Friday, June 16, 2017

Did Russia Kill Abu Bakr al-Bagdhdadi?

Islamic State leader Abu Bake al-Baghdadi may have been killed.
It seems like the Russians are claiming credit for the death of the Islamic State's leader. The strike happened in Raqqa, Syria.

Wondering if the Republicans and their leader Donald J. Trump will give praise to Russia for the airstrike?

Will they usually doubt the strike?

Or will they blame Barack Obama for not getting him in the first place?

Anyway, the Islamic State of the Levant is a Sunni militant group that has recruited individuals to take to arms against oppressive regimes and anti-Islamic sentiment in the West. They are classified as terrorist by the Western junk food media.

The group had maintained strength in Syria and Iraq/ The group also expanded influence into Egypt, Libya, the Philippines,Yemen, Afghanistan, Iran, United Kingdom, Nigeria, Sudan, Somalia, Saudi Arabia, Russia, and the United States.

Its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is the de facto leader of the organization. He is a 40-something year old man who was then a part of the resistance against the United States military in the Iraqi War.

Born Ibrahim Awwadty Ibrahiam Ali Muhammad al-Badri al-Sammarrai, the leader of this group has been relentless. He captured in Iraq back in 2004 near Fallujah. He was detained and imprisoned at Abu Ghraib and Camp Bucca.

He was released in 2004 as a low level detainee. Conservatives claim he was detained until 2009.

Of course in their minds, it's a swipe at Barack Obama because he took over as President of the United States after George W. Bush.

There was no initial independent confirmation that the leader was killed. The U.S.-military leading in the coalition to take him out can't confirm the death. Iraqi officials are skeptical of the death.

Of course, in this blood thirsty country, the United States want pictures of a bloody carcass.

If this is proven true, this will be a big blow to the Islamic State.

Yeah, that's what they've said about Osama bin Laden and yet al Qaeda still exist and is really excited that Donald J. Trump is the leader. They will find ways to inspire more militant attacks against the West. Of course, they don't want to infiltrate from Syria and the Muslim nations, Trump is trying to impose his Muslim ban on.

The Islamic State wants American born Muslims to take to arms.

Russian state media claims that the United States was notified of the airstrikes. The Russians claim 30 field commanders and 300 personal guards were killed in a massive airstrike.

The United States constantly killed deputies and "second-in-commands." They came extremely close to killing al-Bahdadi.

The Feds Serve Some Involved In The Flint Water Crisis!

Flint and Michigan officials are charged with manslaughter.
State and federal officials decided that the Flint water crisis was criminal. And now five people will face a judge in the matter.

Attorney General of Michigan, Bill Schuette charged five officials with involuntary manslaughter.

The criminal charges come from the state and Flint officials negligent actions. They green-lit the usage of the Flint River for the city's water supply. They were aware that the river had pollutants.

An 85-year old man died because of Legionnaires' disease.

The New York Times report that officials include the state's chief of the health department. It was the closest investigators have come to directly blaming officials for the deaths and illnesses that occurred when a water contamination crisis enveloped the city.
Flint's rapid decline started with manufacturing leaving. Now the water crisis sunk the "Vehicle City."
Nick Lyon, the director of Michigan Department of Health and Human Service, Dr. Eden V. Wells, the chief medical executive for the department join 15 to 17 other officials in criminal intent.

These charges could put these individuals in the iron college for 25 to LIFE.

They are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

This scandal plagued the 2016 U.S. Election.

Donald J. Trump isn't working on fixing the problem. Matter of fact, Republicans rather see the people suffer because they don't want the environmental safety regulations.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

King James Lost His Crown!

King James couldn't save the Cavs Nation.

NBA star LeBron James is very upset over the loss. The Cleveland Cavaliers couldn't seal the deal against their perennial rival the Golden State Warriors. Game 5 was a close game. But when the Warriors were leading 3 to 1 in the finals, a win could have kept the game going. Unfortunately, the Cavs, couldn't break out the slump.

The NBA finals for the last three seasons has been a match between the The City and The Cavs.

James who came to Cleveland helped the team secure their first NBA championship. A successful feat after losing to the Warriors in their first match-up.

