Monday, June 08, 2020

Mitt Romney: Black Lives Matter!

Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) broke from Republicans. He joined the protesters outside the White House.
Could you imagine the former 2012 Republican nominee for president walks in unison with a group of individuals demanding American police reform?

Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) would have been a great president if he didn't listen to Karl Rove, Sarah Palin, Rupert Murdoch, Fox News, Andrew Breitbart, Matt Drudge, Rush Limbaugh and Sean "Softball" Hannity.

Romney would have moderated and would have earned Democrats respect.

I mean he's a guy who loves peanut butter, honey and banana sandwiches of all things.

Barack Obama had respect for Mitt Romney. After all, Obama credited Romney for the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare). A monumental healthcare law that Romney once championed as then governor of Massachusetts but was told to distance himself from it. Romney was hammered for being a flip-flopper.

He was pitted between his view of America and the culture war which Republicans always base their campaign strategy on.

Romney couldn't win over Black voters. He picked a lawmaker who had nothing more than austerity and a workout gym as his success. Picking Paul Ryan was a mistake. He could have gotten someone who was willing to work with Democrats.

John McCain made that mistake by picking Sarah Palin.

Romney listened to folks telling him to go after Obama for "You Didn't Build That." He listened to the noise tell him to talk about Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, Benghazi, being "weak" on terror despite authorizing the Osama bin Laden strike, and not saying "radical Islam."

They were hoping to capitalize off the Lois Lerner and IRS "scandal."

The Fast & Furious "scandal", the birth certificate and Michelle Obama's "Healthy Eating/60 Minutes of Play" were often scapegoated as well.

Donald J. Trump wanted Romney to take Obama apart. He even considered running in 2012 but declined when Romney told Trump he was going to "go hard" on Obama.

Trump knew that his carnival barking would hurt him in the general. He knew he could lose to Obama so that's why he opted out.

Romney would be defeated in a landslide. He would retreat to California to live with his wife Ann.

When Orin Hatch decided to retire, Romney saw that he had an opportunity to cast aside the notion he was a perennial loser by running for the senate seat in a state favorable to Republicans.

He won his bid to become a U.S. Senator after failing to win in Massachusetts. He was considered a perennial candidate in my opinion. An opportunist who has homes in four states.
Romney walks with Black Lives Matter protesters.
A man who was desperate for attention finally winning an election.

Fast forward to 2020.

Romney has now a clear conscience.

The senator appeared in Washington, DC walking with Black Lives Matter protesters. He would be showing solidarity to the plight of African Americans. After all, one of his sons has adopted a Black son.

Here's how Fox News responded to the news of Romney marching with protesters.

Trump mocks Romney for marching with protesters to White House: ‘What a guy’

Romney marched with Black Lives Matter protesters on Sunday, appearing to be the first Republican senator to participate in the protests. The Utah senator joined demonstrators who were protesting police brutality and racial injustice in the aftermath of George Floyd's death.
Trump banned Mitt Romney from the White House, the Republican retreats and the national convention.
He posted a selfie showing him with a face mask among a crowd. He captioned his post: "Black Lives Matter."

After a Washington Post reporter asked him why he was protesting, Romney said, "to make sure that people understand that black lives matter." He was walking with a group of nearly 1,000 Christians to the White House, according to the tweet.

President Trump mocked Romney, a frequent critic of his, for participating in Sunday's protest.

"Tremendous sincerity, what a guy. Hard to believe, with this kind of political talent, his numbers would 'tank' so badly in Utah!" he tweeted Monday.

Romney's appearance in the protest was a rare public display of support for the Black Lives Matter movement by any sitting Republican in Congress. Texas Republican Congressman Will Hurd, who isn't seeking reelection, shared a video himself participating in the protest in Houston earlier this week.

California Senator Kamala Harris, a Democrat, tweeted about Romney's participation in the march:

"We need more of this."

Romney did not endorse Trump in 2016 and he confirmed he won't endorse his 2020 reelection. He was the lone Republican senator who voted to indict and convict Trump during his impeachment trial.

Today is the third memorial service for George Floyd. This will take place in Houston, Texas.

Presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden, Rev. Al Sharpton, Trae The Truth, Floyd Mayweather, Alicia Keys, Stevie Wonder, Houston mayor Sylvester Turner, Rep. Al Green (D-TX), Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX), Rep. Karen Bass (D-CA), Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ), Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC), Benjamin Crump, Lee Merritt, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) are going to be at the memorial service.

What Happened To Patrick Carroll?

The junk food media uses the mugshot of an unarmed man being nearly killed by a neck press.

The status quo of politics continues to allow the rule of law for two factions: White and Black.






We haven't forgotten about the many mass shootings in the United States. COVID-19 doesn't stop individuals from picking up firearms and killing others.

