Tuesday, September 04, 2018

Chuck Todd: You'll Need A Hearing Aid To Get Into The Right's Echo Chamber!

Chuck Todd wrote an op-ed slamming Fox News and right wing agitators for stroking fear similar to the 1950s and 1960s.
GOP Sundays host Chuck Todd slams the right wing carnival barkers for driving up fears.

The usual suspects include that old fart Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, cuntservative Laura Ingraham, Mark Levin, Matt Sludge, Tucker "Peckerwood" Carlson, Breitbart, drunk ass Jeanie Pirro and Sean "Softball" Hannity.

They are still stuck in the 1990s. Todd said they're stuck in the 1950s. He says the right is cranking up the racism at unprecedent levels.

Todd says that these individuals made themselves wealthy scaring "old white people."

He is so right.

Fox News general audience is at average of 62.4 years old.

Todd said the time is now to fight against the misinformation being spread by these outrage pimps.

Portions of his op-ed cites Roger Ailes, the disgraced former president of Fox News and 21st Century Television. Todd said that Ailes driven the United States into this partisan divide. Ailes was forced out of Fox News after Gretchen Carlson sued him for sexual harassment. It opened the door to a handful of executives and personalities to be fired out the cannon.
Chuck Todd specifically singled out Sean "Softball" Hannity as one of the outrage pimps. The softball has promoted years of misinformation. Todd wants people to hold him and his allies accountable.
Currently the disgraced co-lead of Fox News Bill Shine is now a part of Trump's White House Communication team. Shine is pushing forth the kookspiracies and slander campaign right now.

In the piece by The Atlantic, Todd wrote:

"Antipathy toward the media right now has risen to a level I’ve never personally experienced before. The closest parallel in recent American history is the hostility to reporters in the segregated South in the 1950s and '60s." 

"Then, as now, that hatred was artificially stoked by people who found that it could deliver them some combination of fame, wealth, and power." 

"Some of the wealthiest members of the media are not reporters from mainstream outlets. Figures such as Rush Limbaugh, Matt Drudge, and the trio of Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, and Laura Ingraham have attained wealth and power by exploiting the fears of older white people. They are thriving financially by exploiting the very same free-press umbrella they seem determined to undermine."

Todd wants journalists to ignore the complaining from the right. He asks for the Americans to hold journalism accountable but not totally dismiss the practice as bias.

Yeah, the junk food media.

The for-profit corporations that pander controversy for ratings, shock value and antipathy.

Monday, September 03, 2018

The New Yorker "Does Not See" Steve Bannon As A Threat!

Sloppy Steve won't be a headliner at The New Yorker's festival.
Steve Bannon, the former White House chief strategist and former CEO of Breitbart Media was slated to be a speaker at The New Yorker festival. Outrage ensures. Many famous entertainers warned the publication that his appearance will result in a boycott.

The controversial figure is a part of this white extremist movement known as the alt-right.

He was forced out of the White House after he leaked damaging information about Donald J. Trump and his allies to the junk food media.

Bannon also was forced off Breitbart media when the company backers Robert and daughter Rebecah Mercer stopped funding him and the right wing tabloid.

Breitbart is suffering after Sleeping Giants ran a grassroots campaign to pressure advertisers to drop the right wing tabloid for its years of promoting a racist agenda. The company had to restructure its funding.

Bannon was going to be a headliner. But today, the invite was pulled.

The CEO of the New Yorker put out this tweet.

Several people who were supposed to take part in the festival, including comedian John Mulaney and filmmaker Judd Apatow, said they wouldn't attend if Bannon was there. Other prominent people, including Chelsea Clinton, tweeted that the event would be giving Bannon another platform for his ideas. New Yorker writer Kathryn Schulz tweeted that she was "beyond appalled" at Bannon's inclusion.

In his letter, Remnick said that the point of this type of "rigorous interview" is to "put pressure on the views of the person being questioned." He insisted to "interview him is not to endorse him." 

But Remnick said that he has realized there is a "better way to do this" and reconsidered the interview. He also acknowledged that festival guests, unlike those interviewed on radio or for a print story, are paid an honorarium, along with money for travel and lodging.

This year's guests include Emily Blunt, Zadie Smith and Sally Yates, who Trump fired as deputy attorney general after she refused to back his initial ban on travelers from Muslim countries. The ban was advocated by Bannon, a senior White House adviser at the time.

