Thursday, May 25, 2017

Coin Flip!

Did a Republican sink his bid for Congress? Greg Gianforte attacked a reporter. Democratic opponent Rob Quist is hoping to turn the tables around.
The Democrats are hoping to capitalize off a major mistake from a Republican candidate. To replace Ryan Zinke as the former Republican at-large Montana congressman who took a job as top Interior Secretary, two idiots are running for the open seat.

On the eve of the special election, Republican candidate Greg Gianforte was charged with battery and assault. The Republican candidate for the seat was caught in an audio assaulting a reporter for the British newspaper The Guardian.

Ben Jacobs said that Gianforte "body slammed me and broke my glasses" after he asked a question about the CBO score for the American Health Care Act (Trumpcare, Don't Care, Ryancare, etc..)

Democratic candidate Rob Quist is hoping to pull an upset. The candidate is a musician and rancher.

He is hoping that the local impact could drive people out to the polls.

Reporter Ben Jacobs is pressing charges against Republican candidate.
But then again, given that old fart Rush Limbaugh, Sean "Softball" Hannity, The Drudge Report, Fox News and Donald J. Trump are anti-journalism, expect this to possibly "benefit" Gianforte.

The conservatives are anti-media so obviously, there are some on social media cheering this attack.

Hell it may drive them to polls and vote for the Republican tech millionaire.

So far the race is still regarded as SAFE REPUBLICAN. If this incident shakes up the race, then it will be a surprise to me and many who view the 2018 Midterm elections as "toss-up."

If Gianforte becomes the Representative-elect, he will immediately be labeled a "ethics" risk.

Anyway, the suspect is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

The Block Is Hot!

This moment in history. Trump's influences on the world brings out the hate.

In the picture you see Pope Francis and our inept leader and his family. A real testament to how relations with world leaders will be certainly on the downside.

Racially-motivated incidents in the United States are on the rise. And once again, me and S.B continue to address these controversial issues. It's just not attack on Black people. It's attacks on women, Muslims, Hispanics, immigrants, gay couples, and transgender people.

This is a problem that's going to get worse under Donald J. Trump. The most polarizing leader to ever hold office continues to embarrass our country.

First things first, he rolls out his budget. This budget will hurt the middle and lower class. He is proposing tax cuts, cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, the Affordable Care Act, the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program,and federal assistance programs (farm aid, disaster relief, Pell Grants).

The Turkish leader brutalized protesters when he came to Washington. Recep Erdogan allowed his personal staff brutalize protesters in the United States. A real criminal act. All the while Trump showed no sign of addressing it.

Then of course these incidents.

At a Texas beach.

At a Sprint Store in Mananas, Virginia.

At a Walmart.

In a suburban Georgia school.

At a local airport

Also a teacher caught on camera kissing a boy.

You notice a pattern to this? Remember conservatives were saying that Barack Obama is the "divider-and-chief." They said that he should address every racial or religiously motivated attack in the United States.

They called the first African American president a "racist" because he said that "Trayvon could have been my son."

Trump is bringing out the worst in the country.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Three Strikes And You're Out!

Sleeping Giants, The Color of Change and Media Matters for America are now focusing on one of my most talked about agitators on this blog. It took a few weeks of shameless reporting to get progressives riled up to go after him.

Who's the next conservative agitator to fall? @slpng_giants

Ann Coulter
Jeanine Pirro
Tucker Carlson
Michelle Malkin
The Drudge Report
Gateway Pundit
Mark Levin
Joseph Paul Watson
Alex Jones
Steve Doocy
survey maker

Sean "Softball" Hannity is the most annoying conservative agitator in the junk food media. He can't go a day without vomiting bullshit on radio and television. He's gotten away with demonizing Barack and Michelle Obama, Hillary and Bill Clinton, Alec Baldwin, Democrats, liberals and the cable news competition. He's name called, smeared, besmirched, and attacked people who disagreed with him.

