin and Elizabeth Tulloch as the titular couple, is joining the network's lineup this winter.

Batwoman is on the bubble as well. When Ruby Rose abruptly quit the series midway through its first season, the show had to recast Javicia Leslie to take the mantle. With COVID-19 affecting television and movie productions, it's going to be very difficult for scripted shows to film.

NASCAR Meets Air Jordan!

Michael Jordan and Danny Hamlin start their own NASCAR racing team.
Michael Jordan becomes a NASCAR owner.

The retired NBA legend has teamed up with Denny Hamlin to start up a racing team. Hamlin, a three-time Daytona 500 winner will form a NASCAR Cup Series team.

Guess who's gonna be their first driver!

Well, Bubba Wallace, the only African American racing star who recently left Richard Petty's NASCAR team. Petty, a huge Donald J. Trump supporter didn't come his defense after he told the press of a noose being hung in his garage.

Wallace recently left Petty Motorsports and is committed to signing with Jordan and Hamlin.

ESPN reports that their partnership was announced Monday night in coordinated social media posts by Jordan and Hamlin, with Wallace adding his own comment. The posts showed a picture of Jordan alongside a firesuit-clad Hamlin in a motor home at a racetrack.

"Historically, NASCAR has struggled with diversity, and there have been few Black owners," Jordan said in his statement. "The timing seemed perfect, as NASCAR is evolving and embracing social change more and more."

Jordan becomes the first Black principal owner of a full-time Cup team since Hall of Famer Wendell Scott drove his own race car in 495 races from 1961 to 1973. Scott's 1964 victory at the Jacksonville 200 is the only win by a Black driver in Cup history.

The NBA great, who earlier this year pledged $100 million over 10 years for initiatives combating systemic racism, said the move into NASCAR is another step toward racial equality.

"I see this as a chance to educate a new audience and open more opportunities for Black people in racing," Jordan said.

Jordan joins former NBA player Brad Daugherty, a partner at JTG Daugherty Racing, as the only Black owners at NASCAR's elite Cup level.

"Michael and Bubba can be a powerful voice together, not only in our sport but also well beyond it," Hamlin said.
Bubba Wallace is going to be a part of the Jordan/Hamlin racing club.
Hamlin, a three-time Daytona 500 winner and a top contender for this year's Cup title, will be part of a single-car Toyota entry aligned with Joe Gibbs Racing. Hamlin has raced his entire career for Gibbs, a Hall of Fame NFL coach.

"Eleven years ago, I met Michael Jordan at a then-Charlotte Bobcats game, and we became fast friends," Hamlin wrote. "Not long after, I joined Jordan Brand as their first NASCAR athlete. Our friendship has grown over the years, and now we are ready to take it to the next level.

"Deciding on the driver was easy -- it had to be Bubba Wallace."

Wallace is the only Black driver in the Cup Series, and this season he has used his platform to push for racial equality. The 27-year-old successfully urged NASCAR to ban the display of the Confederate flag at its events.

Wallace is winless in 105 Cup starts over four seasons, but he has six career victories in the Truck series. He has been hampered by midlevel equipment while driving the No. 43 for Hall of Famer Richard Petty, and until this summer, the team struggled to land sponsorship.

"Bubba has shown tremendous improvement since joining the Cup Series, and we believe he's ready to take his career to a higher level," Hamlin wrote. "He deserves the opportunity to compete for race wins, and our team will make sure he has the resources to do just that.

"Off the track, Bubba has been a loud voice for change in our sport and our country. MJ and I support him fully in those efforts and stand beside him."
A winning combination.
There has been speculation for months that Hamlin was organizing some sort of ownership group, as he expects NASCAR's business model to become more favorable for team owners when the "Next Gen" car is released in 2022. NASCAR rules prohibit a current driver from owning a team and driving for another, but Hamlin can work around that policy with Jordan as the principal owner.

"Starting a race team has been something that Michael and I have talked about while playing golf together over the years, but the timing or circumstances were never really right," Hamlin said. "It just makes sense now to lay the foundation for my racing career after I'm done driving and also help an up-and-coming driver like Bubba take his career to a higher level."

In a statement, NASCAR welcomed Jordan to the series.

"His presence at NASCAR's top level will further strengthen the competition, excitement and momentum growing around our sport," NASCAR said.