BBQ Becky Got Phone Checked!

Oakland Police release the 911 audio of the woman who infamously called 911 on Black people grilling.
The infamous white woman who called the police on a group of Black people barbecuing at Lake Meritt Park in Oakland, California is now being shame even further.

Jennifer Schulte has been placed in the freezer at Stanford University after her infamous confrontation with another white woman who called her out. The other white woman was family of one of the Black men and she whipped out the camera confronting Schulte for calling the law.

For nearly 20 minutes, Schulte was on the phone with 911 and had made several calls within a two hour period. She was so determined to get a cop out there.
She was booted off her job for the viral video.
In a portion of the audio, she acknowledged a 911 dispatcher who said believing this was a prank call said to Schulte, "I'm talking to you right now. Have you ever been to John George?"

Schulte responded with the words, "What's John George?"

Dispatcher said, "It's a mental facility."

Schulte was tearful and unapologetic.

Now dubbed "BBQ Becky", Schulte became one the many videos of white people calling the law on Black people minding their business.

Schulte was seen in this video leaving Oakland Piedmont International Airport.

Bonus for Labor Day. Two incidents that happened during the summer where white women were caught on camera calling the law on people minding their business. This white woman at a business called the law on a white man who was had a flammable trailer near a business. The white woman complains and demands he identified himself.

Another was a white woman called the law on a Black woman at a swimming pool.

Labor Day Massacre!

Bloody weekend in Chicago, San Bernardino and Birmingham.
Gun violence doesn't take a day off in the United States. The unofficial end of summer is Labor Day and yet again, there were numerous mass shootings that only make the local news.


Enough is enough. Congress and Donald J. Trump, time's up. No one should have to live like this. There were numerous mass shootings in the United States this Labor Day weekend. Among them were in cities where minority populations are the highest. The National Rifle Association, Republicans and conservative agitators continue to promote this notion that a "good guy with a gun" will stop a threat. Unfortunately, a good guy with a gun could also be killed by the police.

Regardless of what is said, Trump and his allies will not move the needle on gun reform. Speak of that, Tuesday, Brett Kavanaugh will be going through his vetting for the Supreme Court. Obviously, Trump picked this guy for a reason. This guy will uphold controversial laws that keep firearms in the hands of crazy ass people.

People who will use their Second Amendment rights to murder fellow Americans.

Birmingham, Alabama

At least seven people were shot when a terrorist opened fire at a teen party in the city. This was at the Birmingham WorkPlay. The police said gunfire errupted outside the event venue when the party was preparing to end.

The injured include a 20 year old man and about seven teens. The party was being hosted by a high school sorority.

Two teens got into a heated dispute and then shots rang out.

Police say that one of the injured is in custody.

Kay Ivey, Richard Shelby, Doug Jones and Trump won't do nothing other than offer their "thoughts and prayers" to this senseless act of violence. Of course, conservatives will find someone other than the shooter to blame.

Birmingham is populated with 269,000 residents. It has a majority Black population. Obviously, hint, hint. Black president, Black leaders on television and the need for gun control (only in the case of Black men obtaining them).

San Bernardino, California

Outside an apartment complex, eight people were shot after a craps game goes awry. A 17 year old teen is in grave condition, while two other victims are likely going to die. The other victims were injured with life altering injuries.

Police said that 10 people were shot, most of the victims were adults.

Neighbors heard multiple shots ring out. One witness said that there were at least 15 to 20 gunshots fired in rapid succession.

The terrorist who shot upon the people is still on the loose and the law is hoping that people will finger this individual out.

The city of San Bernardino has a population of 224,000 residents. This area was the scene of the mass shooting in 2014. A city employee and his wife opened fire on fellow co-workers after being inspired by the Islamic State and constant taunts from one of the victims.

The terrorist and his wife became international news coverage when the feds busted down their door and raided their home. A reporter went through their stuff and showed personal pictures of family members and their social security numbers.

During that time, Barack Obama called for gun reform. It was met with criticism, NRA attacks and claims of government takeover.

Four years later, nothing is being done.


There is a protest against Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel and Illinois governor Bruce Rauner.

Also five lives were killed in the latest round of violence despite Chicago Police being more active in the streets. The city had a rough Labor Day weekend.

