McConnell declares Gorsuch will be confirmed. |
Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) were on GOP Sundays to discuss the showdown for confirmation. Neil Gorsuch is the nominee for the Supreme Court and Republicans vow to get him through with 60 senators voting on him.
McConnell is the Majority Leader and most corrupt lawmaker in Washington. Schumer is the Minority Leader and the most willing lawmaker to support a war in the Middle East. They both support Israeli interest and are willing to throw America in another war.
McConnell is confident that Democrats will eek Gorsuch through.
The junk food media believes that McConnell will invoke unilateral majorities to get Court nominees through.
The "nuclear option" is a rule that requires a simple majority to get a nominee through. This rule was abolished in 2013, when Democrats were getting tired of Republicans holding up nominees like Loretta Lynch from taking position as Attorney General.
Democrats vow to obstruct the nominee and are willing to force Republicans to play procedural tactics to get Gorsuch and other nominees through.
When Republicans refused to give Barack Obama his third nominee for the Court, Democrats were seething with anger. Merrick Garland was sidelined because of McConnell's pledge to not have a confirmation of a nominee during an election year. He claims that former vice president Joe Biden, then a senator invoked a "made up" rule on nominees.
For over a year, the Court was stuck with eight. And McConnell was plotting to delay it longer if Hillary Clinton would have won.
Donald J. Trump won. And Republican continue to hold the Congress. Now they believe they can get their agenda done.
So far, the accomplishments were either self-inflicted wounds upon the majority, held up, sent to and struck down by federal courts. Trump is feuding with the Freedom Caucus, the coalition of "do-nothings" who vow to force Trump even further to the right.
Gorsuch is a perfect fit for the conservative majority. But Democrats aren't willing to give this nominee a fair shake.
Gorsuch is a controversial pick from the start. Democrats have every right to oppose this nominee and every other nominee. It's not going to stop the Republicans from getting what they want.
Democrats must unite and fight.
So far three sissies will vote for Gorsuch. Sen. Joe Donnelly (D-IN), Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND) and Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) are on the "YES" vote. These assholes are the problem as well.
Democrats must purge those who will not support the progressive agenda. Let them become Republicans and caucus with the "do-nothings" of the Senate/House/Devil's Freedom Caucus.
So far, most Republicans support the nomination of Gorsuch. They need eight senators from the Democratic Party to confirm him.
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Sen. Angus King (I-ME) caucus with the Democratic Party.