Before the George Floyd tragedy there was the incident that happened in Florida where a dirty cop placed his knee on the neck of a Black man. Thankfully this Black man survived his encounter.

You wondering how the police learned this move?

They learned this move from Israel. The Israeli military has been trained law enforcement in the United States and Canada these tactics to detain uncooperative suspects.

The move used on Floyd was the move used on Eric Garner and many other people of color.
Dirty cops putting a knee on the neck of an unarmed suspect.
Also, what's being seen as an op is the "DEFUND THE POLICE" narrative. This is being spread by the leftists who are trying to sabotage Joe Biden's presidential campaign. The remenants of Sen. Bernie Sanders' (I-VT) presidential campaign are deliberately trying to undermine Black Lives Matter by inserting "taxing the rich", "Medicare for All," and remember Biden wrote the crime bill.

Right now, Democrats in the House are drafting a bill that will hold police officers more accountable if they have a history of violence or using deadly force on unarmed civilians. No mentions of this in the junk food media.

All you're hearing is the protests, the memorial service and whole lot of white people calling for systematic change. Blacks have called for systematic change for over 400 years.

A cop in Florida is in the freezer pending an investigation. He was caught on camera putting his knee on the neck of a Black man in Sarasota back in May. This incident happened few days before the George Floyd incident.

The video was taken on May 18. The victim was Patrick Carroll.

He was arrested by the Sarasota Police on a domestic violence call.

Carroll acknowledged he was wrong for the incident but said the cops nearly killed him.

"As I'm yelling and asking him why I'm being detained, he's started putting his knee on my neck," Carroll said.

He has medical issues like asthma and scoliosis and complained he was having trouble breathing.

"While he saying I'm resisting, I'm just moving around so I can have circulation in my body and my throat."

Carroll's mother filmed the encounter and recently shared this video to the public.

Sarasota Police had initially said the encounter was non-violent but after the video went viral, the quickly apologized to Carroll and place the unnamed cop in the freezer.

"Utilizing your knee on someone's neck is not something that we train," Deputy Chief Patrick Robinson said. "It's not something that we authorize and it's not something we stand behind."

"We are bound and determined to do everything we can to build, rebuild and repair the relationships that were damaged in reference to what's going on in our community right now as it relates to this particular video," Robinson said.
What happened to Patrick Carroll happened George Floyd and others.
Carroll's family has retained S. Lee Merritt to handle the matter. Merritt and Benjamin Crump have emerged in a lot of high profile incidents. The Ahmaud Arbery incident in February but gained traction in April and May. The Breonna Taylor incident happened in March but gained traction in May. The Sean Reed incident happened in April and started picking up steam in May. George Floyd became the catalyst of civil unrest and calls for change.

The dirty cop could face criminal charges for that action. If the grand jury believes the use of force on an unarmed man was unnecessary, he could get charged with felonious assault.

Carroll hasn't been criminally charged for the incident as of yet. But due to the video being viral I am guessing his criminal charges were dropped.

The suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

It pissed me off that of all the images of Patrick Carroll, the media only has his mugshot. It gives a perception that the cop was justified in use of force.





There's No Such Thing As Black Supremacy!

Terry Crews believes there's a thing called Black supremacy.
I am going to be honest with you, "I've been lazy on posting these last few weeks." I have been dealing with sciatic nerve pain which has radiated through my back into my left leg. I'm still dealing with this pain and I wouldn't wish this on anyone. Also I was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. My job has me furloughed because of the Ohio governor's mandate on large gatherings at facilities.

The governor had just recently eased up restrictions and I'll be happy to return to work soon.

Also, I have not seen my son in months. I don't hate him nor his mother. But I do hate the fact that being a "surprise dad" is not fun at all. Had I known before the child's birth, I would have gotten that opportunity to savior the first five minutes of the birth. There's likely no other chance I'll get being a father anytime soon.

I rather stay single because I've dated some of the worst women in my life. That includes the mother of my child.

With COVID-19 killing 120,000 Americans, 45 million Americans unemployed, the entertainment industry collapsing, global uncertainty in the economy, unrest in the country due to police violence and a presidential election, I ask myself:

"What the fuck is going on here?"

What is trending on social media this evening.


Another controversy sparked by Black fascist Candace Owens. She had went to Glenn Beck's bullshit carnival to express her outrage over the memorial services held for the Minnesota man who was killed by the Minneapolis Police. His death sparked nights of protests and unrest in the country.

Owens has been very angry over the junk food media's wall-to-wall coverage. She is close to being permanently banned from Twitter and there's calls for Facebook to drop her on the account her rhetoric being dangerous.

Owens has been critical of the George Floyd protests. She had called him a "thug" and said that the junk food media has made him into a martyr.