Over 30 people were shot in the weekend alone.

The majority of the mass shootings were happening on the city's south and west quadrants.

The areas are food deserts, deteriorating neighborhoods and emergency crews have trouble trying to find victims. Most victims are often shot in areas where resources are low.

The last newsworthy mass shooting in the Chicago area was the August 3-5 weekend.

The city is demanding Congress find solutions to stopping gun violence.

Of course, Republicans will place the blame on Barack Obama, Rahm Emanuel and Democrats.

It's unfortunate.

Sunday, September 02, 2018

Mollie Tibbetts' Family: Lawmakers Need To Stop Politicizing Her Death!

Murder victim's father tells Donald Trump and his allies to back off using his daughter as a scapegoat in their war against immigrants.
The man who is being held on the murder of Mollie Tibbetts isn't going to get a fair trial because of the media politicizing her death. Her family gave a warning shot to those who think its right to use her name in the 2018 Midterms.

The father of the murdered woman penned an op-ed in the Des Moines Register. Rob Tibbetts, I salute you and hope the best. I don't offer prayers and condolences. For you see, you don't know me personally. I rather see that the person who killed your daughter gets convicted and sentenced for his actions. Although it will not bring your daughter back and the man who killed her will lose the opportunity to see his daughter grow up, I want you to know that forgiveness is hard.

I had to forgive the mother of my child for not telling me that she had my son four months after she gave birth. It was extremely hard, but I slowly move forward knowing that my son will not harbor the anger of those who exploit death of innocent people for political pawns. As you said it best:

Mollie Tibbetts was nobody's victim. Nor is she a pawn in others' debate

Rob specifically aimed at Donald Trump, Jr., the son of America's dumbest leader, Donald J. Trump is embarking on a campaign that will uses Tibbetts and her murderer as scapegoats.

The Register got the goods and its certainly a rabble rousing opinion about the state of politics.

[Our] family set out to celebrate Mollie’s extraordinary life and chose to share our sorrow in private. At the outset, politicians and pundits used Mollie’s death to promote various political agendas. We appealed to them and they graciously stopped. For that, we are grateful.

Sadly, others have ignored our request. They have instead chosen to callously distort and corrupt Mollie’s tragic death to advance a cause she vehemently opposed. I encourage the debate on immigration; there is great merit in its reasonable outcome. But do not appropriate Mollie’s soul in advancing views she believed were profoundly racist. The act grievously extends the crime that stole Mollie from our family and is, to quote Donald Trump Jr., "heartless" and "despicable."

What Rob was referring to was the previous op-ed made by Donnie criticizing the Democrats, weak Republicans and the junk food media for not getting on board with the imbecile's "strong arm" immigration policies.

He also opened up about bow the junk food media turned his daughter's death into a circus. He said that there's thousands of other missing people in the country that never got the coverage his daughter gotten.

He added, "The person who is accused of taking Mollie’s life is no more a reflection of the Hispanic community as white supremacists are of all white people. To suggest otherwise is a lie. Justice in my America is blind. This person will receive a fair trial, as it should be. If convicted, he will face the consequences society has set. Beyond that, he deserves no more attention. 
America's biggest troll exploits Mollie Tibbetts' death for a few political talking points.
To the Hispanic community, my family stands with you and offers its heartfelt apology. That you’ve been beset by the circumstances of Mollie’s death is wrong. We treasure the contribution you bring to the American tapestry in all its color and melody. And yes, we love your food.

My stepdaughter, whom Mollie loved so dearly, is Latina. Her sons — Mollie’s cherished nephews and my grandchildren — are Latino. That means I am Hispanic. I am African. I am Asian. I am European. My blood runs from every corner of the Earth because I am American. As an American, I have one tenet: to respect every citizen of the world and actively engage in the ongoing pursuit to form a more perfect union.

Given that, to knowingly foment discord among races is a disgrace to our flag. It incites fear in innocent communities and lends legitimacy to the darkest, most hate-filled corners of the American soul. It is the opposite of leadership. It is the opposite of humanity. It is heartless. It is despicable. It is shameful.

