Thursday, May 04, 2017

GOP Crams Trumpcare Down America's Throats!

The Devil is in the details. A bunch of assholes are working on destroying healthcare for millions of Americans.
The Republicans in the House of Representatives without an ounce of remorse passed the American Health Care Act today. Despite pleas from Democrats, constituents and even the professional health industry, the Republicans continue to keep their promise of "repeal and replace" Obamacare.

The Affordable Care Act was signed into law in 2010. The law is mandated that most Americans over 26 years old are required to enroll in the Healthcare Marketplace to obtain insurance and it bans insurers from locking out individuals with pre-existing conditions.

The legislation will gut Medicaid expansion to poor Americans with drastic cuts to fund Medicaid in the long run. It would force children off the coverage. It will eliminate funding for people with disabilities and elderly people in nursing homes. The legislation would make states permit health insurers to go back to turning away people based on pre-existing conditions. It could force higher rates on all Americans.

Donald J. Trump and the Republican House celebrate this as a historical achievement despite the outcry and warnings of irrefutable consequences.

The replacement was passed on a slight narrow margin. 217-213.

This bill could kick over 24 million Americans off health insurance.

Moderate Republicans are concerned that the conservative base could damage their chances at winning reelection.

The Republicans in the House of Representatives passed their version of repealing the Affordable Care Act. Is this decision going to affect their chances to retain control of Congress?
Yes. The Republicans failed to get input from the healthcare professionals and insurers. The Republicans ignored the concerns of constituents and they will pay for it.
No. The Republicans are helping President Donald J. Trump fulfill his promise to repeal and replace Obamacare. Republicans should be praised for their steadfast leadership in passing the American Health Care Act.
I don't know. Republicans didn't read the bill or spend enough time debating this. I am not sure if the bill will make it to the Senate.

The Democrats are taunting the Republicans by saying "Na-na, hey-hey, goodbye" as a stern warning that they could face the wrath of constituents.

The Republicans celebrate in the Rose Garden.

Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said that their vote will be "tattooed" to their heads. It will "glow in the dark" and they will "walk the plank" come the election.

No Government Shutdown (For Now)!

Trump will sign off a law that funds the government for the remaining year.
Conservatives are not happy about the deal crafted by the House and Senate leaders. The deal will not carry the promises Donald J. Trump called for during his campaign.

The House voted on a bipartisan deal to fund the government through September and it stops the government shutdown. But according to conservatives, it's a giveaway to liberals and Democrats.

House members voted 309-118 to get this law passed. It will put $1.8 trillion into funding government agencies and the rest of fiscal 2017.

Most of the "do-nothing" members voted against it. Mind you that over 100 Republicans and 18 Democrats refuse to fund the government.

The Senate will pass their resolution bill in the coming days. They will have the package ready for Trump to sign off.

The proposals to fund the border wall, defund Planned Parenthood, place more money into the Immigration and Customs Enforcement, rollback fundings for "sanctuary cities" and cuts to non-essential agencies were stripped out the House bill.

Defense spending got $15 billion in funding.

There will be $2 billion in medical research for the National Institutes of Health. There will be funding to police agencies to combat opioid addiction. There will be funds to safety net and job training initiatives. Health insurance for public sector workers and union mine workers got a strong boast as well.

There's also help to Puerto Rico. The bill will include nearly $300 million to plug an emergency budget shortfall. The autonomous territory is likely to file for U.S. bankruptcy. The territory is American sponsored self-governance. The territory is considering statehood or formal independence.

The Secret Service has enough money now to protect that huge burden. The states of Florida, New York, Virginia and New Jersey will be reimbursed by the federal government for allocating time to cover the leader's travels to his golf courses and private homes.

Trump was so angered by the lack of funding to build the complex border wall, he said the next time the government should shutdown. His campaign promise was to fund the border wall and have Mexico pay for it. The Mexican government said "HELL NO" and said it will not solve immigration. The Mexican government said it could spark a trade war.

The Democrats remind Trump and Republicans that he wanted a foreign government and trading partner to pay for it. They said if American taxpayers pay for the Great Border War, they would oppose it. They oppose it anyway because it would be nearly difficult to build a wall near water and property that extends into both countries. Some of the border is extremely complex and they would have to pay billions of dollars to move Americans and Mexicans away from the construction.

Besides, smugglers have a bigger ladder, a bigger tunnel and a whole lot of flying drones over the wall.

Trump would break his promise.

Morning Joe Saw Wedding Bells!