GoFundMe released a statement on Saturday evening saying they have suspended the account with Candace Owens her GoFundMe campaign for the Parkside Cafe due to inflammatory statements.
Candace Owens is still cooning for white extremsits.
Owens expressed her support for a Birmingham bar owner and his views on George Floyd Saturday on Facebook. She started a GoFundMe campaign for the Parkside Cafe to raise money. The online fundraiser platform removed the campaign citing a pattern of statements that spread hate, discrimination, intolerance, and falsehoods against the black community at a time of profound national crisis. GoFundMe says those actions violate their terms of service.

Michael Dykes, the founder of Parkside Cafe in Avondale, called Floyd a "thug" and said protesters were "idiots" in a text message that was sent on Friday morning to Robert Bagwell, co-owner of the bar, and one of Parkside's employees. Dykes said Parkside should increase prices at the bar as a “protest tax” and employees who participated in the protests should resign.

All of my friends and family in Birmingham, AL, this is what the owner of Parkside, Michael Dykes said!!!! Let’s make him reap these words.. DON’T GO THERE!!! Take your money else where!
Posted by Courtney Renae Caesar on Friday, June 5, 2020

America's Got Talent host Terry Crews made a remark about Black Supremacy on social media.

It comes fresh after former judge and celebrity agitator Gabrielle Union filed a lawsuit against Simon Cowell, NBC-Universal Entertainment and Comcast on the grounds of racial discrimination.

Crews, a former NFL player, sports commentator, games show host, actor and comedian was a victim of sexual abuse. He has spoken out against sexual harassment towards men and has supported the MeToo Movement.

Crews and Union had big fallout after she was let go from AGT.

In Crews' opinion, if defeating white supremacy without whites creates Black supremacy, why ain't we in power. Last time I've checked, we only have one African American man become the President of the United States.

Here's the controversial leftist (Jeffery) Shaun King. The agitator who is bitter over Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) losing the Democratic nomination again decides to toss red meat to the leftists and far-right by accusing Democrats of allowing police brutality.

The far-right is claiming that King is a part of Black Lives Matter. The organization has distance itself from him. The group accuses King of raising his profile off the backs of Black people. He has often been hammered for starting up charities and organizations. He often asks for donations and never fulfills his promise to get these "call to actions" moving.

DeRay McKesson and Imani Gandy have denounced King and warned people to avoid him.

Let me understand this. Black supremacy is real.... So why are we only 13% of the United States population.
Shaun King is a controversial leftist who post controversial Black killings in an attempt to earn donations from it.
Why do Black men and women often are pulled over the police at a higher rate than Whites or Asians?

Why are there anti-Black websites that devote their time to calling us racial slurs?

We only had two Black men sit on the Supreme Court.

There's only few billionaires that are African American. Oprah Winfrey, Jay-Z, Dr. Dre, Kanye West, Robert F Smith, Bob Johnson, Michael Jordan and David Steward are the only billionaires in the United States that are Black.

There are only three U.S. Senators. Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) and Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC).

There are 54 U.S. Representatives that are African American. Two are delegates from Washington, DC and the U.S. Virgin Islands. One is a Republican.

There's only one governor who is African American. He's from the U.S. Virgin Islands. There are seven African American lieutenant governors. Six are Democrats and one is a Republican.

There's only one mayor who is the mayor of Washington, DC.

Please let me know where's the Black supremacy in the country!

Sunday, June 07, 2020

Colin Powell: I May Never Vote Republican Ever Again!

Colin Powell endorses Joe Biden. He said that Republicans have lost a generation of voters thanks to Trump.
Colin Powell got Biden!

The former Secretary of State under George W. Bush endorsed Joe Biden for president.

Powell is a retired four-star general for the U.S. Army. He was a former National Security Advisor, Commander of the U.S. Army Forces Command and as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Powell had previously endorsed Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton for president in the last elections.

He said that the party is drifting further into white nationalism. Powell said that John McCain, Mitt Romney and Donald J. Trump embrace far-right agitators who continue to drive "wedges" between Americans. He said that the embracing of Fox News, talk radio and Breitbart has all but made the Republican Party a former shell of itself.

Powell is a former Republican turned independent. He has been a Republican for a long time. He was even regarded as a mentor to Obama, Roland Burris, Mo Cowan, Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) and Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ),

Powell on CNN this morning said that Trump has "drifted away" from the U.S. Constitution and "lies about things."
Donald Trump claims that 96% of the Republican Party supports him.
"I was deeply troubled by the way in which he was going around insulting everybody," Powell said

"Insulting Gold Star mothers, insulting John McCain, insulting immigrants, and I'm son of immigrants. Insulting anybody ho dares to speak against him. And that is dangerous for our democracy, it is dangerous for our country. And I think what we're seeing now, the most massive protest movement I have ever seen in my life, I think the country is getting wise to this and we're not going to put up with it anymore."

