Thursday, June 25, 2020

Genocidal Commentaries From Racist NC Police Officers

According to Wilmington(NC) Port City Newspaper:

Fired Wilmington cop: “We are just going to go out and start slaughtering them f—— ni—–. I can’t wait. God, I can’t wait.”

These hateful comments and views came from thuggish white law enforcement officers of Wilmington, N.C.  They're genocidal as well. 

No wonder Black people have a healthy distrust toward police.  It's because of actions and Klan/Nazi views. 
I bet those guys are Trump supporters as well because our president avocate violence.

They're misogynisitic as well.

Here are the excerpts:

WILMINGTON — “We are just gonna go out and start slaughtering them fu—– ni—–. I can’t wait. God, I can’t wait.
These are the words of a now-former Wilmington Police Department officer Kevin Piner.
He, along with two other officers, have been fired from the department after dash-cam footage recorded two phone conversations — accidentally — and a supervisor conducting a routine audit of the videos found the disturbing content.
Michael ‘Kevin’ Piner, James ‘Brian’ Gilmore, and Jessie E. Moore II were all terminated from the force. The announcement came from the new Chief of Police Donny Williams — not even 24-hours into his first day as chief.
On Wednesday afternoon, members of City Council along with Williams held a press conference to address the conduct of the former police officers. Williams, a nearly 30-year veteran at the department said he was saddened by the actions of the officers, but would have no tolerance for this type of behavior.
“Today is a challenging day for me because as your police chief, one of my first major tasks is to announce the termination of three veteran police officers,” Williams said.
In North Carolina, public records laws typically prevent government agencies from handing out information on personnel; however, in extraordinary circumstances, details can be released to the public.
The former officers actively tried to prevent a release of the information, and an attorney filed an apparently unsuccessful motion for a temporary restraining order, but ultimately the city decided it was the right thing to do.
“Why are we releasing this information this way and at this time? Because it is the right thing to do. Normally, personnel laws allow only a very small amount of information to be made public. However, in exceptional cases, when it is essential to maintain public confidence in the administration of the City and the Police Department, more information may be released.  This is the most exceptional and difficult case I have encountered in my career. We must establish new reforms for policing here at home and throughout this country,” Williams said.
As far as the video goes, Williams said the police would be working with a judge to determine if that footage can be released.
“Lastly, we will be filing a petition in which we will ask the Court to review whether or not some or all of the video, in this case, should be released. The law requires that a judge make that determination and we will support the judiciary by bringing the matter before the Court and supplying any information or other documents that Court may desire,” Williams said.
Williams and Saffo both stressed the importance of not placing the blame of the three officers on the hundreds of other officers in the department.

The recordings

On June 4, just days after protests began in Wilmington regarding the murder of George Floyd in Minnesota, a Sergeant Heflin was conducting monthly video audits — a routine part of her job — when she came across what was labeled as ‘accidental activations’ from Piner’s car.
Apparently, the car’s camera system was recording despite not being ‘activated’ for an incident (typically cameras are recording at all times but will not keep the recordings unless an officer triggers the system).
After skipping through the video, which was largely video of his backseat, she found a conversation between Piner and Corporal Jessie Moore — a police officer with the department since 1997.
As she reviewed the conversation, she “heard comments, extremely racist comments made by both Piner and Moore,” according to a summary provided by police.
The video also recorded a conversation with Officer Gilmore who apparently had pulled up next to Piner’s car.
Both conversations were explicit and racist in content.
According to the investigation summary, at 6:51 a.m., on a date not listed, Piner and Gilmore are recorded having a conversation.
“Their conversation eventually turned to the topic of the protests against racism occurring across the nation. Piner tells Gilmore that the only thing this agency is concerned with is “kneeling down with the black folks.” Gilmore then said that he watched a video on social media about white people bowing down on their knees and “worshipping blacks,” according to the summary.
The conversation then turned to other police officers in the Wilmington Police Department — black officers.
The audio has Piner calling one of the officers ‘bad news’ and a ‘piece of shit.’
“Let’s see how his boys take care of him when shit gets rough, see if they don’t put a bullet in his head,” Piner said about a fellow officer.
That conversation ends as Piner goes to respond to an alarm call.