He's put on right wing kooks on his carnival. Notable nuts include: David Clarke, Michelle Malkin, Pat Buchanan, Dick Morris, Bill Cunningham, Ann Coulter, Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Kevin Jackson, Jesse Lee Peterson, Laura Ingraham and Jay Sekulow. Not to mention those guests who insult Obama, Clinton, and the victims of police shootings.
Seth Rich's death became a talking point. Sean "Softball" Hannity is using this poor man's death as a flagrant attack on Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.
The softball gotten a thrill up his leg when it comes to the creepy ass pervert we got as the leader of the United States. The softball is fiercely defending Donald J. Trump and his allies.

This Russian controversy isn't dying down. The softball is trying to deflect the controversy from Russia to focus on the murder of Seth Rich.

Now he's taking an opportunity to get his "facts" from an agent provocateur.

After pleas from the family of Seth Rich to not carry on, the softball continues on.

He said that some user named KimDotCom is telling the world the truth about Rich giving DNC memos to Wikileaks. The softball is making the assertion that the Democrats are panicking about this.

The intelligence agencies believe Russia played a factor in the 2016 U.S. election.

It hasn't stop the softball from doing the work that he claims the junk food media isn't covering.

Fox News had to retract a story that was posted in regards to the softball's relentless coverage.

On May 16, a story was post on the Fox News website on the investigation into the 2016 murder of DNC staffer Seth Rich. The article was not initially subjected to the high degree of editorial scrutiny we require for all our reporting. Upon appropriate review, the article was found not to meet those standards and has since been removed.

What got the ball rolling was the Fox 5 story about Rich. It came from a former Fox News contributor named Rod Wheeler.

Wheeler was running the notion that the DC Metro Police were sitting on something huge. Wheeler made the assertion that there was a "stand down" order when it came to the Rich case.

Wheeler said that the DC Metro Police and the FBI have Seth Rich's computer.

Wheeler was pushing this stuff on the social media and then the trending topic was "Seth Rich."

Soon the softball would get involved and promoted it in primetime.

Wheeler was pulled from the junk food media. Wheeler was restrained from talking to the junk food media. The family lawyer ordered Wheeler to stop talking or else face a lawsuit.

Now the family of Rich is ordering Fox News and the softball to retract and apologize.

No apologies from the softball.

The softball is going to address the "destroy Trump media" on his right carnival.

Behind the scenes, the Fox News staff is annoyed to the point where they can't stomach listening to his nightly verbal garbage.

Some are saying to the co-workers, "ARE WE STILL AIRING THAT SHIT!?"


It's time to go!!!

Do you think Sean "Softball" Hannity's right wing carnival gonna get shut down?

Roger Moore Passed Away!

Roger Moore passed away.

Sir Roger Moore, the legendary actor who filmed the James Bond movies more than many of his successors passed away in Switzerland after fighting cancer. He was 89 year old.

He played the famous spy in seven Bond films including cult class Live and Let Die and the Spy Who Loved Me.

The family confirmed the news on social media saying that their dad had died after a "short but brave battle with cancer."

"With the heaviest hearts, we must hare the awful news that our father, Sir Roger Moore, passed away today. We are all devastated," they said in a post.

He will have a private funeral in Monaco in accordance with his wishes.

The James Bond movies are blockbusters. Roger Moore's impact on them had made the franchise a huge success.

The folks over in the United States and the United Kingdom will miss him.

What makes it very interesting, Moore would be a good investigator here in the states. The spy stories over here in the United States are real. The former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn will invokes the Fifth Amendment in the Congressional probe of him getting paid by foreign entities.

Flynn is considered an agent of a foreign entity for his close relationship with Russian officials.

The junk food media are investing their time into the allegations of Donald J. Trump and his allies getting help from Russia.

Flynn, Carter Page, Roger Stone, Jeff Sessions, Paul Manafort, and Jared Kushner are under investigation for possible collusion with Russian Federation espionage.

White Extremist Murders College Student For No F**king Reason!

This white extremist is facing first-degree murder of a Black college student.

The FBI is looking into the attack of a Black man by a White extremist as a hate crime. They peeped out the extremist's social media and found some interesting (incriminating) things on there.

This white extremist Sean Urbanski stabbed to death Richard Collins III for no fucking reason.

The white extremist was enrolled at the University of Maryland.