Jordan became a partial owner of the Bobcats in 2006 and bought the team outright in 2010, restoring the franchise to its original Hornets name. Hamlin has been a longtime season-ticket holder, with courtside seats along the visitors' bench.

Jordan dabbled in racing with Michael Jordan Motorsports. He owned an AMA Superbike team and had one win in 10 years. Jordan has twice traveled to the NASCAR season finale to watch Hamlin race for the championship. Hamlin, who is 39, is still seeking his first title.

"Growing up in North Carolina, my parents would take my brothers, sisters and me to races, and I've been a NASCAR fan my whole life," Jordan wrote. "The opportunity to own my own race team in partnership with my friend, Denny Hamlin, and to have Bubba Wallace driving for us is very exciting for me."

Wallace, who has cobbled together about $18 million in sponsorship deals since he made racial equality his platform, had already announced that he was parting with Petty.

"This is a unique, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that I believe is a great fit for me at this point in my career," Wallace wrote. "I am grateful and humbled that they believe in me, and I'm super pumped to begin this adventure with them."

Jordan and Hamlin purchased a charter for their team from Germain Racing that guarantees Wallace a spot in the 40-car field every week.

Mitt Romney Flips The Switch To Trump!

Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) joins Republicans in supporting Trump's Supreme Court nominee.
Donald J. Trump will nominate a woman.

Republicans can lose up to three votes and still be able to confirm a Trump nominee with Mike Pence as the tiebreaker.

The former 2012 Republican nominee has proven how much of a flip-flopper he is. The one time governor from Massachusetts who lived in California at one time decided to move to Utah to run for the Senate after Orin Hatch retired. I guess Hatch got on the phone and talked to "The Flipper."

Or was it Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY), the most unpopular lawmaker in Washington. The Majority Leader of the U.S. Senate denied Barack Obama's third pick of Merrick Garland. He claimed that the "people should decide" when it comes to the Supreme Court and the president of the next term should nominate that person. He spent nine months denying Obama his pick because it would have swayed the Court. Now we're in an election year and Ruth Bader Ginsburg died. Trump and McConnell abandon their stance. Now they're more concerned about the Supreme Court.

They have no concern for the coronavirus pandemic which killed over 240,000 Americans. This pandemic has affected over 8 million Americans and there's no sign of it dying down. With the seasonal flu approaching, it could become a deadlier pandemic. Wearing face mask and social distancing is now a political weapon. Folks are chasticizing one another over facial mask wearing.

They have no concern about the economic uncertainty thanks to Trump's fucked up trade wars with Canada, the European Union, China and Mexico.

They have no concern for the civil unrest thanks to gun violence and police killings of Black people.

They have no concern for the climate. We have deadlier wildfires, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, earthquakes and heat.
The flipper dances.
They have no concern for the economy. Folks are losing their jobs and the CARES Act is not being extended. Americans are struggling to feed their families because of the costs of goods going up thanks to the coronavirus. People are working in environments where the coronavirus could spread and infect workers. Folks are starting to get numb to this.

We can thank the Republican Party and their radical base of white nationalists for this.

Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT), Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN), Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Sen. Cory Gardner (R-CO) said they'll back Trump's Supreme Court nominee.

Romney issued a press release.

"My decision regarding a Supreme Court nomination is not the result of a subjective test of 'fairness' which, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder," Romney, R-Utah, said in a statement. "It is based on the immutable fairness of following the law, which in this case is the Constitution and precedent. The historical precedent of election year nominations is that the Senate generally does not confirm an opposing party’s nominee but does confirm a nominee of its own."

Folks were expecting Romney to oppose this decision. Turns out that the shameless flipper is fully on board with replacing Ginsburg.

"We may have a court that has a more conservative bent," than it has had in recent decades, Romney said after his announcement. "But my liberal friends have over many decades gotten used to the idea of having a liberal court. And that's not written in the stars."

He added: "It's also appropriate for a nation that's if you will center-right to have a court which reflects center-right points of view. Which again are not changing the law from what it states but instead following the law and following the Constitution."

Romney also said that the timing of a vote on a Trump nominee would not influence his decision-making, indicating that if the confirmation vote is delayed until after the presidential election, and Romney judges that the Trump Supreme Court nominee is qualified for the bench, that he would support nominee even if the Republican Senate and Trump are lame ducks.

The shameless party of Trump continues to prove that hypocrisy, divisiveness, power, racism and greed are the only ways to win elections and political arguments.

Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC), Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) and Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) might as well join them as well.