‘A civil war is coming’

The second of the two conversations that day happened after Piner received a phone call from Moore.
According to the summary, “Moore began telling Piner about an arrest he had made at work the day before. During that conversation, Moore refers to the female as a ‘negro’ and a ‘ni—-‘ on multiple occasions.”
He also referred to a magistrate judge, who is also black, as a ‘fucking negro magistrate.’
“At one point, Moore states, “She needed a bullet in her head right then and move on. Let’s move the body out of the way and keep going.” Piner responds, ‘That’s what I have been trying to tell you,'” according to the documents.
After more derogatory comments about the arrestee and the magistrate, the conversation takes an even bleaker turn, as the two officers discuss an upcoming ‘civil war.’
“Piner tells Moore later in the conversation that he feels a civil war is coming and he is ‘ready.’ Piner advised he is going to buy a new assault rifle in the next couple of weeks. A short time later Officer Piner began to discuss society being close to ‘martial law’ and soon ‘we are just gonna go out and start slaughtering them fucking ni—–. I can’t wait. God, I can’t wait.’ Moore responded that he would not do that. Piner stated, ‘I am ready,'” according to the summary.
“Officer Piner then explained to Cpl. Moore that he felt society needed a civil war to “wipe ’em off the fucking map. That’ll put ’em back about four or five generations.'”
After the conversations were discovered police launched their own investigations into the incidents. None of the officers involved denied saying the things they said, according to WPD.
“Each officer admitted it was their voice on the video. They did not deny saying any of the things heard on the video. Each officer pointed to the stress of today’s climate in law enforcement as a reason for their ‘venting,'” according to the investigation.
Chief Williams took the following corrective actions for the three officers.
  • Termination of employment, each not eligible for rehire with the City of Wilmington.
  • Notification to the North Carolina Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards Commission in regards to their behaviors. These individuals should not be allowed to practice law enforcement again, he said.
  • Consultation with the District Attorney’s Office regarding these officers being used as witnesses in cases and reviewing any previous cases they might have testified in to determine any bias that might have been exhibited.
You can read the full release of the documents below.
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Wilmington Protestors Leave City Hall Quickly

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

A Packed House Despite COVID-19!

Trump has a packed crowd despite his declaration of a global pandemic.

Arizona saw a 67% spike in COVID-19. Over 5 million cases and over 150,000 Americans killed from the coronavirus.

Donald J. Trump, America's pandemic president hosted a Students for Trump rally in Arizona despite the coronavirus infection spiking up and his handling of this crisis is tanking him in the polls.

At the Dream City Church in Phoenix, Trump had over 3,000 people attend this rally.

Regardless of the polls, the electoral college will decide who becomes the president.

After his disappointing Tulsa rally, Trump had his campaign pull back free tickets online. Now all he wanted was people to just show up. Of course if they show up, they will sign a waiver to not sue his campaign or the event venue if they're exposed to the coronavirus.

As usual Trump got right into his act of attack his opponent Joe Biden, former president Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, antifa, protesters who are taking down statues of controversial figures and burning the American flag.

He also touted his border wall project that he wanted Mexico to pay for. Unfortunately, Mexico isn't paying for the border wall and it hasn't stopped the coronavirus from entering the country.

He kept referring the coronavirus as the "Kung Flu" which drew controversy.

If you're interested in this shitshow, here you go!

Here's the map.

Here's things to remember about the coronavirus. Revised.

1. Wash your hands frequently. Wash for at least 20 seconds (two Happy Birthday songs).

2. Do not touch your face (mouth, nose and eyes)

3. Cough into your elbow instead of your hands.

4. Keep a safe distance (at least 6 to 10 feet) from individuals. Businesses are now issuing social distancing and will have the right to refuse service if you're not adhering to the guidelines.

5. If you're sick, please stay home. You could spread the disease to others and trust me, you could face legal ramifications if you're sick and you deliberately showing up to work.

6. There is no treatment or cure for the COVID-19.

7. Follow state and federal laws regarding this. Some states have relaxed regulations but that doesn't mean you're fully able to return to normal life. You have to stay vigilant and remind yourself that you can still catch this despite social distancing and safe sanitation practices.

8. Do not hoard items like toilet paper, milk, eggs, bread, gloves, hand sanitizer, etc.
The Tulsa rally really bummed Trump. Now he's taking steps to keep his rallies from being sabatoged.
9. Use social media like Facebook Messenger, Meet, Zoom, Google Duo, Skype or social media to connect.

10. COVID-19 can live on surfaces for more than 72 hours. Including steel, plastic and cardboard.

11. A pandemic has no timeline. The coronavirus is new and scientists are trying to figure out how to combat this.

12. COVID-19 doesn't care about borders. The coronavirus spreads from human to human contact. We have no confirmation on how it made it to the United States. Don't believe what Donald J. Trump says about it coming from China. It was detected in China, then Italy and our first confirmed case was in January 2020 in the United States. We probably had thousands of people affected in 2019 and we just didn't know it.

13. If you deliberately infect other individuals, food and first responders, you will be charged with crime. So if people are trying to cough on you, sneeze on you, lick food products, lick toilet seats and refuse to wear masks where its required, they could face criminal charges. This is a controversial issue because some believe the mask isn't protecting them and some don't care about you or your family's health.

14. If you have signs of bluish lips or face, inability to wake or stay awake, new confusion, persistent pain in the chest, trouble breathing or blood in cough, call 9-1-1. There are mobile testing sites in your community but always check with a doctor first before getting a test at a public center. Most doctors will not take you openly without facial protection and confirmed symptoms.