MSNBC hosts are getting married. Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski are engaged and they publicly acknowledge the relationship on Morning Joe.

The morning talk agitators Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski confirm they're a couple. The two are engaged and the junk food media is going crazy.

Scarborough and Brzezinski are the hosts of MSNBC's Morning Joe. It's in direct competition with CNN's New Day and Fox & Friends. The program is considered politically conservative but rational at best.

The show debuted in 2007 and has celebrated 10 years on.

I guess the two found chemistry. For years, there were rumors going around but nothing was confirmed until the guests made awkward congrats to the two. Mika's was twiddling her engagement ring.

On Mika's 50th birthday, Joe popped the question in D'Antibes, France.

Joe is the father of four from his two previous marriages. Brzezinski is the mother of two from her previous marriage.

The former Florida Congressman and the daughter of a former Jimmy Carter National Security advisor kept the relationship professional while on camera.

They sparked romance when it was revealed soon after Scarborough had went through his divorce and Brzezinski later hers. Mika shares the love to her supporters on social media.

A post shared by Mika Brzezinski (@mikabrzezinski) on

A post shared by Mika Brzezinski (@mikabrzezinski) on

I can tell you one person who might be disinvited from the wedding is the official softball of the Donald J. Trump Corporation (uh, I meant presidency).

Sean "Softball" Hannity has a huge feud with Joe and Mika. He believes that their criticism of Trump goes too far. He even accused Scarborough of being a liberal.

Trump did speak favorably of the two getting married. Although he does criticize their coverage of him, he still consider the two his "friends."

CBS Stands By Colbert!

Conservatives are upset over a comedian. I thought they said that liberals couldn't take a joke.

Republicans and conservatives support a man who said he can grab a woman by the pussy.

So if they want to complain about a comedian saying something offensive, maybe they might want to head over to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue to address the comments by the guy who occupies that residence.

Stephen Colbert caught a firestorm of controversy when he did his comedy sketch on Donald J. Trump. The monologue got conservatives outraged.

Colbert stands by the monologue and even went harder. He did say that the "cock holster" remark was crude. I will not apologize for that one.
Colbert mocks Trump's 100 days. It got flack.
"So while I would do it again, I would change a few words that were cruder than they needed to be," said Colbert the next night.

Now they're calling for a cannon firing. The hashtag #FireColbert was trending for a moment but it disappeared after awhile.

Colbert was annoyed with the leader's awkward interview with CBS Face The Nation's John Dickerson. The GOP Sundays program interviewed the leader and he abruptly ended the interview when the host gave him a question about the alleged wiretapping by then president Barack Obama.

Trump said to Dickerson's face that his show is called "Deface The Nation."

Conservatives believe that Colbert said a homophobic comment about the leader. They are saying that CBS is allowing a "hate-monger" attack the leader with hateful slurs.

The LGBT community was mixed on the monologue. Some found the comments were offensive. Others were calling out conservatives for their sanctimonious outrage. They say if you're supporting Mike Pence, anti-LGBT bills, support repealing equal marriage rulings, and homophobia, you can't speak on their behalf.

CBS stands by Colbert.

The ratings are surging. Since Donald J. Trump took office, Colbert used his show as a platform to rail against Republicans and Trump's utter ignorance. People are tuning in to it.

Colbert is slated to have The Daily Show alums Jon Stewart, John Oliver, Ed Helms and Samantha Bee on The Late Show. The interview will be on May 9.

Wednesday, May 03, 2017

Republicans Still Sputtering On "Repeal And Replace" ACA!

The Republicans in the House will pass a bill they haven't read.

Remember Republicans complained about the Democrats passing bills without looking at them.

The Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) has once again become a focus of Republicans yet again.

These buffoons are saying that they may have a deal on getting a bill passed through the House of Representatives. The Republicans have secured slightly enough support from their own to get the bill through the House.

Republicans are very concerned that for all the grandstanding, they really don't have a plan on deck.

The Republicans have thrown a "pot luck" of proposals in this new version of the American Health Care Act. They refused to get input from the people and companies that provide medical insurance and health insurance. They ignored the vocal opposition from constituents who say that "repeal and replace" could destroy their healthcare.

Even Jimmy Kimmel pled to the Congress to fix the law and not destroy it.

The nearly 8 years of obstruction has been a great rally call for Republicans and Donald J. Trump.

Now that Republicans have control of Washington politics, they have the opportunity to get things done. Unfortunately, the party is hit by "friendly fire." The Republicans are collapsing on the weight of their own stupidity and utter stubbornness.

