Thursday, October 16, 2008

Media Declines To Challenge McCain's Evidence-Free ACORN Charge

Media Declines To Challenge McCain's Evidence-Free ACORN Charge -

In last night's debate, John McCain claimed that ACORN "is now on the verge of maybe perpetrating one of the greatest frauds in voter history in this country, maybe destroying the fabric of democracy."

That's quite an allegation against a group that's working to register low-income voters. You'd hope that the media would ask McCain's campaign for some evidence for the claim, or at least note that the candidate himself didn't offer any. Or that moderator Bob Schieffer would have followed up in real time.

You'd be disappointed, of course. Reporters were too distracted by Joe the Plumber to pay much attention to McCain's hyperbolic accusation.

Of course, McCain had essentially no backing whatsoever for his claim. As TPMmuckraker and others have pointed out, there's virtually no evidence that fraudulent registration forms of the type erroneously submitted by ACORN in their thousands in some states ever turn into fraudulent votes.

McCain uses term ‘tar baby’

McCain uses term ‘tar baby’ - John McCain News-

CEDAR FALLS, Iowa - Republican presidential contender John McCain on Friday used the term "tar baby," considered by some a racial epithet, and later said he regretted it.

Answering questions at a town hall meeting, the Arizona senator was discussing federal involvement in custody cases when he said, "For me to stand here and ... say I'm going to declare divorces invalid because of someone who feels they weren't treated fairly in court, we are getting into a tar baby of enormous proportions and I don't know how you get out of that."

After the event, McCain told reporters: "I don't think I should have used that word and I was wrong to do so."

Singlaub is McCain’s Ayers...Where is the neo-con backlash??

Dems hope Singlaub is McCain’s Ayers - Kenneth P. Vogel and Cecile Dehesdin -

Since the mid-1980s, there’s been almost no attention paid to John McCain’s long-ago association with a controversial group image 1implicated in a secretive plot to supply arms to Nicaraguan militia groups during the Iran-Contra affair.

But now, with the Republican presidential candidate stepping up his negative blitz against Democratic opponent Barack Obama, some Democrats are hoping that the group — the U.S. Council for World Freedom, and its founder, John Singlaub — will become for McCain what Bill Ayers has become for Obama: a fleeting past association used as ammunition for political broadsides.

Over the past few days, a handful of Obama allies — none directly associated with his campaign — have called attention to McCain’s ties to the council to rebut the McCain campaign’s increasing focus on Obama’s ties to Ayers, a founder of the 1960s radical Weather Underground.

“This guilt by association path is going to be trouble ultimately for the McCain campaign,” Democratic strategist Paul Begala said Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “John McCain sat on the board of a very right-wing organization; it was the U.S. Council for World Freedom. It was chaired by a guy named John Singlaub, who wound up involved in the Iran-Contra scandal. It was an ultraconservative, right-wing group.”

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Palin Rally: "Kill Him" Yelled Again

Palin Rally: "Kill Him" Yelled Again

Via Politico, The Scranton Times reports another threat against Barack Obama at a Sarah Palin rally Tuesday:

Chris Hackett addressed the increasingly feisty crowd as they await the arrival of Gov. Palin.
Each time the Republican candidate for the seat in the 10th Congressional District mentioned Barack Obama the crowd booed loudly.

One man screamed "kill him!" At previous rallies, McCain-Palin supporters have shouted "Kill Him!" as well as "Treason!" "Terrorist!" and "Off With His Head!"

"We were really disappointed when an Alaska Native wasn't appointed," said Kookesh, a Tlingit Indian who held the job in a previous administration.

Palin's Rural Adviser Quits Over Native Record

JUNEAU, Alaska — Gov. Sarah Palin's rural adviser resigned Monday amid criticism of the governor's record on hiring Alaska Natives.

Rhonda McBride, who is not an Alaska Native, made the announcement in an e-mail to several Native leaders, saying there need to be more Native voices in Palin's administration.

"I definitely think it would help to have an Alaska Native in this position," McBride told The Associated Press.

Many Alaska Natives have said they felt neglected when Palin, now the Republican vice presidential nominee, made appointments to her administration, including the rural adviser post.

State Sen. Al Kookesh, a Democrat, said Palin left the position unfilled her first year in office and ignored Native leaders' suggestions on the selection process.

"We were really disappointed when an Alaska Native wasn't appointed," said Kookesh, a Tlingit Indian who held the job in a previous administration.

Natives bristled early in Palin's administration when she named a white woman to a game board seat held by a Native for more than 25 years. An Athabascan Indian eventually was named to the post after protests.

Jesse Jackson causing more trouble for Obama

It's obvious that Jesse Jackson didn't get the one sentence memo that Al Sharpton, Jeremiah Wright, and Louis Farrakhan got. You know the one that read, "Shut the !@#$ up until November 5th!"

Jesse Jackson has made what can be considered anti-semitic remarks in a print interview and then said that while he is not part of the Obama campaign that Obama is "part of the family" Read the entire article and interview by clicking the link below:

Monday, October 13, 2008


Indigenist Intelligence Review

Article by Mohawk Nation News
Photos: Barriere Lake community

Oct. 12, 2008. On Monday, October 6, 2008, the Algonquins of Barriere Lake had enough and blocked Highway 117 in Northern Quebec. They want Canada and Quebec to live up to the "trilateral agreement" signed in 1991 between the 3 parties. The Algonquins have a right to sustainably develop and co-manage their traditional territories and to have a share in resource revenues. Canada and Quebec obviously believe in stealing but not sharing. Isn't that the "slippery slope" that multinational corporations are sliding into right now? They refuse to comply with the agreement which would save the environment.