15. Not all symptoms of COVID-19 are confirmed or denied. New issues keep showing up. So don't believe everything you've heard. The most common symptoms are noted above. Also please note that asymptomatic individuals are folks who have no symptoms but are spreading. Those are folks who look normal but have it and not showing signs yet.

According to the CDC, there is still not enough information on antibodies for COVID-19 and whether they can prevent someone from getting reinfected. It still recommends that people with a positive antibody test follow recommendations for protecting themselves and others.

The coronavirus doesn't care about your age, race, gender, sexuality, nationality, religion, politics, economic or social standings. It doesn't care about anything. It's a living organism that causes mild symptoms that include: fever, sore throats, chills, respiratory issues, loss of taste or smell and other unknown symptoms. If you have a weak immune system or health issues, your risk increases.

Death does happen to at least 40% of those who are affected by COVID-19.

Healthy people can die from this. Take this seriously. You only have one life!

If you need more information, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at

I'm Just Doing My Job! Why Are You Calling The Law On Me?

White woman threatens the law over leaves on a curb.
You notice that many Americans aren't wear facial protection. With the coronavirus pandemic here in the United States killing over 150,000 Americans, you would think people would know better.

Alas, they don't.

They don't take the threat seriously.

So it's risky to see these folks screaming in your face, exposing you to the potential COVID-19 exposure is another tragedy in the making.
The "Karens" of the world rejoice, you're not alone!

A woman is getting public humiliation after she laced a rant at a delivery man over leaves being blown onto a curb across the street from her property.

The who video went viral on social media and its gotten attention once again to white people threatening to call the police on people of color minding their business.

The video, which was shared on Tuesday, shows a white woman yelling at a worker for allegedly blowing street trash on the edge of her property. It was not immediately clear where or when the video was recorded.

"Do what you have to do," the man says after the woman apparently suggests she will call law enforcement.

"Stop dumping on my property!" the woman screams.

"You mad now," the man observes.

"I will call the cops!" she threatens. "Because this is dumping, you are illegally dumping on my property!"

In a second video, the man explains that he did not blow leaves on the woman’s property.
White lady does theatrics when she's blowing up at a Black delivery driver.
"I just blew the street off, that's all I did," he says. "If I blew the leaves off this property, this property would be clean. This property, nothing is clean. All I did was blow the edge, you feel me, all to over there."

"Yes, this is my property!" the woman exclaims.

"She tripping," the man laments.

"Call the company, don't talk to me," the man says, ending the video.

They invented the new term "White caller crime." Wow, this is rich. So now this is the new term only refers to white people call 9-1-1 on non-emergency calls to report a Black man or woman doing something that could be solved with rational conservation and not police interaction.

Biden Enjoying A Kentucky Bourbon In The Big Apple!

Joe Biden wins New York and Kentucky primaries.
The results of the New York and Kentucky Democratic presidential primaries.

Despite the Bernie Bros and the bullshit artist formerly known as Tara Reade, primary voters have ignored the noise and chose Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. over Bernard Sanders.

Donald J. Trump has already won Kentucky and New York.

New York cancelled their Republican Presidential Primary.

The former vice president has been working behind the scenes to encourage turnout.

His main opponent Donald J. Trump, the Republican incumbent president is tired of sitting on the sidelines. He decided to go back to campaign despite the COVID-19 pandemic he declared in March 2020.

His campaign manager Brad Pascale has been taunting Biden by claiming he's stuck in the basement while Trump is campaigning with his loyal supporters. Many in the healthcare believe it is extremely dangerous for Americans to be out in large gathering with the coronavirus.

Since the first confirmed case in January, we have over 5 million cases and over 150,000 American dead from this.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) beats back a challenger.
We have unemployment that is over 13.7% with over 45 million Americans out of a job and 140 million on restrictions or limited work. We have global uncertainty thanks to Trump's feuds with China, North Korea, Iran, Israel, the European Union, Mexico and India.

China and India could spark a global war because of a land dispute in an autonomous region of Eastern Asia.

Iran is still pissed about the United States killing its top general and vowed to retaliate.

Hundreds of companies could go under thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic. Macy's, JCPenney, JoAnn Fabrics, Ashley Furniture, Chuck E Cheese, Tim Hortons, Gap, Forever 21, GNC Live Well, Johnson & Johnson and other businesses are going belly up.

Joe Biden beats Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) in the long awaited New York Democratic presidential primary. A federal court ordered the state to conduct the presidential Democratic primary.

According to the Associated Press, Biden earned 67% of the vote while Sanders earned only 19% of the vote. The remaining candidates won 12% of the vote.

Biden is already the presumptive Democratic nominee is searching for a running mate who can help build momentum to his campaign.

Biden already secured over 70% of the vote in the Kentucky Democratic primary while Sanders has only 14% of the vote. The rest of the candidates have 16% of the vote.

