Monday, May 15, 2017

Andy Lack Is Trying To Turn MSNBC Into Fox News!

MSNBC's ratings surged in the age of Trump. Now the CEO of the network is trying to disrupt that by letting Lawrence O'Donnell go.

Rachel Maddow, Lawrence O'Donnell, Joy Reid, Joe Scarborough, Mika Brzezinski, Chris Matthews and Chris Hayes are fiercely critical of Donald J. Trump. They are putting it down and ratings are up at MSNBC. But under the radar, their boss Andy Lack is trying to disrupt that.

It's causing progressive outrage.

There's rumors of cannon fire. Progressives are mounting a war against Andy Lack, the president of MSNBC because the possible cannon fire of O'Donnell despite the ratings.

Trump has personal ties to Lack. The leader of this once great country called Lack to complain about O'Donnell's program. Lack is trying to swing the network to be more balanced. This is calling a major backlash.

There's talk that he's trying to clean house with Hayes, O'Donnell, Reid and Rev. Al Sharpton.

O'Donnell's contract with MSNBC is about to end. There's word that Lack is trying avoid renewal despite him clobbering the competition in ratings.

O'Donnell was told to move his show to 6pm. O'Donnell felt comfortable in primetime and it angered Lack. Now the two are feuding and the disgraced Brian Williams is willing to take the spot.

There's calls to protest MSNBC for their swing to the right.

He's already pissed off Black journalists with the sudden replacement scandal on Today.
They are the voices of the resistance. With the addition of Brian Williams and Greta Van Susteren, the network is leaning to the right and it's pissing off progressives.
Lack hired Megyn Kelly, a former Fox News agitator who said "Jesus and Santa Claus were White." Kelly left Fox News after 10 years with the network. She and Gretchen Carlson were the key factors to the cannon fire of Roger Ailes, the former president and co-founder of the network. They hired her and fired Tamron Hall, a famed Black journalist. They downsized weatherman/celebrity agitator Al Roker's Today spot and moved her into the 9am spot.

Lack found replacements in Greta Van Susteren, Hugh Hewitt, Nicolle Wallace and George Will. These replacements are conservative. These agitators played upon the worse fears of America and they've done it on Fox News Channel.

Andy Lack, CEO of MSNBC.
Now that Fox News is sputtering with the sudden cannon firing of Bill O'Reilly, MSNBC seen its ratings boost with Rachel Maddow with Lawrence O'Donnell coming in next.

The Rachel Maddow Show has finished first for the first time since O'Reilly's cannon firing.

The Last Word came second beating Sean "Softball" Hannity's right wing carnival.

AM Joy is doing exceptionally well and always trending on social media. Reid replaced Melissa Harris-Perry. The former host of weekend program, Harris-Perry feuded with Lack after she was bumped for political coverage. She wrote an email to her friends saying that "purging" is happening and Lack is inept.

PoliticsNation did far better than For The Record with Greta Van Susteren. Sharpton held the 6pm weekday spot for nearly five years before he was demoted to Sundays.

Ed Schultz was then the 5pm weekday agitator. After tense conflict with Lack, Schultz was fired out the cannon on MSNBC. He would join RT America and promotes Russian propaganda and Trump.

We've seen major shakeups over at MSNBC before with the firing of Keith Olbermann.

Do you believe that Andy Lack is trying to turn MSNBC into Fox News?

What Happened To Jayson Negron?

Jayson Negron was another unarmed person of color killed by the law.


I am getting fed up with this! I am getting tired of hearing about these incidents where police officers use deadly force on people of color. I am fed up with trolls trying to justify murder on the grounds of petty criminal acts. When a person of color is shot and killed by the police, usually the victim is unarmed.

The city of Bridgeport, Connecticut is bracing for potential violent protests. The fatal shooting of an unarmed teen by a White cop has sparked outrage in the community.

Jayson Negron was killed by a Bridgeport officer named James Boulay this past week. Police claim that Jayson and his friend were joy riding in a stolen car. They claimed that the car hit an officer.

A family member posted a video of Jayson being cuffed on the ground. The video shows that the officer shot him in the head and left him for dead.