They're so quick to ram through a Supreme Court nominee before the election.

There's a reason for it. This may be their Waterloo .... being the party in power with an unpopular president is toxic. Republicans are fending off a lot of seats. Some are competitive states.

With both sides polarized by this, I am expecting that Democrats and Republicans will turnout in droves to vote. But who knows?

Joe Biden and Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) are raking in donations but they're not getting the attention because of Trump sucking the air out of the room. Trump still continues these rallies despite the danger of spreading the coronavirus.

We want to be enthusiastic about our chances but not squander our chances based on purity tests.


Did The U.S. Force Hysterectomies On Immigrant Women?

Allegations of the U.S. performing unwanted hysterectomies on immigrant women.
We have a coronavirus pandemic in the United States. It has killed over 240,000 Americans. It has also infected over 8 millions. There economic uncertainty in the country. Companies are going out of business, shaving hours and cutting labor. There are wildfires, hurricanes, earthquakes, deadlier tornadoes, floods and the coronavirus. It's impacting the climate. We have a civil unrest in the United States due to gun violence. Police are shooting unarmed people of color. Trump and his allies are running on white nationalism has sparked racial divides. It has led to unrest in cities across the United States. Even with the pandemic, Americans are protesting. Now with the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Republicans have decided to ignore the CARES Act extension and the folks struggling to survive the COVID-19 pandemic to jam through a Supreme Court justice. We're only less than 50 days away from the U.S. Election. Trump, Republicans, anti-Biden leftists and Russia are determined to sow discourse and distractions in this election. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are not the president and vice president, but in the minds of these distractions, they're responsible for most of the problems in the country.

The United Nations have long complained about the actions of the United States, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Brazil. These countries have gotten away with so many unethical things and never face criminal charges for these actions.

We may have committed violation against human rights! It's a damn shame that the United States abstains itself from the United Nations Tribunal Courts. Because if this is true, the world is going to look at the U.S. even more negatively.

I will say that the U.S. has a horrible reputation of divisiveness.

A woman of color blew the whistle on the Department of Homeland Security and their horrible treatment of undocumented women in their custody.

Members of Congress and the DHS inspector general are pressing acting Secretary Chad Wolf and top officials in the Donald J. Trump administration for inquires to the allegations that detainees underwent unnecessary gynecological surgeries -- including full hysterectomies --- without their consent.
Protesters at the Irwin Detention Center demanding accountability.
Immigration attorneys said they were interviewing women this week to determine how widespread the problem might be with some clients describing experiences where parts of their Fallopian tube and their ovaries were removed while custody of Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

A woman from Cuba became one of the victims of this Georgia doctor who literally performed medical practices on women who barely spoke English and didn't know what they were being treated for.

This alleged butcher is named Dr. Mahendra Amin. He is a gynecologist who is allegedly performing unwanted hysterectomies and other procedures on women in detainment centers. He actions harmed women bodies and jeopardize their ability to have children.

It's a sleazy attempt by Trump and Republicans to keep immigrant women from giving birth to children while in the United States. If a child is born in the United States, they are considered American citizens by birth. Trump's white nationalist platform is calling for the end of birthright citizenship.

So the Associated Press did a review of four women and interviewed their lawyers. They detail Amin performed surgeries and other procedures on detained immigrants that they never sought or didn't fully understand. Although some procedures could be justified based on problems documented in the records, the women's lack of consent and knowledge raised severe legal and ethical issues, lawyers and medical experts said.

One woman from Cuba said she was a victim.

Mileidy Cardentey Fernandez, 39 is a Cuban who shared her scars on her abdomen. There were three small, circular marks. She was told that she would undergo an operation to treat her ovarian cysts, but a month later, she's still not sure on what procedure she got. After she requested for her medical records, it was the Irvin County Detention Center that gave her more than 100 pages showing a diagnosis of cysts but nothing from the day of her surgery.

"The only thing they told me was: 'You're going to go to sleep and when you wake up, we will have finished,'" Cardentey said this week in a phone interview.

Amin had performed surgeries or other gynecological treatment on at least eight women who were detained at the Irwin County Detention Center since 2017, including one hysterectomy.

Andrew Free, an immigration attorney said that he wants an open investigation into the facility and obtain medical records from Amin.

"The indication is there's a systematic lack of truly informed and legally valid consent to perform procedures that could ultimately result -- intentionally or unintentionally -- in sterilization," Free said.