The former vice president managed to secure enough delegates after the last round of primaries.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) is a controversial figure. She emerged as one of the youngest members of Congress and most vocal progressive in the House of Representatives. Many her critics were hoping to knock her out of primary. It turns out that the firebrand lawmaker handily beat back a candidate many figure would moderate the district.

Ocasio-Cortez beat back former CNBC anchor Michelle Caruso-Cabrera.

Many called Ocasio-Cortez's surprise win over Joe Crowley a "fluke." It seems like this "fluke" managed to beat back an onslaught of haters from both the left and right.

The Kentucky primaries were a mess. They only have less than 200 polling stations in the state.
Kentucky state lawmaker Charles Booker is making the race for the U.S. Senate interesting. 
Thousands of Kentuckians had to wait in the elements to vote for their candidates. The exposure to COVID-19 is high in that state and Kentucky Republicans have made it harder for voters to make it to the ballots before its closure.

We await the results of the Democratic senate primary in Kentucky.

Amy McGrath is facing off against Charles Booker. McGrath barely lost to the now-widowed Rep. Andy Barr (R-KY) in a highly publicized election in 2018. Now the Marine fighter pilot veteran is hoping to take down Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY), the controversial Majority Leader.

Most polls say that McConnell is leading by four points. McGrath and Booker both are fighting for Democratic nomination.
Amy McGrath has a small lead against insurgent Charles Booker.
Booker, an African American lawmaker who represents Louisville in the Kentucky assembly has the backing of Sanders, Ocasio-Cortez and Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN). Those last minute endorsements have made it a race that is too close to call.

Booker is more progressive than McGrath and many Democrats believe that his victory will only hurt their chances to take out the most corrupt senator in modern history.

Biden has 2,198 delegates while Sanders has 1,032 delegates.

Biden is being urged to pick a woman of color as a running mate. So far the leading candidates are Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), Rep. Val Demings (D-FL), Rep. Karen Bass (D-CA), Susan Rice, Stacey Abrams, Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) and Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto (D-NV).

Madison Cawthorn Trumps Trump-Backed Lynda Bennett!

A 24-year old real estate investor beats the Republican establishment in a special primary race.
He will turn 25 in a few weeks. He could be the youngest member of the U.S. House of Representatives if elected in November. This man will meet the requirements of being U.S. Congressman by the time he's elected.

The last members who were elected at a young age were Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY).

A motivational speaker defeated a Trump-backed candidate in a Republican primary race in North Carolina.

North Carolina's 11th Congressional District was once held by Mark Meadows. He resigned from his seat to join the White House as the chief of staff. The seat is likely Republican but it was an intraparty fight between two candidates who supported Trump. However, the candidate who won, said he'll back Trump but he won't back Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY).

(David) Madison Cawthorn defeated Lynda Bennett, a Trump-backed Republican who had backing from most of the establishment including the backing of Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX).

Cawthorn will face Democrat Moe Davis in the November general election.

What happened?

Bennett, a realtor and friend of Meadows quickly got into the race expecting to easily cruise a victory.

She had the backing of many Republican lawmakers and Donald J. Trump's official support.

According to The Charlotte Observer, Meadows' late exit and the endorsement of Bennett led to ill will among some in the GOP.

The head of Western Carolina University's political science, Chris Cooper said that Meadows kind of torpedoed Bennett.
Republican establishment candidate Lynda Bennett is defeated.
"There definitely were hard feelings among the local Republican Party. Sort of a sense that Bennett had tried to bypass the system and the party and Meadows had as well," Cooper said. "There was a sense he tried to cook the books for her."

Bennett declined most interview requests and turned down an opportunity to debate Cawthron.

Bennett who is a realtor won the first primary in March in a 12-way Republican race. She edged out Cawthorn with 22% of the vote, but failed to reach 30% threshold to avoid a runoff. Bennett received fewer votes in the second primary, while Cawthorn's total jumped by nearly 12,000.

Trump gave glowing endorsements of Bennett.

Bennett touted Trump's endorsement on her campaign website, which includes a photo of the president on her homepage.

Cawthorn basically called her a "insider."

Cawthorn is paralyzed from the waist down. He was a survivor of a bad car accident. He said that this ordeal didn't deter his ambitions to do something.

He is a small businessman who owns a real estate investment company in Hendersonville.

Some consider this a victory in the way you seen how Eric Cantor lost to Dave Brat.

North Carolina's 11th Congressional District is considered safe for Republicans.

Jamaal Bowman Berns Eliot Engel!

Jamaal Bowman is beating Eliot Engel.
An African American educator is posed to be the Democratic nominee for the New York 16th Congressional District. He will represent a district that was once held by a powerful lawmaker.

For those who don't understand, the 16th Congressional District is a safe district for the Democrats.

The intraparty fights continue within the Democratic Party. The Justice Democrats can once again claim victory. An New York City educator and activist may have defeated longtime Democratic fixture, Rep. Eliot Engel (D-NY).

