Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Breitbart Releases Paul Ryan's Digs At Trump!

Breitbart releases an audio of Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) slamming Donald J. Trump during the campaign.

Old news is new news.

The "Grab 'Em By The Pussy" remarks almost sank him. The Republicans were distancing themselves from then candidate Donald J. Trump after he made those god awful comments.

The infamous Access Hollywood recordings managed to sink Billy Bush's job at NBC and it made Trump forever sealed as a "sexist" asshole. Among other things, the Republicans were embracing a potential Hillary Clinton presidency.

Nope. She lost.

Trump won.

Republican maintain a strong majority. But the intraparty fighting is still ongoing. The Republicans can't figure out how to govern. They spent eight years repeating talking points and regurgitated nonsense at the expense of Barack Obama.

This Trumpcare proposal is being panned by the left and the right because the CBO has said that 24 million people could be knocked off their insurance.

Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) is the current Speaker of the House. He's taking hits from the Republicans for not doing a full repeal. Trump's new healthcare proposal will keep a portion of the ACA, however advocates complex policies that affect the poor more than the rich.

Ryan was then a fierce critic of Donald J. Trump. The Wisconsin lawmaker is now working with Trump to repeal the Affordable Care Act and pass his agenda.

They're "buddy buddy" now.

But to the folks over at the now ad-dry Breitbart News, Ryan is a traitor. The alleged "fake news" website is trying to discredit Ryan's friendship with Trump.

It secures the belief that Republicans care more about winning elections than governing.

It says that Ryan doesn't appreciate the disrespect towards women by Trump. However he's not going to get in the way of Trump's agenda.

The release of an audio to social media has Ryan slamming Trump for saying those awful comments.

He said that he rather had Clinton as the president so they can oppose her and force her to move to their proposals if they retain a majority.

Yeah, I rather see Clinton lead this country.

But it is what it is!

Trump is embarrassing the country by his antics. He is constantly in "campaign mode" always attacking the opposition. He is blaming Obama for his failures.

You see where I'm going with this!

I am using the same dirty tactics the conservatives used on Obama.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017


Bestow the bigotry. Rep. Steve King (R-IA) continues to parade White extremist views.

Here's how the Republican Party loses Black voters let alone any non-White person.

Continue this narrative about Black voters being a part of the Democrat Plantation.

Would you want a White politician engage in a conversation about Black on Black crime or illegals invading at the border without offering any solution to fixing the problem?

Hell the Republican Party is basically on that -ish.

I do agree that the Democratic Party isn't doing enough for the Black community, but the Republican Party has no interest in helping Blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans, Asians and non-White Americans.

Matter of fact, the Republicans are the party that wants to see Blacks eradicate themselves.

Rep. Steve King (R-IA) is taking political correctness off the table. He's flat out saying this shit in the mainstream and his fellow Republicans won't cap this.

Today, King kept the bullshit going when he said on a local AM agitator program that Hispanics and the Blacks will be fighting each other before overtaking Whites in population.

King was Jim Mickelson's radio show on 1040 WHO AM. He was discussing the confrontational debate between Univision's Jorge Ramos and Fox News agitator Tucker Carlson.

"Race and ethnicity, I should say to be more correct. When you start accentuating the differences, then you start ending up with people that are at each other's throats. And he's adding up Hispanics and Blacks into what he predicts will be in greater number than Whites in America. I will predict that Hispanics and the Blacks will be fighting each other before that happens."

This bullshit comes fresh off his recent postings embracing Geert Wilders, an anti-Muslim politico who is running for the Dutch leadership.

King said that "We can't restore our civilization with somebody else's babies."

King believes that non-Whites are celebrating the genocide of Whites.

"Their effort here is to be celebrating because the United States is moving towards becoming, the Whites becoming a minority, a majority-minority within the country according to what their plan is," said King.

The Republicans are openly embracing this.

Trump's Tax Returns Sprang A Leak!

Another scandal faces Donald Trump.

It's getting worse for the fuhrer.


Donald J. Trump's tax returns were made public. The White House was none too happy about the tax returns being released to the public.