"I cannot in any way support President Trump this year," Powell said.

Jake Tapper said would you vote for Joe Biden.

Powell said, "I will be voting for him."

"I think he has not been an effective president. He lies all the time. He began lying the day of inauguration, when we got into an argument about the size of the crowd that was there. People are writing books about this favorite thing of lying. And I don't think that's in our interest," Powell said.

"Every American citizen has to sit down, think it through and make a decision on their own. Don't listen to everybody out there. Don't read every newspaper. Think it through. Use your common sense and say, 'Is this good for my country?' before you say, 'This is good for me.'"

Now last month, Republicans and leftist agitators were seizing on the "You ain't Black" remarks Biden made when he was talking to The Breakfast Club's host Charlamagne Tha God. The agitator had been pushing Biden on his legislation past and was calling on Biden to take a stronger approach to winning Black votes. Biden said that the difference is clear,  Trump or him. When he was ending the interview he made the remarks and leftists and conservatives were using this as an attempt to distract from Trump's failure to control the COVID-19 crisis.
Colin Powell endorsed Joe Biden for president.
Not many Republicans spoke out against Trump.

Trump has bragged that he has strong approval among Republicans.

Only a few have spoken against Trump.

Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) is struggling over endorsing Trump for reelection. After the controversial bible photo-op, Murkowski had to step back a bit. She said that she supported former Defense Secretary Jim Mattis in his criticisms of Trump.

Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) also criticized Trump. He said that he will not support Trump for reelection.

George W. Bush also came out and said he's not going to endorse Trump or any Republican running for office this year.

Sucker Tucker Blames Lil Nas X And Seth Rogen For The Unrest!

Tucker Carlson goes after celebrities. He's mad they're showing solidarity with Black Lives Matter.
The controversial cable news channel once again faces a strong backlash from activists.

Tucker Carlson did a monologue about celebrities donating to Black Lives Matter and paying for the bail of protesters. In some of his monologue he decided to insert the old adage about "celebrities and politics."

Carlson read a list of celebrity names, as footage of violent protesting, fires and looting ran behind him. The combination suggested that celebrities were "funding this chaos" by donating to Black Lives Matter and other groups that pay to get "violent rioters out of jail."
Lil Nas X hits back at Fox News for the bogus claim he's inciting unrest.
"Big companies — cynical, soulless, craven corporations like Pepsi, Intel and AirBnB — are funding this chaos. They're giving money to Black Lives Matter which is pushing to defund the police. But it isn't just major corporations that are fueling all of this. Celebrities are, too, by paying to get violent rioters out of jail," Carlson said.

"Rapper Lil Nas X urged his 4.7 million Twitter followers to donate to bail groups in Chicago, New York, Philadelphia and elsewhere," Carlson said. "Imagine if he had used those followers instead to help small businesses destroyed by the riots he helped incite."

Lil Nas X responded in kind.

Seth Rogen responded.

Many other celebrities called out Fox News for promoting white nationalism. Remember a few years back, Laura Ingraham was getting riled up over LeBron James and Kevin Durant speaking out against injustices and Donald J. Trump.

Well on a few nights ago, Ingraham came to the defense of Drew Brees.

Brees had stirred controversy after he stated that he was against football players kneeling to the American flag and national anthem. He was roundly condemned by his team the New Orleans Saints.
Seth Rogen.
He and his wife would later apologize. But after Ingraham went to defense of Brees, many questioned her motives.

Ingraham once told  James to "Shut up and dribble" instead of addressing political issues.

Now, she says Brees is "allowed to have his view" on kneeling and the flag because "This is beyond football."

James responded to Fox News criticism of him and celebrities.
LeBron James has been very critical of Donald Trump. Fox News has told him to "shut up and dribble."
"If you still haven't figured out why the protesting is going on [in America]. Why we're acting as we are is because we are simply fucking tired of this treatment right here! Can we break it down for you any simpler than this right here?. And to my people don't worry I won't stop until I see."

Media Matters for America has been relentless in his criticism of Fox News. They launched an advertiser boycott against Fox News' primetime hosts Tucker Carlson, Sean "Softball" Hannity and Laura Ingraham.

With COVID-19 and unrest in the country, Fox News is doing its best to defend Trump's actions despite the overwhelming public being against him.

Dubya Won't Back The Trumpster!