Now that the Warriors won their second NBA championship against the Cavs, many are questioning whether James is loosing his mind.

Social media went lit when they seen King James without his crown.

He shaved his head and the internet went bonkers.

Your thoughts.

Look below.

Now for the NBA 2017-18 season, expect the Warriors to be a clear favorite for another championship. The team's strongest stars Steph Curry, Draymond Green, Klay Thompson and Kevin Durant have made the team a force to be reckoned with.

Trump Under Federal Watch!

Trump not happy about Robert Mueller pushing this investigation on his ties to Russia.

And so it begins. There's five sources that told the Washington Post that Robert Mueller, the special prosecutor in the Russian investigation is mulling at criminal charges. Donald J. Trump and Mike Pence dismiss the case but hired lawyers.

Mueller is interviewing this week three top intelligence officials as a part of the probe, the Post reported.

Three officials told the Post that Mueller is interviewing the Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats, National Security Agency Director Mike Rogers and Richard Ledgett, the recently retired deputy NSA director.
Robert Mueller.
This comes as a big story for the ongoing scandal that won't end.

Trump went to social media to call it "phony" and said that all this attention should have been focused on Hillary Clinton, the former Democratic nominee for president.

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein appointed Mueller, hinted broadly that a special counsel investigation could be looking at Trump during a House committee hearing on Tuesday.

CNN also reports that Senate Intelligence chairs Richard Burr (R-NC) and Mark Warner (D-VA) were notified Wednesday. This came fresh after Rosenstein's boss the squinty eyed bigot Jefferson Beauregard Session III did his testimony on Tuesday.

The possibility of charging Trump with obstruction of justice could resonate with possible congressional indictments.

Trump has hinted he might fire Mueller. If he does that, it puts more pressure on him. It could make Republicans less likely to support his claims that the special counsel is bias.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

And More To Come: Mass Shooting At UPS Facility In San Francisco!

More bloodshed in America. A terrorist attacks a UPS facility in San Francisco.
The latest on the shooting of Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) continues. While this happened in the DC area, the Bay Area deals with a tragedy.

CNN reports that a terrorist killed three before going out like a punk. The shooting at a UPS facility in San Francisco.

Two other people were shot but survived their shootings. The law confronted the terrorist before he took his own life.

Officers responded to an active shooter at 8:55 am (PST) at the Customer Service Center for UPS.

The package facility employs 350 people. The officers arrived to scene to see that the terrorist was still shooting. They tried to disarm the terrorist. The terrorist tried to attack them but gun got jammed.

So he would run into a backroom and take himself out.

The names of the victims weren't released. The name of the terrorist wasn't released. If it's a White man or Asian man, they will call it "workplace violence" or "mental illness".

If the terrorist was Black, Muslim or immigrant, they'll say the attack may have been an act of terrorism.

The conservatives will blame of course liberals and Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) for the shooting.

Of course, Donald J. Trump, California Gov. Jerry Brown was notified of this.





Which mass shooting will get junk food media coverage? 

Blame Game: James Hodgkinson!

This terrorist rattled lawmakers. He went on a shooting spree attacking lawmakers practicing baseball. The law put this threat down. But who are the partisans blaming for this?
Expect more mass shootings.

Also given that this is a White guy, will they call it terrorism or mental illness?

Had it been a Black, Muslim or immigrant, what would the junk food media be focused on?

Matter of fact, since the suspect had support for a former political candidate, what will the agitators start focusing on? Will it be gun violence or the usual it's someone else but the shooter's fault?

Will Barack Obama be blamed for this? Even though he's out of office, the blame will always lie on the feet of the Black president. Cause in the minds of conservatives, it's all Obama's fault, not Donald J. Trump. It's them damn liberals who said nasty things about Trump and Republicans.

And liberals saying that Trump and Republicans are responsible.

The Gateway Pundit, The Drudge Report, Bearing Arms, Mark Levin, Sean "Softball" Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and Michelle Malkin wasted no time going after liberal agitators and comedian Kathy Griffin for the act. All this word vomit about he's a "leftist" is being spread online.