Daily Beast contributor David Cay Johnston obtained Trump's tax returns. The first two pages of Trump's 2005 income tax returns, and published an analysis of those pages on his websites, The Daily Beast couldn't independently verify these documents.

The documents show Trump and his wife Melania paying $5.3 million in regular federal income taxes -- a rate of less than 4%. However the Trump family paid an additional $31 millions in the so-called "alternative minimum tax," or AMT. Trump has previously called for the elimination of this tax.
Bang. Rachel Maddow made Donald Trump uneasy tonight.
Trump in 2005 paid $38 million in tax on an income of $150 million.

The fuhrer's tax returns were a subject of scrutiny since he announced his bid to destroy the country.

Trump became the first elected leader to refuse to release his income. He said that "people don't care about how much he made" and will "not release his tax returns."

Trump continues to assist that he's being audit by the IRS.

Rachel Maddow broke the news tonight and it's got the most annoying and factually challenged competitor over at Fox News steaming mad.

Sean "Softball" Hannity is so freaking mad over this. He was wrapped around this notion that the junk food media is out to get Trump. The softball has the audacity to label MSNBC and NBC News, "fake news." Really, this is coming from the most annoying agitator in the junk food media. A man who peddled an anti-Semitic on his show to go after Barack Obama.

You can view the partial tax returns of Trump.

Any thoughts on this controversy?

Monday, March 13, 2017

It's Simmering!

The St. Louis County Prosecutor releases a longer version of Mike Brown being inside the liquor store.

The St. Louis County prosecutor released unedited footage of an encounter between Michael Brown and the Ferguson store clerks who accused him of stealing a pack of cigarellos.

In the documentary Strange Fruit, there was footage of Brown entering the store the previous night and purchased something as well as hand off a baggie to the clerks.

It disputes the encounter saying that Brown "strong armed" a clerk before he was the fatal encounter with then Ferguson officer Darren Wilson.

Robert McCulloch who became famous for handing the fate of Wilson to a grand jury argued that the video from the documentary is not correct.

"It's not as though it was hidden away somewhere," McCulloch said. The video which shows the first of two visits by Brown to the store that day.

The Huffington Post also notes that Jay Kanzler, the lawyer for the convenience store and the clerks also said that the need to release the video could explain the transaction.

What McCulloch failed to mention was the reason to why the video wasn't released during the grand jury decision to not charge Darren Wilson. How come this was left out from the jump?

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Ferguson Police Lied On Michael Brown!

The Ferguson Police smeared Michael Brown.

A documentary unearths some intriguing information about the fatal shooting of Michael Brown.

In 2014, Mike Brown was killed by a Ferguson Police officer after a confrontation. He was shot with six bullets and the officer who killed him walked. It sparked nights of unrest and opened up a deep divide between Blacks and the police.

It also opened the flood gates of White extremism. The Drudge Report, Gateway Pundit, Fox News, Old Fart Rush Limbaugh, Bearing Arms, Breitbart, Sean "Softball" Hannity, Pervert Bill O'Reilly and Laura Ingraham were barking White extremism and pointing the finger of unrest at the feet of then President Barack Obama.

They claimed that the president, Al Sharpton and Black Lives Matter were responsible for the unrest and believed that Brown's failure to follow a police order led to his death. They accused the family of Brown of profiting off a tragedy.

The junk food media accused Brown of a "strong arm" robbery of a store clerk.

Well a filmmaker tore through the notion that Brown actually robbed a store. Matter of fact, it was left out of the junk food media coverage of the shooting.

Brown had been in the store during a late night run. He came into the store and swapped hands with the clerk.

It was the same convenience store included in a new documentary is raising new questions about what happened in the hours before the shooting on Aug. 9, 2014.

The footage shows Brown entering the store, Ferguson Market and Liquor, shortly after 1 am on the day he died. He approaches the counter, hands over an item that appears to be a small bag and takes a shopping sack filled with cigarillos. Brown is shown walking toward the door with the sack, then turning around and handing the cigarillos back across the counter before exiting.

