Sunday, September 20, 2020

Kimberly Klacik Trolls For Attention!

Far-right troll Kimberly Klacik continues to be a waste of air.
It's sickening that Black people are appealing to white nationalists. The Republican Party has embraced the white nationalist platform. The Republican Party's voters are mostly white. It racial demographic is 94% White, 3% Hispanic, 2% Black and 1% other.

I've said many times, that Republican Party is the party of cocaine. All white, all white!

Black Republican who doesn't even live in the district is running for the seat once held by Elijah Cummings. Now held by Rep. Kweisi Mfume (D-MD) who held the seat before Cummings. Mfume took a job with the NAACP and remained an activist until his return to Congress. He returns to the seat as an incumbent who won the special election. He will run a full term as the Representative of the 7th Congressional District.

His challenger Kimberly Klacik is a troll. She is a self-appointed concerned citizen who wants to clean up Baltimore's grimiest neighborhoods by pointing out the faults that lie on the stairs of Democrats. Her whole campaign is the typical culture war (ahem white nationalist) topics that turn over voters in predominantly Black communities.

We know our challenges but we hold the feed to the fire of federal government no matter what party is in control. It's not a Democrat or Republican problem, it's an American problem and we need leaders who see the better of us instead of cheap political talking points.

Klacik has been a "rising star" within the Republican Party despite losing mulitple times to win this seat. She is a perennial candidate who wants Blacks to "wake up" from the Democrat plantation.
Kweisi Mfume and Kimberly Klacik square off again.
In her first outside of Fox News interviews, Klacik heads to the ladies of The View. She is asked by Joy Behar about Donald J. Trump's failure to take control of the coronavirus. The COVID-19 pandemic has infected over 8.7 million and killed over 240,000 Americans.

Klacik resorts to distraction. She brings up Joy Behar "parading around in blackface."

Klacik evaded a question about Trump downplaying the threat of the coronavirus as described in the Bob Woodward audio tapes. He said "I don't want to create a panic."

Mind you he's been telling you about Mexican being rapists and drug dealers bringing crime.

He also had said that the civil unrest is the fault of Democrats and their nominee Joe Biden.

This is the man and his campaign team who took a joke about "you ain't Black" and turned it into a campaign about racial coding.

He said that forest management like sweeping the leaves stops wildfires instead of mentioning climate change.

Klacik is pretty tone deaf and facing a long-shot battle to win a seat that is Solid Democratic.

"You have to put some blame on your president, I'm sorry," said Behar to Klacik, who appeared remotely on a split-screen. "You're putting it on something extraneous here. talk to the point, please."

Klacik answered quickly.

Klacik: Is this Joy speaking?

Behar: Yest.

Klacik: The same Joy that paraded around in blackface not too long ago? C'mon Joy, I don't think you should be asking questions.

Behar: That's not true. Excuse me, excuse me. The Black community had my back. They know that was not blackface. That was an homage.

Klacik: The Black community has my back.

Behar: Oh please, just answer the question.

In 2016, Behar, who is whit, said on the program that she went to a Halloween party many years earlier as "a beautiful African woman." She said then that she wore "makeup that was a little bit darker than my skin."

Sonny Hostin, who is Afro-Latina rebutted Klacik and her claims of having Black support.

"The Black community has your back? The Black community does not vote for you. What planet are you living on?"

"Wowww," said Hostin.

Klacik would then address her special election defeat.

"It was during a special election while we were still under [coronavirus] lockdown and I could not talk to people," said Klacik.

She addressed Hostin: "Can I speak or are you going to speak over me?"

Behar then waved to the camera and said: "Listen, Kim, good luck to you. Thank to Kim Klacik. We'll be right back."
Kimberly Klacik gets combative when Joy Behar asks her about Trump's handling of the coronavirus.
"That was very immature but thank you for having me," Klacik said before the network cut to commercials.

Klacik has did what most candidates do, ignore the questions and resort to pointless distractions.

Behar isn't running for Congress. She is a talk show host. She ain't obligated to talk to 693,000 constituents in Maryland.

This is why it's important to know your candidates.

It's important to vote for the candidate who offers policies and solutions. Not pointless talking points.

Klacik is a sure loser..... End of discussion.

Feds Bust Sexual Predator Seen On Netflix!

Reality television star got a federal sandwich. He is accused of sexual abuse with underage boys.

The feds raided the home of a reality television star who gained fame for being in the Netflix docuseries Cheer.

The 21-year old sexual predator was arrested for child porn. He was caught tried to engage in sexual trysts with young boys. He slept with numerous boys and had them take pictures of themselves in sexual positions. He promised them money and a spot on the show if they slept with him.