The law signed by then Barack Obama was a historical achievement. Ever since its passing, it faced calls of "repeal and replace" from Republicans. They symbolically repealed the law over 70 times.

It had a rough roll out because Republicans refuse to fund the law.

The Republicans have sued the president, the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of Commerce and use the power of conservative media to mislead the public into believing the law will have "death panels."

They had taken it to the Supreme Court. And twice it was ruled in favor of the president.

They used this as a rally call to get Trump elected. Now as the current leader of this pathetic country, Trump is forcing Republicans to get a bill passed.

The Republicans have tried the first time to get the bill repealed. The junk food media did their jobs by reading what type of proposals would come forth in the American Health Care Act (aka. Obamacare-Lite, Trumpcare, Ryancare or Republicans Do Not Care).

Most of their proposals aren't capable providing affordable healthcare to those with pre-existing conditions. The Republicans also couldn't figure out how the bill was going to be funded.

The Republicans also had a problem wrangling up members willing to support it. It was pulled at the last minute when the "Do-Nothing" Freedom Caucus said they oppose the bill.

Trump got very heated and blamed the Democrats and members of the "Do-Nothing" Freedom Caucus for failing his campaign promise.

Now if the Republicans pass this bill, they could face a public backlash. They didn't read the bill nor collaborated with the Democrats.

It's like they have both fingers jabbed up in their ears and another finger up their asses.

White Extremist Gets Served After Shoving Protester!

When protesters crashed Donald J. Trump's campaign rally in Louisville, there was video showing this asshole yelling and shoving Kashiya Nwanguma. It turns out that the asshole yelling at Kashiya is being charged with a crime.

Also, he's facing a lawsuit from her and several others after they were roughed up. Kashiya along with Molly Shah and Henry Brousseau are suing this asshole and another for the rough up.

Matt Heimbach, the founder of the White Traditionalist Youth Network is in some deep shit.

That asshole is a terrorist and agent provocateur. He is the suit and tie professional bigot who masquerades this canard about "white genocide."
Heimbach shouts at a protester and then shoves her.
He was even happy to harass this young Black woman.

Heimbach was served up a charge after he left a white extremist rally in Pikeville. Jefferson County courts are serving the white extremist a reminder that his "freedom of speech" isn't really "free."

Heimbach is charged with one misdemeanor count of harassment with physical contact but no injury to the victim. Heimbach is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Heimbach "took it upon himself to place his hands on the victim and try to remove her," said the Louisville detective involved in the case.

A federal judge found Trump advocated violence at his rallies. U.S. District Judge David Hale ruled in that case that it was plausible to argue that Trump's statements advocated the use of force..

The other asshole who is being charged is Alvin Bamberger. He is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Heimbach says Trump is a "cuckservative" and he threatens to sue the leader of the United States.

Tuesday, May 02, 2017

Ex-Cop Heads To Federal Time Out!

Dirty ex-cop heads to federal time out for civil rights violations. Unfortunately he got off murder.

The former North Charleston officer who fatally shot Walter Scott in 2015 took a plea deal to spare him a LIFE sentence. Once again, the squinty eyed bigot Jeff Sessions is the current Attorney General.

He is Donald J. Trump's wingman when it comes to this canard about "law and order."

Sessions is rolling back then president Barack Obama's executive orders on police reform. He's actually giving officers more immunity when it come to murdering unarmed people of color.

Since the shooting of Walter Scott, the suspect Michael Slager was spared the DEATH CARD when the jury deadlocked on the prosecution. Even with video evidence, Slager still managed to beat a MURDER ONE.

But before Sessions got into the Justice Department, his predecessor Loretta Lynch was determined to have a federal indictment against Slager.
Walter Scott's murderer took a plea deal.
Slager shot Scott in 2015 after a traffic stop. Walter bolted from the vehicle and Slager put eight rounds in his body. On the video, Slager was planting his Taser near Scott's body to make up a story about him being attacked. The video made it to social media and the North Charleston Police immediately fired Slager and the state prosecutor charged him with murder.

Slager admitted in court that his actions were wrong. He said that he did not shoot Scott in self-defense.  He said the use of force was unjustifiable.

Slager plead guilty to a federal charge of deprivation of rights under the color of law. In exchange of the guilty plea, Slager's state and federal murder charges will be dropped.

The civil rights offense could put him in federal time out for LIFE. But according to CNN, the plea agreement could place Slager in a 25 year bid.

