Wednesday, May 10, 2017

For Bresha!

The nation rallies behind a teen who is facing criminal charges after she killed her abusive father. The world is hearing Bresha Meadows' story. 

A 15 year old girl is being held in the juvie after she was indicted on murder charges. The teen named Bresha Meadows was criminally charged in the death of her father. Her defense says that Bresha was an abuse victim and felt the only out was to kill her father.

Last July, Meadows was just 14 when she shot her father Jonathan Meadows in the head. Police arrested her and took her to the Trumbull County juvie center in Warren, Ohio.

The family doesn't deny the girl shooting her father. They said that her action were heroic.

Prosecutor Stanley Elkins and Meadows' attorney Ian Friedman ran a plea deal on the table.

She is looking for a 2-5 year sentence in juvie before release on critical monitored in-house.

If she refuses to take a deal, she could face adult charges and land in the iron college for LIFE.

If the plea deal goes through, she could finish up her term and get treated for trauma in a mental health facility. A trial was set for May 22. NBC News reports that if both parties can reach an agreement on the details, a plea deal will be struck before that date. If not she'll be tried as a juvenile and could be behind bars til her 21st birthday.

The hashtag #FreeBresha was tending back in August last year. They said that sometimes victims of domestic violence are sometimes punished after surviving traumatic abuse and acting in what is considered "self-defense."

At age 9, Bresha and her family were subject to crucial abuse from this man. Her mother and three children escaped the man when her mother was tortured with beatings and verbal abuse.

The victim's sister disputes the family's claims.

Bresha's brother and sister defend her. Jonathan, Jr. and Brianna were both glad that the public got behind their sister. They hope that the court sees her as a victim of abuse than a cold-hearted murderer.

Meadows is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. If she is convicted of murder in juvenile, she could remain in the lockup until she turns 21. She will then be on LIFE of in-house. If convicted in adult court, given the age and federal standings on "criminal adult charges," Bresha could get 10 to LIFE in the iron college.

Rod Blum Felt Indivisible!

Rep. Rod Blum (R-IA) caused controversy when he walked out an interview and tried to deny constituents from his town halls.

Rep. Rod Blum (R-IA) is looking pretty annoyed these days. He created a controversy Monday when he decided to walk out of an junk food media interview. Later that day, he face a packed town hall of angry constituents.

Like a true douche, he surrounds himself around Black children and is interviewed by a local outlet about contributions from an outside group that has "dark money."

Blum quickly ended the interview and left the interviewer speechless.

This was done at the Dubuque Dream Center, a charter school that assist in lower-income, mostly Black children in the city.

It got worse for him. He prescreened constituents to his town hall in Dubuque.

Blum and many GOP lawmakers want to hold "pop-up" town halls and "phone-ins" to keep Democratic activists out of their town halls. It also is noted that Republicans believe that "friendly" events are the key to helping them get reelected.

Blum holds a town hall at the local high school and got an earful of angry constituents. He is a part of the "do nothing" Freedom Caucus and one of the many Republicans who supported the American Health Care Act (aka Trumpcare).

The bill if passed could throw 24 million Americans off healthcare coverage. Insurers could rise premiums on those with pre-existing conditions. It could defund Planned Parenthood. It could make it harder for younger enrollees to buy affordable health coverage.

Blum and the "do nothing" Freedom Caucus has been struggling to explain how this bill will improve the lives of their constituents.

Blum raised more than $1.8 million during his 2016 reelection campaign. His two top donors were a PAC created by "do nothing" Freedom Caucus member Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) and the Club for Growth. The others come from three Iowa-based companies that the Center for Responsive Politics cited as "questionable."

Blum tries to deny fellow Iowans from his town halls because they live a block out of his district.

Blum and many Republicans have felt heat from their voters. Their continuous obsession to rollback regulations and the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) has backfired.

They are supporters of a leader who grabs women by the pussy.

Donald J. Trump's controversial win sparked discussions about Russian meddling. Republicans are trying to dismiss this a "kookspiracy." Given that Trump fired James Comey, the FBI director after he admitted that the agency is looking into the Russian meddling, Republicans will now face questions about their leader not being transparent on issues.

Democrats are hoping to retake Congress. Well they better hope they can get people out the vote.

Voting is down nationwide and the young White voters (who tend to be less racist) are the ones sitting it out. The so-called nextsters are turning 18 and they could be key. Democrats still have trouble trying to generate the magic they had. Barack Obama was the only president capable of motivating young voters.

Christopher "Big Black" Boykin Passed Away!

Big of Rob & Big passed away.
We heard overnight a famed MTV star passed away. Christopher "Big Black" Boykin of the Rob & Big show passed away at the age of 45. He also helped in the formation of Dyrdek's Fantasy Factory.