Jamaal Bowman is ahead of Engel by 20 points as of today. The precincts are almost finished with their count.

Bowman, a relatively newcomer was backed by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT).

As a former Bronx school principal , Bowman was boosted in the months leading up to the primaries.

CBS News reported that Engel had mad some serious gaffes on the campaign trail.
Rep. Eliot Engel (D-NY) is losing his Democratic primary against a candidate backed by Bernie Sanders.
An Atlantic reporter caught him in a lie about being in his district for a coronavirus-related event.

Weeks later, during a Bronx news conference about recent protests over police brutality Engel was caught on an open microphone asking to be allowed to address the crowd, saying, "If I didn't have a primary, I wouldn't care."

Engel is a pro-Israel lawmaker. He represents parts of The Bronx and Westchester County.

He is a Jewish American lawmaker who has been in office since 1989.

Engel has been a thorn in the hairs of many progressives because of his stance on Israel.

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) both have face harsh criticism from Engel over their stance on Israel. The two lawmakers have said the U.S. should stop sending aid to Israel due to their inhumane treatment of the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Engel has sided with Donald J. Trump and fellow lawmaker Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY) when it came to American-Israeli relations. He supported Trump on moving the American embassy to Jerusalem.

Bowman's rise is similar to Ocasio-Cortez's victory against longtime Democratic lawmaker Joseph Crowley.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Rayshard Brooks' Final Journey!

Rayshard's final journey.
The funeral of Rayshard Brooks was held today.

It was an open casket funeral.

Americans got to pay their final respects to the young man who tragically died because of police violence.

The funeral was held at the Ebenezer Baptist Church. The famous church where Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. once gave speeches about civil rights.

His children, Martin Luther King III and Bernice King delivered remarks and an eulogy.

Entertainer and media mogul Tyler Perry paid for most of the funeral expenses and promised to help Rayshard's children make it through college.

Also attending was Stacey Abrams and Georgia's Democratic senate nominee Jon Ossoff.
Open casket funeral for Rayshard Brooks.
Controversial lawmaker Rep. Doug Collins (R-GA) has condemned Fulton County prosecutor Paul Howard. He did a presser outside the prosecutor's office with the police union. Collins who is facing a special election primary against Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-GA) is trying to win the spot.

The Atlanta man who was shot by the cops is being laid to rest. The two cops who shot him will face a judge next week. The woman who allegedly burned down the Wendy's Restaurant is caught. She will be facing arson charges.

It's alleged the arsonist is the girlfriend/mistress of the victim.

The video of his funeral is now available. I was going to post earlier but due to musical restriction they pulled live feeds.

So the junk food media has found the woman who allegedly set fire to the restaurant in a night of unrest.
Rayshard's family pay their final respects to a good man.
The woman, 29 turned herself into the law on suspicion of setting fire to the restaurant. They are seeking other individuals who were involved as well.

They claim that she was partly to blame for setting fire to the restaurant on June 13 where Rayshard was killed by the two former Atlanta cops after they tried to arrest him on suspicion of driving under the influence.

Brooks was unarmed. He also was married but on the night on the death, while talking to the law, he told them he was a Wendy's picking up food for him and his "girlfriend."

The attorney representing the arsonist told the junk food media that Rayshard and the arsonist knew each other and said out of respect for his wife Tomika Miller, they will not bring forth any allegations of infidelity or separation into the matter.
Arsonist turned herself in.
Again, what the fuck does have to do with Rayshard being shot in the back by a dirty cop? They used a taser on him. According to the police, they conclude that a taser is a non-lethal weapon. So if Rayshard was holding a deployed taser that would just not be subjected to using deadly force. I mean they've roughed up many other suspects in custody. Fleeing an arresting officer should not be a death sentence especially if the suspect isn't armed with a lethal weapon. So from this point, if they want to call a taser a deadly weapon, then they shouldn't use this on anyone.

The suspect turned herself into the Gwinnett County sheriff's office. So she didn't live in Atlanta.

Hum, me thinks that white instigators like her often cause ruckus to pin the problems on Black people.

Because Black folks need Kroger, Walmart, Target, Wendy's, Popeyes, local restaurants, local business, Black-owned business especially in their communities. To think that folks of color stealing from the own neighborhoods is unfathomable but it's often whites that do it far worse than Blacks.

The suspect is facing up to twenty years in the iron college, a $400,000 fine for arson, lawsuits from the owner of the franchise, Wendy's Restaurants, the Atlanta Fire Department, the employees affected by loss of employment and the vendors. She will be banned from all Wendy's restaurants and face years of apologies to those she hurt.

Rayshard Brooks death happened only two weeks after the George Floyd tragedy. Many people of color are calling for systematic change when it comes to police encounters.
Two dirty cops face LIFE in the iron college if convicted of murder.
Police reform is necessary.