Cop Who Killed Jordan Edwards Was Fired Out The Cannon!

The story changes in the fatal shooting of Jordan Edwards.
Looks like the police chief of a suburban Dallas town had to fire this cop out the cannon. Jonathan Huber decided that the officer who fired his rifle through the passenger side vehicle killing an unarmed teen was "reckless in nature."

Roy Oliver may have a few days to get his story right. He will lawyer up and have the Dallas Police Union on his side to justify the fatal shooting of Jordan Edwards in the town of Belch Springs.

The officers involved had body cameras on them. The video evidence disputes the account of Oliver.

Oliver said that he used his firearm to stop a vehicle from trying to hit him. The officer responded to a call of a party with "underage kids getting drunk and walking around."

According to the cops, they heard gunfire. The officers claimed that a group of people left the house an approached them "in an aggressive manner."
Former Belch Springs cop Roy Oliver.
The car was pulling forward and away.

The body camera footage disputes everything and the chief had no choice but to fire Oliver out the cannon for this. He mislead in his report.

Now Edwards family want this officer charged for manslaughter.

Oliver's attorney Cindy Stormer said that her client is in hiding and will not speak on the shooting at this present time.

The public quickly discarded the notion that Jordan was a bad teen. In fact, he was a honors student and very well like person.

Hashtag activism continues to push forth accountability towards reckless actions by the police.

I will say this constantly.

For every "bad cop," there's gonna be "dead cops."

Given that most police often getaway with "justifiable" murder of people of color, the irrational may retaliate against those who actually serve the uniform honorably.

The good cops will follow procedure and uphold themselves to the same standards as those they protect and serve.

The U.S. Justice Department and Texas state prosecutors haven't commented on the matter.

Cop Walk In Alton Sterling Case!

Cop walk in the shooting of Alton Sterling. 

Let's make this clear: We do not condone violence against anyone. We value human lives. We are making a statement on the facts that were presented through the junk food media.

I express an opinion.

I believe that for "every bad cop," there's gonna be a "dead cop." Given that most police officers often getaway with "justifiable" murder of people of color, the irrational may retaliate against those who actually protect those who serve the uniform honorably.

The good cops will never weed out the bad ones. 

The Baton Rouge officers who fatally shot Alton Sterling in July 2016 get to walk. The Justice Department plans to close the probe into his death and not charge the two cops involved.

Officers Blane Salamoni and Howie Lake were caught on camera pinning Sterling to the ground before opening fire on him. The Justice Department has decided to let these White cops walk free.

The death sparked racial tensions in Baton Rouge. It also led to a deadly terrorist attack on three Baton Rouge officers and two East Baton Rouge Parish deputies. A man from Kansas City traveled to the city to inflict harm on cops after the shooting.

The family isn't happy about this one bit.

"We have not heard nor received an update and are unaware of any charges that may or may not be filed," said the spokesman for the Sterling family.

"We have not received word, nor has the family been given any notice of upcoming updates and pursing their own criminal charges."

The cops were yelling at Sterling to get on the ground. They tackled him and as he tried to get up, the officer reached for the gun and pointed it at Sterling's chest.

"He's got a gun! You fucking move and I swear to God." In a few seconds, gunshots and Alton was filmed on the ground with blood pouring out his chest.

Sterling left behind five children and was devoted to them. He was selling mixtapes on the side of a building. The cops were called on a disturbance of an individual intimidating people at a store.

Jeff Sessions, the squinty-eyed bigot who is currently the Attorney General is more focused on following on Donald J. Trump's promise to "Make America 'Safe' Again."

Sessions rolls back rules Barack Obama signed off in executive orders to at least get the ball rolling on police reform.

Now you know we just found out that the Belch Springs police said that the encounter with Jordan Edwards wasn't accurate. It was told through body camera that the officer ran up on the vehicle and started firing.

More on that controversy in the next post.

Sean "Softball" Hannity May Foul Out!

New York Magazine's Gabriel Sherman is saying that the most annoying conservative agitator in the junk food media could be firing himself out the cannon. Three sources and of course the agitator himself confirmed the news.

Sean "Softball" Hannity, the most condescending agitator to ever hold a television and radio show may use his contractual "out" in response to the Fox News' ouster of Bill Shine, the disgraced co-president of the network.

The biggest whiner of the junk food media is blaming everyone for his fuck buddy's ouster and this country's leader and his fucked up agenda.

