Sunday, May 07, 2017

Raul Labrador Felt Indivisible!

Rep. Raul Labrador (R-ID) felt indivisible.

Rep. Raul Labrador (R-ID) and Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) got some major flack from constituents over the weekend. The two voted along with 215 other House Republicans to pass the American Health Care Act (aka Trumpcare).

It's been the talk of the nation. Republicans are close to "repealing and replacing" Obamacare (aka Affordable Care Act).

The Republican bill if passed could strip 24 million American off of healthcare. And the backlash hasn't changed the minds of many lawmakers.

Labrador is a part of the "do-nothing" Freedom Caucus. He is a lawmaker of Hispanic roots.

He was doing a town hall in Lewiston.

He didn't expect this town hall to be so hostile towards him.
A moment in irony.
He was asked about healthcare and the effects of not having it leading to deadly results.

Labrador scoffed and told his constituents, "Nobody dies because they don't have health care."

That led to gasps and boos from those attending the town hall.

Some thought this was a joke when it was posted on The Idaho Statesman website. Apparently it wasn't and Labrador is now facing a public backlash cause of it.

Here's the video.

Also, the House Speaker got trolled by an activist. While doing a pancake social in Racine, Wisconsin, a person asked Ryan to take a picture with him.

It turns out that the protesters shirt wasn't seen by Ryan.

Ryan became a punchline and it deeply sowed concerns that the Republican lawmakers failure to read legislation before voting on it.

Republicans had long complained about Democrats failure to read bills before signing off on them.

Now it seems like Republicans are facing indivisible, a group of insurgent progressives who want plot resistance to Donald J. Trump.

Meet Your Neighbor!

White terrorist tried to murder a Black man for no freaking reason.

A Texas man who has ties to White extremism is facing a whole list of charges after he tried to lunge at a Black neighbor. This man could face federal hate crime charges as well.

His excuse, "I hate NIGGERS."

The terrorist, James Scott Lee tried to stab a Black neighbor after he yelled racial slurs at the guy.

The Houston Police put this terrorist in the protective custody.

Harris County First Assistant Prosecutor Tom Berg says the terrorist approached the neighbor holding a knife and yelling that he wanted to carve a name in him.

"I hate NIGGERS and I'm going to kill one," the prosecutor said in a written statement by the terrorist. "And that was in the context of carrying a knife in his hand."

The neighbor was able to dodge him. He jumped into his car and close his window. He called the law after the terrorist gave up on his mission.

He yelled bullshit in front of a room filled with other defendants.

"Are you kidding me? That's bullshit! I'm a United States army general. That's bull, that's a lie! I'm a royal master mason," said the terrorist.

The terrorist has a history of erratic behavior and unusual clothing choices were a red flag to the neighbors and court.

He has a leather vest with a "SS" patch. That's symbolic with the Nazis and there were patches too offensive for the junk food media to show.

The terrorist did try to intimidate the court by gesturing hand motion of a gun. He would throw up his third digit and then intimidate the judge.

The terrorist is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.  He is held on $250K get out of jail free card. He could face 20 years in the iron college plus an additional 10 years in federal time out.

Would You Want This Done To Your Child?

Ohio woman working for a Head Start company fired out the cannon after being caught on camera dragging a child down the hallway.
An Ohio teacher was fired out the cannon after she was spotted by her co-worker dragging a little girl on the floor. In the rust belt city of Youngstown, a teacher was caught doing the unthinkable.

She was dragging a young Black girl down the hallway by the arm.

The teacher, who worked with children at the Mahoning County Head Start was employed by the Alta Care Group, a non-profit company that services in early education.

The teacher wasn't outed by social media yet. I am betting that she was scrubbing her name off Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter and Instagram. Cause if she's found, I expect she'll be getting death threats and scorn.

The head of Alto said that this behavior by this teacher was unacceptable.

"I want to make sure it is clear that the individual who was terminated does not reflect the values of the dedicated and skilled professionals at Alta Head Start," said Joe Shorokey, the CEO of the company.

"These fine teachers and aides should not be unfairly portrayed as anything less because of the person terminated."

This was taken seriously. I mean once this hit social media, everyone commented on it. I am assuming that the company faced a backlash. I am assuming that the children services was notified.

This teacher probably done this to other children but this was the first time she was caught doing it.

Youngstown City Schools and Mahoning Child Services were aware of this. They may terminate the contract with Alta if there were reported incidents besides this one.