TMZ reports that he had a massive heart attack.

Boykin rose to fame in 2006, getting up to ridiculous hijinks with Rob Dyrdek on their reality show.

As the body for Dyrdek, Big Black was always there helping him break world records.

Big Black leaves behind a daughter from a previous relationship.

Rest in paradise "Big Black."

Tuesday, May 09, 2017

Trump Fires FBI Director Comey Out The Cannon!

Donald J. Trump fires FBI director James Comey out the cannon.

Donald J. Trump brutally fired FBI Director James Comey out the cannon after he misled the Senate by claiming Huma Abedin sent classified emails to former congressman Anthony Weiner.

Trump wrote: "You are hereby terminated and removed from office immediately. But Comey found out on live television says The Daily Mail.

Jeff Sessions and Rod Rosenstein wrote a formal memo stating they have no confidence in him.

Now Democrats are saying that he's "hiding" something. The FBI is actively looking into the collusion between Trump campaign team and Russian hackers. Trump claims that Comey told him three times that he was not under investigation.

Comey was blindsided by this.

The letter sent shockwaves through Washington, DC and the FBI offices across the nation.

"The FBI is one of our nation's most cherished and respected institutions and today will mark a new beginning for our crown jewel of law enforcement," said Trump in a statement.

The Justice Department inspector general opened an investigation into Comey's in January. Comey had made a statement on the email probe 11 days before the election. It was cited by Hillary Clinton that the Comey letter played a part in her failed campaign.

Firing Comey out the cannon is a big deal. Now Democrats and some Republicans are calling for a special prosecutor to investigate Trump.

This was a totally stupid move!

Now the allegations of Russian meddling in the election are "front and center."

Immigrant Served After He Murdered Doctor Couple!

A former security guard was charged with murder in the first degree. He would murder a loving couple who were doctors.
An immigrant who worked as a security guard for an apartment complex was fired out the cannon by his employer. He would go bonkers. He would murder a British doctor and his American doctor fiance. He slit their throats and let them bleed to death when the law cornered him in their luxury apartment. He would later be shot by the law.

In the hospital bed, Bampumim Teixeira is indicted on murder charges.

This Boston couple were ambushed by this nut. Dr. Richard Field and Dr. Lina Bolanos knew the nut.

He burst into her penthouse Friday and slit their throats. Field texted his friend letting them know that there's a gunman in their house, call 911.

Teixeira would tie them up. He would slap them around and put socks in their mouths. He would grope them and then slit their throats. As the law arrived, he kept them at bay. He would let the victims die of their injuries. A few hours of holding up in their home, the SWAT got a shot in.

When they entered the home, they found their blood scattered across the wall in offensive terms.

The nut was smiling while trying to cope his hand and stomach.
Dr. Richard Field and Dr. Lina Bolanos were murdered by the security guard.
The nut was shot in the hand and stomach. He was transported to the local hospital. He was injured but survived. A judge and county boy were there to deliver an indictment charge that could put his ass in the iron college for LIFE. If he does get an out, he will automatically be deported to his Guinea-Bissau, a West African country. The nut is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

The suspect is Black, the victims are White (and White Hispanic).  The suspect is an immigrant. The suspect has a funny name. Catnip for conservatives and White extremists. This is there "I told you so" moment.

These assclowns would justify isolated incidents as proof that Donald J. Trump's ban on Muslims, immigrants and proposals on "law and order" are working.

Teen Who Tossed Woman Into The Pool Gets Served!

Teen's slam dunk on an elderly woman got him a juvie court date.

The Broward County boys caught the person who was filmed tossing an elderly woman into a pool.

The 16-year old individual who is named Leon Balfour will be charged with misdemeanor assault and battery. He is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. He will be charged in juvie!

The victim identified as Nancy James was walking her two dogs when she decided to confront a loud pool party. She asked the teens to turn down the music. The teens were not interested in the concerns.

Someone shouted "throw her in!"
Expect death threats Leon Balfour, Jr..
Balfour complies and grabs her by the threshold and slips. They both come tumbling down. He quickly gets up and tosses her into the pool. The person who filmed it runs off laughing.

The video went viral and it attracted the attention of the law.

The victim has bruises on her leg and shoulder. Her dogs escaped. But the law found the dogs and she was reunited with them.

The teen admits that "I messed up and I have to own up to it!"
Nancy James tells the junk food media that the teen's actions were disgusting.
James still shaken from the event said that "No one should ever, ever, ever, ever have to go through that, you know? It just shouldn't happened. The kid has not evolved yet into what you're supposed to be as a human being."