Richard and his friends were from Bowie State University. They were waiting on an Uber and this asshole comes out of nowhere to start threatening Richard. A few words were exchanged, then a fight and this asshole starts striking the victim with a knife.

Collins joined the U.S.Army was commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant on Thursday. This happened two days before his death.

The white extremist was apparently intoxicated and incoherent when the attack happened.
Richard Collins was murdered by this white extremist for no fucking reason.
The white extremist grabbed a folding knife out of his pocket and stabbed Richard three times in the chest. The two friends, an Asian American woman and White man were quick to detain him.

The white extremist will face first-degree murder, second-degree murder, felonious assault and aggravated manslaughter. Each charge in the state of Maryland could keep this asshole in the iron college for LIFE. The white extremist is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

While the conservatives are demonizing ex-president Barack Obama, Muslims and Ariana Grande for the attack in Manchester, England, they'll ignore the real threat at home.

Homegrown extremism is on the rise in the United States. The conservatives are blaming Brown, Black and a religion for terrorism. The refuse to acknowledge White extremism.

Why can't we just blame the attacker?

Monday, May 22, 2017

Never Ends! Ariana Grande Concert Ends With A Terrorist Attack!

Attack in Manchester. Ariana Grande was performing in England when a terrorist attack happened.

The Islamic State claims responsibility. A few of the victims met the entertainer before the attack. It was a suicide bomber.

In Manchester, England, there was a massive bombing. This happened at a concert venue with headline performer American singer/actress Ariana Grande.

We can't tell how many fatalities or how many were Americans. The consulates are on standby.

Police were responding to reports of an explosion and that there were a number of confirmed casualties and others injured.

Manchester Arena, one of the largest venues in Europe was capable of holding over 21,000 people.

Grande who just left the performance is "shaken" but is okay. She didn't expect a peaceful concert to end with bloodshed.

Prime Minister Theresa May was informed about incident. The United States was also alerted. Donald J. Trump will likely address it in either Jerusalem or Brussels.

The city raised the threat to severe and it is demanding that residents stay away.

Facebook activates the "I AM SAFE" function to alert family members to those who may have survived this attack.

No claims of responsibility but rest assured if its the Islamic State, expect more tongue from Trump, Mike Pence, Republicans and conservative agitators.

Mind you that it's not foreign born terrorism. It's inspired by those who felt that there's no out. The bullied, the discriminated, the hurt, the rejected and most times, it's the nice guy.

The nice guy is more dangerous than the rebellious. They are often inspired to commit acts of terrorism when the world is shutting them out.

I am not offering prayers or condolences. I am done with that.

We as Americans should offer a hand to our cousins across the pond.

Donnie Trump and Bibi Netanyahu Are Stupider Than Dirt!

Trump is aging. He is on his first international dignitary trip. He meets the most corrupt foreign leader in the world, Benjamin Netanyahu.

Donald J. Trump arrives in Tel Aviv, Israel. He and the family got out of that icky Saudi kingdom and landed in the unofficial 51st state. They were given a very warm greeting from BiBi.

But al-Jazeera English properly dissected all the fake news that was being spread around the web.

One thing that was popping up was Melania Trump not wearing a headscarf. In Saudi Arabia, many women are required to follow a conservative attire when in public. Many conservatives were quick to condemn Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama for wearing them. They were claiming that Melania was being "bold and brave."

al-Jazeera English does real journalism by pointing out that the kingdom doesn't require foreign dignitaries' wives to wear headscarves. They got photos of British prime minister Theresa May, Michelle Obama and Queen Elizabeth II in Saudi Arabia not wearing them.

And then this moment where Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu was asked about protocol by Trump.

Then this.

You see the leader of this stupid ass country listening to a foreign speech with his hands crossed and frowning.

Some pointed out that Melania felt miserable. Trump would try to reach for her hand and she quickly batted it away.

Truly funny stuff.

Trump vowed to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem. Not today. He will not address that for now. In today's speech, Trump will acknowledge the threat of "radical Islam." Oops, he will say terrorism. He will not support a two-state solution to the conflict. Oops, he will.