Is This Is What Your Students Are Learning?

Teacher riles up classroom by saying NIGGER to a Black student.

A video circulated on social media showing a White teacher getting into a heated argument with a Black student. This happened in the city of New Orleans.

Orleans Parish School Board were flooded with complaints and the teacher is facing a possible cannon firing cause of it.

At Ben Franklin High School, the White teacher was saying to the Black student that NIGGER is a-okay with everyone.

The teacher identified as "Coach Ryan" argued that it's acceptable for White people to say the racial slur since its meaning changed over the years.

"The word has been commoditized so that anyone can use it, and ti's not a negative connotation," the teacher said.

The Black student contested the teacher. He said that regardless of what he said, anytime a White person says the racial slur, it's still offensive.

"Why can you not understand that it's racist for a White man to say 'NIGGER" to a Black man?" the student said.

The student said that no one in their right minds would think it's acceptable to use the racial slur.

"Don't fucking say that," the student remarked. "You can't say NIGGER or Fucking NIGGER", and the truncated colloquialism NIGGA."

The teacher would react to the statement by comparing it to hip-hop. He said that rappers say it all the time.

The student reminded him that the word "NIGGA" is used in music and it's done by Black entertainers. The teacher later contradicted himself by saying, "Nobody uses that word," before saying the racial slur again.

Of course, conservatives are defending the teacher. This White extremist website that I will not mention is calling the student, "uppity" for questioning a teacher's offensive remark.

Since the video went viral, the teacher was placed in the freezer pending a hearing on whether he violated his terms as an educator.

Make America Great Again, right?

Saturday, May 06, 2017

Aries Spears Serves Podcast Host A Lawsuit!

Comedian sues podcast after a host served him a helping of "knuckle style" chili.

I heard about this controversy last month.

Comedian Aries Spears is steaming mad. He's mad that he was embarrassed on a podcast after one of the host served him a helping knuckle style chili. Spears was on a podcast with comedian Corey Holcomb.

Holcomb and his co-host Zo Williams got into a heated argument. The dispute all started over a discussion over "light skin Niggas."

As a comedian, Spears was in character and Williams didn't find it funny.
5150 Show gets served with a lawsuit from comedian Aries Spears.
So as Spears was arguing with Williams, the host got up out of his seat. About that time, Spears didn't see it coming. He got served a helping. Once the video hits the internet, people were taunting Spears for not putting up a fight. They even dogged on him for being an instigator.

Spears on his part said "it didn't hurt."

Apparently, it hurts when its hard to get booked into a club to do stand up.

TMZ reports that Spears hired Ben Neiselas from Geragos & Geragos to represent him.

The lawsuit addresses Williams history on the radio show, his temper, his prone to violence and the lack of security when it comes to the safety of guests.

Sebastian Gorka About To See Cannon Fire!

Sebastian Gorka is about to get fired out the cannon.
The Donald J. Trump advisor on national security is about to be fired out the cannon. Sebastian Gorka is a British born national security deputy assistant. He is a truly a controversial figure. He is a known Islamophobic agitator. He often appears on Fox News to give "insight" on how to combat international terrorism.

Mind you he's been a mainstay on Sean "Softball" Hannity's show.

Unbeknownst to the public, Gorka has ties to far right groups. According to sources, Gorka is an adamant supporter of the Vitezi Rend, a Hungarian based group that once aided the Nazis during World War II.

Gorka was personally chosen by Steve Bannon. Gorka was a contributor to Breitbart News.

Bannon was the former president of the White extremist blog.

Gorka's ties to far right (White) extremism came to attention when he was spotted at the Trump inaugural ball wearing the medal from the group. Forward, a libertarian magazine and blog said that Gorka is a sworn member of this group.
Michael Flynn and Sebastian Gorka have ties to Russia.
He flatly denies he's going to be fired out the cannon. He says it's fake news.

Inside the White House, the National Security Advisor, H.R. McMaster is working on stripping Gorka and Bannon of the national intelligence clearance.

McMaster is concerned that having Gorka and Bannon inside the White House will constantly disrupt intelligence information. He believes that foreign informants may not give sensitive information to the United States because of the belief that Trump's crew could torture them.

Gorka is getting ready to bounce out the White House this summer.

Teen's Prom Date Got Her D*ckhead Father Flipping Out!

Anna Hayes goes to the prom with her friend Philip Freeman. He dad bugs out and sends his daughter racist and sexist comments toward her.
Make America Great Again!