Not all of the teens were cold and heartless. Most of the teens knew who the individual was. They told the police and help the woman find her dogs.

"Thank God, nice kids that live here, they helped me," said James. "They went and they found my dogs for me. The kids that live here are wonderful kids."

Nothing racial in the video.

But for conservatives and White extremists, everything is racial. And they will exploit this and many others.

Line Cutter Insults Muslim Woman!

The people you see in a grocery store.

In suburban Washington, DC, a woman at a Trader Joe's was being a total.....yeah you know!

A video that went viral on social media shows this woman insulting a Muslim shopper. This was in Reston, Virginia and the encounter was posted on a comedian's social media page.

Comedian Jeremy McLellan posted the video on social media.

The woman who was a Muslim let her get ahead of her in line. I guess a good deed does go punished.

The woman said some pretty condescending things after she got ahead in line.

"I wish they didn't let you in the country," she bemoaned. The other woman was completely shocked about this. "Excuse me? I was born here." the other woman responds.

The woman went to insult Barack Obama.

"Obama's not in office anymore. We don't have a Muslim in there anymore," she concluded by saying that the former president could be in federal time out.

The unidentified shopper is seen wearing black loafers and jeans, and when the video begins, she says, "So you play dumb, and then you say everybody's --- okay. I got it."

Then there's a pause. The woman who recorded said that "I shouldn't have let you in front of me."

"I wish they didn't let you in the country," said the woman.

The other woman gasped. And she said "Excuse me? I was born here."

After a long pause, the woman says, "Obama's not in office anymore. We don't have a Muslim in there anymore."

"Yeah, I wish he was," said the other woman.

"He's gone. He's gone," the woman says, smiling. "He may be in jail, too, in the future," she adds as she glances briefly at the camera.

"You look a little crazy. Maybe you need to get some help," said the other woman.

"Oh, I'm fine," the woman said.

"No you're not," the other woman counters. "Because you don't just strike up a conversation with people in line talking about stuff like that if you're normal."

The woman laughs and says, "I'm very normal."

"Yeah, looks like it. I can tell," said the other woman.

"What set you off? Obama?" the woman said, opening her purse before the video stops.

I bet you money, once the junk food media outs this woman, she could be fired out the cannon from her job.

Already the woman in the video came forth. She said that her statements were "taken out of context."

Mind you that the comedian got a hold of the video after he was told his friend was in tears. He said that the woman started it by mentioning this nonsense about female genital mutilation.

What right minded person would bring up conversations about female genital mutilation?

Make America Great Again!

Trump Pours More Into Afghanistan!

Decisions, decisions.
I am amazed that people continue to support a leader who continues to break promises everyday!

When Donald J. Trump said that "We Don't Win," I believe him. I believe we don't win when people sit on the sidelines. I believe that when you don't vote, you forfeit opportunities to elect leaders who help communities grow. I believe that if you're engaging in combat, you're expected to either kill or be killed. There's no winning in war. In war, there's only a whole lot of dead bodies.

Trump may announce that 3,000 or more troops will be engaged in combat in Afghanistan. The war in Afghanistan has been on going since 2001. Since former president George W. Bush declared a "war on terrorism," this war continues to be a burden on our military.

In the endless fight to topple the Taliban, Trump has to consider what he may do to stop them.

Dropping bombs and airstrikes are considered controversial. Human rights groups are concern that a misfires killed thousands of innocent beings. The junk food media ignores the causalities of a missile strike.

There's 13,000 NATO troops along with 8,400 bring American.

Then president Barack Obama ended operations against the Taliban in 2014. Special ground troops continue to provide training and aid to Afghani troops. Obama gave up on the war because he believe that putting 100,000 troops in harms way isn't necessary.
They got time.
Of course, the "pseudo-patriotic" conservatives will praise Trump's decision to engage in conflict with the Taliban. The Taliban is far-right political group associated to terrorism.

Yeah, the Taliban is considered a foreign designated terrorist group. But the Taliban has been fighting on their own land (and parts of rugged Pakistan). Afghans have the military means to defeat them.

Hell, we've provided both sides all the firepower.

The Taliban was disposed in 2003. The group who claimed solidarity towards al Qaeda. The Islamic State and other groups associated in Afghanistan believe that America's relentless need to be "heroic" is bankrupting the United States. They are extremely patient and willing to see America collapse on its own weight.

Trump will make his first foreign engagement in the coming weeks. He will head to Brussels to address NATO and meet with European Union leaders.

Monday, May 08, 2017

Duly Noted!

