Sunday, May 24, 2020

Annie Glenn Passed Away!

Annie Glenn, the wife of astronaut and senator John Glenn passed away from COVID-19.
The wife of American astronaut, USMC Col. and former Ohio Democratic senator John Glenn passed away at the age of 100 due to the symptoms of the coronavirus.

Annie Glenn, the widow of the legendary astronaut and lawmaker passed away. NASA and Glenn's family confirmed the news on social media. She died on Wednesday.

Born Annie Castor, she was born in 1920 in Columbus, Ohio. The daughter of Homer and Margaret (Alley) Castor.

Her father was a dentist. In 1923, the Castor family moved to New Concord, Ohio.

Castor met John Glenn at a very young age when her parents became involved in the same community organizations as Glenn's parents. The families developed a friendship which allowed Castor and Glenn to remain close as they grew up.

The pair became high school sweethearts and continued dating through college. Castor attended Muskingum College where she majored in music with a minor in secretarial skills and physical education. Castor was an active member of the swim team, volleyball team, and tennis team. She graduated in 1942. Even though she received an offer for a pipe organ scholarship from the Juilliard School, Castor declined the offer, choosing instead to stay in Ohio with Glenn. Castor and Glenn were married on April 6, 1943.
John and Annie loved each other. He passed away in 2016.
They had two children, David, born in 1945, and Lyn, born in 1947.

During the early years of her marriage to John Glenn, Annie Glenn worked as an organist in various churches and taught trombone lessons

"We are deeply saddened by the passing of Annie Glenn. A stalwart member of the space and military communities, her courageous support of her legendary husband John was unmatched," said Jim Bridenstine, NASA chief.

Annie passed away on May 19 at a nursing home in St. Paul, Minnesota after suffering from complications relating to COVID-19, the disease by the novel coronavirus according to the Associated Press.

Annie was a strong advocate for people with disabilities and communication disorders. She was a person who struggled with a speech impairment much of her life. She married John Glenn in 1943 and had been his love for 73 years. John died in 2016 at the age of 95.

Annie watched her husband launch into space on the Mercury-Atlas 6 mission. He became the first American to orbit the Earth. He circled the planet three times. It was setting off the Space Race between the U.S. and Soviet Union.

Glenn went back into space at the age of 77. He said that he thrilled to take another round of space flight.

Glenn served as a U.S. Senator for the state of Ohio from 1974 until 1999.

Annie wrote the book The Astronaut Wives Club.
Annie Glenn with then president Barack Obama.
The Astronaut Wives Club (which later became a television miniseries), Lily Koppel relates that Glenn and the other six wives formed a tight-knit support group informally called the "Astronaut Wives Club," which she cites as influential in shaping American identity, as Americans found their values of family, patriotism, and consumerism embodied in Glenn. Koppel states that American women turned to Glenn, who had been elevated in the media because of her all-American family, as a role model on how to maintain a happy home, and also an indirect propagator of the American value of consumption. The appearance of the Astronaut Wives in the media was marketed to average American housewives. For example, when the wives wore a shade of "responsible pink" lipstick to a Life photoshoot, the published photographs were retouched to show the wives wearing "patriotic red" lipstick instead. The lip color was changed to represent a new, vibrant period in American history. After the magazine was published, red lipstick became a fad. Similarly, while Mercury 7 astronauts were given sporty Corvettes to drive, the wives were strongly encouraged to keep their family-friendly station wagons, which meant that the average American housewives who were following the Astronaut Wives' example also bought station wagons. As a result of Glenn and the other members of the Astronaut Wives Club, women across the U.S. were inspired to be brave and of course, to buy the same consumer goods Glenn and the other wives had in their homes

Annie isn't the only person who suffered from speech impairment. Former vice president and Democratic presumptive nominee Joe Biden has that as well. You know the far-white and leftists are spreading misinformation about the health of Biden. Some are saying he has dementia and cognitive disorder.

Biden talks fast and has a stuttering problem. He often makes gaffes when he talks fast.

I will address the "You Ain't Black" remarks shortly.

Annie Glenn is a pioneer for human rights, space and air travel and dedication to her husband, an iconic astronaut, senator and good man.

John and Annie will never be forgotten.

Glenn has his name on a couple of roads in the Dayton area. There is John Glenn Road in east Dayton and Col. Glenn Highway in Fairborn, Beavercreek and Bath Township.

Here's a map.

Here's things to remember about the coronavirus.

1. Wash your hands frequently
2. Do not touch your face (mouth, nose and eyes)
3. Cough into your elbow instead of your hands.
4. Keep a safe distance (at least 6 to 10 feet) from individuals.
5. If you're sick, please stay home.
6. There is no treatment or cure for the COVID-19.
7. Follow state and federal laws regarding this.
8. Do not hoard items like toilet paper, bread, gloves, hand sanitizer, etc.
9. Use social media like Facebook Messenger, Meet, Google Duo, Skype or social media to connect.
10. COVID-19 can live on surfaces for more than 72 hours. Including steel, plastic and cardboard.
11. A pandemic has no timeline.
12. COVID-19 doesn't care about borders.
13. If you deliberately infect other individuals, food and first responders, you will be charged with crime.
14. If you have signs of bluish lips or face, inability to wake or stay awake, new confusion, persistent pain in the chest, trouble breathing or blood in cough, call 9-1-1.
15. Not all symptoms of COVID-19 are confirmed or denied. New issues keep showing up.