The Atlanta mayor Keisha Lance Bottom has promise swift changes to the police. She signed off a ban on chokeholds, requirements for officers to have body cameras on when encountering suspects and accountability when it comes to using deadly force.

The two cops are no longer going to face the DEATH card but they're going to face the LIFE in the iron college if they're convicted.

The suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Cos Got An Appeal!

Washed up entertainer fights his conviction.
The washed up entertainer was convicted of sexually assaulting former Temple University coach Andrea Constand is granted an appeal.

The 82-year old sexual predator has a three to ten year bid in the iron college for sexual assault.

He is labeled a TIER III Offender.

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has granted his a right to fight his fight to appeal the term. He was convicted of drugging and sexually assaulting Constand at his home in Philadelphia in 2004.

The court has agreed to review two aspects of the case, including the judge's decision to let prosecutors call five other accusers to testify about long-ago encounters with the guy, the junk food media once labeled "America's TV Dad."

The lawyers for the sexual predator have challenged that testimony as remote and unreliable. The court will also consider, as it weighs the scope of the testimony allowed, whether the jury should have heard evidence that the sexual predator had given quaaludes to women in the past.

The sexual predator has complained about his health while in the iron college. Given his age, and he's now legally blind, he thinks the state could let him serve out his sentence at his home. The COVID-19 crisis has spread into the state and federal penal systems. They have released the non-violent offenders to stop the spread of the deadly disease.

Given the criminal act is a violent crime, Gov. Tom Wolf has denied any release of this guy.

Those who aren't violent criminals are getting out while folks like this guy can't because he's a violent sexual predator.

Hey, hey, hey....

Once beloved as Cliff Huxtable of the hit television show The Cosby Show, this sexual predator had made a lifestyle of promoting Black awareness and often chastised Black men for stereotypes. The controversial comedian Hannibal Buress did a comedy act trashing the self-righteousness of this guy.

It opened the door. Over 80 women came out with accusations of this guy doing inappropriate things to them.

His former castmates with the exception of Lisa Bonet were shocked to hear of such a thing. Bonet, who played Denise on the show and A Different World was slightly written out because of her pregnancy and marriage to then husband Lenny Kravitz. Bonet despises the sexual predator for talking shit about Black woman and all the while doing these terrible things to them.

Triggered By Black Lives Matter!

Ex-Minneapolis cop who killed George Floyd confronted.
White people who are showing out are being filmed for public ridicule. The "Kevins" and "Karens" in the country are screaming at people of color who are calling for systematic change in the way we are policing. They are trying to call the police on people of color minding their business.

Whether at a restaurant, a swimming pool or a public street, we seen videos of white people acting out and showing their true colors.

Even some are plotting to massacre people of color because they're triggered by Donald J. Trump's fiery rhetoric online and on the campaign trail. They're upset that statues of Confederate soldiers and leaders are being toppled.

They see protesters as a terrorists, rioters, looters and anarchists because a few of them smash windows. It's likely white agitators who instigate these incidents but of course the junk food media loves to put this on Black people.

The George Floyd tragedy has opened up a lot of wounds. If we reelected Donald J. Trump, we may be on the brink of another civil war.

Quick briefs.

White man threatened to shoot up a Black Lives Matter protest while he loaded his assault rifles.

The 22-year old terrorist was arrested on Thursday for allegedly posting videos on Snapchat and Instagram in which he threatened to shoot up a protest.

The terrorist was living in Nokomis, Florida. Folks saw his videos and reported them to the law.

He turned his pages to private after he was outed by the public. The terrorist was allegedly ranting off about his threats to "shoot up these fucking protesters."

He would "love to go to a fucking Black Lives Matter and fucking riot and shoot all over them, every fucking one of them, let them bleed out and watch them fucking bleed as I sit there fucking drinking my fucking [Co]rona."

Got one count of making terroristic threats. He could face a federal sandwich if its proven he's sharing white extremism online.

Then that dirty cop who allowed another dirty cop put his knee on the neck of George Floyd was spotted in a Cub Foods in Minnesota. A woman spotted him inside the store and confronted him.

The dirty cop posted a $750,000 "get out free" card. He is awaiting trial and is restricted from leaving the state.

Without any shame, the dirty cop sid to the woman that "I'm sorry you feel that way."

While holding a package of Oreos and some drinks, the former dirty cop was spotted by this woman and she immediately took a look on her phone and confirmed it was him.

So she said that he should be locked up. She scolded him for allowing that dirty cop place his knee on the neck of George Floyd without even remotely telling him that was excessive force.

The woman said that, "You're not going to comfortably go around Minnesota like this. This is crazy that you're here ... thinking everything is okay. I mean, you don't want to apologize, you don't want to say anything?"