Who knows what Trump will do while he's in Israel. His handlers are pleading to him to not embarrass the United States. So far, he's been at best tepid but not inept.

Also the Saudis gave $100 million to Ivanka Trump's charity. Remember Trump was complaining about The Clinton Foundation.

Ivanka praised the Saudi government for their women's rights. Of course, remind Trump that he and his buddy Sean "Softball" Hannity were complaining about how Hillary Clinton was taking donations from the Saudis that were treating women like crap.

What Trump's going to say in his presser?

Teen Carjackers Kill Kingston Frazier!

A teen carjacks a vehicle outside of a Jackson supermarket. The teen's murders Kingston Frazier, an innocent 6 yr. old boy for no fucking reason.

These callous teens murders a 6 year old boy. These teens were involved in a car jacking in Jackson, Mississippi. The Associated Press obtained a statement on Friday from a source with knowledge to the case involving the death of Kingston Frazier.

Two of the teens are trying to finger one another for the heartless murder of Kingston.

We are our own worst enemy.

What kind of human being would kill an innocent child for no fucking reason?

The boy was found shot to death at the side of a dead end street inside his mother's car.

Someone stole his mother's Toyota Camry after she was in the local Kroger while he slept.

Ebony Archie regrets ever leaving her son in the car. She was only in the store for a few minutes. At 1 AM, video footage shows one of the teens taking the car from the parking lot.
D'Allen Washington, Dwan Wakefield and Bryon McBride are going to face a possible DEATH card for the murder of an innocent boy.
These assholes, Dwan Wakefield, D'Allen Washington and Byron McBride are being charged with murder, kidnapping, tampering with evidence and carjacking. The murder charge alone in Mississippi could carry the DEATH card. But due to their ages and possible mental competency, LIFE in the iron college is likely.

These individuals are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

It was nine hours before the law found the boy's boy in a small town outside of Jackson.

It angers law enforcement.

"All they had to do is let this kid off on the side of the road, at a grocery store, at a church, anywhere else, but they chose to kill the kid," a sheriff's spokesman said, according to the New York Times.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

This Ignorant Beeyotch Serves Knuckle Style Chili At A Lyft Driver!

Lyft driver was served a helping of knuckle style chili by an ignorant rider. 

This racist beeyotch serves a Lyft driver a serving of knuckle style chili in Florida. The driver was a Black woman and the server was a White woman. As with most Lyft and Uber drivers, the risk of picking up strangers is extremely dangerous. The strangers under the influence of alcohol and drugs are extremely dangerous.

Michelle Jennings was a victim of this. Michelle picked up this rider who apparently was drunk.

The rider was acting a complete fool inside Michelle's car.

Michelle told the junk food media in the Tampa Bay area that this woman was totally out of line. She ripped apart her headrest and blew her nose in it and then started attacking her because of her race.

This happened in April and it viral when she posted it on social media. This happened in St. Petersburg, Florida. The rider wiped her nose on the backseat headrest after she complained that Michelle had no napkins or tissues for her nose.

Michelle was smart. She kept a camera at the ready and was filming this woman berate her because of her "skin color."

"You're kicking me out just because I don't have the same skin color as you, bitch!"
This nasty woman claimed Lyft driver Michelle Jennings was being a racist for kicking her drunk ass out of her car. She was identified as Stephanie Young.
As Michelle was ending the trip, she told the rider to get out her car. The rider got belligerent and started coughing on Michelle. The rider then reached up and slapped Michelle.

Michelle resisted.and tried to stop her from getting near her. A security guard comes to the window and Michelle is asking for her to call the police. At that point, that rider started to spit on her and attack her.

Then Michelle escaped leaving the camera running.

Michelle had her head ripped out, a fingernail broken, cuts and bruises.

Lyft is investigating the situation and it's likely that the rider is going to be "iced."

The rider was identified as Stephanie Young.

Hey, Stephanie Young: Expect death threats.

She will be likely charged with battery and public intoxication. Young is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Lyft and Uber face a bunch of controversy. As a Lyft and Uber driver, I have to deal with this nonsense every night I decide to use my vehicle as a taxiing service for those who need ride.