The AP's review did not find evidence of mass hysterectomies as alleged in a widely shared complaint filed by a nurse at the detention center. Dawn Wooten blew the whistle on corruption and the feds are trying to silence her and deny they've performed this.
Dawn Wooten speaks to the protesters. She says the U.S. is treating immigrants like guinea pigs.
Wooten said that many of these women were taken to an unnamed gynecologist whom she labeled the "uterus collector" because of how many hysterectomies he performed.

The complaint sparked a furious reaction from congressional Democrats and an investigation by the Department of Homeland Security's inspector general. It also evoked comparisons to previous government-sanctioned efforts in the U.S. to sterilized people to supposedly improve society -- victims who were disproportionately poor, mentally disabled, American Indian, Black and other people of color. Thirty-three states had forced sterilization programs in the 20th Century.

But a lawyer who helped file the complaint said she never spoke to any women who had hysterectomies. Priyanka Bhatt, staff attorney at the advocacy group Project South, told The Washington Post that she included the hysterectomy allegations because she wanted to trigger an investigation to determine if they were true.

"I have a responsibility to listen to the women I've spoken with," Bhatt told the AP on Friday. She said one woman alleged that she was repeatedly pressured to have a hysterectomy and that authorities said they would not pay for her to get a second opinion.

Amin told The Intercept, which first reported Wooten's complaint, that he has only performed one or two hysterectomies in the past three years. His attorney, Scott Grubman, said in a statement: "We look forward to all of the facts coming out, and are confident that once they do, Dr. Amin will be cleared of any wrongdoing."

Grubman did not respond to new questions Thursday.

In a statement Friday, ICE Acting Director Tony Pham said: "If there is any truth to these allegations, it is my commitment to make the corrections necessary to ensure we continue to prioritize the health, welfare and safety of ICE detainees."

LaSalle Corrections, which operates the jail, said in a statement that it "strongly refutes these allegations and any implications of misconduct."

Women housed at Irwin County Detention Center who needed a gynecologist were typically taken to Amin, according to medical records provided to the AP by Free and lawyer Alexis Ruiz, who represents Cardentey. Interviews with detainees and their lawyers suggest some women came to fear the doctor.
Undocumented immigrants face sexual abuse, illness and abuse while in ICE custody.
Records reviewed by the AP show one woman was given a psychiatric evaluation the same day she refused to undergo a surgical procedure known as dilation and curettage. Commonly known as a D&C, it removes tissue from the uterus and can be used as a treatment for excessive bleeding. A note written on letterhead from Amin's office said the woman was concerned.

According to a written summary of her psychiatric evaluation, the woman said, "I am nervous about my upcoming procedure."

The summary says she denied needing mental health care and added: "I am worried because I saw someone else after they had surgery and what I saw scared me."

The AP also reviewed records for a woman who was given a hysterectomy. She reported irregular bleeding and was taken to see Amin for a D&C. A lab study of the tissue found signs of early cancer, called carcinoma. Amin's notes indicate the woman agreed 11 days later to the hysterectomy.

Free, who spoke to the woman, said she felt pressured by Amin and "didn't have the opportunity to say no" or speak to her family before the procedure.

Doctors told the AP that a hysterectomy could have been appropriate due to the carcinoma, though there may have been less intrusive options available.

Lawyers for both women asked that their names be withheld for fear of retaliation by immigration authorities.

In another case, Pauline Binam, a 30-year-old woman who was brought to the U.S. from Cameroon when she was 2, saw Amin after experiencing an irregular menstrual cycle and was told to have a D&C, said her attorney, Van Huynh.

When she woke up from the surgery, Huynh said, she was told Amin had removed one of her two fallopian tubes, which connect the uterus to the ovaries and are necessary to conceive a child. Binam's medical records indicate that the doctor discovered the tube was swollen.

"She was shocked and sort of confronted him on that - that she hadn't given her consent for him to proceed with that," Huynh said. "The reply that he gave was they were in there anyway and found there was this problem."
Women in detention centers are abused by ICE.
While women can potentially still conceive with one intact tube and ovary, doctors who spoke to the AP said removal of the tube was likely unnecessary and should never have happened without Binam's consent.

The doctors also questioned how Amin discovered the swollen tube because performing a D&C would not normally involve exploring a woman's fallopian tubes.

Dr. Julie Graves, a family medicine and public health physician in Florida, called the process "absolutely abhorrent."