The family member named Giovanni Rivera is disputing the police account of the tragic shooting.

The video footage provided by The Daily Mail is graphic. It shows Jayson's head pointing in a different direction. The bag 'em ups said that Jayson was shot in the chest.
A person films the lifeless body of 15 year old Jayson Negron. The Bridgeport Police rookie killed him.
Regardless of what happened, some questions remained. How the hell could an officer put a bullet in a handcuffed suspect?

Where the officers wearing body cameras when this happened?

Will the police and state prosecutor release the video footage of the chase and officer firing upon the suspect?

Why didn't they notify emergency aid to treat the victim?

And why the hell didn't they cover the body?

It was told that Jayson's lifeless body was exposed and not removed for hours.

A shaky camera phone video shows Jayson on the ground with his hands cuffed not moving.

People were shouting, "They shot him. They shot that man."

Bridgeport Police Chief Armando Perez is disputing the claims that his officers murdered an innocent man. He wants to clear up why the police failed to cover a dead body. He claims that the officers would have messed up evidence being gathered.

There were no guns, drugs or illegal substance inside the vehicle. The passenger Julian Fyffe was injured. He is speaking through his lawyer. He is disputing the claim he and Jayson were in a stolen ride.

The family attorney for Fyffe spoke out against the claims that police justified the shooting.

James Boulay is 30 years old. He is in the freezer pending an investigation. He will likely contact the police union and his lawyers. The police union will automatically disspell the belief that Boulay may have used excessive force. They will try to look into the previous history of Jayson and not Boulay.

The police unions will appear on local and national junk food media shows to get the officer's side of the story. If the video footage and possible body camera footage show a different side of what happened, the cop could be fired and indicted on murder or manslaughter charges.

Conservatives and that so-called "All Lives Matter" crowd justify the deaths of unarmed suspects on the grounds of a criminal history. Regardless of the criminal history, if the suspect isn't armed, why the hell are the police shooting them?

For every bad cop, there will be a dead cop! The good cops will be the ones who are killed. They do their jobs responsibly without bias or judgment of character. Good cops often serve their communities for the good of all citizens. They do not hide behind the "blue wall of silence."

No one is saying being a police officer is a stressful job. But with those with lack of training make it difficult to get information from witnesses.

With Jefferson Beauregard Sessions in the top cop position, you're likely going to see a cop get away with murder. Even with video camera evidence, cops are often acquitted of murder.

For the blood that is spilled, I expect a retaliation attack from the mentally insane. Think about it!

We just got past Jordan Edwards being gunned down by former Belch Springs, Texas cop Roy Oliver after leaving a party. Then a few weeks later, Kirkersville police chief Eric DiSario was murdered by this terrorist named Thomas Hartless. Mind you these events made national news coverage.

No telling how many other acts of violence occurred in the United States that didn't make the national headlines.


The bad cops always sees criminal through the lens of what they've seen on television. Obviously, I don't want to sound political, but White extremists are infiltrating police departments. These types hide their bigotry behind the badge.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Hog Roast!

In Charlottesville, the white extremists are protesting the removal of the Robert E. Lee statue.
The independent city of Charlottesville, Virginia is the flashpoint of a huge debate. The debate is the removal of a statue. The statue is a part of ancient history. The statue is a part of the losing side of the Civil War.

There were White extremists protests the removal of the Robert E. Lee statue.

The group surrounded the statue in Lee Park.

White extremist (and alt-right provocateur) Richard Spencer was there in attendance.

The city's vote to remove the statue has earned them death threats and possible terrorist attacks.

The statue is 93 years old and council voted overwhelmingly to remove the Confederate general statue. Lee was pro-slavery and led the South to defeat. The city rather devote their history to the slaves and Native Americans who died under Lee, Jefferson Davis, Nathan Bedford Forrest and Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson.

The removal of Confederate memorials has gotten White extremists upset.
The white extremists are bugging out over a relic being removed.
Ta-Nehisi Coates wrote in the Atlantic about this preservation of White extremism.