Don't get me wrong, It's fun and great conversations. However, the taxes owed, the potential of extremely slow nights, the destruction of your car, the ratings and the miles placed on your car can really make you rethink about that "side-hustle."

Michelle. Stay strong, beautiful and Black. We got your back and we hope this experience will get Lyft to change their policies on picking up riders who pose a safety to drivers.

Bow Down!

Donald J. Trump and conservative agitators were up in arms when then President Barack Obama was meeting foreign dignitaries. They often complained about him bowing to them.

Well it seems like conservatives are quiet on Trump taking a bow and curtsy to King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud.

While on his first international trip as the leader of this pathetic country, Trump, Melania, Ivanka, Jared Kushner, Steve Bannon and Sean Spicer all got to meet some leaders.

Trump got slammed on social media for bowing and taking a curtsy.

What also got people's attention is Bannon's reaction a ritual performance of the Saudi royal guard.

So any thoughts on the matter?

Did Trump bow or kneel?

The Massacre Of Television!

ABC cancels Last Man Standing, a longstanding sitcom featuring Tim Allen and Nancy Travis. Conservatives are claiming that ABC axed the show because of Allen's staunch support of Donald J. Trump.

My honest take on what 2016-17 season of television.

Right off the bat, I am very disappointed in the canceling of Last Man Standing. The show was close to the seventh season when talks between 21St Century Fox and ABC fell apart. Tim Allen, the show's creator and star was blindsided by the news of his show being axed. Allen is a Republican who supported John Kasich for president before he turned to Donald J. Trump. Allen's show focused on a mixture of culture, politics and family. The show also featured Nancy Travis, Hector Elizondo, Molly Ephraim, Kaitlyn Dever, Christoph Sanders, and Amanda Fuller. The show even had special guests like Jay Leno and Kim Kardashian-West on the show. It pulled in 8 million viewers on Friday.

With Last Man Standing cancelled, the follow-up third season of Dr. Ken was cancelled as well. Dr. Ken was a show based off the real life comedian, voice actor and certified physician Ken Jeong. He created the show based off his real life experience in the medical field. The show featured an ensemble cast of entertainers of diverse backgrounds. Suzy Nakamura, Tisha Campbell-Martin, Jonathan Slavin and Dave Foley were the stars of the show. Some of the guest on the show were Joel McHale, Yvette Nicole Brown, and Alison Brie. They were featured players on Jeong's previous show Community on NBC.

The Real O'Neals, a situation comedy dealing with a gay teen trying to figure out how to adjust to a somewhat staunch Catholic family. It was created by Dan Savage, political agitator and writer. The show featured Noah Galvin, an openly gay actor who portrayed the character based off Savage. Also featured in the show was Martha Plimpton, Jay R. Ferguson, Matthew Shively and Bebe Wood. Iit was cancelled after two seasons.

Also ABC cancelled Shonda Rimes show The Catch. It will be ending Scandal soon. Rimes is hinting a prequel to Grey's Anatomy.

American Crime, Imaginary Mary, Conviction, Time After Time, Secrets and Lies were cancelled as well. They gave The Middle, Speechless, American Housewife, Fresh Off The Boat, Black-ish and Modern Family the green light. Dramas like Quantico, Designated Survivor, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. will continue on for the time being.

I was worried that they were going to cut Quantico and S.H.I.E.L.D.

Rosanne is returning for a short order. Most of the original cast will return to the show.

Also American Idol will make a return to television. ABC bought the rights to the show and it will be in direct competition with America's Got Talent and The Voice on NBC.

NBC also saw some bloodshed this season. Not so much as the longstanding shows, but the ones that were about to take off really didn't.

Of course, DC's Powerless was lackluster. Emerald City, Grimm, and The Blacklist Redemption was cut from the lineup. I have strong doubts The Carmichael Show will survive a fourth season given that they moved it to late May for the prequel season shows.

NBC saw the good of most of their shows. America Ferrera's show Superstore continues to shine. Law & Order: SUV, Chicago (Fire, Med, and P.D.) will continue to reign (although Justice is possibly canned). Steve Harvey's Little Big Shots continues on. This is Us, Taken, Timeless, Great News, THe Good Place, The Blacklist, Blindspot, Shades of Blue are running on.