He is facing complicity to murder which could put his ass in the iron college for 40 years. He and two other dirty cops didn't render aid nor

A Black Yale student who was on summer break went back home to Manhattan, New York. She wore a Black Lives Matter shirt and a white woman holding a box of Natural Ice beer starts verbally attacking her.

The woman is calls her a NIGGER and calls the woman an ape.

Kathryn Graves shared the viral video on social media showing this white lady referring former First Lady Michelle Obama as a "NIGGER APE" and former President Barack Obama is a "Muslim NIGGER."

"Obama's fucking dick right next to his ape fucking wife," the woman says in the footage, starting off her offensive remarks.

"What's the matte you NIGGER Ape?" she said as she turned to Graves.

"What's the matter, you got time to do your fucking pink ass fucking hair, you NIGGER Obama fucking ape," she continued before she jaywalked across the New York City street.

A Black woman was berated by an angry white man who she claims accused her of selling drugs out of a stolen car.

Nakida Clarke of Houston, Texas shared the footage on social media.

The man flew into a foul-mouth rage when she parked outside his house. The man also scribbled the words stolen on her temporary license tags of her vehicle after the guy got into a rant with her.

The clip was shared by 60,000 times, with some branding the man a "male Karen."

"I parked round the corner because there wasn't any parking at my complex. He goes out his way to call the dealership I purchased my car from and ask them to call me and tell me I am blocking his mail box and he can't get his mail (clearly I am not blocking this man's mail box and he can clearly fit in the space to get his mail.) He proceeds to tell me that I can't afford this car and that I'm selling drugs out of it, and it's stolen! Wow!"

Does this stuff frustrate you or what?

I mean how many more of these incidents are going to happen in the country?

That's why we can't take the election for granted. Donald J. Trump has a chance to win reelection despite his failure to handle the coronavirus, the massive unemployment, the civil unrest and the deeply polarizing legislation passed by Congress.

All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

It never happens in your community.......! Until it does! Every community in the United States will eventually have a legacy. A legacy of tragedy. A mass shooting will affect your town, your family and your life. So I don't want to hear that bullshit about how "guns save lives." They don't. The only thing that survives a gun shooting is the gun.






We haven't forgotten about the many mass shootings in the United States. COVID-19 doesn't stop individuals from picking up firearms and killing others.

Register to vote.

Vote by mail.

Vote absentee ballot.

Vote early (safely).

Vote on Election Day safely on November 3, 2020.

Monday, June 22, 2020

And Chicago, Mr. Trump!

Father's day weekend shootings in Chicago. Over 200 people shot in gun violence.
Chicago had record mass shootings this year.

Despite COVID-19 killing over 150,000 Americans, gun violence continue to be a huge problem in the country.

Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker, Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot, Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL), Sen. Tammy Duckworth, the 18 U.S. Representatives and city aldermans are still dealing with gun violence.

Republican president Donald J. Trump who is still riding on the 2016 playbook said that he will "Make America Great Again" by working on changing the failed leadership in Chicago.

I guess that's a bridge to nowhere with Trump.

Nearly 150 people were shot in Chicago.

Eleven people were killed, including four children, and 67 others were wounded in shootings across Chicago during the Father's Day weekend, police told CNN.

This weekend's youngest victim, 3-year-old Mekhi James, was shot Saturday evening when someone opened fire at his father's car as they traveled through the city's Austin neighborhood, according to Chicago police records and the Cook County Medical Examiner's Office.

Eleven people were killed, including four children, and 67 others were wounded in shootings across Chicago during the Father's Day weekend, police told CNN.

This weekend's youngest victim, 3-year-old Mekhi James, was shot Saturday evening when someone opened fire at his father's car as they traveled through the city's Austin neighborhood, according to Chicago police records and the Cook County Medical Examiner's Office.

Chicago Police Superintendent David Brown said Monday that multiple teenagers were shot. Two of them had walked to a nearby store and were shot multiple times while walking into their backyard.

Both teenagers died after being transported to the University of Chicago hospital, police said.
"Children in Chicago should not have to worry about walking just blocks from home to buy candy and never returning," Brown said at a news conference.

Brown also said Chicago Police recovered 77 guns and made 43 gun arrests over the weekend and have confiscated 4,468 guns this year in an effort to curb the violence.

He said there are too many violent offenders who are not in jail.

"We need violent felons to stay in jail longer," Brown said. "We need improvements to the home monitoring system."
Mayor Lori Lightfoot has two fronts: Gun violence and COVID-19.
When asked what the issues were that lead to the violent weekend across the city, Brown answered with three things: "Gangs, guns and drugs."

Mayor Lori Lightfoot called the shooting of the 3-year-old "a heinous, unconscionable act of cowardice" and said the boy "had his whole life ahead of him." Lightfoot has urged community members to come forward with information for police.

Halfway through the year, 168 mass shootings in the United States.