The predator was arrest by the feds on Thursday. The FBI and U.S. Attorney's Office from Chicago said that the predator admitted to agents that he solicited and received explicit messages on Snapchat from at least 10 to 15 individuals who he knew were minors, He had sex with a 15-year old at a cheering competition. He also paid a 17-year old money in exchange for nudes.

The predator was the happy-go-lucky type of guy who had a meteoric rise to fame when he was featured on Cheer. He has been under investigation for nearly a year.
Two victims came forward with proof the predator tried to lure them into a tryst.
Twin brothers Charlie and Sam, who are openly gay said that the predator thought they were sexy and he wanted to have sex with them and shared sexually explicit pictures with them. He thought the two were going to be willing to sleep with them. They told their parents and it immediately became an investigation into the behavior of this predator.

He's been on the radar for the feds.

He appeared in the federal court in front of U.S. Magistrate Judge M. David Weisman. He had a hearing via telephone with a court appointed attorney. He was advised of his rights and chose to not enter a plea. He was represented by Todd S. Pugh and will be held in federal time out without any bail.

Explicit chats between the predator and victims.
U.S. Attorney Christopher Parente said the predator is a danger to the community and asked for a "no get out free" card. He will remain in the federal time out until a Weisman determines he deserves a release. With that being said, his computer, phone, magazines, television and social media were seized by the feds. He will lose his passport if he had one.

The predator tried to make the boys twerk for him.

Mother, Kristen said that she filed a report with the Fort Worth Police which led to the feds.

The family provided screenshots from five tex and social media conversations between the boys and the predator. In one photo, the predator said he considered working one of the boys when they performed a leg above the head stance.

"Do it naked and take a video and show me," the predator said to victim.

He said that he wanted to sleep with them. They declined his advances and told him to stay focus on the competition.

The victims filed a lawsuit against the predator Varsity, the U.S. All Star Federation and the Cheer Athletics Gym. The predator worked at the gym and said that the predator had a known history and the plaintiffs ignored it due to the fact, they saw him as a celebrity.
This guy masqueraded himself as a mentor to young cheerleaders. He exploited their trust.
"We are grateful that the U.S. Attorney and the FBI have taken swift action to protect children by investigating, arresting and charging [the predator]. THis was made possible because our clients' mother had the courage to report [the predator] to the FBI as well as the Fort Worth Police Department and provided evidentiary proof of the manipulation, sexual harassment, abuse and exploitation that her sons had suffered," said attorney Sarah Klein.

The charges are enough to put this predator in federal time out for 45 years. The feds said if you had any contact with this predator they want you to contact the FBI office in Chicago at 312-421-6700.

Netflix has no comment on the predator of the fate of the docuseries. It's apparent that it's on the bubble because of this.

The suspect is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Again, we are human. We are flawed. But for this predator to find lust in underage children is disgusting. He could find a person of legal age to have a sexual encounter with. Now the limelight will fade on this predator. He will soon find his life wrapped around bars.






Jerry Falwell, Jr. Tried The Stairs Instead Of The Rope!

Love thy neighbor. The Falwell are human. Jerry Falwell, Jr. tried to end it all.

I have no sympathy for bigots and white nationalists. I have no sympathy towards a man who built his empire off hating on African Americans, Latinos, Native Americans, those in the LGBTQ commmunity and Muslims. He and his wife are entitled to do whatever they please when they're in their bedroom. But when you're advocating a campaign to deny the rights of two consenting adults of the same sex to marry and committed relationships, then you're a piece of shit in my opinion.

Former Liberty University president and religious cult leader Jerry Falwell, Jr. and Becki are bugging out. It was alleged the Falwells are swingers and slept with a pool boy. His wife, Becki had to call the paramedics to keep her husband from killing himself.

The son of the religious bigot Jerry Falwell led the Liberty University after his father's passing. Under his leadership, Liberty has seen a lot of money be spent on other issues. The Black athletes have protested the university over its allegations of racism and intolerance.

The school also spent $10.5 million to get rid of him. He was ousted from his chancellorship and presidency after a man came forward with the allegations that he slept with Becki. He said that Jerry and Becki have groomed him into a romantic affair. He said Jerry and Becki had trysts with men and women when they went on vacations.

Without a job, Jerry got drunk and tried to harm himself. Don't believe the hype, he tried to kill himself.
Falwells endorsed Trump despite his sinful past.

He fell from the stairs after having taking prescription pills and alcohol. He tried to end it all.

He and Becki were arguing over how he threw her under the bus. He and Becki are bisexual and felt that their lifestyle scorned the name and the college.