The New York Times reports that Jason Pollock, a documentary filmmaker who acquired the new tape, says the footage challenges the police narrative that Brown committed a strong-armed robbery when he returned to the store around noon that day. Instead, Pollock believes that the new video shows Brown giving a small bag of marijuana to store employees and receiving cigarillos in return as part of a negotiated deal. Pollock said Brown left the cigarillos behind the counter for safekeeping.

"There was some type of exchange, for one thing, for another," Lesley McSpadden, Brown's mother, says in Pollock's documentary, "Stranger Fruit," which premiered Saturday at the South by Southwest festival in Austin, and examines the shooting from the family's perspective.

But Jay Kanzler, a lawyer for the convenience store and its employees, strongly disputes that version of events, and said the new footage is unrelated to Brown's later visit to the store.

"There was no transaction," Kanzler said. "There was no understanding. No agreement. Those folks didn't sell him cigarillos for pot. The reason he gave it back is he was walking out the door with unpaid merchandise and they wanted it back."

"They destroyed Michael's character with the tape, and they didn't show us what actually happened," said Pollock, who spent more than two years in Ferguson conducting research for his documentary, and who questions the decision to not charge Wilson. "So this shows their intention to make him look bad. And shows suppression of evidence."

The St. Louis County Police Department briefly mentioned Brown's early-morning visit to the store in a lengthy report on the case, which tipped Pollock off to the existence of an additional video.

Sgt. Shawn McGuire, a spokesman for the county police, said in an email on Saturday that footage of the earlier encounter had not been released because it was not relevant to the investigation.

He added later that he could not confirm the video's authenticity.

Spokesmen for the city of Ferguson and the St. Louis County prosecutor's office did not immediately respond to requests for comment on Saturday.

Brown's parents have filed a federal lawsuit against Wilson, the city of Ferguson and the former Ferguson police chief. A civil trial is scheduled to start next year.

Steve King's White Extremism Is So Republican!

White booger Steve King continues cringe lawmakers.

An Iowa lawmaker continues to push the buttons. A relatively unaccomplished lawmaker named Steve King continues to embarrass the state with his retarded actions. Just like Fuhrer Donald J. Trump, King embraces shameful ignorance.

He tweets a far right comic with an image of  Dutch white nationalist Geert Wilders plugging a damn labeled "Western Civilization" to stop a flow of green ooze with stars and crescent moons -- a color and symbols widely associated with Islam.

This lawmaker along with Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC), Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ), Rep. Dave Brat (R-VA), Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX), and Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) are the "do nothing conservatives."

They are by far the least productive lawmakers in Congress. They have nothing to show other than their contempt for social change and compromise.

King said during the Republican National Convention in his opinion, White Christians contributed to the Western Civilization than any other "subgroup."

Wilders is a far right candidate trying to win a spot as Prime Minister of the Netherlands.

King has no regrets about what he says. He practically attacks Blacks, Hispanics, Muslims, women and the president.

King had said some dumb shit about Barack Obama. He claimed that Obama was a "sleeper agent" who supports the Islamic State.

The reason for the accusation was the fact Obama will never say the phrase "Radical Islam."

Joni Sledge Passed Away!

It's unfortunate news tonight. Joni Sledge, a member of the four sister group Sister Sledge (also known as The Sledge Sisters) passed away today. She was found dead in her home in Phoenix.

No cause of death has been announced.

She was a part of the group that sung the No. 1 hit single, "We Are Family." She died on Friday and the news was confirmed today.

"Yesterday, numbness fell upon our family. Pray for us as we weep for the loss of our sister, mother, aunt, niece, and cousin Joni Sledge. We thank you for privacy as we hurt for her presence, but also for embracing her radiance and the sincerity with which she love life." - A spokesperson for the group read.

Joni was born in September 1956 in Philadelphia to a tap dancing father named Edwin Sledge and actress Florez Williams.

Formed in 1971, the group consist of Joni, Debbie, Kim and Kathy Sledge. Their album We Are Family became an instant success. It breakthrough album that went platinum. Their success also came with the singles "Greatest Dancer" and "Got to Love Somebody."

Kathy quit the group to focus on her solo career. Joni, Debbie and Kim kept the group going throughout the years until her death.

Joni is survived by her son, Thaddeus and the sisters.