The coronavirus doesn't care about your age, race, gender, sexuality, nationality, religion, politics, economic or social standings. It doesn't care about anything. It's a living organism that causes mild symptoms that include: fever, sore throats, chills, respiratory issues, loss of taste or smell and other unknown symptoms. If you have a weak immune system or health issues, your risk increases.

Death does happen to at least 40% of those who are affected by COVID-19.

Healthy people can die from this.

If you need more information, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at

A Joe Biden Lūʻau!

Another blowout for Biden. He won the Hawai'i Democratic Primary.
Being on of the strictest states when it comes to the coronavirus lockdown and gradual easing, Hawai'i held their primary and guess what...... former vice president Joe Biden wins big.

The state that Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) won handedly in 2016 went to Biden by double digits. He carried the Hawai'ian Islands with 67% of the vote.

Sanders won 32% of the vote and the remaining was 1%.

The state had mail-in ballots issued after delaying its Democratic and Republican Primaries. Nearly 80,000 ballots were casted and returned through the mail. The turnout was slightly higher.

The distraction of Friday was Charlamagne Tha God. The far-right and leftists seized on a 30 second clip of the former vice president taunting the celebrity agitator about Blacks voting for Trump.

He said and I quote, "You ain't Black" which seems to be the new shiny coin for the agitators to flip.

Now that Alexandra Tara Reade Moulton McCabe's allegations are now behind us, the extremists are trying to distract us with a non-story. Mind you that Charlamagne Tha God wasn't a fan of Biden.

Biden went to The Breakfast Club to at least confront this asshole about how he's been treated. He also mentioned that his wife, Dr. Jill Biden had a scheduled online rally and he had to move past the long interview.
Honolulu, Hawai'i, the state's largest city and capital.
Nonetheless, the far-white and tokens of the Republican Party are trying to distract you from the disastrous handling of the COVID-19 pandemic by Donald J. Trump.

Trump has a history of speaking inappropriately about Black athletes, Muslims, women and sexual abuse victims.

You don't hear any rambling from them tokens.

Anyway, Hawai'i is located in the Pacific Ocean. It's the 50th State in the Union. The capital of the state is Honolulu and it's located on the island of O'ahu.

It seems like the Biden comments didn't distract people of color from voting for him.

Many Blacks were not offended by the remarks. Only a few tokens and leftists Blacks who were never going to vote for Biden anyway.

Biden has 86% of the Black vote and it hasn't cracked yet. Of course some want identity politics to come into play when he makes a decision to pick his running mate. He vows to put a woman as a vice president and he's hoping to make a smart decision.

Joe Biden so far has 1608 delegates and Bernie Sanders has 1012.

Trump already has enough delegates to the be designated nominee for the Republican Party.

Racist Busted For Vandalism!

Racist was caught on camera posting racist notes on people's doors.
Alameda County sheriff's office announced the arrest of a California woman who walked through neighborhoods leaving notes at their homes demanding they go back to their country because of the coronavirus.

A 52-year old racist has been arrested for allegedly writing a racist letter ordering residents of a San Francisco Bay area town to vacate their homes so "a white person can move in."

This happen in San Leandro.

The letter generated significant attention on social media after it was circulated on the house of a resident.

Trinny Wynn was one of the residents who had received one of those letters after she got a notification from her Ring doorbell.

The letter which was dated May 22nd reads:

"We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, inspired domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this constitution for the United States of America."

"If you are a woman or man and was born and other country return go back to your land immediately fast with urgency."

"If you are a woman was born in other Country takes your children with you, under 21 years old. Considered a Bless of God."

The racist left the letter instructing them to leave the home for a white person to move into their place.

"Do ordain to you to leave this house. One American white, brace, that serve the Nation of USA is going to live here."

The woman was identified by the Ring camera and the San Leandro Police arrested her without a bullet fired. The suspect was found late Friday night in the Heron Bay neighborhood by police called there to investigate the notes. Police said the handwritten notes contained "various insensitive messages towards minorities," and suggested that people not native to America leave the country immediately. The messages, found affixed to five front doors, were directed towards women and children as well, police said.

San Leandro police investigated a similar incident Thursday night, when a related note was found on an information board along the Heron Bay trail. That note read, in part, "no Asians allowed, leave immediately," police said. That post was quickly removed by a good Samaritan and discarded. Police said they believe this racist was also responsible for that posting.

"San Leandro is a community of beautifully diverse people, who share a common desire to live in harmony, and free from intimidation," San Leandro police Lt. Isaac Benabou said in a statement. "We welcome people's rights to express themselves, but not in a manner that infringes upon a community's sense of security and well being.