So around early morning, the Bedford County medical responders came to the mansion and saw that Jerry was bleeding from the face and arms.

Becki told dispatchers she was the church and she received a call from Jerry saying that he was going to end it all. So she rushed to the home and found the door was barricaded. She broke through the door (I meant window) and saw him on the ground bleeding heavily.

She called 9-1-1 and they came.

When operators asked if he was under the influence, she said, "yes." When asked if he was drinking heavily, she refused to respond to the question.

"I'm not going to answer that question."
Falwell and his wife Becki slept with young men to please their kinky sex life.
The dispatcher then informed Becki that alcohol thins out blood and could be the reason there was so much at the scene. After explaining that to Becki, the dispatcher tried to tell her that if she refuses to question, she could put Jerry's life at risk.

"The more I tell you the name, the more you're going to understand why we're not talking to you right now.'

Dispatch logs, obtained through a public records search said that "Jerry Falwell won't let her take him to the hospital as he is stubborn. Caller was not forthcoming."

Medical responders came to the Falwell mansion and observed lacerations on his face. Becki claimed that he hit his head on a trash can. Of course, there were alcohol containers found near the area.

Cops said that Falwell had "slurred and slowed speech and would repeat things already asked."

The Falwells have a drinking problem. No only a drinking problem but a sexual frustration and fantasy role play issue. They have been running kinky shit for years. The National Enquirer, Michael Cohen had pictures of them in kinky themes. The Falwells had Cohen destroy the pictures. Cohen said that if they don't endorse Donald J. Trump, the pictures could leak with Chuck Johnson and Roger Stone.

Falwell, Sr. once called the booze the "worst, most offensive drug in American society."

He would know! Falwell, Sr. was a boozer too.

Don't believe the bullshit, they were hypocrites.
The Falwells were swingers.
Falwell, Sr. founded Liberty University in 1971 in Lynchburg, Virginia. The private Christian University is one of the largest employers in the city. It has a campus that supports 35,000 students.

It has a strict code of conduct for students, facility staff and visitors. Prominent conservatives spoken at Liberty. Even Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) in an attempt to undermine Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) and Joe Biden spoke there.

Sanders was never condemned for speaking there. But if Biden, Harris and Warren spoke there, they would have been chastised by the leftists who are trying to sabotage the Biden's bid to oust Trump.

Falwell, Jr.'s antics have Liberty University auditors and the state of Virginia investigating his role.

He could face criminal charges for misuse of funds.

Larry Flynt, where are you man! We need you to bring the darkness to light.

Again, we're flawed. We're human. We make life and death choices. If they want to live a life of sex and booze, that's them. But don't try to chastise others for living the lifestyle.

For those who think the only way out is death ... call The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. They are available 24 hours. They offer languages: English and Spanish. The number 1-800-273-8255.

Bloody Nights: Mass Shooting In Rochester!

Another mass shooting in the America. The rust belt city of Rochester is now dealing with two young lives lost to gun violence.

When will it end?

Gun violence never takes a break.

Even in a moment of socially distanced unity, there's violence in the country. A need to do something about gun violence should have happened but it never does. With the utter hypocrisy of Republicans and far-right agitators, the cycle of gun violence will continue on.

They'll offer phony sympathy when it comes to the victims of gun violence. They'll spend time after time telling Americans that "now it isn't the time to talk" and usually throw the "my heart goes out to" and the "thoughts and prayers" nonsense. The National Rifle Association is disgrace. They don't care about gun safety or gun reform. All they care about it keeping more of these weapons of mass destruction on the streets of America.

Jaquayla was a beautiful young woman.
Donald J. Trump, Mike Pence, Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and the 51 other Republican senators are going to ram through a Supreme Court justice who will rollback generations of progress. Their utter hypocrisy will continue to keep this country unsafe.

With the coronavirus pandemic infecting over 8.2 million and killing over 240,000 Americans, we're seeing no end to this because Trump is inconsistent on how to deal with it.

We have unrest in communities. Since Trump and Republicans are running on a "white nationalist" platform, they're resorting to "law and order" as their ploy to blame Joe Biden for the chaos inflected by bad policing and gun violence in the country.

American law enforcement regardless of the opinion still has a job to do. They happened to get comfortable with the perception that they're above the rest. They can do no wrong according to Trump and the far-right. According to Trump, they choke!

The fault of unrest lies on the feet of Democrats says Trump and the far-right.

Well, in Rochester, New York, the mayor Lovely Warren fired her police chief and his deputy out the cannon last week in the wake of the Daniel Prude video. Prude was killed in March by the Rochester Police after they placed a spit bag over his head and pressed their knee on his neck.