"The Confederate flag's defenders often claim it represents "heritage not hate." I agree---the heritage of White supremacy was not so much birthed by hate as by the impulse towards plunder. Dylann Roof plundered nine different bodies last night, plundered nine different families of an original member, plundered nine different communities of a singular member. An entire people are poorer for his action. The flag that Roof embraced, which many South Carolinians embrace, does not stand in opposition to this act --- it endorses it. That the Confederate flag is the symbol of white supremacists is evidenced by the very words of those who birthed it."

Southern Republican lawmakers have tried to pass bills that banned the removal of these relics.

Oftentimes, it's the very same Republicans and conservatives who bemoan about the Democratic Party being the founders of the Klan.

But the Republicans are embracing the Klan by electing Donald J. Trump and Mike Pence. The Republicans want to play on the fears of Black, Hispanic, immigrant, Muslim, and gay individuals.
Robert E. Lee is a part of ancient history. They need to place the statue in a museum.
Republicans rather be in your bedroom, your vagina, your pocketbooks and your recreational lifestyle.

Jefferson Beauregard Sessions is an example. Sessions is now trying to impose mandatory minimums for individuals convicted of non-violent drug offenses. He will place more non-violent offenders in the private prisons. Sessions is more willing to defend cops who murder unarmed people of color.

And I remember this little encounter between DL Hughley and Megyn Kelly.

DL Hughley made a critical statement about White extremism. He said that white extremists are willing to infiltrate organizations of power. The police, the military and state legislation are usual places where White extremists are willing to infiltrate.

This debate in Charlottesville and many southern cities will intensify.

Conservatives have told liberals to get over the election. I guess they need to get over the Confederacy, Ronald Reagan and being in the majority. This is ancient history. They should put those statues in a privately funded museum. In my honest opinion, they should melt them down.

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Bow Wow Ain't A Trendsetter!

Bow Wow tried to stunt. Epic fail.

Shad Moss, the semi-retired rapper and actor was catching a lot of flack this week.

Moss (known as Bow Wow) is being taken to the woodshed over his boasting of ownership of a private jet.

Well it turns out that the rapper is now labeled the biggest frauds in entertainment says celebrity agitator DJ Akademiks.

He posted that he was boarding a private jet onroute to New York to do a presser. It turns out that he was spotted in economy class heading to New York. The person who caught him had to get second glance of the rapper and check social media to verify it.

Very soon, the #BowwowChallenge was born. The meme is mocking the rapper for lying about his wealth.

The entertainer responded on social media.

"You don't live my life. Everybody like talk about the plane, I didn't know that was news. That ain't news. What is there to talk about?" he explained in video obtained by I Love Hip Hop TV. "Ain't nothing to talk about. I don't got nothing to explain to niggas. I been doing this shit for too long. It take a second to hate but it take you a lifetime to make 500k nigga, make 500 thousand talk to me. I'm bout to go get some food."

All Eyez On Me!

AllEyez poster.jpg

The autobiographical drama about Tupac Shakur is coming to theaters soon.

Benny Boom is directing All Eyez On Me. Demetrius Shipp Jr. will play Shakur in this movie. It will show the rise and fall of one of the most popular and controversial rapper in the world.

Here's the trailer of the movie.

It will be released in June.

It will detail Shakur's life growing up in Brooklyn. His talented for theater in Baltimore. His rise to fame in Oakland with the hip-hop group Digital Underground. Of course, Shakur's debut into the mainstream.

The film includes his rise to superstardom, as well as his imprisonment and prolific, controversial time at Death Row Records.

The movie was filmed in 2015 on a $45 million budget. Besides Shipp, Jr., the film features co-stars Kat Graham, Lauren Cohan, Hill Harper and Danai Gurira.

Are you going to see the movie?

Early thread: Tupac Shakur - Dear Mama, an ode to his mother Afeni Shakur. She passed away in 2016 and endorsed the idea of a movie based off her son.

GOP Felt Indivisible!

Rep. Kevin Cramer (R-ND) felt indivisible.

The Republican Party's outlook for 2018 is still good. I predict the Republicans will retain control of the House and Senate. All that could change if we can encourage Americans to vote. Many Americans are discouraged to vote.