He invented so many stupid memes about the left. He used the alt-right term "snowflake" to describe liberals and conservatives who oppose the leader. He calls the junk food media the "alt-left, destroy Trump media."

He continues to regurgitate the former president's name. Even though he's long out of office, the softball continues to say his name as well and Hillary Clinton in regards to what the leader's doing.

He continues to beat a horse dead when it comes to Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, and Saul Alinsky.

He can't do a show without insulting those who oppose this leader and him.

Many on the left and the right accusing him of spinning fake news. They call him the most "dumbest" of the right.

His word vomit is worthy of a board game. You can actually count how many times he says something over and over. You can count how many times he interrupts a guest he doesn't agree with. I bet you money, he will bring up a familiar name in his rants.

He has "smeared, slandered and besmirched" Barack Obama during his two terms as the President of the United States. When people call him out on his bullshit, he threatens to sue and boycott those who oppose him or the leader.

The softball has that "thrill up his leg" when it comes to Donald J. Trump. He is steadfastly defending the former billionaire reality television agitator turned leader of this stupid country.

Tonight the softball teased the news that he may bounce off Fox News.

Monday, May 01, 2017

Fox News Fires Bill Shine Out The Cannon!

Image result for Bill Shine and Hannity
The "fixer" is fired out the cannon. Bill Shine is gone and there's talk that Sean "Softball" Hannity may eventually be fired out the cannon as well.

Fox News has fired co-president Bill Shine out the cannon. Shine face controversy for his role in covering up sexual harassment allegations from Roger Ailes and Bill O'Reilly.

O'Reilly was one of the biggest names in cable news. He felt his empire crumble when the Murdoch family announced that they're severing ties with the bombastic conservative agitator. Shine was hoping to keep O'Reilly on the television. And when Gabriel Sherman of New York Magazine got wind that Shine was on the chopping block, his best friend, the junk food media's most annoying (also condescending) conservative agitator said that this could be "the end of Fox News as we know it."

When numerous allegations of racial discrimination and sexual harassment, the feds launched an investigation into the executives of Fox News and allegations of misconduct.

Shine who has been with Fox News since the beginning saw his world crumble as well.

Rupert Murdoch, 21st Century Fox and Fox News executive chairman, made the announcement Monday via a brief email to Fox News staffers.

Suzanne Scott now is promoted to become president of programming and Jay Wallace will be president of the news division.

Will Sean "Softball" Hannity be the next one to strike out?
Fox Business will have Brian Jones as their president.

Shine is credited to the success of O'Reilly, Megyn Kelly, Tucker Carlson, Greta Van Susteren and Sean "Softball" Hannity.

Conservatives are fumed about the direction of Fox News. They accuse the executives of swinging the network to the "left" at the expense of "talented" figures like O'Reilly. James and Lachlan Murdoch wants to take the network in a new direction. They had enough of the "in your face" antics of these notable agitators. They are not trying to sway the network to the left, they want to shift the network away from unethical behavior of the old guard.

Now the softball is the only original member of Fox News still on. With Shine out, the softball is hinting an exit as well.

We're waiting on The Drudge Report to break the news as well as the softball's rant of the night!

Keep 'Em Coming: Mass Shooting In San Diego!

Another mass shooting.

In the age of Donald J. Trump, more mass shootings will occur. Some will make the news, others will fade under the radar. When can we start classifying mass shootings as terrorism?

A white terrorist ruins the lives of many at a pool party. 

Somethings never change. We profile Blacks, Hispanics and Muslims. Why can't we profile White men who have conservative or White extremist views?

These people are more dangerous than a foreign born terrorist.

We live in a country where guns outnumber human beings. And Trump continues to allow it to happen. He appeared at the NRA Convention on Friday. He said that he is a friend of the Second Amendment. 

All of the while, more White men are being inspired by this White extremist agenda they view on television, radio and the internet. This so-called alt-right are inspiring Whites to take action against a browner nation.
The calm nice guy with a high powered firearm.
A terrorist opens fire on an apartment complex swimming pool in San Diego. He killed one and injured nearly 10 people before the law bucked him. 

The terrorist identified as Peter Selis, was a White man who just came into the complex. He wanted to come to an area where there were a strong presence of Black and Hispanic residents.

Yesterday he went to the La Jolla Crossroad Apartments and opened fire on nearly 2 dozen people.

According to witnesses, the terrorist sat down, drank a beer and caressing a firearm under a towel.

Trump, Jerry Brown, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) and Sen. Dianne Feinstein were notified about this mass shooting.


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