Our late night thread is dedicated to Joni. We're going to have two videos on tap.

Joni Sledge, you will be missed.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

The Fuhrer Bodies 46 Federal Attorneys After Softball Hannity's Rant!

Trump favorite past time: Softball. The latest scandal plaguing Trump is the firing of a high profile U.S. Attorney. The junk food media believe that Sean "Softball" Hannity's rant inspired it.
The cannon firing of 46 federal attorneys who were considered appointees to then Barack Obama were sent their walking papers. And we can credit, Fuhrer Donald J. Trump's favorite sport on television for his decision.

U.S. Attorney of the Southern District of New York. Preet Bharara was fired out the cannon tonight. He was pretty damn pissed about this. The squinty eyed bigot said to Bharara, "Pack it up boy. You're out of here!"
Preet Bharara is none too happy about Trump breaking his word.
The New York Times reports that Bharara was among the 46 federal attorneys appointed by Obama to get fired out the cannon. They were told to immediately clean out their offices. The request took many in his office by surprise. Bharara was told by Trump to stay on.

Bharara was investigation corruption in New York. One of those cases involved the Fox News Channel. They are facing an investigation into payouts made by Rupert Murdoch to the women who accused then president of the network Roger Ailes of sexual harassment.

There were investigations into New York City mayor Bill de Blasio's campaign fundraising. The mayor and his aides were calling favors for political donations.

Just this week a very annoying presence in the junk food media called for a "purge" of Obama's holdovers. The "Deep State" kookspiracy is being peddled by this agitator.

Trump loves softball. He often goes to plenty of softball games. Take for example, Sean "Softball" Hannity, the most annoying conservative agitator in the junk food media. The softball is rammed up in the fuhrer's ass. The fuhrer loves to watch this annoyance on Fox News.

Many point to the softball's cozy relationship with Trump as a result of the cannon firing.

Uber Driver Outsmarts Dirty Cop!

Photography is not a crime.

An Uber driver outsmarted a Wilmington, NC police officer. The officer was caught on camera telling the driver that it's against North Carolina law to record police. Unbeknownst to the officer, the driver was a lawyer and he "sonned" him.

Now the officer will face a disciplinary hearing. Jesse Bright, a lawyer who practices in criminal law was pulled over after the officer observed him coming from an area know to have drug activity.

Bright shared his February encounter with the junk food media. Bright began recording the officer on his cellphone. He was pulled over after picking up an Uber rider.

Bright and the passenger was asked to exit the vehicle and be submitted to a search. When the officer saw that bright was recording the encounter, the officer got in his face.

Officer: "Hey bud, turn that off, OK?"

Bright: "No, I'll keep recording, thank you. It's my right."

Officer: "Don't record me, You got me?"

Bright: "Look, you're a police officer on duty. I can record you."

Officer: "Be careful because there is a new law. Turn it off or I'll take you to jail."

Bright: "For recording you? What is the law?"

Officer: "Step out of the car."

Bright: "What are you arresting me for? I'm sitting here in my ar. I'm just recording in case anything happens. I'm surrounded by five officers."

Officer: "You're being a jerk."

Bright: "I'm scared right now. I'm not being a jerk. I'm recording in case anything happens."

Officer: "You better hope we don't find anything in your car."

Bright told the officer he doesn't consent to his car being searched. Bright refused to exit his vehicle and kept his door locked. The officer tried to pulled the door open. By that time, he called for a K9 unit and the officer and the K9 unit searched the vehicle. The officers didn't find nothing in the vehicle and Bright was free to continue on his way.

Well this encounter reached the police chief. Ralph Evangelous, the chief of the Wilmington Police was annoyed by the junk food media. He didn't expect to caught in a scandal involving his officers.

Matter of fact, I bet he told his officers to do what ever it takes to get the "bad guy."

He did a simple cop out.

"Taking photographs and videos of people that are in plain sight including the police is your legal right. As a matter of fact we invite citizens to do so when they believe it is necessary. We believe that public videos help to protect the police as well as our citizens and provide critical information during police and citizen interactions," said Evangelous.

The sheriff of New Hanover County also spoke on the matter.