The Republicans count on low turnout from normally Democratic voters. That's why Republican governors are signing off laws to suppress voter turnout.

Donald J. Trump is looking like he can survive a second term. Even though its early in the first term, the conditions are good for him to win reelection.

Trump is more polarizing than Barack Obama and George W. Bush.

He is deeply unpopular and yet Trump can win reelection by the electoral college. The healthcare debate, the promises broken and of course the recent firing of James Comey from the FBI has made Trump a toxic figure.

These Republican special district elections in Montana and Georgia could be a precursor to the potential uprooting of the Republican majority.

Republicans are extremely nervous about the election. They know that unhappy constituents could make it difficult for them to win reelection.

Republican House members were met with fierce criticism over their support for the American Health Care Act (aka Trumpcare).

Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC), Rep. Tom MacArthur (R-NJ), Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY), Rep. Andy Harris (R-MD), Rep. Dave Brat (R-VA), Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-NJ), Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) and most recently Rep. Kevin Cramer (R-ND) faced brutal town hall gatherings.

Out of the 217 members who voted for the repeal of the Affordable Care Act, 20 members held town halls. Of the 238 members of the Republican House about 36 of them are in districts that could swing. It's hard to determine how Congress is going to handle business. They haven't really done anything spectacular since they took office.

But taking numerous recesses and facing rowdy town halls could rattle safe Republican and yes, Democratic districts.

Republicans have no real plan to repeal the ACA (Obamacare). They just threw together proposals and took the whim of the "do-nothing" House Freedom Caucus to fully repeal the law. They gutted regulations to the law. They threw out postitive results of Obamacare. Their version of a health care law could throw 24 million off affordable coverage. It could eliminate mandate that require insurers to not reject individuals with pre-existing conditions. It could head to state governments that could weaken the law itself.

Republicans beware. You spent 8 years dogging Barack Obama's presidency.

Democrats are furious and are willing to oppose everything Trump does. Even though they have the minority in Congress, they will instigate voters to oppose Republicans.

You Republicans stole a Supreme Court seat. You played on the fears of immigrants, Muslims, Blacks and gay people. You were the "Party of No."

You better know that its going down. The changing demographics assure that Republicans hold on the future will certainly be unraveled.

Friday, May 12, 2017

The Right Smears Linda Sarsour!

Linda Sarsour is being smeared by the right for speaking out against injustices caused by Israel.
The conservatives are trying to "MILO" a progressive activist. The controversial British born, gay White extremist Milo Yiannopoulos was shut down after a video surfaced of him embracing pedophillia. He was fired out the cannon at Breitbart News. He lost his 7-figure book deal. He lost a spot at the Conservative Political Action Conference. He is barely getting attention other than massive protests against him speaking at colleges.

Now him and Ann Coulter embrace this White Extremist movement known as the "alt-right."

Donald J. Trump credits his victory to these individuals who sparked a campaign to dismantle Hillary Clinton, the world's pick for president. With help from Russian hackers, this White extremist movement pushed narratives that White people are under attack from "the other."

With the cannon firings of Yiannopoulos, Tomi Lahren, Stacey Dash, Bill O'Reilly, Roger Ailes, and Bill Shine, conservatives are trying their best to get some retribution.

So there's boycotts against CBS because of Stephen Colbert's jokes.

Bill Maher's Real Time is facing criticism after he made a snark about Ivanka Trump and her daddy's creepy relationship.

Rachel Maddow, Lawrence O'Donnell, Chris Hayes, Jake Tapper, Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski faces Trump's venom.

His allies are trying to change the subject off the Russian hacking and unceremonious cannon firing of James Comey, the former FBI director.
Sean "Softball" Hannity is one lumpy ball. 
Sean "Softball" Hannity is the most condescending and most fucking annoying agitator in the junk food media. He got a "thrill up his leg" when it comes to Trump. He is the official softball of the Donald J. Trump corporation. The softball spent a portion of his right wing carnival bashing a Muslim woman who is an activist in New York City.

The City University of New York (CUNY) invited Linda Sarsour as commencement speaker and the conservatives are outraged over her appearance.