We have the opportunity now to take heed of the lessons that Mollie, John McCain and Aretha Franklin taught — humanity, fairness and courage. For most of the summer, the search for Mollie brought this nation together like no other pursuit. There was a common national will that did transcend opinion, race, gender and geography. Let’s not lose sight of that miracle. Let’s not lose sight of Mollie.
The suspect is held on murder charges and will likely get LIFE if convicted.
Instead, let’s turn against racism in all its ugly manifestations both subtle and overt. Let’s turn toward each other with all the compassion we gave Mollie. Let’s listen, not shout. Let’s build bridges, not walls. Let’s celebrate our diversity rather than argue over our differences. I can tell you, when you’ve lost your best friend, differences are petty and meaningless.

My family remains eternally grateful to all those who adopted Mollie so completely and showered us with so much care, compassion and generosity. Please accept our desire to remain private as we share our loss. We love Mollie with all our hearts and miss her terribly. We need time."

Trust me, his words will fall on deaf ears.

Dan Patrick, the buffoon lieutenant governor of Texas, that old fart Rush Limbaugh, Sean "Softball" Hannity, Tucker "Peckerwood" Carlson and Florida gubernatorial candidate Ron DeSantis used Mollie's name in their attacks against the Democrats.

Dog whistle politics is the only thing Republicans got. And hopefully, they weapon will be their undoing.

The suspect is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. He will face up to LIFE in the iron college. He was an undocumented worker who allegedly got upset over Mollie rejecting his advances.

Not InteresTED!

Let's vote this ass out of Washington.
Ted Cruz, the Republican U.S. Senator from Texas is in a desperate bid to win.

Rafael Edward Cruz is a Canadian-American lawmaker who became U.S. Senator in 2013. He won against an establishment candidate. Cruz was gaining popularity in the first years as the "leading opposition" to Barack Obama and Harry Reid and Mitch McConnell. Cruz would often grandstand and rush to Fox News to brag about it. He was one of the leading faces in delaying funding to Hurricane Sandy. He opposed the gun control reforms presented by Pat Toomey and Joe Manchin. He led in shutting down the government three times since his has been a senator.

Cruz, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio and Lindsey Graham decided that they wanted to be President of the United States. Their dreams were crushed when Donald J. Trump decided to run. Cruz was hoping conservatives would rally behind him. Cruz's top allies were Mark Levin, Glenn Beck, Michelle Malkin and Kellyanne Conway.

Cruz and Trump at one time vowed to not attack each other. That quickly turned into a mudslinging campaign. Trump decided to make remarks about Heidi Cruz being an ugly woman. The Ashley Madison hacking implicated Cruz as a member. The National Enquirer also reported that Cruz had affairs with five women who worked on his campaign. Trump also said his father was involved in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Cruz claimed these whisper camapigns were driven by Trump, Alex Jones and The Drudge Report.

Cruz also was called out by Trump for having relatively no accomplishments since he has been a senator.

Trump dubbed Cruz, "Lyin' Ted" and it stuck to him like glue.

Cruz lost faith in Fox News after Sean "Softball" Hannity decided to go "gaga" for Trump. Soon the network and Russia ran a whisper campaign against Cruz.

They made stories that were damaging to him, Rubio and Hillary Clinton.

When he was struggling in the presidential campaign, Cruz picked Carly Fiorina as his running mate in order to stop Trump from winning Indiana. The voters saw through that and voted for Trump.

Cruz conceded clearing the way for Trump to become the nominee. He also vowed to not support Trump for president.

Trump did reach out to Cruz and had him speak at the Republican National Convention. In Ohio, Cruz subliminally dissed Trump during the nomination.

Republicans had said that Cruz, "jumped the shark."

Since then, Cruz had tucked his tail between his knees. He kept quiet and stayed out of the limelight. He kept focus on his reelection for the Senate.

Texans were not fond of Cruz embarrassing himself. Now h
Cruz  is struggling to win back Republicans who are upset that he left hem hanging during a mass shooting and a disastrous hurricane.

Democrats now see opportunity to pick off a seat that hasn't went Democratic in over 20 years.

Cruz is calling out the big guns. The big guns in particular are Donald J. Trump, Mike Pence, Mark Levin and Chuck Norris. They are coming down to campaign for his reelection.
Let's do this. Help Beto O'Rourke win the Texas senate race.
Cruz is actually facing a real threat. His opponent, Democratic congressman Beto O'Rourke is gaining momentum and poses a real threat to unseating one of the most unpopular lawmakers in Washington.