That video sparked tension in the city.
Rochester Police dealing with a mass shooting.
Now, the city is dealing with a mass shooting which killed two 19-year olds and injured nearly 30 people.

The victims were identified by the junk food media.

Jaquayla Young and Jarvis Alexander were killed after at least "three or four" terrorists were engaged in a gunfight at a house party. Of course, the house party was a violation of the New York state rules on large gathering so of course, it was a super-spreader of the coronavirus.

Not to be knocking folks around but the shooting happened on early Saturday morning and it became the latest mass shooting in the United States.

Interim chief, Capt. Frank Umbrino said at a presser, that fourteen additional shooting victims were taken to local hospitals and two people were injured while fleeing the scene. All the victims were between the ages of 17 and 23 years old.

Jaquayla was a graduate from East High and Jarvis was a graduate of University Prep. They were just innocent victims caught in a crossfire of mass chaos.

Umbrino said a small, invite-only gathering went awry when people from two separate house parties nearby started to "infiltrate" the home where the shooting occurred. Between 100 and 200 attendees gathered at the home in the Marketview Heights neighborhood. An argument escalated and multiple people "took out handguns and starting firing" at each other.

More than 40 rounds were fired by the suspects in the gunfight, which witnesses told police lasted more than a minute. Police recovered one handgun at the scene but do not believe it was one of the weapons used in the shooting.

Umbrino described police officers running toward the scene and carrying wounded to get medical treatment.

"The officers did an outstanding job," Umbrino said.

Jervis has a promising life.
The Rochester Police Department was assisted by New York State Police, the Monroe County Sheriff's Office and the Irondequoit Police Department. No suspects are in custody. The investigation is ongoing and police need to pore over video, interview dozens of witnesses and analyze forensic evidence.

Umbrino told reporters that New York state has some of the most strict gun laws in the nation but is still replete with gun violence. He said he's "not surprised" by an uptick in violence and criticized a lack of accountability and bail reform measures.

“I’m disgusted," Umbrino said. “If I hear one more politician talk about what we need to do to stop the violence ... quite frankly, I’m going to vomit.

"You have individuals getting locked up for having illegal handguns and being released from custody the next day. That’s disgusting. How does that happen?"

Those involved will face aggravated homicide charges. If caught they will face LIFE in the iron college. The suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Everyday at least 103 people die from gun violence. I can't even tell you how many stories I've missed involving gun violence in the country.





We have unrest in the nation. African Americans, Latinos and Native Americans had enough of the status quo in politics, religion, entertainment and law. The need to change started on May 25, 2020 when a cop placed his knee on the neck of an American citizen. He screamed, "I can't breathe...." and cried for his "mama."
Embattled mayor Lovely Warren faces heat from her police and the constituents. Now a mass shooting happened and folks are losing trust in their local leaders.
Moments of silence, street memorials, naming of public places, saying "Your heart goes out to...," lowering of flags and hashtags are platitudes. They are a huge waste of time. It's a man-made crisis created by a lazy ass government. They are enabling this. Donald J. Trump, Congress and the National Rifle Association are a bunch of lily-livered cowards. They are numb to gun violence.

I repeat myself over and over again! I use the same old copy and paste. I hear the same trolls saying that there's nothing we can do. I keep hearing "concern" trolls telling us that it's their own fault for their own deaths. I hear the same old talking points about "good guys with guns" and "god's given rights."

Trump and lawmakers elected to federal office made politics extremely toxic. It's not just the fault of our dear leader and lawmakers, but relentless agitators on the 24/7 cable news channels. They are profiting off division and divisiveness. The internet is also a problem. It's is a breeding ground for potential mass shooters. Facebook, Twitter, Google and other social media outlets have been "ground zero" for disinformation, partisan threats and social activism. Incels and social outcasts find their outlets on sites that inspire them to cause harm to their fellow human beings.

It never happens in your community ... Until it does! Every community in the United States will eventually have a legacy. A legacy of tragedy. Gun violence will affect your town, your family and your life.

The website Officer Down is a memorial to those who were killed in the line of duty. Those who don't get their names mentioned in the junk food media. Also the website the National Gun Violence Memorial also keeps record of the many individuals killed by gun violence.

So I don't want to hear that bullshit about how "guns save lives." They don't. The only thing that survives a gun shooting is the gun.






When Black people are killed by gun violence, how does the media portray the victims?