The charges are vandalism, ethnic intimidation, trespassing, distribution of obscenity and theft. The charges are misdemeanors in the state of California. Each are punishable up to at least a year or more in the iron college. This suspect will be banned from contact with any of the victims. Might have to take an anger management or racial diversity class, be placed on in-house due to the COVID-19 pandemic affecting the iron colleges and if the state does throw it to the U.S. Justice Department it could be a felony.

The suspect is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

You might remember that this police department shot a mentally ill man inside a Walmart a few months ago.

Steven "Chase" Taylor was shot in the chest at a Walmart after he was having an episode inside the store. He wasn't armed with a firearm but he did have a bat.  Seeing white people with bats being Tased kind of pisses me off. If a Black person has a lethal weapon that could cause harm, a bat is the smallest risk of death. I mean a cop could Taser the suspect.

Kentucky Drops The Murder Charges On Kenneth Walker!

Kentucky drops their criminal charges against Kenneth Walker.
Kentucky dropped state charges against a man who shot at cops in a failed raid that resulted in the death of an unarmed woman. He was set free this weekend.

The Jefferson County prosecutor has formally dropped criminal charges against the man who fired upon three police detectives. The result killed his girlfriend, Breonna Taylor, an EMT who was caught in the crossfire of this.

Back in March, the Louisville Metro Police had a "no-knock" raid on the home of Kenneth Walker.

They came at the apartment complex at 1am and spooked Walker and Taylor.

Walker, a legal right gun owner shot at the cops. He injured one. They returned fire. They shot through the window. Eight of the bullets hit Breonna in the bedroom. She was killed on sight.

Many believe the law was given wrong information and the judge signed off to conduct the raid.

The LMPD at first claimed the two were suspected of running a dope house.

Walker was arrested on the charges of attempted murder of a police officer and first degree assault.

Walker's attorney Rob Eggert, filed a motion on Thursday to have the charges thrown out due to the fact Walker felt his life was in danger and he had a right to protect himself and his family.

The Commonwealth Attorney Tom Wine said that the feds are involved. He said that the law didn't mislead for a warrant. He felt that the evidence against Walker was insufficient to criminally charge him.

"I believe that additional investigation is necessary, I believe that the independent investigation by the Attorney General's Office of Kentucky, the FBI and the U.S. Attorney General's Office must be completed before we go forward with any prosecution," said Wine. "If after those reviews, we believe there is sufficient evidence to present this matter to the grand jury, we will do so. And if he wishes to testify before the grand jury, Kenneth Walker will be given that opportunity."

Mayor Greg Fischer said earlier this week at a news conference he said that Breonna's death is a tragedy.

The LMPD detectives weren't wearing body cameras and they were plain clothes at the time.

Also the chief of LMPD was forced to retire. Steve Conrad was forced out by the city because of the recent incidents involving his police force. The LMPD had a history of brutal treatment towards people of color and this incident was the last straw.
Breonna Taylor posing with Kenneth Walker.
S. Lee Merritt and Benjamin Crump are involved in the case of Ahmaud Arbery, Dreasjon "Sean" Reed and Breonna Taylor.






We haven't forgotten about the many mass shootings in the United States. COVID-19 doesn't stop individuals from picking up firearms and killing others.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Swing And A Miss!

Why worry? It's not like we have a major pandemic and economic crisis going on.
The feud with CNN and Donald J. Trump has gotten worse. The cable news channel doesn't give a fuck about Trump's taunts anymore. Trump had repeatedly labeled the network "fake news" and it returned fire with some not so subtle headlines about his incompetence in dealing with the pandemic.

During the final weeks of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, CNN chose to not air Trump's remarks. They only went in whenever Dr. Anthony Fucci and Dr. Deborah Brix were speaking.

They had also been responsible for the infamous picture of Trump at the Ford Motor Company in Michigan. He was caught wearing a mask. He eventually took it off despite the company policy and the state's governor Gretchen Whitmer's warnings that he could put people at risk.

Trump also threatened to cease funding to Michigan. The state had a major flooding in the cities of Midland, Saginaw and Claire. The federal government is going to help victims of the flood. But like here in Dayton, Ohio, it's going take years to rebuild. Trump despises the city mayors because they are Democrats.
Someone managed to catch Trump wearing a mask.
Dayton is coming closer to the one year anniversary of the massive tornado outbreak that destroyed portions of the Midwest.

A CNN photojournalist managed to get a picture of Trump taking a swing of the golf clubs at his Trump National Resort in Virginia.

That brought a lot of scrutiny. Trump had complained about Barack Obama golfing during a crisis and said while campaign that he won't do golfing because he's too busy doing the work.

So far the work has gotten him stressed out.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have reported 1,595,885 cases of coronavirus, an increase of 24,268. The number of deaths had risen by 1,852 to 96,002.