"It's established U.S. law that you don't operate on everything that you find," she said. "If you're in a teaching hospital and an attending physician does something like that, it's a scandal and they are fired."

Binam was on the verge of deportation Wednesday, but ICE delayed it after calls from members of Congress and a request for an emergency stay by her lawyer.

Grubman, Amin's lawyer, said in a statement that the doctor "has dedicated his adult life to treating a high-risk, underserved population in rural Georgia."

Amin completed medical school in India in 1978 and his residency in gynecology in New Jersey. He has practiced in rural Georgia for at least three decades, according to court filings. State corporate records also show Amin is the executive of a company that manages Irwin County Hospital.

In 2013, state and federal investigators sued Amin, the hospital authority of Irwin County and a group of other doctors over allegations they falsely billed Medicare and Medicaid.

The lawsuit alleged that nurses at Irwin County Hospital were trained to follow a doctor's "standing orders" - described as "scripted procedures based on the nurse's diagnosis." That meant nurses often decided treatment plans, but they were billed to Medicaid and Medicare as if they doctor did, the lawsuit said.

Investigators linked a standing order to Amin, alleging he required "certain tests always be run on pregnant patients, without any medical evaluation and regardless of her condition."

The lawsuit was settled in 2015 with no known sanctions against Amin. The hospital paid a $520,000 settlement, saying no doctor paid any of it and had been "released from any and all liability."

The Georgia Composite Medical Board lists Amin as a doctor in good standing with no public disciplinary action. Board executive director LaSharn Hughes said records of investigations were confidential under state law.

State prosecutors didn't refer Amin to the medical board after the billing lawsuit because it didn't involve specific allegations of patient harm, said Katie Byrd, a spokeswoman for Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Jill Biden's Ex-Husband Is A QAnon Trumper!

Out of nowhere comes the ex-husband of Jill Biden.
Where do these people come from?

Whenever these politicians are running for president, here comes the nobodies who want to tell the world their story. It happens every fucking election cycle. Some nobody emerges as a distraction to the candidate.

It seems like he didn't have a problem back when Joe Biden was then Vice President from 2009 to 2017. He didn't seem to have a problem with Biden and his wife Jill when they were married for over 40 years. He didn't seem to have a problem when Biden was then a senator for over 40 years.

Sure enough, he ran for president three times. This third time, he's the Democratic nominee.

And like with Kamala Harris, here comes the former lover, former spouse and former worker.

We seen it when Alexandra Tara Reade Moulton McCabe accused Biden of sexual assault when he was close to clinching the nomination.

Now here comes this nobody name Bill Stevenson.

He comes out of nowhere with the allegations that his then-wife Jill cheated on him with Joe.

Mind you he supporting Donald J. Trump. And somehow, he's talking to the junk food media about the fairy tale hookup being phony.

Stevenson on Monday accused the presumptive Democratic nominee of being a home-wrecker and says the feel-good story of how Joe and Jill met on a blind date is completely made up, the Daily Mail reported.

“I don’t want to hurt anyone,” said Stevenson, now 72, who is working on a book that includes the lurid claim. “But facts are facts and what happened, happened.”

Stevenson and his then-wife grew close to Biden in 1972 while working on his first campaign to represent Delaware in the US Senate.

That same year, tragedy struck when Biden’s first wife, Neilia, and infant daughter were killed in a car crash.

Stevenson said he first suspected an affair in 1974, when his wife passed on meeting an up-and-coming rock star who was set to play at his Delaware club.

“I know exactly when it was,” he told the Daily Mail. “Bruce Springsteen was going to play at The Stone Balloon and I had to go to Northern New Jersey to pay him in advance.
Biden has been loyal to Jill.
“’I asked Jill to go with me and she said no — she had things to do, she had to look after Joe’s kids, Beau and Hunter. It was kind of a big deal to go meet Springsteen,” he continued. “I had no idea she and Joe were that kind of friendly.

“Then one of her best friends told me she thought Joe and Jill were getting a little too close. I was surprised that she came to me.”

A couple months later, Stevenson got all the evidence he needed when he was told that his wife had been in a fender-bender in her car — while Biden was behind the wheel.

“I was at work and a guy came in and asked, ‘Do you own a brown Corvette?’” Stevenson recalled. “He said back in May it had crunched his bumper and they told him to get an estimate and he never heard back from them.