CBS also made some real tough calls on shows. Kevin James continues on. Kevin Can't Wait was a ratings success. It will continue on Monday. Matt LeBlanc's Man With A Plan did modestly well. It will continue. Superior Donuts was an instant smash. It will be given a full season.

The Big Bang Theory will be on for the next two seasons. Chuck Lorre's other sitcom Mom will continue as well. The prequel comedy Young Sheldon will come to CBS.

Scorpion will be masterminding another season.

Life in Pieces is a ratings success. The move from Monday to Thursday was a risky move but it paid off for the show. It's a go for season three.

Fridays will dominate with MacGyver, Blue Bloods and Hawaii Five-O.

Elementary, Madam Secretary, Code Black, NCIS (including Los Angeles and New Orleans), Criminal Minds and Bull will continue on.

Beth Behrs and Kat Denning's sitcom 2 Broke Girls ends on a cliffhanger. The executives cancelled the show last minute. They canned Joel McHale's The Great Indoors. They ended Matthew Perry's The Odd Couple.

Bill Paxton's death also ended Training Day. CBS placed the show on burnout and it was quickly cancelled upon Paxton's death.

CBS cancelled Pure Genius, Doubt, Ransom and Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders.

The CW continues to be a dominating force in DC Comics. Supergirl, Arrow, The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow, and iZombie are hits. They were quickly renewed before the second episode.

I really love the dramedies on The CW. Jane the Virgin and Crazy Ex-Girlfriend are critically acclaimed comedy/musical dramas. The actresses Gina Rodriguez and Rachel Bloom both won Golden Globes for their outstanding roles in the shows, respectfully.

The CW was on the fence with both shows. So I am guessing that as a token of goodwill, they let them survive a final season without mentioning it.

Riverdale is a dark version suspense drama based off the famed comic Archie and Friends. The show is winning the demo. It was quickly renewed in the middle of the season.

The post-apocalyptic dramas The 100, The Originals and cult classic Supernatural will continue on another season.

DC Comics will add another show to the roster. Black Lightning will come this Fall.

Frequency and No Tomorrow were quickly cancelled. Also Significant Mother was cancelled as well.

The Vampire Dairies, Beauty and The Beast and Reign were given proper endings.

The old ABC drama Dynasty will be a reboot on The CW. Valor and Life Sentence will be on the Fall listings.

On Fox, Empire is still standing. It saw a modest drop off but it was still a ratings draw. Star is also renewed despite harsh reviews from critics. Gotham and Lucifer are a go. The shows had modest drop off but it developed a major cult following.

Last Man on Earth is a cult comedy with Will Forte. It will continue to keep you guessing on how Tandy and his friends survive being the last human beings on Earth.

Fox's animation series Bob's Burgers, Family Guy and The Simpsons were renewed. They are the only animated sitcoms on American broadcast television.

Damon Wayans and Clayne Crawford's action/comedy drama Lethal Weapon continues on. The television version of the blockbuster movie has been a great success. It was a good lead in for Empire. It will get a second season.

New Girl is going to be in its final season. After eight seasons, Fox will end it soon. Show creators Zooey Deschanel and Elizabeth Meriwether will find a new home for the show. There will be at least 8 episodes for the final season.

I was already upset they cancelled Rosewood. But the rest, I wasn't really surprised about it but somewhat shocked. Fox decided that APB, Pitch, Making History, Scream Queens, Sleepy Hollow, Son of Zorn, and You the Jury were not hits, so they cancelled them.

Bones was given a proper ending.

So I want to know how you feel about the massacre of television?

Are you disappointed about the loss of Last Man Standing, 2 Broke Girls, Rosewood and Dr. Ken?

Are you disappointed about the cancellation of Last Man Standing, 2 Broke Girls and Dr. Ken?

Yeah. I was watching those shows. The networks made a huge mistake in canceling these shows.
Nah. They ran their course and I believe that networks were paying too much to keep them on.
There's hope these shows will make another season on Hulu, Netflix and Amazon Prime.
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