But that's the government totals. I am going to tell you, that it's over 115,000. We have probably 2.4 million coronavirus cases. Some aren't going to the hospital and some are asystematic and spreading it without any feeling of illness.

Here's the map.

This election year is very important. If you want this nonsense to continue on, vote for Trump.

I can't really say nothing much about the Democrats. All I am gonna say is that we better get our asses together and support Joe Biden or risk another four years of this.
The New York Times prints an obituary for the thousands of Americans lost to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Here's things to remember about the coronavirus.

1. Wash your hands frequently
2. Do not touch your face (mouth, nose and eyes)
3. Cough into your elbow instead of your hands.
4. Keep a safe distance (at least 6 to 10 feet) from individuals.
5. If you're sick, please stay home.
6. There is no treatment or cure for the COVID-19.
7. Follow state and federal laws regarding this.
8. Do not hoard items like toilet paper, bread, gloves, hand sanitizer, etc.
9. Use social media like Facebook Messenger, Meet, Google Duo, Skype or social media to connect.
10. COVID-19 can live on surfaces for more than 72 hours. Including steel, plastic and cardboard.
11. A pandemic has no timeline.
12. COVID-19 doesn't care about borders.
13. If you deliberately infect other individuals, food and first responders, you will be charged with crime.
14. If you have signs of bluish lips or face, inability to wake or stay awake, new confusion, persistent pain in the chest, trouble breathing or blood in cough, call 9-1-1.
15. Not all symptoms of COVID-19 are confirmed or denied. New issues keep showing up.

The coronavirus doesn't care about your age, race, gender, sexuality, nationality, religion, politics, economic or social standings. It doesn't care about anything. It's a living organism that causes mild symptoms that include: fever, sore throats, chills, respiratory issues, loss of taste or smell and other unknown symptoms. If you have a weak immune system or health issues, your risk increases.

Death does happen to at least 40% of those who are affected by COVID-19.

Healthy people can die from this.

If you need more information, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at

How would you rate President Donald Trump's handling of the coronavirus pandemic?

90% - 100%
75% - 90%
55% - 75%
40% - 55%
Below 40%

Please note, that the answers are unscientific and usually a stupid ass troll will pick the most dumbest answers. So please take in consideration that we're aware of the antics of trolls. We ignore them.

Patrick Ewing: I Got The Coronavirus!

NBA legend Patrick Ewing tested positive for the coronavirus.
Even the biggest and strongest can catch COVID-19. Mind you that everyone is at risk. Me. LeReyna, our families, our friends, our acquaintances, our community and our world is not invincible.

NBA legend Patrick Ewing confirms he's tested positive for the coronavirus.

The former all-star of the New York Knicks and current coach of the Georgetown men's basketball team is hospitalized for complications due to the coronavirus.

The details are not known but it was severe enough for him to be hospitalized. Ewing told Marc Berman of the New York Post that he expects to fully recover from the virus.

Ewing, a Hall of Fame player, had been in the spotlight again in recent weeks because of the Michael Jordan documentary The Last Dance. Ewing's Knicks were the Chicago Bulls' greatest rival. Jordan played for the Bulls during the late 1980s into the 1990s.

Ewing was a member of the 1992 U.S. Olympic Basketball Men's team dubbed the "Dream Team."

He played in Barcelona at the 1992 Summer Games.

Ewing is one of the many people around the NBA and NCAA to test positive for the virus.

Kevin Durant, Rudy Gobert, Donovan Mitchell, several unnamed players plus Knicks owner James Dolan as well as staffs from NBA teams tested positive for the coronavirus.

Ewing is a Hall of Fame Player, a 7-time All-NBA player, 11-time All-Star who was one of the dominant big men of his era. NBC Sports says that he retired from the court to do coaching.

He was the assistant coach for the Washington Wizards, Houston Rockets, Orlando Magic and Charlotte Hornets. He eventually took on the role as coach for the Hoyas of Georgetown, the alma mater where he graduated from.

Here's the map.

The United States and its. territories relaxing their stay-at-home orders. However, the number has not decreased and folks are not taking this seriously. About 5 in 10 Americans are wearing facial covering. I seen it in the stores and public. They are no longer taking the threat seriously. Seeing that we're entering Memorial Day and the unofficial start of summer, folks are going to ignore the rules and put countless lives in danger. So therefore, you're not going to Americans socially distancing.  You see Americans believe that the worse is over. You also see Americans protest against their governors and state health officials over keeping businesses that have large gatherings from opening.

Donald J. Trump has demanded that governors make religious facilities essential in a last ditch effort to win back white religious extremists.
Get well.
We have over 115,000 Americans killed from the coronavirus. The entertainment industry is completely shutdown. The hotel, resort and casino industry is shutdown. Local governments and public/[private colleges and universities have laid off workers. We have over 40 million Americans off the labor force. We have nearly 50 million workers risking their lives to serve. Yet, we have our president tweeting, insulting, complaining and trying to deflect from the mess he's created.