She is a Palestinian-American activist who is trying to disspell the notions that Muslims are "evil" and believers of "Shir'a Law."

The softball invites Brigitte Gabriel, a notorious Islamophobe on his show to bemoan about the "double standard" to inviting political agitators to college commencements.

Sarsour is one of the major figures in the Women's March Movement.

She believes that Gabriel, Pam Geller and anti-Muslim agitators are making life difficult for Americans who practice in Islam.

Fox News has promoted anti-Muslim stories. The softball and Tucker Carlson have spent countless hours dogging on Muslim activism. They bash Ms. Sarsour, Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), Rep. Andre Carson (D-IN),  Louis Farrakhan, Dean Obeidallah and Hassen Minhaj.

Sarsour is frustrated with the Israeli occupation of the Palestini-occupied West Bank and Gaza Srip.
Brigitte Gabriel is a notorious anti-Muslim agitator. Her rhetoric is considered "hate speech" in the United States.
Israel's controversial prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu has committed war crimes. He masquerades this "Israel's right to exist" bullshit to use military strikes on innocent Palestinians.

Netanyahu is a bigot and Zionist. He wants to eradicate Palestinians from East Jerusalem.

Sarsour is called a "Zionophobe" by conservatives and they want to disinvite herself from this event.

Sarsour had raised $75,000 to help Jewish cemeteries replace gravestones. She offered food and clothing to people who were refugees from Syria. She volunteered services in the wake of mass shootings in Orlando and San Bernardino. And for all the good, a few quirks on social media and she's a "terrorist sympathizer."

Well she isn't and the conservatives are willing to smear, besmirch and destroy her credibility as a Muslim activist.

The father of 2002 beheading victim Daniel Pearl warns that protests could occur if CUNY allows it.

The softball and Gabriel called upon CUNY to drop her. Reminder, the softball is all about "free speech" when it comes to conservatives. But when a liberal speaks out against injustices caused by Israel, offensive jokes about Trump, and attacks on his character, Sean "Softball" Hannity is willing to sue, slander, and demand the opponent challenge him on his right wing carnival.

Did I forget to mention the "smear, besmirch and destroy" comment is a word vomit from the softball. And the softball is trained in marital artist and firearms.

He's a big macho guy according to him!

I applaud Linda Sarsour for taking a stand against Islamophobia. I give her props for standing up for women across the country. She embraces all religions as well as her Muslim faith.

They can't break her.

Sean "Softball" Hannity is the last original member of the Fox News primetime. His show is a trainwreck. On his show, all they do is scream at one another, attack Barack Obama and suck Donald J. Trump....well you know his "huge" package. He promotes fake news and complains about real journalists doing their jobs to hold politicians accountable.

Sleeping Giants is working on striking out the softball.

Here's Linda Sarsour debating with Brigitte Gabriel on CNN's Reliable Sources.

More Blood Spilled: Mass Shooting In Kirkersville, Ohio!

More bloodshed in the United States. A newly sworn police officer and two nursing center aides were killed by this unrepentant terrorist.
And it continues on and on....!






The tiny town of Kirkersville, Ohio is mourning the loss of a police chief and two nursing home workers who were ambushed by a terrorist. This terrorist managed to ambush the police chief who is the father of six with one expecting.

Donald J. Trump, Ohio governor John Kasich, Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH) were notified of this tragedy today.
Kirkersville's new police chief dies while on duty. The nation mourns the lost of Steven Disario, the father of six with one on the way.
Steven Eric Disario, a 36 year old father of six with one expecting is the chief of Kirkersville Police.

He became the chief of the village police barely a month in. The two other victims were nursing home assistants Cindy Krantz, 48 and Marlina Medrano, the terrorist's former girl.

This was domestic violence, a deadly police shooting and horrific murder-suicide. This was a terrorist attack.

Then the terrorist went into the Pine Kirk Care Center where he would shoot the two caretakers who were at the desk.

The terrorist Thomas Hartless is the person responsible for the killing. He was in-house and should have never had a firearm.