Sally Yates brings her A-game to Congress.
Former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates is to testify to Congress today. She will address the "elephant in the room." The controversy about Donald J. Trump having Russian influence in the 2016 U.S. election. Yates will say that she warned then president Barack Obama and Trump that Mike Flynn was disclosing information to the Russians. Flynn is facing a federal watch for taking money from Russia.

Eric Trump told a sports writer that the Trump Foundation got all the money they needed from Russia. That quickly got the junk food media's attention. Trump was talking to James Dodson about how the Trump golf courses were being funded by Russian investors. In 2014, according to Dodson, the family received "all the funding we need out of Russia." Trump was quick to denounce the claims. His brother Donald, Jr. said in 2008 that the family business "sees a lot of money pouring in from Russia."

Ohio governor John Kasich is slamming the American Health Care Act. He says that Trumpcare is inadequate. The failed 2016 presidnetial candidate said that many Ohioans could lose their Medicaid under this bill. He said that the Rep. Fred Upton (R-MI) expansion of funding to high risk pools is a mere drop in the bucket. "$8 billion is not enough to fund --- it's ridiculous. And the fact is, states will not opt for that."

Sinclair Broadcasting Group is interested in buying Tribune Media. The conservative leaning TV station from Baltimore has its eyes on the Chicago newspaper and television group. The biggest owner of local TV station has a plug of $4.5 billion. The merger could make SBG a dominate force in the junk food media. It also could be more beneficial for Trump. The SBG media is truly a conservative organization. 21st Century Fox was interested in the buy. They have the disgraced Sheryl Attkisson on their programming lineup. Sinclair is interesting in competing with Fox News. With Bill O'Reilly and Roger Ailes gone from Fox News, Sinclair might find some interest in trying to pick them up. Sean "Softball" Hannity often gives plugs to Sara Carter and John Solomon of Circa News (an affiliate of SBG). When SBG launches a cable channel, maybe the softball might find an exit.

Colin Kaepernick is a free agent without a team. He was dropped from the San Francisco 49ers earlier this year. He made the news last year when he was not standing for the National Anthem. He made social activism a theme. He was donating a portion of his earnings to charity groups. He also is promoting the "I know my rights" campaign in regards to police abuse. Kaepernick was in Chicago doing a "stop the violence" fundraiser. Of course, conservative don't seem to care about Black athletes doing actual charity work. Kaepernick is sticking to his word. He said it best, "It's bigger than football!"

Texas governor Greg Abbott signed off a state law that could strip state funding from those so-called sanctuary cities in the state. He did it on social media and didn't notify the junk food media about this signing. The Republican signed off the law last night and it will certainly be challenged in federal court. The law will begin in September. He went on Fox News to brag about it. That's the only junk food media outlet this asshole went to. Abbott is disabled and uses a wheelchair to get around. He is running for reelection in 2018. This law will now force city and county leaders to become federal agents. It will now punish cities, city officials and police chiefs. It will strip funds from city governments that decide to be "welcoming" to immigrants who aren't documented.

Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) went to GOP Sundays to explain the AHCA (Trumpcare). He was having trouble trying to get a talking point together. He was on This Week with George Stephanopoulos. Ryan was complaining about the left trying to sabotage a great deal. He couldn't explain why he supports a state's decision to opt out of Medicaid expansion. Ryan also defended his tax break for high earners. Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) and Sen. Roy Blunt (R-MO) are cautious about the bill. They said both on GOP Sundays that the Senate will rework some of the mandates and make sure that this "repeal and replace" bill will benefit every American.

Former President Barack Obama is the coolest ever. He was in Boston accepting the Courage Award. Obama and former first lady Michelle Obama accepted the Profiles in Courage award at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library to a very warm audience. Obama did dodge the Trump name but acknowledge that he is "pleased" that activism is in full swing. He calls upon members of Congress to improve the law instead of dismantling it. Since leaving office, Obama has become more popular than his successor.

France elected a new leader. The moderate Emmanuel Macron is the youngest leader to hold office in the Republic of France. Macron beats Trump-endorsed Marine Le Pen, a far-right nationalist who wanted to channel the anger of immigration and Islamophobia. She was hoping that Russian and American influence could help her secure a win. In the last days of the election, there was a massive email dump on Wikileaks. It was a big hack into the personal emails of Macron's staffers. He was shaken by this but managed to outwit the hackers, the White extremists and Trump. He brutally defeated Le Pen. Macron calls for investigations into the hacking. Failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton congratulated him and took a swing at the junk food media (i.e. Fox News and CNN) for pushing the emails. She said in a social media posting, "Victory for Macron, for France, the EU (European Union), and the World." Clinton also slammed the junk food media for complaining about her concerns. The hashtag Fox News in France started trending. Many post that if France had a Fox News Channel, Macron would have lost. Fox News spent most of the 2016 presidnetial election dogging Obama and Clinton over those goddamn emails.