"Sheriff Ed McMahon ... believe it is clear that officers were incorrect in stating that it was illegal to record the encounter," Lt. Jason August wrote. "Not only does the Sheriff agree that it is legal to record encounters, he invites citizens to do so."

Photography is not a crime.

We are allowed to film public servants. They are getting our taxpayer dollars to serve under the badge. You are protected under the Constitution for unlawful arrest, search and seizure of your property, or the right to a speedy trial.

I refuse to be bullied by the man (or woman) wearing the badge. I do not consent to searches of my vehicle. I do not speak about where I go or where I've been. I do not want to be "friends" with a cop who pulled me over. I am not going to self-incriminate myself into a cop's order.

I will not open my door to any police officer without a warrant.

Take extreme caution if the law shows up at your door for a 6am "NO KNOCK". Do not reach for anything. If they authorize lawful entry into your home during a "No KNOCK", you have a right to question the arrest or entry. If you are an owner of firearms, be extremely careful not to fire upon an arresting officer especially if they're saying they are saying "POLICE".

The U.S. Marshals, the FBI and the local police do acknowledge their presence.

If you are treated wrong by an officer, you have the right to ask for their supervisor. You have a right to say to an officer, "Am I free to go?" if you are cited and they want to authorize a search of your vehicle. You have a right to have a dash camera in your vehicle as long as it is not a distraction to your driving. You being issued a ticket isn't an admission of guilt, it's an acknowledgement of a traffic/misdemeanor offense that you can challenge in a public court. You have the right to contest a citation. If found guilty of a traffic offense, you will get points on your license. Your insurance company will be notified of the court decision. You may pay a higher deductible if you're found guilty of driving while intoxicated, reckless driving, fleeing the scene of an accident and willfully eluding a police officer (during a pullover or arrest).

Nicki Minaj Wants To "Son" Remy Ma But Is It Too Late?

Remy Ma may have TKO'd Nicki Minaj. The rapper mocked Nicki Minaj for having Drizzy and Weezy on her diss. Accusations of ghostwriting and weak response plague the current Queen of Hip-Hop.

Remy Ma said the "beef" with Nicki Minaj is over! I guess she may have to get back into the studio and respond to the latest singles The Pinkprint artist laid out.

She even went critical on social media by slamming Ma for the ShETHER diss.

#YoungMoneyTilTheDeathOfMe committing perjury #IGotB4andafterPicturesOfYourSurgery #StopSurgeryShamingB4IPostThem #Fraud diss records be lies. Great diss records are FACTS. But here @ Young Money, we don't do diss records, we drop HIT RECORDS & diss u ON them. I got a bunch more on cock. Pauz. The greats took 3 months to respond to diss records. Queens don't move on peasant time. Queens shuts down Paris, then drops hits on #QueenTime.

I think she got an album title on the works.

Hip-hop stans are following this feud with a fine tooth comb.  Here's our unscientific poll.

Who won this battle?
Nicki Minaj
Remy Ma
Poll Maker

These singles are banging and it features her Young Money family. The rapper got Lil' Wayne and Drake to record the first single, No Frauds.

[Pre-Hook: Nicki Minaj]
I don't need no, frauds
I don't need no, drama when you call
I don't need no, fake
Soon as I wake up keep an eye out for the snakes, yeah

[Hook: Nicki Minaj]
'Cause I don't need no, fraud
I don't no, drama when you call
I don't need no, lies
Pick a side, pick a side
I took the price, and lift that bitch up
I took the ice, let me lift my wrist up
I took the price, and lift that bitch up
I took the ice, let me lift my wrist up