As deliquants of society.
As scapegoats to a political agenda.
As a bunch of ******* killing one another.
As an excuse for far-right agitators to blame Black Lives Matter.
As a reason to "Back the Blue" and support Blue Lives Matter.
Please Specify:

The website Officer Down is a memorial to those who were killed in the line of duty. Those who don't get their names mentioned in the junk food media. Also the website the National Gun Violence Memorial also keeps record of the many individuals killed by gun violence.

We haven't forgotten about the many mass shootings in the United States. COVID-19 doesn't stop individuals from picking up firearms and killing others.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Satchuel Cole Is Rachel Dolezal With A Dash Of Jessica Krug And Shaun King!

Another white woman masquerades as a Black woman.

What the fuck is going on with these people?

There is no such thing as transracial!

Another white woman is caught trying to pass herself off as a Black woman.

Community activist Satchuel Cole (born Jennifer Lynn Benton) went to social media to admit she was masquerading herself as a Black woman for years despite being a born white.

The activist, from Indianapolis, was a member of the Indy10 Black Lives Matter organization acted as a spokesperson on behalf of Aaron Bailey, who was shot and killed by Indianapolis Metro Police in 2017.

Cole who uses the pronounces of they and them is the latest person who lied about being Black.

"Friends, I need to take accountability for my actions and the harm that I have done. My deception and lies have hurt those I care most about. I have taken up space as a Black person while knowing I am white. I have used my Blackness when it was not mine to use. I have asked for support and energy as a Black person. I have caused harm to the city, friends and the work that I held so dear. I will do the work to take responsibility for my actions and try to reduce the harm that I have already caused."

Over the past few years, Benton has worked for various social justice organizations, including Indy10 Black Lives Matter and Indy SURJ, posing as a prominent activist in Indianapolis’ Black community. She also served as co-president of the now discontinued grassroots organization, Don’t Sleep, which aimed to dismantle systems of oppression that contribute to social injustice. Additionally, Benton led and organized within Indianapolis' LGBTQIA+ community, where she allegedly "regularly championed for intersectional and queer rights alongside Black Empowerment," Black Indy Live reports. Other claims suggest Benton has been at the receiving end of "thousands of dollars of funding she was regularly receiving as early as 2018."

The news of Benton posing as a Black activist instead of using her white privilege to contribute to racial justice movements comes just two weeks after news broke that George Washington University Professor Jessica Krug admitted in a Medium article that she had been posing as a Black woman. The associate professor, whose work focused on Africa and the African diaspora, confessed that she falsely assumed numerous Black identities when, in reality, she is a “white Jewish” woman from Kansas City.
Caption This.
Blackfishing, or the art of pretending to be or altering the appearance to look ethnically Black, isn’t uncommon. In 2015, it was revealed that Rachel Dolezal, a former college instructor and National Association for the Advancement of Colored People chapter president, was a white woman who had been passing as Black. The term was coined three years later to describe Instagram influencers and public figures who darken their skin with makeup or tanning products to appear ethnically ambiguous. Since then, the phrase has found its way into social justice movements, among white women activists who choose to display themselves as Black women.

A comprehensive analysis in Black Indy Live provides details of Benton's family history, suggesting her Black lineage isn't tied to a previous generation and that claims of her father being Black are indeed false. The report also states Benton’s racial journey started back in 2010 when she legally changed her name to Satchuel Paigelyn Cole—a combination of the names of Leroy Robert "Satchel" Paige, who was a legendary Negro League and MLB pitcher, and Chantelle Owens-Cole, Jennifer's close friend.

Accusations about Benton’s identity rose after the death of Owens-Cole in April. Benton wrote the obituary of her late friend, including misinformation about her relationship to the family, posing herself as a family member rather than a close friend. She also listed "No Questions Asked Food Pantry" as an organization to donate to in memory of Owens-Cole. Attendees of the funeral noted that Benton was a beneficiary of the organization and began to question her intent, causing widespread research into Benton’s actual identity.

Along with posing as Black, the publication found numerous other allegations against Benton, dating back to 2012, including "identity misrepresentation, to misappropriation of thousands of dollars of funding collected by her over the years, claims of being a 'slum lord' through her work in property management with low income families, to threats of physical violence against families and even children who were attempting to oppose her."

Benton has yet to make a public statement about the claims.

Barack Obama: The Republicans Are Shameless Hypocrites!

Republicans have no shame. 
The death of progressive Supreme Court justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has rocked Washington, DC.

The 87-year old justice died from pancreatic cancer on Friday.

Her very dying wish was to pick a nominee after the election.

It's going to be ignored by the current president and his slim Republican majority in the Senate.

Donald J. Trump is guaranteed to a nominee through the Senate before the presidential elections.