We have a global pandemic that is killing 150,000 Americans. The coronavirus deaths are still happening and folks are not social distancing. We have an economic recession. With the coronavirus spreading from coast to coast, many companies are closing up for good and placing Americans out of work. They are over 45 million Americans out of work. There are thousands of Americans who are being killed by gun violence. Everyday at least 95 people died from gun violence. I can't even tell you how many stories I've missed involving gun violence in the country.
America's third largest city is the epicenter of gun violence.




We have unrest in the nation. African Americans and Native Americans had enough of the status quo in politics, religion, entertainment and law. The need to change started on May 25, 2020 when a cop placed his knee on the neck of an American citizen. He screamed, "I can't breathe...." and cried for his "mama."

No amount of criminal acts this man done justified that cop's actions. It's has frustrated me to hear folks like Candace Owens, Larry Elder, Leo Terrell, Jesse Lee Peterson, Terrence K. Williams, Kevin Jackson, Diamond & Silk and Allen West defend the actions of bad cops and white vigilantes.

And of course, leftists like Cornel West, Nina Turner, Jeffery Shaun King, Benjamin Dixon and Killer Mike. These coons are trying to infiltrate the debate with "pie in the sky" policies from a failed presidential candidate. They are deliberately sabotaging the Democratic Party's chances of winning the election. Black voters picked their nominee and these coons are trying to sow discourse to white progressives and young voters.

I don't give a fuck about someone's past encounters with police. That doesn't justify the death of anyone.

Moments of silence, street memorials, naming of public places, saying "Your heart goes out to...," lowering of flags and hashtags are platitudes. They are a huge waste of time. It's a man-made crisis created by a lazy ass government. They are enabling this. Donald J. Trump, Congress and the National Rifle Association are a bunch of lily-livered cowards. They are numb to gun violence.

Trump and lawmakers elected to federal office made politics extremely toxic. It's not just the fault of our dear leader and lawmakers, but relentless agitators on the 24/7 cable news channels. They are profiting off division and divisiveness. The internet is also a problem. It's is a breeding ground for potential mass shooters. Facebook, Twitter, Google and other social media outlets have been "ground zero" for disinformation, partisan threats and social activism. Incels and social outcasts find their outlets on sites that inspire them to cause harm to their fellow human beings.

It never happens in your community.......! Until it does! Every community in the United States will eventually have a legacy. A legacy of tragedy. A mass shooting will affect your town, your family and your life. So I don't want to hear that bullshit about how "guns save lives." They don't. The only thing that survives a gun shooting is the gun.






We haven't forgotten about the many mass shootings in the United States. COVID-19 doesn't stop individuals from picking up firearms and killing others.

Name Branding!

Name changes are coming to these brands. Aunt Jemima, Uncle Ben's, Cream of Wheat and Mrs. Butterworth are going to be rebranded.
Aunt Jemima isn't the only brand that is changing course. Quaker Oats, a division of PepsiCo Brands had announced they are retiring the legendary pancake and syrup brand mascot after years of concern.

The Aunt Jemima logo underwent changes during its time but the first original image was designed as a Black woman who looked like a "mammy."

The brand has been long associated with Black serveratide to White families.

When they decided to rebrand the legendary pancake mix and syrup, other companies have decided to step forward with changes to their legendary logos.

On Wednesday, the brands Uncle Ben's, Eskimo Pie, Mrs. Butterworth, Cream of Wheat have announced they are going to rebrand the products. They will start making changes to the products in late 2020.

Each of these products represented a negative stereotype of African Americans and Native Americans.

The rebranding announcements – considered long overdue by experts, historians and some consumers – come at a time when companies face increasing pressure to boost diversity efforts and combat racism in the wake of the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis.

Also the pressure is on to have the Washington Redskins and Cleveland Indians change their names.

Donald J. Trump is frustrated over protesters taking down statues in relation to slavery and the confederacy. The statues of Christopher Columbus, confederate generals and politicians who were slavery owners. That included George Washington, the first American president. He owned slaves.

Thomas Jefferson owned slaves and slept with Sally Hemming and hid her from the public.

So much things have happened since the tragedy of George Floyd. Trust me, we have seen a massive round of changes in the wake of the incident that sparked a movement to end systematic racism not only in the police but in the government and social media.

There's calls to have Cloudfare to cut ties to white nationalism. The website is a host to websites that have anti-Black propaganda and racial angst.


We still have an issue with conservative agitators who are pushing misinformation and racial agitation.

People like Rupert Murdoch, Fox News, Colin Flaherty, Andy Ngo, Candace Owens, Jesse Lee Peterson, Kevin Jackson, Richard Spencer, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Laura Ingraham, Todd Starnes, Bill O'Reilly, Tucker Carlson, Lou Dobbs, Bill Mitchell, Matt Drudge, Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter and Sean "Softball" Hannity exist. They continue to profit off divisiness and misinformation.

This issue must be remedied before we can see less racial angst in the counrty.

We have a long way to go to get to equality.


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