The distractions about Joe Biden and Charlamagne tha God shows how Trump is determined to use the culture war to win reelection.

This election year is very important. If you want this nonsense to continue on, vote for Trump.

Take Trump seriously. Do not think about the polls. Think about the electoral college. In order to be the President of the United States, you need 270 electoral votes. Trump has a favorable map. Biden does as well. What matters is the electoral votes. If Biden pulls Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania he will win. He won't need Ohio or Florida. But if Trump does pull any of these states, he will continue to drag the United States into debt, uncertainty and catosophere.

Here's things to remember about the coronavirus.

1. Wash your hands frequently
2. Do not touch your face (mouth, nose and eyes)
3. Cough into your elbow instead of your hands.
4. Keep a safe distance (at least 6 to 10 feet) from individuals.
5. If you're sick, please stay home.
6. There is no treatment or cure for the COVID-19.
7. Follow state and federal laws regarding this.
8. Do not hoard items like toilet paper, bread, gloves, hand sanitizer, etc.
9. Use social media like Facebook Messenger, Meet, Google Duo, Skype or social media to connect.
10. COVID-19 can live on surfaces for more than 72 hours. Including steel, plastic and cardboard.
11. A pandemic has no timeline.
12. COVID-19 doesn't care about borders.
13. If you deliberately infect other individuals, food and first responders, you will be charged with crime.
14. If you have signs of bluish lips or face, inability to wake or stay awake, new confusion, persistent pain in the chest, trouble breathing or blood in cough, call 9-1-1.
15. Not all symptoms of COVID-19 are confirmed or denied. New issues keep showing up.

The coronavirus doesn't care about your age, race, gender, sexuality, nationality, religion, politics, economic or social standings. It doesn't care about anything. It's a living organism that causes mild symptoms that include: fever, sore throats, chills, respiratory issues, loss of taste or smell and other unknown symptoms. If you have a weak immune system or health issues, your risk increases.

Death does happen to at least 40% of those who are affected by COVID-19.

Healthy people can die from this.

If you need more information, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at

This Monster Blamed The BLACKS For The Murder Of Her Son!

This monster murdered her son and staged a racial hoax to cover her tracks.
This woman is facing attempted and premeditated murder and is being held in the Miami-Dade County lockup for no "get out free" card.

You wonder why?

This monster faked her son Alejandro Ripley's abduction after trying to drown him twice, with witnesses rescuing the boy from a canal the first time, and the second time she managed to kill him.

The state prosecutors are thinking about giving her the DEATH card for this.

The child was 9-years old and he was autistic and nonverbal. His body was floating in a canal.

I am guessing she wanted to make it seem like the body was dumped into the canal for alligators to get a hold of.

Alejandro Ripley didn't deserve this.
The monster claimed that she was ambushed by two "big scary heavily tattooed Black men" who crashed into her car, demanding drugs and took her cellphone, tablet and son.

Wow, that's a lot of things to take for some mere drugs.

In an interview on Saturday, the prosecutor Katherine Fernandez Rundle said this monster tried to drown her son an hour earlier at a different canal but residents heard yelling and rescued him. The second time she managed to drown him.

"Unfortunately when she took him to the second canal, and there was no one there," said Fernandez Rundle. "She tried it once, and people rescued him. He was alive. He could have stayed alive. She intended, from all the facts of the case, to kill him."

The autopsy was being done on the boy Saturday to determine if he had any other injuries or perhaps had something toxic in his system. She said no decision has been made, but the DEATH card is likely on the table.

The Miami-Dade Police says the mother made up a story and accused Black men of a horrific act.

That would have sparked tensions between the police and people of color. Matter of fact, that would have driven the attention of white nationalist Colin Flaherty and Asian token Andy Ngo.

Those two far-right extremists are devoted to covering "BLACK ON WHATEVER" crime. Nothing better than two Black men robbing a woman and kidnapping (possibly raping) her child. That's gold for the far-right and Donald J. Trump. Especially since the culture war is the only thing they're planning on running on giving that COVID-19 killed over 115,000 Americans.

This monster will face a judge in the coming days.

The suspect is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Coaching An Elf!

Trump continues his tirade against Jeff Sessions.
Sen. Doug Jones (D-AL) is up for reelection and he's considered the most endangered senator in the 2020 U.S. Elections.

He will face the eventual Republican nominee for the race. But given how toxic this special election primary runoff is, I am only guessing they're going to sabotage one another.

Donald J. Trump has formally endorsed Tommy Tuberville, a former Auburn football coach for the U.S. Senate race. The opponent in the special election is Jefferson Beauregard Sessions. The former Attorney General who was fired out the cannon after he recused himself from the Robert Mueller investigation is hoping to win back the seat he held until he was hired briefly as Trump's top cop.

Sessions was the first U.S. Senator at the time to endorse Trump for president. Whereas others were moving towards Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) and John Kasich, Sessions bucked them all by embracing MAGA and the bullshit that came along with it.