Licking County Sheriff Randy Thorp was not happy about this death. The shooter had ample access to getting firearms. He started his massacre at 7:30 this morning.
This terrorist committed a fatal attack on police. He also extracted revenge on his ex-girlfriend and her boss at a local nursing home. Kirkersville is 25 miles east of Columbus, Ohio.
And of course, Republican lawmakers will send their condolences to the victims. They will say that if the nurses had firearms they could have stopped the threat. Matter of fact, I don't hear any comments from Trump.

But for Kasich and Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine, they were saddened by this. Kasich ordered a lowering of the flags statewide.

For all the flag lowerings, prayers, condolences, and donations to the family, nothing will bring these victims back. These families were robbed of their lives because of this terrorist, the NRA, the Republicans and Donald J. Trump.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

What Happened To Gabriel Taye?

An 8 year old boy's life is lost to bullying. The boy commits suicide. This nonsense has to stop.

The nation is talking about the tragic death of an 8 year old boy. The poor child committed suicide after he was assaulted in a restroom just a few days before he took his life.

This happened in January and the family is calling upon the feds to investigate the boy's death.

This happened in Cincinnati and the Hamilton County sheriff is looking into this.

Gabriel Tye knocked unconscious by students at Carson Elementary School in late January.

The child was described in a police report by Det. Eric Karaguleff as being attacked for nearly five minutes before the school's vice principal Jeff McKenzie breaks it up.

The family is saying that school failed to inform them about the boy's assault. The school said that Gabriel fainted. The allegations of the boy having stomach flu was proven to be false.

His mother, Cornelia Reynolds was angry about this. Why didn't Cincinnati Public Schools notify her of this?

The public school released a statement.

"While we are concerned about the length of time that Gabriel lay motionless and the lack of adult supervision at the scene, when school administrators became aware of the situation, they immediately followed protocol by call the school nurse to evaluate Gabriel. The school nurse checked Gabriel's vital signs, which were normal. She also contacted Gabriel's mother and asked for her to pick him up and take him to the hospital to be checked out."

"Though the connection between this incident at school and Gabriel's suicide are not clear, the district shared this video with police investigators at the time of the incident. Their investigation has concluded and no charges have been filed. The video also has been shared with Gabriel's family's attorney. The video will be made available after steps have been taken to ensure the privacy of any student depicted."

"We will continue working to determine all the facts surround that incident."

Gabriel's attorney, Jennifer Branch said that the school is trying to blame the victim and scrub any accountability.

"It's unfortunate that CPS chose to blame Gabriel's mother for not taking him to the hospital after he was injured at school.. No one from CPS told Gabriel's mother that she needed to take him to the hospital. The nurse's notes verify this. In fact, if his mother had been told that Gabriel was assaulted and was unconscious for over seven minutes on the bathroom floor, she would have taken him to the hospital and not let him return to Carson. It's helpful that CPS did not deny that Carson officials withheld this vital information from Gabriel's mother."

"As to whether Gabriel was assaulted, we trust the opinion of a Cincinnati Police Detective."

Poor child's bright future is cut short by a bunch of ignorant children. The parents of these ignorant children should be sued for this poor boy's death.

I can't stand bullies. I was a victim of bullying when I was a child.

Black America's worst enemy is ourselves. We can hate Donald J. Trump and white extremism. But when it comes to our own, sometimes, we have to look with both eyes open.

Deso Dogg Had A Sidepiece!

Abu Talha al-Almani (formerly Denis Cuspert) (center) is a German/American rapper who joined the Islamic State. He fooled many in the intelligence agencies and banged a FBI agent before he joined the group.

Denis Cuspert is a German rapper who went by the name of Deso Dogg. He gave up rap music to join the Islamic State of the Levant. Back in 2015, the junk food media reported on his death. It turns out that he didn't die. It also turns out that he "played" the junk food media. He would seduce an American spy into joining his cause.

It appears he's still alive and making fun of the Western forces and junk food media.

By the name of Abu Talha al-Almani, he is trying to find loopholes to plot terrorist attacks in Syria, Germany, the United Kingdom, France and the United States.