And lastly, Bill Maher slams Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) for being "purists." The two progressive senators were concerned about the speaking fees Obama and Clinton were taking in. Having that both are out of office and no longer comment on policies (to an extant), Maher blasted the two for worrying about them instead of Trump and his policies. Trevor Noah also made it clear in two words (Fuck YOU) to progressives angered by Obama's speaking fees. Noah said it on The Daily Show, why does the Black guy got to hold a standard for everyone!

Denny's Had Knuckle Style Chili On The Menu!

Black people fight inside a Denny's restaurant in New York.

Okay if you witness a fight in a restaurant and you decide to film it instead of trying to stop it, you're a part of the problem. The things some people do for click bait. Especially when it comes to fights in the restaurant by Black people.

Like Trevor Noah said, "We ain't got time for that!"

This type of behavior is catnip for racial arsonists like Colin Flaherty, Alex Jones, The Drudge Report and The Gateway Pundit. Whenever Black people have disputes inside restaurants, someone either films it or participates in it. They quickly post it on social media and then the junk food media gets involved and shares it.

White extremists are hoping that Donald J. Trump fulfills his promise to be a "law and order" leader.

These antics often get more coverage because conservatives are trying to equate Black people as the "true racists" in the country.

This guy who filmed three women and a guy fight in a upstate New York Denny's Restaurant.

Colonie Police are investigating who started the fight and are searching for the individuals. The viral video was shared on Facebook and managed to gain 4.5 million clicks.

This "comedian" named Nick Nack Pattiwhack was filming the dispute. He sees hands being thrown and dishes being tosses inside the restaurant.

The comedian made a plug towards the women, "What it doin' baby?" or "I didn't get my food yet baby."

When they got close to him, they knock the table over and he quickly reached to get his drink as the two women serve knuckle style chili to one woman.

Boko Haram Lets The Girls Go!

Nigerian terrorist group Boko Haram releases the school girls who were kidnapped over three years ago.
Nigeria is dealing with terrorism. This group with ties to the Islamic State kidnapped young girls from their school and held them prisoner for nearly three years.

Boko Haram which gained mainstream recognition over here in the United States kidnapped school girls and launched the campaign hashtag #BringBackOurGirls, 

This weekend it was reported that the group let most of the girls go.

President Muhammadu Buhari said that this is an "overwhelming gladness" that these young girls were freed without a single bullet fired.

The girls were met at the Presidential Villa to meet the president and the junk food media.

One of the girls had a leg amputated during her time with the terrorists.

Last year, Boko Haram pledged loyalty to the Islamic State of the Laverent. They swore allegiance to disrupt the Nigerian government and allies to it. There hasn't been any motivated attacks on the United States by this group.

Also while we were celebrating the return of the girls, the U.S. military announced the death of a Navy Seal in a failed raid in Somalia.

Kyle Milliken was killed after al-Shabaab booby trapped the area. The Navy Seals were trying to get the drop on the al Qaeda affiliate group. Damn shame that they were prepared for everything. 

Notice that conservatives haven't went into this "pseudo-patriotism" about Navy Seals losing their lives under an "effective-less leader." The former president was dogged about Benghazi and failed attempts at capture of high value targets. The former first lady was dogged about hashtag activism.

Not one peep about the four Navy Seals who were killed in Yemen, Afghanistan, Iraq and Somalia.

Sunday, May 07, 2017

Party Goer Tosses An Old Lady Into A Pool!

Pretty damn ignorant. Party goer tosses an elderly woman into a pool.
The Daily Mail reported on a video circulating the internet showing a man body slamming a elderly woman to the ground before he tosses her into the pool.

The woman walked in on a South Florida pool party to complain about the noise.

People were cheering the guy on.

And while this is recorded, no one came to the aid of the woman.

The person who filmed it ran off laughing.

Well you know I am goimg to be bluntly honest about what happened. This event will certainly rile up white extremists and conservative agitators.

The person who tossed the elderly woman into the pool was Black. The woman was White. The party was full of Black teens and young adults.

Assured that white extremists blogs, The Drudge Report, The Daily Caller, the Last Refuge, InfoWars, Breitbart, and Gateway Pundit will be on it. The others I refuse to name are already inserting the n-word and racially inflammatory word vomit in comment sections.

They will automatically assume this incident was racially motivated without even noting that it was a stupid dare.

Fox News will no doubt report on it.

Once the law sees the video, they will find out the person responsible and charge him with assault and battery.


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