“I said, ‘Wait a minute. Who is they?’ And he said, ‘Funnily enough, Senator Biden was driving.’”

“I considered Joe a friend. I’m not surprised he fell in love with Jill. Everyone who meets Jill falls in love with her immediately. It’s hard not to,” Stevenson said.

The Bidens, who have been married since 1977, have publicly said they met on a blind date in 1975 — after Joe became a widower and Jill’s first marriage had broken up.

The damaging Daily Mail report comes just days before Biden is expected to be officially named the Democratic nominee Thursday.

The Bidens are devout Catholic family.
The Biden campaign declined comment. Why should they comment? It has nothing to do with them.

Dude is a distraction from the real issues we're facing. We have a pandemic that has killed over 240,000 Americans. We have civil unrest, terrible weather events and economic uncertainty.

If you're worried about Biden's personal life, that's your problem. It's not mine.

Let me make this clear, you have Donald J. Trump, a three times married man who cheated on his wives. He is accused of sexual abuse by over 30 women. He paid two adult entertainers hush money to keep his affairs secret. He has a creepy love for Ivanka and Tiffany Trump. He has been allegedly sleeping with underage girls when he took that pedophile's plane to the U.S. Virgin Islands.

The Republican Party really must be desperate to roll out this tired old bag of shit.

This bag of shit was probably abusive to Jill and she had to bounce from him.

The Buckeye Burden!

Trump comes to Ohio to scare voters. He tweeted this image from 2016.
Ohio's pivotal counties that carried Donald J. Trump to the White House was Montgomery County, Wood County, Ashtabula County and Lorain County.

Montgomery County, Ohio has a population of 624,000 residents and Dayton is its county seat.

This community has not seen much improvement since Trump won his election. Now as an incumbent with low job approval, Trump is hoping to capitalize off white nationalism.

With the Supreme Court nominee, civil unrest in the country, uncertainty with the economy, deadlier weather events and the coronavirus pandemic, Trump is desperate.

He is trying to pin all of the problems on Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Trump and the Republicans are now resorting to a hypothetical America where "radicals" are running the country.

Newsflash: The Republican Party are radicals and they are running the country.

Trump is coming to Dayton's suburb of Vandalia. He will speak at the Wright Aero Company at the Dayton International Airport. He will speak to a friendly crowd with his message:


Rewind, Make America Great Again! That was his 2016 theme. I guess the Keep America Great isn't working for the Trump campaign.

Dayton, Ohio with a population of 134,000 residents has suffered greatly since Trump. We lost manufacturing jobs. We lost many companies in the region. We have the worst cases of coronavirus in the state. We have lost a hospital in the city.

The city and its inner suburbs of Trotwood, Riverside and Northridge saw a destructive tornado plow through in May 2019. It came shortly after the Klan made an arrival to the city.
Ohio could be a swing state again.
Then in August, there was a mass shooting. A white terrorist murdered 9 people and injured dozens of others before the police killed him.

Dayton is still deeply segregated by the Interstate 75 freeway and Great Miami River. There are food deserts in the Northwest and west corner of the city. Most retailers are located on the east end of the city and some of its suburbs.

Rep. Mike Turner (R-OH), Rep. Warren Davidson (R-OH), Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH) and Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) have done little here in Dayton.

I am not going to lie to you, but Donald J. Trump has failed to make Ohio great again. The Republicans are really scrambling for support. After all, the party is dealing with its own internal problems. I still have Ohio in the LEAN REPUBLICAN category. But things can change in less than 50 days.

Former state house speaker Larry Householder was arrested by the feds for illegal kickbacks.

Outgoing state representative Candice Keller and state senator Steve Hoffman said racist crap which forced the Republican Party to distance themselves from them.

Ohio Republicans are even feuding with one another. State representative John Becker led a campaign to impeach Republican governor Mike DeWine because of former health director Dr. Amy Acton's coronavirus implications.

Ohio is a must win state for Republicans and Democrats. It carries 18 electoral votes. The state has went to Donald J. Trump in 2016. He will try to scare up a thousand more votes with his white nationalist platform.

The last presidents to win Ohio included Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama.

Barack Obama was the only president to win the Electoral College and popular vote.

Lindsey Graham's Hypocrisy Will Doom Him!

I'm getting the feeling that Lindsey Graham is regretting his previous remarks.
After denying Barack Obama his pick to replace Antonin Scalia, the Republican Party now about faces on the rule they've set only a mere four years ago. Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away on Friday leaving a vacancy that Donald J. Trump is obligated to replaced. Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has decided that the "American people want the Supreme Court nominee confirmed."