Anna Hayes calls upon the nation to acknowledge that racism exist. It exists close to home.

Hayes went to her prom with her friend Philip Freeman, a Black student from her school. Everything was good at the prom until her dad found out about it. He immediately sends her some degatoratory messages and racial slurs. She captured the screenshots and sent it to Freeman. Freeman went to social media to post what he received and it went viral.

Her dad was none too happy she went out with a "subhuman Nigger".

The whole town of Lake Village, Arkansas was up an arms about this.

The father who Hayes isn't staying with threatened to cut her off indefinitely.

In the text messages it started from him saying....

We are done

I won't be coming to your graduation. Nor will I pay for your college. Go live with the NIGGER.

I went to prom with a Black guy so that's a problem! Racist much.

Yes I am. Your (sic) dead to me.

Don't ever contact me again. We are though!

Go ahead be a fucking whore. Leave me out of it.

I'm canceling (sic) your phone Monday. You can't do this. I'm done with you.

I didn't do anything wrong.

Shut the fuck up. You have no right to talk to me anymore.

Go live with the Fucking Nigger.

Your pictures are already off my walls.

You can go to Hell.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

I'm canceling (sic) your phone and your insurance. We are done!

You want to mingle with Subhumans. I'll treat you accordingly.

Hayes said that her dad had these beliefs when she was living with him as child. He's been openly racist as far as she could remember. Her mother found an out because of this. She felt disrespected by her dad's reaction. Hayes has a sister that's biracial.
Hayes found this was sad. She believes that the way he acted vitriolically was an example of how America's racial divide gotten worse under Donald J. Trump.

"I stood my ground for what I believe in. He has called me several horrible things before. This just hurt more because I can not believe how anyone can hate someone they don't even know because of their skin color...It's important for people to see that racism is very much alive."

The public gave Anna and Philip massive support.

Anna Hayes' dad got his share of death threats cause of this. Her family asked for the public to not stoop to the level of her father. She said its best to fight racism in the light instead of be silent.

I can only imagine family reunions are going to be a little more interesting.

If he is found out by the junk food media, he may end up losing his job.

Friday, May 05, 2017

Dirty Cop Who Killed Jordan Edwards Has A Court Date!

Former cop Roy Oliver faces murder charges in the death of Jordan Edwards.
Tonight, one former cop will now see himself in the courtroom facing a serious murder charge. The former Belch Springs, Texas officer who gunned down 15-year old Jordan Edwards as he was leaving a party is being charge with murder.

In Texas, if you're charged with murder, you could face either LIFE or DEATH. In the case of a cop, they could make it involuntary manslaughter and give him the same options. Of course, the U.S. Justice Department will get involved and decide whether the actions were violations of the civil rights of Jordan. The officer will be formally indicted and it will likely have a grand jury decide on whether the use of force was necessary.

The suspect is innocent until proven guilty in court of law.

What happened?

A person (i.e. the White guy in the neighborhood) called the law saying that they were teens throwing a huge party. He claimed that the teens were under the influence and were wreaking havoc in the neighborhood. The officers respond to the call. The incident turned into a fatal encounter.

The officer fired his service weapon on a vehicle fleeing the scene. According to the officers, the vehicle was used a weapon. A suspect was hit in the head. The suspect was transported a local hospital and pronounced dead. The officers wore body cameras. When the chief of Belch Springs read their report and saw the video footage, he found inconsistencies to the story.

By the middle of the week, the officer who fired his service weapon was immediately terminated. He was in the middle of appealing the decision until the state prosecutor found enough evidence to criminally indict him for the murder of an unarmed citizen.

Roy Oliver who hasn't turned himself in yet will be booked in Dallas County lockup. He will be fingerprinted, photographed and booked into the county lock up. He will post bail, get his lawyer and his police union to back him. He will also have the trolls of the internet bandwidth defend him.

Expect the Blue Lives Matter trolls to come to the defense of Oliver. I can also assume that the White extremists Colin Flaherty and Bob Owens will defend this cop by finding stories about Black on whatever crime.

Conservative agitators like on Fox News, Tucker Carlson, old fart Rush Limbaugh, The Drudge Report and Sean "Softball" Hannity will find that one person who "actually" seen what happened. That one person will make up a reason to justify the reckless call by the cop. You won't hear a comment from Donald J. Trump. Of course, Barack Obama, the former president will be mentioned in the word vomit of conservatives.