And of course the trolls who have selective outrage. Just after a man stabbed two men to death because of his right wing politics, now the trolls are focused on this man and his left wing politics.

No concerns for the victims.

Mind you that Republicans will not do anything about this. They continue to allow this nonsense to go on. And now a possible member of Congress could die from this.

Terrorist attack in suburban DC by a lone gunman. The terrorist was identified as a man from Illinois.

The suspect is named James Hodgkinson.

Alleged motivation are unknown. The terrorist was devoted to take out Donald J. Trump and his lackeys. He also singled out Republicans who fought against his beliefs.

The left and the right will continue the usual blame game. Each will denounce the attack but fault someone other than the attacker.
Scalise took a turn for the worse.
The injured include Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA), the House Majority Whip.

A lobbyist, a staffer and two Capitol Police officers were injured.

The terrorist is killed.

Trump will visit Scalise at the hospital tonight.

A little about the terrorist. He was the NICE GUY..

I said it time after time, the NICE GUY is the most dangerous person to have a firearm. When someone or something spurns the NICE GUY, they take revenge on society. Some called him a creepy dude who taunted and harassed the female bartenders.

The terrorist slipped past Homeland Security and the Secret Service.

Originally from the St. Louis metro area, this terrorist was a home inspection inspector. He grew up in Belleville, Illinois. He was 66, white and armed with a high powered firearm.

The terrorist was deeply opinionated, angry about Trump and anti-government. He was a supporter of Sen. Bernie Sander (I-VT) and his failed bid for president. The terrorist took showers at the YMCA close to the scene where he was. He specifically targeting Republicans.

Scalise was severely injured in the hip. He is facing a tough road ahead. Other victims include Zack Barth, an aide to Rep. Roger Williams (R-TX), Matt Mika, a lobbyist for Tyson Foods, along with Capitol Police officers David Bailey and Krystal Griner. The officers put the bullets in the terrorist.

On social media, the terrorist was inspired by rhetoric from a group called "Terminate the Republican Party."

He called Trump a "traitor, chicken-and-chief, wanted a 'swift' removal of him.

House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI), Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) came out to condemn the attack and urged Americans to report any suspicious behavior.

Rep. Brad Wenstrup (R-OH) is a military combat doctor who used his skills to save Scalise and others. Wenstrup, Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) and the Capitol Police were held as heroes.

Down That Old Winding Road!


With job approval at record lows, Donald J. Trump celebrates his 71st birthday. And on his birthday, a terrorist attack in Virginia. The attack was done by one lone gunman.

Again, I don't care about the terrorist's politics, family life or race. All I know in my opinion of this is that the terrorist attacked lawmakers when they let their guard down.

If it wasn't for the Capitol Police and Alexandria Police, the Congress would have lost a handful of members willing to help Trump pass his agenda. Mind you most of these Republicans are not willing to pass gun control measures. 

The leader of this stupid country now has this issue to deal with. At first, Trump had wanted Republicans to pass a repeal and replacement of the Affordable Care Act. The Senate is secretly working on the law without any input or compromise from the Democrats.

House members were working on tax reform and infrastructure funding. They were close to taking their umpteenth vacation since taking office.

Republicans now a faced with a new issue. Gun violence.

This issue was ignored for a long time by Republicans. They often had tried to claim that Democrats are coming for their guns.

The Russian investigation will not go away. Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III, was flopping like a fish yesterday at his senate hearing.

We await Trump to speak out on the shooting.

BREAKING: Steve Scalise Shot In Mass Shooting!

House Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) was shot in a mass shooting.



This happened in the city of Alexandria, Virginia. The city is two miles from Washington, DC.

A terrorist struck lawmakers at the Congressional Baseball event practice.

According to witnesses, people were shot. No claims of responsibility in this event. No names of the victims. No motive. The FBI was on the scene as well as Virginia commonwealth police officials.

But word on the street, the top ranking Republican lawmaker was one of the causalities.

Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) was shot in Virginia. The House Majority Whip was one of the victims injured by a lone gunman..

Donald J. Trump, Mike Pence, House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI), Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe and Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards were notified.

Scalise was under fire for appearing at a White extremist conference. He was one of the main speakers at David Duke's event. He apologized for his appearance at the white extremist event.