It will also expose the hypocrisy the Republican Party. The Republicans only a mere four years ago denied then president Barack Obama his third pick for the Supreme Court. Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and a handful of Republicans are willing to squeeze through a nominee to the Court.

McConnell wasted over 269 days to deny Obama's pick of Merrick Garland to allow time to expire on the pick. As soon as Trump came in, he managed to squeeze through Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh.
Democrats haven't forgotten the Merrick Garland controversy. Now Democrats should be motivated to vote now that Republicans are trying to ram through a nominee to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Now only less than 50 days from the U.S. Election, Republicans are going to spend time trying to confirm a nominee than try to help Americans get coronavirus assistance.

Yeah, you want to blame the supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) for sitting out this election and allowing Republicans take control of Congress. The same thing can happen again if we don't get out and vote. Cause if Trump is reelected, he is assured to get two more confirmations by the second term.

Obama and Democratic nominee Joe Biden said that the Supreme Court pick should occur after the elections. It's going to be ignored.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said back in 2016, he wants it on record that any Supreme Court pick should be done when the elections are over. He quickly denounced the comments and said he's willing to get a nominee through without delay.

The party of white nationalism has no care for doing what's right. They only want to hold onto power and continue clogging up Washington, DC with partisan conspiracies.

The junk food media is complicit in allowing them to get away with this stuff, year after year.

They have allow Fox News, Breitbart and Trump control the narrative yet again. The junk food media should now set a standard of how to address Republicans. From this point forward, they should never be allowed to say anything without being fact-checked and quickly denounced on air.

Friday, September 18, 2020

BREAKING: Ruth Bader Ginsburg Passed Away!

She was a hero to the rights of women, people of color and progressives. Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away.



The NOTORIOUS RBG was her nickname and it was a honor for her to be a part of the court.

Her death will rock Washington, DC as well as the fights for equal rights, civil rights and women's rights. They will now have to face an onslaught of challenges that could rollback marriage equality, Roe v. Wade, Brown v. Board of Education and expand rulings like DC v. Heller.

Donald J. Trump will likely get a Supreme Court nominee confirmed right before the election and it will change the court for a generation. His pick will be conservative and he's signaled that he's willing to pick Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) and Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron or former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi as possible replacements.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away at the age of 87.

The progressive Supreme Court justice had massive health issues. It finally took its toll on the oldest woman to be presently sitting on the court.

Trump, Mike Pence, Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Rep. Kevin McCarthy (D-CA) and the Court were notified. Joe Biden and Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) were notified as well.

She succumbed to pancreatic cancer.
Trump will quickly get a nominee confirmed. 
The justice passed away after having left the hospital months ago for an announcement of the disease returning.

Ginsburg, the second woman to serve as a Supreme Court justice who served for 27 years on the highest court of the land, battled several bouts of cancer after being first diagnosed in 2009.

Her death clears a way for Trump to get a third pick, something Barack Obama was denied back in 2016 when Antonin Scalia died. McConnell denied Obama's pick of Merrick Garland and it caused a firestorm of controversy.

You are reminded that McConnell said that during an election year, a president shouldn't be able to pick a Supreme Court nominee. Guess he'll ignore his own thoughts about this.

Ginsburg had possibly told Trump and the Court about her illness.

"Our Nation has lost a jurist of historic stature," said Chief Justice John Roberts. "We at the Supreme Court have lost a cherished colleague. Today we mourn, but with confidence that future generations will remember Ruth Bader Ginsburg as we knew her -- a tireless and resolute champion of justice."

Ginsburg died surrounded by her family at her home in Washington, D.C., the court said. A private interment service will be held at Arlington National Cemetery. The Congress hasn't set a memorial service for her as of yet. I am guessing that Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter will attend services if possible.

When he nominated her, President Bill Clinton called her "the Thurgood Marshall of gender equality law." In 2015, writing about her as one of Time's 100 most influential people in the world, Justice Antonin Scalia compared her to the same former justice: "She became the leading (and very successful) litigator on behalf of women’s rights — the Thurgood Marshall of that cause, so to speak."
Mitch McConnell denied Barack Obama his third Supreme Court pick. He won't deny Donald J. Trump his third pick.
Her influence went far beyond gender cases. In 2012, for instance, Ginsburg authored a vital concurrence/dissent in the split decision for National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius, a case that upheld aspects of the Affordable Care Act.

And as the frequency and barbed tone of her dissents increased later in her career, she became a liberal icon, sometimes dubbed "The Notorious RBG."

"No other justice, however scrutinized or respected, has so captured the public imagination," wrote Irin Carmon and Shana Knizhnik in a 2015 book of that name. They added: "Across America, people who weren't even born when Ginsburg made her name are tattooing themselves with her face, setting her famously searing dissents to music, and making viral videos in tribute."