O'Rourke is only within two points of Cruz. He vows to visit each county in Texas and appeal to younger voters who are tired of the status quo.

Ted Cruz is the status quo. Even the idiots running the Texas Republican Party are trying to muddy up the waters with ridiculous attacks on O'Rourke's past as punk rocker.

Progressives mocked the Republicans for this. Look at the man who represents them.

Ted Cruz started off as a candidate who promised to shake up Washington. Same with O'Rourke.

Both of them found themselves wrapped in a culture. However, Beto wants to change that. I hope that he can because it's a challenge to get people out to vote. Especially the young voters.

But Cruz found himself wrapped around idiots like Sarah Palin, Softball Hannity, Glenn Beck and Mark Levin. He denied Barack Obama's Supreme Court nominee and will likely support Trump's nominee for the court.

Cruz has no big accomplishments other than appearing on Fox News and talk radio. He has a huge following but it's waning. After the Republican convention, many soured on him. Hopefully Trump's words about Cruz will haunt him to the election.



Saturday, September 01, 2018

Luther Younger: Come Walk With Me!

New York man walks six miles a day to see his ailing wife at the hospital. He is 99 years old and still has the power of a 50 year old.
A true act of love and kindness in the United States. I salute Luther Younger for the will power and sheer enthusiasm. The Rochester, New York man walks six miles in the heat, rain and snow to see his wife Weverlee at the hospital.

Luther is 99 years old.


I said it.

He is nearly 100 years old and he is active. A centenarian who doesn't even look like his age.

Younger's six-mile round-trip journey would be too much for many people half his age. But when you've walked through life with someone for over 55 years, what's another six miles? Luther is sad to leave his love, but he knows that tomorrow, rain or shine, he will be walking to see his "sweet cup of tea" again.

Luther is also a former Marine who fought in the Korean War, and he prides himself on his physical strength.

"People tell me to act my age — yeah, right. They're jealous because I don't drink, I don't smoke, because it's no good. I wouldn't be here [if I did]," he said.

But his daily walk isn't about proving how strong he is. It's about proving his love for Waverlee. "She is a beautiful lady and she treats me as a person is supposed to be ... she made a man out of me," he said. "That's why I love her, because she's tough. She's not weak ... That's the kind of woman I want."
Luther with members of his family.
On the walk he reminisced about his marriage. He said they met in a laundromat and got married at their home, adding that Waverlee looked beautiful on their wedding day. Lutheta is the couple's only child together, but Luther praised Waverlee for helping raise his kids from a previous relationship.

"She wasn't easy. She was the type of person, if you didn't work, you got to go. And I had to work," he told me. "That's why I'm sticking with her, because if it hadn't been for my wife, I wouldn't have made it."

We walked through the University of Rochester campus, and Luther started running again when he spotted the hospital building. I told him to be careful, that it was hot out, but he just said, "Come on, we have to get there." He refused water, and it seemed that the only thing on his mind was Waverlee.

As he made his way through the hospital hallways, Luther said hello to the staff members as he passed by, but didn't stop walking.

When he walked in the door of her hospital room, he said to me, "Watch this ... baby, give me a kiss." He kissed Waverlee, and her eyes fluttered. He is proud his kiss can still make his wife happy after all these years.

"That's my cup of tea, and she's sweet too," Luther said, sitting next to Waverlee's bed.

"He's always called her that," Lutheta told me. "He's always cared about her the way he does [now]. He loves my mom, He'll do anything for her."

Lutheta says she tries to find a ride home for her dad as often as possible, especially when it's hot out. She doesn't like that he walks six miles alone every day, but her dad is adamant and she lets him do it.

"My dad says it keeps him alive, it keeps him going," his daughter said. Lutheta also started a GoFundMe campaign for her parents, to help raise money for Waverlee's hospital expenses.

At the end of the day, Luther leaves the hospital to let Waverlee rest. He gave me a big hug goodbye and told me I was like a granddaughter to him. We just spent the afternoon together, but in Luther's big heart, that practically made me part of his family.

Cosby Kid Works At Trader Joe's! So What!

Two women discover their cashier once played a character on The Cosby Show.
At a Trader Joe's in New Jersey, two women were shocked to discover an actor working as a cashier. So to embarrass him even further, they took a picture of him and shared on it social media.