The last lawmaker shot in 2011 was Gabrielle Giffords. That happened in Tucson and she survived the shooting at point blank range. She was pro-gun until she felt the bullet hit her in the head.

Now Republicans and the NRA are now at a crossroads.

This happened at an event of bipartisanship.

Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) explains to the junk food media, this was a massacre.

At least up to five to ten people were shot by a lone gunman.




Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Dubb Nation Will Skip Trump Visit!

For Kevin Durant, it's about damn time. He was dubbed MVP after the Golden State Warriors ran a train on the Cleveland Cavaliers. They are the NBA champions.

The NBA finals are done. The Golden State Warriors are the NBA champions. They defeated their perennial rival, the Cleveland Cavaliers in Game 5. The Cavaliers didn't bring their A-game to the finals. They were trailing throughout the whole series.

The Cavaliers, previous champions won their only victory in Cleveland.

This victory in Oakland gave the Warriors a finale that ended at home.

The team pulled a comeback after last year's defeat to the Cavaliers.

Now the word on the street is that coach Steve Kerr and the Dubb Nation will be skipping the Donald J. Trump visit.
NBA champions Golden State Warriors. The heroes of O-town beats the Cavs.

Kevin Durant, Steph Curry, Klay Thompson, Draymond Green, Andre Iguodala and David West haven't publicly declined any invitation to the White House yet.

This is the first time the team skipped a White House invite. Many in the sports and entertainment industry can't stand him as the leader of this stupid country.

Trump is a former reality television star and real estate developer.

They came to visit the White House in 2015 when they won the NBA championship. They met then president Barack Obama with no political statement or controversy.

Congratulations to the Golden State Warriors on their successful season. I am guessing if the team stay together, it's a heavy favorite for the 2017-18 season.

The Squinty Eyed Bigot Can't Remember That Time!

Damn, I hate these committee hearings.

When Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III appeared today at a Senate Intelligence Briefing on Russia, the squinty eyed bigot was stonewalling. He was trying invoking his executive privilege without saying he was dong so.

The testimony lasted about a three hours and the Democrats and Republicans were using their usual gotcha moments. Notably the fact that Sessions was hammered for not acknowledging James Comey's concerns about being alone with Donald J. Trump.

Trump's key man on the law enforcement is facing controversy over his failure to disclose his meetings with Russian diplomats.

When asked about Trump potentially firing Robert Mueller out the cannon in the special investigation probe, Sessions said "I have no recognition."

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) also made the news. He completely went into a tangent about how Hillary Clinton managed to escape criminal conviction.

Let it be known, that Sessions was under oath. And yet, he can't explain how his boss got in touch with Russians. He couldn't ever answer why the DNC was hacked. He won't even acknowledge when he meet the diplomats.

Sessions might as well of skipped the testimony.

Also the Senate Rules Committee is trying to crack down on reporters in the Capitol.

The junk food media blasted Republicans for trying to run away from the Russian investigation and their "secret" bill to replace the Affordable Care Act.
Republicans continue to disrespect Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA). The senator vows to keep pressure on Republicans and Trump's lackeys.
Sen. Richard Shelby (R-AL) wanted to roll out this to keep the junk, food media from bothering them in the public hallways of the Senate.

Also Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) was interrupted by Sen. John McCain (R-AZ). This also gone viral because Harris who is a potential candidate for 2020 is being undermined by Republicans. The last time this happened was committee chair Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC) trying to stop her when she pressed Rod Rosenstein, the second banana to Sessions.

NBC Gives Megyn A Bone!

Kook meets kooky.
There is a huge controversy going on over at NBC News. The freshly plucked conservative agitator Megyn Kelly is under fire for doing an interview with alt-right kookspiracy host Alex Jones.

Jones is a part of a movement that promotes racism under the guise of journalism and freedom of speech.

Jones was instrumental in pushing kookspiracy claims about Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Jones helped Donald J. Trump land a gig as leader of this goddamn country.

The Austin, Texas native also sparked a great deal of controversy.