[Verse 1: Nicki Minaj]
Aye yo, throw your wrist-es up, all my bitches up
These niggas is pussier than what? All them dicks is up
All my real niggas down to ride, throw your GSXRs up
I ain't in the projects, but all my bricks is up, rrrr
You can't be Pablo if your work ain't sellin'
What the fuck is this bitch inhalin'?
I woulda helped you out that pit you fell in
I am the generous queen! Ask Ms. Ellen
Tried to drop "Another One", you was itchin' to scrap
You exposed your ghostwriter, now you wish it was scrapped
Heard your pussy on yuck, I guess you needed a Pap
What type of bum bitch shoot a friend over a rack?
What type of mother leave her one son over a stack?
Lil Boogie down basic bitch thinkin' she back
Back to back, oh you mean, back to wack?
"Back to Back"? Me and Drizzy laughed at that
They say numbers don't matter but when they discussin' the kings
They turn around and say Lebron ain't got six rings
I never signed a 360, bitch you wild dumb
That's why Jay ain't clear his verse for your album
Sheneneh, you a fraud committin' perjury
I got before and after pictures of your surgery
Rah took you to her doc, but you don't look like Rah
Left the operating table, still look like "nah"

[Hook: Nicki Minaj]
'Cause I don't need no, frauds
I don't need no, drama when you call
I don't need no, lies
Pick a side, pick a side
I took the price, and lift that bitch up
I took the ice, let me lift my wrist up
I took the price, yeah, and lift that bitch up
I took the ice, let me lift my wrist up

Then came Regret In Your Tears. This one aims at Remy Ma and "back to back," her former boyfriend and all-out douchebag.

I just want the memories
I'm with you

Regret in your tears, now you taste 'em
'Cause you know I don't chase, I replace 'em
Don't rush, take time, take some
I just want the memories, tried to make some with you
Now I gotta erase some with you

[Verse 1]
Look at you now, stuck in the background
Silence right now sounds so loud
Tried to let you go, you come back 'round
Look at you now, stuck in the background
Two seats in my two seater-er-er
Used to pull off on me, leave me hur-urt
Tryna front, but I know you do your dir-irt
Not nice, boy you know you do your dirt

Regret in your tears, now you taste 'em
'Cause you know I don't chase, I replace 'em
Don't rush, take time, take some
I just want the memories, tried to make some with you
Now I gotta erase some with you

[Verse 2]
Baby now you know you got nerve
I know you just wanna be heard
I'm a bad bitch, you ain't used to that
You gon' fuck around and make me do you bad
Used to creep, creep, with you through the back
I count up the cash and bring you the bag
I count up the racks like Serena
Plus I got that ass like Selena
And you know nah-nah-nah-nah-nah, not a bitch
That's gon' care, care, hold you down and love you like this
Drop down, turn around, baby show you like this
Won't find another one to ride it like a soldier like this

Regret in your tears, now you taste 'em
'Cause you know I don't chase, I replace 'em
Don't rush, take time, take some
I just want the memories, tried to make some with you
Now I gotta erase some with you

Yeah, and they say big girls don't cry
Maybe I cried
The real ones don't lie
Baby you lied
I don't know what to do with you
Baby now I'm through with you

[Verse 3]
'Cause you don't even know what you just lost
You don't even know what you just had
You don't even know, and that's what's bad
Money bag long, that bitch bad
Used to lay up in them sheets, they were snow white
Now you spendin' cold nights
You've been in the wrong so long
You don't even know right
Call my line, call my line, I'm like, "Please, boy"
You just need to leave, boy
I ain't got time for you
Just once, do somethin' for me, boy

Regret in your tears, now you taste 'em
'Cause you know I don't chase, I replace 'em
Don't rush, take time, take some
I just want the memories, tried to make some with you
Now I gotta erase some with you

Tried to make some with you, you
With you, you
I tried to make some with you
I tried to make some with you
I tried to make some with you
I tried to make some with you
I tried to make some with you, baby
Make some with you
Too picky when I make some with you
You said you would save me
You said you would save me
Hahahaha, rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Ohhhh, woooh

And the final diss aimed at Remy Ma, Changed It with Weezy back in the studio.