I can only imagine how many death threats are heading into the Republican mailbox and emails right now. Because their shameless hypocrisy will doom us all.

If I wanted to really go there .... #SissyLindsey

Lindsey Olin Graham, the longtime South Carolina Republican senator is statistically tied with his opponent Democrat, Jaime Harrison in a closely watch race. At first we had it a LIKELY REPUBLICAN.

Now I call the odds in TILT REPUBLICAN. It should scare the bejesus out of Graham.

Republicans are going to scramble in the last few weeks of the election. The Republicans will not honor Ruth Bader Ginsburg's request to hold off the replacement after the election. The Republicans will have 52 Senators and Mike Pence just in case to log through a federal judge to become a Supreme Court nominee.
Let's send Lindsey home. Jaime Harrison is determined to win a seat that Republican held on for decades.
Trump has signaled he'll get a female nominee confirmed.

In a now viral video, Graham stated

"I want you to use my words against me. If there's a Republican president in 2016 and a vacancy occurs in the last year of the first term, you can say Lindsey Graham said let's let the next president, whoever it might be, make that nomination."

Graham ignores his previous stances. He claims the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation controversy "woke him up." Nevermind that he got Neil Gorsuch confirmed and denied Merrick Garland a place on the Supreme Court.

His words will come back to haunt his dumb ass.

A Quinnipiac University poll of the state released this week — the second in a little more than a month — showed Graham and Harrison running neck and neck at 48 percent each.

In the two days since then, Harrison has pulled in a staggering $2 million, adding to an already massive $10.6 million haul in August alone. And in a sign that national Democrats are eyeing the race with greater enthusiasm, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee announced a new seven-figure cash injection in the state.

"There's a lot of momentum on the ground here and it's so great and it's so encouraging," Harrison said in an interview on Friday. "When I first got into this race and people told me that I couldn't do this, my whole statement to them is 'Watch me,' and that's exactly what we're doing."

The combined weight of the recent polling and Harrison's staggering fundraising totals has fueled optimism among Democrats, who see in South Carolina a chance to widen their path to a Senate majority in November.

"It says to me that the battlefield is expanded, and it also says that no one can afford to ignore this race," Antjuan Seawright, a South Carolina-based Democratic strategist, said.

"When Jaime entered this race, I think there was a serious case of infrastructure building and building a case, and now I think all of that is finalized, and we're finally at the place where we have something," he added.

The Cook Political Report, a nonpartisan election handicapper, currently rates the contest in South Carolina as "Lean Republican." On Friday, another handicapper, Inside Elections, moved the race in Harrison's direction, shifting it from the "Likely Republican" column to "Lean Republican."

One Democrat familiar with the race acknowledged that South Carolina remains “fundamentally a tough state” for Democrats to win statewide but noted two encouraging signs for the party down ballot: Rep. Joe Cunningham’s (D-S.C.) 2018 victory in a congressional district that Trump carried by 13 points and Democrat Spencer Wetmore’s win last month in a deep-red state House district outside Charleston.

Graham’s campaign has downplayed recent polls showing the race deadlocked. After the Quinnipiac poll showing the two candidates tied at 48 percent came out this week, Graham’s campaign noted that the survey had included too few GOP voters and too many Democrats.

Harrison dismissed that criticism, pointing to internal polling from his campaign that showed the race in a dead heat.

“I’m sure his internal polls are just like my internal polls, and they’re showing us neck and neck,” Harrison said.

Democrats’ line of attack against Graham has focused on painting the three-term senator as an out-of-touch politician whose tight embrace of Trump and subsequent lurch to the right since 2016 put him at odds with a vast swath of South Carolina voters, many of whom supported his last reelection bid six years ago.

Graham, meanwhile, has sought to play up his close ties to Trump and has hit Harrison over his past work as a lobbyist for the Podesta Group, the firm founded by Hillary Clinton’s former campaign chairman John Podesta.

This is what Republicans do.... It's the same tired formula of scaring voters with Hillary Clinton, socialism and the so-called hypothetical lawmaker. 

Graham is a tired old white man who has limited accomplishments as a Congressman and Senator. He was once considered a deal-maker. Now he's a...................dick sucker! 

Trump's biggest!

Send this Republican home.




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