The cop fired his rifle into the passenger side of the vehicle. He claimed that the vehicle was approaching him in an aggressive manner.
Balch Springs Police Unit vehicle.
Well that wasn't the case. Jordan and his two brothers and two other teenagers were driving away from the party. Oliver opened fire on the vehicle with a rifle.

The bullets shattered the front passenger-side window and struck him.

Basically, the dirty cop shot at the vehicle pulling out of the driveway and it hit the right front passenger window.

Parents Charmaine and Odell Edwards said that their son isn't a "thug" or a "problem." They said that he was a good student and worked in the community.

It won't stop conservatives from making the notion that the parents are trying to make money off  Jordan's name. They will assume that Al Sharpton, Ben Crump, and Jesse Jackson will be in the forefront of activism against a "good cop."

Jordan Edwards and Odell pose for the camera.
Oliver has a history with disciplinary.

He was briefly suspended in 2013 following a complaint about his conduct while serving as a witness in a drunk driving case.

Personal records show that officer was put in the freezer for 16 hours after the Dallas County District Attorney's Office filed a complaint.

Oliver was having trouble making it to trial. He was angry to be there. He used vulgar language that caused an assistant district attorney to send a female intern out of the room, and he used profanity during his testimony.

Oliver was disrespectful towards a civilian when he was doing a call.

Oliver was warned in early 2017 to watch his mouth and respect those who he sworn to protect.

He joined Belch Springs in 2011 after leaving Dalworthington Gardens after a year there. He served in the military and had PTSD. Again, having PTSD and a firearm makes a dangerous timebomb.

Anger too...yeah, it's a going to be an interesting trial.

Many already believe that the fix is in. They will find ways to justify the cop and blame the victim.

We've been there! Done that!

So me and S.B will continue to cover the latest in the Jordan Edwards shooting.

May I!

Job reports are looking good.

The unemployment rate is now 4.4 percent. The Department of Labor said that for the month of April the jobs netted 211,000.

Despite nothing being passed by Congress, the job market showed a slight growth for the Spring.

We in the midst of a retail store collapse. With the looming end of Sears/Kmart, there could be a domino effect of retail and service industries going under.

CNBC reports job creation in April bounced back from a disappointing March, with nonfarm payrolls growing by 211,000 while the unemployment rate fell to 4.4 percent, its lowest since May 2007.

Economists surveyed by Reuters had been expecting payroll growth of 185,000 and the headline jobless rate to tick up one-tenth to 4.6 percent. The payroll increase nearly tripled the dismal March number.

Market experts believe the report likely cements an imminent interest rate hike.

"The market has sorely needed a shot of unambiguously positive 'hard' data," Quincy Krosby, market strategist at Prudential Financial, said in a statement. "This morning's employment report suggests the Fed will most certainly move in June."

Wages grew seven cents an hour to an annualized pace of 2.5 percent.

The unemployment rate dropped even as the labor force participation rate edged lower to 62.9 percent. The employment-to-population ratio increased to 60.2 percent, its best showing of 2017 and the highest level since February 2009.

"This just adds to the perception that it's going to be easier and easier to find a job if you want one these days," said Brian Coulton, chief economist at Fitch Ratings. "It's job security that causes people to ask for wage rises. If it's easier for them to get a job outside their company, they're more likely to push for higher wages."

Is She Black Enough?

University of Texas student Rachael Malonson faces backlash for being crowned Miss Black University.

Rachael Malonson gets flack from the underbelly of the bandwidth. She was crowned Miss Black University of Texas this week and now Malonson is facing a backlash.

People are questioning her "blackness."

The 22 year old is biracial and was crowned by the historically Black fraternity Kappa Alpha Psi.

Some of the criticism is on point to the controversy surrounding Rachel Dolezal, the former Washington state NAACP president who was "outed" as White by her parents and the junk food media.

Malonson was shocked about how so many people are criticizing an achievement for all women of color. She's not ashamed that her father was Black and mother was White. She is ashamed that people would question her success as a "failure."

"I didn't realize that even after I received the title I would still have to explain myself, that there was still ignorant people out there who are asking me to prove myself," she said to the local junk food media.
Rachael Malonson is studying to become a journalist. She was crowned Miss Black at the University of Texas. She faced vicious attacks from internet trolls who questioned her Blackness.
"Just because I have straight hair and olive skin tone doesn't mean I'm not Black .... I don't have to look a certain way to be Black."