[Verse 1: Nicki Minaj]
The big 3 on the court, bitch at them bleachers
I don't wanna have to break bad like it screeches
A bitch out in Atlanta eating them peaches
A bitch got more bars than where Big Meech is
No, you can't bone it, nigga, ain't no Lisa here
She gon' dread dissin' Nicki like Lisa hair
I buy, lil nigga, ain't no leaser here
The bitch gambled her career, now it's gon' be severe
I just be watchin' bitches pitfalls
Stopped doin' pills, but bitch dem withdrawals
I am in my mission rockin' pink drawers
I leveled up, bitch, I switched flows
MJ to the teens, I am Billie Jean and the bitch is my son
I'm doin' it for fun, I am the first number, tell them bitches I won
This hoe gettin' slick, so I put on gym shoes and extended my run
MJ, game 6, Jackson, Tyson

[Pre-Chorus: Nicki Minaj]
Quiet dawg, my phone changed up
I'm icin' out my Barbie chains up
And when I come, get your change cup
These bum bitches never change up

Each of these singles address the feud with Remy Ma. She mocks the rapper in regards to SHEther being pulled off the internet and social media because she didn't clear the hurdles with Universal Music. Nas is an artist signed to Def Jam and Universal owns the master copies and Remy Ma didn't pay for the beat.

Nicki Minaj dismissed the diss record. She actually said that, "She can pull a diss and still sale a record."

Friday, March 10, 2017

Golden Showers!

Donald Trump is enjoying a meal prepared by low waged workers.

Before we get started, we want you to understand this. There are 94.5 million people not working.

The reasons are explained once again for those who continue to fixate on the canard that Americans are "lazy and stupid."

1. Death
2. Birth
3. Under 16 (Grade School Only)
4. Under 18 (Not Working)
5. College (Full-Time)
6. Volunteer 
7. Retirement
8. Incarcerated
9. Full-Time Parent
10. Voluntary Quitting A Job
11. Fired From The Employer
12. Laid-Off
13. Disabled
14. Religious Grounds

Again, if you believe the conservatives, they would say that Donald Trump entering the White House was great for employers. They would also claim that then president Barack Obama would encourage millions to be on food stamps and poverty.

The U.S. economy added 235,000 jobs in February. The U.S. Department of Labor calculated that the economy grew.

Educational services, manufacturing, health care, and mining accounted for much of the hiring last month according to the Washington Post. Construction employment surged, as unseasonably warm weather in many states allowed crews to work throughout February.

The current unemployment dropped from 4.8 percent to 4.7 percent.

The Obama jobs end after this. Next month becomes Trump's responsibility.

Trump hasn't signed a jobs bill into law yet but we'll keep track of it.

Sean "Softball" Hannity Blames Obama Again For Trump's Woes!

When will he ever get it through his lumpy head that the Trump legacy was marred with scandal way before he got into office?

The softball is calling for fuhrer Donald J. Trump to cannon fire all the so-called Barack Obama "holdovers" sabotaging his legacy.

Sean "Softball" Hannity went on his usual word vomits blaming former president Barack Obama for the latest controversies plaguing the Trump team.

On his right wing carnival, he goes full kookspiracy with this Alex Jones nonsense about the Deep State and how Obama is organizing Democrats to return back to power. The softball is calling upon a purge of federal workers who are leaking information to the junk food media.

He said that Abe fired more than 78 percent of executive branch employees during his presidency.

The softball cites the 19th Century for an excuse to have Trump cannon fire federal workers. He wants the fuhrer to fuck with honest hard working Americans who didn't do one thing to create the shitstorm Trump created on his own.

The softball been on this reactionary belief that a foreign agent's recent drop of intelligence is the fault of Obama. The Wikileaks bombshell has gotten under the fuhrer's skin and the softball isn't concerned now that Republican is in charge.

Wikileaks managed to do a document drop on tactics the CIA use to counter cyber terrorism.

The softball doesn't see that the document drop is a threat to the country. In his lumpy head, he believes that Obama and the CIA are purposely damaging Trump. He doesn't see the danger of the foreign actors like Julian Assange infiltrating an agency that defends the safety of the United States.

The Huffington Post also notes that the softball blamed everything from Michael Flynn's resignation, the Office of Government Ethics knocking the White House for not punishing Kellyanne Conway for dropping a plug, and Jeff Sessions removing himself from the federal investigation into the Trump team getting Russian contacts. All of these scandals are being blamed on Obama.

So far, Trump has been marred by scandal.

Trump is a walking, talking and tweeting ethics problem.

Sean "Softball" Hannity is marred by the constant word vomit he regurgitates on talk radio, television, and the social media.


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