During the 2016 campaign, she repeatedly blasted presidential candidate Donald Trump and found herself scolded by those who thought justices shouldn’t get involved in partisan politics — and the target of a Trump tirade. "Justice Ginsburg of the U.S. Supreme Court has embarrassed all by making very dumb political statements about me." Trump tweeted in July 2016.
The Republicans are motivated to vote this election. Will the Democrats get motivated now that the Supreme Court's balance is at risk of falling to the conservative wing for a generation!
Ruth Bader Ginsburg was born Joan Ruth Bader on March 15, 1933, in Brooklyn, daughter of Nathan and Celia Amster Bader. Her kindergarten class was loaded with Joans, so she became just Ruth.

She said that as long as she could, she will fully serve a member of the Court.

"I have often said I would remain a member of the Court as long as I can do the job full steam. I remain fully able to do that."

She isn't the only member of the Court who had a medical issue. Roberts had suffered a mild seizure last month after he injured his head in a fall.

Clarence Thomas, the sole African American and member of the conservative wing has considered retiring.

Nothing is confirmed about any of these members. However if anyone retires or dies, Trump will easily get a nomination confirmed. Now, the progressives should be motivated to get out and vote.

Because if we continue to listen to the anti-Biden leftists, we'll lose.

Trump is running on a white nationalist platform. He will try to pin all the blame on Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as a last ditch effort to win over white voters. With Russia propaganda and agitators from both sides of the spectrum trying to sow discourse, it's going to take a miracle to drag Joe Biden across the finish line.

We are in a fucking coronavirus pandemic. We have civil unrest from coast to coast. We have natural disasters getting worse. We have an economic crisis in the country. All this while we're only less than a few months from Election Day.

Biden Does The Drive-In Town Hall!

Biden does his town hall with CNN.
This week, Donald J. Trump and Joe Biden did town halls in the crucial swing state of Pennsylvania.

Trump held his on Tuesday with ABC News and George Stephanopoulos. The town hall was panned by the far-right for being a "set-up" because he didn't get "softball" questions and relentless praise from American voters. Trump made a lot of slip-ups when trying to explain his responses to the coronavirus, racial unrest and his 2020 vision.

Trump's failure to take control of the coronavirus has hurt his messages of "law and order" and "Keeping America Great." He has resorted back to "Make America Great Again" even though he's had nearly four years to do so.

Trump had taken questions from Pennsylvania voters and some of the questions were brutal.

The far-right believe that he was deliberately set up by the junk food media to undermine his achievements.

Now on Thursday, Biden had a turn at a town hall. It was hosted by CNN and its host was Anderson Cooper. Biden came with the answers and the far-right are trying to attack CNN for giving him "softball" questions and believes that he had advance knowledge.

The leftists, far-right and Russian trolls are trying to paint Biden as a man with dementia and a creepy behavior towards women. They have ran on the Tara Reade, cognitive decline, hiding in the basement, creepy touchy and Hunter Biden bullshit for two years now. The goal is to drive enthusiasm down for Democrats to vote for Biden.

Biden has been trying to court moderates, Black women, disgruntled Republicans, college educated Americans and progressives to his coalition. He has been very cautious about White women, Black men, Latinos and young voters.

For very good reason.... They are not reliable voters.

Anyway, outside of Scranton, CNN held a drive-in town hall which allowed spectators sit in their vehicles and watch Biden take questions from Americans.

In the town hall, Biden had to cast himself as a person who can lead through a crisis. Biden went right after Trump for failing to unite the country and his handling of the coronavirus.

He wants to paint himself as the Blue Collar Candidate vs. "Blue Collar" Billionaire.

With the CNN town hall, Biden decided to paint himself as a blue collar American taking on a billionaire president who doesn't seem to care about those who worked to get him there.

Its all that turn a blind f**king eye!

Rest King T'Challa!

Chadwick Boseman was quietly laid to rest in early September.
Chadwick Boseman was laid to rest in South Carolina. The 43-year old entertainer who is best known for playing in Black Panther died from colon cancer. A secret he didn't share with many.

His death rocked the entertainment industry. I mean I was shocked to hear of his passing.

The family held a private funeral in Belton, South Carolina. He was buried on September 3rd, six days after his passing. People Magazine confirmed that he was quietly buried.

The family has signalled they'll have a public memorial service in the future.

NBC News also confirmed that the services were already held.

On September 3rd at Welfare Baptist Church, the family held a private memorial service.

Boseman grew up in Anderson, South Carolina, a town that is only 11 miles from Belton.