Bush's Funeral Wasn't About Trump. But Of Course It Was ...
Protesters pour into cities for another huge mobilization...
National Guard told NOT to carry guns...
Federal Agents Lacking Insignia Raise Accountability Concerns...
Minneapolis Mayor Booed Out After Refusing to Defund Police...
WIRE: Arrest records show scant evidence of 'Antifa'...
Buffalo Cops Who Shoved Elderly Man Charged With Assault...
Chicago Mayor denounces vigilantism after white men patrol neighborhood with bats...
America convulses amid a week of protests...
Living 1968 all over again?
Demonstrations reach rural areas...
Furor in Texas GOP after leaders post memes that suggest Floyd's death is hoax... PROTEST MAP...



Just hitting the conservative agitator's website, shocking news. The Bush and Romney families will not endorse Donald J. Trump for president.

The New York Times will release its Sunday story to the shock the Republican Party and rile up Trump going into the summer months.

Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) was the only senator who voted to convict and remove Trump from office during the impeachment trial. The two haven't seen eye to eye since and Trump has formally banned him from Republican retreats and the convention. His niece is Ronna (Romney) McDaniels, the current Republican Party chairwoman and advisor to Trump. Romney was the 2012 Republican nominee for president. Trump endorsed him in 2012.

Trump has harshly criticized Romney for being "soft." Romney refused to bring up the "birther" nonsense.

The 43rd President of the United States was not well liked among Democrats. After all, he allowed a foreign terrorist group hijack airliners with intentions to cripple the American government and economy. He allowed a biohazard to spread across the mailing facilities in the country. He allowed two catastrophic hurricanes nearly wipe out New Orleans, Biloxi and Houston. He allowed mass shootings to continue on our college campuses, bars and movie theaters. He nearly wrecked the economy with his tax cuts and austerity.

But yet, George W. Bush stayed out of the limelight once he left office after eight years. He didn't criticized Barack Obama and the 44th President didn't criticize him. But once Obama left, the 45th President comes in and wrecks the economy, our safety net and possibly the world.
George W. Bush, Jimmy Carter, Barack Obama and Bill Clinton will not back Donald J. Trump's presidency.

Trump has criticized Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama frequently. He has constantly reminded us about the "deep state" through his allies like Sean "Softball" Hannity, Fox News, Breitbart and OANN.

Trump had the backing of Matt Drudge, Ann Coulter, Carly Fiorina, George Conway, Jim Mathis, Rex Tillerson, Omarosa Manigault-Newman, Anthony Scaramucci, Michael Cohen and Jeff Flake. Well not anymore. They have formally stated they're no longer willing to support a Trump reelection.

The New York Times, Jonathan Martin writes that the former president and his brother Jeb Bush will not support Trump. They have said that Trump's behavior and his willingness to dishonor the oath of office were factors.

The widow of 2008 Republican nominee for president John McCain also stated she's not willing to support a Trump reelection. Cindy McCain has said that she'll endorse Joe Biden for president.

McCain became the lone senator who voted against a full-repeal of the Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare. Trump mocked McCain in 2016. He said he doesn't like his war heroes captured. He said he's not a war hero.

Her daughter, conservative agitator Meghan McCain is undecided on who she'll support. The View host has praised Biden and Trump on numerous occasions. Her husband, far-white instigator Ben Domenech is strictly Trump.
Trump and Romney are feuding with one another.
After news broke about Trump demanding armed national guard members take to the streets to keep the peace during a few nights of unrest, Trump team clashed with him.

While in the bunker, Secretary of Defense Mark Esper and Attorney General William Barr got into a heated discussion with Trump. They said they cannot allow military to keep the peace on American streets and it pissed Trump off.

It was said that he wanted 10,000 troops out on the streets.

Trump will respond to the New York Times report and hit at Bush and Romney in some form.

Last month, he formally banned the Obamas from the White House after the former president criticized his handling of the COVID-19 crisis.

Saturday, June 06, 2020

Dirty Cops Who Shoved Martin Gugino To The Ground Served!

Two dirty cops face charges for brutal shoving of protester.

Nationwide protests in regards to police violence have swept across the country this weekend.

Donald J. Trump wanted to put thousands of troops into the streets during the first round of protests on Monday. He wanted armed troops to take defense against protesters if they breached the White House gates.

The Buffalo Police have fired two cops out the cannon and the Erie County prosecutor has decided to charge them with felonious assault and failure to operate as a peace officer.

The two have got it under a second-degree felony which could put both dirty cops in the iron college for 10 years.

John Flynn has indicted Aaron Torgalski and Robert McCabe with the assault charges on Saturday.

The two were given mugshots and posted bail.

The two were walked out of the court moments after the bail hearing and were greeted by crowds of non-uniformed colleagues and cops who clapped and cheered in support of them.

The police union slammed the decision and claimed Flynn picked anarchists over those wearing the uniform.

"Whenever you have different entities - you're always going to have individuals that cross the line and this is what we have to address," said Flynn.

The two cops have cross the line and violated the law. He said that Martin Gugino deserves justice.