Geoffrey Owens who appeared on The Cosby Show as Elwin Tibideaux, the inspiring doctor who married Heathcliff Huxtable's oldest daughter Sondra.

The sitcom was successful during the 1980s and early 1990s. It made Bill Cosby, a household name. Now in 2018, Cosby is a named marked with shame.

Cosby was convicted of sexual assault of a woman in 2004. He is awaiting sentencing for a possible 30 years. He lost his endorsements. He lost his honorary degrees. All of his shows with his name bearing are gone off the airwaves. His former castmates distance themselves from him.
Two women made America feel compassion for former actor Geoffrey Owens.
Owens was one of them.

A woman and her wife spotted Owens bagging their groceries. So they decided to take a picture of him and then posted on social media.

The tabloid, The Daily Mail picked it up and then it went viral.

The former actor is the son of the late U.S. congressman, Major Owens.

Many came to Owens defense. Some slammed The Daily Mail and Fox News for running this. They even slammed the women for taking the picture without the consent of the company or Owens.

Owens is trying to make a living. In Donald J. Trump's economy, you might be working two or even three jobs to pay the bills.

Friday, August 31, 2018

The Funeral Of John McCain!

Paying respect to the former 2008 Republican nominee for president, John McCain.

Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Joe Biden, NFL wide receiver Larry Fitzgerald, Mike Pence, Paul Ryan, Jeff Flake, Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham paid tribute to John McCain.

McCain is being buried today and his family and friends pay their respect to the Arizona senator who died of brain cancer. The McCain family includes his widow, Cindy and The View host Meghan McCain.

The funeral is livestream.

Gov. Doug Ducey will pick a replacement to succeed McCain until a special election. I assume that failed candidate Kelli Ward is hoping she becomes the senator.

Rep. Martha McSally (R-AZ) and Rep. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) will square off for the seat being vacated by Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ).

Flake already endorsed McSally. Had it been Ward, he might have supported Sinema.

Flake praised McCain for being a voice of Arizonans and decency. He also praised both McSally and Sinema for becoming a historical first. Both women could end up being the first female senator representing Arizona.

McCain's funeral is on.

The Funeral Of Aretha Franklin!

The Homecoming for a Queen.
The Homecoming for the Queen of Soul.

As Aretha Franklin prepares for her departure, Bill Clinton, Eric Holder, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Smokey Robinson, Stevie Wonder, Clive Davis, Glynn Turman and others pay their respects to a legendary singer and entertainer.

The livestream is still on.

Pay your respects to Aretha Franklin by sharing your thoughts.
They prepared Aretha Franklin well. The matching red dress and stiletto pumps.
CBS livestream from Detroit.

Former president Bill Clinton speaks at the Aretha Franklin funeral. Over in Washington, Former presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush will speak at John McCain's funeral.

Donald J. Trump was not invited to either funeral.


Surprise album from Eminem and rap fans are going crazy.
No one saw it coming. Not even rap fans.

Marshall Bruce Matters III, you are the rap god.

Today was the release of Eminem's latest album, Kamikaze.

Damn, Em, why did you go hard on this one?

This is the 10th album release from Slim Shady. Dr. Dre and Eminem were the executive producers of the album and its released on Shady Records and Aftermath Entertainment.
There hasn't been a rapper able to beat Eminem in a rap beef.
The album production include Eminem, Ronny J, Mike Will Made It, Boi-1da, Illadaproducer, Luis Resto, S1 and Fred Ball.

The album is a follow up to the Revival album. Many music critics panned the album. Eminem went back into the studio to record the Kamikaze. He went after rappers, Donald J. Trump, music critics and himself.

Eminem has a few features on the album. His Bad Versus Evil partner Royce Da 5'9", Joyner Lucus, Jessie Reyez and an uncredit appearance from Justin Vernon.

About who he dissed on the album.

Here's the lyrics of The Ringer.