Sessions and Tuberville are both bigots and far-white zealots. They both oppose a woman's right to choose. They both support the building of the border wall and deporting immigrants. They both condemned progressives for opposing Trump.
Former football coach Tommy Tuberville is hoping to win over Alabama's far-white.
The difference is that Trump has put his faith in a person who will be "loyal" to his causes.

Given that Alabama is planning on opening up the state completely while COVID-19 is still rapidly spreading, Gov. Kay Ivey is placing her bets on the one Trump endorsed.

Ivey had scheduled the runoff in July. Whoever wins will take on Jones in November.

Sessions who normally wins primaries and won the Senate seat numerous times, now faces his toughest battle yet. Both of them are statistically tied. Tuberville earned 33% of the vote, while Sessions earned 31%. The former U.S. senate candidate Roy Moore won 20% of the vote.

Trump has now throwing his concerns that Sessions could sabotage Tuberville.

He blasted Sessions for being a disgraceful Attorney General and felt the people of Alabama need a better person suited for the job.

Sessions hit back.

Tuberville hit back as well.

Now if Sessions does lose the runoff, he will try to win back the seat as an independent or under the Constitution Party. The far-white political organization is willing to sabotage Republicans.

Sessions is a vindictive man. He will not let a jackass beat him. Especially if that jackass was his former boss.
Can Doug Jones pull it off again. Black women helped him win the 2017 special election.
I hope Sessions lose because Tuberville seems like a lightweight and he carries baggage. The two could destroy one another and Jones could squeak out a narrow victory. He won against Moore by 1.3% points in the 2017 special election.

Tuberville was then a coach for the University of Mississippi, Auburn University, Texas Tech University and most recently the University of Cincinnati before he retired.

Apparently, Trump likes a guy who thinks like him. Tuberville was a birther. He was on that asshole Sean "Softball" Hannity's carnival of bullshit talking about former Barack Obama's birth certificate.

Shad Gaspard Passed Away!

Shad Gaspard passed away.
The wrestling world is mourning the lost of Shad Gaspard.

WWE, the premier wrestling and sports entertainment company had to lay off hundreds of workers, have tapings of Raw, Smackdown and Nxt filmed in Orlando without an audience. The company had to shutdown the XFL after one season. Vince McMahon and the family had announced their taking pay cuts to their salaries.

Wrestlemania is postponed for the year. We don't know when its going to be on.

Now the community mourns a young talent who died while swimming with his son. He may have drowned trying to save his child's life.

The star passed away at the age of 39.
Shad with his wife Siliana.
Gaspard had went missing after swimming with his son at Venice Beach in California. Gaspard instructed the lifeguards to save his son life and sacrifice his own.

He was best known as one half of the duo Cryme Tyme with JTG. The fan favorite duo memorably joined forces with John Cena for the WWE Tag Team Titles at SummerSlam 2009. Shad and JTG would end up having a fallout in 2010.

WWE News reports that Gaspard played at Georgia Perimeter College. He was a former bodyguard for P. Diddy (Sean "Puffy" Combs), Britney Spears and Mike Tyson.

Admired by friends and colleagues for his warmth and humor, Shad had done heroic things before his passing. He was in the news a few years back for stopping an armed robbery in Coral Springs, Florida.

He pinned down the suspect and held him until the law arrived.
Shad loved his family.
Shad was also a multitalented individual, creating his own graphic novel and acting in several TV shows and films including Brothers and Think Like a Man Too.

Billed at 6'6'' he was born in Brooklyn, New York. He was the third of six children born to Ingrid Chittick and Ben Gaspard. He was of Curacoan and Haitian decent. His father was a former enforcer for street gangs and later a person bodyguard for Frank Lucas.

Shad trained in Judo, Jeet Kune Do, Kickboxing and Muay Thai.

He leaves behind his wife Siliana Gaspard and son Aryeah.

Ohio Woman Found Safe!

Ohio woman found. May have staged a hoax.
The junk food media announced the Ohio woman who went missing after running an errand is found safe. The state is planning on criminally charging her for inducing panic.

Madison (Maddie) Bell is confirmed to be found safe and left freely own her own. I am assuming she left with the guy after a dispute at home. I think it was a hoax.

The woman garnished national coverage because of her pretty face.

She went to a tanning salon in Greenfield, Ohio and never returned home.
Madison Bell and the person of interest.
Her mother, Melissa pleaded with the community to bring her daughter home safely. The state and feds had a person of interest who had been spotted near the area where the woman was.

Bell's disappearance became the latest in media obsession with missing white women. The term, missing white woman syndrome is real.

Whenever an attractive white woman or an adorable white girl go missing, the junk food media usually devotes at least a portion of their news program to talk about that individual while ignoring the many men, women or children of color who go missing.

The media often talks crap about a woman of color's past with drugs, crime and misfortunes while the white woman is given glaring profiles.

Think about how the media played the Bell disappearance.
The person of interest poses with woman missing. It seems like it was a hoax.
She was due to graduate from high school and was going to college in the fall.

She had went to a tanning salon which is often a routine.