Rotten to the core, Canada and Quebec responded to the blocked road by sending in almost 100 Quebec police, some fully-equipped riot police, to attack the Algonquins to get out of negotiations. Tear gas was shot into a group of youth and elders. One canister hit a handicapped person in the chest. Nine people, including; an elderly women, a pregnant woman, and two minors, were arrested. Severe "pain compliance" techniques were used on peaceful men, women and children who had secured themselves to concrete-filled barrels. The cops twisted their arms, dislocated their jaws, left them with bruised faces and sore necks and throats from the tear gas.

The Algonquins of Barriere Lake intend to demonstrate until Canada's Conservative government and Quebec honor signed agreements and Barriere Lake's leadership customs.

Allies and supporters are needed as witnesses. From Montreal: Take #15 North to St. Jerome where it turns into #117; drive north past Mt. Laurier and 1 hour after Grand Remous to LaVerendrye Park; turn right on "#362 km" sign; drive 8 kms to the community of "Rapid Lake". Needed are camping equipment, food, phone cards, cameras; volunteers, equipment and everything necessary for makeshift schools. See contacts at end.

To view the video of the brutal police attack, go to

In 1996, Indian Affairs tried to hijack the agreement by sneakily replacing the legitimate chief and council with their outside nominees [sort of creating "New'gonquin appointees] to stop the agreement.

Algonquins, who are not part of the colony of Canada, do not come under the Indian Act. Elders nominate eligible leaders who are then approved, by consensus if possible, in assemblies. Participation is open only to those who live in the community, speak the language, and have knowledge of and connection to the land. Since they rejected the colonial "implants", the majority have been deprived of employment, education and social assistance. Electricity is being run by local generators. The parents of more than half of the children refuse to send them to Indian Affairs funded schools. The reason is because the curriculum, no Indigenous language instruction and no say in the running of the school. Volunteer community members are educating the children. They need school and food supplies. There are no phone lines. They subsist on bush food and donations. This sounds like Kanehsatake. We wouldn't be surprised if the same players are involved in Barriere Lake. See the list of slimy bureaucrats at end of this article.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Smile Precious Erica

Now that the trials are over, I believe ERICA GREEN can look down on us with a big smile -- Remembering Erica with Love - KWH

Racist, Sexist Buffoonery from Arkansas City, Kansas Mayor- SHAME ON YOU!



Hat tip to

Arkansas City, Kansas mayor Mel Kuhn found himself amid a heap of controversy after dressing in drag and blackface at a fundraiser for CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates). Mel performed as the character “Smellishis Poon” and actually won the contest. His backup dancers were the “Red Hot Puntangs.”

Mel Kuhn, the Mayor of Arkansas City Kansas, won a beauty pageant fundraiser last weekend. Kuhn participated in the Men in Tights, drag queen contest that has become an annual fund raiser for CASA, Court Appointed Special Advocates. The agency supports foster children in the court system.

Kuhn named his character “Smellishis Poon,” and the name appeared on programs and was announced during the event. He also had back up dancers for the talent portion, and called them his “Red Hot Puntangs.”

After the local NAACP talked with Kuhn he seemed to realize the severity of his actions and issued an apology after initially declining not to.
“It has been brought to my attention how offensive this was and I absolutely agree that it was shortsighted of me not to see that in the first place. I am sincerely sorry and I sincerely apologize for the offensive nature of my actions. This was not CASA, this was of my own volition, and I take full responsibility for my actions. The buck absolutely stops here”. - Mayor Mell H. Kuhn

Mayor Kuhn used extremely bad judgment even if it was for charity. He initially said he was in tan face not black face. Either way he should have been smart enough to know how it would be perceived. Even if he didn’t mean anything racial he should have been more mature than to use the names “Smellishis Poon” and “Red Hot Puntangs” which are dirty and vulgar. They remind me of names frat boys would have used during a skit in college.

Kuhn seems sincerely apologetic and has agreed to more meetings with the Wichita NAACP to ease feelings and talk about working on race relations in the are. Sometimes people are naive and not racist and other times people are just racist. Maybe Kuhn can use this as a good thing and work with the NAACP to truly help race relations there in Arkansas City.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Ward Connerly and Ignorance

Right-wing's darling Ward Connerly has made a name for himself in opposing racial preferences in California back in 1997. He allied himself with the most right-wing, racist, most backward groups in America. The biggest irony is that many of those same right-wing groups snub him. So he became a better self-hating bigot by selling out people of color, being anti-immigrant, and blaming people of color for their problems, not institutional racism.

The thing is that his one-time ally against racial preferences, Mr. Wood, was against Connerly's proposal to abolish racial categories in California. Mr. Wood, a longtime opponent of affirmative action, disagree. He thinks racial profiling college applicants is a good thing.

A lot of his white conservative base oppose intermarriage between Blacks and nonblacks. Ward Connerly doesn't get it. When he told his white audience that he's Irish, French, and American Indian, they laughed at him. So much for pleasing the right wing, eh.

Ward Connerly to me is worse than Clarence Thomas. With Clarence Thomas, what you see is what you get. As for Connerly, he's too secretive and sly. And his white right-wingers and Republicans neither respect nor liked him period.

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Follow the Money

Follow the Money behind Ward Connerly's divisive campaign to outlaw equal opportunity programs.

Voter Fraud

Ward Connerly campaign to outlaw eqaul opportunity programs has left a trail of voter fraud and deception.


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