The 75-year old man was shoved to the ground by the Buffalo Police. The man was lying on the ground with blood coming out of his ears.
Martin Gugino was shoved to the ground and had bleeding on the head.
He was taken to a local hospital where his injuries were serious.

There were 57 members of the Buffalo Emergency Response Tactical Unit resigning because of the indictments.

Buffalo mayor Byron Brown has issued a curfew for the city at 9pm. He also reminded those who are outside agitators that if they are planning on causing chaos to a peaceful rally, they're be criminally charged.

The incident has gotten worldwide attention. The governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo also called for those in uniform to practice restraint. Cops who lose their cool are often the ones fucking it for all them.

Again I never apologize for saying that "BAD COPS WILL GET GOOD COPS KILLED."

These two cops have single handedly made the city pay for a man's injuries. They have shown the world that they have no compassion for the plight of people they're sworn to protect.

The status quo of politics continues to allow the rule of law for two factions: White and Black.






We haven't forgotten about the many mass shootings in the United States. COVID-19 doesn't stop individuals from picking up firearms and killing others.

The suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Jackass Busted For Assaulting George Floyd Protesters!

Maryland bigot attacked George Floyd protesters with his bicycle.


Maryland police charged a cyclist for second-degree assault after he was caught on video assaulting a group of people putting up signs demanding justice for the police killing of George Floyd.

The man, 60 is from Kensington, Maryland, was arrested and charged with three counts of second-degree assault, Maryland National Capital Police said on Friday.

The law said that thug was identified after police asked for the public for help identifying a cyclist who was seen on a viral video of him snatching up flyers from a child and shoving the man filming the encounter to the ground.

This happened on June 1 on the Capital Crescent Trail in Bethesda.

Hundreds of tips were sent to authorities which lead to the guy being fingered out by the community.

The law issued a warrant to the home and seized "items of evidentiary value."

The suspect turned himself in soon after.

In the video, he is seen grabbing a girl's arm and wrangling the roll of tape out of her hands.

One of the flyers get into this hands

These are misdemeanor charges. He will be forced to apologize to victims, pay for medical injuries, ordered to take sensitivity training and bias prevention classes. He will likely be fired from his job because of the video. In Maryland, the suspect could face up to a year in the iron college and pay a hefty fine.
White instigators are trying to interfere with peaceful protests. This man is an example of the dangers of white silence.
This is the latest of white agitators trying to interfere with the Black Lives Matter protests.

There was a woman who pepper sprayed a group of protesters outside her Lexus SUV in Thousand Oaks, California.

The law said that while waiting at a traffic light, the woman was frustrated with protesters in the middle of the road. She rolled down her window and sprayed pepper spray at a 16-year old protester.

The footage was caught on camera and the protesters managed to get her license. She was soon arrested for the incident.

The suspect will be charged with unlawful use of a biohazard, vandalism and intimidation. These are misdemeanor charges. She will could face up to three years in the iron college. She will be forced to apologize to the victims, pay for medical expenses, take anger management and anti-bias classes in California. She will likely lose her job now that this video went viral. I am guessing these are going to be misdemeanor charges.

Looks like a professional white agitator working for The Washington Examiner is going to be finding herself another place to instigate misinforamtion.

While in Los Angeles, the writer, Fiona Moriarty-McLaughlin was fired out the cannon after she was filmed staging an image of herself boarding up a store during the George Floyd protests.

The agitator asked a man actually working if she could take a picture to show that she's working to save businesses being looted and vandalized by instigators.

Her boyfriend snapped a photo of her pretending to use a drill before she thanks the guy and then hops into a Mercedes Benz and drives off.

This is some of the stunts that are going to be pulled by far-right extremists. I've said that Joey Salads, James O'Keefe, Andy Ngo, Laura Loomer, Kaitlin Bennett, Jacob Wohl and Alex Jones will be trying to stage incidents to make the protests look bad.

They are infiltrating peaceful protests. They're hiring professional actors and actresses to bring bricks, hammers, spray cans and rocks to the protests.

They want to make the protesters seem violent.

There is going to be a protest today in Washington, DC as well as many other communities. The law is preparing for unrest. Some mayors have eased curfews to ease tensions between protesters and police.

The suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Friday, June 05, 2020

DC Mayor Trolled Trump By Dedicating 16th Street NW As Black Lives Matter Avenue!

Washington, DC honors Black Lives Matter by naming a portion of 16th Street NW, Black Lives Matter Plaza.
The mayor of Washington, DC is sort of an executive like the 54 state and territorial governors.

The mayor is the head of the executive branch of government of The District of Columbia. The mayor has the duties to enforce laws in the federal district, the power to pass or veto legislation and handles public, safety and maintenance for the city of Washington.