She is close to family, friends and the community.

Picture this if she was a Black woman from the city.

While I am glad that Bell is found safe, the media needs to start covering all missing people cases equally and unbiased. Because I am getting tired of the racialization of missing people in the media.

The suspect could face misdemeanor charges, pay restitution to the Highland County sheriff, the Ohio State Patrol, the Ohio Bureau of Investigation and the FBI for time spent locating her. Could face at least a year in the iron college for this.

The suspect is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Greenfield is 20 miles from Chillicothe and 60 miles from Dayton. It's a town in Highland and Ross Counties.

Friday, May 22, 2020

The Right Seizes On Biden's "You Ain't Black" Remarks!

Another phony scandal. A bunch of tokens complain about Biden's joke at a celebrity agitator.
The latest phony outrage going at Joe Biden.

Now that the Tara Reade scandal is dying down, the latest controversy involves a celebrity agitator and Biden joking around through an interview. The leftists and far-white have seized upon a 30 second clip of Biden making a mockingly joke about Black people and now the social media is lit over the comment.

For those who aren't familiar with hip-hop, there's celebrity agitator Charlamagne Tha God. He is the co-host of The Breakfast Club, a hip-hop reality television show that is syndicated on many urban radio markets. He is a controversial figure. He is a troll and shit-starter. Mind you rappers like Drake, Lil' Wayne, Megan Thee Stallion and Gucci Mane hate this guy.

He had an opportunity to interview the former vice president and presumptive Democratic nominee.

Midway through the interview, an aide may have interrupted them.

An aide tried to cut off the interview after 11 minutes because Jill Biden needed the office to do her own livestreamed event, but Biden agreed to stay on longer.

After 18 minutes, the aide interjected again, leading Charlamagne to say jokingly: "You can't do that to black media."

"I do that to white media and black media because my wife has to go on at 6 o'clock," Biden said, looking at his watch: "Uh oh. I'm in trouble."
Charlamagne Tha God interviews Biden. The two joke at the end of the session and that's where the controversy began.
"Listen, you've got to come see us when you come to New York, V.P. Biden," Charlamagne said. "It's a long way until November. We've got more questions."

"You've got more questions?" Biden replied. "Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black."

Charlamagne responded by saying “it has nothing to do with Trump,” but that rather “I want something for my community.”

"Take a look at my record man," Biden responded. "I extended the Voting Rights Act 25 years. I have a record that is second to none. The NAACP has endorsed me every time I’ve run. Come on, take a look at my record."

Charlamagne opened by telling Biden, "I've been critical of you."

"I know you have," Biden shot back. "You don't know me."

At one point, Charlamagne asked Biden to explain why he supports decriminalizing marijuana but not legalizing it.

"They're trying to figure out if it affects long-term development of the brain, and we should wait until the studies are done," Biden said. "Science matters."
Blacks for Trump spokeswoman Katrina Pierson seized on the comments by Biden.
"I think we got decades and decades and decades from actual weed smokers though," Charlamagne responded.

"Yeah I do, I know a lot of weed smokers," Biden said, laughing.

Charlamagne challenged Biden to explain his support for crime bills in the 1980s and 1990s that critics have said led to mass incarceration of black people.

He noted that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had come on his show and apologized for her past support of the bills and said that part of why she ran for president was to atone for that.

"She was wrong," Biden said. "It wasn't the crime bill, it was the drug legislation, the institution of mandatory minimums, which I opposed."
Symone Sanders and Shaun King. The two had a fallout over Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden. Symone was a Bernie supporter in 2016. She joined Biden in 2020. Shaun is strictly Bernie and has his reputation dragged for that.
Biden repeatedly returned to polls showing him with huge support among black voters and pointed to the Democratic primary, when black voters rallied behind his candidacy to deliver him big victories across the country to help him sew up the nomination at an early stage.

"I won a larger share of the black vote than anyone has, including Barack," Biden said, referring to former President Obama.

"They're the folks, as they say, brung me to the dance ... come on man, give me a little break here."

The GOP super PAC America Rising circulated the clip, and the exchange blew up in conservative social media.
Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) on the left was sworn in by Joe Biden. Scott spoke favorably about Biden then.
"White liberal elitists have continuously dictated which black Americans are allowed to come to the table and have a voice," said Kartrina Pierson, a senior adviser to the Trump campaign and leader of its Black Voices for Trump group.

"It is clear now more than ever, following these racist and dehumanizing remarks, that Joe Biden believes black men and women are incapable of being independent or free thinking. He truly believes that he, a 77-year-old white man, should dictate how black people should behave. Biden has a history of racial condescension and today he once again proved what a growing number of black Americans and I have always known — Joe Biden does not deserve our votes."

Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC), the only black Republican in the Senate, also accused Biden of lecturing black people on how to vote and or questioning the racial authenticity of conservative black voters.

Symone Sanders, an adviser to the Biden campaign, defended the former vice president's remarks.