Jones claims 9/11 was an insider job. He said that the tragic shootings at Sandy Hook and Pulse Nightclub were hoaxes. He claims Barack Obama created these massacres as a "false flag" operation to take away guns.

Jones, Matt Drudge, The Gateway Pundit and Kelly's former colleague, Sean "Softball" Hannity have relentlessly pushed the Seth Rich kookspiracy in order to discredit the intelligence agencies. In their minds, they believe Rich gave Wikileaks the DNC emails and not a Russian government-backed hacking organization. Wikileaks claims it was a DNC worker and not a Russian hacking unit.
The family of Ana Grace Marquez-Greene is livid over Megyn Kelly's interview with a kook. 
Kelly who used to be a top-rated agitator on Fox News left the network in early 2017. She quickly signed on to NBC to do a daytime program and Sunday night program.

The decision was marred with controversy from the jump.

Kelly's old ways are still there. She still promotes bullshit as news.

Having Alex Jones on is bullshit.

The mother of that sweet little Ana Grace Marquez-Greene was outraged. Nelba Marquez-Greene is calling upon NBC to pull the episode and is urging others to denounce Megyn Kelly for her past statements while on Fox News.

JPMorgan Chase announced their pulling sponsorship from Kelly's program. Others are being pressured to drop Kelly.

Kelly and NBC haven't responded to the controversy.

Jones on the other hand said that the "devil is in the details." He denounced the boycott and blamed Kelly for making him out to be the bad guy.

Jones is also facing civil lawsuits from Comet Ping Pong Pizza, Chobani and his ex-wife.

Little Ana along with 25 other victims died at the hands of a terrorist in 2012. The Sandy Hook massacre on December 14th, 2012 was one of the toughest things Barack Obama faced in his first/second term. This tragedy led to many others including The Pulse Nightclub shooting.

NBC's Sunday Night with Megyn Kelly is trying to compete with 60 Minutes.

Kelly's most memorable comments includes the most infamous: Santa Claus and Jesus were just white.

She was one of the many agitators who tried to denounce the witness testimony in the shooting of Michael Brown in 2014.

Dennis Rodman Helps Out A Friend!

Dennis Rodman returns to North Korea to meet his friend Kim Jong-un, the Supreme Leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Rodman and the Harlem Globetrotters head to North Korea for goodwill.
First things first, we congratulate the Golden State Warriors on their successful victory against the Cleveland Cavaliers. The Warriors stars Steph Curry, Draymond Green, Klay Thompson, and Kevin Durant managed to outwit LeBorn James again.

The Warriors lost previously to the Cavaliers in 2016. The Warriors won their first against the Cavaliers in 2015.

Former NBA forward Dennis Rodman heads to North Korea to meet Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un.

The 34-year old leader is a fan of basketball and Rodman. His father Kim Jong-il was fond of basketball as well and admired the Chicago Bulls.

Rodman as a private citizen is a friend to the leader of the isolated country. Rodman is hoping to do something positive while on his visit. He also said that Pyongyang would ease tensions if the United States.

Rodman goes with a few Americans. The Harlem Globetrotters and Rodman head to North Korea through back channels authorized by the United States.
Otto Warmbier is freed from a North Korean workhouse. The junk food media says he's in a coma after contracting illness while in captivity.
Each move is watched. Foreign visitors are surrounded by guides (who could be secret police). They are required to follow instruction without any hesitation. If they ignore the instruction, they could be detained. They could be thrown out the country or charged with a capital offense. And some charges could carry LIFE or DEATH.

As a token of goodwill, the release of Otto Warmbier comes as a surprise. It comes with a price.

Rex Tillerson announced the release and the junk food media picked up on it.

Warmbier, a student from the University of Virginia was released. He was detained after the Koreans alleged he stole a propaganda sign. He could have been serving a 15 year sentence in the workhouse.

He was convicted in 2016.

Warmbier is from Cincinnati, Ohio and its believed that he's in a medically induced coma after contracting botulism.

DPRK (Democratic People's Republic of Korea) is a country of 29 million people. It's allegedly working on test fire ballistic missiles. They want to create a nuclear or hydrogen bomb to defend itself from South Korea and the United States.

Rodman endorsed Donald J. Trump for the leader.


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