A FBI agent tried to infiltrate the rapper's pose. Daniela Greene, a FBI translator from the Detroit metro field office fell in love with him. She aided his escape into Syria on a fake passport. According to court documents, Greene had "top secret" security clearance, told her colleagues that she was heading to Germany to see her family members.

Instead she met up with al-Alami. She flew to Turkey and snuck across the border to meet him.

Greene communicated with al-Alami through Skype and Google Voice without notifying her agency bosses.

He was designated a terrorist in 2015 by the United States Department of State. He was called the Western influencer of the Islamic State. al-Alami speaks German, English and Arabic. She spoke more than five languages.
Woman who married Islamic State member back in the States.
Greene who was born in Czechoslovakia (now known as the Czech Republic) and married a U.S. solider, began work at the FBI in 2011. She had no real serious issues until her disappearance in 2014.

Greene would marry al-Alami in 2014. They would head to Syria to join the Islamic State. After a few weeks in, she decided to find an out. She thought the life was grand until she saw blood.

She told friends and family that she fucked up.

"I really made a mess of things this time. I don't know how long I will last here, but it doesn't matter, it's all a little too late," she said in an email. Greene knew that if she returned to the United States, she would face time in federal time out.

As soon as she returned to the States, she was arrested upon return. She would cooperate with the feds and sentenced to federal time out for a couple of pennies. She was stripped of her FBI standings. She was renamed and given a job in an undisclosed location to prevent any attempts from Islamic State sympathizers to seek revenge against her.

al-Alami was seen in many Islamic State videos. He even was spotted on camera holding a decapitated head of a "spy."

Removing A Waste Of History!

Donald J. Trump is a controversial leader. He isn't a normal president. But like his predecessors, he will have public roads, buildings and a "presidential" library named after him. Eventually, Americans will travel down a portion of highway dedicated to the controversial leader.

Louisiana is preparing for protests. The removal of relics from South has gotten conservatives outraged.

On Fox & Friends, they said that the removal of a Confederate statue is "Erasing History."

No removing an ugly stain on the country to a museum is current events.

White extremists are still trying preserve a history that's regarded as a scar on this great country.

In the great city of New Orleans, they had removed the statue of Jefferson Davis, the first and only president of the Confederate States of America. Davis was a pro-segregationist and defender of slavery. He lead the southern states to battle the northern states in the great Civil War.

The removal of the Davis statue is a victory to Blacks, Native Americans and women.

It was a pretty bitter fight. Some White extremists were threatening terrorist attacks on the police, the mayor and companies involved in the removal.

For you see many states are removing old Confederate monuments and namesakes from public squares.

Virginia still has a portion of U.S. Highway 1 devoted to Davis. It's time to have it removed.

There are schools, public buildings, and public roads named after the Confederacy. It's about time to place these relics of history in a museum. It's time to literally erase the hate.

You know conservatives keep saying that liberals need to get over the election. Well conservatives, it's about time to get over the preservation of ancient history. It's time to move past the Confederacy, Ronald Reagan, and being in the majority.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Rosewood Canned!

Fox cancels Rosewood.
The spring massacre of TV shows you've loved or hated! I will give my honest opinion on TV when the final listing of renewals and cancels comes out.

Rosewood, the crime/medical procedural drama featuring Morris Chestnutt and Jaina Lee Ortiz was canceled by Fox this week. I am saddened by the cancellation of the drama.

When it started back in 2015, the series was a show runner for Lee Daniels hit drama Empire on Wednesday. After the first season, TVbyTheNumbers predicted that the show may not finish its first season. Unfortunately, Fox found some hope for it.

Fox would move it to Thursdays and added the MLB sponsored drama Pitch to the lineup. After Pitch was finished, the network would move Bones in its place and move Rosewood in the place of the cancelled TV horror The Exorcist.

Rosewood was placed in the "Friday Death Spot." The TV shows that usually are on their way out often head to Friday nights.

For the most part, I enjoyed the drama and how Dr. Beaumont Darius Rosewood (Rosie) and Det. Annalise Villa solved crime around Miami. The series was one of the few minority based dramas.


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