"Vice President Biden spent his career fighting alongside and for the African American community. He won his party's nomination by earning every vote and meeting people where they are and that's exactly what he intends to do this November," she said in a tweet.

"The comments made at the end of the Breakfast Club interview were in jest, but let’s be clear about what the VP was saying: he was making the distinction that he would put his record with the African American community up against Trump’s any day. Period," she added.

Biden has 85% of the Black vote and this hasn't really affected him. Mind you that the extremes are going to take every single word and put it out of context. They will use this as a distraction to keep people diverted from the real issues that we're facing.

Biden did apologize shortly after. At least he admits to that.

We are in a pandemic caused by COVID-19. We have 115,000 Americans killed from this. We have 42 million people out of jobs. Food and utilities are going up. A lot of uncertainty going into the summer and folks are worried about a bad joke.

Wake me up when Trump is out of office because this is not the time for dumbshit.

Worth A Reade!

Did Tara Reade lie about her college degree and got innocent people locked up?

Did the Joe Biden accuser lie about her credentials and got innocent people locked up?

Well overnight, the New York Times, the Politico and social media broke the news over Alexandra (Tara Reade) Moulton McCabe. This is the latest in a never ending saga. Reade claims that presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden sexually assaulted her at the U.S. Capitol in 1993.

In 2019, she claimed that Biden had inappropriately touched her but not in a sexual matter. She changed the story shortly after Biden trounced Sen. Bernie Sander (I-VT) in the primaries.

Since the accusations, leftists and far-right agitators have been targeting Biden as a creepy "sexual predator" all the while ignoring Donald J. Trump. The leftists hope this woman could force Biden to step aside and Sanders would become the nominee.

Well all of this nonsense came to a head when the New York Times, the Monterey County Weekly and Politico drop this bombshell on the public.

Biden denies that he sexually assaulted this woman.

State prosecutors are concerned that Reade may have lied under oath about her credeo. She claimed that she obtained a degree at the Antioch University of Seattle on a special condition. Reade also claimed that she had a part-time teaching role at the university. The university disputes it and even said that Reade had no job or position as a teacher at the university.

She did graduate from Seattle University School of Law. She hasn't obtained a bar degree nor is licensed to practice law or give advice.

If Reade's degree turns out to be inauthentic, it may result in a major headache for the state of California and the county district attorney's office. Those who were convicted thanks to her "credibility" will now challenge their cases and have them overturned.

That means she could have put innocent people in the iron college.

Two women who were given LIFE in the iron college because of crimes had Reade (known as McCabe) handle the testimony.

Victoria Ramirez and Jennifer Vazquez were convicted with four counts of attempted murder.

Prosecutors contended that Ramirez and Vazquez went to the Seaside home of Vazquez's boyfriend and caught him in a tent with another woman. Ramirez pulled the woman out of the tent and attacked the victim and prosecutors contended that the women returned hours later to pour gasoline on the house and set it on fire.

Two California women were convicted of arson. Now their case could be overturned because of Tara Reade.

Reade was called to testify as an expert witness in this. She was called to testify about how a spurned lover could take revenge on the person and the other. Well it turns out that the boyfriend claimed that two men were involved in the arson.

When Reade took the stand, she went under oath to certify that she had credentials. She stated that she had earned a degree in liberal arts from Antioch University. But CNN went to the college and the spokeswoman denied Reade attended the school and never graduated.

Reade maintains that she did and tried to prove her point by sharing something that wasn't what CNN was looking for on social media.

Reade claims that CNN was wrong. She said that her degree from Antioch University is incomplete. She says that her degree was conferred under special circumstances by former Chancellor Toni Murdock. The university maintains its stance. She had no work history nor credits as a graduate.

Now if this is proven that she lied under oath and forged her college transcripts, the state will have to revisit dozens of cases she had a role in. For over 10 years, she has participated in these cases.

Reade has been a favorite among Katie Halper, Ryan Grim, Rich McHugh, Krystal Ball, Nathan Richardson, Glenn Greenwald, (Jeffery) Shaun King, Tim Black, Benjamin Dixon, Amy Goodman, The Young Turks and many leftists.

Smirking throughout the picture.

She was given a huge platform on the left to destroy Biden. Russian trolls amplified this nonsense and it drove a wedge between MeToo and Democrats.

Once this pickup steam, the far-white which included Megyn Kelly, Sean "Softball" Hannity, Kellyanne Conway and Breitbart were doing their versions of this "scandal."

Douglas Wigdor, the high powered Republican attorney who assisted Reade throughout the month has formally ended his ties with her.

Now if she finally admits she made up the scandal, the FBI could be looking into her and those who assisted her in this matter.

Don't be surprised that Ryan Grim, Katie Halper and Nathan Robinson are probably lawyering up.

Reade also threatened to sue Lynn Hummer, her former boss at Pregnant Mare Rescue, a California horse rescue that she volunteered for. She stole money and charity gifts form the organization.

Tonya Reiman, a famed body language expert says that Reade's looks shows some form of deception.


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