She is studying for broadcasting and journalism at the University of Texas.

Others complained online claiming that she's a Hispanic or a White woman masquerading as a Black woman.

Malonson dismissed the hate and said that she is proud that others came to support her.

"I challenged myself by vulnerably expressing obstacles I face as a biracial woman and was not going to leave the stage without letting others know that my blessing and my strength in Christ alone, For me, I've always had to battle 'I'm not Black enough.' But to not just place, but win the title is truly rewarding."
Beauty is skin deep.
Her brother Greg also congratulates his sister. He also said thanks to those who supported her and dismissed the hate.

"Instead of hating each other, we should unite and uplift each other."

Rachael, you're a beautiful woman. Don't let the haters take away the joys you've achieved. You're a proud woman of color and we congratulate you on win. Stay strong. Stay Beautiful. Stay Black.

Rachael interviews YouTube star Paul Cantu doing his "thrift shop swag."

Would You Want This Done To Your Child?

Would you want this done to your child? A Penna police officer under fire for abusing children at a suburban Pittsburgh school.

There's a controversy coming out of the Pittsburgh area. A student resource officer in Woodland Hills is under fire. He along with the principal of the Woodland Hills High School are facing a federal lawsuit in regards to their brutal takedown of young students.

An attorney representing two students claimed that administrators were abusing them.

Todd Hollis, who represented an unidentified student earlier this year after the student recorded Principle Kevin Murray threatening to "knock his...teeth" down his throat, said his office was contacted by federal investigators last week who are looking into allegations of abuse at the high school.

A surveillance video released on Tuesday shows student resource officer Steve Shaulis grab Que'Chawn Wade by the neck. Then Shalis would throw Wade on the ground. When Wade tried to get up, he got his tooth knocked out.
Cop brutally knocked a teen's teeth out.
He would go to emergency treatment and after he was released he was suspended and charged with resisting arrest. This is the video of the incident.

The second video shown in the post shows Shaulis get thrown to the ground. In the video, Murray is on the student's back while Shaulis uses the Taser to restrain him.

Shaulis who is a part of Churchill Police is lawyering up and asking for help from the police union.

He is being investigated by the FBI and Allegheny County prosecutor. These allegations of excessive force has really touched a nerve with parents. He was banned from the school properties until the investigation is concluded.

I've say it time after time.

For every bad cop, there will be a dead cop.

Given that most police often get away with "justifiable" murder of people of color, the irrational may retaliate against those who actually serve the uniform honorably.

The good cops will follow procedure and uphold themselves to the same standards as those they protect and serve.

The good cops will always suffer at the hands of bad cops. Cops who lack rational training are dangerous to themselves and those around them. Those trigger happy cops will shoot first and question never. They'll lie on their reports saying that the person they shot threatened them with a potential weapon.

There are some with racial angst. Those will automatically blame activism or political leaders for their inept actions. Also political and economic bias make it harder for innocent civilians to travel freely in areas without being harassed by cops.

Cops would make their jobs even more harder when the public refuses to tell them what happened when a crime occurred.

Thursday, May 04, 2017

DOJ Lets The Cops In Alton Sterling Case Walk Free!

The Justice Department sides with the cops in the Alton Sterling shooting.

Fuck Donald J. Trump, Republicans, Jeff Sessions and the Department of Justice. This audacity of justice will result in possible unrest, as well as stronger distrust among the police and people of color. It may spark more attacks upon those who wear the badge.

Baton Rouge is preparing for protests and are probably encouraging officers to partner up in the case of possible terrorist attacks from the deranged.

The East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff's office is also on notice as well. The sheriffs will be on high alert for possible rioting and protests at them.

Back in 2016, Alton Sterling, a father of five was selling CDS and DVDS outside a mini mart. A 911 call was reported that a man in a red shirt was brandishing a firearm.

The officers Howie Lake and Blane Salamoni were dispatched to the location. The saw Sterling and confronted him on the accusations of a firearm.

At first the officers confronted him by order to place his hands on a vehicle. He refused. He questioned why he was being detained.

Acting U.S. Attorney General Corey Amundson said that the officers took Sterling down. Then Salamoni yelled, "He's got a gun!" and warned him to "not fucking move or swear to god!" Within a few second of the struggle, the gunshot and a lifeless body.

Now the officers wore body cameras and the prosecutor and Justice Department saw it. They continue to deny its viewing to the public.

And now they deny justice to the family of Alton Sterling.


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