Boseman died at his home near Griffith Park in Los Angeles on August 28th.

The immediate cause was listed as multiple organ failure, with the underlying cause of colon cancer, which his family said persiously that he had been diagnosed with four years earlier.

Bosemen had surgery to remove the colon cancer in 2016 after his diagnosis, and in March of this year had laparoscopic surgery to remove cancer that had metastasized, the record said.

Very few outside the family knew that Boseman, who played Black Panther in four Marvel movies and also starred in the Jackie Robinson biopic, 42, had been battling colon cancer when he died at the age of 43.

I'm Doing A Jog And This White Woman Threw A Bottle At Me....!

The moment a jogger is hit with a glass bottle by a white extremist.

A Black woman out on a jog is attacked by a white extremist. The New York Police Department shares the incident online and is seeking information that leads to an arrest. The 37-year old woman identified as Tiffany Johnson was running in the Queens neighborhood of Woodside when the attack happened.

An angry white woman is seen on video throwing a glass bottle at the jogger and yelling at her to "Go Back to Africa, NIGGER."

The white extremist who was sipping from the glass bottle saw her jogging decided to toss the bottle towards her hoping she would hit her in the head.

As the jogger approached the corner, the suspect suddenly threw the bottle and yelled the offensive words towards her.

The bottle is heard shattering on the ground and the jogger turned around confused after the glass smashed by her feet.

"What fuck is your problem?" the jogger said before continuing her run.

The victim did not report the incident until a friend saw the video appear on social media and it went viral.
The only thing I was doing was jogging and in her mind she saw hate.
The NYPD said the suspect is a 5'5'', with blue eyes, long blonde hair, and was wearing a black tank top, white shorts and dark sunglasses.

The suspect will face criminal assault charges as well as possible hate crime charges. The charges could put the suspect in the iron college for up to 10 years if convicted.

The suspect is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Trump Tries To Meat Pack Ohio!

In order to generate support, Trump will hold rallies in swing states despite the coronavirus spreading.
Donald J. Trump will hold another maskless rally in Ohio this coming week. He will stomp through Dayton and Toledo, two crucial cities that Trump needs to secure Ohio.

Dayton has the highest rate of coronavirus cases in the state. Yet, Trump wants to hold an event.

Montgomery County, Wood County and Lucas County are pivotal counties Trump needs to carry Ohio. These swing counties went to Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012 and later Trump in 2016.

Trump will appear in Vandalia around 4:30pm and deliver remarks "on fighting for the American worker." The event will be held at Wright Bros Aero, a small business that likely supports Trump and Mike Pence.

The event will not be open to the public but it's expected to keep traffic around the airport tied up.

Trump, Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH), Rep. Mike Turner (R-OH), Rep. Warren Davidson (R-OH), Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), Rep. Steve Stiver (R-OH), Rep. Bob Latta (R-OH) and Rep. Steve Chabot (R-OH) will be in Dayton. Gov. Mike DeWine and Lt. Gov. Jon Husted will likely be there.

After the remarks, he will travel up to Toledo and have a rally at the Eugene F. Kranz Toledo Express Airport. He will have the event open to the public at 4pm and the rally will begin approximately at 7pm.
Trump is expected to have protesters in Dayton, Ohio.
So you're aware that Trump is not concerned about your health. He offered a disclaimer to those who attend the rally.

"By registering for this event, you understand and expressly acknowledge that an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place where people are present. In attending the event, you and any guests voluntarily assume all risk related to exposure to COVID-19, and waive, release, and discharge Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.; the host venue; or any of their affiliates, directors, officers, employees, agents, contractors, or volunteers from any and all liability under any theory, whether in negligence or otherwise, for any illness or injury."

So that means he doesn't want to get sued by families who contract the coronavirus.

He is so fucking desperate to win, he'll put his supporters at risk of exposure to the coronavirus.

Like Michael Steele, former Republican National Committee chairman said, "You can't save stupid!"

You can't fix stupid.

When Trump accepted his nomination at the White House, about 40 people have tested positive for the coronavirus. I'm sure that Rudy Giuliani in some fashion caught it. I'm sure that Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) caught it.

He was supposed to accompany Trump on a rally to Appleton on Thursday.

Last year, Trump appeared at the Miami Valley Hospital. He visited Dayton shortly after the mass shooting in August killed 10 Americans. He also flubbed on naming the city in his closing remarks.

He said "God bless the people of El Paso and Toledo, Ohio." It was quickly criticized.

Dayton, Ohio has seen nothing change since Trump's been in office. Expect him to only focus on the suburban communities with his stupid "law and order" nonsense.


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