The mayor can appoint members of the cabinet. The district's commissioners represent a ward or council within the district.

Washington, DC has a population of 710,000 residents. The District of Columbia sits at the banks of the Potomac River. The city's major interstates include Interstate 95, Interstate 66, Interstate 495 (Capital Beltway), Interstate 395 (Shirley Freeway), Interstate 295, Interstate 695, Interstate 270, U.S. 50 (Interstate 595 unsigned) and DC Route 295 (Baltimore-Washington Parkway).

The district has a U.S. Representative that's a non-voting delegate for the Congress. The District of Columbia has a population larger than some states. The residents can vote for president. Those who live in American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands can vote in the primary for the president but can't vote in the general election. That's been a controversial subject for decades.

Puerto Rico is the only U.S. territory with political union as a commonwealth. It has a population of 4.4 million residents and have considerations of statehood, independence or continued self-autonomy as a U.S. commonwealth.

After Donald J. Trump insulted Washington, DC mayor Muriel Bowser, she decided to troll him.

The mayor is a Democrat and harsh critic of Trump. She along with many Democratic governors are frustrated with Trump's hardline stance against protesters.

The city passed a resolution to dedicate a portion of 16th Street NW from K Street NW to H Street NW, Black Lives Matter Plaza.

The painting of the road is a strong message to Trump, Joe Biden Congress and critics of the movement. The mayor said "when you realize Black Lives Matter, then all lives matter."

The massive banner-like project spans two blocks of 16th Street, a central axis that leads southward straight to the White House. Each of the 16 bold, yellow letters spans the width of the two-lane street, creating an unmistakable visual easily spotted by aerial cameras and virtually anyone within a few blocks.
Washington, DC mayor Muriel Bowser was at Black Lives Matter Plaza on Friday for its dedication.
The painters were contacted by DC Mayor Muriel Bowser and began work early Friday morning, the mayor's office told CNN. Bowser has officially deemed the section of 16th Street bearing the mural "Black Lives Matter Plaza," complete with a new street sign.

The White House constructed fencing that goes up 9 feet and has blocked off areas near Lafayette Park. The U.S. Park Service, U.S. Secret Service and Washington, DC Metropolitan Police have been really forceful on protesters.

This week, Attorney General William Barr gave the greenlight to expel protesters from St. John's Church. Before the mayor's curfew, the law launched tear gas on protesters and forced them away from that area.

Trump, White House Press Secretary Kayleigh Mcenany, Secretary of Defense Mark Esper and White House Chief Staff Mark Meadows walked to the church. Trump would soon take a photo-op holding a bible.

That cause intense backlash against Trump.

Bowser requested Friday that Trump remove all additional federal law enforcement and military presence from the city, arguing that the units are "inflaming" and "adding to the grievances" of people protesting over the death of George Floyd.

"The protestors have been peaceful, and last night, the Metropolitan Police Department did not make a single arrest. Therefore, I am requesting that you withdraw all extraordinary law enforcement and military presence from Washington, DC," Bowser wrote in a letter to the President, adding that she has ended the state of emergency in DC related to the protests.
Trump and Bowser are not on friendly terms anymore. The two have been at each other since he's entered office.
Trump has touted a law-and-order message and threatened to send in military troops to quell protests in other states, but most governors have been opposed. DC's status as a district, not a state, allows the President, and in turn the federal government, more leeway. Combined, at least 5,800 troops, agents, and officers have taken to the streets of the District.

Here's a reminder of how the friendship soured between Bowser and Trump. Back when Trump was still be billionaire real estate mogul and reality television agitator, he and Bowser posed for a picture.

They were celebrating the groundbreaking of the old Washington, DC Post Office being converted to the infamous Trump Washington DC Hotel.

Trump has formally removed his namesake from the hotel.

Trump Says George Floyd Is Proud Of His Accomplishments!

Trump used George Floyd as a prop in touting his crappy economy.
As he touts the unemployment rate, Donald J. Trump inserted George Floyd into the conversation.

This morning, many economists were shocked to hear that the unemployment rate dropped from 14.7% to 13.3% for the month of May. They believe that the rate would reach 20%.

Trump in his usual grandeur calls the skeptics a bunch of losers and says that country is coming back.

Trump didn't practice in social distancing while he was doing his presser. Yet, he has the audacity to bring up George Floyd's death as an op to win over Black votes.

"Hopefully George is looking down right now and saying, 'This is a great thing happening for our country,'" Trump said. "A great day for him, a great day for everybody. This is great day for everybody."

As of right now, unemployment for white Americans (non-Hispanic) is 12.4 percent. Hispanics (non-white) is 17.6 percent and African Americans is 16.8 percent.

The whole Barack Obama economy is erased in less than three years of Trump's presidency.