*Plane crashing*
Yeah, yo I'm just gonna write down my first thoughts and see where this takes me, ’cause I feel like I wanna punch the world in the fuckin' face right now

Yeah, let me explain just how to make greatness
Straight out the gate, I'm ’bout to break you down
Ain't no mistakes allowed, but make no mistake I'm 'bout
To rape the alphabet, I may raise some brows
If I press the issue just to get the anger out (brrr)
Full magazine could take Staples out
Savage, but ain't thinkin' 'bout no bank account
But bitch I'm off the chain like Kala Brown
Motherfucker, shut the fuck up when I’m talkin’, lil' bitch
I’m sorry, wait, what's your talent? Oh, critiquin'
My talent? Oh, bitch, I don't know who the fuck y’all are
To give a sub-par bar, even have an opinion of you
You mention me, millions of views, attention in news
I mention you, lose-lose for me, win-win for you
Billions of views, your ten cents are two
Skim through the music to give shit reviews
To get clicks, but bitch, you just lit the fuse
Don't get misconstrued, business as us'
Shit-list renewed so get shit to do
Or get dissed 'cause I just don't get what the fuck half the shit is that you're listenin' t-to
Do you have any idea how much I hate this choppy flow
Everyone copies though? Probably no
Get this fuckin' audio out my Audi yo, adios
I can see why people like Lil Yachty, but not me though
Not even dissin', it just ain't for me
All I am simply is just an emcee
Maybe "Stan" just isn't your cup of tea
Maybe your cup's full of syrup and lean
Maybe I need to stir up shit
Preferably shake the world up if it were up to me
Paul wants me to chill, y'all want me to ill
I should eat a pill, probably I will
Old me kill the new me, watch him bleed to death
I breathe on the mirror, I don't see my breath
Possibly I'm dead, I must be possessed
Like an evil spell, I'm E-V-I-L (evil, but spelled)
Jam a Crest Whitestrip in the tip of my dick with an ice pick
Stick it in a vice grip, hang it on a spike fence
Bang it with a pipe wrench
While I take my ballsack and flick it like a light switch
Like vice-president Mike Pence
Back up on my shit in a sidekick as I lay it on a spike strip
These are things that I'd rather do than hear you on a mic
Since nine-tenths of your rhyme is about ice and
Jesus Christ man, how many times is someone gonna fuck on my bitch? (Fuck my side chick!)
You will never see Em icy, but as cold as I get on the M-I-C
I polarize shit so the Thames might freeze
And your skull might split like I bashed you upside it
Bitch I got the club on smash like a nightstick (yeah)
Turn down for what? I ain't loud enough
Nah, turn the valium up!
'Cause I don't know how I'm gonna get your mouths to shut
Now when it doesn't matter what caliber I spit at
I'll bet a hundred thousand bucks
You'll turn around and just be like, "Man, how the fuck sourpuss gonna get mad just 'cause his album sucks
And now he wants to take it out on us?" (ooh-ooh)
But last week, an ex-fan mailed me a copy
Of The Mathers LP to tell me to study
It'll help me get back to myself and she'll love me (ooh-ooh)
I mailed the bitch back and said if I did that
I'd just be like everyone else in the fucking industry
Especially an effing Recovery clone of me
So finger-bang, chicken wang, MGK, Iggy ‘zae
Lil Pump, Lil Xan imitate Lil Wayne
I should aim at everybody in the game, pick a name
I'm fed up with being humble
And rumor is I'm hungry, I'm sure you heard bumblings
I heard you wanna rumble like an empty stomach
I heard your mumblin' but it's jumbled in mumbo-jumbo
The era that I'm from will pummel you
That's what it's comin' to
What the fuck are you gonna do? Where you runnin' to?
I'm gonna crumble you and I'll take a number two
And dump on you if you ain't Joyner
If you ain't Kendrick or Cole or Sean then you're a goner
I'm 'bout to bring it to anyone in this bitch who want it
I guess when you walk into BK you expect a Whopper
You can order a quarter pounder when you go to McDonald's
But if you're lookin' to get a porterhouse you better go get Revival
But y'all are acting like I tried to serve you up a slider
Maybe the vocals should have been auto-tuned
And you would have bought it
But sayin' I no longer got it
'Cause you missed the line and never caught it
'Cause it went over your head, because you're too stupid to get it
'Cause you're mentally retarded, but pretend to be the smartest
With your expertise and knowledge, but you'll never be an artist
And I'm harder on myself than you could ever be regardless
What I'll never be is flawless, all I'll ever be is honest
Even when I'm gone they're gonna say I brought it
Even when I hit my forties like a fuckin' alcoholic
With a bottle full of malt liquor
But I couldn't bottle this shit any longer
The fact that I know that I'ma hit my bottom
If I don't pull myself from the jaws of defeat and rise to my feet
I don't see why y'all even started with me
I get impeached, my enemies die
I don't ceasefire 'til at least all are deceased
I'm eastside, never be caught slippin'
Now you see why I don't sleep
Not even a wink, I don't blink
I don't doze off, I don't even nod to the beats
I don't even close my fuckin' eyes when I sneeze
"Aw, man! That BET cypher was weak, it was garbage
The Thing ain't even orange—oh my God, that's a reach!"
Shout to all my colorblind people, each and every one of y'all
If you call a fire engine green, aquamarine
Or you think water is pink
"Dawg, that's a date," "Looks like an olive to me."
"Look, there's an apple!" "No it's not, it's a peach!"
So finger-bang, Pootie Tang, Burger King, Gucci Gang, dookie, dang
Charlamagne gonna hate anyway
Doesn't matter what I say
Give me Donkey of the Day
What a way for 2018 to get underway
But I'm gonna say everything that I wanna say
Welcome to the slaughterhouse, bitch! (yeah)
Invite them in like a one a day
I'm not done (preach)
'Cause I feel like the beast of burden
That line in the sand, was it even worth it?
'Cause the way I see people turnin'
Is makin' it seem worthless
It's startin' to defeat the purpose
I'm watchin' my fan base shrink to thirds
And I was just tryin' to do the right thing, but word
Has the court of public opinion reached a verdict
Or still yet to be determined?
'Cause I'm determined to be me, critique the worship
But if I could go back I'd at least reword it
And say I empathize with the people this evil serpent
Sold the dream to that he's deserted
But I think it's workin'
These verses are makin' him a wee bit nervous
And he's too scurred to answer me with words
'Cause he knows that he will lyrically get murdered
But I know at least he's heard it
'Cause Agent Orange just sent the Secret Service
To meet in person to see if I really think of hurtin' him
Or ask if I'm linked to terrorists
I said, "Only when it comes to ink and lyricists."
But my beef is more media journalists
(Hold up, hold up, hold up…)
I said my beef is more meaty, a journalist
Can get a mouthful of flesh
And yes, I mean eating a penis
'Cause they been pannin' my album to death
So I been givin' the media fingers
Don't wanna turn this to a counselling sesh
But they been puttin' me through the ringer
So I ain't ironin' shit out with the press
But I just took this beat to the cleaners

Em aimed at Lil' Pump, Lil' Xan, Tyler The Creator, Joe Budden, Chance The Rapper, Drake, Machine Gun Kelly, Lil' Yachty, Kanye West, Charlamagne The God, Mike Pence, Donald Trump and those who criticized the Revial.
13 tracks.
Joe Budden was once signed to Shady Records. He and his group Slaughterhouse broke up. The rapper aimed at Eminem multiple times. He sneak dissed him through his Everyday Struggle series. He made remarks going after Revival and calling Em's music trash.

He also released the single "Venom." The single is a preview to the Marvel movie Venom which is coming out in October.

This album has received generally positive reviews from critics. Writing for Forbes, Bryan Rolli called the album "a fitting end to rap's underwhelming summer", situating the release in terms of his critically-derided 2017 album Revival and other high-profile hip hop releases in 2018.

Slim Shady is telling critics that "careers will end" if they come at him.

Eminem will score another platinum album and Grammy buzz.

The National Enquirer Falls!

American Media, Inc. has took a big nosedive. Thanks to David Pecker's support of Donald J. Trump, the National Enquirer is suffering in sales.

The tabloid is declining because of its anti-Hillary Clinton stories.

The company lost $72 million in revenue thanks to Pecker.

It won't be long before he is ousted from the company.

The tabloid sat on two stories dealing with Trump. The accusations made by Karen McDougal and Stormy Daniels were sidelined by Michael Cohen and American Media, Inc. They deliberately tried to push Trump over the finish line with stories demeaning Clinton, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and Marco Rubio.

I want you to know that the tabloid is losing subscribers because of their support of Trump.

Pecker took a plea deal to avoid federal time out.

The company board is weighing whether they should fire Pecker out the cannon.

Who knows what could happen?

Michael Cohen plead guilty to bank fraud and campaign finance violations. He decided to corporate with the feds in regards to the Russia probe.

Michael Avenatti, the attorney for Daniels is warning Trump and his allies that more damaging stuff is coming.


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