The unemployment claims have dropped now that states are easing up on restrictions. However, the coronavirus is still here and the possibility of a second wave is coming. Folks protesting police violence are not practicing social distancing.

The hydroxychloroquine pill that Trump touted is not safe. The American doctors have concluded that Trump's use of the pill isn't going to save you from infection.

Trump put his finger to his lips, in a motion to shush the reporter, Yamiche Alcindor of PBS, who is African American.

"I'd like to sign this bill," Trump said. "By the way, what's happened to our country and what you now see, it’s been happening, is the greatest thing that can happen for race relations, for the African American community, the Asian American, the Hispanic American, for women, for everything."

"What's your plan?" Alcindor asked.

"Our country is so strong, and that's my plan," Trump said, "We're going to have the strongest economy in the world."

As he sought to silence further questions, Alcindor tried again.

"Black unemployment went up by .1%. Asian American unemployment went up .5%. How is that a victory?" she asked.

"You are something," Trump said to her.
Sharpton blasted Trump and Republicans for using George Floyd as a prop.
Unrest continues in the United States. George Floyd's memorial service in Minneapolis was very emotional. Rev. Al Sharpton delivered passionate remarks about Floyd's death at the hands of police.

Yesterday, Sharpton said that Trump should not use George's death as a prop.

"George Floyd’s story has been the story of black folks because ever since 401 years ago, the reason we could never be who we wanted and dreamed to being is you kept your knee on our neck," Sharpton said.

"Some of y'all don’t want peace, you just want quiet. You just want us to shut up and suffer in silence. The overwhelming majority of the people marching wasn't breaking windows, they were trying to break barriers. They weren't trying to steal nothing, they were trying to get back the justice you stole from us. Those that broke the law should pay for whatever law they broke, but so should the four policemen that caused this funeral today. We don't have a problem denouncing violence, Mr. Governor (Tim Walz), we don't have a problem, Mr. Mayor (Jacob Frey), denouncing looting, but it seems like some in the criminal justice system have a problem looking at a tape and knowing there's probable cause and it takes a long time for you to go and do what you see that you need to do."

Sharpton, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Martin Luther King III and Benjamin Crump are organizing another March on Washington in August.

Buffalo Police Iced Two Cops After They Served A Protester A Concrete Sandwich!

The law claims he tripped and fell. The video shows something else.

The status quo of politics continues to allow the rule of law for two factions: White and Black.






We haven't forgotten about the many mass shootings in the United States. COVID-19 doesn't stop individuals from picking up firearms and killing others.

The Buffalo Police Department is doing damage control after a video surfaced online of a protester being shoved to the ground. While on the ground, he bleeds out of his ears.

The police at first claimed he slipped and fell. But once the video surfaced, they retreated from the remarks and decided that the two officers who were involved are in the freezer pending an investigation into whether they've violated policies. The Erie County prosecutor has considered filing criminal charges against the two officers.

The victim is a 75-year old man who didn't do anything to the protests. The cops who shoved him were identified by social media.

Mike Desmond, a reporter for WBFO, filmed the incident outside City Hall.
Buffalo Police under fire for shoving a man to the ground.
"At 8 o'clock ... a large number of police officers appeared. I assume that they wanted to do a sweep and get everybody out and there really weren't many people," he said.

A line of officers marched through, and the man, who Desmond said did not appear to be a protester, approached the officers. "He walked a little bit, was standing there, and was hit with a club as far as I can tell," Desmond said.

"He lost his footing after he was hit, fell back, hit his head on the concrete ... and I could hear his head hit and then within a few seconds, blood started coming out from under his head," the reporter said.

Buffalo is the second largest city in the state of New York. The population is 259,000 residents and is part of the rust belt. The mayor of the city, Bryon Brown and Gov. Andrew Cuomo have condemned the incident and called for a full investigation into the matter.

In a statement, Brown said the suspension came after the city’s police commissioner launched an investigation into the incident. Brown did not identify the officers.

Brown said he was "deeply disturbed" by the video, which was published by the local National Public Radio affiliate, WBFO.

The man, who has not been publicly identified, is in serious but stable condition at a local hospital, Brown said.

In the video, which spread rapidly on Twitter on Thursday night, the man can be seen approaching a large group of officers in tactical gear and saying something. The officers yell for him to move back before one appears to push him.

Officials condemned the incident. Erie County Executive Mark Poloncarz said the video "sickens me," while Gov. Andrew Cuomo called it "wholly unjustified and utterly disgraceful."

"Police Officers must enforce — NOT ABUSE — the law," he said.

The video clip posted to Twitter by WBFO went viral Thursday night, adding to a growing number of clips of police reacting violently to protesters, in many cases when the demonstrators appear to be of little to no threat.


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